i O. Le v- J t 1 1 tf i cf t- i c Ml I - Mil It 1 t r. -II 1 mm t v rt wm ft-rf - H ( si c ci c;..i i iJim m ' iH - IS 1 4 jl rc xz. termtaei) - XC III Tie lv-J t lorLvui fcouUi Cat e'.: an ltdai la Cse abort tistt . UTTzX H ' JLran" PrlMta - Jo R. JSeesa, Vateboro, V. Of rrtvate Gor; Crnmrtt B. JT. IX S, X:- i. a . ; --:: - Lied of DtoeftM Plrt June M. ItasweO. R F. D. 4. Pickens. 8. "Ci Private George W, Simmons, ZeboloaJ a. m. '-- - - - - Wounded ttwrtlr Corporal David XL. Hanson, Snathneld, X. C. 1 Pri vate Ibeodore a 'Matthew R. F. P. 1, Tarkey. Jr. at Private Offle A. WCHana, XL F. D. 1, Eagle Springe, N. G Private Joseph Martin Nicho las, 407 South Ellis tract, Salisbury, N. C. Private WUliaaa H. Jones, R. F. T. S, IWn a. Conway, S. G. -Wonds4 (degree naeoewntuefl). Serrsan Larry Clay, R, F. TV 1, Box ?, Black Greek, K. Ol Private if ante O. Oowart, Weetmtnster, 8. C i MARINTE CORPS CASUALTIES. The following casualties are report ed by the commanding general of the American expeditionary, loroeti . ; i Killed in action .. , . . .. .v SO XMed of wounds received tn no- , ... ftftftft ft. 4 a wed of disease ... , . , . . . M MlUer'a Antlaeptlo OH, Known Aa i Win PoeltlTelr ReUere Pain a a ; , Don't nffer from th tort f rhtumt' tlam when It la Mir to b rllyd and onjoy lit 1a tho old war. Mlllai'a AnUaoptle Oil commonly knows aa Bnaka Oil) ponofrataa lata ta acnma loinu aaa bonaa almoat la atantly, AHvaa awajr tha pals and Umewra ron as in a woadanal mannar. ' . ' Thar la BOthlng battar than Bnaka Oil for palna of all kinds; lumbago, neiwalKla, aora throat, palna In tha ehaat and alda, euta, . buma, brulaca. corns, banlona, chilblains, la fact palna of avarr daacrlptlon. Taka a bottia hom todar tra a Oaa thine to hava ' la tha housa, la thraa alaaa, tdo, f 0a arrd f l, Tonr monar back It you ara not aatlallad at Blaka'a drug atora, Chaiiatta, N. C Air. , - ' f , v P their eoat ta 12 months, and laoiana aerrice b a contidera W VfflfWX4 Ia9 Ourolina Motor Company VTATCSV1UX. N. C Haberdashei r-The- Stylislrtind-- ; Serviceable Kind . j Every article we sell ! is of the best quality and stylish. Manhattan Shirts - 'I . ft r ' "$2.00 and UpT " i I Other brands 'of ex- $ cellent quality $1.00 and $1.50 Underwear ; Light; medium and " i heavy, weight; all; ' ?t - sizes, etc,,-'.1 - i : 75c ta $4.00 t ' ." ' '-. , . Neckwear, Hosiery,1 Handkerchiefs, . , . We Save You Money ' C. . - J i '" I Snalie Oil 9 i - ;) i U r t i: Ii 1 i tt cir 3 I .j ta acUaa 1 Tw-I ..."lTI SI t t ."jw f -. I'cr-i CtJT :.lZ,ZM ? 1. -l-U t 9 aiyre t. X-3 l-..:sJ tcugn CurycrU Ci-M Trrrata Fred W. Cox, Crantr Creels, Commendation and Condemna - tion of Its Work Voiced, i Partisan Political Discussion De lays Action on Military, ' .Deficiency Qill. Waahlngton. Oct. 17.-Parttean po litical discussion and crttlcism of thj war risk Insurance bureau delayed acUon by ths house today on the H.000,000.000 mlUtary deficiency bill. Leaders hops to jass ths measure to morrow and send It to ths senate, but Representative Sherley. of Kentucky, In charge of hs bill, warned the house that this was Impossible unless discussion was confined to "what Is in the bllL" ' ' J v Commendation and condemnation of the work of the war rtok bureau were freely Yolced during the two hour discussion of appropriations of $7,000,000 for clerk hire - and $T0. 000,000 for additional family allow ances, both of which were approved. Representative Madden, of Illinois, republican, denounced, the bureau as "outrageously inefllclanf In " admin istration, and said it fas "filled -wth idlera" Representative Jreadway, of Massachusetts, republican, defended the bureau for accomplishing a great volume of work in a short time, while other ?. members exchanged - informs tion regarding, the bureau's work. Seeking explanation of o delays In checks going to soldiers' families, v . In the polltlcsl discussion, which concluded general debate aa the bill went to amendment iiinder the flve minute rule, Representatives v Magee, of New Tork. and Campbell, of. Kan saa republicans, advocating, a eon- gressionai commiuee w supervwa government . expenditures,' appealed for election of a republican Congress. Representative Heflln, of Alabama, democrat, in reply referring to elec tion expenditures in several states, charged the republicans with "abso lutely trying to buy the house and senate." ' Pay