v " B" V i -- - - . - . - rr UL 11 M FIIIISI t::0,OOO Needed to Put Meek . lonb'jrg County Over Tcp. Final Rallies to Be Held in Dif ' , ,ferent. Section Today and Tomorrow. . ,' yfflk the fourth liberty loan cam jpaiga's does Juit two days away, , j Chairman H. M. Ylctor. of the Meek , lenburg county loan workers, accept-, ed for this county the challenge of Richmond, which already has secured its 110,000,001 quota, for a race alone the heme stretch. -i The following telegram was received - by Mr. Victor from Governor Seay, of the Fifth Federal Reserve bank at Richmond: "Richmond city, with quota of twenty million, la well over . top and still joint. Challenge every large tty fifth district What are you going to do about It?" To this Mr. Victor replied as follows ,,. by telegraph: "We accept your chal- t lenge and will go over with you." ( Mecklenburg county is still $350, t 000 short of its' quota for the fourth f Liberty loan campaign with but two fe days remaining in which subscriptions .may be made, according to totals an. ,nounced last night , At a meeting early yesterday, the ., district captains of the city commit tee reported that 181,000 had been subscribed during the past 24 hours, $52,200 of which goes to the credit of the women's committee. Director Small Pin Small Dom Snail Price FOR CONSTIPATION have stood tht teat of time. Purely vegetable. Wonderfully quick to bsnlsh biliousness, hosdsche. Indigestion and to clear mp bad complexion. ;., Gsaase sears signature . I - - PALEFACES 1 GeemdlrtadleMe s feck J- 4 Iroa (a the Blood .. . Carter'sIronPills . Wffl help this ooadnioa J RITTLC HlVER, . , ' ''"' ' ' First National Bank ' 1 - l - -- - ... Victor, ct the campaign, stated that there is t-4,000 et the banks which had r ,t yet been offlcially reported. Ttu y-ho rallies- will be held on the central streets of the city this after noon and tomorrow night A mon ster rajly and business meeting of the Mecklenburg county committee, of which W. 8. Pharr la chairman, will be held on the -county courthouse green tomorrow morning beginning at 11 o'clock. The final report for the county outside of Charlotte townehlp will be made at that time. All the thrills, music, patriotic speeches, banners and hurrahs which go to make up a real old Mecklen burg county patrlotio rally will be on tap in large, quantities at tne raiiy. said an announcement by C O. Kues- ter, who, with C. A. Brooks, publicity director, ana W. A. Keynoias, win have charge of the event They said they expect to have representatives from every schook district In the county, as well as many Charlotte people, present at the gatnertng. The fourth recruit band and quar tet from Camp Greene will dispense music .throughout -- the- meeting. Cameron Morrison, Mayor Frank R, McNinch, John A. McRae, Col. A. C. Macomb, -commanding -officer at Camp -Greene, I. C. Thiplet and oth ers will deliver short addresses. Every worker in the country dis tricts is expected to be present and make final returns of all subscrtp. tions. said Mr. Kuester. Ths Oasis temple band will give an open air concert between the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock tomorrow morning in the center of the city In the inter est of the final day'a drive. The con cert has been named the "Good Luck Final" to the campaign, and members of this band, who have given their services faithfully and well whenever called upon by the committee, hopes to play Charlotte ana Merkienourg "over the top." "We must go over the top," said George Stephens, chairman of Char lotte's soliciting committee, last night "and we will fight o the last ditch in our efforts to accomplish this end." "All aboard, for the final drive, we are ready," was C. A. Brooks' com ment ; "Every miser helps the kaiser," was City Chairman Ferris' version. BODY OF GUNNER AUSTIN IS BURIED IN ELMWOOD The funeral service of John Aus tin, gunner in the navy hospital in New York, Sunday, was .held here yes terday at 4 o'clock, the service being conducted at the grave in Elmwood cemetery. Rev. W. A. 8mlth, pastor of Prltchard Memorial Baptist church, officiating. The service was very im pressive. Scripture, especially appro priate, was read by the minister. The choir of the church sang "Some Day We'll Understand." After a prayer, the minister read Tennyson's "Cross ing the Bar," then a soldier from Camp Greene sounded the bugle call "Taps.", The casket was wrapped In an American flag. ' Acting as pallbearers were C. A. Thompson, J. R. Holland, J. A. But ler, C. H. Bass, D. B. Smith, V. W. Bayles. ' ? CASTOR1A For Jjrf&nta and Chfldrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 