-1 Id C:::n L"; P.. f, 'clil to TI.e Observer. Ralegh,- N. C- Oct. 22.-:-SInce North Carolina la to be deprived this year of the observance of Are preven tion day, November 2. and will not have the public fathering! In this connection that usually give additional impetua to the Active and effective ob servance of the week following t November 4-8 as. clean-up week,. In surance Commissioner . James R. Toung, at are marshal, . is especially stressing the Importance of the clean tip week observance in the cities and towns and In the rural communities and wants the community leaders all through tbe stats to get behind the movement, as a, conservation - effort eminently worth while in saving lives and property In this state- from, the fire fiend that ' annually destroys around 14,600, 000 North Carolina property and takes tot) of 100 or mors Uvea. .? The mayors, ths chiefs of Are da bailments, the police and the business and clvlo organisations in all the cities and towns and county and rural community workers are to take the ' active . leadership In the clean-up movement and see that the facilities for the clean-up work in the homes and places of business have the es sential support necessary in means of carting away the wete mat'' that should bo dragred out of closets, at tics, cellars and outhouses and back, yards where It - constitutes all too great a -menace as a cause ;pf :pre ventable Area and in harboring dis ease germs. Clean-up week will be - all the mora Important this season In that it follows the Influent epl demlo and should be a mean of .rid ding' the homes, the communities and the state at largo of the last lurking terms of thla deadly disease. A thor ' - EZEUMYEUS 12 ttdM W.FifA St - I - : ' j III " I . 'V.Mr ""k J Jy ' . -r V - - Jt ' Vf v-nt'W' Vr "' ' ' " ' - Fall Election at Hand I The approaching: general election which will be held Tuesday, November fth for Stata and oouatrrofhceni is attracting veryittirattentionT Th'eTreg- : latratlon "books for ths city wards and. county, voting precincts are In the '.hands of the registrars and wjll remain opta for registering voters for the next few days,' elosinr October Slth. It is the duty of averjrf Hisen orvoting are not on the registration books for State and county purposes. Putting book In the precinct In which he votes. Many voters In the City of Charlotte are not Is tht raglstratlon books for State and. county purposes Putting yqur name 'on the city registration books avails nothing In the State and county elections. Each . Jurisdiction , Ut: entirely , separate and apart ' from the other.- Any person not registered in presidential ejection In 1H: any ptrson who has nfpved his precinct alnca said election;-and any per- ' son who haa become SVyearg of age since November, 19 It, must register. Below isc appenfJeda' Ilst showing the Barnes and addresses ' of air the '' -registrars in tie bounty of Mecklenburg, Including the city of Charlotte t;U.' J. D. Plckard. Queen City Cycle Co.j East Fifth and College Streets, Char lotte. 1 . . T. T. Smith, Cotfnty Courthouse, Tax Collector's OWc. Charlotta. . - Ward- 8 R. 3. 8lfford, Page's Shop, Fourth and Church, Charlotte,- , - ' '"' Ward 4 v .' 