... i .It i Liil J GEDUAIIT ..i fl...l) v C.r;:t Ccr,f;'s!:n Over Pcwcn to i C3 C2v:a Various Councils, C;,lttec$ and Officials Is A; parent :-:r-:-:r v' 1 Artsterdanu aturdart Nov. it. (Berlin, newspapers; and dispatches mchlnlt hers Indicate that there is . r rfat contusion in Ocrtiunr over the ; peWefs ta b4 fiven the various 4ovti. clla, committee and dfflclkts. fhl dispatcher Indicated that there ;- ,hr chaos In governrnent affairs, to the formation by the Spartaeus group of a new political party which haa re dttesd tha atreflfth of the independent V socialists. How strong this new party i win be la not known. : - V The so-called executive council of the workmen's and soldiers' council v has followed the Berlin garrison's de f " mand by "temporarily" retolhdin Hi 1 order for the formation of a civilian red guard. There is reason to be v neve that the executive council, de " spite the fact that Captain von Beer f f Aid was f oroed to leave it because he was considered too radical, is itul : i more sdcta.lctie and radical than the JpOhildren Cry '.I , FOR FLETCHER'S 1 CASTORi A aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiiiiy :3 '. V' SM a Cfcaraeter Is Ue Basis ef Credit;. , S a '.3 a ' a 3 a MONEY When You Need It I! a S That's one of the nioest things about the Morris) Plan. 'Ws'lerrd money on personal ass) 3 5 s m ;-.- ess) a i a ' sasj i a 8 8'3 818' endorsement, Liberty Bonds or other security and permit you to repay the loan in fifty equal weekly Installments. v 111 to $1,000 loaped and at I par cent Ask us. , . ' ' The Charlotte 3 Sii I IIORRIS PLAN I ... east 5 -4 Company j ; , Capital. 178,000., ' 5 a a H. C Sherrill, Treasurer a 5 Aeatdemy Of llaiia Bnlldlm. ' g S nmmimiiiiitnmiiiMiitiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiB .,;;:a-.:a;3a';o;,:nnT:q:.B : XkStlABtiS; U&VRAXCB INFLUENZA DONETS Don't try to fight the influenza : yourself. See a doctor. .'s I ine uaryiana casualty Co.'s 1 Health and Accident Policies & ' -cover ' every - disease, including L the dread Influenta. g Local adjuster handles claims ( promptly. , ERNEST ELUSON GENERAL AGENT IS E. 4th St. Phone 2061 BUCK'S HOT BLAST I a regular money saver. . The circular overdraft Hot Blast Ftlng permita more heated air to circulate over the fuel surface than an yothtr arrangtment and con sumee all gases in toft coal, there ty saving CO per cent of the fuel t..at i otherwiee wasud. , v I' 2.F;:::r ui3!LTe Co. r -t rf I'n TTlch t?nf ttiaMA ' i i.:. liatio 6,,,' . rhone J5J7 .L-. I iii i largr-r r-' 'n i. . i it I ! 1. f I com ml. - -n. j ' That V-9 U:"c t(t'i ! :. rs 1' r.f : selves r ;uee t, count mee 1 -;-j vik methods .asiin has leen demon 'strated at a meeting in the reichstag liuiliiing- of delegates. itom all the sol ! dlers' councils In Berlin and delegates j of ' similar councils elsewhere. The Berlin soldiers are united firmly against Br. Karl Llebknecht They declared that he had been thrown out of the barracks owing to his repeated effort to deliver lncltive. speeches. ' Premier Ebert, in addressing the meetlnsr, declared that a vast major ity of the people supported the gov ernment The government had noth ing to fear front the troops at the front, but that many men from rear positions who are hurrying home are causing disorder In Baden and Wurt temberg. - .- . ; The cremlef added that the tint- led States would, help feed the Car- mans, but that order must M main tained, 'r i i SAYS GERMAN FLEET WAS' f ORDERED OUT OCTOBER 20 To Engagft in Final Battle) Which Wat to B Fought Until List 6hlp Wat Sunk. . -e Copenhagen, Saturday, Not. H. (By the Associated Ptss.) rrlday afternoons edition of The Vdrwaerts of Berlin declared that the report was true that the German fleet was or dered out on Octbber 20 for a final battle, whloh was to be fought until the last ship was -sunk.". The ,', Germans believed that suah a battle would reanimate the Oernuin pop. with the spirit of 1H It is said that the order to the fleet spoke merely