...l&ZLPliuut ;zm IDES .1 Chirks That Ambrosa Repre sented Trust Company and Kst Department of Justice. ; n nnvivr 1 ' Washington. D. C. Oct M.-Oto commerce afternoon, definite B, Meant, who was acquitted on e steps, were taken -to launch, a, cam charge of -murdering Mrs.. Maude A. ; paign against idleness, te round-Up King, of Cfcago Concord.- It C. ,-, .tackera and supply men sore- a year aro, la her demanding aa in vestlgation f CB;-Ambrose's con n I ; i who said he wu a representative! St iu"uVed his be d reeled by locar committee, of pdVlih present Ger WtrfeX and that he secured nes men in each,com.nun!ty. , raan thQrMM t0 the . governments valuabla paper, bemuse or hi. ai-l lered oonneotlon ' with me aoyern- ' meat Mean. alo charpe. that JmmmnmJurSh ' did not represent the department of Justice, but the Northern Truet com pany, of Chloaco. who ha. In It. bank approximately $9,000,000 of the Jame. O. KInr ertate. He amerta that John T. Pooling, of New York, represented the Northern Tru.t company when he appeared a. hla proaecutor at the trial at Concord, although tt waa denied at the Urn. " 1 . . Mean, has announced through his S3a i-B '"si -h mA.iiLi.Lmdl at CrWtt Do You Need ft. Thousand Dollars? ' It you need cash to make your mall business grow- to . put In new Equipment to buy stock a to take 'discount, and lmprore your credit standing It will b to your Interest to call at The Morris Plan Company and talk It oven t - . The Charlotte IIORRIS PLAN , Gmpany I ' Capital, I7S.00O. H. C SherriU. Treasurer Academy of Muslo Building. . TOE S1GW OF RELIABLE INSURANCE That Feeling of Security ' Is Valuable ' When alckness Is all about you 1 and you can't tell when you might be stricken down and your ' income out off, It's a very fine feeling to have that you need not .worry about finances. J' -. -- Let us tell you about our -, Health -PollcUa- You'll be sur ; prised at their reasonable cost ERNEST ELLISON - GENERAL AGENT 1 E. 4th 6t Phone S081 Coal Savmg Lessons ' Open grates are comfy lobklng, but they are ; the ; greatest - coal wasters in the whole army of heat producers. t , Every grate should be closed up for the duration of the war. ' , , A BfClC'S HOT BLAST . lends the. same cosy-appearance as your grata, but doesn't waste the fuel. . , The patented circular overdraft Itot Blast Rlng in Buck's Hot I lasts bum all comb'i ble matter H soft oe.I, saving 10 per cent of fuel that Is otherwise wasted. . Letter come and let us show you 0, ' t r ttti'i nth Kent District. i I tt. I 'hone 25JT J att v "I " '"va' ":L.v v - i i t. 9 i- 3 : -y C. 'i!:,., ... i 4 .3 i l.e l il .smU ted his proof to menitt rs f the wnaw committee, and would file UocunuuU substantiate his charge. TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN AGAINST IDLENESS Norfolk, Va, Oct J J. At a confer: ence(of men representing all classes I and practically ever Motion of tlde- I . . . ... t . . . - ' 1. 1 , www Virginia, neia n mi ensmuer ... . m ... It needed for war work In 'this-see. tiort. State and raunlciDai law, aa J 3 ZZZZZ a ,1 "Vr nwith m: "" : . . .j . . -v , m. til. mfnff ln..t aprnv Ann Maw ! ,i m. v -... - , .lAMnminiim and representative dusi- WIRELESS VERSION NOT MATERIALLY DIFFERENT ? Washington, Oct, -t J. Th. English translation of the German-reply to! President Wilson, prepared in Berlin ' and forwarded throush.'the 8wisa !e-: gation here, was made public tonight t ' oy me siaie aepanmeni. i aoea not auxer materially irom xne wireiesa ; p0 nt or view. : Bnouta sucn