1 w. bI Taylor, 400 N GrahamTChar- , V , ' Ward 9 a F. GanbiGambls, Drug Store, North' Charlotte... i '- j ' . ' ,Wrd, " W. T. Oarrls, Garrli Store, 4 Bel mont A ve, Belmont. J- H. G. .Bowie, ,110 5 East, Elizabeth, -- - . Fourth, " . ' - Ward's . .." ' ' B. 8. Davis. Beatty'S Drug Store; pllworth. . .. . , , J. I. King, king's Barber' JBhpp,' 1 West Bland fit., a Tryon Ext , ' j .V y, , . ,1 Ward 14,.) (. , r H. F. Severs, H. F. Severs' Store, Sevetsvlile. - . , y W . ' Ward 11 ' ' . - L. W. Wlngate, 90S N. Graham. Gra ' ham Ext and Groveton. ( r t , '' ;''" - Chadwlck-nosklns. " C M. E. Pierce, Charlotte,' Route No. 6. ' J' Deweeee Jfo L,. ' "j , -. .-. R.- D. - Mooney, Davidson, N. C, . .' i Deweeso No, 9 " 1 V 1 ' , X. B."Readling Cbrnelilis if,. P..t V , " f Umley-B No.''i,' , '. 1 f. M, Ply the.' nuntersvllle, N. C. iR. F. D. . ' JLemleya No, S; , ' -, J. A. Boyles, Davidson, R. F. D. f R. S. Clythe, Iluntersville ' ' f :. l u 'ii.o : : rvcr. PurhiTi. Oct. 2J The ur.-.tej wsr wori r pal t In f.or.i Crt. . vn.l have the benerit of Dr. Clarenee 1'oe'i counsel and active assistance, accord ing to an announcement nude this week at the state headauarters for the campaign In Durham. Dr. Poe has been appointed advisory chairman foe rural orranizatlon in North Caro lina, and. will direct hireKorte toward securing the full co-operation of North Carolina's rural population, in the coming campaign. ' . The united war work campaign, which Is scheduled for the week be ginning November 11, and 'Which will be conducted for the purpose of rais ing funds to carry on the war activi ties 'of the army 7. IX. C.X Y. W. C. Am K. of C, Jewish welfare board, war camp.eommunlty service, Ameri can library association, and Salvation army, will seek to enlist the active eo-operatlon of the people of the rural districts. The leaders in the campaign In this stabs' are desirous making it a great popular effort ' , MAYOR EXPECTS TO RETURN TO OFFICE TODAY Mayor ' McNineh. who has been slightly ill since Sunday at his home, aaid yesterday - ho expected to return to his office this morning. The mayr explained that the relaxation after the continued high tension day and alght werk of the liberty loan campaign forced him to uk brief rest. : . . Wife or Soldier Dies.' "f Mrs. Gladys Adele Willis, aged SO, wife of Private Walter 8. Willis, at tacbed to the Baae hospital at Camp Greene, died yesterday morning at her homo in , Thomasboro . following a short illness. The-remains will bs sent to Boston, Mass., this morning for burial. , rV COMPANY -. : - j;;, .Owrfptte, N. C. ' Long Creek Bennett, Huntersvllle R. B. t- V. 26. Paw Creek No. 1 ' v W. A, Cathey, paw Creek. ' i Paw Creek No, a t Ri F. Duns. Paw Creek, R'F. D. No. IQ. . ' ; ' - - - . ' Berryhlll 3 N. Blgham, Charlotte R. F, D. No. 5, I . , , - v y ' ' . r ' - - - - - 5 :, -; ' Steele Creek No. t - R F. Byrum, Charlotte, R.- F. D. r,4i,s.. y 1 ; . . . stio, crock Nos ItHr' G. J). Smith, Plntville. R. F, D. No. 1& -' - M - 1 -f" ' , , A . PineTine , R; "B Johnston.- Pineville. - - Providence No. 1 "' I S. Knox, Matthews, R. F. p. 18, v " ' prpvldenoB No. f '' ' ; n W..H. Cunningham, Fort Mill, S. C r;f. D No. 2, , - - -t i , i i I - -. Morning 8tar No. 1 t ' 1 "J.R Henfrow,' Matthews. - , i Morning Star No, SR.' .J. Harkey.. Matthews, R. V. D. No. J9. -' ' '. " - . Sharon . 3, C, Reld, Charlotte, R F. D. No. 1. " - . Clear Creek No. 1 ,-ffiM 111 I II . ', Clear Creek No. 3 . t John' D. Henderson, Matthews, R. F. J, No. . .'' . t. v . " ' , Crab, Orchard No. 1 . J. L. Carter, Charlotte R.' F. t). No, . -Crab Orchard No, , v W. B. Newell,' Newells, N. C. "4 Mallard Creek No. 1 J. It ; Flngham, Derita, R."F. D. No. 18. - . Mallard Creek No.. 2) A. F. hong Derita. v " C..':.iey, O ;. 