of a "maneuver cruise" but the report that a sacrifi cial battle was intended spread like wildfire. A general mutiny followed. "This," says The Vorwaerta, "was the real spark that kindled the revo lution." V The number of persons killed In Berlin since the revolution broke out is said to be about 100. - TO BE ITTEltNED. Stockholm, Saturday,. Nov. II. (By the Associated Press) The Qerman armored coast defense vessel Beowulf arrived late laat night in the north ern Stockholm archipelago. The ves sel will be interned. Other vessels of the German Baltlo fleet are . ex pected to arrive in Swedish waters. , tl 1 1 1 II I i H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Il7l 1 1 It M III 1 1 1 1 1111111111 1 1 a viator victor Records 3 Machines When Unde Sam Wants Musk to cheer the boys on his bis battleships the choice Is nearly always an Autoplano, because of the proven fact that ' under the-most-trying condition of rough Usage and climailo changes It kesps in good condi tion and its rich, brilliant tone la unimpaired. ' Over one hundred AutOplanoa - MSB mm & 1 are in use on U. B. battleships, t, , . dari you do better In. setectlnt; r an Biitrument tor your Tiorrte than follow the example of gov-. ernment experts? ;, ; . See and hear the Autoplano at our store. - V..., " ' T" 1 Af&REWS? I I MUSIC HOUSE I a SIS North Tryon St. . Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiini'iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiin .At Thermite and Rie-Nie-AmtU ; Freeze Solution. - Positively will keep your radiator from freezing. Better be safe than sorry. . PYRAMID MOTOR (& Authorized Sales and Service). 403 N. Tryon St. Phone SOU Pav their cost In 1 2 months, anil Indiana service is considers Uoa roe mbm Urord U yttfk la qriag S track, Carolina Motor Company ITATUVIUX.N.C ' SERVICE PARCEL POST Service Banners with ;- brass rod and cord to hang by. silky finish. Ixl one Ur only ;.v..;.5o .-' .oni ;gtar'.',':;v 'V''Vi'SBq' ;!:;i,ii;;;1';';;l'fV' '::;':;) -:-.f; .; -j I stars. . . i . ;s.i'j, i . .4So "4 I starsi '.. . .SOo . "-so West Fifth st'," -' - - -si .. I . i . I J Hussi-ns, li:;ans, French eni nu.Ti0.n!ar.s by Thousands Ks htnd fcy C:rmans. With the American Army North east of Verdun, Nov. It. (By the As sociated Press.) Russians, Italians, French and Rumanians by thousands -r-all released by the Germans streamed into the American lines Sunday. The euestlon of feeding and housing them is taxing the facilities of the army and the various organi sations which have been furnishing the Americans with luxuries. In Spincourt the Americans found 1,000 hungry Russians ana late - on Sunday started to transfer them to Verdun by trucks which bad hauled suppliea for the American advanced troops. -- - .-. ' owing to the shortage of food on Saturday two horses were killed at Spincourt but this meat only Half satisfied the Russians who had been freed by the Oermana several days ago.. ",, ' - ;-., .. .- Along - the road from Verdufl . to Spincourt, a distance . of about IS miles, released prisoners of various nationalities traveled toward Verdun In treat streams, passing the Ameri cans going in the opposlt direction. Many of the former prisoners were attired in German -cast-off uniforms and had their effects In wheelbarrows, carta, hand trucks and baby carriages. For tho most part the prisoners were well clothed, but hungry. t MAX SAYS HE FOUGHT ; -AGAINST ARMISTICE Says Hit Psaoa Policy Was En tirely iiput by Proposal for an Armistice Copenhagen, Nov. If, (By the Asso ciated Press.) The former imperial German chancellor, Prince Maiimll lan, of Baden, has issued a pamphlet In which he writes: "My peace policy was entirely upset oy tne proposal for an armistice which was handed to- ma In complete form on my arrival In Berlin. I fought against tt for practical and political reasons. , It Seemed to me a grave mistake to allow the first step toward peace to be accompanied by such n amaaint v admission of Oirmany't weakness. - i, ?.'