terms oi version sent out from Germany and ; n armistice-be suggested, their ac talls to clear, up what were regarded 'ceptance by Germany vlll afford the as vague phrases la that part of the best ' concrete , evidence of her un note, in which cussed. an . armistice . is Ait UllllUIIlIlinillUItlllMlltlUJUUlIllIlllIlIiL: j Machines tteeoro. S Sf ' , E' j 5i ! r . ' s ' , be- S TheAutopiano . In Royal Favor S ' ' ' j 3 - King Alfonso, of Bpaln, s eross of merit s stowed unon tne rounder of tne ' orouani unaer uio oonirai wi va urvr - , ; man people, but the present war has S AninfiianA' fVimnativ tha white not been; and It la erttli tlie present s , r we are deaUlnc. It Is evl I Comeln and.ee and to$&tj&g& I wonderful InWumenW.i.t you 1 1 WS S tlatlva atlll r.milnl with thnaa Hn S 1 s S can play and you will under- j E 1 j : j S j S . i 5 stand why It gained the favor of 2 a King. :-' I F. H. ANDREWS I MUSIC HOUSE ,,.' ,'S Worlh .1y(m St 5 1 S- s niiiiimiiinniiiiiitiiimifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif: The Selwyn ; CnARLOTTE, If.C v '". A modern, fireproof hotel of ISO luxuriously appointed rooms cater Ing to commercial and tourist pa tronage. -. , ' . Central Ideation. Polite service. -' Jountlful table. Artesian water. .Large and beautiful . reception rooms. Special noon luncheon, IS to S p. m ?5e. : H. C. LARZELERE, Manager. " , If you have 4 "rimcut casing have us look over it it's very possible.that we can repair it so as t6 have it give many hun dreds more miles .of sati$ factbry, service. . With "our modern vul cinizin' plant we repair perfectly , all ' kinds r of Howouts, casing cuts, r!m cuts', punctures,- sand Misters, rut worn casings, etc.- "'.."..'' ".' Just try our service it is all you virtt; : ; , . ' Reasonable charges.- CrlAHLOTTK VULCANIZING Cp. V """"-"n: p. iibttToy r - First nmf tik Tryoa , ; . Phone 151)9. ; V. a. is Ifm !w II Yea I!-v I.'-l IV! I . . . Tc.":.y. ; :;. IF YOU FURTHER DELAY YCU ; NAME MAY DH DROPPED IN THE HUSH AND YC'J WILL' MISS SEVERAL .ISSUES V-'-. ' - : - ' ' - : ' The following Is a ruling: of 'the War Industries' Board: '"DISCONTINUE SENDING PAPERS AFTER DATE OF EXPIRATION OF- SUBSCRIPTION UNLESS SUBSCRIPTION IS RENEWED AND PAID FOIL" ; ;V , ; : TEXT OF WILSON'S V REPLY TO GERMANY (Continued frontpage L -?t i that may be enteral Into and to make . ' . . v.nuioa dm mit Borma: has, n JmnoaxlblA. The Presl therefore, tranamiuea S".Jj1J?!T!:?1,, unnw n w- - . .... . . . - t erenr wiin um succesuon inav; .i i thn-iA rnvMtmnnti aim .dlSDOfled tO effect peace upon the term, and prin vlnlM liMlMtail i i?rflr mllitJiry ad J vlwra and the military adrtwrs of tho Vatted SUtea be aaxea to auomu 10 the government, associated against Germany the necessary 'term, of such an armtat ce as will tully protect the intertsU of the people, mvoivea ana jvUr to the associated gorernmenU unrestricted power to safeguard Hrt frrn the detail, of the peace wtiirh narmnn government has aved. provided they deem such an rmlsuc possible from me military equivocal acceptance or the terms ana principles. of peace from which, the whole action proceed... - ' V ""Z The President . would deem him- lack.ng In andor did ne not out In the-frankest possible the-reason why extraordinary nt Imnnrtant aa the eonstltU tional change, seem to be which are spoken of by tha German foreign secretary In his note of the 10th of October, . It does not. appear i that , the principle of ay government responsible to the German people has yet fteen fully