Ail . L..J WvJ -utJiiiAi IH manasemsnt makes ths security ' of deposits a matter of first consideration and to this end ths re sources of the Bank are carefully guarded by-pru dence and conserratlsm. This fact makes a strong bank. Coupled with strength our Officers and Board of Directors make rood service the backbone of our banking policy. With . ample equipment and organization, this Bank Is In a position to serve all Individuals and firms requiring safe banking and good service. ' y . .. . 4 Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits if Left Three Months j or Longer. t 4 Per cent Paid Per Annum on Savings, Compounded Quarterly.' -.: -.. .i . . . 1 ; ' -v v - - Merchants & Farmers National Bank 'Established in the Tear 1871. . ( . CHARLOTTE, N.C III ' -,a " w tm m. him TDM! Strenuous Day's Work in Pros pect for Local Campaigners. , With War Work Quota Over subscribed City and County Plans to Increase Excess. Be Careful! , .'v Nbv that you have at last succeededln saving up a little .money, don't go looking around for a chance to spend it. Business. Conditions will necessarily be un settled for some time yet, and you'll be wise if you not only HANG ON TO WHAT YOU HAVE NOW but add to it in every way you possibly can. - -This bank offerperfect safety and the extreme of consistent banking service to its depository Our sav ings department pays four per cent compounded quar-. terly. ' i The Charlotte National Bank United States Depository. Jno. Id. Scott. President ' W. J. Chambers, Vic President J. F. Robertson, Vice President Assets: 4 Million W. n. Twltty, Cashier C. W. Butt. Assistant Cashier W. B. McCllntock, Teller IIMMiElttiBMMiittsssWtsslBIss YOU HAVE WAITED PATIENTLY You have invested your money in Liberty Bonds. Tou have i contributed to the Red Cross, the T. M. C. A., the 'Soldiers' Library Fund, and all the worthy causes that have been ?. brought to your attention. And you have refrained from , building that horn for which you have been longing be cause all your resources were needed to win the war. But now the campaigns are nearly over and the ban on -" building will soon be lifted.- Why not select that site for : , your home in Myers Park, have y6ur building plans made and be ready tor the day when your dream of a home may become a reality? Let us show you the Myers Park home sites that we h?ve .to offer. Fi PHONE SSI THE STEPHENS qOMPANY Owner and Developer. STATEMENT OF American Trust Co. - ' Member Federal Reserve System CHARLOTTE, N. C. , NOVEMBER 1, 1918. Condensed Frorrf Report to Federal Reserve Bank and State Banking Commission. RESOURCES Leans $ 4,146.993.77 Stocks and Bonds .. .. .. ., . . 85,900.00 United States Liberty Bonds, Treasury Certificates and c. - War Savings Stamps "491.SS7.62 Due from Banks -. . . . 75,061.62 Cash In Vault, Checks for clearings and due1 from Fed. " eral Reserve Bank 393,295.79 v Trust Investments ... . 1,471,383.63 , i',,vl:T ".', , , mm I, - , - ..- ' ' Total .. .... .. .S 7,348,192.43 - LIABILITIES Capital Stock ... .. .. .. .. .. ,.tV ,...$. 825,000.00 Surplus Fund .. .... ..... . 375,000.00 , Undivided Profits 85.383.10 , Bllla Payable (Secured by United States Treasury Cer tificates and Liberty Bonds) ...... v 423,000.00 ; Trust Deposits .... ll, 471, 383.63 - DeposiU .'. .. ........ .. ...V.. 4,468,425.70 , , Total .'. ." .$7,348,192.43, f v -'j ':t-:.-! ;- ?-,-:- - i- h- .' fc . ., -.'.,';'' -i'-': w,'f:V'''Jj'- '''' ' );;-.,".' ., - ''s-i' ' " We beg to call attention to the above financial statement which ' indicates the confidence the public has in this Bank and desire to . - express our thanks to the people or their patronage and co-operation.' ..We Invite all those who desire new or additional banking rela- tlons to see or write us. This Bank is able and willing to grant 11b ; eral accommodations and facilities. s American Trust Co. v(,',.. Member Federal Reserve System ' . "Jifiir Charlotte, N. C - vV;J V'v ' '--I '-'rFFlCims'v ; T '. " rrcstttaat, W: Jt- AVoo4. V 'Tnwt Oftlcor. P. C. Uliltlock Vice President, George Stephens' Managera Ins. Department 'V. Vice President, W. S. Le ' ' Mgrs. Insurance ' Department, Trfasuror, J. E. Davis , ' Walter Lambeth ft Bro.' notary, T. E. Hcmby ,'! Manager Stock and Bond Dcpf ; ' ".. nt Sec., IL It. Davenport ' . . P. II. Greene. ' ' Plans are all completed for a great day's work by the canvassers for the united war work campaign today, and the meeting of the workers at head quarters at the Central hotel this aft ernoon at 5 o'clock will be In the na ture of a Jollification gathering, to make merry