i:c:.:i.r:EvsPAFn;cor:sTr.ucTivE, clea:v nELr.:LEnv: you, see' it- trj -the c::::.v:n.irocD'. FOUNDED CHARLOTTE, N. C, " SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1918. Germans Strong Lijle of Hindenlmrg .Sysfem Aiislria-Hunary Invites Holland; fo.Reqtiesi Bgenmfs to IV " Pari : in Peace , 'btta'lionsMany-'Ktlteii;--ftr Explosions : 'at Perth Attiboy Sneil6adin& Pic, IBM Oil! .15 IT liiilF Total Loan 1$ ' Only ; 14 Per -. Cent Subscribed. ' V. INFLUENZA HAS INTERFERED Calculations Do Not 'Take Into Account Subscrlptipnt With . out Initial Payment ' h. fi. '0, - Washington, Oct 4. The nation la x mp'chlnf toward Its six-billion .dollar Elrtf loan goal at Just llttlo mora than half the speed required to mailt V. tain a dally subscription rat of ; 1311,000,000. Bond soles officially , tabulated from raporta of banka were announced by the treasury tonight aa ,tB,flt.tOft. or an Increau ot 000.000 In'tho laat 14 houra, . At tha standard rata of 1115,000.000 a day, tha record by this tlma should havt been l,a7,00,000. 1 - , 1 This method of calculation falls to , take Into consldatatlon, howevar, tha fact that many subscriptions have not been backed, up by first payments and consequently are . not recognised Jn the official reports and that natural procrastination will cause thousands of citizens to postpone' entering pledges until late in the campaign. National , headquarters today issued, a reminder that only. 1 $ working . days remain before the subscription period , Epidemics of influenza nave com pelled- th' Abandonment of public loan meetlrtssjn scores of cities and has made vlctlmajf hundreds of can vassers and speakers, but reports to day toid of the.qutek change of tao tlca in' man communities by substi tuting house-to-house canvassing for. mass meetings. ' ; In the whole country .the loan - is Just 14 per cent subscribed. f .v : Subscriptions and percentages or quotas by districts are as follows: ,:-H- .f.-.; -'er ;--vt.-: Per- ' ' Subscription, eentage. St. Louis ..I10M6M0O .420 Boston' 14i.37.850 .SIT Ban Francisco .. 7I.11M0O .111 Mlnneanolla 1M1A.B&0 ' .ill "Chicago ........ in,3i2,$80 .127 New York ...... 222,212,600 .121 J'hlUdelphla ... I7.40J.400 .114 New York $222,212,500 ,i:s Philadelphia ... ,67,408.(00 .114 Richmond . .t,..ll.B02,8SO .112 Dallas ......... ... 11,614,100. 10T Cleveland ' ... .... 6.71.860' -.097 Atlanta, . . i ...... .1.128,050 ' .011 ' Rural districts throughout the west , seem to be farther progressed toward jMieir goals ' than urban communities, though some farming districts have jf&y& the opening of their, cam palxns to let farmers get, pressing work out of the way.' . r -u r-, " Secretary Houston, tonight issued an appeal to farmers urging that they buy Liberty bonds. , - h AUSTRIAN NAVAL BASE . AT DURAZ20 DESTROYED: BY WARSHIPS OF ALLIES Sensational Exploit Carried Out by American, British . ' and Italian Craff Wednesda'J Bytl Aasoolated:Pr4i.-V' American. British and ltll war ships have destroyed, , the Austrian naval base at Duraszo, Albania. This sensational exploit, which was carried out - on Wednesday, seems to have reduced, the Austrian to one large naval center in the Adriatic, that of Pols, although the port of. Fjume max be used for this purpose. - . The attack, coming at a time when the Austrian In southern Albania S - are dire straits after losing their .,., .lU5, - i ea all public. Katherins in the city. 'fnJJIrt exception of the schools, un- Ian troops launched an offensive there - .jt further notice v r ltTvdJlLrK. .The-quarantini become,' effective mn 7hSrtwn Ithfm. -5lf iS tn This means f that all LVl fi a?.5!ultlleteMJ must c,0Se an gatherings Xh nLlnn hXkl il-"S" of n klnd Including services In mt i Mwtthjl1 fnnP?ii: cnurche can e' held. ' Became of Irf wSi h? m'!!itn weU ventilated conditions of -the ?LB.lml,-b.-",!.ia.lli"vaJ ,ba" schools. 'they will be allowed , to reu Zi rJtZ -TiTiVh .Vr Atili r,Zl of Corfu, from which are directed the operatibns of the allied fleet In the AtA 'iaeeanaafi : i -v . ..-'''.- - Med terranean. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT V IS ' MADE " BY ' PREMIER Rome, Friday, .Oct 4.