1 2. 1 ..I ; V. a 1". t 24 hours a Cs-j-Kjus raki Jus fi'.'.t-rj ki t'.se vick-aiy cf Ca.T.ipy unJ the f..rra f s i, re rti..-T- reaiy to, sow v.' r.it. ( i e fnifr who raises everytr.ir.g I' "t he neeJa at home exctpt sugar and cofTee said today that he In tended to seed twice as much land in wheat as he did last season it he could hire the labor with which to do so. The selective draft has left him with about one-half enough la bor with which to operate his farm, and hands are so scarce- that he does not know where to look, The labor problem in Cherokee county promises to be most serious for next year, many farmers saying that It will be impossible to cultivate their land be cause labor is so scarce. VVi ( , , - t& J ', I , . Tnfd. Mirk TONIC With Paw-Paw Added THREE POWERFUL FORCES IH ONE PUT UP IN T UQUID - FORM" Q. C. Grmble, 'of ' 67 Bay 8treet, Charleston, & C.. can't praise Iropized Paw-Paw too highly. "Why," says he. "only a week ago t was as pale as a piece of bleached mualln. Everything that I ate soured on my stomach. I was belching wind and had all sorts of pain in my stomach after eating; In fact. Z was afraid to at for I .had dizzy spells, could not sleep, and wa very nervous. "I lost It pounds in two months. Someone told me about Ironised Paw paw. Well I got a bottle at a drug store and now I can eat anything l like. I feel as strong n iron itself. ! sleep xll and can do a good day's work. My. ad vice Is to all those who have etomach troubles or are weak and run dbwn to get a bottle of this Wonderful digestive and muscle build er." Hundreds who hive tried Iron Izod Paw-Paw are praising it just aa highly as Mr. Gamble. You begin to . feel better the moment you take, the first dose. i l ' . , ; i This reliable tonic, Ironlzca- Piw paw. cap be had at all drug stores. Formula on every bottle. Mall orders promptly fU led. Price $1.20. ' iOn Pale and recommepded by- Johi 6. Blake Drtig Co.. "On the gqu.- f. Interstate Drug Company, Inc- Nevr Yorlfa AdYerUscftni, U t ADMINISTRATOR S tynCK. ; Having been appointed admmistrn tor of the estate bf R. F. Stoke.?, de ceased, I ' hereby- notify all persons ' having clakhft against said eetate to i present mem to me on or nerore tsept. 18. 1919, or this notice will be plond in bar of their 'payment. AH persons Indebted to the said estate are urged to moke prompt settlement.- ; - v J. A. STOKES, ' ' " " ' X AdrnfrTlstratot".- " Charlotte, 8ept. t, 1918, ..50 Horses and ','.' v .' '" Mules recelvel ' $el Hth.? Sal ' : " o tchange. , Wadsworth's Salet SttWci 'In tho Business 30 Tears." - . k Scott, Chamliy & Co ," cerunod i .inne erountanis - Selwrn Hotel Building ' CHAllKOTTK, N. C, , V FOR RENT f-room apartment BOO lt2 TCIngHton Avenue ,. t3.,00 7-room house 2005 Fifth' 8t,' ex tension j... 830.00 -room house 0 North Pino Btreot ... . tstii !..' 190,00 4 rooms; 2J5 1-2 Wesf Grade atreet ' , ' - ' " 't2l,00 Storeroom 801 North Tryon St? $55.00 J ARTHUR HENDERSON t . ,piioxe J689v- ryr; JtLVGOODE ; General Contractor . i.y . W'.;-" and --f ? i.'.' , Buadcr :; MS Charlotte, N. C. rrn i f y --e Mljl "S ' eft- -. re r "" f "--l K ! - y iLsaswsV ejasv k. bsjkJ a. . -.m F03REMT- re Ilcnt Pumlnhed, a suite of rooms and private bath: also two nicely furnished single rooms. 1 IT -. . . . am . Mi. ' west Aioreneaa. i-none ie-vv. It you bavo a room, apartmcn? or houss for rent, use an UDeerver want 1 ad. There's no quicker or more efficient method for finding a satisfactory . tenant.: One cent . a word. ... v -.