.''.: ' - "Neither the enemy powers, nor our Own people regarded our military sit uation such .. as . to make desperate measures hecessary. ,1 proposed that the government as . first measure should-state exactly ' its program of war alms and demonstrate - to the world our agreement with President Wilson's principles and Our readiness to undergo heavy national sacrifices to fulfil those prtnolples. .) . . "I tfaa told in reply that there was not tlAe to wait for the effect of such a statement and that the situation at the front demanded that a proposal for an armistice should be made with in 24 hours, to be supported by pub lication of the names of a new and unimpeachable government'? - -, , . f ,.,,, s, y .U THOUSANDS ENGAGE IN ; RIOT AT VyiNSTON-SALEM (Continued ifrorn page one.) of Mayor R W. COrrcll, made through Mayor F.: R. McNlnch. of Charlotte, by long . distance, .telephone: j 2B0 TANKERS SENT FROfci; ? v CAMP POLft LAST HlMt Raleighl' NOV. i7.---Apprised:4 the situation in WInston-Salom by tele phone tonight. Governor Blckett or dered the Oreensboro company,- of State-' militia to1-the scene, and ar ranged Jot 260 tankers from Camp Polk jto leave jire at' 11 o'clock. ' GREENSBORO HOME GUARDS CALLED TO SCENE OF RIOT Greensboro, Nov. 17. The Greens boro home guards were called on to night to help suppress the disorder in Winston-Salem and at 10 o'clock the guard left its armory for the station to go by special train to the scene of the trouble. WORST OF THE TROUBLE . IS' APPARENTLY OVER Winston-Salem. Nov. 1 i. Accord ing to the' police, the negroes were killed in the outlying dlstrieu where indiscriminate shooting continued for several hours after the mob had dis persed following a pitched battle be-1 tween it and the home guards and nremen wno xurnea nose on tne crowa when it rushed the Jail, the second time. . At midnight the worst of the trou ble seemed to be over and the polloe expected to nave the situation in hand by the time troops from. Raleigh and Charlotte reach here this morning. SITUATION IN HOLLAND . CONSIDERABLY IMPROVED . London, Nov.' H, ' Saturday. Au thoritative dispatohes received from Holland today show thkt the situation In that country has considerably im proved, , x j " The disturbances " and -eVcltemont had not died but comnlefl" h b situation was well In-hand. The queen drove out Thursday , in an open car riage. .' She was cheered and received everywhere with respect. ; Previously tho .latest information from Holland was contained in a Cen tral News dispatch -from ThS Hague dated Wednesday. This was to the effect; that soldiers' hadvbeeh 'potted to guard all public buildings and gov ernment offices. Cavalry was patrol ling the streets of The Hague, and forees also were assembled In Amster dam, where revolutionary demonstra tions hava taken place. - , - MACKENSEN WITH TROOPS - RETURNS FROM RUMANIA 2 Copehhaen.??NOV. ' ' l7.-loefman Field Marshal SrOni Mackenen. ' who has been operating In Rumania.var river yesterday at Debrecain, Hungary, With 2,000 of his troops, According to a dispatch frOrn Vienna, aThe.'troope were disarmed and started towards Germany.- t i y ' tr i f TO RETURN TO IVORK. , ; .Nashville, Tenn.; Nov. 17. At 'a mass meeting - held this ' ftfternobn more than 1,000 men representing the electrical workers, sheet metal work' ers, millwright khd riggers how on ft walkout 'from Old Hickory powder plant voted unanimously to return to work immediately, following the ar rival of -ft favorabhr ooffimunlealJon received frbm the war labor board. '. y BREAD FLOUR EXHATJSTED. fV Stockholm, Nov. 17, (By the Asso ciated PressO--Reports from Helslng.i fore ar to the effect that bread flour has become exhausted. There is none for- d Istrlbutlon - this week and the situation Is said to be desperate. . ) day he threw i . ; j the line five coun-ter-attacs civU'T.s he tad held ,ln close reserve, l.