for the army, amounting to l9M27,00, was the important military-appropriation considered today. It was passed without discussion. Sev eral appropriations for civil depart ments also were approved aa were legislative sections giving definite au thority!, for ..the enlarged powers of ths shipping board for extension of shipyard acuities. AR TIME ECONOMY Is Found In Good Proprietary ' Medicines. .. Such as the good old family medi cine. Hood's Sarsaparlla, which is a peculiar combination of remarkably effective blood-purifying and health giving roots, barks and herbs, all used in the best prescriptions of physl cans. V-i1 '"" - Hundreds of letters from our finest people clearly prove that scrofula, oc lema or salt rheum, bolls, pimples and othsr eruptions, catarrh and rheuma tism,', are successfully treated with this great medicine. Hood's SarsaparlUa has stood the test of forty years. Get a bottle today -now- from your nearest drug store.- Always keep this medicine on hand. Adv. . PARCEL -POST ..SERVICE. SMALL DOLLS ' Rubber and Celluloid 4 and 6-inch Rubber . . v . .'. , 1 Sc 6 and 7-lnch Rubber ... ...... SOc 5-12-lnch -Celluloid Ji'.,..-. .. . ,35c 8-inch Celluloid t r. . . 66o -tnch Fancy Dressed.'. .,.V... 50c (Celluloid face)-. . J.--..-S0 Weet Filth Bt. - ' The TRACTOR that does the work bf NINE rmiles. ! :r :$i335.oo rr :F. O. B. Factory. Foreraan-Howard Motor Co. Distributors.- lISTBliiTES ft " "i i v ' . ,f , ) "k J ii ' V1 ( f ' t Iw-i 'I p t 1 -I 1 I t I. i "T. s . tr y on, . r s r , r t .. . . wc- 1. . . i cf -ry aril--t" tt. it t sz.4 cf Ij i a .j tie r;.-ce cf u-o powct wUcJi taa IZ-Jxt eosrcHoJ thO(Cann nation la of t'S -tsr laere I-3cxiifcl."- - C. . haml cf rioe wm itla ttrT - -3 wuh food of ;."- e -t c' Urea. ,Wn COtJU Ko-f TAJua in - CAN E3 XSTJT OX3 13- and Cm Fourth. liberty Ixwa la seeded to force tt, - liberty Loaa Organization ; Fifth Federal Reserve; District. DRITICH AND AMERICANS CROSS THE SELLE RIVER With the Allied Annies in Belgium, Oct 17, (By. ths Associated Press; I d. m. From LeCataau southward the British, assisted by American units, attacked this morning and oy night were well .on the other aids of the Belle river, striking toward the Olse canal. At one place they were, leas than 1.000 yards from Its bank. The fighting today has been hard everywhere along the line. Strong and determined rear guards wsre anooun tered. These wsre especially active north of LeCateau. . ALL WOMEN LOAH WORKERS' - CALLED FORi FINAL DRIVE Mrs. Cameron Morrison, chairman of tha women's Liberty loan oommlt tee. issued a call last night for "every team and every worker" to give their active service throughout today and tomorrow In a final drive for fourth loan subscriptions. 8hs announced the workers would not be assigned to booths, but would be permitted to en gage in free-lance . work throughout the city. .-- - RICHMOND OVER THE TOP BY NEARLY TWO MILLIONS r'-y-cA-c-'- : --;'--:'-.,v Rchmond.' Va," Octl7. With a subscription total'..' for the day of $1,8,000 Richmond today laid claim to bslng ths first federal reserve city to go over ths top In ths fourth lib erty loan campaign. Tonight the fig ures showed a grand total of $11,825, $50. an excess of $1,78,450 over the allotment of $1,36,800. Efforts now will bs directed to swelling the loan subscriptions to $25,000,000. COREE L "WRIGHT ILL WITH SPANISH INFLUENZA BY H. E. C. BRYANT Washington, . Oct. 17. Cores I Wright, assistant clerk of the senate finance committee, and one of the oldest employes in Senator Simmons' Office in point of service, is seriously and perhaps fatally 111 with Spanish influenaa. The disease has now reach ed the pneumonia stage. He has been with Senator Summons eight or 10 years. His horns Is at Oxford. El. E. Aydlett, a prominent young attorney of Elizabeth City, Is In Wash ington. "ALWAYS ESTABLISH AN ; AGREEMENT WITH HUNS" Amsterdam, Oct. 17. Baron Bur Ian, the Austro-Hungarian foreign minister, addressing the foreign af fairs committee of the Austrian dele gations on Wednesday, said that he had not yet received President Wil son's reply to Austria. He added: "In the discussion of auch documents we always establltft an agreement with Germany." ADVANCE OF TWO MILES MADE SOUTH OF LE CATEAU London; Oct 17, (8:81 p. m.) The attack of the British south of Le Cateau today has resulted in an ad vance of two, miles. The maneuver is still progressing:. - . '- T , . T' ,) ' PRESENT SITUATION IN : i GERMANY UNENDURABLE Buenos Aires ,Oot. 17v The foreign office has received a dispatch from the Argentine legation In Berlin saying that the present situation In Germany , la alla?adurabl.