- . ..; Four unfurnished rooms, apartment, to rent. I E3. Third Bt. For par ticulars apply to til 8. Tryon 8t .. , . - :o-ii-7. For Hon U -Front rorna mrnishecl; one o two business womsn preierrea. Phone H04-J. ' vlgtf FOR SALE For Sale 8,000 cord nUrd wootTt SOO 'onrda mixed slaba J. R. Russell & Co- Gold mil, N. C till For Sale Ranger motorbike, equip ped with acetylene gas lamp and cyclometer; -in ; rood condition; price f0. Telephone f lt. 28 Farm grist mill. 400-800 pounds oa- paelty for sale. This mill has never boen used. Everything complete for 1100. Dlbert Shaker Screen. S by 18 inches. 8-80 and 30 mesh. Auto matic feed. Guaranteed condition. tltS. Concentrated Plant Food Co., Mofebead City, N. C. .. 88-8 Let Observer Want Ads And n market for what you have for sale. They 'sell a large variety of things for ethers. Practically 100.000 well-to-' do people read these ads every dty. Unhbcr ftnmp Wo mnbe then, .tally. H. 8. Etorr Co.. Raleigh. N. C. OnHn Sots For Sale -We hnvo aevernl varieties. Davidson & Wolfe, 220 N. Collego Bt.s 'Phono 4li , K 18-23 For gale--Bfontifnl Inree . themums. "phone 7S8-W. chryesn v -22-28 NcwRptippr For Bale Old eBtabHshedt : P!mocratIo wspa per. county or-j ' nn, annual business about 27,000.! ' Wetll e equipped shop, typesetting mwhlne. fast crese and folder. 1 Splendid Job office. For reasons of I health will ell reasonable.. on f terms. Aacress it-ss, care tn-, erver, -..-'..;-:.. , . ' -! For Rale 20 h. n. tractor p'.oy en-j glne, burne '"kerosene, or pasolin. ; . . . 1 V i-n-i. mane, wcona nnnacu. gown cnnrtXtoft, Stanflard onw mill: two.; n,' engines'- one n. p. oouer ; .. . w w mwmm one 30 h p. boiler: one C b. n. j If otj nlh to or trade your auto ri'nfed stertir: entire and boiler. . mobile or truck. It will nay vou to Will buy or fnde for etatlonary ne!n: si H, p. kerosne burner: 200 to 250 h. p. (rood statlonnry Hamilton -vstewm- enstne. Address Harden Mfg Co., Worth, N. C. 1 . Pi-XT-: - 21-27 MQTORS IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 3 PHASE 60 CYCLE 220, 440 or. 550 VOLT . ONE-H. P. to 30 H. P. ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT COMPANY 220 WEST FIRST ST CHARLOTTE, N. C. ; PHONE 3647 ; ELECTRIC SUPPLIES For r S?le 500 cord3 . mixed .: wood Dine and onk in car X viols only. J, R. Taylor, R, Dr 26, Bx. 64, Matthews, N. U', . iv-i Prntt'a Animal Rrvnlainr anil Pratt's - Poultry Regulator, a great egg pro ' duner, 28 and 50 cent nlr.es. David -stn A Wolfs, 220 8. College St 'Phone 412. - 18-25 Savo yur. hlalf price milk nnd bnt ' ter. Raise your calf on Blnt"hford's Calf Meal, Davidson A Wolfe, 220 8. College 8t. 'phone 412. 17-23 FOR SALE One large wagon. fv One pair large horses One et dpubie harness. One truak, 1V tona Two trucks. ton; One truck. H ton, , a ChercCoifi Bottling CO. No. 10 North Church St. 20128 For Rftlo One new four Vol! Mccor mick ' om shredder, never used . Price 8150, Ot.1v reason for selling, help drafted. Erpest H. Kaminer, Gadsden, 8. C' 20-28 AGENTS WANTED Agenta Botl acxce sell Dr. Blair's i well known toilet prcperations. Big ' sales. Big repeaters. Big commis sion. Exclusive territory to live pre sons. Write 1 Cucumber Specialty Co.. 819 H, Heed Building. Phila delphia. ... . . . . . eod TUCKER &LAXTOP4 , Contractins Engineers , , M Realty Building Power Plants, Waterworks. Filters, Dam and Concrete .Work. . , TRUSSES