U I i : i Hi . U L.LU Tu, fe:eu c-stter to A-b D:d Circuits in Prccpcst, . i i i t : ; I 1 1 r : -r-n 1 . . CD XOU ' I AHDHOW , I ANO VfrW I Ml , t.VT C.NTf- ' J I J I I raj t THAt ' I .T1M? I . I THAT Fcxm. t WCM'T r- 1 , Z - lilt l I iWfc I . -k.... II JL. I HAVP I Yrtl I I .... I I -v IT I J I . I - A 1111,11 I I ' 1 i- t lAIN I I . i I . " I I "WViwirwu w rVkl I I w t. i. . i. I I I Now that the Hurt has been proto rly spanked and placed with the, "In . Dutch" gang, the baseball fans of , Charlotte are already dreaming of the balmy dayi of springtime aa they reg ularly attend the "Hot Stove league" sessions talk over the, prospects of a Carolina baseball league for the sunt tner of Hll.f J ' -V , f, S , -. While no movement, has as yet been ' ; made In this direction It Is Ibetleved by some of the leading local fans that, If the Carolina are to sport a league next summer,, the Urns is now propl . tlous to start making plans'along that line ' -.- .'- v- By next April a large number of the Tar Hel' soldier lads, now with the ' ; colors, will hare been returned to civil ' life. - These boys, in perfect health .,. and with the native American love of sport, are going to want the American , national pastime In then- home cities and perhaps will itlrt something on . their own ''hook' if those who stayed . at hom forget to arrange for amuse ment i fi-"-. - a-'iV; ' -' Altjhough there still appears to be - some doubt aa to whether the majoY ' leagues will begin operations next , spring, because) of the fact that many of their star ball players will still be working for Uncle tammy, there Is no reason why suoh a cause should stop the-minor organisations from playing their usual schedules. The American v. league without Cobb, Speaker, Jack' son and Bohelk, or the National with out Alexander, -. Kllllfer, Kautt ,. or Oowdy, would Indeed be handicapped and the crowds disappointed when these) particular diamond luminaries failed to take their turn In the lime ' - light ; --O -: ' i The minor league situation Is en tlrely different, however. , In the smaller leagues, the Cobba, Alexan ders, Johnsons, etc., re developed, re- , main a season or two and then grad . uate to the ball players' paradise, the big show, v It is up to the minor 150 Horses and Mule .'" Received NOVEMBER ll Sale or exchange. WacUworth Sales Stables la tha Businesf SO Tears" TUCKER &LAXTON Contracting Engineers ' 100 Realty Building Power Plants. Waterworks, riltetv, Dam and Concrete Work.' CHARLES C. HOOK ARCHITECT SOT Trust, TBer J TeJepbono S7 R.L. GOODE General Contractor .'i v - and Buflder V ' Charlotte, N. C. ABD1TS Scott, Chamley Co. Certined Pnbllo Accountant ' SeiWTB Hotel Boildlng . , f, CUAIOOTTK, N.C.T --J; - :j;Complete Y' Welding Plant Now m Operation ; Work Solicited; : : Burwe;ll-Walker Co; , 2li SoChurchSt. UNITED STATES BAttKOAD ADMIN-'-"'S ; IHTRATION. . -a- W. Q. MvAdoo. Dlrmtor Onuval ef IUIlrn4, RAILROAD-SCHEDULES - The arrival and dtpartur of paaaengev , tralm Charlotte. , s . Th following tehodaH flgures are pub lished at Information and rt not suaran teed: . v ... -v, ' AOPTHER BATtROAD. (Statiea ett Trade Btiett.) , ArrlM , , Daptrti from 1 for ll:4a Atlanta-Blrmlnfham.i.,.,.... 4:11a 4:0ta Washington'.. ...,,..T.'.....,.1:5 4:lfa Richmond..,.. f :ltp T:JH Whlnaton. v.. ............... T:J6p . t:t6a Atlkixta.. T:J0 .-. :l(a Columblk,,.,..,..,,..,.,,,.,. t-.tOt. l:ISa TylorallU...... ....,. ,,..,.l:40p t-ttk Washington..-. S:16p 1 :J5a Waiihrnetoii.nvs fv-i iis s r.v-. s s r' :SBp " l:(0a ' Richmond... .