-iey were his best troops, tut taey failed hot only to DURh Ihl Imcri.YM hut th.v failed to check the gradual advance of the Americans jover the dimcult terrain. ' V I The first phase of the action ended iOotober 11, during Which the Amert scans' gains were not large but they ; compelled the enemy ,to use a large number of divisions, which became .slowly exhausted and thus were un- able to parry the hammering he was receiving from the French and British on the west . . .U .Flghtinc In itooda Bluer. It was bitter, fighting in the woods, brush and ravines, over a region per fectly registered and plotted by the enemy where his guni, big and little, could be used with the greatest effl- ciency. , The original nine American divisions in some eases -were kept. In i the line over three Consecutive weeks. 1 - The American reserves then were thrown in until every division not en ' gaged on another part of the line had oeen put inio action.- It is a fact commented upon with pride by the American commanders and complimented by the allies that even of these divstons "that drove their- way through this - hard action never before had been in art active sector, while green troops, fresh from horn, were poured in as replacements. Tne ' Associarea press aispatcnes J, ...... .. "- 1 uicK lruui nis irougeoi uiii iiiuii tiisi positions, through one defense system after another, using his finest selected troops, which had been withdrawn tn many instances from other portions of the line, in an effort to hold an -enemy whioh he derisively said last spring could not be brought to Europe, and if . , . . .. . a. so would not ngnt ana even, ir ne tried to fight Would not know how to dO 80. ' " 'V""-,Xr-' Death. Blow wHutuv J The attack delivered tn morning of November .1. which began the seo ond phase of the Argonne battle, was the death blow to the German army. Between September 2 and October tl enemy divisions to the number of It were Identified as being opposed to the Americana in this sectors 5 Be tween November 1 and November I the enemy threw in 14 fresh divisions, but all In vain. . . . Fighting every "foot of tha 'way the American advance averaged Ave kilo meters dally over terrain constantly growing more difficult, with the lines of communications and supply daily lengthening and attenuktlng. while roadmakera for the transport and oth er supply organisations worked day and night at' thelr tasks. ' ' ' Day by day the official communica tions and tha telephone even to the farthest advance line told the Ameri cans that for every mile the Germans fave sway before them tney were yielding another mile to the' British and French on the. left; that the American pressure was felt like an electric current throughout the Una. Americans Broke Through. On-the morning of November S the German official communication told the Americans they had von, because for the first time in the war the, enemy officially admitted that the American attack. hadL effected a break-through. The Americana knew that what finally happened on the morning of Novem ber rll. when Ahe urmlstlee was sign ed.ws only question of days. ... iiftst Monday .morning the, general eommandnr a, certain division was , called toj.the telephone -in afar ad-: Vanaed pAsttibn- and iaskedlfthe had t tmderstoftl nhelt hotiliir ''ore to 4 have ceaseasit ii xiocnm ns morn- lnjf..'TSvTf-ir?rf1jrW ' 'tes;,,q,replled the gonsral.v'T did. But at 10:58 we were going like hell." : QUESTipN OF FRONTIERS UP. Basel. TtorfMiZZk dispatch from Vienna says, the German-Austrian na tional assembly discussed at - Thurs day's meeting the question Of fron tiers, especially the 'Moravian towns of Bruenn, Olmuts and Iglau, which the Moravian . deputies aemanaea to be Incorporated In German-Austria. DR. pTTO APPOINTED. ' Copenhagen, Nov. 17. Doctor Otto has been appointed Austrian 'foreign minister,, according to a. dispatch, re ceived here.. That Offer Warmth Without Weight e;ant--to'cal! special attention to . some smart coats' that we are now show- k . .. ' u.' .