We now have In our employ an expert Truss Fitter who gives his time to this work and we offer ev erything wanted ln Trusses, Mall cders a specialty. Jno.S. Blaho Dm? Co. I i a ! FAHr.'S AND T1"3ER UDS. Advertisements under this heading are closely read by people seeking Information about farm and timber lands. If you have a farm of any kind that you wish to sell or rent, use an Observer want ad. tS words, - 1 time, IS cents; 4 timea 81: I , week. $t.7S. These rates are cash. Large Sunday edition with, over 80.000 circulation. , . ? ;?;;, Price, f lft Per Acre 1.000 acres, five miles from Amelia Station.. This Is , sfvery fine body of land, well we tered by several good springs and running streams,' and lays so well Uhat any kind of machine can be used on the place. It has an old fashioned. dweUIng on the place that . has been very well kept, but the r farm has been neglected. We offer - this place for Hipper acre,-which is much-less than its value, as it ;, its just as capable as ths adjoining Places that are bringing 160. w. w. ' Barnes. Amelia, Va. 80-28 For ftrie Urge tract of GenrgU short leaf pine, convenient ailrnad and good rates. Address Box ' Macon,, Ga: --'-x'- 8tf POSITIONS WANTED Shlrplna clerk with ehrht years ex- pertence , now emptoyed wishes to make change. References A-l. Ad dress C. H. W., care Observer.' - Wnnuxl Clorlonl position by married - man is years old; eight years' ex , pience s bookkeeper and general omce worx: Art rererences turnisn . ed. Address Clerical, -care Ob server, - - ' 21-25-27 Warned Position by young lndv as ofnee ; aseisUnt uuring : mornings. Can use typewriter and assist with -bookaAsfflistantjiaro Observer, Wonderful resnlta are pntdnccd by the lare-e and far-reaching clrcula tion of The Observer, for firms and corporations seeking male or fe - male help. ; Repl'es - can Iki sent care The Observer, . Lnrxe Runday edltlnn read' by more than 100,000 people. : zs words i time 29. rents: 4 times (1; I. week 81.78. These rates are cash. wnM Position by tvfll experienced berrtmm. Pest references. Harvey H. mgler, Charlotte, icoute 6. y'. . lS-83 AiirnMnnii re wn TDiirvQ M w ihwwiwi-u nnw m.wvuw use an Observer want ad. The Ob server's larsre circulation reaches ! to two sttea and produces quick reult. IVtt Bundav edition with ovior 20,000 circulation; 85 words, 1 time,' 25 centsi 4 times, 8l ; week, 11.75. These rr.ts are rash, . iClf"iiW Out !Rplc One now six Ion j-iennoiio trurK; one two ton e publK ured Id tnpnths: one IVd ton Republic, ued 10' months. If you Want 'a roil bnrgaln, see me. N. 3. Sherrlll. d05 N Graham St. Phone U16-W ... 22-23 WANTED WantedTo buy Raffs.' Bass, Old Mog- as'nes, Auto Tires. Scrap Iron, Hides and all: kinds of waste material. Highest prlcest pa'd, 'Phone 74. rollna-Junk -J-Hide- Cocoriier Third St. and Southern railway. -Y-. -..v.: .. 18-21 Vnnlca-A Inrgc on tity of hickory lofrt, hickory lumber and ; dimen sion stock. Onod prices given. ' Ivey Ufg Co ; Hickory, N. C. 4 , eod-Novl", . Wnil I-'uriilslied apartment,, heat ,ed, for light housekeeping, near business portion of town preferred. State price and street address. C. H.i care Observer, . ' 23-28 "i ' '"" Dmgslats and MerrlinntACash fof your surplus etoek of any of the ' folloft'Jng Patents' provided you wish to- make an attractive price:, Tanlac, Wine Cardui, wrs. Joe Per son's Remedey, Nuxaled' Iron, Paw P&vr, Pinkham's Remedies, Warn poles Cod Liver Oll Vlnol Swamp Roof Only clean stock received. QuoWi1 best price and state quantity you wish to dispose of. Addres ' . Patents, care" Observer. 