over the fact that Char-1 lotto and Mecklenburg went well over the sum allotted In the' nationwide drive for 170,600.000. ' Disturbing rep'orta from national headquarters yesterday did hot affect the Charlotte workers. They had Al ready achieved the amount neces sary to meet tbeif. quota in this city, and were waiting' with impatience to be' In the field again this morning to send the total" still higher. During the day General . Secretary Probert, of the central committee, had reports from the townships of the county, sonto of them pleasing and gratifying; others" of a most disap pointing character. The reports show the following: 1 " Lemlev has raised 1277; Deweese, 11.120; Huntersville. $1,226; Long Creek. $176; Mallard Creek. izi; Paw Creek. $313; Crab Orchard. $61$; Clear Creek, no- report; Berryhlll, $295; Morning Star, $715; Sharon $66.50; Steele Creek $381; Pinevllle. $192.75 and Providence, no Teport. -That Clear Creek and Providence, two of the finest townships in the county, have made no report does not mean hat nothing .nas Deen aone in them, but that the reports are not In. Th cnuntv committee expects a good report from these today, and large reports from several townships which have made partial reports. The- reports from the negroes will be made at tonight's meeting, also, according to Commander J. E. King, of the negro division. Last week he made a partial report and stated that at church services today the sum al lotted to them would be raised and that it would come Into the general fund at tonight's meeting, which will be the last. It is understood that there are sev eral other large gifts in prospect for today. In one Instance, one of the leading business men, who Is said to have declared his desire to make a large contribution, has not yet been reached . On Saturday a committee called upon him and he sent . out word that he was engaged and could not see the committee. Then ar rangements were made to meet him j today, and if he lives up to tne re ports of his charitableness the sum will be greatly enhanced. Several other business men of large affairs have not yet made their con tributions, it was stated, and these are hoped for before the sun goes down tonight In this connection it was stated that the office will be open alP day, that those who desire to make subscriptions may call there either in person, or by telephone, 3881, and make their gifts. The workers will gather at head quarters this morning for territory as signment and those who do not de sire territory will work as free lances, wherever they happen to de sire to go. Many of the canvassers have special friends they desire to call on and today 4hey will be at liberty to go wherever they please, and get every dollar available for the fund. County Chairman W. J. Martin, president of Davidson college, yester day received a telegram" from Dr. John R. Mott, general chairman of the national committee, urging that the over-subscription be as large as possible, in view of the reports that some sections are slow in rallying to the cause. Special paving assessments against property owners on Trade street be tween College and Mint strets and on Tryon street between. Sixth and Third streets were made publfcs yes terday at the . office of Mayor Mc- Ninch. - These assessments are to ob tain funds to pay for thesresurfaclng work now, in 'progress ;on the two streets named, , and are ' published in detail in. the advertising columns of this Issue of Th Observer. The to tal amount was said to be about $28.- 000. ,..-y.- f . ( ' Assessments for the proposed re surfacing work on South Tryon street between Third and Morehead streets will be prepared and announced la ter. Mayor 'McXinch said; this sec tion having been declared by - city ordinance 'a permanent improvement district. , - FUNERAL SERVICES, FOR- . ' SAMUEL BRQWN HARKEY The cotton receipts at Charlotte averaged only about ,20 bales daiy during the past two weeks, since the cotton market began .to fluc tuate wildly, and the rece&ts here to date for this season are 470 bales under the average total, according to Cotton "Weigher J. S. Withers. The annual average -receipts at this mar ket are between 11,000 and 12,000 for the 10-year period. Cotton warehouses at Charlotte are jammed with the staple, he said, and very little space remains avail able ; for cotton thatv' Is now , being picked. Mr. Withers said the ginners in this section were busy all day Sat-urdaj-, butrvery little of the cotton was sold. Receipts Saturday were $1 bales, and In one "small warehoused 0 bai$s were stored during the day," it was explained. -,. . Funeral services, for Samuel. Brown Harkey were held at his late, .resi dence, 387 . East Oak . - street, , at 2 o'clock yesterday ' afternoon, Rev. Bunyan IfcLeod. pastor of the West minster . Presbyterian - church, .