-.. ; . . . S:l(p lt:td Btrmlnghtm-Now Orteani.,,',. S:35p . ll:16p Chrloiton-Columbt.,.,....,.,ll:Oo ll:40p Wlnton-8lim,.... .tn l:4Sp Orenvtll-Wetmlniter...., .. 4:tlp " 4:t0p OrMnoboro-Dnlll,.. ,..,.., l:op :00p Atlanta.,,. ll:llp t :llp A ! ta-CoIumbla......,,,,,,, T;J l:!ip Tylorvlll.......... S:00a l:6p Nw Tork-Waahtagton....,,,.li:sa i:S0p Columbia 4ttKp J0p Atlanta.....,;....,.,.,......, :iia :S0p Now OrltnAttanta..,.,.....it:3oa : ll:0p Waahlnston.. i. . , . , . , . , , , . ., , 4 :lSa Waahlngton . . . w . i . i :40a ' IDoei not run Sunday. .' SEABOARD AIR LINE RAIT.ttOADV (statloa North Tryea atreat,) . ' AViym . . , , , v Departs from -"-V. V, s i.'" for- , l:l(a Monro.. :ta 10:10a Bothfrfnrilton. I:ila , I:llp Ruthrfordton,.,,,,,.,.,,, t:ip ll:40p Wllmlntton-Ratalch.il, l:0ta ' ll:10p Wtlmlngtnn-Rlelrh, :0p ll:40p NorfolK-Rlehmond...,.,,,,,,, t:0la llitOp Norfolk-Richmond,,. I:t!p 1J :40p Jackaonville. . . . , . M . , , ,,. :tla Janlcaonvlllot , ; . ; . . ... . op PIEDMONT ft NORTHERN RAILROAD. (8tatio Wart Traoe Straet.) : f ara -sJ, '...-.'..'.v'"; Laaros , Oaatonla .,.$:.- , '' Charlotto 7:00a-:0 ' 1 l:OOa10:4a n:OOa-l:00 ' . ', ll:0Om-l:p ; ' l:00p-I:OOp ' 4:00p-(:0p I:0p-:4p i l:0p.H:O0p , Blmont car connwts with all main Una ' tralna. - ' i' NORFOLK SOUTItKRV RAfl.ROAD. ' (8. A. U Station Worth lroa SO . Arrlras , , , , '(,'. ' traS t.4tp Norfolk... :! , Talaahone tft. " m safc i ' , - -t..-;a.-. t . , -v , i. , . i , . - . i . . . leagues to develop the coming heroes of tha game. Never in the history of baseball Was the time more favorable fdr the smaller organltattons to make money by the development of young bait players. " The war upset baseball organisa tion Just aa It did all other amuse ments. Many of the stars of the ma jor leagues before .the world conflict will not return' to the diamond aa the means of making a livelihood. Their plabet will have to bo filled by. the coming generation. " It la a great chance for the little fellows who have backed baseball in the smaller Cities to at last get iomi financial return for their years of effort oft-times a losing venture. : . :-. '.As for attendance tnere seems to be little doubt that with the enthuai asm which the returning; soldiers will show in the game, added to the regit lar and natural number who follow the pastime, baseball should have one of the most successful years in, its history. The old Carolina league was forced to oeasa operations because of the In roads the war conditions made on at- tendance figures. That association has gone by the board and practically an entirely now league will have to be built - The proposition, if allowed to , llo dormant until late In the winter, will prove a dimcuit task but u taken Up in the near future by the proper parties And gradually worked into an efficient and .popular organization baseball' should flourish In the Caro lina league M never before. - FIGHTING MEN "CONSTITUTE INCOMPARABLE CHALLENGE" President Martin, of Davidson col lege, chairman for Mecklenburg county of the united war work cam paign, received yesterday the follow ing telegram as transmitted through the Atlanta office of R. H. King, di rector of the campaign for the south eastern department "fr-T - " " Text of the telegram follows: .. "Dr. John R. .Mott, director general of the united war work campaign, re ceived the following cablegram from Dr. George W. Truett, pastor of the largest Baptist church of Dallas, Tex., wbcja nowiin..Jo'al T.,,M. C. A. work among men of the American expeditionary forces: ' '"Our multitude, of soldiers and sailors overseas