. waiiilili I'D PfiDUE mo ALIBI Calotte Doctor. Being Tried on Chares of Illegal Practice. Evidence Offered to Show Princi ple on Both Sides Wished r to Avoid TriaL Th trial of br. J. W. Bummers, of -t If You Have Hot F&iJ Da o Kow Today IF YOU FURTHER DELAY YOUR NAME MAY BE DROPPED IN THE RUSH AND YOU WILL MISS SEVERAL ISSUES. The following Is ruling of the War Industries Board: 'DISCONTINUE SENDING PAPERS AFTER DATE OP EXPIRATION OP SUBSCRIPTION UNLESS SUBSCRIPTION IS RE CWED AND PAID FOR." , J-"-" ! " 1 I.I III. IHT'IV "- " "' a niiitimiimiMMSMni .in i -" urn n t " , ... j HMifJSB S ffiHBMaWBSgV BFtfMMWftW W -WBtilWWIttlMaitLflil I offeree la vldflno that the defend" wat spetialUt In obttrlc. Md Mat h prior to . had regularly prfto tlced at hi profession .and waa re tarded a a phyelelan ot ability. Dr. Summer went on thana In Ms own behalf and declared he Charlotte, on charge of performing fcnd of th woman for the flnrt t'm when h appearea '", .f.n.nt at Charlotte recorder" court The witness-defendant that ha saw for me nrsi woiMnn in the case n co-trwm Jwt before added time the the superior the ease was an illegal operation was taken up yes terday morning In Mecklenburg eoun ty superior court,' with Judge W. F. Harding presiding. When court ad Journed for the day, the prosecution tad almost completed the offering of evidence and arguments of the attor- neya prooaDiy win oegin soon .tutor court convenes today. Dr. Summers, when On the witness stand, swore he saw for the first time the woman, upon : ''WrliAim I la allao-oil tiA tiArfnrmAri tha ; HlaAAt fttiA.a tistn r)tAl Ah a a nimo ': rw",:,;L tinf aoon. after miB-.i t w.. w Hp(vHlvu MUQ II V 1C1 V aWi "- in this court to testify against him. h9 came to his office. ' 8ute's witnesses testified that the , witness was sworn, who SAMUEL BROWN HARKEY ANSWERS FINAL CALL Succumbs to Hemorrhage ; of Brain After Week's Illness. ' Leaves Many Relatives. TntAl ... ... ... ... ... ess The following North and South CarolUtUuM are included la the list: KILLED IN ACTION. Lieut. James, 'Thomas Ferguson, N. C . . ftgt. Kills, Walter tU H. IV D. i, Burlington. N C. riwv . . ... 1 n'ntAAb a B.ula Ulnaa U, !.. c.aitMl 1UHM ml ftlamo. V fl oalled for trial. He also ffj,lr,irf)l. ,4k.B m fct. pvl Wall. Janiea llTlt. pTl). 1. nia 01 M uuBi.ua . . - T . . . - . The death of Samuel Brown Har key, aged 4$, occurred at the Presby terian hopital. last night at 7:2S SECTION NUMBER ONE. ' The followtej casualties In the army are reported by the commanding gen era! of the American eapwiiUonary forces: -' . . - ;. Killed in actio ... ... ... ... S lled of wounds ... ... ...... iled of accident and other . canscs ... ... ... , S Died of airplane accident ... ... 1 Died of disease ... ... ... ... 11 Wounded strrerely ...... ... ... 18 Wounded (degree undetermined) Wounded sligliUy . , , MUwuttf in action EILL3 IN ACTION. lAevi. Johnston, Joseph Chapel Hill, N. C. Prt Cerroll. Chnrl'e W., SIS Walk6r street, Greensboro, N. C. Pvt liroMB, joiin Ware hoals. Pvt. Smith, Leo Leonard, R. F. D. 9, RobcrsonTlIle, N. C Pru Williams, West E., Ocraooke, N. C. DIED OS DISEASE. zz box vs, snmter, a. v. ss Oia not coin -,, t Kama m ttit riik tlwtt ihmit l RnndlrAian. N. C1 West iraas irMj - , . -,, ... av.. 1.. ,M Pvt llnmiu. Jfwaonh n west rraas mr-BM, i clock in ths sfternoon of the day lasi tha atnta ai'pnes tne crime Twas commuted. Dr.'8uffim-tJ Intenued to establish an Alibi for tho defendant, it being Contended that the physician-defendant was at Davidson ai ui nour wuen me prvsecuuun allege the crime was committed, as a . result of which the woman in the case came near to losing her life. Expert taftHmnnv rna addupud for tha tiiif. pose ot showing that the severe wounds received by the woman were produced by lack of anatomical knowledge and surgical skill. It was week ago. He Was later removed to the hospital, where a hemorrhage of the brain caused death. . The