I k I - - v;;:i Ljc:: : r. HeiJj tf C,:,3 1... j CI...... Extension-cf. 7V. 3. ' v fpeclal to The Otrv,.r. . Durham, Nov. 17. Oulclal noti.1 ; cation bu reached ttat headquarters : of the united war work cairnaljrn In '.: r tht e;:y to the eeot Cat t.. &t-iv 'v ' or funtf hat been eTanJed to mid? night Wednesday- nliht. t . A statement has been Issued signed by Dr. John It Mottj director general -., r th united war work campaign Cleveland H. Dodge, treasurer of the ; ' tinlted war work campaign! Raymond v ; fa. Xosdlck, chairman of the commit tee 0i eleven; veorg f emms, renresentin the T. M. C. A.; Mrs. APM, national Cathollo waii ounUur loiflrs and sailors) for all o( Ml; Mortimer L. ISchllt, Jewish Wei- CcL'd Crov Dcttcr ' nrrrti' f-en. thwt K-5jH"w''l ' (lag stops, whea yes as rtlkblo, time-1 :?D(Q)5 afelhe standard of f "quality Shoes.; ;for; .youhg men and mord cohsfirvative styles for . 4 their Riders, but always 'the quality and mak- ' ;ngth"atinsWes a lasting BLACKS - MEELONdS J. Bi' Ivey & Co. i) N.Tryon . , Phone 330O -1 i "v An "American 'Department Stork With Five-Story hcilities TUSGVPSY; I t ' u " i mi- I'l ii.r , W went to hear" Gypsy Smith th other night,; Went at th urging of a gondslxed - 'curiosity td ae What kind 6f a "man he is. .After .listehlfie) to Jth address w ..realized that we previously had made rathef lnc6rrct. estlmat of ' th man. )w had reasoned" that he must ha mor or les superficially sensational ' oii th Sm Small ordef, '! h wouldn't 'hav chosen tuch a freak ' nam t ht tailed by. -' - - " 5 ' , -ihen. again,'' wj thought possibly 'he might b lot spoiled and badly , opinionated ilk" ' some evangelist nana" thr successful publlo speakers . of time get v v .,.;. '.''v r-f J W were all -wrong about Gypsy ' Smith, however. There Isn't a, thing '''heap" about '" that man save his foolish name. . W ran'c his hour' tails along wiih the ,U:.t .plairorr.1 e.Torta we have Iieard. Cypsy is Vu cd with a pleas ing voice, tons of iiisneU.vu, anI a lit . t "I IM( i 1j t i i - s c i tv ...J ti... t c a v ' a i v, ei 1 V 5 ' f (t'Oi.H, 9 f ' tUl!! t Of t . ' ' 1 uuy end Tues4.iv because cf t.. i.. "t rt-"-8 celebrations. .,, -the-in'iaer.s i !.i"! h-,j t. --a it lirsf ossibio to da n y worl whatever lrt quite a largr rnimbor of cour notably In Pennsylvania and t..e l.oc.y mountain and FacU'c coast regions; but the ban is now being lift ti l.i ntf-t of these sections, and ths rsmfjlsii leaders believe that with a to days' extension they can reach and pass their cuotasj The'represen tatlves of. th seven organizations at well the national campaign ex ecutives hav therefor flecUt J after .careful connideration. to authoriae an extension to v Wednesday night. No vember SO. , . " ' They have beerti confirmed In their decision by President Wilson's second appeal, appearing In Sunday' paper. In which h says that very, much mora money will be needed before th desired, large oveiveabserlption is se cured, and in wmcn ne runner wye It Is clear "that to minister to. theifl their time is roing to require a, tare r financial outlay than) when they were -being served fdf but Small fraction of their' time. "The-President wisely 'fixer atten tloh oil i most vitar polilt when h mphtslies now that cessation of hos tilities bat com we have entered up on ft period In whicn the work ot our seven welfar organization! assumes, If possible, an Added Importance. Th etcitement under which our soldier and tailors ttav Men .worklns; Is. with J 1 - ' ' . satisfaction.'; : ' r - TANS. ' I 1 "6, i'v ' ' ' A sympathy broad enobgh . tftJtake ifl th whoi world.' : ; v V.Then he, has a way of gathering a d i i ' i t, ' 4 btg audience bp in his arms, playing with It until he gets tred, then tlt . f ' t . ting it dwn, wanting mor. . , ' there . wasrt't aqythihg i specially deep or scholarly about Gypsy's ad dress, but it Was wonderfully human and to very sensible', . ,- . r ' ,-.. t , ' , ' ' 4.1' V J " Great addresses never follow the line of philosophical . treatises . any h6W. Thihgs like" that are too cold", and ar meant to be read'at horn night times' afteit ,th children have gone to bed, i ' : . -. ' ' ' ' ' ! . "WelV- Gypsy -may hav been born In a 'tent - r, . ' ' '' ' . t. ' '.' ' It he waa. It Just toe .to prove that It doesn't matter 'a hit wher 'you wer bor, to long as you've got something in you besides a good-for-nothing," roving gypsy spirit - Then, to6,' it's also Important that your chance will com early enough to get but of the tent And into, decent man'4 hox. s. Gypsy rrsithb a rlsht may he come t.Ja aoout ' ' . " '. " .. i .1 1 . . . 1 1 S .e i : i ' : ' '" f i ''J " f :ow 1 1 1 t r ! .; rs !;.. :.t a: til f i i i :-.t, and o:r ti':...ai-y a ..4 to se t -t t. . i 1 1 I ' ( ' , i" ll.o" 4 r.i e rut i i : '.sanoal position ns possiVIa ?r the gret servue, hivh f i t r the American homes end American people properly expect from them." r ' i:iLt DT CE EViSEO Price Fixing Ccrr.mittcs Issues Impcrtint UUM.cnt on J Cctton Prices.:"; " by il fi. c untAxt. ; . Washington. Nov. ilt.-The price fixing committee hat issued f an t im ptfHanai statement oil cotton ' prices. Aft Uetn Of nw ha been carried by the prest dispatohe but the' exact language "of lh announcement v will interest pianufaoturers, mahy . of whom hava wired for copies,' y .The statement uthorl2ed ft,&Aai "Subject to th Presideht's approval the price-fixing. committee of the war industries board makes the following announcement: ' j'.' ". " ' , " "At a meeting or "inw . pnce-nxing iiommlttee with the . cotto manuiac- ment Vas reached for A rsyision of the existing schedule of. ; maximum Driest on cottdrt koods.: Id v..'Ov'.?. in jn mosence ""fn,",fcii""-;.xornitd new Drlces the present maximum lim its On cotton foods art left unchang ed by the price-fixing commltte un til January X 181, xeept for certain revisions hereinafter, referred to. In making this arrangement the i trice fixing committee took into considera- I lion me special oimcuiiy wnicn .nm at . me preaeiiB . umo t in. utwruiiumj fair price on cotton grooda. The trice pf raw cotton 1 fluctuating and un ftertaln. Tht differential foV th nu merous ,t6arat glasses of . cottoa- gooas vary rejtiy n twiuuv , brought into reasonable, conformity with each., other except, after pro longed Investigation, In view of then Circumstances, the tsommltte find Itself unable to fix nw roaxlmum price' at lh present tim. 4 "In sanctioning th maintenance of th existing techedule for a limited Seiiod, th committee wishes It to be ndefttood ' that the prices numer ated In that schedule are not en dorsedi as Just and. reasohkhle. but ftnly at maximum prices, not to n exceeded under any conditions dur lbg the period SUted It la hot rec ommended1 by any implication - that these Rrices must nbw be paid by th government,' by th allie or by th pubiio, t ii -r u .-' ,y- ' ; "it l agreed oft th recommendation f th manufacturers that certain er rors in th yarn schedule be.eorreoted knd that dlfferentlala na Investigated, and, If any f them are found out of line, with basis prices, b revised; to more falrjy conform, to th general profit return on ibthtr iottoa goods. All salt made - aftr ,N0vemBe 1 shall bo subject -and. ahall. conform to any -revisions madv under thit para graph." jfr.v;'?;,;j V f ;i: ROWAN HAS ftAlSED ABOUTf half; Htk WAR OUOtA !Jib' .rri'?'."' '. "ft-f: j'-" ' ipedftl toTli) OberrePii -"' . BalisburyftNoVi it.