THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, TUESDAY, MAY 28, 1918., k J t ' ' I ' : i fi; MARKETS AND FINANCIAL WORLD : ; ; 1! EFOSIIiG COURSE IS FOLLOWED BY ST Tcssed to and Fro, the Net Re sult Leaving an Imposing Array of Losses. . tMv-Tark. May IT. Stocks srera liwsd 10 a tn today, their confusing coursa kaaBinr ' pee with ln many oenmctinir and InMrntlnc developments of the asslo. -Th"Bt raaalt Ml Imsnairm lI. ' loan, thaae ranging from 2 to It pnlnta aniens industrials, equipment, ahippinica and aptclaltlea and 1 to 1 poirta among rails, Tranaportatlon slocks' were clearly ' disposed to airengthen at the uptnlnaj In toMKinnc of the Increased freight and pataengar rates ardered by Director General McAdoo. but made only alight prngreaa when If became known that rrealdent Wilaon woold submit hi views on revenue leglata- tlaa to congreaa. Al additional deterrent was offered by tha aarly war bulletin which conveyed the Impression of a renumption of the Herman drlva in force along an Important sector " held by rranch and British iroops. ...At o period until the final hour, when Iba full text of the President's massage was available, did the market manifest more thaa moderate Irregularity or the selling attain unusual proportions, fons deration of Ita Import resulted In hurried liquidation. Rallies of tha mid-session were swept away nd spaculatlva favorites broke violently. United States Steel recorded sn extreme loss of 1 points, but1 In sin h mercurial is SUM as Midvale Steel. Baldwin Locomotive Industrial Alcohol, Marine pfd. Colorado Fuel and Atlantic Gulf recessions extended from 4 to It points.. Bonds sagged with stocks. Liberty second . at MM and the 4','a at 7.:. breaking Into nW low ground, nglo-french 5 a also fell IV, points. Total sales (par value! as araaatcd I7.S50.00H. "ld United States is- suss unchanged on rail. MATERIAL DECLINE IN CHICAGO CORN PRICES Brought About by Ideal Condi ,tions to Make Seed Germi- nate and to Promote Growth. Chicago. May !7 .Ideal conditions to ( make seed germinate and to promote growth . Brought about a material decline today in I prices of corn. Tha finish was nervous. ; . . . . . , 1 ,11 .. .. 1 i to IH net lower, won junr . July 1.37W to 1.37. Oats closed unrhmiit- ' ed to down. In provisions the outcome varied from J cents off to an advance or 11 centa. Grain and provisions closing: Corn June 1.J6H; July 1.S7H. Data May 74 4; July 65;. Pork May 40.47; July 40.55. Lard July 54.1S; September 24.42. Ribs July Sl.l": September 22 45 Cash corn. No. J yellow. 1.72 to l.Tl: N'o High. Low. Close. 1.J7U 1.3$ 1.3S , 1.3T 1 J7' 1 314 .5H .T'j It3, .S614 .60S 4 50 40.47 40 47 , 40.S0 40.15 40.55 24 32 23 :. 24 15 . 24. 5S 24 35 H.i . 22 05. H. 11.97 22.51 22.30 22.45 j torn i i Jane . . .'UlT . ., . Osts May .. . July .. . Pork Mav .. . July .. . Lard July i.. . Sept. .. . - Ribs July .. . 8ept. .. . MONEY MARKET. New Tors!, Mai 27 Mercantile paper, 4 months : ( months . Sterling i0 day bills 412j; commercial 80 day bills on banks 4 71; commercial 0 day bills 4.71 j ; demand 4 7tVii cables 4.74 7-16. Rar silver 99 H- Mexican dollars 77. Uov i ernment bonds irregular; rsllroad bonds easy. Time loana easy; 80 and 9 days 5"; to 6; . f months ( bid. - Call money atrong: ruling rate 6. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Liverpool. Mav 27. Cotton spot ouiet: prlcea firm; goad middling 21.70: mlddl'ng SI 18; low middling 2. 85: good ordlnnry s; It i- ordinary 19.13. "Salea 2.000 bales, in cluding 1.700 American; receipts 7.000 bales. ' including i.100 American; Futures closed quiet and steady; new contracts: May 2155: June JO.tO; July 20.00; August 19 to. stp tember 18 58 Old contracts, fixed piicea: May 29 03; May and June 19.95: June ami , July 19.17. CHICAfiO LIVESTOCK. Chicago. May 27 Hogs weak; huK; 1 fi 91 to 17 10: lights 1 80 to 17 0; mixed 11 70 1,, 1710; heavy 16. 