-4-Amercan, British and Italianwarships have de stroyed the Austrian naval bane at ; Purazso and the (warships - anchored there, according to an announcement mace ny premier crianao. - "no mXter1aT1)amace : DONE," ; VIENNA REPORTS IVina (VI London). Odt. 4 -The V X and harbor of Durazzo, Albania, as bombarded for two hours Wed nesday by allied naval and air forces, bat no material damage was done. Ac cord ng- to an. official communlca' Issued today.. Attempts to penel . tne nroor lauea, accoraing to u. . communication AUSTRIA-IIUIJGAUYHAS LAUNCHED AnpTHER DEFINITE PEACE DRIVE Has invited H pllahd tcfi) es 1 B el i rcnts tct PaStUi Ipatcrr ! 'the In&fetf of. Jaee i-.B't THE ASSOCIATED P fcfcSg: V lApponyl.: the' Hungarian minister of y HeporU nre to the effect tbat 'Aos tria-Hungary asnlh evoking pVao, having Invited llollund to request ihp belllgerenu to participate in negotl tlona. The. Hnngariad premier, who baa arrived In Vienna Vlth nnmber of Unngariaa atateame, la quoted s saying that the Hangarlansagain are laboring untlrtngly to the Interests of peace, ana. we are-already negotia ting." lV- DELECATI0rT7RiRTvE$ AT U , -VIENNA ROM HUNGARY .. ' Amsterdam, Oct. 4.r-A s delegation of . Hungarian statesmen, headed by Premier Wekerle, has arrived At Vien na In connection with' a nes peace movr according ta The Cologne Oa sette. .. , ji v , The other members of the WVkerle party were Count Stephen, T'szk and Count Julius Andrassy, tormor'Tre mie.rs of Hungary, and Count AJber Though 12,975 New Cases of 4;v;fi7,Arv Reported, ; 'vfrf;,- Disease 2 Continues "Its. -Rapid ' Spread Among; Civilian Pop- . " : ulatiQn and in Camps." , , Washington, Oct . 4. Spanishv In fluenza continues its rapid spread both among the civilian population and in army camps. Reports today to the publio health service showed tW dia; ease had become epidomlcHn1 many more cities while lt,975 'new. cases were reported among soldiersvtraln ing In this country, ' j - f;v There was no records, to show the pneumonia and death rate among civ llians but In army tamps pneumonia cases nearly doubled. Deaths in army camps, however, decreased. The total number . of Influenza cases Irv , the camps now. is 127,976; pneumonia oases, 10,429, and deaths, 2,8(9. ' . Camp unstom . Kansas, reported the heaviest Increase In influenza: to day with .. 1,274 new. eases, while Camps Jackson, South -Carolina, - and Sherman, Ohio, . each reported more than 1.000. , , rln the fight' ae&lrtst the 'disease among the civilian population 'the public health serv es has- sent physi cian to Norfolk, Va.. and Nashville, TenbH and. has had calls from West Point and Portsmouth, Va., which will be filled as soon as possible? - - The officials emphasized today toat the best way to combat he disease is to prohibit public gatherings,; This now.has, been, done in many-cities and he authorities say that every-, whet's Influenza threatens to- become epidemic are urged' to, take: similar action. - --.' In Washington i today churches were , asked, not to hold- re ligious services until the disease Is stamped out, while all dane halls and army, hostess houses were order ed closed. COLUMBIA' QUARANTINED V . BECAUSE OF SPANISH 'JFLU" .i : ' t -Kvr !t m ' ;-, A? ' 7 Special to Tlie Observer; - ' 1 Columbia, 8. C Oct. 4. Because of the epidemic of Spanish influenza, many cases of which have broken out among the civilian population, of ,ftt a meeting this afternoon, prohibit maIn open, Wit crowding in them is rnbuoluteiv nrnhihitwi . w:- r 1 aDg0,Jtely Pr'Nted. - , ' 1 . - L L " . v . . V"'"1. . ,'., , BRITISH LINES WITHIN SIX MILES OF LILLE ' London. Oct. 4. The British have driven their lines within six miles of i Lille at Wayrin and. Eitinhem,' ac cording to Field Marshal Haig'a com munication issued tonight. Between Lens . and Armentleres the Germans are cont nuing their retreat Some i further ground Jhas been taken by the lirmsn netween ; cambral 1 and St. Quentln, where there has. been hard fighting. ; , t f; , . , . ORDERS MEXTO COLLEGE, ' ' Washington, Oct.