worked out or mat any guaran- tees either ex st or are In contempla- tion that the alterations .of principle and of practice now partially agreed upon will be permanent Moreover, tt does not appear that' the heart of the present dlffloulty has .been reached. It may be that future wars nave oeen aeni: inai ine uirniin poptf o S .' no mean, of commanding the acqules clcence of. the military authorities of tlative still remains with those who have hitherto been the masters of Germany. Feeltns; that the whole peace of the world depends now on plain speakbuc and atraightforward action, the President deems It his duty to say, without any attempt to soften what may seem harsh words, that the nations of the world do not stand cannot trust the words of those i who have hitherto been the masters of . German policy and to point oat he, more that In conclnding peace and attempunc to ttnao the innnte in resentatlves of the German . people who have been assured of a genuine 6 BtLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION -a-7 l Several used FdrdTour ing Cars, 1917 models ex cellent condition. , v Come and get them. V - PYRAMID MOTOR CO. Authorised Sale, and Service.' - : OS X Tryon St , Phone S091 Halloween IS October 31 . A' full line of favors and 'J--y" :'yf: .',f.,-',fV',-!;i,',;v-,fli'iV'" k H decorative . material v ndw ready. .v tlAlli : :210S.TryonSt. ; Next to Keith's ' ( ! V Phone 1397; -Mail .Orders. Handled;, . Promptly., T gyi 1 , . 1 East! Ea KssTi SVsSJ mmm consUtutlonal stondliur as Uev real rnlers of Germany If It must deal ; tUUohs for an armlatlcel it should be !LJJ!imur)r maater' n,.th? observed that naval question, have monarchical autocrats of Germany ; . w . , . ... . . now, or if it U likely to have to deal v been dealt with in any negotla with them later In regard to' the In- tions between the . United States and ternational obligratlohs of the German j Germany, and they 'are of firt lm. negotiatlons, but surrender. ' Nothing r nh- Mea-of -tha. freedom of the Si.,1? J,ntota 'wnUaMwa?a: un "f-- . . ." iv ' ' . ; i the Kauur diajMtch, "is not a matter nfCZ?tL, lhe r,PAWe?,f.uttUr" lIat any allied government can accept .IfLJS.J'rS ft alL It would appear that the cond. .ijfi5!di ROBERT LANSINa.)" Uoili precedent to an armlsuc must -JTl 2?1 . L,n',.'- i ' include the question of seapower as. Charge d affaires f Switserlan, ad w, uvt Undpower, but httherto Ger- .ri-t , U . . .Wjk many has always UhMwd her remarfkg "In chars of rrmn lntrnti in tha 1 .. j : : . ' 7. . " - . t I EVACUATION, OF - , GHENT IS BEGUN '., (Continued from page 1.) - derles -wood and cahtured' Vendesles village: - English and New Zealanders operating on' their 'left -reached the ; outskirts of Neuville and established i themselves' on the high ground north west ox tne vitiate, f ' --.: Tarther' north "the village of Es- carmalntwss captured.!. 1 " "In these ' hiahlr successful opera tions, Several thousand' priwwi' "ht many guns were captured "by .our troops whose advance la continuing on the whole of the front" , . ATTACK IS OF VITAL H ' j STRATEGIC. IMPORTANCE With the Allied Armies Jn France and Belgium, Oct. 13. (By the As sociated Press) .The attack of the British third and fourth armies on a wide front south of Valenciennes to day is of vital strategic Importance. QaaW . - ana ir.lt is widened It wilt have, a tremendous eflect also on the enemy iront to me soutn. . OFFICIALS VOICE APPROVAL; CONGRESS SEEMS ; PIVIDEO ' - (Continued from page I.)