0 - . In order-to induce further subscriptions to subscribers we, the undersigned Banks of October 1 6th on the following terms: . This offer applies to purchases of $500 and above, lesser amounts being-carried on weekly installment ... . .... r -i '-v,- - , . -V - . - f- V, .. . ., - s , ' . -.,yw,m,Wm ,,,.v..,v,,,HVl.,Hr,i.,;l, : ' ' plan asiheretoforee . American Trust Company Charlotte National Bank Commercial National Bank 4 UL.iliLLiQtlt! LET S23.GE3 i:j fledses Col. Macomb Takes Prominent , Part In Pineville Rally. Derita and Gllead Buy. Fourth Liberty loan rallies at four places In Mecklenburg county brought 128,650 la additional subscriptions, ac cording to reports received last night by workers returning to Charlotte. The final fourth liberty loan cam paign tnassmeetlng-ln Pineville was held las tnight with a large number of citlsens of that townsnip ana vicinity attending. Although the response to the pleas for subscriptions were not as enthusiastic and frequent as has been the case In meetings heKt in tne several other townships of the county, I1I.050 was subscribed after two hours of etrenuous auctioneering on the part of Maxpr Frank R. McNinch. Col A. G. Macomb, alter wnom Pineville named. Its Liberty, loan dis trict started the subscriptions with a 12,000 bid. Tbisroade $4,000 In bonds that has been credited to Pineville by Colonel Macomb The. Camp Greene commander gave an Interesting ad dress, explaining the progress of. the great world war to date. He stated that the only way the allies can Jose was by failure to back the boys "Over there" with our dollars "over here." , Rev. J. W. Orr and Rev. J. C, Little made stirring patrlotio addresses and the Oasis Temple band dispensed mu sic throughout the evening. -.- The four largest subscriptions were for $2,000 each and were made by Col onel Macomb, W. M. Morrow, John Miller and Dr. Hand. To date Pine ville has subscribed 142,001 of Its $50,000 quota. Subscriptions to the fourth Liberty loan obtained at the meeting 'last night at Derita totaled $8,200, ac cording to C. A. Brooks, who was in charge of the rally. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Rev. W. B. Lindsay. The speakers were Cameron Morrison, MaJ. J. G. Bated and Mr. Lindsay, and Mr. Brooks preelded. The band from Camp Greene .rendered sev eral numbers. J. T. Mangum, general secretary for the T. M. C. A. at Camp Greene, who has been taking an active interest in the county campaign, "auc tioned" the bonds and the total indi cated his success. ' ,, Gilead's total of subscriptions was $5,250. The speakers were Major Way, from Camp Greene; Rev. G. F. Bell, L C. Triplett. Lieutenant Grannls, from CamJ Greene, and Seaman Thomas, from the Charleston navy yard., The Camp Greene quartet Tendered several, vocal selections. At a negro loan rally at Mt Olive Presbyterian church, . in Berry hill township, $1,550 in subscriptions were taken, the largest subscription being for $100. Oscar Jackson and Henry Warren, negroes, of Charlotte, had charge of this meeting. Subscriptions were taken by W, D. Wilkinsons J. j, Breen and Clarence Q. Kuester, of the loan committee. Lieutenant Schrlver, from Camp Greene, took part In the rally. . 'i ii -v NEAR1WG BRTJGES. -' British Headquartee in Belgium, Oct 17, (:03 p. m. Reuters).--The allied troops are within five miles of Bruges. We will carry .for 90 days at the rate of 4i on note secured by the bonds 90 per cent of their face value, such loan to be in addition to the .regular customers. " C . . . . . I W t .. I V . ot sac W TTa ".:.-.jton, Oct 17. Congression al leadtrs at a conference late today agree j v;&n plan whereby Congress will recess on October tl over the elections, reconvening on November It. X Jolat resolution to carry that plan Into eSsot will be Introduced in bota houses within a lew days. The senate finance committee in revising the war revenue bill today struck oat house provisions taxing the salaries of the President members or we supreme court and superior court ana state officials. The committee also rejected house provisions taxing state- and munici pal bonds. The committee held that such Imposts would be unconstltu UonaL Chairman Simmons announced. The federal- government's right to tax tae salaries of the President judges and state officials as well as the mooms from state and munlciDal bonds has been she subject of discus-- sion la DOtB nouses ever since It was first proposed. In the senate recent ly, Senator Knox of Pennsylvania, re publican, declared such a provision would be constitutional but Senator Thomas, of- Colorado, democrat and several others insisted