Our President has told the German Government that there can be no peace until Germany and her allies acknowledge their defeat. . ,. . ... It's up to you to back the boys "over there" 'ii Buy Bonds to Your Utmost. Ihe diarlottc National Ban!ix ... t United St&tet Depository. ;"; jjii Auett: 4 Mfflipn i l . i . Ilril ipls ' ! r - . I ft Thrca Others to Hilly., fourth Liberty Loan Bonds Have You Subscribed? We have in hand a large quantity which will be delivered , foT,Ca$h. 1 . M . ' We suggest either of the following plans: Plan No. i Cash. - '"-"r;-.-;. Plan N6.-2 l-Soth weekly, or MO monthly, through ; . Savings Department. ;. 7 .. ,--. . : Plan No. 3 Government plan, ib per cent cash, id per a cent November 2i. 2p per cent December 19, 20 ti pet cent January 16 and 30 per cent January 30. Gome in and talk the matter over. y'&M&jfai&ss COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLOTTE, N. C P Do not 4be like the letter p First In Pity, last in Help. Uncle Sam needs your help now. If you cannot fight, buy Liberty Bonds and then, buy some more. .- .We. will handle your subscription gladly. jjggSf The Peoples Bank & Trust Comjiany tiJEtess THE WELCOME BANK. . OA. BfanO. President v-"0?r.- W. n. Foreman. Vke Proa. W. W. RoMKUk Cnahle :-2T2iJS! W. S. Bales. AM Cashier f Y Irti II... tu 1 VI . . gfw 1 M fSrfnr.2, il Fourth Liberty Loan Bonds '"r-Are'Here-- r'K' L .W have received a large .consign- ; 4; ment of TOUHTH LIBERTY LOAN ' v i r BONDS and can make immediate de- U. iiver to those wishing to buy for cash i A merican Trust Go. , ' ' MmBeir Feclerid Reserve Sysieas. . . ; -r I'--.- t CHARLOTTE, N. C V Surplus, Cepit&I and Undivided PrcU, 50,000.00 P tli Resource. $4,gCO.C00.CO .'rj:' 1 Th final open air fourth XJbtrty loan neetlnff la tha fllstrlcts of tha county outnlda Charlotta will ba hold tonight These meeting have all proved aucoeaaful tn the paat and big result are expected from the meetlnrs ta ba held In Steel Creek. Hopewell. Mint Kill and Coehran'a aohoolhouaa tonight1 - At the Steal Creek meetlnr. Cot A. C. Macomb, commanding officer at Camn Greene, Judge W. F. Harding, and Rv. J. W. Orr will be the tpeak era. The fourth recruit band of Camp Green will render a patrlotto mual e&l program. - At Hopewell, the apeakers will ba John A. MeRae, David Ovena and Rev, J. W. Moore. The speeches will ba supplemented with music by the Oasis temple band. - At Mint Hill, the' meeting will ba held In tha Philadelphia cnureh. A. A. MeGiachy, pastor of tha Second Presbyterian church, of this lty,t C. C. Moore and Joseph Garibaldi will deliver addresses at this meeting and tha Camp Greene Quartet will render several selections. - . Rev. W. W. Orr, ThOmai Orifflth and T. W. Alexander will apeak to tha audience at Coehran'a achoolhouae. . All meetings will ba held In tha open air and will begin promptly at I o'clock, It wma announced. . SPLniRSTO PROTECT SPRINKLERS Notice Reminds Manufacturers of Necessity of Maintaining Maximum Pr6duction. Tha .CharfotU lhamber of jcora merca yesterday Inaugurated a mate rial saving campaign for the winter. A notice headed "Freete-ups In sprinkler systems cauee firs losses," wat tent to every largo manufactur ing plant In the city. The tootieo placed emphasis upon tba necessity of keeping all pipea Of tht system from freezing during the approaching old months, and It was pointed out that last winter a $1,000, ooo fire at Detroit and a M.ooO.ooo flra at Pittsburgh were laid directly to f rosen sprinkler pipea. - - - Manufaeturera were reminded, that It ta their war-time duty to take all aeUon whiah will have tha erteet of safeguarding tho maximum output of their plante and of protecting tho plant themselves. "Our government and those of our allies are .depending upon all manufacturers to conserve materials. Disabled fire equipment heightens tho danger of fire. Fire meana lose of time, labor, material money, alt of which tneatis loss of momentum of tha war machine," tha notice atated. urn GDI CONTINUES OfCOURAGING Health Office . Reports 75 New Cases Hudson Cautions Against Carelessness. Spanish influent eases reported yesterday again showed a slight da crease, the total of li oases compar ing with 78 cases for the previous 14-hour period ending at 3 o'clock. The cases reported after 3 'o'clock yesterday were 85, comparing with 17 for the same period Wednesday, which led city health department to expect a slight