- '4. The provost marshal, t generbl '- has ordered " 2ftf North Carolinians to be sent- to the University of Virginia, at Charlottes ville, for training- (tlong ' technical lines. These men will help make up the great nrmy of pp,claliKts who are .requirea in connection with the mill tiry organizations iM GAT.1PS DEGRE Instruction. NO'INVITATION RECEIVED 4 JXBY UNITED STATES AS YET Washington. Oct 4: Secretary Lan slhg -tonight authorized' the statement that the American, government had received no Invitation Irora Austria Hungary to take part In peace nego tiations as outlined in a dispatch to night, from Amsterdam quoting- the oorespondent . of The .Berlin iTage-t blatt ,.,rr:s-; ,, , HOLLAND ALREADY HAS y SENT OUT INVITATIONS ' ';.')'?''';',' . ' m' ' '' f Amsterdam, Oct. 4. Austria-Hun garyHhaa requested Holland, to invite the belligerents to take part in peace negotlkUons, says- the Vienna corre spondent of The Berlin -Tagehlatt The correspondent adMs that Holland al ready has sent out invitations. -. Leaders Dejjrring Program For " Wonth Vacation. To Wait Until ar Revenue Bill an Armjf Moey Bill Are in More Defirtfe Form. Washington, Oct. With a tempo- rary, suspension fit tlon in ' both-senate ortant Jpglsla- house, Con- gross leaders today he for a definite recess up their plans djournment, to wait until -the $8,0t,000,000 war revenue . bill t7.000jDibl.00ff - nnnv emergency "approprlatioV measures take more definite form. v xne senate was in recei until nv Monday and house leaders today agreed to put into effect at informal recess by meeting and adjourning each day, until October 14, when the army appropriation measure is ' ti be re ported. Leaders of both bodies are ucici i ins ins .ijrugrnin mr a ffnonth aajournmenv aoout uctoDer 10, over the elections, until the armyVmoney bill Is passed and If. Is -determined whether the senate can procesd be fore the elections with the 1 sett a Klltr . jtiesponamg to secretary McAnnn's R2,"L'Jt-.??'--Bpee the revenue measure-the senat? fl nance committee today begain sched ule of longer dally meetings, v work ing principally on Income ta sections and oonsldering also extension of war excess profits taxes to partnerships as well as corporations and, possibly, to Individuals. ' . . Committee leadersfl although' anxi lous to complete the bill'as fart as la consistently .possible, believe it may be :.Jm possible to. revise the 'y hill ;in time for much .senate 'consideration before the elections and it is ex pected that a. recess or brief adjourn ment of Congress may .yet be effected. Chairman S.mmons, of -the , finance committee today; , however . declared he.would .Insist upon the, senate re convening 'aoon f after" the . elections and would oppose a suspension lasting late Into November -, END OF GASOUNELESS ' SUNDAYS NOT IN SIGHTJ Garfield Refuses to iif tBan Jn U Use of; Automobiles for Jiext Two Sundays. ;y t; ; f Washington, Oct. 4.-Fue-Administrator Garfield refused today to lift the ban on the use of automobiles for the next two Sundays,- as requested by Governor. McCall, of Massachu setts,. to aid in combatting Spanish in fluenza, v Dr.- Garfield's ' action was based on advice of Acting Surgeon General Richards, ofy the army, that continuance of the gasolinele gun days would have little if any ' in fluence on the spread of the disease, Pr.. Garfleld' stated that In round numbers there were $.800,000 barrels of motor gasoline In stock-September J8, th-ltesf figures available, and that pp April I of this year, the so called peak period,; . there were 'ap proximately 11,009.000 barrels pn hand. " ' , - , . NO MORE.. NEW SHOE -. .v- LASTS .UNTIL AFTER WAR 'Washington, OcC 4. -There will be no more new shoe lasts until after the war, nor any more - two-colored or other frnrcy models of footgear, It was "decided todav that than among the provisions vt the conserva-J k.ui, anu .mimdiu in ivw HsrRemenv oe tween the war Industries board and manufacturers under which the num ber of. shoe rtyies w.ll be-reduced from about KSU to 150- CONGRESS HOLDS am British Holding It . and Recon- noitenng Far in Advance. FIGHTING