- of ficiating, i ; , The funeraj. was largely' attended and the floral offerings were beauti ful and numerous. ; ' : The pallbearers were -Jii M. Files, M4 W. Woodaldet W. B. Bradford,, J., F. Risers and J, P.r Klrkpatrlck, aU brother members jit ihe Knights, of Pythias, of which organisation the de ceased was member.,-,. . - - Automobiles. ,.. . -i 'V "". - - I . , . .' t . -. 1 - !, ; ; - ,; ; - ,v-; -. Palmetto Fire Fnsunmce Co: The very .best policies at at tractive rates. " The very best service.. Qaims i paid . . . '. f from this office. Very attrac tive for. agents. 1 . W. D.' Wilkinson ' 'General Agent; ', : For State of North Carolina. - . 'Aged Servant" Dlea.'.,:i.-V "Aunt Jemima" Mathews, for 2 years in the service of John W. Todd's family, died yesterday afternoon at 3:40 o'clock at 71 years of age. Through v her - devotion and faithful service to. the family she was beloved by them. The funeral win be held at PIneYUIe cemetery this afternoon. -FOR RENT l-room ho"usenOft-B."llth St, v -' month . . .. . . ... . . . .. . .$ 11.00 8-coomnouse jioi, b. Boule vard, month .. .. ...... l-room house 205 Montgomery A 8t, 'month ..-.. 4-room house SIS r Flint St. pionth;.. .. .. ......i... S room house Lake wood Ave, month . . . - . . . . 4 .... . 4-room house Frailer Ave., .-month ' ...... Storeroom . 201 N. Tryon 8t, Month . . . ., . ,' . ..... .. (0.00 Offices 11, 13, 17. II 13. 6th St, month 10.00 J. ARTHUR HENDERSON f Real Estate and Insurance.' SIS N. Tryon St. v Phone SSt to.oo 11.00 io.ooV 11.00 1.00 THE FIRST . NATIONAL BANK i .".. ' '. i-. -y. ...L 'i Of Charlotte. fC ." Established in 1865 Cnplt.l i.'..t tAA.(NM.IW Surplns and ProNts .. iOOon.OO Atseu Four Per Cent Interest Paid Certlficaie of Dcposita. 'v,, f ',,- ' :';. (- r TOCR 3US1XKSS SOLICITED i. ' . .' ... . . ... REMIT M. McADCX President GEO. W JIRYAN. Vice President JOHN r. ORR. Cashier Vf.u uJ ' It, & Fresh from the hands r-f the ti:".J!.:rs f-1 rn.'y f-r '-"f'at occupancy, we oJTer for tale a hot- li ;i ij tj..,. .i t-rly every feature desirable in a moiarn, luxutious tona. It Is situated among the pines at E::.att!i on a larre lot front ing a paved street and car line. It contains el;ht splendid rooms, those on the first floor being floored wUh oak. A rood heating plant and every modern feature that makes tot comfortable have been' built Into this house. " . The price and terms art very attractive and may ts learned at this office. , . - . , - - . . Southern HcclEctzto Leon & Tract Ccn:poy 4 S. Tryon St at TIE STRONG COX O The newwpaner often tall ef tnetaneee where people lose alt their savings, because hey have pot their money la a stocking, er a bureau drawer, er a strong box. and have bsea roLfeed. . : When' yon have aaoney around the house jraa tnvlta tha burglar and the aaeak thlet - - , 7tie best strong bos ta tb world to the savtags baakv Thsre your monsy la proteetad as well aa tt aaa be proteeUd anywnera, : ,. :v4 ?-'a -s--?:;'' T SOUTHERN LOATi & SAVINGS BANK Ql IOI IP HAWTHORNE LANE ENDS THIRD CONFERENCE YEAR This Methodist Church Has Ac complished Much for Good During Its Short Career. - 'e - " With Its services yesterday, Haw thorne Lane Methodist church com pleted its third conference year, dur ing which time its labors have been crowned with abundant fruit. Pr. T. F. Marr has been Us pastor for one year, and under his ministry the church has grown and flourished. His sermons have been declared a power for good, and his work in and out of the , church an uplifting influence in the community generally. Doctor Marr preached at both services yesterday, and for his morning sermon the subject was "Essential Christianity," Lwlth Eph. 1:3 as text: "Blessed be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who : hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings In heaven ly places In Christ" , , "I am not sure that I like this term," said Doctor Marr, "because Christianity is all essential. But when Jesus Chrtpt came Into the world He did not find a. perfect system of re ligion. He found one that had a great deal of truth In it, and one into which a great deal of ecror had crept; but because He did -not find a per fect -system of , religion He did not fail fb ally Himself with it. He re spected It.. He became a part of it; and I think this is truo, that there has never been a