-' : t 4 Sing that combine warmth "without "weight.: -V"" ' ' . ' '.''' ' ' That's the secret of a good - COaf. i ; ; 'v's ' 'You want one that will take -all' the blurt , out 1 of winter, and thafwoh't. be heavy on your.back,t;, - ; '"' Yoii1 can betsur$ that ' they're the best-..values' in- Charlotte at the price $25, $30, $35 up to $75. ..i i : Overcoats! . JL JLX XULV JLiA V .VV XJ. HV 1 I --'-i'W (C merce and to e" . j t' .- i , ta' av .11 themselves of t'e markets cf trs United & tatea :uch has Intervened since lilt to 6c. Ay a -1 1.1 m - r.y re spects to make ni.ore d::cult the ful fliment. of the tasit but there la, ho ever, a strong deire On the pan of ivery asrency of this government to contribute, W-lthi the measurs of .lu power, ward giving to our r Latin American commerce the most ads quate facilities.", ' AMERICAN ARMY MOVES ' . ' TOWARD GERMAN C ORDER ' (Continued from page t.) accordance with tho terms of the at mistlce, in conjunction with the allied armies. -s ' I "At the end of the .day's tnarch our idvance troops had reached the approximate line of Oerfontalne, Pryt Pieton, Im Lauvlere, Bolghies, Ehghlea and, south of Nino ve," , ADMIRAL VON T1RPITZ FLED TO SWITZERLAND - Copenhaten, Kov. lT.--Adrrilral von Tlrpitz, - former minister of the Gr mn ntv init thai mis wha was chiefly responsible for aermajhy's in tensive submarine campaign fled to " rort Gazette. . WILSOST NOT TO ATTEND. Washington, Not. IT. -President Wilson will not attend the celebration of Britain's day at New York Sunday. iP?"! .Inua r0-?- A1 '-. TS - Dl etWste ah la at. iMMst sk 9 wleatk aant! ton B. Parker, , chairman of the eom mlttee which attended the invitation, the President said that as much as he would like to Join in praising the part which Great Britain's soldiers and sailors have played in the war, he regards it as his plain duty to re main In Washington so lis . "to act more promptly upon matters which seem to mature aWTc-st syery hour." 1 Econonilad Comfort Mora heat4-LeM Puel ThM'o the way the "TIP TOP HOT BLAST.' works. And It three you the heat in a, hurry, too, a featuro much to be desired whin one wants a quick nre on a chilly morning. Anotner faaturo is that it will burn either coal or wood, ft. distinct ad vantage... . - ::"-'': ' vyo have them In ft number of dlltOWnt sues one for often par ticular need and the prlcft is rea sonable. . , . J.RMcCkuslana&Co. In the Business 14 Tecum. Phone Sl ' SSI Tryon ' s o TV : r h k Ml (h i , f if Sfll ,j,. i 0nr, Ttvoa 1. ft- S Church 1 rron Pt. M. M Church......... v . a .ta.i t. -ir.t i, , I4III44.U04II . Mrs. M. K. hunt m T. P. Jonu Ura. Or T. Jisndortoa. Jamas Harir KC. . ,..,... . ...... . Mrs. P, O. H)r.,.. .,.... B. WUtkowakf. Y it..... '.......... 1 1 . . P. tt. Brown f.t ... i ..... i i ..... i . Mrs. . P. Mutcta:D,.. it. ti. .! lndpn"nea Trust CmPir ... ........... ..( Moore ft Johhatxit.,1.1.,. ttt.t.. .. ij.i.K. . lira. Ellisbath King Oarlkdldl ft lron,,,ii..i.i,i.i,t.....t.t4t...ii Ot.rlt)ldl ft brun.t.t...t.t..iit......t.t...i. T. W. Wsll. .....t..,i..t.t.i.iiii....i...... Klrst Mstlsftai BsnK.i,....i..il,....tf n....i Julia ft Violet Alatafti-f i.i. ti hrl t., M. KlSlr......M. t.i.iiii iit I... t Burwtll a tns. . i m .. .. .... ...i.t. Oattttl llVnee ft W, K. Wl4i.. tin. ., !. Ooerts fclS m W. H. Vf...iii...it!t.tt! W. M. JttMftseft ft !tre. . till,. ill....t Charloti National &ah.. .i.,,iiiii.iit..,4.itiitt Coaatttrelal Katlontl Sank.i.t.ti..titi....iiifi WamS Haaltr ComaaS . ........... ............ John at lMlt.,i, The Supkans Compahf.. .t.. ...... ...,.,...... Fledratnt fir tntsrues CaiaBfi.iti4.t..... first A. A. P. Ckurcll4ii.i.......i...Mi Theft OriftitV ftia-laa.i.i.iii.....it...i..... W, t NlaaolaWa.. 4.. ..i.... ......ii. ............. At J'. Drapaf. .... .... ..i .... ..... -.If.f.'t 8eefl Misyterla Chsrel.i.i.ittii ...-.l.f . n4 rrMartsHaa Chara.t....i...i.i.t.i..... tij.l -, Ct At MIBhlMiitii,.iimt.n,,4itt .tit. .. ff.e. Tela Ariiota., ii.,iiii...iiii.,.,.iitlitii..iiii T. w. Mavhlaa... 