80 to 17.10; rough 16.75 to 14 20; pig 14.75 to 17.25. Cattle unsettled. Native steers 10 50 to : I lit: atochers and feeders 9 25 to l i e:.: Scows and heifers 7.25 to 14 90, calvea 8 (in to 14.71. fHheep firm. Rheep 10.00 to 15 00; lambs 1140 to 17.25: springs 14.00 to 14.75. TONICUPBUILDER Stubborn Couch. Wcnk 1 ,11 us mil Colds Try ; Ectmaii's Alterative For many years thla Calcium preparation has maintained sn ever-increasing reputa tion for accomplishing good, and often re markable results . (t Mas SI Hise ' aw $IM now Rfte Price Includes War Tax. Eckman Laboratory All lrucg'sts Philadelphia , -. .1 ' ' MAPm CAM nMPC Qfin "iniUl-tUll Ullwt OH1U 'A Footsore Army Is An Army Half Tie-I fsatsd" Men In Training Camps, in Csn-', tanmanta, in th Army and Navy suffer from I blisters and snra spots un their feet. Every i "Comfort Kit should contain cms at more, bXa of Allen's KmU-Kase. the antiseptic pswder to shake Into the shoea. it fresh ana tha tired, aihing, sirsrtlng feet and heals blisters and sore spots The Plans- kttlrg Camp Manual advises men In training 4 make daily use of Knot-Ease, gold every vkara, Jae. ( TRUSSES TV now hav In our eup'or expert Trust Fitter who L'l'ea hit flma to thti work and we offer ev rythir.g wanted In Trusses, Mali orders a specialty. Jno. S. Blake Drug Co., Charlotte. Do You Wish to Make or Renew a Mortgage? ' The Equitable Life Assurance Society WIIJj MAKE LOANS . Ob homs In Charlotte. Gastonia, Salisbury and High Point at Six ; Per Cent to be repaid by fixed monthly installments over a period of TEjf TEARS, with additional provision that, in the event of death of the borrower, balance due on the loan is repaid immediately. J. P. Quarles, Manager "SO BETTER WAY; HOe-OT-08 Realty BuUdlng. XF.W YORK STOCK IJST. IHIcbl wlClas American Diet Sugar.. ,. S American Can .. ., i Amertcaa Car and Foundry! 71 American Locoinotiva .. . .1 ti 41 7i H . 71. Ill li tls 4V. 41S 7S t'.H IK 111 1M !. 4V lb 10a II 44 1H American l.inaeed .. !4BVt Amer. Smeltaig and Ref..! 71 American Sugar ill American Tel. and Tl.... American Tobacco., ., .'.JIM Anaconda Copper .' tk Atchison .. litt Atlantic Coast "?.im .. ....... All. Quit and W Indies.. t Baldwin Locumotiva .. . - Baltimore Ohio .. .. .. tH Hethlehem Steel "B" .... 144 ll HI 44 Canadian raciflc MS Central Leather .. .. .. 7', Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago, Mil. St St. Taulj 44 4 1141 14', S MH :i HV, Chicago. R. I. A Tac. it i'Ji.lnnt .fanner,. ,., ,., , .. L At Colorado Kuel A Jroji .. Corn Product a Crucible Steel Cuba Cans Sugar . . Erie. General Klertrlc General Motors Great Northern pfd. . t; Great Northern Ora Ctfi. Oulf States Steel . . Illinois t'entral Inspiration Copper .. .. Int. Mer. Marine . . Int. Mer. Mari-ne pfd. .. International Taper .. .. Kennerott Copper . . Louisville A Xashvilla . - Maxwell .Motors Mericsn retroteum .. .. Mittml Vopper Midvale Steel .. . ; .. Missouri Fsciflc .. .. New York Central . . Norfolk and Western .. Northern PacifW . . . . t:si 45V 4H 4S t Hit 41 i 401, l1! 148.I4 t:s ,n I4 111" lH SVs Hi 5' .. lS 15 ..'IS ,.i Bl'.i 41 ..i-:;s: js . . I9S S ..i III,: 3&41 31 S .J 3:vi 3i: 3i 57 1V ITS! .2 1 4V J74 4T4 7J i ! 7H 71 104'. 10.14'1H 1 s&i ss "s Ohlfl Cities lias 3'! 37 .17 Pennsylvania Z' 4HV 43 24; 24, 1 24 4 t' Pittsburg foul Ray ronsnlMHted Copper . nariinB' Flop Iron Sttl Seaboard Air l.inf- SabfHrd Air Lin p'rl ... Stncl:r Oil Rfllnln.X -SIop. Shf f. ft eel A iron Pnuthrn I"' rifle 17',' 17', 1 2 : :7i.' !7'. ' sts tit, . 44 3tt " -M-f !J .1 V ,', " ! 41 ! 3V 41 .' 1 ' 1: IC .'14 '144W144S .' SV 57 .I2:,'i:ni l2w sji. Mm MN 12 125 I 15 !132i'i:S ' 12T .' h I R5 'i 1 (IH .'107 '10i'ln4H 110','lioik'nov .! ll. 17 SI 71 . 49 ' 4i 1 41 ' 41 V 41 ! 41 H .. "S. 90S' iS ! 