time in the history of the church of God when men, were not in possession of a system of re ligion containing sufficient truth to keep them in the way of all right eousness and save them In heaven. "But while Christ did not fall to ?.lly Himself with the existing sys em of religion, . neither did He fail to condemn the errors that had crept into It. If He should come.lnto the world again today He would not And a perfect system of religion. From time to time there have been cer tain human additions. Sometimes these things are useful, and some times they are very detrimental." ' Following out this . thought Dr. i Marr discussed some of the abuses ton ; which the church is subject, and put : over agtmiBi iiieeo me iruin una es I sential Christianity. '. , , i I -"A ' musical feature of this service I was a-selection by a recently organ ' Ib1 - women's auurteL. comnnsed nf I Mesdames Atto and Bell and Misses 1 Mason and Doxey isFor the offertory at the night service Misa Mason sang j "I eougnt tne Lora," by mevensoiv, COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK ? V CHARLOTTE, N. C Capital . . ; , . . ., . : . f$500,000.00 Sulplu and ProfiU . . . . ... $470,000.00 Your banking business solicited. Every possible accommodation extended. Safe deposit boxes for rent 1.5 0 per year and up. ' r .' n. A. Donn, President D. H. Rndorson, Vice President a. T. Summey, Cashier . t ' C., W. Johnston, Vice President I, W. Stewart, Assistant Cashier. . "f . ' Sound arid Conservative y v Those' who require the services of a thoroughly progressive yet sound and conservative institution will .appreciate the services we render. ' Your business invited. v ; , , Ihe Peoples Banlt & Trust Company THE WELCOME BANK; , .C. A. Btand. PreetdeM W. W. Robarda. GeabMr W. IU Forema n, Vice Pres. W. 8. Baioa, Asst. Cashier UNION -NATIONAL' -,.-:Blfr::4 Charlotte, N. C. V. mxmac: 0EK9SSRSS We invite your business airid assure you n advance'bf every courtesy and accommbdkr tion consistent with safe banking. Our business is confined to that of Bank, ing without any outside features whatever. Every transaction treated confidentially. UNBS KIOBfSSWCffXXS0BSi ' 0 V H. M. VICTOR, President A Business Home ; ; Your Are Invited to Make the Independence Trust Co.1 your business home. The, officers of the bank: are atyour service. x .bs Our building it conveniently located for the officers an men coming in from Camp Greene. We will be glad to be .! of service to you when you are in the city.y - Resources . . . . is .'. .... $2,800,000.00 If. WEAIUr. Chstnnaa Boar ; ; W. A. WAT80X. Vice preaioe w. Mi iajnu, vtoa H. MTTM5, Presldeat K. O. ANDKRSON, Caahle ' m mm tfujba. Assistant ... , HAPPY HEARTS. " ; ' The SGth series Is matured and, a4 usual, in' less than standard time. Bring in your certificates on or after the 20th inst, and get your cash. -' f y ,'., - I120.Q00.0O ' ' , " v a Is gong off and this la Just one of our auarterly maturities sos you can grasp something of the amount of business this old ship Is doing. '.Had you ever thought about how much or a fsctor thU institution is in the life and prosperity of J Charlotte? . ...- V, 'WEMVK Tb PAY OCT 1 -the boodle whert the' golden grain la ripe for we see smiles and good cheer l'.ght up the countenances of our multitude of shareholders. , , " , ' ' , ' V' KEEP. ON SMILING ', ' 'j ' ; s ' u and carrying share? with Keesler and the Mutual Billy Malone' and happiness Is your reward, and on't you let that escape your cranium. .. ) . . , ? - ': ' 'YOVCAN STILti GET E3t 1 ' X 'J in the old series,' and your icounfy cousins are still a ppurlng in. Let the ball roll on, Joy be unconflned, -. ' - ' . , , - " ; ' " 1 - 9 - - ' " E. Reesler Sec; & Treao, ; PIIOXE 11 ' XS SOUTH TRYOX ST. Stoclis and: Bonds SUBJECT, WE OFFER: " $1,600 North Carolina SUte 6 per cent Bonda .000 North Carolina State 4 per cent Bonds (old Issues). B0 shares North Carolina Railroad Stock, 7 per cent' ' , , , "S shares Elba Mfg. Company, 7 per cent preferred 5P shares Aragon Mill 7 per' cent preferred ' -. i. j1" 50 shares A"rlcn Trust Company Stock. , " 25 shares Peoples Bank and Trust Company.' ; ".is 10 shares First National Bank. " " 7," , j -', SO shares ?vey Mill 10 shares YfooUlawn 10 shares Marlon -,1 shares Arcade ' , ' l shares tslea Lowry .'' r SO shares Chaofwlck-Hosklns ' 1 WW W " . . v. Maimuiv .1 2S shares Lola Mff.: 50 shares ClinchAeld :' SO shares Ranlo : II share Altavlsta '. 10 shares Adrian -1 F. CABCOTT tt CO:.ATJY INVESTUEXTSL .. o fe-MittfrisA) gym..,

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