constitutes an incom parable challenge to the patriotic and religious forces of America. , These men now face the gravest tests of victory, demobilisation and readjust ment anil urvKntlv raatilr tha wiuit j and worthiest spiritual guidance. Less man our best is unworthy of our men, our country, our ooDortunltles and nt 'our Ood, who has saved civilisation. The hour is here when America should dedicate her utmost for mak ing a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness." MEMORIAL PLANNED FOR CUMBERLAND HEROES h Special to The Observer, Fayetteville. Nov. 17.A memorial to the soldiers from Cumberland county who have given thel? lives In the great world war will be erected by the people of the county after the conclusion of peace. The council of defense has taken affirmative action on this Question, though tho work will not'aaaume actual shape, until peace has finally come and all the casualties are ascertained. It Is planned to erect a handsome v memorial, somewhere naar tho center of the city, to per petuate the memory of those .who have fallen for freedom, , ; From tha casualties so far reported, ; 1 or 20 Fayetteville or Cumberland county men have given their .lives, . approximately half t' r whom wero Kiuea in action or died of Wounds. i nAMnvroN honored. Washington. Nov. v 17.--Joseph W. Hamilton, grandson of Mrs.' rillard W. Ashe, has been ordered to Camp Taylor, -Louisville, Kyr, -to taln for a commission. For six weeks he was In the students' training school at the University of Pennsylvania. ? He Is 19 Wars old, but six feet In height, and handsome. The selection of young Hamilton for Camp Taylor is consid ered quite a compliment here, where ho has spent ; most bf .his boyhood deys. . o , . t Mr. Hamilton's family lives in Ashe county. -. . LOSES FINGERS. Salisbury, Nov". 17.-aeo'rge"" Best, an elderly farmer; of tho county, lost the fingers off one hand by getting It caught In a corn ahredder.r . ., MACHINERY. 100 Wcstorn Elcctrio and General Electrio Motors tor sale at once, all v speeds and all sizes. "Wire for me ;: and I'll wire for you." John A. Gur- kin Electric Co., 31 City Hall Ave., Norfolk, Vv- Telephone Norfolk- 25. -.' . - v . 6tf For Sato 80 h. p. return tabular boU. er, locomotive type in exoeilent cont ditlon. at low" price. -Virginia' State Eplleptio, Colony, Madison Heights, Va. . , - . 10-13 Engine nd boiler for said at a bargain. ; One 12x8 ft Philadelphia Corliss Sin y gine. drive wheel. 10 feet in diame ter, IS inch phase complete with fix tures; 1 80 h. p. stationary boiler with stack, all complete and f in -.good running condition.' Can be Inspected at our mill at - Mooresvlllo. r Price tl.SBo if the purchaser, comes for1 engine and .boiler. Season for selling; we are installing electrio power. Wi N. Johnston Sons Co.. Mooresvllle. N. a. rr'" . . j'":1 ."'''".Jl.IL.."i1."1 w,lwffme .' . . T,jy-f-FOB.-Siui,: IT FOR RENT. For Rent Furnished, t rooms and , private bath, also one single room, v 127 West Morehead. 'Phone MTS-W. Three first floor rooms furalRhed for housekeeping, -or will rent singly. ',,- One large room for 2 business girls or men, close in. Apply 407 N. Try on St. ' it-19 For Rent Large famished bed room; modern conveniences; Close in, in private home. Phone 8S71-"W. IM N. Brevard. :, , 10tf For Rent Large furnished room with two beds to two gentlemen, mod ern; tentrally located. . Phone 1010.J. 16 JEJSeventh St.(l 10U If you have a room, apartment or house for rent, use an Observer " want ad. Therejs no quicker or . more efficient method for finding a . satisfactory . tenant One cent a word. , For Rent Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 605 8. Tryon. 