. j 1- 1 Ml f i s JULLILU Ul l..Ll....J Li l li.Iill ....iIi..LUI . Find City Litt!3-Cc:.rrc:i s$ Re sult cf War, Except for Rail- Aviators. . - With the American Force ot Occu pation, Nov. 14, (By the Associated Press; f a. m.) A thousand civilians greeted the vanguard of the Second American division which reached Montmedy shortly before 8 o'clock Sunday morning-. The civilians Jt new the Americana were coming- but were surprised at the early hour of their arrival. The Americans, likewise, were surprised to And so many civilians awaiting them." Montmedy la little scarred as the result of the war, except for the railroad, where the bombs of Amerl- : ean aviators sometime ago displaced : tons of earth and tare un the railroad. When the Americana arrived in Mont medy the civilians were still at work putting- up ' flags. Soonafter the excitement ot the welcome was over the Americans were surprised to see shopkeepers open their stores. -French flags, which had not been unfurled, tor four years in Montmedy. predominated1 the scheme of decora tion, but here . and there American You must have health to make good Hm jrou the stsmina to ride tufty 'through each day's worti It your body - equal to sudden strains that demand the ; 6 hut ounce of vitality f .Or are you beset' blood and bodyby weaknesses that , make ordinary (asks seem painful uphill : touini, and great efnergeocies hopelessly , : , beyond your . strength? Restore your tlood to normal condition, and your re , ward will be renewed vigor and capacity. , "Th9 Rod Blood Builder" toon op, builds up, braces up the blood, It port ruddy color in pale cheeks, increases the appetite, Alls the entire system with a fine, new thrill ot energy and power, dude's Pepto-Mangan creates new, sturdy red blood cells, which carry life-firing oxygen to every cell and tissue, charging them with vigor and stout resistance to illness and disease. It is easy to digest, and exceedingly pleasant to Uste. Universally endorsed and prescribed by the medical profession. FRIENDLY WARNING p-Tbere Is eoly ea Pcfrto . , Maagae eae that is Ondt's. told in bottle aa4 peck ace as Bore shewn. Sold by drags'sts everywhere, y ywm will anew r . . i c ; r'r .1. The Americans were at a i, s to understand where they came from until a civilian explained that they had been made by the t'rench wonjen in anticipation of the arrival of the Americans. Detachments of the division spent part of the day in Montmedy. During the afternoon ihe marine band gave a concert in the city square, which had been renamed by the Oermans -"Berliner Plats." The civilians crowded around and embraced the' bandsmen when they finished the concert with a rendition of "The Marseillaise.'' Late Sunday the advance columns of the Second division started for ward from Montmedy to make room for additional units coming from the west, . . AMERICANS ENTER BRIEY, . CENTER OF IRON FIELDS With the American Army of Occu pation, Nov. II, i p. m, (By the As sociated Press.) American troops en tered Brley, the heart of Lothrlng Un iron fields, at 11 o clock this morning. There were arches across the main street and the town was bedecked with flags. . . After a welcome by the Brley offi cials, the SSth Infantry band of the third division gave a concert; then the Americans lunched fron rolling kitchens, a large number of released Russians also being fed. . Outwardly Brley showed few Indi cations of the war the buildings be ing intact, nut there were uerman signs everywhere, pointing in the di rection of ammunition - dumps and the various headquarters. TtMmi U aw eniy ay M. . BKSITBNBACH CO., If fg. Chemists. New York rzzt:zz::i fu:.j to ' (Continued From Tags One.) lng sessions of the congress at which the broad principles of the treaty will be settled, but he will not remain lor the subsequent detailed discussions and settlements of the various ques tions. This will be the work of the commissioners he soon Is to appoint to representee United States. By carrying out this unusual pro gram of having the conference draft and adopt a general peace treaty at the outset, the President - and the entente premiers will be able shortly after the commissioners assemDie iu return to their own countries. Who Will bo President? : Since the suggestion that the Presi dent attend the peace conference first was made, there has been much dis cussion here as to whether, while absent from the country. h could continue to act as President The constitution Itself is silent on the question and generally the question Is regarded as one which the President himself roast aeciae. ' v. The prevailing opinion here Is that Mr. Wilson -already has made up his mind wn this subject. He does not go to the peace conference as a dele gate and, consequently, it is held that should ha relinquish his authority and functions of office, he would be with out power to act for the United States in the discussion. There is ample precedent for the President to leave the territorial lim its of the United States. President Harrison on one occasion went Into Canada. ; while President Taft visited both that country and Mexico. Presi dent Roosevelt and also President Taft visited the Panama canal sone. Both Presidents Taft and Roosevelt continued to perform the functions of their office while on the visits to the canal aone, sending Instructions to Washington both by cable and wire less. It was pointed out today that the President could also in this man ner attend to any pressing matters of importance here while he is abroad. To Cross on Battleship? In all probability the President will cross the Atlantic on an American battleship, probably , on one of the navy's newest dreadnaught While on such a ship, It is claimed, he is on American territory and technically would ba absent from the country only for such time as he actually Is on foreign coil.