4..,. ............. City M Charlotte (City ttatt.... v.... C. C. Waat. .......... . i.. ... !' .44tti...... : Vf.Jt Johnston. Kri.4. t.itiit...i.t-.i.i..tit Mrt Jslia at Aro-Iw....i..i.. .. Mrs. Chilli tkltt. Dftvlftsaatiuti... :. O. W. Tlllltlii.. it..... ...... ...... it. ........... MUe k. Psviesos.i. it. ......... ...it. llH DaviSaoii. ....... ire. k. L. Davieete ft Cailai,. ..t.'t.t-....... ... ; Boatkira Atal KsUtt tsaa m treat Coaar.iiii oatae ft Wrlstea, 1st......... 3. K. Vph rtaaS4 1 . 4 .4 4.4 1 . . . 4 . ,ti . .. 1 1....... . Zaks ttaanMea ft Cksflie P. Uaa4-..t. Mr 'I.. W. ftaaein..,,...i.......i.itMt,.t.t.. W. T, Wtlklnsofei t. t.i tt.. ......t.'tt. ...ttttt ITalea Mstioaai sUk. ... . . , . . . .. . ... . . CaraoB Eitato. . ....,.i.t w. r. Dowa.4.,, sirs. D. M. Kisser.. .4 ..... . .. ... 3. N. MICataUa4Cftsa-ar J. A. Durham,,.:. ...tltl.41tlt.ttl 4 .. I.t. K. U. Mklia........ ..................i...'.. aara. m. wiiwr..t...ttt.fc.tiitt........t.jttt. ... V " . .4 ...... This tmsrevamtal aistrtet ereeeuea aae seen emeaa into tae leuewiav saa- seetlonst . . i . . . ; 1. rrtM ttith itrae leFlnh Itreet . '' . 4-" I. Freaa ntih B(rt t Trae fttreet . "- ' - . . i rresa Trala itrsef te fort fttreat , ' - ; V,,: r 4. rran iroatih Street ta Third fttreat , ' All th aastesBiaiits levil Willi refaftase te the eiBeMUeaa : , " v f it -. Ths total eost ol the lmreramaat ta he saafte threeshaet the aatlra lansth of the bTa-nam4 street Is estl-aata4 U he Il.i4l.lt. whllh Inaledas tha portions rspoetlvir rotiulrW te be herns r Ue City sad hr the ewtrere el sraaartr ahattlnt ea eaM stroat. . " . . al . a. a. . a. aV - - IV ft -.aaS , ak SiuIIIk atl akaa -aakaak tk Taa aoruo m aaei roqwroe la oo am ay uw twnm o. p.-r. i """'""a treat tad a hargaabU ta them torsrl-tt the whale aeet ef the SSVlnf, atlapt the (resins, eerblst and yavtsf sad ermansntlr imprevist the streat Intarsaetloas raqalra te he done I tha citr aat ef Its saMral raadi is ll.illll Whlah amount laeleaae a amoants ahave ahowa eharfeahis te the City of Charlotte, ea eaeeeat of tie et-aerahlp of praaarty ahettlat ea sal 4 etraat and la a total ef tho artiouats aheve stated as the ta.-tu.ta at ataiaJ kaataa.a aklik tiunttnta haoa haaa srarafaft SB, the reel MUM ehttlns a said street la prtpartloa te ths freatase taaroea, and la nteordanca with the oirh. dtTlaions, It aey, eraaud lha Board ef C-mmlooioaara. the prorata share ef. the enUre : eost of all seen i-spra-tmanta ehirtaehle te lha ewaere of ahattlnt property eaiae ehasd te sal kaaoaod spaa Mah eld ef tho etroet. The total sort roaaired to U paid out ef its enarel fuada hy thi City eipt as ewaor of reeft- treauag ea said street te estl matad to he ll.llf.lt. - ' natiflad this lUi day efWatimb. Hi. . si Approved as to farm t harr ft Ball, City Attamayfc : ; - . Road, eysrevtd and alopt4 this vth day of hjovoiaben lllli ralas saseehdid and adopted paa its etsend and third raedJnss and ftaolarad 'to he aa erdlhaiioe 'lloti-e twenty days ett-r pehlieatlea ihroef In a astrspasor - puhllshod IS tho Clly ef -Charlotte. , .hiiH.iUMi,;.; , otaasutcB rktattvu to wmMAimjrr WFiwiVEMitwTi, on TRADE STUKET, MINT STREET TO COLLEGE STREET ,r The) Board of CooimlaatoofM of tha city of Charlotte) Do Ordain t - . That the spaelit heaeftts to the abuitlap property on aoeoanl oi taa savins of th Itaadway ef Trad Itreet from' Mli.t ltrt to Celiece Stmt is haraby datorminid and aseosetd tsainat th ahattlas srepsrty a fllws: . . XOBTH MDB. - -f.--v - . oirasr. ' vft.:-ftentaa-BJi. . .. Dapth. ,.ltaday ''"-V7 . -.(rat) "rat) aVaosamnt J. C Iprlns.. ............. ...... .it.... i'i , lit. 41: . . ' B. ft. ft Mre. J. ft Prssten t SM J! . ' ,'!! J Bantharn IfannfaetuNrs Clah........ ......... ...' II.S ' A'lfl.l - HI. II Bonthsrn htanafaetanrS First rrosbyteiina Ktshiaaes Hetot Jam A. Barty. Mr. Unfa Berrlher, Mrs It A. Dune.... i enure............... t... itsji, ; KZ,WZ ct-iHay,..).. ; ... I!!.i- ."fl::I-H " Bit .............. . .' II4TI,: : .