increase today over tho totals of the previous two days. Except for tho apparent decrease In number of new cases, the condition in Charlotte remained substantially unchanged, it was learned. Dr. C. C. Hudson, city health officer, contmues to consider the situation of suoh se riousness aa to warrant every possi ble precaution being taken to avoid contagion. The city health officer said he did not expect absolutely .positive indication of the beginning of (he decline of the epidemic here until tho first of next week and possibly not un til the middle of next week. . The number of deaths here, from In fluenza was increased yesterday by two to 26 aince the dlaease made Its appearance September 18. r ' The Red Cross canteen service yes terday provided food for the mom, bera of about. IB families, according to information given out lata yester day. It waa estimated that ISO meals, breakfast and dinner, werO served and with tho (uppers tho number wat Increased to well over 800 meals for the day. - tflfty-ene famine .were added yesterday to tha list and about an equal number of famlliea were 're ported aa again able to provide for themselves and were removed from the list CITY TO GET ASPHALT FOR RESURFACING WORK Tho city government wai officially notified yesterday through the fed eral fuel administration that the re quest of the city for asphalt suffix cient to resurface the streets In the business section; had been allowed. This was tha subject of a hearing sev eral weeks' ago at Washington when Mayor McNlnch appeared before sev eral commissions there in an , effort to obtain allowancea of thecessary ma terial for tho paving progranu vThe first propoaition was allowed but the city was refused material to nave cer tain residenUal section street f WILL ASSESS TRYON AND .TRADE STREET OWNERS . hi1 t i I '-vJ l .. ... aft sW W il w Ul:r C,::rJ Cays Fcli-ra to , FcJ btics May Erlr.j . - Crc:i'3" Action. : ' filial " warning i to emptoyeri of chauffeurs to release them, for ossen tlal work waa Issued late yesterday by Chairman Karris, of tho district labor board, who added that failure to heed tho warning may result tn the employers' supplies of gasoline being restricted or cut off by tho fuel ad ministration. ;i "Tha district labor board: concluded at a meeting held this afternoon that It had exhausted all means of appeal to patriotic instincts to certain Char, lotte citlsens, who continue to retain their male butlera Itnd private ehauf. feura, after being warned time and again tha tho government had atated that these positions were absolutely non-eeeential, and If suoh employers do not release mala employee holding tho positions mentioned within a day or two there ta nothing left for the Vina Fi4 tA An hut t n...i .m. of such employers to the federal labor w. Ate a . & i Doara, saia s siaiemeni irom fnair man E. N.. Harris. 3. C. CrOwell and L : Ml:.. I. -.-J. " s fr k.""- lit figure to ri""ond t'vi i c-.it t:,t r.t:ioa and r .ae a,l :-bod " tutors and chai;";:uri is that tHe fs-eral directors will no tify the local fuel and food adminis trator to withhold supplies to all such employers Mr. Fan-is aUted that this would be the final, warning to all "slacker" employers who have been warned time and again by tho district board through The- Observer that unless they respond to this final call their names will be reported and their sup ply of fuel and food out off. Men physically unfit for manual la bor wilt be retained, but only after a certificate from a reputable physician haa beoa accepted by tho local com. munlty oard Ffcht YVesJ:cnin;T -;V V, 4';' Coush With 'Si&fyT Heilth Builder NethlBt pulls dawa a waka4 trtm se much ai a pralattit eotash. In nuy similar caace BCKMAN'S ALTKRATtVB, a tortl and BP-Bulldr, has be found to B matt Valeabi ta etoppint esh. trnthn. Ing tht (ansa and halplns U taatore haalth. Twenty raara euaeaaafut aa,:. SOa and tUM Battles a all drasslita a SMnsfaeOatar, KCKMAH XABORAtOAr. hllHtlplila. . ; UNION NATIOiFAL BANK Chirlotte. N. C. pe1ewntia We have in' hand a supply of FOURTH LIBERTY BONDS redy for delivery to those who wish to J)uy for cash". a$0 tSSXESSm H. M. VICTOR, President. - i i . ... a - Finest Coal Vsri lccatlca la city, r . : . Passenger Depot. Sidetrack 'russin thrcj;.: 1 CrtV. ,'u , : ' Southern Heal Bctcto E.c:: Trust XBompzny s 4 South Tryta Stttr4::iQf Tdz'JLzzrZZZ Buy Libertj Bonds md help cpea the tcid to Ecrlls. o D QI 201 ko ait n O THE STRONG BOX Tho newsnanera often tall of Instances where boobIo their savings, beoauee they haa put their money in a ote)ekln. oureau a rawer, or a strong oox. ana nave oon roBoea. , When yoa have money around the house yon tnrlte) tha burg la U ana tho anean tniet Tug beat itfong bo In tha wotld It tha aattaft bask. ' ' Thar your money is protected m well aa tt oaa ba naywbotw. SOUTHERN LOAN & SAVINGS BANS m " . 