n MOST 'FURIOUS Germans Seems ; to be ; Most Astlve Now on Each Side of A : the Narrow Breach. -' With, the BrUish Army In France Oct 4(l (5 p." ta By the Associated J PresJf There has been fighting of the most furious nature ; along the British front today- This' has been true especially; along' the Beaurevoir l.ne in the region of LeCatelet. The last strong line. OJt the Hlnden burg system having been smashed, the British In , possession of it and re connottering far in advance, the Ger mans apparently feeling that they were fighting with their backs to the wall, have, launched' six powerful counter-anacks during the past' 24 hours. As a result of one of them the British' withdrew for a moment from ..Beaurevoir Itself and from Montbre hain to the -western outskirts of the village. For. these attacks the Germans used two divisions which had been re leased from the line through the cap ture by.. thevFrench-of St. : Quentin. All the other counter-offens'ves failed utterly. At the end of therrt the bodies of iGerman dead were piled high as a result of the rlflle. machine gun and shell fire and the British were in possession of vital lines of the German-defense. .-.' v. ..;...-'. . The breach that has been made In ihe system of defense hare- Is n-nar row one as yet, For that reason the armored cars which Went out to it Tast night reconnoltered deeply around new positions. Then they returned. The Germans now seem to be most active on each sld4u.of.the breach. Apparently .they fear lhat'efforts will be made to widen It . Meanwhile the roads and railways everywhere In the rear are crowded with eastbound traf fic,' The civilians are being evacuat ed from many towns. . . ... In Flanders today the advance of the allied troops seemed slow, be cause the bad roads and soggy ground made- it -almost imposs.ble for them to negotiate the terrain at many places. The soldiers fighting here are caked with mud. Many of them have had to wade- hip-deep through the ooze while lighting their way forward. Again there has been fighting la the streets of Cambral, especially In the southern- portion of . the town, around which the British lines are slowly but steadily being drawn, it is expected that the town may fall at any time. ' In the Lille sector , the Germans are falling back eastward, leaving on ly rear guards behind to protect the r retreat Apparently they are head i ed. for the Canal de Hante . Deule . HOUSE PASSES FEDERAL CORRUPT PRACTICES BILL . Washington. Oct 4. Federal courts are given Jurisdiction . in ; cases In volving violation of : election laws where election of United States sena tors and. representatives are -concerned by a senate bill . passed today by the house. Vote-buying or sell ng In such elections is made a federal of fense and is punishable by a fine of 11.000 or Imprisonment. . J The power of federal courts" ovtr elections would be greatly extended by the measure and its final enactment, congressional leaders believe will in sure prosecution of such cases' as hertof ore were not within the Juris diction' of the federal courts. , g. ' CAROI JXIAVS GRAMTATED. ' ' ! Washington, jOctr4.--The following Carolinians were graduated from the field artillery officers' training camp at Louisville, after having been .selected from among the enlisted men -for this course:., Leo CarT, Teacheys, 8. Q,; Horace Clement Coolcy, Nashville. '- Fair today; fair aid1 warmer ?un-l day-' Xe-.W When"the War is over beTproud! Ok t what you've done Buy Liberty bonds. , , 'lfIJ0-J0 SAYS . f fprl' ' ' '.' 1 "J J ! . ' AMERICANS FORCE THE GERMANS" BACK TO , ; KRIEMHEILDE POSITION Wltji the Amrelcan Army North west of Verdun,-OcUiA.' (By the Associated Press. ) The Americana rcsumrd , the uttnrk this snornutg went of the Mease and advanced their lines from-two to five klUn meters. . They captured Hill S40, north - of Exermont, end the vil lages or Gcsncs, I-levlllev' Clichery nd La Forges. v4 ,v:-. , In the face of heavy artillery and maohlno gun Are RlinolsK Wiscon sin, western Pennsylvania, Virginia and West v Virgin! troops have forced . the enemy back-. In the KrlemhUde position, south of Foret wood. . . , 5--V- -A""- SI KILLED! Estimates Place.Number of Dead lldlHurl TremenripusT ExplostonX dscurs in Shell-Loading Plant Near . Perth Amboy. Perth Amboy,1 NI J., Oot 4. Many men were kilted and scores Of 'others Injured In a tremendous explosion early tonight at. the plant of the T. A: Gillespie Shell-loading company. 