21-25-27 Wanted Second-hand cof fee urn, lpt to 15 gallons, ail 2958 -y'Mr 22-23 Wanted To rent or buy ehean, a good omce sate. Teiepnone to or write War-Camp Community Service, West Trade and Mint Sts. 22-23 Wanted To buy alt kinds .of wlllowed stock, i napper; fly, y dust house, " motes. The larger the quantities - ths more Interesting. Submit large, representative samples with busi ness prices. J. Edgar Poag, 108 , Latta Arcade,' Charlotte.; N. C.' ; . .-.-2.2-24:;: SPEOAL NOTICES JOHN A. TAYLOR. " " Staple and Fancy Groeerics, ,r,,v TODAY'8 SPECIALS: , White House Coffee, 8 lbs...... 81.00 No. 1 Chicken Feed, peck.... ,,..5c Good brooms .'. ....... . 76c A $1.00 Laundry Soap, doxen... ; .00c Phone us your wants. , PTinww" iTaa . a J Prompt Doliyery Scrvloe t START THE DAY RIGHT By having one of our good Mackerel V-for breckfast, " They come in sises to tult any family. Also good North ' Carolina Roe Herring. i MILLER-VAN NESS CO. S7 N. Tryon St. . VPhone SS79) NEW CROP RICE , Just received this morning. : Big values In 86o Coffee. t - Other good grades, 10c to 400. Pull line of Teas, . Sugars. Caking Powder, chocolate tad Cocoa , Also carry flour. CD.ICETOTCO. 151 Phones 1558 HUYLER'S CANDIES A I I FOULTHY; LIVESTCQK; SEED Let Observer want ads help yon mar ket your poultry, livestock ana larm Sroducts. Tou can dispose of them ! you will tell Observer readers what you bavo for sale; 38 words. 1 time. 2 cents; 4 time, 11: 1 week, 11.7. , : - . ,.:. f. Beef Caul For Sato M head. U V. Rogers, Clyde, N. C. 18-Z1 White lghora yearling hens for quick sale; 1.5 and 81 eacn; extra nne breeders; sattafaetloa guaranteed. 1 Causey's Poultry and Pigeon Ranch. Beaufort, 8. C , - v ; 13-28 Hairy Vetch Seed or Sale For ,wta- ter grazing, hay and loraga, uavia ' eon A Wolfe, 220 8. CoUege 8t 'Phono 412. i T tWl We have about one minion nne Charleston waaeneia canoes- DlanU ready for transplanting, 28 Ser thousand: five thousand . at 1.7 S: ten thousand and over at $1.60 per thousand fc a. b. her by express only, aa wa do not ship by parcel post. Please send money with order. 8. M. Gibson Co, Tonga's Island. 8. C. r n4 v '- J r.. eod Soed ' Wheaf - For Sale Davidson wolfs. 120 B. Collazo Bt. 'pnone ii ." - '.-:.-: . - .18-22 Seed Irish Potatoca Advise quant- ties, -varieties, aeuvenee you wm ana do not piece oraer uniu yoa mw h,Ui Trlah (?othlara and Red Bllat best for spring crop. This section must pianc eariy ana ww free from disease to make a profit- hlA rann Rtrnnvlv advise all ahlD- ments start from Maine In Pecem ber. but on earlot orders can give later shipment. I do not propose to get caught aa I aid ust season. Ph. vnup miukA mnf etoes - from me. I will ship you fine seed stock and guarantee delivery. J. H. ?- Bennett, Seed Fotato Factor, Clio. 8. C. ' . 20-1 Hlehoxt bred strain Abrsnl rye, $2.55; r North Carolina Rye. 13.85 per bu- shel: recleaned. rtady to sow. ' Hlckorv Grove Farm. Conover, N, CV. ' -' 20-28 HELP WANTED-FEMALE Wanted Forclady with experience in shirt factory; give reference and state salary.' Ernest U v Barton .'; Chester. 8. C.V. ''T';':'-':tUt9 If you are looking tur a position, or w sh to secure a neuer one, use an ? Observer want ad -100.000 people read these ads every dayrzs words, f l time. 28 cents; 4 times. $1: I week 81.75. These rates are cash. Government needs 12.00U women 'Women clerks. Charlotte examina tions Nov. 2, Dec. 7. Salary 31.200. - Experience - unnecessary.!