-':v:i:i'Jw..,;,.::J;ui:,.i ' CALLS OX EjlMMONS. ?Washlngton,Octr 17. Junius Par- : ker. general counsel of the American Tobacco company with offices In New York, called on. Senator 8mm ons to day. Mr. Parker is a North Carolinian '-who haa risen to an important post He discussed .with Senator Simmons certain features of the pending reve- r..m U 1 1 ntk kill I - V.-I i utti. Alio urn 19 iww, ueiiia cuiibiu- ered in the finance committee and will bs reported out .very soon. . OBJECTOR GETS 15 YEARS. Camp Meadei Md.jf Oct 17. Private Frank Buck, of Norristown, Pa,, a conscientious objector, who had re fused: to do farm work, or to put on a uniform or serve 'in' the utilities de tachment of the quartermaster's' corps, was sentenced by court-martial to 26 years- at hard labor. i- Ths reviewing board - reduoed the sentenced - to-15 years ana dishonorable discharge; TTllTAYS LAi )tr1.IAH-.n 4-eSrttST - r r 1 1. K 'jj m f 'Fiucnza s in Cair.ps Ccnt!n-3 ta Improve. Public Health Service Directing Flrht In 30 States Besides - , .. . ... . . .. New England. Washington, Oct -. 17. The . public health service now is actively direct ing the fight against Spanish Influenaa In 10 states in addition to the whole of New England and the District of Columbia. Particular attention is be ing given to providing nurses for the sick and supplying - physicians 'for those communities where the doctors are unable to meet all calls made, on them.- : AJ v '.---- M .,, .s.-:, In spite of these and other meas ures taken ' by the publio health ser vice In co-operation with state , and local authorities,' ths epidemic con tinues to spread In many sections. 1 A Continued Improvement In condi tions in army camps was -shown by reports reaching the office of ths sur geon general Up to noon today. New cases of Influenaa in all camps dur ing the 24-hour period up to that time totalled: 4,481 as against 6,888 the day before, Pneumonia cases de creased from 1.885 to 1,800 i and deaths were. 684, a decrease from yes terday's total. 1 ."; V In discussing the Improved condi tions In army camps today, Secretary Baker said no time had bsen decid ed upon for resuming ths induction of registrants into the camps. The military authorities now have the matter under consideration, he said, but they probably will fix no date un til the epidemic has further subsided. Reports on the. influenza situation wore received - by the public health service today from 88 statea Most of these dealt with conditions as they existed several days aao and added little to new . dispatches previously sent out rrom tne states arreciea.- To provide additional ' .funds for fighting the epidemic, Senator Lewis, of Illinois, today introduced a bill in the senate to appropriate $10,000, 000 In addition to the $1,000,000 al ready provided , by . Congress. The money would be ' expended through the health departments, of states and municipalities. . . , ' V ; ; j "..'.it PUBLIC GATHERINGS IN ILLINOIS PROHIBITED Chicago, Oct 17,-MlII public gath erings throughout Illinois not abso lutely essential to the war were pro- S' .."'P. ' ' . I T ,. .mi Ilk ! i -, i ;: m-g m mm w r J I . . i I - 11 f II I II II i l l- ii mm m , ,.."., ea mm n n r rrtt:rd Fa s' 'ijT4iv L J ' L- f""'"' -J '! ;'t" ; 'v;iftv ' i ' ' .;.M-'V''iW.5k'',.'nKi; . rcn ti:z ci'a:. Ar.iY British Headauarters in Francs, Oct 17, (Reuter's.) This was a black day for ths German arma wnue ,irom Lille to the sea a wonderful crop of brilliant successes was being garnered, the British fourth army struck hard on the LeCateau-Bohaln front south east of Cambrat where the enemy was trying to effect his mala retreat Heavy fighting resulted, but the prog- ress of Field Marshal Haig was satis factory. Ths British tonight wsre reported to be 1,600 yards east of Inolann (7) and also east of St Benin. The heav iest rsslstance.was encountered at Le Cateau. Up to noon 1.800 prisoners from six different divisions had been taken. . ) GREENVILLE GOES "OVER V THET0P"IN LOAN DRIVE ' Special to The Obeerver. Greenville, & C, Oct 17.