- slon ef the German reply to the Pres ident, was picked up Monday. ' The official translation. Into Ene-Hah delivered with the German iekt does - . . , . , w tr 512.'-? 'la8! 2,t,ril,ir ,n.ny P'tlcular ! from the wireless version,, and slight X? irl!nfesv the latt,e vahm! ,om ,rUler ? - fU0.?nr"M .,n e original may have been due to errors In fransmia-. SlOn. . . " . ; AMERICAN AIRMEN CHECK ENEMY TROOP MOVEMENTS Hundreds of Bombing planes Busy Along tha, front North v west ofc Vsrdun. ' With the American ' Armv VnVth. west of Verdun, Oct 23. (By the Asso ciated .Press.) American bambtn airplane, and aerial machine gunner. ! were busy , tpday in checking. German troop movements toward th fighting front At raid-day two squadrons of bomber, attacked Buzancy with ex cellent results. Later about 120 ma chine, attacked enemy troop concen tration, in the wood, in.' the region of Remonville. '( j The attack on" Buzancy was In re sponse to a report that German troop train, were arriving there. The attack on the woods near Remonville waa on the Bole do la Foche and the Bole de Barricourtf Ariarge number of 20-pound bomb, were dropped on ih wood., while machine gunners attack ed enemy, troop, on the roadc t Several formations of Fokkers at tacked both groups of the American bombers but were driven off - in each instance. s Today was almost spring-like, but I for a low hanging mist and the avia tor, or Both sides were out In force. There were aerial combats all along the front beginning In the early morning. '"' . . ' " y . Lieut Edward .V. Rickenbacher 1 was credited with one Boche before j breakfast - . , I' In a most spectacular combat over Doulcon, which lasted half an hour. four American flshter. badly worsted 'an equal number. of Germansthree. Fokkers being downed. ? Capt. Alfred Grant Benton, of- Texas, slnglehanded fought .two Fokkers and shot down in flames over No Man s Land a Ger man two-seater bound for the Ameri can lines on observation duty: vd-. "V- .- ' . WOULD HAVE U. S. HOUSING . CORPORATION-ENJOINED Norfolk, Va.r Octets.' Equity pro ceedings seeking a preliminary Injunc tion against the United States housing corporation to prevent- the comman- deering of land .Jn Warwick, county, for the purpose of erecting houses for ! government worker, and questioning j the constitutionality of ..the act ' of 1 Congress of May,0, 1 1 U, authorizing J the President to take over lands tor housing purposes, was filed in the federal court today by the Warwick shire corporation against John H. Hume, John W. , Abercombie, L. W. Montverde and the United States housing corporation. - This Action is the result of 'the seizure ot lands belonging ; to the. plaintiff corporat.on, located In War wick county and fronting On -the i James river, following the refusal of ! the housing corporation . to aocept I either of two propositions submitted . by the- plaintiff, and the -refusal by I the pla'ntiff of an offer from the de- .lenuani company; wnicn n s ciaimea was tar oeiow tne actual vaiue ot the land In question. - "SLACKER RAJD' ROUNDS : ' UP 30Q IN C0LUMCIA 11111 0- - Columbia, 8.' C.j Oct. 2S. About 200 men were rounded up today In Co-1 lumblas first "slacker' raid. Most of them Were released on proof of hav ing registered. The.'rald was a Joint one.by civilian and military- author!- 2,000 PRISONERS TAKEN ? ; ; BY THE BRITISH FORCES London,T Oct.' 28. Twq thousand prisoners were taken by the British in today's attack, ' ThBrn'sh advnod frem-1 to-2 mtlesy gaining the hlsfh ground over-, looking the Harpies valley. Borne cuns were taken. - '.Frcr.i ...." (' London, Oc't 23. Xlt'itcfa L!.