-Women , desiring government positions write for free particulars. J. C. Leonard -. i Former Civil Service Examiner) G3 Kenols Building, Washington. ; - - ' f '20-28-. WantedAt once, young lady stenog- rapher and office assistant by whole 4 sale lumber company in town of - 6,000. Must be competent, neat ana . accurate. State- ageh experience, sal- ary expected and how soon could '? report. Address VBusiness Woman. t'.eare Charlotte Observer. - ; 19-23 rr pays ror to attend one of the best business colleger ; :y "Tliomp'vllle Bwrine- Ccjlrge, r ThotnnavUle. N. C. Rates and board reasonable. Terms easy; - 'j,,;., 28-24 BUSINESS NOTICES THE PnOF.NIX HOTEL . 5; SSI NortH Tryon St. Under presonal maViagement of Capt and Mrs. Frasler, of Phoenix Hotel, ' ' Winston-Salem, who will be glad to r welcome any of their frlenda . J. W. WILET, -Vs' ; i : A Resident Manager. Dr. 8, Tievy. Dentist, 1 E. Trade strocL , 'Phone 1338. Oflleo Qnnrtermaster General, New York City. Sealed proposals in J. triplicate for furnishing four pound i olive drab blankets will be received here until 2 p. m. October 28.. 1918, "Detailed 'informatlon-wlllbe-fur-. nished on application. - Envelopes containing proposals to be endorsed "Prop6sals for four , pound olive ' drab blankets" and addressed to Woolens Branch, Clothing and . Equipage "'Division;. 109 East I8th St.. New Tone. ' ' zz-it FOR SALEREAL ESTATE For Sale 134 nero farm, o miles from center of Charlotte. , has .T room, t two story tenant house,; barn, out buildings, two wells, good. pasture. J running water, land lies well. Price . - for quick sale f J 7.60 per acre. J. n E. Murphy & Co.. ; ... 20-24 For Sale Six-' room 4 bungalow on t - Statssvllle Ave., house comparatlve- ly new, nicely papered, nice . bath room, electric fixtures. , large lot. i Price for- next . few 1 days, 13.300. ?f J. E. Murphy & Co. t ' . 22-25 For Solo Six room residence, has bath and electric , lights, lot 49 'J: by. 180 "feet. Price for quick 'sale i f 1,900. J. E. Murphy ft Co.. 20-24 For SoloTen room brick residence, - close In, lot "88 by 198. jtear South ' ,ern depot.- - modern conveniences. - .Must be sold for division, ground 'cheap at the- price without ' the y house. Price 111.800. J E. Murphy V. A Co.yyl- )t 20-24 .1', j...,!.....,., ...... t , 1 I. .1 For Sole On South Boulevard, cor- , l .fiSUv -SSJI for Quick sale, $4,000. J. E. Murphy ft Co. ' 20-24 JL. For Sale Well located buslneu prop ,; : erty In fine condition, located on prominent v corner, bringing v In 84,100 per annum; ' Price $48,800. J, E. Murphy ft Co. 20-24 AUTOMOBILCrS." For gale 1918 .Ford Tourhig far. First class condition; new tires. Charlotte Wagon .ft Auto Co. .'Phone 2883. ' ' ; For Sale 1917 and 1918 Ford Tour- ing Cart 1917 Ford Truck:-sol!d - tires in rear; 1918 Ford ehassU. J. r M. Clark, 17 W, Fourth St. - 23-23 ri ' I s TtrO EOT' ED AT v L - - - - - 1". Wanted As maiiBcr, to be 'a i at once, a man experienced In 1 . fire and life insurance. Prefer c who has also had some eret: t in handling real estate. Adv.. 4 1 whether married or single, sa you would expect, and furnish rp' erences. Address Kershaw Real l. -t-tata ds Insurance Co, Kershaw.. S. C - . - 20tf Linotype Operator for book woik wanted: will pay the price for a man that understands his business and oaa deliver the goods. Wire ex perience, salary and date you can . report. Oxford Orphanage. Oxford. N. C.