'Phone '-3017-W. . JStf Wanted One girl to wrap bread and two to make pies. Zindol's Hygienic Bakery, 60fl S. Tryon St. ( 18-1!) For Rent Flte room bungalow, far- nlehed r 1 1 - Grove -street. Can - be seen between 10 a. m. and 12 m. 9tf HELP WANTEDFEMALE Government clerk examinations, Char lotte, Dec. 7. Thousands women clerks needed. Salary $ 1.1 00. Ex perience unnecessary. , Women de siring government positions write for fre epartleulars, J C. Leonard (former Civil Service examiner), 89 Kenols Building, Washington. 17-22 Wanted An. - Al , stenoffraphor by modern cotton mill. Must be well educated, first-class In . every , re spect, and best of references. Steam heated home across street from of fice. Promotion dependent on work. Good salary and permanent posi tion. Address R. P. C, care Ob server. 17-19 Wanted Girls 18 yeup or over for factory work. J. & D-Tire Co., Foot of Palmer St., near Dowd Foundry. I3tf Wanted Two experienced white waitresses, and 2 colored women dish washers. O'Neill's, next to T. M. C. A., S. Tryon, Bt V lltf BUSINESS NOTICES All kinds of keys fitted. J. Will Kea terson, practical gun and .locksmith. 18 E. Fifth St. 14tf Dr. Rkrltard ll. Johnston has opened - offices in the Realty Building for i the treatment of diseases of th eye, ear, nose and throat. Hours 9 to 1. i to:4. ,..;vv:-. ..iVi.v..:i..r.v i.. - 2828 Dr. S. Levy. Dentist 1 E. Trade street. Phone Its. -. . FOR SALEREAL ESTATE For Sale 0-room residence in First ward, convenient to school ' "and churches, .splendid - neighborhood, house In good condition. - Price !, 800. . J. B. Murphy & Co. , 17-21 For Sale 8-room residence in Mfera Park; house has been built about 12 months, gat-age, paved street - and walk, nice heating plant, one of tho most attractive homes in that sec tion. Price, f 9,000. J. E. Murphy & .Co. . , 1721 For Sale 8-room mildence,'' convent : ent to school and churches, papered throughout, screened .brick under ' pinned, large lot, nice electrio fix tures, good size bath room; would cost to build house today about It, 600. Price, 1(3,200. J. B. Murphy & Co. 17-21 For Sale 8-room residence in Dil worth, paved street and car tins, ' house attractively arranged, paper ed throughout, handsome electric' fixtures, hardwood floors, splendid heating plant, sjate roof. Pride for - - this week, $7,800. , , E. Murphy ;;Co.,t:;'Jit?w:'?)?Ai4lf"ll For Sato 7-room renidcnce In Fourth ward; has reception room, living room,: dining room and kitchen on first floor, 1 bedrooms on second floor, house nicely papered, good ' sice lot. : Would cost o build this 4iouse today, I4.S0O. You can buy house and lot for $3,960. . J. ; E. : . Murphy tt Co.--: - ;. v , 17-21 OBSE JvAWk M a dmmmm. I PAYS TO READ AND USE RVER HELP WANTED MALE Wanted Youiu? boy or girl wrapper, t Apply In person, Ready-to-Wear Dept., BelK Bros. 18-18 U. S. EMPLOYMENT j - SERVICE c WANTS MEN For Hardaway Contracting Company, Contractors for the" Western Carolina Power Cothpariy, ' pn earth dam at rldgewater. North Carolina. ; For tha following work: r " ' 2 DUMP FOREMEN 1 ELECTRICIAN : 300 LABORERS For further information call at your local V.Si LABOR SERVICE BUREAU regarding tho work of the Hardaway . Contracting Co. BridgewaW, N.Cr' Wanted at Once Stenographer and billing clerkvSttf salary expected. ' Address P. Opox? 210, Hickory, N. C. 12-11 ;r..Jf,:,r,. Wantod Llccns.d cmbalmcr; prefer young man, with furniture experi ence; good wages. Address "Under taker," cara Observer. ' 1 17-20 U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WANTS LABORERS FOR THE BADIN . ALUMINUM WORKS BADIN, N.