-Rowan ' has raised about half of her quota in the United war work campaign and Chair man John ULi Ramsy ot the county organization It hopeful of having the county go over the top during the remainder of th campaign, the time having been extended until Wednes day night on account of the: two days lost last week in- celebrating Tictory V Whrver.ln tha oounty th wor ers have been able to present th case fully and 1 imprest upon th people th - hecesity of continuing -th rt ligloua work among th boys, the peo ple nave -com - across 100 per cent or even "better. The donation of a day's pay it being asked ot th people. Weekh u tV.' ,,v, , ;rvL CSS. Planned td Serve in Us Sphere Every Human Need.' The V ' ; TOY TIME s'1 v'1 f. 'V.' - - "7 J' !''"' ' ,t 'l. t1. ,s( , "f. j' th ,upllftert, , busy-bodies, and alt those, meddlesome eort of Xoik who ajway wht to ho'controllln' th .th er fellow, kr saying, that this Christ mM ah the grown-ups. ought, hot to get many presents;' and thai we should devote all ouf tlm and spre" money , i ' . " ( 'f , ' to th' children) 1 . , i ' ' ' ''" ) n , Now,, that' would b all right If It Would workout it won't, The-American peepl always have a way doing pretty much al they have' a mind to, , and generally "get away 'With-it," barring ' A ; limited amount ot. Government Interference With our sugar allowance and such : -But just supposing, that th children WH1 ,b .th only iolk "'remembered" this NDcmberthen"tIvey' will 4 be able jto take care' of the rush for Ut tl folk's-things. ' ' . W opened our Big Basement Toy - -. . Stor Baturday with th,yry biggett displays ever, ' ' - - y, . . W hav provided so many Tops, Dolls,, and such, for this holiday-time, that w had to rent a sonirat ware house to store' them inA ' , No matter how. l is anyNftock may be, everyone kno" 1 - - that lh fh best t. ' 1 ( fi .t. IwT, V. rig so, 1 J " i . ... .'.," Nov. it. : . I--'- i . ( , one of the ir. t ; r u ! r i i j i t:..3 section of tl.a s ' i . ! t: - t ; rir.gr at 4 o'clock at t:.a ; i: - t n, W. O. Guy, at Lo ryv: :j, ( :or county.- She was 83 jius f.fe; k Infirmities of ae Was the c.uwe tf her death. The funeral f- ri i ! I be conducted tomorrow tnnrnir'? at 10:30 o'clock at the horne of W. O. Guy and the burial will be made at Zion t rresbyterian church gravejard at Lowryville. The Rev. John Edwin I'urccll of xthe Chester Purity Presbyterian church, and the Rev. Frank Drennan, of Mount Holly, N. C. Mrs. Guy's former pas tor, will officiate." v . - Mrs. Guy was a native 6t the Wllks burg section of -Chester county. She was married to James I Guy who died a number of years ago. f, 4 Mrs. Guy is survived by one uaugn !tr. u'a a, m. Titmah. of wwryvnie, I w. m . f A . A n. v. Jy vi vneaivr , couniy, au J. L. Guy, of Camden, S. C, . . nAYMOND K. ROBERTS. - -ReldsVllle, Nov. l?.-Raymon4 Reld Roberta, of fitonevllle. died followdlng an Illness with. Influenza and pneu monia at Fort Browm Brownsville, Texas, pctober 81. aged 28 year He was me second son of .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts, Of-8tonevllle. He, with his brother, lJsmes H. Roberts, enlist ed lrt the. quartermaster's Corps Of the army September 84,' 181t. where he served with honor until hit death. His remains, accompanied by bis broth en reached 8tonevllle, November 1 and were buried th"followmr day. The fUherAl service wer conducted bv Elder J. W. Fllhchum, of . 8pray. Toung-Robert was a young man of sterling worth, kind and "obedient to his parent- always, and liked . by all who knew aim. n naa many trienas both st home and In camp.. He was obedient to v hit officers and s per- faithfully every duty, no mat- ter how small. S' Iteldsvllle. ' Xbv.J It.