C v W v 3 i::;:y CDTTC.icu:: -I u..:...;j.:j1Cood3 , J Pest Week. : v Ycsik, Nov. 17. Cotton goods' a are unsettled with prices r-toward lower levels. Ofter cf unf.nit.lied poods have been . ireneral. Government orders ; being compromised and awards on t . ti i9 are being held up The t ottrinsrs of goods not wanted" by , fovernnient are appearing in the T :yers are unwilling to operate In . s of so many uncertainties and the e selling agendas are making no i tt to secure new business on staplV oods. jobbers are selling goods un ier the market where they can find customers but it is difficult to secure action. Cancellations are troubling many mills and agents, and Jobbers also are finding that many retailers prefer to revise their spring business where they can do so. Some lines of print cloths have been offered -without takers at one cent a yard under government price levels, "v t. ,'V There has been quite a free offer ir? of osnaburgs, single filling duck, -i ni some constructions of coarse : heetings and drills. The readjust mer.t of government business Is likely :o, be well under, way shortly and when it has been completed mills will be in a position to appraise conditions more accurately. :v-y; - Prices quoted are nominal, a fol-;ws:--.-i - .'.,;-..v;- "v-.'' s i-. Print cloths, II Inch 64x64s. 12 1-4 cents; 64x0s, 11 6-1 cents; IS 4-2 inch 64x64s, 16 ,1-8 cents; brown :S-kttf tncrj sitiirhAtifi its nln aa ) A T cents; denims) 2.20 southern, indigo 37 l-a cents; tickings eight' ounce, 38 6-8 cents; - prints It 1-J cents; staple ginghams 1 1-2 cents; dress ginghams 22 cents and 24 cents-.-' - wOTTflrt SEEED HULLS ARE ; MADE CHEAPER TO BUYER "cr, Is Allowed Compensating Increase in Price of 'Cereal. I Preference Given Seed Sellers 'Spe-lal to The Observer, ;.. : I Raleigh. No. 17.- A reduction In the price '. cottonseed hulls from 20 to 614 and a imnenatinf increase In- toe price of meal out 6I to fit I announced by Stmt ond Administrator '. , Henry.- A. Fate, .. la ne with a similar announcement made la I cotton products states. This order ha suited from the lack of demand for cotton rd. hulls at 20 per ton upon the part of rmer and feeder. i At the oucgeitlon of th food tdmlnlstra n the crusher of North Carolina hare opted the policy of giving first preference ale t meal to the sellers of cottonseed, inins to all eellera the full amount of ml tnat may be produced from the seed iih-thejr sell. . Bellera of cottoneeed muet ang fo rsuoh meal, however, at time of .of eeed. Second preference in sales' of d will be rival to feeders of cattle, work "k and hot. ' , j he food administration has sncgested t all farmers with cottonseed and all lie j feeders or livestock feeders should ply their needs for cottonseed meal at earliest opportunity. - , , 1 Charlotte's Newest f and I Most Modern Movie ; Theater TODAY n I' A R Y ILES INTER i Her Latest and Best . , Picture , , "THe Eyes of JuKa Deep" Utctt Newi Weekly Christy Comedy Izt Char2, However, a Lc:a cf Only 17 to"C rc!;-.t: C:::a tion cf Host;:;'.: s tha Z'z Fac- tor. ." : ' " ' New Orleans. Nov. 17. While wide declines occurred in Qotton during the c:.:c:.i ,; 7.:';-:tr.:-tTcri;J .:.: Cu3 Hr-'ird to AM I.;rc:t3 t:.3 r.!.i InHucnce.'- ' ; c : t'.- t ... : i : i c . . r . i s ri e frc rt t . f. o i i ; s are Invar . 'y i ment i t ; In ro!e, doi'S I've 1 career. i's Is i u;-: mystery in 'lr : ; - ; seems ia'.pop ". !e tf it turrs out to be t I i in t- t 1 ' i-icf rro is a e 1 i" v ..lit u; fi and then ! 