lit.. La. w ... i 1 . liitil HPS ill! IILDI 'Contactor's Less Heavily cn Mecklenburg Bridges. V Holly Cridd to Be Finished In Two Weeks County High way Program Discussed. Within a short tuna after weather conditions permit the work of laying J. bltullthla pavement the main arteries of trawl through Mecklenburg county will bo rutimed and will bo completed j probably by aumjner, according; to .; A. M McDonald,', chairman ot the board of county , commissioners, who f reviewed yesterday the progress in carrying but the commissioners' road program. ' 1 ' . During the discussion, Sir. Me ". Donald admitted that the county had ' profited greatly 'at the expense ot the contractors In the building ot several bUr bridges. The contractors lost 115,000 on , the Sloan's ferry bridge , nd not less than $10,000 was lost by ' the firm building the Rozsell's ferry bridge, because the contracts were 'made prior to the time when costs as a jm Wanufscturing ? fW mM aeaw Haw fu'S. EMPLOYMEffT SERT . ! Apply to oeareii: 7-"-. ; . - ... ..-.. t .... .. . . . ... : , ' . '':L'. . ''''ft -'' e V ' 1 '--j- ' - ' !.C.i.i';'--'S, ' "' . I- .Jl,'' J ' .i , ' 1 . ; s : . . : - 1 Raleigh, Charlottey Winston-Salem, Elizabeth City, Ashe of such work increased as a result of war conditions. . Mecklenburg county now has about 380 miles of macadamized or other wise surfaced roads, said Mr. Mc Donald. When originally built, :the macadamized roads "were Ideal" for slow moving traffic, but the advent'of automobile and motor truck Boon greatly damaged these highways,' and a heavy up-keep cost has resulted. The Dowd road, which la an Impor tant link In four great highway sys tems on the southwestern side of, the county, haa been surfaced with bitu lithlc to one mile beyond . Camp Greene. This surfacing will be com pleted to the Gaston county line next spring, and rock for the work will be crushed during the winter months. Work will be resumed when the weather becomes warm enough to per mit working with the asphalt binder. This part of the Dawd road is a link In the National ' highway, the Kew York to Atlanta highway, the Bank head highway and the Wilmington-Charlotte-Ashevllle highway. The road from Charlotte to the Cabarrus county line, on the other end, Is part of all but the latter named road system, and Mr. McDonald said only seven-eighths of a mile , remains unsurfaced. In ability to get the necessary supplies of rock, which is bought from the farmers, forced a temporary suspen sion of the work. An eight.mile stretch, extending from . the city to Sugar- Creek church, has been sur faced -with asphalt, said Mr. Mc Donald. Another important roadway, from Charlotte to Monroe, which extends by the site of the proposed great radio station near Monroe, is being repaired now, a gang of convicts having been Be as strong man should be The happiest and most productive years of life lie before the man who swings into his Prime In full possession of his physical powers. It is different with the man who is fettered by m-heilth. . "Tlf Red Blood Builder" Cade's Pepto-Msrifsn creates sturdy new red cells, thereby greatly increasing the capacity ot the whole system to absorb life-giving oxygen. Appetite is improved, sod every cell and tissue it charged with the power and purpose to weave ambition into accomplishment Qude's Pepto Mangan tones up, braces op, boosts up the blood and body. Endorssd by the medical profession (or over 23 years. nUINDLY WARNINGe-Thr I amy Ptpto Maosaa and that la Otida'a. told In bettU and sack ate es bre bowa. Sld by dracgliU svarrwfatr. . AtstosraM H aiade idy br M. J. BREITKNBACH CO. Chemists New York Needs Twelve Thousand Skilled amd Urns! -aboreirs for Jas. Stewart Camp-;; Bragg, Fayette eent there a short time ago. Rock is beins crushed for surfacing this road and Mr. McDonald said tha com. miss'oners planned ,to have this stretch surfaced with asphalt to the Union county line by next summer. Some of -these roads have 10-foot surfaces, others 12 and others 1. The Surfacing of the Dowd and Tuckasegee roads from 'the'eity to Camp Greene was IS., feet wide, and on the Dowd road beyond the camp is 14 feet wide. When the surfacing ls four Inches thick, two gallons of asphalt to the square yard is required. The .Mt Holly bridge over the Ca tawba river should be completed In not more than two weeks, said Mr. McDonald. This is a steel bridge, and the floor planks are now being placed. The RosseU's ferry bridge was com pleted about three months ago and the Beattys ford bridge will be com pleted probably by February 1. The Sloan's ferry bridge has been' rebuilt. Each of these long bridges went down In the floods f 1916. Bach had been built by authority of a special act ot the legislature,. Mr. .McDonald ex plained, and rebuilding could not he undertaken until, such authority was again given by legislative action. In the interim, the Mecklenburg county commissioners awarded the contracts and awaited, the legislature's-action. In 60 days after the authority was given the work was undertaken, said Mr. McDonald, v The commissioners' chairman said- their, action In award ing the contracts when they did saved the county many thousands of dollars, as a total of not less than $35,000 had been lost by contractors, building the Sloan's ferry and Rozsell's ferry bridges. Thirty-two steel bridges have been built-in Mecklenburg county since -Mr. McDonald four years ago assumed the office he now. holds, it was explained. This number Includes two big bridges, one over Stony creek and another over Big Mallard creek, both on the Salisbury road. NAVY WANTS BRIDGE BUILDERS WITHOUT DELAY The local board for Charlotte yes terday Issued a call for volunteers for service in the navy as bridge builders, in accordance with instructions from draft headquarters at Raleigh. These men are wanted for immediate service in France, said Secretnrv Lyles. He explained that the Charlotte board had no bridge builders listed except in the, deferred classes, and these could not be drafted but .would be inducted