-ntted. learns that the: a'.;:ei rovernrj.enta, as ja result t contlnua J' ccnaiunlcatons, : are' perfectly acquainted with, ani agreed upon the tertxia under which it will be possible to enter ln,to nego- MU1U UV.CIi . . Jtlll.ril'M. 1 rmmL nriiain. m ranc. uu Italy-, owe so much, to seapower tn carrying on 'the war -and in nabonal development that they cannot ' omit consideration of seapower from the discussions concerning the armistice.' "The President never assumed that his conditions would be limited to the evacuation of occupied territories, as tne uermana aiwaya arguea. its put numoer 01 questions to uermany ai ter receiving the first note, as af pre liminary to' plaehng the matter before the allieaw . " ' INFLUENZA SITUATION 1 ' CONTINUES IMPROVING .V ';" ie ; iv . No Basis Foind for Reports That Germs Were Scattered in This .Country by Enemy Agnts.t . Washington,4, Oct. ?'t t. " l Continued Improvement In the Influensa situa tion In army campa-and In a number of statea was shown by reports re- .la V2ty Dy i! TO4 Zi of the army and tne publ-e health service.! New cases in army camps to- V",nd W PJ -.a. inafi a.am ..tn a4aW . 4 aK . ma n SSA tn A V ASA 1 ae ST eaafiSa Alabama, and Kearney, California. ..La1.? cases reported show a decrease tn- elude t Norm Carolina, Oklahoma, 8outh;Carollna and Tennessee. LHl2l X;..uf?,. B140S aass w sjt as ava vaasaiait w saav . wm- i tedf Sutee and spreads by s enemy i InvesUgated by government agents, aaa m a nutvia vj SBj v wa -. was aa t.fi aa'eaaiaV. aaVnm ant departmenU declared today that they war anvhi.d aftr an inouirv. that the disease was brought to thla coun- trr through thes natural ehlnneU of .rf-M-d seamen., travelers or Imports and not by mallo:eus methods. ; ; . MUCH TOBACCO SOLD. , Columbia. Oct! vJS. The tobacco producers of South Carolina, tor the month of September, sold 3,067,021 pounds, of ? their product .at a price which; aggregated l57,7Jo.6. The average price paid wa.JI.lt cents per pound. - The record . price - ,fer ... the month of Seotembar was last year. when Jobaoco brought aA average ot i cents per. pound. . In Jamaica there are treea called "whlD-treesm," and from these the nve make, strtont whips with the lash and handle all , in one. . . "My neighbors were surprised to see me looking so' well, for they thought I would not live to see summer. I had such pain, around , my . heart . as to cause me to faint , I knew it came from bloating and pressure of gas in my stomach. -A friend in St. Louis told me to use Mayra Wonderful Remedy and .1 now feel better than In all my life.- X am doing my own work, at tending to my chickens and my gar den and have cleaned house.". If is a simple,-harmless preparation that , re moves the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the. Inflam mation which causes practically - all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, Including appendloltls One dose will convince or money refunded. John 8. Blake - Drug Co.. . . Liggett's. Jordan's Drug Store, Charlotte Drug Co and druggists everywhere. Adv, ' - ' ' ' 11 "," """ "'" 111 Tested FlaahllghU ,.B0c to SI 25 Pocket Cigar Lighter. 