-O l'?1 A.at,. M iKe.fjrj 111.11 'l.i!!-!!!!! V it. n.i 'f ii.ii Mies Jianstoa ura it. u. wion..i.. ..... Thomas Mooro, fttato. .......................... Mrs. M. IX Oaboraa, tit set f Mrs. It A. Oeberae Indopmdane Treat Contpnnr Mr. U. L. Davldtas Child........... Daviasoa ft Child,. . & L. B. bavidse ft sure. Chllsj..MM I. L., B. Davta.... ............. ...... Boih Broa.. ,.. ......... ..t......tt.f.t P. 11 Brown. BsC i Mre. f . M. Browa H.i.ft.. H. Ti Bmdoreon, . A. Hndron, Ast...... ;.. Vtrhhts ft Pannm Mattonal Bhh.......i Mrs. B. W. Kins. t. X. Whlta, 3. B. Bard ft O. M. -. Lr (H oath)... Mrs. R. M. Oat ft Hattle L fwndora.j;...-. . Owner. Bantbtrn Beal Bttat Loan ft Tmtt Company....... Mr. Qra T. Hfsd-raan. Quardlan Mutal Tfa Company. ........1...... .......... ' n. wtttaowskr. Bat.... ....t 1 Mm, B. B. Altnar t Mr. C'B. Moor... Mrs. Kate W. Maori... , T. W. Hawkla.... J. A. Ball...., .,4 T. Wa Rawltlas. ...... . ...... ......;.... .... . T. W. Wade. . . . , . . . . t 1 1 .. . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . Matubantd Realty Company........ ...t. .it.. t. 3. imsna. Bit..... ....1.. C ft Waat..... J1. W. Wade.. ohn p. Boos. . .. .... ... . . . . t . . . . . 4 1 . . ..4 . . 4 . . 8. ft. Lnts. i ........ 1 ........ 4 . t .. ....... ..t .. F.-S. Cr... Ooorf W. Bryia. ....... N Bnnrdt ft Dinn...u.-.....,.......... .......... v, o. Aiaaandar. ... .... ......... . 1 ... ... ....... . . l)urrukh a BpfUif.................!. - BurvslT ft tun8L........4.-..t........ ........... . Mor ft ' Johnin..., . ......4 4,4.. ..1 ..t.i......i Bouthtre Boal Eatat Loan ft Trait Company. ft. Wlttkowsky. KaL.. A jr. H. MsAdon. Kit a.-......i.t., if. H.,MeAdn ttt...............4..t ..it.i.t.f. ft, T. aloAdon. .......... . ...... 1 t ...t . ty ... t Fhnrf ft , Mlt' t...i.. t.t ..... , t) ". .J- Harrlwa wntts. . . . ...... ... . ... 1 -...... .... This bnprstmnt dlrtflct ar soetlon , 1.. rrom Mint fttteet te.eplar Btrolt " ,,, ' I, rrora Poplar Straat to Church Btrttt : , ' i ' ' I, Frm Churoh . i Trad )trt '1 - ' t From Trad Suoot U Collof Btrt and th ashmau tvld with tefeteaeeto wb-eeetlona.s , : . , . k . . , r ' TM leini eo 01 me imprn an. 10 t u,vu,u... .nun uaita 01 am pbov.nnmd street I timtd t b 11,111.11. which Inelndos th portion ropotlvly taaulnd to bo born by tho City and by th owners of proparty nbuttlng en said tfoot. The portion of eoat relrd to b barn by the wnr of proptfty ehuttlns en sueh trt end charhl te vcovaring the whol eost of th pavfht, oieopt th grading, eurbllis nd pavltif and narmanantly Improvlne; th trt lntrtln ratr4 te b don by th City ut of it snrki tend is ll.lll il, which amount tnciud any amount oooto anowii ttrawi?i h, ... v., .7 w. ..."..v.w w ww...... w. p..V... . abutttns ea Said Itreot and I th total f th amounts aboro stated as th ameunt ef pell Tknnt. whloh nmountl have bn pfratd on th real oetat abutttns on aald street la -pretrartion to the frontas ttereon, and la aeeordane with th seb-dlvislen, If any, rtd by the Board t Comin'aaioner, th prorata ihar ef th entire cost of nil each Improvement ehrsable to th owner ef abetttnr property beina aharfed to and eied Open eroh eld t th trt Th total eoat required to b paid eat ef It se ra) fund by tk City oent ewnr ef property fronting on said. Itreet is estimated to VaUded4hls th day of KovambVr.'llll. -' - ' 1 - Approvad a to form: Phrr ft Boll, City Attorney. neaa, apprsraa etna aaopiva mh iu tt.r tnvTnur. ii ruisa suspenaea ana Adopted upon It end and third readlnf and declared te be as ordinaaoo effootive . . .aiv davn after nuhlleatlan thereof la a neweoaner ntlbllihed In tha Citv at Chulatta, . . . , " - Published Kvmf II, fll , . , .K , ' , Alt OXDH ANC BJCLATTTE TO nCBMAJOSMT IMrMVBMBNT DIBTBICTS. , Troi. L.4T.V4. nuin ittioraactlon with Sixth Street te It Intereaotlon with Third Street. Trad 6trt from It Interaeotlon with Mint Btrr td it lntrsetlon With College Street Tryon street from it Utrtloa with .Third 8tr to its Interaeotlon with Morekead Th Bonrd ef Cnmmllorr of thi Cttf' of Charlotte do Ordain t . i , That ta order to make a Juet distribntioa ef the coat of permanent improyement In the following permanent Improvement dlttrtots ef Motion and ta equklls the neeeae- ' mente ea the property abutting an th streets therein th ald permanent Improvement district er eoottnss shall be and ar subdlvldd into th following ub-ctln: Tryon fttnet from It lntrction with ftlptli Street te H Ihteraeetloa With Third Street Ihall b divided late the fallowing ub-etlon , , 1, rron Sinth Stroot to Fifth fttieet. 