4.1 ' 41 "V 41 ; Southern Hallway t.fd . Studebakrr Corporauon Tenneasee Copper . . . Texas t'o Tobacco Products . . . "nion Poi-iflc Culled Ciasr Siores . . . Cnited Fruit IV S. Ind Alcohol . . Cnited States Rubber .. I'nlled Ststej Steel . . I C. 3. (Steel pf.l j I'lah Cooper. . ir nla Csro. Chem. .. Wabash rfd. "A" . . Western Colon WeatiriRhouae Ktertric . Willys-Overland 19S iV is. Total Hale 9H5.O0O. NET DECLINES MADE BY NEW ORLEANS COTTON Trading Marked by Rapid Fluc tuations Within Narrow Lim its Loss 9 to 24 Points. New Orleans May :'7 Rapid flui l ua t ions within ralh'-r narrow limits marked the trading In cotton today, the market making net declines chiefly on bearish views regard ing the pending condition report nd net advances on the strength of spots The net change fur the day was a decline of 9 to V4 pihts. Wh le the opening wa at the advance on the near months, the disiant motnhs show ed net derlinea. opening gains sppeared to be the result of buyin gorders which sc- cuinulated over Sundya hut the market was soon dominated by a private bureau report on condition, showing a percentage of R7.0 of the normal This was much higher than previous private estimates, and compared with the 10. year average of 79,1 for May 25 Prices flel n(T until they wer l:( to '8 points under Saturday's finals. Texas wired that a Kond spot demand was being fell there. In the afternoon the ring was iiuiet and islues sagged under the dullness. Cotton futures closing bid July 24 7-1; October 40. Fiecember 2-. 13; Januarv HJOft; March :'l ". .Spot steady and um hanged. Salea on the sjiot 275 bules; to arrue 891: middling 28.75 I High. Low Close. ! .luly 25 07 24 70 24 73 I October 22. H 22 30 22 40 I 'ie,- .ii,ber :n 22 05 22.13 .' 22.14 2198 2; 00 March ?1 90 NEW YORN COTTON REPORT. Port Moiement. New York, May 27. --New Orleans: Mld- dhng 28 75; receipts 4.421; exports 12 510, I sales 1.31; stock 38S.84S. j (ialvealon. Middling 29.00; receipts 877; I a: lea S.I 28; stock ".48.2H4. j Mobile. Middling 28.00; receipts 203, I stock 13.5(15. j Savannah: Middling 2.n: receipts "83, aalea 58. mock 11. 382. Charleston: Middling 30.00; receipts 28. atock 40,titri. Wilmington: Middling 28 receipts 2B4; ilin 34.905. Texas City: Stock 41.812. Norfolk-: Mlddlnlg 225. receipt's 172; sales 180; stock .78.108. ltoltlinore; Kxports fi'7: stoct 27.7') Itnston: Middling 8 50, re'-.ip's 212; stock I7.(0 Philadelphia: Middling 29 .10. sotck 11.- .",i;b. New Y'rrl . Middling 29.05; stock 1H0 045 Minor pnr'a. S'ock :',"i.S.".9 Total t'Ml.i Rc-elpta ti.5ti't, exports 13. 12T. Block 1.277,755. Toal for week: ereipta 12,"!; exports !..'. Total for aeaaon: Kece.pta 5.898.894: cr- ! pons 3. t. 5. 1 M 7. I Inlwinr Mnretnrnl. Ilnimioii: Middling .9.nn. receipts shlpmnts r..L':;o; ssles 2.997- sleek 'l4n.fi9S. Memphis: Middling : receipts 3.329; shipments 3.1TB: ssles I. .SO; m.irk 360. r,5. Augus'a: Middling .100: shipments 1.077; ssles "o:', stoc k 102,617 Louis; Mlddl'ng 'J9 00; reeeipts B . 9 ; 5 . shipments r.4J0; stm-k 1!),79. i 'ihcimiHll : Hvrelpts 19J; shipments 4tn; sttick 11.09.1. l.lttle FtorU . Middling ifl. receipts 381; I shipments .139; sales 3.19: stoc k IK 7 4 3. .,i Montgomery , Middling "9 30. Tolsl todsy; Tteccpte 1 1,907; shipments 1.1.:7; stock;'I YOKK I.IIKSTIIIH. May ''7 Heeves stendv New Vorl.. uteerw I :i 'HI lc 17 hulls 9 00 I,, 1 I Oil cows .' to to 14 no I'aWcs ueHK. In I :.; culls unci Intl.. -:tlve in in to !.', ak in milk valves' in 'hi to li.oo rihe-ep slid Isnins weak, eh'-ep ,00 loj l&.oo; epriiia IhimIcs l:n.0M to :.l f,li, clipped i Intuits l:l 00 tn in oo, lambs "0 00 to ' tlccfs. InarUet ct lit 1 ft J .S In liijO,! rcuirhs l'i ,V. , NO BETTER PLAX" Phone 413 CQTTOFJ .ESIBKET MOOS R General List Closes at Nef Ad , vance of 27 Points on June; Lower on New Crop. 4 New Tork. May M.Tha cotton market was nervoua and Irragular during today's trading, with near months relatively Arm o n re porta of an Improving demand for low rd.. Jitly ld -blge) a4.ttVje.. points above Saturday' tlose Tha general Hat closed steady at a net advance of IT points on June but from 1 to It points net lower on new crop dellyerjea. The market opened easy at a decline of 11 to 37 points. In response to lower cables and ehe favorable weather map. Liverpool