1 : j s ' t tliina i in the world. On m!;;ht cu.l the play i one of a near trsce.iy. stage it af.ord.1 '.a i ,) ( !) ! c i i r 1 1.. .;. .1 l.: , , .v iiiost com 1 t rolo i lor.? New Tork, Nov. 17. The many un qualified assurances : froir. 6 facial middle of last week, following the i sources that the cominir reriod of ,Pt ordor T.i.i!r win Unii -Tumwr. will be manas:ed''J Steel' especially to thelc likinsr, opportunities, to thow her great tal- j ent as a screen actress of the hiph- n story of the ! vn his i.vworkers In merriment ft i j f..e Petrova many I a ! the Vi.-tr.rv" f.sm win lend ad for the week was a loss of only 17 to with due regard to all interests was Wednesday and Thursday the virile M points. i At one time the trading ! the paramount Influence of the week, American drama. The Barrier by Rex ' W ashington is understood to be co operating heartily with the leaders of nnai.ee ana maustry to- enect an easy transition from war to peace. It is generally recognised that some tof the I 7 : . ..- r,d'steo4 '- j THE Al i iriOAPVAY 1 1 eMaMssHsssasalBsssssssssssssssssssssssssssW - V Jbaf V TODAY j Presents I. '.:.2. Petrova 1 1 In Her Fourth ' i TsitiAVBsi finsftMol J ' l r Production r Tc:::;zred 1 , , , A STORY OP , t ' -:::b 45TAGE3, 1 ' ALSO "'' I a test Issue of ' ' l-Pathe;; $ -t ' . f J and' t :.-. - - - ,:s in ' months' were 363 to 369 toints under the closing level of the preceding week but the action of the govern ment on Wednesday in putting a ban on further short selling forpecula tive account put a different face al together on the trading. , ; After the middle of the week there At the Academy. ' For the first hall of the week Man ager Schfleld, of the Academy of most delicate problems now facing the!??'". r -''. oig- uieresis oi tQis country hav 1 i""u ,ivsiu. v. their origin ndt onlv In the eonntrlM diversified evellence in the shape of a.- tha. i... . 7 nv irl of Knlth vnndevlllA and tions placed on selling. r In many ways toward the end of th week the mar ket began to take on a more stable and normal feeling. Important fea tures of tho week were the agitation for the removal ot the all restrictions on exports ' of cotton and th an nouncement that the war. Industries board had recommended to President Wilson . that -no more., price-fixing should be done In' th cotton market gooda" This week it is probable that matters of removing restrictions .on export will pressed and should tt bear results, a more active spot mar ket to looked for.. , ; Th chairman ot theootton "distri bution committee at Wasf Ington. came out last week with the poidiction that export of cotton from this country thia season would be nt least two million bales larger than the foreign shipment of last season and exporter ar beginning to get offers of busi ness from the other side of th water which confirm this prediction. It Is stated however, by th shipper that they cannot put export shipment through under th present ytem'of trie.. Is anticipated that the near rutur will bring Important develop mV m th export department- . Th market la still mor or lesa irregular and unsettled but market circular at the nd A laaiT"...:! RkWT ".tdP"Tes toward more yV;....,.v....,f',. HEHTEB'S WKEKtTCOTTOX, 8TATE- Btatement of spinners' taklnse of Amerl m eottoa throushont th. world" ' rnm wmi . . t Bam. -oven dw hrt:.: ', Ill nama seven days rear beforo.... ..... (ts Total alne Beptember 1 ill, Sams data U.t y, . M?I Sara data year befVe.., .... " ' ' Statenerat of WoMd's VIUWo BsDoly Total viaJblo thia week 4 .4 Toul Visible laat week I"',! I Ml Total visible a... M? TJti.!,!lbta.f".t "for;.; 4.1(4 ' ne wiai American tats weelr 1105 91 .'J?.'" to,al Amerlcaa laat week Ml! Of thia the tnra! iai,.. i... . ... of thia the tflta.i a.