--V -. ..- v-:, 21. Wanted mCsso good aO-roiiad dairy man, one who- knows how to feed and take care of cows In general. Write or see 3. M. Sink. 9S7 Walker Ave., Greensboro, or at the State Normal College.,'. if-s.V. 28-29 Wanted- Thoroughly experienced and competent local and general news editor for small but highly progres sive North Carolina afternoon daily. Must be able to take Associated Press telephone report with speed and accuracy, and an artist In writ ing attractive heads and serving up local and general news in first class style. Requires expert and carries pay in keeping with services ren dered. Nothing better in thla class open -in North Carolina. Apply "P. L. O., care Observer. Char lotte, N. C. 22rd-27tb Wanted AC once, , young man not subject to arart wno nas general office experience: one who can op erate typewriter preferred; excel Jent opportunity. P. O. Box 484. WantedA capable man to Install and operate a handle factroy in East Texas. ! have an inexhaustible aup- Sly of fine hickory Umber. Address . J, Bogus, poyner. Texas. 20-Jt-U . U. S. EMPLOYMENT ,: SERVICE ' y ' , . WANTS LABORERS v . FOR TriE ,;- ; ' ; , BADIN . ALUMINUM WORKS '. BAD1N, N. C -y- Prepare for winter, secure perma nent inside work for a company that ' delivers to per cent of its entire out put to the u. 8. Government - - .FOR WHITES Living conditions :.re first class, rents low, corft of liv ing as low as elsewhere'. No company stores and competition sufficient to kep prices at a minimum. ; FOR C0145RED PEOPLE -They have one of the best, it not the BEST equipped villages in the South. The homes are comfortable, equipped with electric light and water and special attention i paid to securing the bet ter class of families, who intend to make Badln a permanent home. GOOD BOARD for single men. both white and colored, la to be had at a reasonable flgurev i . For further Information, call , at your local U. 8. Labor Service Bureau, regarding the . TALLASSEE POWER CO. . BADIN, N.C. . Wanted -A boy sixteen cr seventeen years old to : : clerical vork. Splendid op- i port unity for advancement. Address Clerk, care Observv ' fcr. 4 . ": . 3-24 ' Wanted --- Young manezpe- J rienced in bank bookkeep- .inr State experience and when available. All commu nications strictly t confiden tial; Address Bank, care Ob server.,, U - "23-24 There Is an Increasing demand for help of all kinds. Those seeking a position or Wishing to secure a bet ter one. can obtain Quick results by using Observer want ads. You can ' have replies sent care The Observer. . 28 words, 1 time, 28 cents; 4 times. 81! ' 1 week, $1.78. Large Sunday ' edition with circulation exceeding "20,000.1 These rates are cash. Wanted Competent : double J entry bookkeeper to oegin worn not later than November 1. Prefer married man. Good position for right man. Apply D. K. McColl, , Bennettsvtlle. Get what yon want, when yon want tt, through The Winston-Salem Senti nels Classified rate 1 cent word, xt Wanted Autcmcb-a rn. chanics . Good salaries fcr ood men, McKinnon h : Nair Motor Co., Hartsvill;. S.C.:y:-y v. -19-25 Wanted E!:: 3 -f horseshoers at cr.ee. Arr! to James Stewart & Co, ;Inc, Camp Bran. Fv. l villa, N, G i Vrlt2" Up-to-:.ito r " patriotic i maps. V. - Harvc ' f -' Co., At. s Lt V. MILDUHN, HZI3TT:: Cz CO, L .ARCHITHCp For Sale live paaser;:or. nsed roe, 1918 roflol, barn!n. "J." ; cauk. n ,,v. rc stn tt. --yti v..