deceased Was a devout Chris tian and has been a member of the Amity Presbyterian church since he was II years of age. Kor the past 14 Vr. 8. years ne had held a responsible post pvt. Fire Kxtin J Enfield, N. C DIED FROM WOUNDS. Lieut. Tartdtanb, Sam David, 8 Vanderhorst street, Cliarleston, 8. C Lieut. Caldwell, William cues Rabun, Bab, Cool Springs, 6EVE1VELY WOUNDED. Pvt. Greer, Larkin, Apple Grot, N 0. - SLIGnrUT WOUNDED. Pvt. Brtttner, Daniel, SS Blanton street, Ashevllle, N. C. MISSING IN ACTION. "Pvt. Sparrow, Paul 1, Chapel HfH, , e .I , , JUDGE SHAW OVERRULES SOUTH'RN POWER DEMURRER crime was committed about 11 o'clock . .!l 1 A... vi. -o nrom the ne day last August by Dr. Summers. LV n-. Hummers. He Counel for the defense connned ur",...M atatoment res'd- tlon with the diners! rire Kxtin- fi. C themselfes Urgely te offering evidence . Af mi Mtnliit to hln dfflca : f ulftiw ootAtinr. Pvt. RWrers. Melvtn C Marlon, S.O. that dav nd of leaving soon after- He aAVea his Wife, Annie (Brun Pvt. Adair, Raytord, 411 Elford wards for Davidson were known to nr) Harkeyj fly children, Mrs. J. street, Greenville, S. C. him to be truthful. W. Clark end Bank, Louis. Myrtle Pvt, Green Arthnr. m Pork, R. C. .n.ii that the woman ana Kutn Harkevi rour alters, Mrs.: - :miw ,awaii (n the case came to the office of Dr. ' M. K. Brown, Mrs. J. B. Hunter, and Rummers at about 11: SO o'olook in the Miss Glngies and Blanch Har the forenoon and remained there per- key, and five brothers, H. W. HrkV haps 30 minutes, dur'ng which time an j j, fj, Harkey, of Shawn; p. C. the crime was committed. Harkey and A. P. Harkey, of Char Mrs Summers, wife of th defend-! lotte, and J. B. H. Harkey, of Greens want on the stand in th iai , bora afternoon. She testified that she came . lb J cf Vtmm Tett How Uey Made Event Oae el Great HappuMS. a rtharintta from Aohevllle Immedl Stely after she learned of the chars;" being made aainst her husband, and htninaA hla raUasa on bond, She ad- mm trtvin a dainty bag to the nm.n' llnnn tehnm it IS Sl) operation was performed. "L would have Rtven this to anyone, though, ahA aiiad Mrs. Summer told ot ..o.ivin a lttar from the woman, and of talking to her over the tele- phonr-1n repty tnereioj ana w maetintf the woman for a cenversa TELEGRAPHERS AWAIT WORD FROM M'ADOO whom it to thi May Strlks Sunday Morning If Director Ceneral's Decision Is Unsatisfactory. No-wtrd hr hefrreei?d heteby the Order of Railroad Telerathrs ' - MJrmMMdy V jano iwswsiit PvC Anderson, Elbert, R. F. D. 1 Wilkesboro, N. C. . Pvt. Ingram, Andrew. R. F. D. I, ClirraW) 8. C. ' j time before the Ptt. MoWhotter, Arthur C, R. F. D u-ui. ft, Waxliaw, N. C 1 .t-'. Pvt- Moore, James O Scotland mmmmmmmSffm. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER , MINED.) Corp. Honnins;, John K., Winston Salem, N. C. . WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. Pvt. Moore, JowpM, Kelfdrd, N. C. ; Special to The Observer. Greensboro, Nov. ,15. Judge Shaw, In superior court her . today, over ruled the demurrer of the Southern Power company In ease ' brought against it by the. North Carolina Pub ' lie Service company. In this action the last named company, operating, street car lines and doing a general i business in electric current hf several North Carolina CitlM, asks that the ; defendant be compelled to furnish It i current at the satti price that dj fendant la sailing current to certain ' favored customers. It Will be some case is reaehd for SECTION NUMBER TWO. I The followlns; casualties in the army ere reported by the cummanding genernl of the American expeditionary rorecsr" Look out for Span ish Influenza. At the first sign of a cold take . . . 1 ... T mm Mlflfl. .1. i i ,t. . . Hiimmara" aiiornev in un ia whs tell how, throuh th .ppiitation ot ing, Wbjn the woman m th case, ner Mother' rrind. tho- ontiroiy avoidod tho husban the attorney and Mrs. ultorln aiually Inoldont to motnorhood. Summers Were present. 