-i-T. " v. . Mi! All other kind, this w-ek.:,. .... " lu ah otaer Kinds laat week..;. ....... j n All other kinds last year.,.. .. .,,., All other kinds year before.. ..... ' Vlalbls In V, B. this Week.... lui K2S! ,w ... till Visible In ether ooantrletv this week.. 1,114 um Die mi oan laai Trear. , . , . .....f. partment of a war taxallon. .Foremost trade authorities '";'agx that th Immediate aspects of general business are very confusing, com modity prices recorded further down ward revision this month, but buying in many lines wa at a standstill in anticipation of further reduction. iThe end of th- week found prices or active stocks two to ten points un der the corresponding period of last week. Industrials, shippings, oils and ri?.1.01?, Tr mo?t dvy affected, rail yielding only nominally. , , Apart from developments due to the imnV? ib war' tt iS "renerally ditional tin. rest to the program. Columbia, Nov. IT. Governor ban ning has appointed Talley II. Mot ley, of Ponilac, as a magistrate for Richland county to succeed S. J. Ja cobs, deceased. ; , . and rtarht tainlty and anxiety being over, re laxation is th order of the day, a fact which was abundantly exempli fied so far as Charlotte was concern ed in the big crowds that attended the Keith house all last week. Cater- InC In thia fealtne- Manetrnr Krhn field has had booked tor the- local Keith house the first half of the week a program that everyone will enjoy. . imnn th a 1fatH D.ta la tli t Fam Tee Troupe of Oriental Marvels, ',TmT!!S!!!?Smmmmm wlsards In 'the art of manipulation I and Jugglery. The mysterious east ! " ""' :"-"-"--'" '3 is the home of this art and everything . H a i . ' "Eastern" is assured of keen appre- aTklf OltO 1111111" tlaOon on the etage. This troupe Is' " t u . irss"-i '-. - .. ' " i? enerany i ciauon on me iiage. . ini troupe is V t,,,dlt "estrfttlons Willi credited with being as .marvelous as I R COnilnUe tO MnilH Ihal- a.a.al.. t. ka Tr.UI. a ..aV.. . PIEDMONT ALL THIS WEEK ' ' ' Ctomineiiclng Today Bert Smith AND ms Ragtime Wonder NEW SHOW , NEW FACES " NEW MUSICAL COMEDIES PRETTY GIRLS ' ' f FUNNY COMEDIANS . . w .. DANCERS TWO MATINEES TODAY , , eiw a.o f. in. Tonicbt, S:48 and t.lft . ; ALSO TODAY . Opening. Chapter- of the Great Fifteen-Episode Serial : "Wolves of KulturM, Starring v I LEAH BAIRD - . LLOYD COMEDY ; . ' ; Other Features r - a wnn afbbSi VIss Will continue to exercise their restraint, Hil k i" -ni "O'catwns time money will hold at prevailing rates, with lit tle r no Increase of supply. . A WEEKLY COTTON LETTER ' BY HUBBARD BROS, CO. ,v.-' '...... e t; l-rJ?Il!: 'e?1 P" " US Prob- iSi 2ilht: moat aim. euit aepeolallr to the eottoa trade because fT.r ' , " central powers 1 lJr 5.-ntr"l?.,.foy,rBB,nt' ,1h h; .a i w .u co hi a do aone fori tnoir merchants and maaaractarera to the control of autocratic Ideallata, who hare! little reepect for sathorlty or welfare ot ' anyons anlesa their theories ar accepted, i I?.?f ' ''.a1 ' .'wt they , will press theat ideas ao one can form any opto Ion, '--i' r-T .;,-. j -.w. 