-r-Llberty loan headquarters for Greenville county announced yesterday afternoon that . the county's quota of $1,880, 700 hat been oversubscribed by about $10,000. Although the country dis tricts subscribed liberally the ' bulk of the apportionment was taken by individuals and corporations in the city of Greenville. . The cotton mills hi and around the city were very generous in buying bonds. There will be no let-up In the-campaign until It closes officially Saturday night and it is sxpected that subscriptions , to taling $250,000 more will be secured by that time. ... s ,-,' .'. , , .:. "; THREE TOWNS CAPTURED . BY FRENCH IN FLANDERS Paris. Oct 17. French troops co operating with ' the AnRlo-Bellan forces in Flanders captured Pitthenw Moulebeke and Wlnghem in .spite of strong resistance, according to the French official statement tonight. Notable gains also were made in the Olse region with the capture of Petit Verley and Marchavenne, On the left bank of the Olse the French took Montorlgny. Twelve hundred prisoners already have been counted. . J FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF. ' JEWRY OF THE WORLD New Tork, Oct. 17. A fund which may reach 81.000,000,000 to be used to finance the reconstruction of the Jewry of the world will be sought by the joint .distribution committee of ie American funds for Jewish war sufferers, which, it was- announced here tonight, will undertake what it describes as "the largest purely hu manitarian project in history to be attempted by Individual effort." BUYBONDS ooooaoQoaa ooo a ooooodp Just as the Government tells you Libeiv Bonds on weekly payments so do we sell you any thing in the line of Meji's. Women's and Children's Wearing Apparel on the same , generous credit terms. No trouble at all in opening an account here. Generous Credit Terms "There's a reason why this store is so popular" WOMEN'S FALL . COATS Exceptional values in Warm sad esanf erabls fca B the vers latest colors Tbu Don't Need The Cash , Women's and Misses Suits. Skirts. Waists. Millinery, Foil Suits and Overcoats t of . Men and AD the terns aael ssaterials are to be teens! WrsaJ-y iu''"t'fi''''- Ji Farley-.,& . !jsdri:'--:r--jS" iy vM-. I .ir. 'i r " J ; I i , P. 1 . Y ' . - - '-'." i ' .!'; . -.' ,'...,-". " ' .. TTas!i!r.sion, Oct 17. 71 t:t lul loon -which ascer.Jei frt i Tolur:--a park here today wlih UaJ. Gen. Wil liam K. Kenly, chief of operations of the army air service, as a passenr, landed tsafely five miles from' Balti more this evening, after traveling about 48 miles. The balloon was packed up and shipped back to Washington by train, while ths passengers returned by au tomobile. The balloon was piloted by Maj. J. C. McCoy and the other pas sengers were CoL H. B. Hersey and Lieut CoL A. L. Fuller. . Mother's Pet Needs a Cocccic: Baby b mad! Doesn't want the favorite dolly, or the horn, or, the picture books but don't scold 1 ; . i 4 Look at the tongue I Then hurry I ' Give candy ' Cascarets to work the nasty bile, souring food and constipation poison from the little liver and bowels,; ' MOTHERS! Clean the clogged-up places. Da away with the bile, sour fermentations and constipation poison which is keeping your little one cross, feverish and sick. , Children love Cascarets, because to them it is like eating candy. t- Cascarets act better than castor oil, calomel or pills , on the tender Stomach, liver and bowels. Cascarets never gripe, never I injure, and do not disappoint the worried mother. Give harmless i Cascarets' to children one year old and upwards. Each ten cent box - contains full directions - You - Your Fall Outfit Is Here . You Dont' :jraCa''Y'!l 1 i . ... : . . St We Clothe The Family on the most the Season'! most popular styles tUterlal an-Breeaialeth, Serge, Veleer, BelMa NevsltyCleths others up to $90 Dresses, Furs Young Men .' : . . .1 tv.ator .... - ia-aenzi. : took up i Cii nal Revenue Koper t . ping -whiskey to t s i. dlclnal purpo , i I rf t confiscated and t t , .J 1. . ... . hands of the stata. : Representatives cf t! s 1 ' I revenue department say that a In the stats have been exau..i t the heavy calls of hospitala Eight hundred cas of ths Cease are Said to exist at Hickory. don't need (he Casb ' - :.; .Y . ; ','' ": YY YK?:ilYYYli: a 2 U .Y- Qi n fj - ? v Y' , 1 i-salaWssawaaa 0 . 6L' J - ' Y . WD lf P"saw '"J- ' - " - JSTi.rrv . ' ; Ayy: '

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