31. VL"-! .WE. ".T It was developed by th prosecU . ehMrfet and tho nlshti etlm and roitful how th erisls was pd without tho uoual uftertnf otporloneod when nature lo unald- and now tay promrvoo inoir noaun tlon. The witness also testified rTmployd by the Southern Ra'lway gardlftg a meeting at the office f Dr. 8y8tem from Director General McAdoo ad otrn(th to dovoto It to tho roaring of tho ehiidro add to tne thintt nio uoiao for them, Mother rriond Is a most fenotr(ln romody, proparod oapooiotly for eipoctant inothoro from a formula of a notod phyal. elan. Strain upon .the ltfamentt lo avoided, add Instead of a period ot dlicomtort and oomtant dread It It a waoou of calm re pose. Tho hours at tho erlall ar laaa, and Mother's Friend onablea th mother te re tain hor natural sraco, and her skin Is net eraekod and does net become hard or dla- aita4. I tion that Mrs. Summers and the. woman In the case had discussed the matter of obtaining; a nolle flroiui of the indictment against Dr. Sum mere. Mr. Summers admitted the attorney for the defense read to th husband and wife the law setting forth punishment tTlat possibly might be required of Dr. Summers "and also of the woman" upon conviction on such charges. The questioning of the state along this line apparently Was intended to develop that the defense had desired to prevent the esse c Inn to trial. This was denied cate a-orlrallv by Mrs. Summers, who de- iJLtu JSnVl the husband and wife told hef i "-y. ATLllTooiXtoTVot visiting Solicitor Wilson at h!s of in regard to his consideration of their demands made recently, it was stated last nignt by mmrs or the union. Th telegraphers were scheduled to go out on a strike Thursday morning btitpostponert such aeHen en receipt of & telegram announcing that their grievances would be considered at one. Paul DeWltt, of th lrtcat tetenrra phers' union, when asked last night Whether or not the telegraphers would walk out Sunday morning in case Mr. McAdoo's deolslon was adverse to them, he replied, "I would not care t commit myself on th matter at this time or until we have fe-e'ved some definite word from Washington." It was rumored on "od authority last nleht that a "break" in th ait. uatlon was due to occur some time to- Killed In action ... Died of accident nnd other causes i . s: ... Died of disease . . ... j. .... . WouikM severely ... ...... ... Wounded (defft-eo undetermined) Wounded slightly Missing In action 223 i Sa 14 sa 168 Total ... . The following Carolinians are uu . . ... ... . 5?0 North and South eluded in tlie list: cascarM quinine Standard cold remedy for Jo year--ta tabUt l0-' tUta ir,ai up a coal la 34 hour reUevo trip in 3 days. Moats' hlf (Ui ThsuTris-hSrito with Mr. HUl't ptoturt, At All Dree st-nt. i,..,. ..II j.n ill nii,.A1 Hi Fellows! "S I 1 ' "The T.-B. Co.'s new. Boys' Shop on the second floor Is brim full of swell Suits and Overcoats and every thing." . ,. -t Mothers can't go astray on values or qualities' if they come to'thls store. Good serviceable suits warm, snug overcoats. (Plaincolors or fancy patterns and the" biggest and the biggest load of worth in the city.) Boys' School Suits. . Boys' Overcoats .. Juvenile Suits . . Juvenile Overcoats i . a 't i $1.25 Blouses at.. . HaU, Fumishingi The Tate-Brown Co. . .$10 to $22 .$10 to $25 . .$6.00 to $12 . .$6.50 to $25 .79c WHIN YOU SEE IT IN THE CH ARLOTTE OBSERVER. IT'StO. K..HA at lfathtr-a rrion tram tha draarlat flo at Oastonia ror tn purpose OI ttdar. ' asking him to withdraw the indict ".'