'j ' Ha this debaols sot eearred.;wo oeuld havo caenlated on theae central power "to -MUTnony maintain the old method of mpleyment and comraero. as waa shown by tho preparations already made before th upheave! to dlatrlbut uniforms! and olothfns of all character from th re-1 servo etorea In their oseaalon amonsat the 1 returnlnf aoldler. jv were all Juatlfled lt! Mllortng that normal condition! of severs- i mont would exist when peaes earae that th ! Sovorament aretM.raianaj . w - occumulationa of cotton, a wer nnder way In thia country in nil would be repeated, an cotton would experience a competitive demand from Europe as In the past. WO) It com under the condition, Is tho qaea tlon each one Is aow called noon to fare. Bnaiand. Thkm a m a w a . them In this country a vera) hundred then-) ot couoa wbicb win do exported as soon as freight room will W placed at th dlapoaal of merchants. .'. ,' A w P'-ch th nal peaco eoitferenee this toverntnent will eeaea t b a buyer of cotton roods so that th consumption of eet ton In this country will slowly decline at a tlm when th exporta will Increaae. On th other aide of th plctur Is th prospact of th alow lnoreaa in th demand for cotton goods from the civilian population of tho world who have been unabl to compete with th prices which th governments have boos paying- durln th past few years. Th ton najre of th world will increase, tt will rad nally bo at th dlapoaal of merchanta to rnoy cotton and cotton goods to th empty shelve, it Is to be expected that th price which ar now ralln for cotton food can not b maintained In i tlm of peace th profit f th mills wilt deerea-o thouc'h w expect th spindle of England to ran at full tlm as soon as a basis of. valoea for cotton rood la reached becaue th spindles of Franca, Belclum and Bossta have practically btt destroyed. .: - In the aotuma of 1M eottoa waa pressed for sal at Urn when It should have boon hold in view of th cemlnc demand from government; and th problem now Is, shall It be held In view of th factors which have com Into being ta th amasement of every- , eooy. Kconomio law may b retarded and sioasea over tor tn passins moment, but they ar not to be overlooked, for they g. nally revernment. r f HUBBARD BR06V CO. - crvumu -iui irama. m iiuervcivu. hi. . ' any, on the Keith circuit and watch-: I .U a a-..Aa. a. kal a a' lit M ' vOne Night jlng 'the execution; of their act' will H ' TUESDAY, NOV. 19 g i be a rare treat.'5-1--A,A!'A;v,, ; In . " ' . f . '. 1 - If Ml Florence Timponp nh sun-! 2 Selwyn eft Co. , Again Present gj snine gin or vauaevuie, aiso come a me urratrsi vomctiy nil or a to the Keith house this week, herald-1--. tLmti , " M ed as a performer rare charm and . aoiuty. uer rating m in tneatricariQ , s" world may be judged from the fact 1 1 i that she has been an entertainer In f yA J W army camps and : has' to her credit I f j ' Ji m JL : having started uia campaign Tor col- OT 10 IV AY Douglas Fairbanks . iv In a New Artcraft Production '. "Found iH Rlorocct'! ; ; TPATHE VK7TORY NEWS .fcft "l" ' Special Fof TifdSy Only 1: ShasrtTlr Vlctorv .Cfilahrattnnk. In New York, Chicago, Washington . a p. AND n THE ' BARNUM -OF ALL COMEDIES A. g ; Warmer Li O -BY AVERY HOPWOOD Two Years in New York , - Eight Months In Chicago Six Months) In Boston y To Be Presented Hem With a fj ; Perfect Cast and Complete . ,1 Q - ' . Production. ,(T y R - Scats at Bcatty's Pharmacy . U i ; Monday, A. M-. M feeereWWWMjaaaaaaa Mli'O'ir'IK I,, " The Mecoa of Dl8crlminatlng vv' , " . Music Lovers. " ' Three Shows Daily , , Mat, I P. M.; Klght 6:45, 1.43 , Special Pathe Vlctory Film" . Paths News , . Offlcinl War Review ' , ' Harold Lloyd Comedy - FLORElfCE TIMPONI .The Sunshine Girl of Vaudeville.' . PISANO AXD BINGnAM . Character Comedlana ' l" 1 ' BURNS A JOSE 'rAt ' In Songs and Dances ; GEORGE FELIX AND . CLARA PALMER Well Known Musical Comedy t Btara , - ' ' 8AM YEE TROUPE . Orlnetal' Wonder Workers.