- C Prepare for winter, secure perma nent inside work for a company that delivers .90 per cent of its entire out put to the united States Government. FOR WHITES Living conditions are first class, rents low, cost of liv ing as low as elsewhere. No company stores and competition sufficient to keen prices at k minimum. ; FOR COLORED PEOPM5--They have pno of the best if not. tho BEST equipped villages in tha South. The homes are comfortable, equipped -with electric light and water and special attention Is paid to securing the better class of families who Intend to make Badln a permanent home.' - GOOD BOARD for single men, both Whits and colored, Is to be had at a reasonbla figure,' , v . For further Information, call .at your local U. 8, Labor Service Bureau, regarding the ,'k: .V -V . . S TALLASSEE POWER; CQ. V BADIN, N. QmS- Government' needs hundreds clerks , for Inoomi . tax, customo, internal ' revenue. -Charlotte examinations soon.: Salary $1,100-11,000. Expert 'ence unnecessary, For free particu lars regarding examinations, write ; J. C. Leonard, (former civil serv :' Ice examiner), 2069 Kenols Build ' ing Waehtngton. ' 17-20 WantedThree barbers at once. . ISO a weak and half over 940. A. A. ' Covington, Hamlet, SI, C 17-24 Wanted At once, a first-class shoe - repairer.;" One that can operate Champion machinery. Want a man - to take charge-of shop. The best Job in N. C. Write C.- F. Caddy, Red Springs, N.' C, . 17-19 Wanted - Colored Uboreri for inside work. Steady em ployment. ' ;-- , , J. &aTIRECQ, , Apply at U. S Employment Station; 205 N.' Tryon St. Wanted A first claas janitor, one who has had experience In firing furnace. Red Circle Inn, Apply to : W. A. ' Wheatley. ' l-i$ Wanted Physician for small town ;. and country practice, good location. . Address "Physician," care Observer. TWO BOYS WITH WHEELS WANT ; EDT WESTERN UNION - MILBURN, HEISTER & CO. - ARCHITECTS . . , Washington, D. C WANT FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS. Notice of said or valuable real estate - In Catawba Ctmrttv. on Monday. Deo. V a till A , 1 Q nMlnnl, nnnn a t nnurt house door, Newton, N. C. 118 acres of land, the Matthew Wilson estate. 5 miles east from Newton, n r sand clay road. Well watered, or. V third cleared, balance In timber, qpn.Jnting of pine, poplar and all k'nda rf oak, approximately 200, 000 b-nrd feet, house, barn and tm-"rovn-rtPnts, Including good spring. VU'i, n-half cash and one-half In alx "mnths, A. P. Lynch, Ad mlnls'rator of Matthew Wilson' Ks tate. . '- , 1T-2 For Sole Sis hundreds acres of land, more or less, In a high state of cul tivation, with fine improvements, lo cated in Union county, S. C. This land lies well, practically level. The soil la of the black-Jack variety. About a ten-horse farm cleared. Re-.- malnder In original timber.- Desir ably located, improvements worth , six thousand dollars. Convenient to Schools and churches. Healthy community. . Terms ir desired. Price twenty-flvt dollars per acre. A big . bargain. 8. IS. Barron, Union, S. C. 17-19 Farm For Snlr 822 ncres, house act en rooms, new barn, two miles from -railroad station near Charlottesville, Va. Prlco 13.880. 