bought u.lly but sold later montlfi and bearish private condition figures encouraged ronslderable- selling son tha early decline which carried active months it to 41 points nat lower. The market ateadied nn trade buying and covering with July leading the advance. There eeemed to be lesa appre hension that low grade cotton would come' hsra for delivery owing to the reports of an Improved demand from spinners, and there were a Ian rumors that government speciflcsllons might be modified to permit the use of lower grades In manufacturing army and navy requirements. Apprehen sions that the market waa over-discounting bearish condition figures alao stimulated the covering movement which extended to 23 44 for October and 23.44 for December or about 10 to' It points above laat night's closing figure. later months wers comparatively lUlet and only partially responded to the advance, owing to the continued favorable character of the weather, and last prices were 23 to J points off from the best under realising. Three private reporta were is sued. One" of them Indicated an increase Iff 3 per cent in screage and 14 per cent in the use-of fertiliser with a eondHlon of 82 1 and made the condition 17 and the acre age Increase l.s, while the third placed the condition at 7t and the Increaaed acreage at 2 per rent. Cotton futures table: Open July 24. 3 Oct 2.1. 2J Dec ;i.n Jan 22. 0 Mar High. Ixw. Close 24.75 24.52 !S.0 53. 03 23.44 23 04 23 25 I" S 23 10 22.15 23.32 23.20 2.1.07 23.05 Spot steady; middling 19 05. SI (JAR Al COFFEE. New Tork. May 27. Raw sugar steady: centrifugal 6.005; molasses nominal; refined stesdy; cut loaf 95: crushed 70; mould A 7 95; cubes .:0; XXXX powdered 7.S5: powdered 7.fi0: fine granulated and diamond A 7 46; confectioners' A 7.35: No. 1 7.30. Butter steady; cheese steady; spot 'coffee dull; Rio 7 a H: Santos 4's 10H to 11'4. 4 1. NAVAL 8TORES. Savannah. May 27. Turpentine firm. 44: receipts 7; shipments 8; stock 22.07 Rosin firm: ssles 471; receipts 674; ship ments 100; stocks 91.743. Quote: BliEFO 7.65 to 7.70: H 7.70 to 7 75: 1 7 80; K 7 80 to 8 1: M 7 90 to 8.20: N 8.00 to 8 50; Wg 8.25' ww .;o. COFFEE A NO SI (iAK. New Tork. May 27.- The coffee and sugar exrhsnges here today decided to close Fri day. Mav .11. and all Saturdays during June. July and August. COTTONSEED OIL. New Tork. May 27. Aside from a switch of 400 barrels Junto to July at even terms, there was no Interest shown In cotton oil today. No quotations were put out at the close. Prime 1 7.50. DRY (iOOnt. New Tork, May 27. Cotton goods and yarns today were firm and quiet Raw silk advanced. Dress goods were quiet. Reports of a quiet general trade were more prevalent during the day in dry goods lines. CHORAL SOCIETY CONCERT FEATURES ELON FINALS Graduating Class, Presents Alma Mater With Driveway and Walk Special to The Observer. Elon College. May 2". -The annua! celebration of the College Choral so ciety tonight featured the Elon com mencement today. The cantata. "The Msesage Eternal, with Professor Betts as conductor. Miss Inez McLeod as pianist, and with Professor Alex ander, Miss Ava L. B. Dodge and Miss Mabel Harris as soloists, was rendered by the hundred voices con stituting the membership of the so- clety. It was a great musical tri umph. Great crowds had to be turn ed away from the doors. At 10 o'clock a. m. today the class i of '18 held Its class day exercises. The following program was rendered: Welcome address. Mr. ;. M. Reid Miss Mattie president: class history 'i.. in.'