'at Morgan. 'near here. . ! The number of dead and 'Injured cannot be determined until employes of the plant answer a roll call in the morning. . Estimates ' late ? tonight placed the number , of killed and hurt at from 60 to more than 100. The plant, operated for the govern ment by the Gillespie company, em? ploys several thousand men and wo,m en,. -Officials said tonight there were abouV iornenrrH&e-ptKnt hnthe exploskm-eccurredi. With the first ext plosion., :..( government ; officials tele phoned to nearby camps-for soldiers to serve as guards and several hun dred,; with a detachment of ' coast guards were rushed to Morgan. ' The plant engaged in loading high explosive shells, covers an area of 12 square, miles and comprises many small buildings. The first explosion occurred in a building In which T. N. T. was being: made -and the flames, spreading to other structures,, caused a series of further blasts.-.) v .; Explanations regarding the cause of - the,- explosion -Vary bu t, according to one account excessive heat was ap plied to a vat of T. N. T: Another ac count had it that a shell, which was being lifted; fell and exploded. . ' The first blast waa terrific. It shat. tered nearly all the? glass in 8outh Amboy, one and a half miles away, and was felt for a radius of nearly 10 miles.'..,..': ."..' " :,--;,: v' ." :'- The extent of the damage, had not been determined tonight. " L OUVER AND TEN ' EMPLOYES ' ARRESTED Charged With Conspiracy, Fraud and Sabotage in Manufacture of Shells for Government " " Knoxville, Tenn., Oct 4. W.- J. Oliver, millionaire manufacturer, and 10 employes were, arrested here to night on a warrant, sworn out by a military intelligence officer charging conspiracy, fraud and sabotage In the manufacture of shells which the war rant alleges aid not fire true and were dangerous . to United States' soldiers. More, than 1100,000 is alleged, to have been -obtained illegaUy..'-'&5. ;-,': '.:.; s i The - government this ;? afternoon sesed the plant i; of -the W.' J. Oliver Manufacturing ' company,?' of which the individual defendants-are officers ana loremen. THREE MEN INJURED IN RAC Rl6T AT; HONWELL Richmond. Va.. Oct 4. Three men were Injured In a race riot at Hope well, which reached Its height. of fury shortly after ; 8 , p'clock ' this after noon. .":'''-..' ' At midnight,, following the arrival of two companies of fcoldlers from Camp Lee, and (0 military police from Petersburg. ' .Hope welt had OUieed down. A company of state guards dis patched to the scene by. Governor Westmoreland. Davis also, aided in quleUng the disorder which' for a time threatened; to reach dangerous pro portions , - . , , ' AMERICAN CASUALTIES. SAID. Ta,,BE MODERATE ' London. Oct. 4. (By the Associated Press, r British and r French forces continued to advance today north ot St, Quentin. They reached the out skirts of Bontbrehain after severe fighting, y The American ..carualttes In ' the Argonne region are de scribed as moderate. The Germans have ' been unable to maintain their usual artillery, fire and -.undoubtedly beginning seriously io feel the loss of the large number of runs: csntured from them recently all along the west- w u ii Utah ,..' j. . ji.'i . y ,.'?.; SPAMSH POTtT finrLLKD J 1 ' BY KXE.MY SVBMARLVES ' f ilnhon, Oct' 4. -Two enemy snb marlnes tolsy shelled the port of WImbrn, 19 miles sonth of J Isbon. 1 lie sliore guns lnmedint j re ' hL whereupon tle swbr. rlnee i.wl.- . niiii eraiG iiul's iliiililii:- COUriTHY liBIJZEHLf.'.OST Germans, MaklngTlurfledfPrep J arations tof Evaluate t Dune .Country Along ieacbast of ,: Belgium; uM X WHh the British Forces in France, Oct . 4.