1-1 cash. -Address for particulars end catalog. H. K. Hawthorne, Charlottesville. Va; 8-22 For Sale I ofTer my 208 acre farm for sale, situated on publlo road from Rockingham, N. C to Cheraw, B C, , miles from Rockingham, N. C. 80 acres open land, good Jbatlding, we.ll watered. J, WHar ley. RL F. D. X, Rockingham.. N. C. r - : .i--' - ' 1M9 - I want to share crop or leaae a two horse farm to a sober, honest, In ;dustrfous white man who has.hi own' labor, understands tailing, preparing tobacco., for. market, good corn .and cotton land Writ or come to sea R. A. Peele, Route 2, Gibson, N. C. ; y- :;f ' ; 1818 For Sale Lorge tract of GenrgKt short teat pine, convenient railroad and good rates. Address Box $18, ' Maoon. Oa. . . 8tf 475 Acres Only $10,000 A great bargain for quick sale. Easy terms. On Improved ;' highway, at high school In fine neighborhood, con venient railway' and Blackstone. ' beautiful; well watered and fenced, beautiful; well watered and fenced. Good large, well built dwelling of 9 rooms, halls,' and porohes, stable, crib, 4 barns, 2 tenant houses and other outbuildings; orchard. Too will never have the chance to secure such a rare bargain again. Come and secure it at once, or write for further description, this and other good property. H. Frederlcksen Co., Blackstone, Va. 14-20 North Carolina Farm For Sale 291 acres in the eenter of tha bes'. to bacoo section of the state, midway between Greensboro and Winston Salem, six miles from High Point. Plenty of land open for cultivation. Well timbered, rood buildings, good neighborhood. Ideal, healthful loca tion. Price '$80 per aore.-Address Hay worth Roll and Panel Co., High Point, N. C. 14-20 For Quick Snip 227 acre located on the Piedmont Highway between ' Newberry and .Clinton, near Garys, a station on the C. N. aV L., 24 miles from school and church, 100 acres In cultivation, sand loam with a tad day sub-soil, 7 acre pasture fenced with barbed wire, loo or more - acres in timber. Toung orchard. Nice 6 room cottage dwell Ing, 2 tenant houses, 4 rooms each, In good order. Barn, 8 stables and other necessarv outbuildings, 2 good wells and living streams through place. For a limited time we have this place . at the. very reasonable "price of $48 per acre. Don't fall to write or wire us at our expense, when you will arrive in Newberry ' to look over this proposition, Davis Realty ,Co Newberry, S. C. 17-24 For Sole 75 acroa . 6 W miles from center of Charlotte; 8-room house in nice grove, large barn, tenant house, nice young orchard, plenty . wood, running water, good pasture, . some bottom land, land lies well. Price for quick sale, 875 per acre. J. E. Murphy tt Co. - '17-21 For Sale Bladen county farms, tiro ber lands and out-over lands. Ad dress Box 44, Elirabsthtown, N. C. . . - 17-22 LOST AND FOUND Lost The opportunity to buy manure . in carload tots, . unless you place your order fct ones. 92 per ton f. o. -b. cars here, while It lasts. T. Croft Woodruff,- Charlotto, N. i C, 'Phono 2805. r Tost Pair tortoise ahcll rlr.uimd , glasses . between Sixth and More head, possibly on North Charlotte car, 'Phone 18B0-J. . , .18 Lost Automobile tire, - holder, rear light and atate number 80128 be " tween Chulotte and Sardls. Reward. Returh to 202 Belmont Ave. 'Phone 2410. , 18-11 -' WHEN YOU SEE IT IN THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER ' ' . . ITS 60. ' . ' , ADS AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS For Salt) Ford Truck, new model, low price, piedmont canay Kitonsn, is N. Tryon St. 28tf For Sale Ford touring ear, 1117 mod- el, tip top shape. 'Phone 2S94. 2tf For Sale Baick touring or, ITupp "38" touring, Dodge Brotners roaa ster, Dodge Brother touring, seven passenger Mitchell, Saxon roadster, Charlotte Motor Car Company. 17-11 For Sale Ford truck, seasoned oak body and cab. Bargain. P. O. Box 988. Charlotte. 