. r-.,,-ti. rte.m- Keyser fi- r..rn- win , mo tin vi utir iitwii, r ii and testament, Miss Alberta Boone; mantle oration. Mr. R. A. Wilkins; acceptance, Miss Frances Bales. '19; Following the program the presi dent of the class. Mr. i. M. Reid announced as the class' gift to its 1 he comes to a realization or nis great alma mater, the sum of 1 1.500 wlthUove for this girl. which to construct a driveway of There are numerous c-ipth.uing gravel, with concrete sidewalks on scenes which throw a historicul light either side of It. leading from the i upon the early mining days in Arizona administration building to the south- and in which Mr. Hart moves with ern boundary of the campus. Since compelling and artistic effect. Mr. the class numbers but 29, this gift Hart's characterization of "Selfish" was very generous. The class of Yates, which will be seen at the Ot- 18 has distinguished itself for loyalty to the alma mater The afternoon was given over to the society reunions in their respec tive halls and to the speakers rep resenting them in a public program. For the public function the following was the roster of events: Mr. E. A. Itingham, philologian, "The" Inspiration of Nature;" Miss Annie Raper, Psiphelian, "The In- I dex of Character:" Mr. H. S. Hard- ;! castle. Clio. "The Call of a World jTask;" Miss Pearl Teter. Psiphelian, j "Woman, an Angel of Mercy;" Mr. L. f). Martin, Clio. "They Shall Not ', Pass;" Mr. .1 F. Minnis, Philologian, 4 'Friendship.' ! Al RFMARI F HDI flS. R A I I Y criD ocn roncc ocicciTi1,ay" an oflerlnK a KOOd varletv of rUn nLU bhUoO bbNtrll I vaudeville specialists put over a, good I a - I show yesterday matinee and night , to Event Featured by Strong! bpeeches, Parade and Mu9,cjB j CQNANT i& "J W'"f W VVl IV MVgMIIVMlU! Band. Special lo Tim Observer. Albemarle, May 27. Saturday was one of the greatest days for Stanly county In Its history. The occasion Was a Red Cross rally I:i which peo ple from all parts of the country Join ed. A great parade made up of floats, soldiers and Red Cross mem- itib wno otncu call. in wie til lei Iiuon, I r,....? which wns hv sneak in c- in ;, proaui. Hearne's grove. Short talks were made by J.udge R. L. Brown. R. L, Smith, and A. C. lluneycutt while the .1.11.. nuuiriai son nmue oy judge, hlHH.ri.f nnr FranK Carter, who Is soon to become a citizen of Albemarle. The largest crowd ever seen In the city heard the speaking. A regimental band from Camp fireene came over and made music nnln ' "n n' J'.-J " ! il ! "it lL an" open "arr ' conceH"' In 'Hrne'tptr rtlw' " pW -of-thr-ABfttowa.grs. wnetr'annotrlerTftParrWMert grove. 33 soldiers composed the band. At Shoivhouses j ACADEMY'S NEW PROGRAM HAS SOME BIG FEATURES Birdland Act Declared a Won derful Number of Rare Quality The new bill which opened at the Academy yesterday matinee Is on of the hlffh-cUaa Keith variety from atari to finish, and contain soma of the best vaudeville ecu offered at this theater In many weeka. Tn "ct fPJauot jfldLjCoirjpaiufi novel European gymnastic diversion in which they do many stunts, which aro about the list thine in thrilling acrobatic entertainment, opens the bill, and are followed by Martini and ft"plP,li,,tW0, rnastjars of the accordion, offering; a number of selections which more than please. This woman and man make their accordion a choral of human voices and this choir incar cerated within the folds of their in struments, sing any form of music from opera to ragtime. Their act especially went over big. The International Review, the song and dance trip around the world, offered by Allan Downing and Irene Rlttenhoufe. assisted by capable troupe of clever dancing girls. The act is unusually clever and bull of good singing. A handsome collection of costumes and scenery add Immense ly to the offering, and is one of the real sensations which is one of the big drawing cards on the bill thla week. A comedienne, with a real opera voice. Miss Maude Muller. puts over one of those please-all acts. In the Eva Tanguay fashion, which goes big with the audience. Her singing is good and the sketch of married life presented, makes the act stand out by its very un usualness. Merle's Cockatoos, the act de luxe of birdland, a large collection of train ed birds, doing everything from adding figures to acrobatic stunts, is one of Interest. Seldom has a finer array of artists from the feathered kingdom ever been assembled for stage pur poses, and by far the best bird act