1 ' 1 1 - t n r ' I ' I. From Fifth Streat to-Trad Stroot. ' 1 ' v . , . - I. From Trad Btrt te fourth street. , I . ; 'r.- 4. From Fourth Street ti . Third Stroot ' " Trade Street from It Intersection with Mini fttr4t t its latreUe With College -Sret shall be divided lnte th foil wing ub-oeotlon: . v." 1., yroitt Mint Itreet te fSPlnr trt '. ' '1 ,. I. From Poplar Street ta Church fttreet - - . 4, yrem Tryon Street ta Celleie Btreet , - ' ' : Tryea Strtet from It Intersect! with Third Street te 111 Intersection With More head Street Shell b divided Into the following aub-otloni 1.: - at. mna a : nvras his-sbspe id -i Tvnn 1. Ftm xnire street te second . 1. From ftaaand S treat to First a t .v.... oia. a atl.M.w. . tVrera Bteaewall Street to Hill n : . -1. Fram Mill Street to F.est Vane I, , yrom ataet Vni fitieet t Morehtad Strt. 1 1 Bitlrted ikie. t;ho lth dy of Kcrettiber.-Ills. . , J ' . - i i. -Approved tie form, fhary ft Bell, City Attorney. " I I - -V.t " Read, tpprvd and adopted, thi lth day of November, llfili rules aWadt and ftdopted npon It teeond end' third reading an declared to b an ordinanc effective' twentn day after publication thereof la a awpapf published la th City (of Charlotte. , , fublletad ovombor it lilt I , ' . . ; , t 1 ri j. . -J.. v . i.:- z- .i u J !. lS.O ' 1M.I ltd I '11.1 iti.l ii.i , u.i -: lot. i -ni.i ii.i ' - 14.1 . . It. I :.. ii. -j.4 i . II , in . : - .,; hi. 1 ;.. VAX Ml i Ui.t m.e . lll.l ; 11 il.60 111. 60 I It 14.11 K.ll 11. JS 101. S J7.1 t7l.ll Ml. 11 ll.o i.i. ti II. H 1 II. IT BlaV Aft I t' WW - .! : 14.11 ,111.11 : . . M.lf . ?.M . II.IT ' lit. II ' Mil Villi . li.se m.ii - 11.11 " II. II. I , II. III II.S . Sk SI i 111. .; ivstrt tll.ll III. II rro-itaee.;;' mat) I.I -Ovr, txeth. tr atss maat :,V, HI. . It.l. tlll.l 1 - 1.1 A '! ; lllt.TI 11144 Till II. TI i:- UI.M va.v 1M.I 111.4 71.14 If. II o'vV liM-tifJ !f -M 41.1 i 111.4 N lll.ll .I f ,114,4 5i.n ill. I . ' in. 4 - lit.41 Ill If .1 111. III.S II. 4 T4 ll.f 111.11 ll.l ll.l ' 11.4 Ml il l vA I. .I ' 11.4 ' 41.4 " tll.l -11.4 II I ,. , . 1M.I 111 . in . Ill ll.l ll.l "III. I ; iii.i , .llT.I nt.'it lll.lt - : iit.1i - 11.44 '?;:!: ' ti. ii ,'- 'v 4uie ' 111. II V? lil.it ' , in -' Hi lll.l : lll.l . 111. 4 M.e ll.l 41.1 ll.l m.e 141.1 141.1 lil.il tl.TI lll.l fl.ll II. TI 11.1 -. 14.1 It. I If .t II.II ll.l 41.4 14.1 IT. I ll.l 14.1 41.11 4I.4 II. 1 T-f, M.i' , m.i . m.i m.i t 1H.4 , UT.t lIT.t ' UT.T Depth, ' ' IT. 4 - IT. 4 11T.I III. 4 OI.4 , lll.l lll.l 11T.I 1IT.I 11T.I ,111.1 lll.l a, ll.l lll.l lll.l lll.l lll.l 11:1 -lll.l ii:i , 141.4 141.4 14.l 141.4 ' 141.4 - m.e lit. II .111.11 HI. I! 14t.IT 4 111. it -. ii.ii 14. Tl II. tl II.II . 11.11 IT i . "114. II , Boadwty Asooiamaat rrentate. rt ' 411.1 II. I 41.1 ' . II. 4 " 11.4 li.4 11.4 ll.l 41.1 , ll.l ... II.II . ll.l 114 ' mi 14. Tl . 1T.T ll.l 11.4 ltll.ll nt. t 111.14 144.4 ll.lt II.II II.II IT. II ' 114.11 11.41 in. 11 114.14 tl.il 11.14. II. Tl 41.11 1 ll.l I4.TI II. Tl II. I ll.l lit lll.l ' ii.'ti it.Ti lit. II 411. fT ui!i ' 41.1 141. II has been divided inte the foliowin . JOHN M. WILftOrl, , city Clark. sstva-ssesT .i,:. v . ,i , tt ' stroot , - Street; . ' - - ' . . ,. 11 ai.M.t :l . 1 :,t. ., f' . , . t . I i . '. .V Stroot. ' , ' , Street ( r (' . ii.9 ' . I i . . M.I It. I 4.t . 14 II. V.l '- ti. i tt.i - h.t . fi.l SI. I Cinh.. .......... ....... ...'ftoiwia, "Jiivrat 1 1 t - ';