- .Coming 'Last Half Vaudeville's .- Stellar Attraction George Dnmrrel and Company 11. P. 141 ITII VAl l!: 1LLE , 1 : .v ixy i: r. At SKowhouses At the Piedmont, , . Pretty and dainty, bright and snappy chorus, clever comedians, singers, dancers, novelty performers compose Bert Smith's -ragtime won ders, who open today for a week's run at , the Piedmont ; theater,, a brand new show, alt new . faces and all new bills. . ,-;V-j -.,,' It would he a hard matter to have gotten together a more ; clever ag gregation of musical comedy enter tainers than this week's offering, and judging from report already received from - other house throughout .the east, Bert Smith has an exceptional ly clever company of high class peo ple. Two matinees and two night per formances will be given today. The patrons of the Piedmont will be delighted to learn that "Wolves of Kultur" will commence Its fifteen weeks' run today. --v-.-1 . Beautiful, darinf,' fascinating Leah Balrd is starred in this sensationally clevel aerlali mnnni-l. h cv..i,A Lewis and Charles Hutchison, with a great cast ' For thrills and escapes,. i.wuwii uaiins munis s ana ciever acting, it is said that "WMm n v-nt. I tur" will outrival anything ' In the sertai iine mat nas ever yet been pro duced. Monday and Tuesday of each week has been selected to show each episode. ( " - A Harold Lloyd 'comedy and Gau mont Graphic will be the extra reels for today,- Popular prices will pre- Vail, ' . 4 -t r 1 K The Ellen Terrv . of , thn: Hn - Eugenie Besserer, one of the best known- movie character women, enacts the role of Mrs. Lowe In "The Eyes of Julia Deep," a five leel com edyrama featuring Mary Miles Min ter and released by the American Film company. Inc., which gives Miss Bes eerer every opportunity to display his- iriumo laienis, , - . r Miss Besserer Is known a the EL lien Terry of the scheen, . for in ap- ! nur'e aha miiMv'Maankiaa tru- . w v . v-.., VI.. - aallCIl Terry, the , great actress. - She has enjoyed a wonderful career. - At the age of H Miss Besserer went upon th stag aad later appeared In the support of a majority of the famous stars of th spoken drama. She then studied th art of fencing and at one time was the champion lady fencer of the world.' ' , She has visited every civilised coun try in following her profession, Her work in "The Eyes of .Julia .Dean, to be presented at the Strand the ater on Monday is said to be one of her best character delineations. Petrova rt f r-oa'lwny. -For today and Tu-Uy the Broad- ALL HEART rHTEHOLD SELECT, , i RED CEDAR SHINGLES RUBBER ROOFING, METAL SHINGLES ; And Roof Coverings of every description: ', ' , We are headquarters. , . v k - r CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. , ; CHARLESTON S. C ; ' t - " - ' . " - ' , ., " , " V , Matiafaeturr Distributors Llmv- Cemeni Plaster. Osnsral Building Maurlala DUvrd prloe quoted -carload lew or less anywhere In th Bouthaast, - Write -., ' ' r ;''?Nd'.;B3tterTmck; . :3SCiaii- B,3 Built The designer of this truck , have built txv match perfectioa . " So honestly built "that- not one has ever worn out' 1! No expense has been spared to secure the very best material and Workmanship. , Today there, is no single part, of the DIAT-!OND , T that csn possibly be irn- proved. ) -f For hard, bn faith ful service it stands without an equal Dealers Wanted In Open Terri ory.' c. c. coDn::;aTo:r Distributor ' CILUiLOTTXa, K C. . Its simplicity guards it against damage irom careless or in experienced drivers. . ( ; Now being deliv ered promptly ia, five standard 'sizes. . ' Write or , call far dcrr-onitr-Uon., V' : t i i I i t i !! . 