(By ' the Associated. Press. ) r-Brltishroops last nighty and .Otto mortjlng mada progress in the neigh borhood of , Fresnoy-le-Grand, north east of St. Quentin, though only meag er reports of the fighting In that dis trict have been received. . - The oountry behind' the' German lines in FlandersT is-ablaze virtually everywhere. From prisoners comes the information that-the'. Germans are making hurried preparations to evac uate the- dune Country .of -Belgium, along, the seacoast. Dugouts are be- In the Armentieres' sector the re treat of the GermanseeonUnue. The British are now well t the east or DER5 Lens. Mericourt.. southeast ot LehsHia teen under a heavv.bombard ' i ; The Belgians together, with French troops : have reached a point 2,000 yards south -of Heoglede and ! 1,006 yards southeast of the Chapelle-Rool-ers road. - ..f-i'-.wv. fw.Wf Civilians are being moved in a hurry, from Courtral,' IS miles east of Tpres, -v 3jre r no. signs i. deweli Oermaa reserves anywhere. There is every. In dication ;: of disorganisation not only in the "enemy infantry but In the ar tillery. Riots are reported to have occurred among certain German units In which eVen .their officers partici pated. -: .v-:- '-',-'-W'".'-vv.- A British offleer familiar with the entire German .division In Flanders said: , ,i,-v-.- &h k--i-.;v ;'?y .-"Nothing would surprise ' us.Th!g may turn into rout now." ,i There Is tangible evidence thaWhe Germans realize their position north east of St. Quentin is extremely pre carious for the roads In the rear' of lh '; breached Hlndenburg- line-are - m ui. ..-,it . i: .... - Congesiea wim iiauiu. '.The railways are Jammed'with ma terial moving eastward at si great rate and on some roads British aviators have observed a straggling stream, of civilians who are, being hurriedly sent from the.Mar.. ' The 4 Beaurevoir Une having been nlerced. the Germans soon. If not nowv will find the".greatest difficulty in ar resting the progress of the British. Prisoners say they were given .Orders to hold on to the . last moment in order to give the Germans an oppor tunity to construct ;'Une,,t,J,Valen- clenne.v;::v--v.;;::.: British thrusts ' between Fresnoy and the, River Scarpe show that the Germans are holding en with despera tlon there, probably in an effort to save some of their material and heavy guns. -- ' -.' ' '.-." . A New Tork ' division co-operating with an Australian corps! north of St. Quentin encountered ,th severest 'op position and although suffering heavy losses fought with the greatest brav- ... . B..Apiin. a . mn nfflfkl ' Cit the Australian troops in a telegram which he sent today to tne general in com mand of: the New-York-soldiers,- U AVIATORS COVER; ; 'JS, I THEMSELVES WITH GLORY Perform Almost ;the Imppssible - 'irt Friday's Drjve Hbrthwest rfyfrdunSIliiatitli' With . the " American Army -North west of Verdun, Oct 4, By the Asso ciated Press 1:30 p. m.) The Amer ican aviators again covered themselves with glory and performed almost tne imoofwlble- In today's i drive. Dawn broke with mists heavy r over" the trenchet an4 the country a.cross whlchat0wly pressing north ward. Throug the Americans were to got and it was hours before the weather cleared suf-. flcSently to oermlt of any observation to speak of. ' ' . ' - . ' ' The splendid liaison that marked the day's operations waa due In great part to the work of the .aviators, who countless times risked their lives In re connolterlng. attacking the retreating Germans and bringing back . reports. German fliers during the entire morn ing swooped over the Heads . of tne American - . Infantry , only a . few hundred meters above the earth, using machine guns with telling effect until driven off. ;-.,'Avi;,;-'t4-;'-:'.',."s: Chiefly because of this daring, the German losses were Unusually heavy and even "the American anti-aircraft batteries accounted for . seven ma chines which they brought down "With out trouble at the short ranges . they could use. " , " ALL ALLIED TTACJCS I failed; cf cour.:; ' Berlin, (via London). Oct', 4 (via Londonie' . Oct, "Vigorous .enemy, attacks on both Bides of Routers, north of ft. Quentin. at the i Chemln-Ues-Dnmes and 'In Champagne were repuUed," sajs the evening report from - general head quarters. ' "Between.;, the An-onr." t- te Meuse renewed Anient an aU- , ts toll break through failed." - ., ( . n ... i- !:' ".' -. r - . I .' ''..,.