If they volunteered. Five menare wanted from North Carolina under this call, and the Charlotte board has been given the privilege of supplying all Ave, he said. Those volunteering must report today to the Charlotte board. SLIGHT INCREASE IN "FLU" CASES REPORTED Though 18 new cases of Spanish in fluenza were rennrted vMtorriav of tv.. office of the city health officer, Dr. j. u. Muuson, it was explained that the "flare up" which has occurred "because of the tremenitnu nmmmt nt mixing since the quarantine was lift- en no iar nas neen mucn less, than was expected. The reopening of the PUbllC SOhOOls Of Chnrlnfto haa An) yet resulted in ahy "perceptible In crease among me emidren, said Dr. Hudson. . "There have been a few more new rnsps thfa wooV than i9it but with few exceptions the disease was contracted Dy adults, ho said. t JTliLLil I li nt C 1 1 U E MICE Will Name Committees to Raise . Monument to "Our Boysl" Observer's Plan, to Let Every body Subscribe Will Be Car ; ried Out by Committees. - Mayor McXinch, representing the city,' and Chairman McDonald, repre senting the county, have taken active charge of tha arrangements for the erection- of a monmument to "our boys" who died In the service, and will, within the next few days, an nounce'the various committees to have charge of the raising of funds and other details, as proposed by The Charlotte Observer. Mayor McNInch will name the rep resentatives from the city on tha va rious committees, and Chairman Mef Donald will name tha representatives from the county, the commltteea be ing composed of city and county people. Just what plan of campaign for the raising of funds will be adopted has not yet been outlined. Aside from the subscriptions received through The Observer, no subscriptions have as yet oeen receivea. i Mayor McNInch stated yesterday that the committees would probably call on the press to aid in tna move ment, and to keep the people In formed as to Its progress.' He stated that it was verv essential that any thing that is to be' done, should be done at once, and that no better means of appealing to the people than the press had ever been found. . Some prominent citlsen will be named as treasurer of the fund, and when the treasurer is named, the funds already collected by The Ob server will be turned over to him, and whatever plan Is -decided upon will find warm , support from this paper. . Sentiment In favor of the monument has been growing -ever since the idea was first advanced by The Charlotte Observer, and it is generally believed that, all that Is necessary to ecure-a memorial to "our boys" is to let the people know where and to whom they may subscribe their money. The Observer's plan to allow sub scriptions of as small amounts as 25 cents. In order that all may have a part in the work, is to'be adopted, as there are hundreds of patriotic citi zens, anxious to aid in such a move ment, and yet are unable to afford more than a small contribution. The names of the committees will be announced within the next few days, and the actual work ot raising funds will be takenup. SENDING QUESTIONNAIRES TO 18-YEAR-OLD CITY BOYS Instructions to begin and complete as quickly as possible the mailing of questionnaires to registrants for se lective service who were 18 years of age September 12 were received yes terday by the local, board for Char lotte. Secretary Lyles said about 600 boys of this age were listed on the 1 t ro"s is -,-1 i; i c 're i oM .1 fce.c!it put tct'ny fend ..: y. 1 i.yslcal eia, a;. jus -of 'all fccp traber 12 registrants of from 19 to 88 years, Inclusive, have been com pleted, he said. A "relatively large number!' of these ages failed to re port for examination when ordered up and these will bo listed as delinquents unless they come up for examination before such lists are compiled, the secretary added. iriRIILA(o lM4 Hi 4 H'C). uuuarrrtuiwAN vo. HOW DOCTDHS TREAT Ask any physician or druggist and effective remedy for a bad cold, soro throat influenaa or la grippe Is what he will tell you that the best and only he calls a "brisk calomel purge," j which means a big dose ot calomel at ( bedtime. But as the old style calomel haa some very unpleasant and danger j ous qualltes physicians and druggists j are now recommending the Improved nausealess calomel, called "Calotabs" which is purified, and refined jrom the sickening and dangerous effects and whose medicinal virtues are vast ly improved. One Calotab on the tongue at bed time with a swallow ot water that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest Interference with your diet, pleasures or work. Next morning your cold has vanished and your entire system Is purified and refreshed. , Calotabs ara sold only In original, sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Tour druggist' guarantees Cal otabs by refunding the price It you are not delighted. Adv. Fire and Theft Automobiles Palmetto Fire Insurance Co. The very best policies at at tractive rates. The very, best service. Claims paij from this office. Very attrac tive for agents. W. D. Wilkinson General Agent For State of North Carolina. & Go., HDSIO GRIPPE -1 dt i - Our Boys Department Two essentials to satisfaction in wearing, apparel are style and wear, with emphasis on the. wear. v In our Boys' Department are displayed clothes for the boy strenuous which embody thes6 essentials to the highest degree, they are Mellon-made Clothes. ' to those who know Mellon rcputation ,this statement is sufficient, those who do not yk know the Mellon" standard, will appreciate its significance in the first glance at these unusual suits for boys. , v j MELLON'S Second ' ALL HEART "TITEHOLD SELECT" RED CEDAR SHINGLES J ELECTROID" AND ASFALTO" RUBBER ROOFING, METAL SHINGLES And Roof Covering of every Vdescription. We are headquarters. CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. CHARLESTON, S.-C ; , Manufacturer Distributors Lima Cement .; Plaatar. Oensrai Sufldlng Materials. Delivered pnoes auowa raw wr aaywbera la tha Southeast. Write u. Contra Floor. V.