.J.l' '...J ment. cpili.iuiiiiimiiimmimmiimmmm...i. The pro.ecUtlon ofref.a evidence to A. ha. th. whman hal haati auh g jected to an lllegat operation, 4uriti S which she was severely injured and it S became necessary for her to undergo treatment for about 10 dstva tit a hos- B pltal here to save her life. Because of the nature of the ease, S the female court stenographer de- S ollned to hear th evidence and the S court was unable to find a male ate- 5 nographer, with the result that Judge S Harding himself was forced to write S down the questions and answers upon FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR MRS. DORA BEATY CharaoMr Is tho Uaolt of oroell MONEY When You Ned It. .That's on of th nicest things about th Morris Plan. W land money on personal endorsement, Liberty Bonds or other security and permit you to repay the loan In fifty equal weekly Installments. $25 to f 5,000 loaned and at 6 per cent Ask us. junwal services for Mrs. Dora Bety were held at Paw Creek church yesterday afternoon t 9 o'flock. Kev. Mr. Thomas, of Mount Ho'ly. assisted by Rev. Mr Roan, of Paw Oeek, officiated. Hr death occurred Thurs day. TH deceased was th wife of S. A. Beaty, of Paw Creek. She was St years of age and well known through Out the county, Besides her hunband she leaves two sons. Calvin nnd nv which exceptions were to be based in ; let "?tno A- C. Fl-her, of Berryhlll; the event of art anneal 5 About two years ago Dr. Bummers S was convicted on a similar charge In S Mecklenburg court and Sentenced to s a prlaon term, but was pardoned by S a governor of North Carolina before he had served any of his sentence. 6 BCLL-ANS Hot water Sure Relief I The Charlotte MORRIS PLAN l Company 3iv Capital. U5.000. S I H. C. Sherrill, Treaturer I g Academy of Music Building. s RllllllimillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllJ BELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTIOM ItUB-lT-OJf E2IT For Ileadnoh. Toothache and Nenralla. ' At Drni Stores, 9 SI Tent PERSON REMKDY CO. JIfgrs., Charlotte, JC. C. 1 'IfouMiut Save Fuel" Thet art Dr. Otrfleld't words. We know a Buck's Hot Blast will hlp you mvs both coaj and mon y. becaus It burns all combiis tlhl mstttr in toft coal, Com and let us show you ths Caclt'i Hot Blast. ' Mi axt fcrnite Co. 0t of the High Rent PUIrfct. . "".I IX.. Trade c .Jfboitav 2&1 PIIMHIWIMIsalllllMllillllMIII? wMgl : Pay their cost In 12 months, and Indiana service Is a considers Uon jroa eaaaol afford M ortrlsok la naming t track. Carolina Motor Company ltATtSVILUC,l.C nve brothers. Marshall, nf nirriir ham, Ala.; Hugh, of Memphis. Tenn.: Frank and Lee, of Woodruff. S. C, and Charles, with the United States army In France; nine irinters, Mrs. Maul Underwood, of n rsningham, Ala.) Mrs. Maggl Biigfts, of Wood ruff, 8. c.i Jennie Hipp, of Charlotte; Mrs. Sam Porter, of Berryhlll; Mrs. Emma Beaty, of Paw Creek, Mrs. El sie Wallace, of Charlotte, and th Mlsa Anna Belle, Brphia and Query Fisher, all of Berryhlll. WINSTON LEADING STATE IN WAR WORK CAMPAIGN "'.. The war Work oamnalan haartnnar. ters at Charlotte received by tele phone last night from t;Ue headquar ters at Durham a, nummary of the total subscriptions of th inrger towns of North Carolina, whih showed Winston-8alem in the lead and Char lotte standing in second place. Th total reported subscribed to last night was 1572,000, with th stata's apnor tionment l;0aS,000. Standing of th various cities was tnven as ionows: Winston-Salem, J!2'222: Chotte.. 88,000; Durham, $62,000; Greensboro. 168,000; Wil mington, 147,000; Wilson, $31,000, and Raleigh, $20,000. REFORMED CHURCH TO DEDICATE SERVICE FLAG - ,A pvce flair dedication raoetlng Will be held at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night at the First Reformed church, corner of East avnu and Myers streets A program of patriotic songs will be rendered by the choir atod, oon gregatlon. Mayor Frank R. McNInch will be the speaker bf the evening. Rev. Bhuford Peeler, Npastor of th church Will also make an address. Sunday morning at to o'clock the aunaay scnool will hold rally. a peace SERVICE PARCEL POST Service Dinner with brass rod and cord to hang by. Silky finish. fix one star only , . ,25c 8x12 en atari; ...... ...J5o . 