'Phone 2974. - 18tf WantedUsed ears to sell on com mission. Charlotte Motor Car Com pany. 171 S For Sale Oldstnoblle, S cylinder, 7 passenger, '17 model, in perfect con dition: price $880. V. M. Stlne. 29 8. Tryon St. lOtf Wanted- Place your order with ua now for 9 Dodge car. Our ship ments have been Increased. Char lotte Motor Car Company. 17-11 Brand new 10 IS model, 3 passenger Maxwell roadster, with extra tire; very thing for city or road salesman, A bargain for cash. 2 new Anderson wire wheel sport four passenger roadsters at. old price; "factory guarantee and service; would take light car as part pay . ment. i Anderson 8 passenger Demonstrator. run less than 2.000 miles; factory guarantee and service. Price right for cash.-- ---.-'-- r- A new 1 top Ford truck, with Trux- ton unit attachment; servoia and guarantee.. 7 passenger, 1917 Studebaker, first .class mechanical condition with exfra tire, very thing or taxi serv 1 AN DRROJf MtOTOftl SALES CO. Phone ' . 122 N. Tryon St. For Sale Dodge touring car, In ex cellent condition; owner having left atate, will sacrifice to quick buyer, Can be teen by applying to W. M. lvey, New London, N. O. Address . J. R. Ivey, Box 1189, Savannah. Oa. 18-lt Welding and Machine Service -Our shop is equipped to do all kinds .welding; braz , ing and machine work. C L. Taylor in charge. Mor row's Garage, 227-229 N. Tryon: : 17-23 WANTED WantedYou to know that hla Is ; :;' your last chance to buy manure In carload lots. I only have a limited quantity for sale. Place your order "at once. 22 per ton f. o. b. cars, . . Camp Greene, N. C. T. Croft Wood ruff, Charlotte, N. C. 'Phone 2808, 17-21 Wanted To correspond with someone who la Interested in buying walnut ; lumber and walnut stumps. R. Morrison, Laurel Hill. N. C, Married officer wants furnished room, with board for wife, or room and 1 kitchenette. Convenient to Camp 4 car Una. Telephone 2818. 17-18 Wanted To buy an interest or all in some going Mfg. Business. x Prefer Textile Mfg. Also would. buy.a.good Mercantile Business. , Ad dress Buyer, care .Charlotte ;; Observer.; - 18-19 POSITIONS WANTED Competent bank man desires make change. Good reasons. Reference present employers. Address Box W, ' Dillon, 8. C. 1 17-20 Physician want location where need u ed in town or good community. Address Doctor, care Observer. i 1 . , 17-19 If you are looking for a position, or wisn to secure a oetter one, use an .' Observer Want Ad 100,000 people read these ads every day; 25 words, 1 time, 25 cents; 4 times, $1; 1 week, 81.75. These. rates are cash. - traveling salesman. .. smpioyea at . present but desire a change. Ad dress A. J care Observer. lltf AGENTS WANTED World War nutory Complete, au - thentlc, attractive- book, well writ ten. Big profit Act quick. Out fits 28e. R, L. Phillips Publishing v Co. Atlanta, aa.-..., 17-18 Wanted Ten thousand a fonts to soil "The World War For Liberty." Pay ' best communion. Send fifteen cents t for mailing expenses of outfit. C II. . .Robinson & Co., Charlotto.N. C 16tt For Sale Camp Greene manure while it lasts, x our cnances ror Buying this manure grow less each day, as the life of tho camp may be limit- -ed. Place your orders at once.'