1 a: (- - - 'if' - . We urge the purchase of . , - , ..... ..-..if-,.. - V '. ' : r ' Liberty Bonds to the utmost limit as the imperative duty of the hour MerchantaCt Farmers National Bank CWOTrE,N.C 'I VICTORY " Liberty Bonds equip tnnfes, build fleets. But they do something far greater they buy VICTORY. They yield four and one-quarter per cent yeal-and VICTORY, , Buy Bonds to Your Utmost We havs Fourth Liberty Bonds to deliver to thoso paying b Independence Trust Go. Resources Over ................. .............. $2,600,000.00 -OFFICERS ? . n. TTBARlf, ClialrniNa of BoarS . W. A. WATSOff, Vice rrceldeM W. M.'X)NO, View Preal4ejt i, t. 11. LrTTTjK, President . B. O. ANDRRSON. OaahlOT B K. JOKS, Aaatataat CwaUa -- An ordinance was enaetea yester day afternoon by tha city ommls aionera. which establishes a perma nont improvement district on South Tryon street.between Third and. More head streets'. 7 Other ordinances estab lish Tryon street between Third and Sttth streets and Trade street be tween Mint and : College streets as permanent improvement ' districts,, - At tho office of Mayor McNlnch It waa announced the city. commission era would hold a hearing Kovenber 7 ' when abutting property owners within these: districts 'might1 file ob jections. The assessments against the property owners will be announced at.ttl tassion. "" w ' ...... .; . s . ...... .' -;-? -. 'Do(BiII)'iPBm& " ' :haye the slightestidea that by stepping down from his office that he can escape punishment?, - If so. he has another "think" coming to him. . WvVf;4,J, V.u j," ' " - ' -JT.Let's getthe old scoundrel andthen renlember thesong about the sour apple' tree. '"STj , . ? 4 You Puy More Bonds to Send the Boyf Marching On :- rV 'k fe'it 2'': '. v LETS RAISIN IT, BOYS tho aeaa natural Woodrov calls for an' over-subscription, and our boys acroM say "Amen" That ought to be enough for any soul that Isn't a bora slacker. - - s , - .... - ' f "NO. KSESLER, I TOST CANT ' f ' , do H 'I've got S4.lT In Savings StAtnps and tl.tS InvThrlft Stamp, and thafs my limit" See, hero, Bill Johnson you mean lowdowh puallanlmous iini. vnu'r worth $50,000.00 and I'm telling you something! If you don't buy a good, big lot of these Fourth liberty Bonds, we're going to run your out Of tnlS town, mis u no piaua tor a. cviu-wiuuubu Riauar ana promear,- loo look for the Ku-Klu. . r " - .-.''-..!,.;,, 1 . THE BUIliDlNO AND LOAN FliAN - I,. 10.00 Bond, after first payment,-iosts $ '.31 per week I '100.00 Bond, after first payment, casts ;. . . .; Vt per week lUV.VY fiPP. -,ii.ip yuan tf . I It .1 tf f I I l.tl y .P ft kAo na Hand, after first payment- eoeta i. ...... l.tt nar week $1000.40 Bond, after' first pay menV costs . . : ........ .; , .!. per week 15000.00 Bond, after first payment. - casts ........ "18.27 per week .V; THIS PLAN KNOCKS the socks Off the miserable slackers and exposes their lying tactics. Patrlotlo men and women, boys and girls, flocked hero Saturday and were happy to sets the plan, and .they did it liberally. : Are you fighting or skulking? . , E. L. Kecolcr. Sec. & Trcao. ARE YOU DOING YOUR PART? ' .V "Over In Franco where death sheila scream , . Tho bore are fighting aa In a dream " 1 '; A glorious dream of blood and hell, " ? while x atay at home.and prosper well. Over In Franco theySaro dying now l ' ' " . -' Uko red earth turned by a giant plow ' i ' i They ee going across wth a emlle for tnov ' " While X suy at home in security. ' ' f-' l - wver in STanoe una gae eioaas roa - , : ; w ', i ;And tho shower of etftl is takinr tta toll;.' ' - The, flag drtvea on, but tho boys Ue gUU, - - , : jvs S4 .. M Alt ' ' ' While X live on and eat my fill. , Great God In heaven, in whom we trust, V ' ". ' . r Trn the food In by throat -to dust ; v i ' i 1 It I miss one chance that may come to me ' . ; k , i . To bring them homo with tho victory!' ' ... - - - , , j - ,. Kenneth Crr- BXTS LIBERTY BONDS. . ; ' -n Z'JX tD 1 vF. C. Abbb'-i r. Cr: ; ! '.JK if.v: '