ever offered In Charlotte. A good comedy, photo-drama pre ceding the vaudeville performance, is good and enjoyable. At tho Broadway. Theda Bara heads the list of pic tures offered at the Broadway for to day, in a play of her latest realeases. "The Soul of Buddha," a picture of! noteworthy mentioning. The play 1st based on the old religion of the Indian variety and shows the sacred creed of these natives as their only and truly religion. Miss Bara begins life as a slave of a priest and is sworn to worship the Buddha throughout lire, j which she breaks, marrying an Eng lish officer who placed her in a social position where she has opportunities. She is unsatisfied to remain in Scot land and returns to her native land, where her baby Is murdered by the priest as one of the sacrifices. She becomes afraid to remain in her na tive land and emigrates to Paris with her husband who is soon called to re turn home, upon which she refuses to Journey with him. She takes to the wild life of Paris and soon as the one opportunity of her life, that to rise to a position where men might worship her. The picture Is immensly Interest- ling, and has a fair amount of drama. Likable in the least without doubt. Tomorrow and Thursday. the Broadway will present the photoplay supreme. D. W. Griffiths 'Birth Of A Nation." the mightiest production ever made, showing the rebuilding of na tion who has suffered from the de struction of the civil war. The story Is an old one through this ctuntry, especially North and South Carolina, and needs no review. Adapted from the Clansman by Thomas Dixon, book1, read bv thousands through the south Neat fSlim T0rna wnicn in a lair way roina m7 reconstruction nays iituij picture, "Birth Of A Nation' does more it shows the laying of the foundation of the greatest country in the world. The South. Wm. S. Hart at Ottoway. In "Selfish Tales." a new photoplay featuring William S. Hart, the Thonns H. Tnce star, whose western character izations have become motion picture classic. Mr. Hart has a new and Intensely inleresiing role, that of a dive keeper in a mining town in Ati- I zona whose selfishness is nis biock- in-trade. Yates' theory Is that his own personal interests should engage his attention solely nnd refraining from Interfering in the business of others, he sternly prohibits anyone else from Interfering with his. One dav a young woman of the I loftiest character enters into the Isnhere of his existence and by hei existence ana ny net Inuritv and softness efiectH a spiritual r- - - - - regeneration in mis rumaniy cnarac ter. This Is not accomplished without trouble on his part, but after a series of thrilling incidents, some of them unusuallv dramatic and pathptic. and I toway theater today and , tomor row will stand as one or tne greatest he hns ever attempted. Mr. Hart himself directed the production and he Is supported by a cast of capable play ers. " Manager Haas has in store a real treat for the movie patrons of Char lotte, including the famous "Over The Top" picture billed for all next week, made by. or under the direction of the man himself, the author of the i famous book 'which has proven to be I the greatest written upon the great world war. Sergeant Arthur Guy Emoev. 1 I flood Bill At Tlie Pktlmnnt. T.ntii I.eClair and her "Mile A Minute" clrls. playing musical comedy OFFICE LOWKlJi. 444 The modern and comparatively late type complete machine shop equip ment and bolt making equipment and light structural Iron-work equip ment and punch-press equipment and machine forgings-blacksmith shop equipment and electric motor! and some raw material and some finished .I and otheij machine tools etc., etc.. comprising the entire plant of the Eastern Machine and Iron Com pany and more on Oroton Street ' (Just off South Broidv.avr on South j Sie) Lawrence Massachusetts. Is bidders at unrestricted ! I ; IN LOTS TO i j upon the premises regardless of any condition of the weather the fourth ' day of June nineteen huhdred