. T. Croft Woodruff, Charlotte, N. C Phone 2808. - .;: 1T-18 Boat hern Railroad Company aoctlon saia xor tinciaimea ana rerusa freight, freight depot, Charlotte, N. C, commencing next Monday morn-" '' ing at 9 o'clock, Nov. IS, and will continue until Tuesday ' evening. This is a good sale. h best and largest lot of goods' the Southern -' has ever had to offer for sale In this territory. It will pay merchant! and ' speculators to attend this sale. ' Everything will be sold at the rate of a sale a minute regardless of price. T. B. Yancey, Agt. R. L. England, Auctioneer, of Greensboro. Complete hosiery mill for sale. Old established business. It Interested address Box 228, Statesvillo, N. C ..i - 14-20,k. norsM and Mules We - hare 150 horses and mules for sale or trade. Cochran A Ross Co., 119 W. Fourth ' St. Charlotte, N. C. 12tf ' For Sale Rex Visible Typewriter, ' practically new. will sell at bargain, must be sold. For further Informa- tlon address W. 8. Rood, Cordova. N. C. ' . i 18-19 For Rale Four chair barber shop; . , good location; rent $20 per month. Address Shop, oare Observer, lltf Get what yon want, when yon want It, ; through The Winston-Salem Sentl-' nel. Classified rate 1 cent word, tf For Sale Restaurant; close In, new, ' low rent. Will sell place and lease cheap for cash. Address "Restau rant," care Observer. - lfitf . For Sftlo Pressing, cleaning and dye mg estaoiisnment, town or e.ooo, several nearby towns to work from, owner desires to make chance,, no opposition. Address 401 N. Main St., Monroe, N. C. r , i , .18-17. Let Observer Want Ada And a market , for what' you have for sale. ; They ell a large variety of things for others. Practically 100,000 well-to-, do people read these ads every day. Robber Stamps Wre make then dally. H. u. vtorr co.. Kaieign, n. c. . ; - - POULTRY; LIVESTOCK: SEED Single Comb Buff Orpington cooker' els and pullets, 81.50 each. April hatch, few hens, 12, Cash with or der. Act quick. L. W. Bardln. ' Black Creek, N. C. 17-20 , Rod May Wheat for Sowing We ca -, , supply you with selected seed. Mali or 'phone us your orders. Davidson . & Wolfe, 220 8. College St 'Phone - - 412. -'.'- ' - .18-21 ' Hairy Vetch Seed for Sale Now to the time to sow for hay, forage and winter grating. Daviason Wolfe. 220 8. College St. 'Phone 412. 18-81 Horses) end ' Males We have isg 1 horses and mules for sale or trade. , -Cochran ft Rosa Co 219 W. Fourth : St. Charlotte, N. C. ' V- 18tf .-. Two pointer dogs for sale, well train ed This is a rare opportunity to buy two good hunters and the prices are rignt. jas. a. wuiiams, Red Springs, N. C. 11-19 FOUR BALES PER ACRE The record of Vandlver's Heavy Fruit ' er Cotton. Forty bolls make pound. Forty-six per cent lint; 144 -Inch r staple; no boll weevils. : Free from ' all d iase. ' - Resist droutha and winds. Earliest big boll. The cotlort : that beats the boll weevIL All seed 'ginned and, culled on our .private i machinery. Write tor facta " and , proofs from your own state, gpecal price on seed for early delivery; . . Vandlver Seed Co. . . . Lavonia,Ga. lt-27 Registered Jersey end Holsteln heifers of excellent breeding; Jerseys com-. blnlng noted Jap. and Hood farm . stratns; ages 16 i months to t-.' years. Setywn Farm, Route 2, Char- s lotte.. N. C. 'Phone 1022-J. , . 2tf J SPECIAL NOTICES OLD-FASHIONED NORTH CARO-. XINA PLAIN BVCKWUXAT is positively In a class all to Itself. It ' has tha original buckwheat flavor and richness that is not even approached by the ready mixed kour, MILLER-VAN NESS CO. :! I HEW CROP RICE ' Just received this morning. - vo Big values. In 880; Coffee. ,' Other good grades, 20c- to 40c -Full line of Teas, Sugars. Peking Powder, Chocolate and Cocoa. Abo carry flour.' - ' - C D. KETttlY CO. , m -1551 Phones tKl HUYLER'S CAN DIES Jtts. P. Slcv.2 Cz Cc. t V J We now ha tit - , expert Truss 1 . .'..r . i time to this wm ; erythlnj w--1 f i ". orders a t