--J. Walter Jones, aged 48 yf are, formerly of this cOunty. died 'at his hoh In Greensboro Wednesday afternoon. He 1 survived by bis wlfa, Mr, Luia Barber Jones, formerly of; Heldsvllls, And three children, hit mother, Mrs, M. A, Jones, two tlstert and a brother, Mr. . Chas. L. Jones, of - Beldsvllle. Th funera.1 Bd burial occurred in Greensboro Thursday afternoon. ilnwr. A. PAYXE. ' r Baii'shury, 'Nov, 17.Mra F. A. fayhe died' Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. D. Brown, .at th manse ot;Thyatlra Presbyterian church. Mill Bridge, Baturday and the funeral and interment .took place fcunday :t Thyaur. Mrs. - Payne's son-ln-law, .Rev, B.0. prown, 1s pas tor': of that Church.4 - ; . : ' ,;-i-1-i-'sH'Wi-i:.v;:..i i ,: i. i --r. ' r y t OCORGB DEADMAX i '', w Bnno1lirlTWo.V4ffMrt'rioV man,- aged Qi, died today at his home On South tMatn afreet, a victim of In fluenza .and complications. A widow urvlvei " ,Th MxteTtheht will b at JruslemVDavlo eountyj Monday. WttTX'?n '"...! ' is CELEBRATION COMMITTEE I? WANTS $i85 IN DONATIONS linjte atleasHl S 1o 'a fray th1 lridbtenssInMiVired S'th' committee JH charge ot thf peace cel ebration last Monday night wat made yesterday by Clarence CKwster. who dlreetd th'preparatfohs,' - Mr. Kues ter askedithat all checks for thl pur pose b snt to Arthur J,'Trper, hb; was designated y Mayor McNlnch as . treasurer of this fund when the com mlttee was organized yesterday 4 week ago at the; hdrno of the mayorV V,f.a.' v Th oll with which : th material waa v saturated , Wat donated ' by a wholesale oil company hr and other materials wer donated. There were several Items of heavy expense, In cluding the providing of decorations for ,72 arniy motor trucks, and the preparation of effigies of the kaiser and Von Hindenburg. When the final accounting was made. It wss found that thw committee- had acquired a deficit of $186, which th members themselves stand to lone .unless the public participate lfS' the expense of the celebration in which so many thousands joined, i A REAL RECORD. ' Saturday It' was warm, cloudy, and W , ' ., rainy A mor or less bad day tor th til Of Winter clothes, , yet Ivey't told" almost two ' thousand; V dollars' i . i ',) 4 i1" i ' forth. more of ; Ready-to-Wear gar ment than the Store's best previous day' record,. ; ' 1 ' ; ' x . ."( T t' " ' '. . We can that next to wonderful, be cAuse w hav had torn big days' be for. ' , ' In 411 our sixteen years'- experience Ift 'merchandising, we declare th'ls'ene of our greatest achievements, t., 'v Naturally, w feel good about . It and wknt to acknowledge our, thanks right here to all those who helped putj it overr. i . '. - v . - ,"fo th saleswomen who '"told the goods; ' ' : -rl - 4U. -ur, a, ix. . 1 igpiays To. Mr, B,' II, .Barefoot who man- To'"Cof.'' A. W. Burph, Of th Ob- server, .and Mr,. W. B. JDavlt,, of.Thi Newa who helped with 'the advertls tag; , J. ' To th printers of both papers who pet the advcrtrj'ements; ' And to th dear people who bouyht th clothe, we r-y; "THAN.: YOU .A r j t. n n, V. S. A,, Nov. IT. j 1 -r J...i: . , ; All the papers say the war Is all over but the cfteernig. Now what I want to know Is. tSo I cheer you Over here or over there. Are we poin? to have our dally scrap In a Berlin bun galow or will we have It in an apart ment here. I like both places the same only I like here better, still a wife must go where, her husband goes. Sometimes. And say, Jim, now that we're going to be married soon, what do We want uv the pariorr now, lor goodness Bike, don't say that you want that picture of your unci nang lns.ln th narlor. : He's got. more whiskers than rain has wet and he'a of the insurance. We'll need a ulvan on th back ot his head, it' would look Ilk hi fact. .Why didn't h have tits picture taken with a mask pn, Accord ing to my