15c BELL WIRE "' 4 Rub. 3ov Wire NoM4, t, 10 r LAVIPCORDS - Porcelain: Knobs,: Tubes, ' ,t - sinimi fe ' SO West Fifth St V" J ; ' k J t i ai m a. U.iS U. U. Ue: rlieet ' HhecmsAle ' Ailatk WiA , . , Famocs Issiecy. . ' Be v alsiired your Rheumstism will' master you unless you -conquer , it This disease,-beginning Iti-attick slowly and 5 with little notice from Its victim." eradually increases '.f lnJ violence until the whole system is involved. The pa tient often becomes a.wteck or a cripple. It. attacks In various forms-ArtiCular, fMuscular, and Inflammatory. No part of the sys tem IS immune, to its, Influence. The pains attack every portion of the body,- and when the disease gets a firm hold upon the system, the patient becomes helpless. ; v - But the origin of this most pain ful of all diseases is in the bloody and no amount of external treat ment an overebme the trouble. Rubbinr. with liniments and oint- ments may suffice temporarily in -1-- t,., ft,. i,;,ui. allaying t$lt palnS,.bUt tH frOUQie ,s deP ln he muscles, joints and m m aiah.aft the System Only through the USe i medidpe that will attack the i. In .'ik t.A.. disease W all parts Of the DOdy, vnd that iS what S. S. S. doeS. t S. S. S. belnr.purelv veretable. v , b fc e a ( e a ' 1 and Containing not One particle Of mineral, is most welcome to. the StomiCh Of the Rheumatic SUfffcrer h been dosed With in Active "' - Sturdy : Clothes i-SS? ! 1 v'.- .. . i.V.' .!,- t.l .-."I. il '"".I fl fc. 4 , ' ' ' 4 V i tilth- ' ...-t .' t. "'.'- r 4 . i 'j- t. ' . aaTl4waaaaaaaaaaay .-m. -:i :,-" t fL j, 1 1 m " 1,1 " ' ' 4 1 - -f" v-t- ; . t .r m y ru1;' v -V v 'i j' i V ; i r''i v l" ' 1 ' ; V s- I SsL V 4 "-"v" "it '. Via 7 .- , ' " ". " Boy?' Suits of mixtures 'and serges' that Ml stand the'wear and tear a boy will giye them. . Parents "will choose widely it they 'select a "Skalnyy ; . suit for their, boy.- v " !.'! - ' v t -j- Every garment represents, an exceptional yalue'and :"is strongly made of the best fabrics. ' ,, ry:, ';, ' ' - 'Mackinaws of all wool waterproof, guaranteed for . six months, .... ,' - $1275 Thie Tate - ' Boys' Shop V Lieutenant Gilmore is Unit fTl' M .- Newton, N. Q RoonvstiH for abopt. .twenty.. Time , -extended to the 3pth,1 -for all college grade boy$ to enter. J The finest opportunity, for;thfi - boys, cf the ; , country. For information address the President. 1 11 J Wl effectual remedies, and hd,. as a consequence; has 'become' greatly weakened. S. S-S. retains, Its medicinal effect throughout "the. entire course' of the blood stream, and :will drive from fie system every -particle tf those poisonous acids and waste materials which have caused. the disease.tnd pro duced Its dangerous symptoms. Hundreds of people 'have written us of their experience with bad cases of Rheumatism, and how they have : found telief , from . the use of. S. S.",$.- Fr 50 years this remedy Ills been on the market, and today it Is bringing relief to thousands' 'oth'eujnaiCasu f: VVhy; should you ; Continue to suffer? from . this disease wheV.the remedy is ayanable?lf)o nofde lay purifying your blood and get ting; rid .'of ; your? pains. ,! .Co- to Jour nearest drugstore, get a hot el of 3. J5.' S. Start a course !of Ltreatment that, will bring real re lief, and begin your tounter-attacx NOW against' insidious.- and pain- dealing Rheumatism. t ; . f ; For a free booklet ob :Rheuma- tictn 4nr4 We tfAlhnAnt nrii mir meaicai ucparuneni, cxpiamuig fully about your own case and our own Chief Medical Adviser will give you absolutely free . many helpful suggestions as to diet and proper treatment '.Address Medi-' cal Directory ? 413 ; Swift Labora tory, Atlanta, Ga; (. r. 1 fry k Brovn Co. "Second FIoor.?J -..jAVi-. fp.: ii-v- Si ' . r. ...1: now in command of 'the ; at" " - ' ' Boys Require