and eighteen, commencing promptly at one ' neat . toon). A descriptive catalogue In much detail upon aupllca- NEWTON TRUST COMPANY, Trustee, By F. L. RICHARDSON, Treasurer. a represenative audience at the Pied mont. - What constituted particular Interest for the audience was the singing of the Pullman quartet. Clever come dians and a fair number of dancers in some of the classiest vaudeville bits played on the Piedmont stage in some. time. ' Clever, clean, comedy, heave, happy, harmony, is the billing for their show and Jt stands out as a predominating fact that they put over in the shape of a Ubloid mttelcal comedy play Just about all that is meant in the above line-up. - The, House of Hate, starring the serial photo-star supreme, Miss Pearl White, in the third episode was a very interesting picture in every re spect. It has a fascinating hold-on a feature which proves of great interest to tne lovers or screen-arama. n will be offered again today, in addi tion to Piedmont Screen telegram, showing the world's greatest events In pictures. . . - .The entire program will, he .nncrta todsy maUnee and night. . : 4- WEDDING AT OOXOYEIt.' j Xewton. May 27. George Hawn, a' popular young man of Conover and Miss Ruth Sigmon were married Sat urday night at the residence of Rev. Oeorgr E. Mennen. of Ccnover. pas tor of the Lutheran church, perform ing the ceremony. FIXKKAL OF MR. THOBXBURG. Newton. Hay I7. Te body of Rui sell Thornburg. who died in a States- ville hospital Saturday mornii.g was brought to this place saturaay aner- : noon and taken to the home of his parents in North Newton. The funer- al services were corfducted from the home this afternoon by Rev; Lee A. I Peeler, and the Interment took place , In the city cemetery. J. W. JAY & CO. COTTON MERCHANTS MEMBERS: Now York CoUon Exchange. Xw Orleans Cotton Exchange. Xew York Produce Exchange. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Liverpool Cotton Association S3 BROAD STREET. NEW YORK Orders solicited for purchase or tale of cotton and cotton seed oil Tor future delivery. Liberal ad vances made In spot 4-otton for de livery. CORRESPONDENCE IN VITED. After the Present War Is Oyer There will be no more wars tn this generation ex cept the War on the great white plague Consumption. Creosote is a treatment for consumption. Creosote is a Tuberca killer Creomulshun contains Creosote. At this season of the year you can not treat even the 'slightest cough with contempt. Dry hacking coughs, bronchial asthma, and catarrhal bron chitis yield readily to Creo mulshun. If you are thin and under weight, have weak lungs, your breathing pain ful and coughing incessant, get a bottle of Creomulshun. Don't wait, delays are danger ous. We recommend Creomul shun for diseases of the throat and lunjrs, and even consump tion. Creomulshun sooths and leals the lining of the throat and kills the germ. Creomulshun is guaranteed satisfaction or your money back. For sale by all dealers in Drugs, your drug gist has Creomulshun or will get ;t for you. Price 35c, 60c, and $1.00 per bottle. For sale in Charlotte, by Jno. S. Blake Drug Co., and J. P. Stowe & Co. Waterworks and Sewers, Fountain Inn, S. C. Ilids are Invited on the furnishing of all materials anaj constructing a waterworks system and a system or sanitai v sewers for the Town of Foun tain Inn, S. C, under recently author ized bond issue of $75.'iOOjft(i. j P.idders will be required to file with j their bids a certified check In the sum ' of $500.00. as a guarantee that con tract will be entered upon and bond executed properly after the award. Contractor to whom award may be j made will be required to file an in- : demnity bond In the sunt of $20,000.00 ; drawn by some satisfactory guaranty j company, to safeguard the satisfactory completion of the contract. i I'lans and specifications may be hnd front F. W. Wellborn. Town ! Clerk of Fountain Inn, S. C by tnak- I ihg a deposit of $10. no which will be- 1 come a forfeit to the Town of Foun- ' tain Inn. unless said plans and sped- ! flcations are returned in good condi- tion. ' Bids will b received until .Tune !th, 191S. The Hoard of public Works; reserves the right to reject any or all i bids. : D. M. GARKETT. Chairman Board of; Public Works. j F. W. WELLBORN. Town Clerk, Fountain Inn, S. C. .1. N. AMBLER. Consulting Engineer. 