2 stars. t., .. ,, . ,,,.,450 3 stars.. .. . . .. , . . .60o 12x18 2 stam , 70a , t stars.. ..I0o iihl:tf n-, XU West 1'iIUi tot. THE. WEATHER Washington, Nov. IE. Weather forecast: North and South Carolina: Fair Saturday except rain extreme west portions) Sunday probably rain. taeal Offleo Vaited Btaf. Hth-T Barms, Cbarlotto, Nov. 15, Sunriw.. l:(l. tit. Hunaot,, :17 p. m. TompoMtar de dogma) l a. m.. Noon... l p p. m.. tn.. Hlshoat ttntfttratur ... , I.oweat totnporaturo ... tf. lloaa tomporatsro .., ,, Dofleloney for tho dav Moan tomporaturo tola Sato last year o ,., rraoipltatloe la laohoalf Total for 14 netirt ondlnf Ip, m, ,, ,tt Total fop th month to date .,.. n ,. ,M poncioncy for month. ,....,. ,-. poHoloncr lor yoar ... ,.t ... ...t .,,11. M Prtvalllag wind olraetloa .. , , Soutk Laaattlaii (COIL.. -j WHY EEMAM With the American army at Sedan, the British tppfoaching 'Waterloo, and ..d whole southern frontier of Germany opened to Allied armies through the surrender of Austria, Germany was doomed when her representatives met Marshal Foch and Admiral Wemyss to agree on an armistice. As The Evening (New York) remarks, "Foch, the master, has played with skilled touch on the keys of a mighty organ from the North Sea to. the Meuse; and in the fina), harmony the American Army has rung true." Do not miss reading the leading news-features in THE LITERARY DIGEST for November 16th, if you would learn of the history-making events leading up to Germany's collapse. Other articles in this number of great interest to the American people are: Germany INow For Brotherhood TransUtioru From German Newsp&pert Show That the Fatherland tt Clutching At Straws to ' """" Save Itsolf From Draw&ing 'Ku r7 ' " PresidentWilscn to Facfis Republican Conpes j The Fate of the Ottoman Empire French Railroads apd Americais Engineers The Sole Test of Sanity .' Rats in the Trenchei Some of Russia! "Young Barbarians0 in Art No Art Materials 'From Germany Imperfect Religion in the Y. M. C. A Moral Pride in the Army News of Finance and Commerce Personal Glimpses of Men and Events What Canada and Britain Have Done Modifying "The Fourteen Points" The Deadly Female Wooden-Leg Troubles Disastrous Emotionalism ; A New French Language in Making Reflections From Poets The Russian Church Reviving Keeping Sugar Supplies Up and Prices Down (Prepared bf U. & Food Adaiinutration) The Best Current Poetry Many Striking IllustrationM, Including Map and Cartoon Splendid Tvo- Page Colored Map in This Week's Number This fine double-page' Map is printed in fvto colors and presents the "Scene of the Western Battle Line. It shows alj territory from London to the River Rhine including all of Belgium, Luxemburg, Western Ger many, and Northern France. The famous Hlnden burg line as it existed before March 21, 1918. is indi cated, also the line of furthest German advance this J ear in the big drives of March, April, May, and une. and the present line of battle where the Allied armies are driving the Germans back, including the terrain contiguous to Sedan where the American doughboys have just won one of the m6st brilliant victories of the war. . The Map is prepared with a special view to the conclusion of peace with Germany and shows all of Alsace-Lorraine, which Germany undoubtedly must surrender to France. The great fortress cities of the Rhine, which will no doubt be occupied by Allied garrisons as guarantees that Ger many will pay for the damage she has dona in tha war. are also clearly shown. Practically all of the towns that are being liberated by the victorious Allies' advance and which are mentioned from day to day in the press dispatches are clearly visualized,. This Map Is so valuable as to be well worthy of preservation ' for present and future consultation. November 16th Number on Sale To-day All Ncw-dealers 10 Cents -FI)NK a WAGNALLS COM PANY (Pobltiheii of the PiBoia NEW Eusdod Dicdosar). NEW YOUS IV.' I . i i O. O. ATTO. atotooroloflat ai M A

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