-. -. - s'owherr AreTeutyiic J Ar;:s . : f ,r?';oeing jrermiusa Key. continuing: T;dLOsftKl ; GROUND ; EVERYWHEhE Jv.i.-j j Armentieres Salient. ; V BRITISH; ARE RARING LILLE Allies ' Continue. J5airlmg Ground In Flanders Frnqe'ltalyf Q: rAlbaniaand hirlwpf v7 4 ? uuiiuuiv wti. i oy inc A5SO- ? c!il4 D,.rtTl,.. i ....... tw v dication, according to authorita- : ahannnnmpnt ,hv hi. flrmmt ; thu i enf!rk ''' W'in4re.i:rt4 '.V.''TkH;.':,'i German? : ; already are removing -their guns. TheABelr ianVcoast?: .J. ..i,.l:'-..H,....!.... . ! iS: H-.t. ' 'i - I-- Nowheeo are the ; armies I of the v Teutonic allies being permitted to rest,' P. the fronui ln (landers.. JFrance. ' Italy, Albania and Turkey t!w enemy, eUli oentinnee te 4m oi., or . i being compelled to throw strong re--' InforcenientM Into tus battle Une to hold, back his srgPeeor8.-',K :j - In Belgian Flanders, the Belgiaiw, British - and ' Frendi . troops' are at 1.1 driving forward, altlmngh their speed had been somewhat lessened hf rea sonof the bad eondltioq of . the ground. -v,.-k,4-,-v v'.-i?';.v.;; ;.,;.; f; The enemy Is swiftly evacuating the salient between Armentieres and Lens ; 1 and the -British now re standing only '- m scant six miles aoathwest of Lille over a front of a boot foee xoilee he-'. . tween Wavrin and Eqlnghem. at the former place having gained a position astride the Lens-Lille imllroad. XotwlUiMtandlng v- violent eoonter attacks and a line strengthened by y: fresh reserves the British betwr-n St. , Quentin and Cambral have mat.. lolly; -pressed eastward ront the region of LeCatelet and to the north have Im proved their positions In Camhral so well that apparently this in-portant : town soon must fall. Taken, all In all." the situation of the Germans In thla region seems to be critical and the crMs a hand. Far to the rear aerial Observers report the roads -congested with retreating troops, who are being ' harassed by the machine gun fire of the airmen. As In Flanders fires are everywhere) io be seen, and It la evl-- dent the enemy, renlking that he must give farther ground, is vigorously ap plying the torch. ' - French Advance Around Rheijns. ; ' Around Rhelms the French have further extended their galna north and northwest of the cathedral city, .where , they- are all along the Alsne canal. To the east In Champagne, Ameri can '.forces are . fighting with tr, -French between1 the Sufppe river an i the Argonne forest in addition to holding their Original battle line In side and east of the Argonne for? '. West of the Argonnewlth the ai l t f French tanks the Americans have tak en: the important height positions rf Blanc Mont and the Medeah farrt en 1 pressed farther northward. .1 Simultaneous the French have a i- Vanced their front: eastward around Challerange and gained better posi tions for their. operation up the rsll- ' way toward Vousleres and the kee? -the Germans Inside the northern por tion of-the Argonn forest by an flladtng Are throuKa the Aire val.y. while the Americans press northward through the forest driving the enemy ; before them .The latest reports are that the Americans have advanced al most two miles in-the forest., and tn the eastern side of the great wood ? out this entire region the Germain are resisting most subborr 'y. , -,ln the mountain r,eglon.!fi -northern-Italy the. ttllans on sev- al s-rtsrs have -attacked and defeat i the Aa trlansi while In Albania tbe-A- ro Hungarlans are In fast ri - ? the - Italian armies, I t iK Is working far in advance fantry. -harassing th en Semenf river in weate. AU been crossed, arid the i rr.iy . center Invaded.- - - In Palestine th T i driven far beyond Dniu.t.sofs v , t British still on their he l ,r: them. ,. ' i ADVAr.Cfc. C'fc..l ' ' - J ' ' Paris.- Oct. 4. In i Champagne the Frc jeans have B-ivarr ' j nan mii!'i i'n shout rive l'y, t 'lv.' , a t cord, r to t" munti inloa i T! ral'r : hus lieen evac OCCUi Si'd 1 .- t IhiIi are . -