1 Winston-Salem. N. C. CQa, Auctioneers MASSACIU SETTS LOTS and contents of Tool Crib etc., etc., hereby pledged to the highest bona fide and unprotected public sale SUIT PURCHASERS RED CROSS CAMPAIGN ENDS WITH GREAT RALLY Incomplete Reports Indicate Rowan County Has More Than Doubled Quota for Drive. Special to The Observer. Salisbury, May 7. The Red Cross campaign her ended with a ' great rally yesterday afternoon at the taber nacle, which building was not near Urge enough to hold the large audi ence that gathered. The feature of the occasion was an address bv Can. gressman Albert Johnscn; of Waahlng on, who was closing a nine-day speech making tour of the state. Mr. Johnson told of his trip to the MOTORS 3-phase, 60y. 31 H. P. A 2I0v 220v 5a0v 220ir .2!0v 35 H. P. ... 55 H. P. 1 7H H. P. 2 XO H. P. . 175 H. P. . 4) 4) I INSTANT Greensboro Supply Co. (Established 1898) GREENSBORO, N. C. NOTICE Subscribers to Thircl Liberty Bonds on the weekly payment plan, through this bank, are hereby notified that the first payment is now due. Subscribers are requested to call and make all weekly payments promptly. Merchants & Farmers National Bank CHARLOTTE, N C. Personal Banking Service 11 The distinguishing feature of the service of this grow ing Bank is the PERSONAL ATTENTION that is al ways extended to the individual requirements of each depositor, regardless of the size of the transaction involved. The Peoples Bank TIIE WELCOME BANK" r. A. Blnntl. President W. W. Hnbards. Cnshler - COTTON Notice is hereby given that on the fourth day of June. 13J8, ' at 10 A. M., the undersigned, A. Mitchell Painter, as Alien Property Custodian, will offer for ale at the office of Barrett & Co., in Au Kusta, Ga. at public sale to the highest bidder, all or any part of four hundred (400) tAiles of cotton, more or leas, now l'ot!ated at the Atlantic' States Warehouse. Co., Augusta, Ga. Samples of said cotton will be displayed at the rooms of Barrett & Co., Augusta, Ga., on June 1st and June 3rd. Information as to .ernis and conditions of the save may be obtained at that time and place. a! MITCHELL PALMER o AIJEX' PUOPKUTV Cl'STODIAX. All Heart "TITEHOLD SELECT" Red Cedar Shingles, "ELECTRQID" and "ASFALTO" Rubber Roofing, Metal Shingles. and Roof .Coverings of every descrip tion. We ave headquarters , CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. CHARLESTON, S.C Manufacturer, Dletrlbutora. Him, Cement. Pl8,ateV General Building Materials., Delivered prices quoted carload loU ar lin anywbere in the Southeast Write tie. western front and of conditions found in France and Belgium, and especial- , ly of the great work the Red Cross is doing for suffering mankind not only in the trenches but in devastated sections of different countries. At the close of the Congressman's talk reports were heard from the dif ferent sections of the county and al though these reports were Incomplete they showed that Rowan had more thon doubled its quota for the Rad Cross, the partial total being $22,655, 41. . . ..' 040 8 MVS IT'S CHEAT rOW -RHEUMATISM- it'' rumovB PRESCMPTinn 100.384 " t aaiiw. !! tka rtrtt 4n.M flnMtal Tt LmI. m .... , . Li gar. B. SM ATLANTIC AVCN4IS. S00IU.TW.a.V. 310 H. P. 315 H. P. 215 H. P. 120 H. P. , ,.550v . .220v 530v . 220v 140 H. P. ......... . 2200s 2200V SHIPMENT Our customers are entitled to re ceive and DO receive efficient, cour teous service: ft We welcome Checking Accounts, small as well as large, and pay 4 per cent on Savings Deposits, jf Our officers will be pleased to meet you and talk over your banking requirements. & Trust- Company . torrnn. Vice Pre W. S. Ituloe. Asst. Caahler V