the federal gov ernment vhad no such powers. Ssnator Rimmna nnntinii1 tn. night that the house provisions . tax ing the .salary of military and naval officers had been reopened by . the committee with a view to amending the -measure so as to differentiate te tween officers holding clerical Jobs at home and those in actual service. INDUSTRIAL ADVANCEMENT SHOWN IN NORTH CAROLINA Special to The Observer. ' Raleigh. Oct 17. That North Car olina is steadily advancing along all lines of Industrial endeavor and is keeping well abreast of the times is the feature statement of a summary as to the trades conditions in this state by Commissioner of Labor and Printing M. L. Shipman for his forth coming biennial report for Governor Biokett and the legislature. He says capital and labor are on distinctly friendly terms all through the state and that labor disturbances are very rare 'and insignificant The tendency, fee says, is toward even more favor able conditions for the wage earners and employers are demonstrating their conviction that the "laborer Is worthy of his hire" through voluntary increases In wage scales. He says labor Is resoondlnr freer In this state to the calls of the gov ernment in work and in the taking of Liberty bonds and war savings t:er tlflcates. The laws regulating the em ployment of women and children have been observed through the state reasonably well In spite of tha tre mendous demands of labor in these BODY OF MRS. NOBLE IS INTERRED IN ELMWOOD Funeral services fnr MVa vm. v. blj, widow of the late Henry E. No ble, whose death occurred Wednes day morning at Mercy hospital, were haM VMt.rrlnv. mttmmrtnn a A nini at the grave in Elmwood cemetery, lainuucm u; nsv. Juan vv. JUOOre, ntor of Trfaltv AfthArtl .hu... George Noble, a son, died October 6, and Mr. Noble died July 7. She was 62 years of age and resided on South i. t. .... -j , . . . . the Fourth Liberty Loan on the part of both old and new Charlotte, will lend on all subscriptions made on or after i ' ::v:rr:r:-.r:"r : :.:.Tr: .r:x line of credit . ' A - ' -i Union National Bank 1 1 v Tie ill --i c, 1 ct eJueitloa I-iorm&'..n treaa ct Ul.e Ctserver, and with the approval of the war de partment has isuei a list of c ustlons and answers on what! ' Every man registered for service training corps. . , Where the echools are located. ' , s Who are eligible. .. ; How to get la. - "What subjects are taurt ' v -. This is an Opportunity for bralna. Neither money nor pull is needed. It you are registered, and if you have a grammar school (sighth grade) education,, you are eligible. Sign and ssnd this coupon Today. ' T.: v " Write. your name and address plainly. ;'-,;:.- ; v - Direct your letter to The . the caAxuyrra o&szrver ejforma'111''. btoeait. f FREDERIC JT. HASKIN Director :- "0 Vv 'f ;4 :x Washington, C " -' (' ; v-';-i-.'.v: 7 '.. '. .Enclosed find two-cent stamp, for which you will please send me, entirely free, 8. A. T. C Intormatlon. , o .:. :.;:'-:X- Name ...... r' :. ... k . Street address eV State .... - : ' - ' ALEXANDER HOME IS SOLD ' BY S. M'DOWELL RESIDENTS . The Alexander home property on South McDowell street which was bought last winter by officials ; of: Charlotte and Mecklenburg county for I use as a detention home for women, I was- sofa yesterday to the residents r t that community, ths purchase price being about $4,000, it was learned, at the conclusion of ths meeting of the Alexander home managers. The amount obtained by the managers will be devoted to paying expenses In curred in, the establishment of the home oh Dllworth road, It was un derstood. , ?; . . ' Objection on the part ot the rest- Ugh! Calomel Sickens; Salivates! : Pjease Try Dodson's Liver Tone SO am sincere! My medicine does not upset liver and bowela feo you lose a day's work. You're bilious! Tour liver Is slug gish! You feel buy, dlaey and all knocked out ' Your head Is dull, your tongue, is coated; breath bad; stomach sournd bowels constipated. But don't take salivating calomel, it makes you sick; you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or Quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. calomel crasnes into sour bile like dynamite, breaking it up. That's when you feel that awful nausea and cramp ing.' , if you want to enjoy the nicest gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced Just take a spoonful of harmless Dodson's Liver Tone to night Your druggist or dealer sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone for a few cents under my personal accorded our ' A . m. X Indejpendence Trust Company. Merchants & Farmers National Peoples Bank & Southern Loan ft f "- - ' r- ' - in cacrerat!on the Vasl-'..rtoa needs to know; about the student army ; i dents In that section of the city to establishing a detention home In their neighborhood resulted in the plans of the committee being changed, and the house was not used for the purpose for which it was purchased by the city and county. - LACK REPOR t ON CONDITION OF REV. F. M. OSBORNE No report on the. condition of Rev. Francis V. Osborne, who is 111. with pneumonia at Sewanee, Tenn., has been received by his relatives In this city In several days. It waa learned last night Mr. Osborne was called to Sewanee because of the Illness ot his wife and son, and he became 111 with influensa while en routs. Pneumonia later developed. money-back guarantee tnat each spoonful will clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. You'll know it next morn ing because you will wake up feeling fine, your liver will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach will be sweet and your bow els regular. You will feel like work; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. Dodson's Liver Tone Is entirely veg etable, therefore harmless and oannot salivate. Give it to your children. Millions ot people are using Dodson's Liver Tone Instead of dangerous cal omel now. Your druggist will tell you that the sale of calomel is almost stop ped entirely nere. Trust Company & Savings Bank .. pf .- f -J . . . -: I. .J I . i I d i i a mm , , , , c rz m 4 cs c rM..c r3 Ery . -iclii3 . Fc.rjf Ycuritlf As?h:f It by Tc!m ; .. , " e -i - According to late reports issued by State and Federal - authorities the Spanish Influenza epidemic is rapidly spreading to all parts of the country, and it now seems that practically ev ery state In the Union will be seriously affected before It runs It course, - . It has not only become a great and terrifying menace to the pub lie health, but unless checked, it Is apt to se riously affect the progress ot war work In all Its various departments. Alrsady the Shipping Board has an nounced that ten per cent of Its work era naa been airectea The disease has made Its greateet progress In the East whsre it has ' claimed Its victims by the thousands. Reports from other sections, however, j are equally alarming; . and both civil and military authorities have warned ' the publlo to take every precaution ' J . to prevent Its further spread. In many , cities schools." churches and theaters have been closed and public gatherings ': oi au xmas loroiauen. Medical authorities agree that peo- . pie who are weak and run-down are the earliest 'victims ot the Influenza epidemic. It you find .yourself tired, ' weak and losing flesh, or if you are In a generally run-down "condition, or If you catch cola easily una warning should be heeded promptly. Tou are really In great danger, because the germ of this disease is very catching and you are apt to fall an easy via tlra if you come in contact with the' germs. People who are well and strong are not likely to contract the disease because they are able to throw ' it off. The common-sense way to keep from taking It is to fortify the system against attack by building up the con- -stitutlon. . i In other words to ode the old adage, .' "An ounce of. prevention is worth a . pound of cure." And If you are In a s sub-normal condition the proper thing to do Is to begin Immediately to build ffo your powers of resistance. To ac complish this nothing on earth will strengthen you and build you up like Tanlao, the powerful reconstructive -tonio, which contains the very ele ments needed by the system to give you fighting strength and ward off the influensa germ. First of all. Tanlao begins its ac tion by creating a good, healthy appe tite for wholesome, nourishing food, and assists every organ, of the body to perform its natural functions, thus helping to build up health and strength In -the natural way. - Tanlao is also the Ideal strengthen ing tonio for persons who are suffer- ing from the after-effects of Influensa, Grippe or Bronchial troubles and hun dreds ot thousands are using it daily with the moat gratifying results. In connection with the Tanlao treat ment it Is necessary to keep the bow els open by taking Tanlao Laxative Tablets, samples ot which are Included with every bottle of Tanlao. It la also important that the svery-day rules ot hygiene be observed; that is, sleep In well ventilated rooms, get plenty of fresh air and exercise and keep away from crowds. Tanlao Is sold In Charlotte exclu- . slvely by Liggett'e-Jordau Drug Co ) Aaverusemeni. 1 1 Bank , 4 ' I I' 1- ,. f- ';

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