plan I think my family' pictur would look food ovr . th piano. Of court we'll hav to' nave a piano, ven 4f don't, pay for It until one of ut dies and It'a paid out of .th insurance. We'll need a elvan because I must hav th proper thing to dl oft wh . waiting for you , to com home, 'now that divan are lit style. Do you think w ought t hav ana of those three piece parlor ects grandma 'used to ' dust oft or Just a Couple of odd pieces. - Aiinougn niBM fsnf famllv nlcturet will make th parlor look odd enough. Th next important room 1 th kitchen and th most imnortant thing w bd ther is food, but we'll waft until w get th. kitchen first Th dining room meant nothing but a show toort for th cut glass our friends oh't g!v us. Still we'll f heed a table, kort chairs and a china closet .to ahow off our five and ' ten cent ttor : earthen ware. Also our feeding tools. That' th only -joom we'll never us , d causa I'nfsur you'd lose your ap petite, If you ever at any plact but lit the 1 kitchen. Cah yo'tt beat It. mother wants m to go hext door and borrow a cup of ketchup from Mrs, Rasputin, so will, nave u nniaa me house furnishing later; Will twrlte tomorrow, Love and kisses, . . . " 4 - TOUR JANE. -1 (King Features Syndicate.) TWO CREENSBORO Clf IZENS - SUCCUMB TO INFLUENZA t- . - , 'I. e i ' ' Special to TH ObservPr. . GreensbbrOv - Nov. 17,r-Influenxa clalmtd two. wpll-known, Greensboro men in th early hour of today. Claud M. Pritchett,' whh rtcehtly gave up his grocery business to enter military service, and James H. West, for many years a merchant, her, passed away between midnight and daybreak, s Mr Ernest Hodgin 1 se riously 111 With the disease. But was alive, at th tlm this artlcta-ia writ ten, ito other serious cases are known to hav thus far i developed. New Cases reported' today were about 60 a compartd With 71 yeterday, and 48 for each Of the two preceding day. Except for a fe cases the disease appear to be In a milder form than when it mad Jts first appearane here. There 1 a eeheral feeling thit It .may be Christmas before churche and tchools are again opened, Th reappearance or tne epidemic in m creased numbers of cases I believed to b. almost wholly attributable to thjt ppac celebration her Monday . 8alhuryr Novv 17.Th tnarrlltg of Mr. James L. Russell, of Raleigh, and IIss Addle Mt RIckert,ot Balis bury, was solemnised at the. home of th bride's sister, Mrs, At H. Lasenby, on West Council street, this morning at 1 1 i 80 o'Olbbk." ? h ' ' Th certmofty wai' witnsd by -a few relatives am) Jntlmat -friends of the bride and Its approach had been kept such a profound, tecret that a Very few friend of the popular bride knew Of It until it was over, Dr. Ji C. Rowe, . presiding elder of 1 th Salis bury Methodist district, officiated. Th brld wore a darlt blue tailore4 iult with grey accessories and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. - Mn Russell is a contractor In the city of Raleigh. His brld is most excellent woman and ' a , leader In church Vork. For torn ; year the hat made her, horn with her titter, Mrs,' Latehby.' , wr-: t.;;r. The couple left In ah afternoon for Raleigh wher they will live. ( Ambitious Purposeiof the Ivey CONFERENCE Charlotte ha th pleasure this Week of tnterfalntng some flv hundred or . ,, , , , mor delegates td the Methodist Con- ferac. j , 4t;,,k; "4V , I1- '"" 'V - J i ' ' " t)f course, w'r glad to see .every peraoiri that comes, but this city ought to hav a fpeclal welcom for all these good - menWh minister- who hav been toiling away alrost a year with out a - respite, pn thjs out-ot-th-way placet In' th dlstrlctff ",l ' yi lit t'5.t,r j ' turlng the Conference day, Ivey't will Veep our Dlnlngroom open Even ing tip to o'clock, to aecommo data alt thos delegate who' would car to tak t'upper with us." Dinner hour are 1$ to 2:$ And supper hour 6tQ 'o :S9, "' ' ' " Th price of th meat Is ti cents. - CLOVZ3 DAY Clover Day, Thursday warf th blg gest w ever had, ' . !,.,' The next one will be sometlm In December. It'a only a tew week until CWiat rias. Header, how near ready are i , Z 1 - imm4 fc-L-J; ZL, : c. ........ j ' - . f Washlnl'n, Nov. i7. Tfeit irspS-.ars and associated employe ht th t. Louis railroad terminal, vers rebuked by Director General MdAdoo for their threat to strike tomorrow unless th order giving them higher wa5j wa Issued betor thsn. - i " "You ' must understand tAt h United .Plates government .'cannot be Intimidated and that It Is hiih!y im proper to do so," SilJ the director general in a telegram to a leader of the SL, Ixult employes, mad public today. H explained thit th strike threat was received "Saturday after he had signed th order advancing wages ot all v railroad s telegrapher and added: . .-i'.'i. .-, '.r.-:v'v "it th dclsi had not thu been made, the order would hav been fl-. Chriotmao ?A';:VBe.'Hre;i f- :And thiswise holiday-gift 'j.-, ' buyers ara getting busy. The National idea this season, liAMbi iLlJi 'L A Jtf tL. tkX A iuoic uian ever uciurc, is sho early and 1 buy those . t'hiftgth ,arT6rd real setv-." ice. - ; ; ; . Watch this soace diilv for .gift articles. -, McCoy Gtt It At DiBcbulilbf- 1 . .The Tax Bocks are now open and city taxes ar duVi -The city has maturing sooh SQirie" large JrAterc. " 'payments on its bonded indebtedness; and in otder t raise', this money, the Board of Commissioners has o: ' dered that a discount of 1 ptr, cent be allowed on a 1918 taxes paid on or befyre November 28th, 1918. f' Save money for yourself and help( your, city I paying your taxes at once". .:-, . " ; T November 13; "1918. F R. f.ieNlNCH, Cosalnuiioncr Finance. , Otfanfcltiort Rise ttighef Than THE OUCKESTRA u -' . In writing about a concert given by any symphony orchestra, all the aver age amall-town 'critic" can Jdo and save his facl to tit ii th side and lob ulole at it -'; " -; , - " , . . iTotl fak up all th musical terms you, hav in your shdp, spread thsm out td th best advanUk : possibly and th job I don! NOW, that' hist as It ought td W. 'Wouldn't it' be ter rible. If thyon In Chiriotte starred out to writ a comparison between th Pari Orchestra- and ny of th big orchestra of1 thl couhtryt . v , v i , ' " v ' v They said in Kw TorkthcriUct did that tti jfarlsiftnk wr great, but "that thVv "brasses'! , wr a . bit ' , . " . I . As for us, w don't know anything about that i XV thought ths concert was wonderful,' th nns3t, thing that ever cam this way only w dt wl:,h that they hai'rUyed' mor U an or.s piece that w fcal heard t jr. . If that co'.t-Lc" lot us 'pick V,. s t ' Lav r' tar v : it cctor 1 ' V s V . . 1 t . . . . I . : .1 tit. r ,Dipu-y : 1 1 ; r 1 t. .. .- ' (' t tor t c. :. e , t cu.-.ed tr 1 t' i r e cf ths t. ile :!;U r.tur? c A'I-'- r - -and Vi:-utot ft t as well as violet . . wm b tried, i Asheboro .wUl i V.rcs ill.. 'CA'DVo::! mill S . :; iu --. a Ct Company . McCoy.. 5 ,. r t , 1 . - it i. jit i i VI I 1 II I I rorr City ; Tai ' s .. , 1 ' v Mere Mdnetary Coiiti: of Heaven. Thore S4 mt mad th sweetest ho world they had only t but they didn't. ... But did inyon ver f r. . .. : , .. , ..... . . sjreat crowd woul.t evrr s t brdw concert In Ci.arlotf 5 i'i ... I; .. , - It Show that Chariot, on musically. ( Mr.' Des FcUoj, of the Talking Machine .Comr: at Ivey't last weak; tc'.l i it mor than an t . musical cuitura hi tit Mr. Des r.:: s t . t vlalt a great r . t' lit finis tvn r w soia'i.i c: ti i.i : ta uo l tf f t to.

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