9 , t i c . e 5 . )) -i- I..,. 1 '.i ;:. 2... ::. r. t... I ::s::. r. i n. p. i ....v - nn. r. 5 t'5 a X at - - X i t.aa ! a-a " 1' a C. Ga-0- la. Ce o. . . .. .... . j - y Xvf 550.00 gift means that one boy will have a whole year's supply of all the good things tat. J these seven organizations can giye hini. It-Will support I his store;liis churih his theater, his' school, his library, : and his club. ; UNITCDAYARJICCAT,1P 1- . VV i .-' . 55 2? By ContributeJ ..Through . ; Advertises' aul ' - . V. V Sfautdard Xoe Fuel Cow ; J TJcchcnlcG Pcrpziuzl CuHdln$ : , ana Lczn Mczczsctlon Loans on QhdrlcZlo Qczl Ectuta yhen you place a mortgage onyour home yoii t to feel that vour rjronertv is in safe hands. You want to feel sure that your bests is not in danger of be- v ing sold from under you on slight cause pr on the whim of a grouchy mortagee. ; , - Tho rJcztiznlcp Pcrtsnl : ; Buil fling d Lcpn Acccpfctlon is noted for its fair and honorable dealln? ilonr this line. ' r.:.a1 taa... t. a . a J..aa J .laaaai, i.a. At. a a.aal.tl-a.1' i i ! A ; ff-jirFi uiiiep ii-j iiprn ra-iiiira-ii irnrivr in liipa vnivnmv k J DOlIlU 1 '-- i. ?lVk1T a.lv I. r ' i , , Sa-a; .Our September Series No. 72, Is the largest Fall I senes ever issued in tnis city, ana it is still growing. Ap- t plications tor loans are oemg wea every aay;., J.RVEAW ; E.J.CAFFnEY, . J , Piresidcnt , ,. ; Z - J Sec. end Tress. V a. , v V About i em "Well, old man, how " s , ' goes it? Got any fuel up At iKC' . ypur house?" , . ' s "Not a deuce of a lot. The wife getting panicky about it. Gee, if there wasV , only a substitute for coal, wouldn't it be great? ' ' ; ','Do you mean to tell me, old top that you ; .-I.- haven't heird of the new gas grate fire, the Radiantfire, r thtyresdlingattheGasOace?'' l " . v "No For Heaven's sate tell me about 'em," y" J ' MThey solve the heating problem, -that's all, and are just what their name epells ldiant-fire. You ' v - can see the fire. We're running two up at our house. We've got the old furnace checked most of the time. I That's what I call programing, with Garfield,' the U. S. i T ' fuel Administrator." a " Thanks, if you'll excuse me, I'll be. on my way to the ; ' . " gas office right NOW. Watch me make a hit with my ; wife by ordering a Radiantfire today." - ' ' - i j , n I, 'I, , L ,t ' . j, i i in ! i i v Thlt it tampla of tht conversation ont may hear between tot ? v , . menover the luncheon table at arty old cafe or club anywhere tine ; I . Th Eumphrey Radiantfire cam into being, - '. , ' I 5 s I No.101 . The wonderful new discovery la bouse .' heatla j? Do you want to see tie is r A that will c&ko your borne cheerful and h&T7J this winter, that wi.1 ersll you ' to rerforti your pitrlotla Cdt? tad ' cone .xre your cotJei-7j!7t"..-twU step t I all tcatlrlwcrrkslj your Lc.e? Tl-ca . ( see The L.:r.-;Iirey Li'l-z.tZit dr.-aoa- strateJ. You won't dvl.'y your ori; , after you've seea It. II ... J . 1 ' "fey . .Jf kaa-

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