- , If the President Intends to dele gate any of the functions of his office to Vice President Marshall, the vice president has not been so Informed and this fact In Itself was accepted In some quarters as clearly Indicating that the President has decided that his physical absence from the coun try does not create such a vacancy In the office as to fall within the section of the constitution which clothes the vice president with authority to dis charge the duties of the office during the inability of the President to act. The question of what effect the President's absence will have on the work of Congress was freely discussed tonight in congressional circles. Many held that the President could not ap prove or veto legislation while absent as the actual signature of the Presi dent is required. Under the provision of the constitution, if bills are not aoted upon by the chief executive within 10 daya after their ' passage they automatically become effective. Very little important business will be transacted by Congress in Decem ber under the program as now out lined. No pressing legislative matters now pending or in prospect are likely to be completed before the expected ! ,i iu. t c f l. ; sre t. i over t'.u Ci.i, 'rn 1 ... ' ?. Anil if Cor;rs does Rejourn It Wlil not reassemble until early In January and the Pres ident probably will return home Boon afterward. . , ! MAXIMUM PRICES 'ON ' ! ; SAND, C.1AVEL, ETC., FIXED Washington, " Nov. ; 18. Maximum prices have been, -fixed on sand, graved crushed stone and crushed granlte.j the war Industries board announced today, .The, order is effectjve for the period ending February 2S. 1J19, and applies to the state of Virginia, south of and Including Petersburg and the Norfolk district and tha states of North and South Carolina.. The prlce flxlng, however, doee not Include rail road ballast and screenings. ' . For deliveries in full barge lot, f. o, b. point of origin, a. ton of J.OnO pounds net. prices are allowed as follows: , . . - Sand, 50 cents; grayel. ,S5 .cents; crushed atone, SI. SO; crushed granite, v - ' ' REFUGEE POPULATIONS f ON, THE MOVE HOMEWARD ; - - . s ; ' ;" !: With the Allied Armies in France and Belgium. .Nor. IS. By the Asso ciated Press.) -All the refugee popu lations who have been freed In Bel gium and franco are on the move these daya intent upon regaining their homes. Everywhere one sees long lines of country folk coming or going over the main roads with their few pitiful possessions. The city of Antwerp appears to have come through the years of German occupation well,, as compared , with many other cities, though the people suffered under the load of exceedingly high pricea . Great preparations have been un der way for the entry of the King and queen. : ' . GOVERNORS NAMfcD FOR V METZ AND STRASSBURG Paris, Nov. It, (Havas.) General de Maud Huy. who Is a native of Lorraine, has been appointed governor or Mets, says Ttie Temps, uenerai Bourgeois haa been named governor of Strassburg. . . Thought His Time lisd , G)me Disappointed! "I never was more surprised in my life than when I took the first dose of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy. My stomach trouble had been of eight year's standing, sometimes so bad as to cause convulsions, followed by hemorrhages. I ' thought my ,' time in this world was short and believed Jt the last medicine I would ever take. It is now eight weeks since, and I am feeling better than for many years." It Is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refund ed. John 8 .Blake Drug Co., Liggett's Jordan Drug Store, Charlotte Drug Company and druggists everywhere. Adv. JT i C. -3 W i . r.ascl, Nov. 18. The ni arrive of Kuppreeht. former lvarian crown prince, and Princess Antoinette, of Luxemburg, which had been fixed for November, has been postponed until the mdidle of January, according to a message from Munich. . , The former Bavarian prown prlnee commanded the German armies on the northern sector, of the western front until last August, of this year, He Is 49 years old and a widower. Princess Antoinette was born, in 1899 and is one of five sisters of the Grand puchess Marie, of Luxemburg. PRINCE GUNTHER READY TO ABDICATE, HE SAYS ! Basel, Switxerland, Nov. 1 S. Prince Gunther, of Schwariburg-Rudolstadt, a principality of Gernianyf.at the de mand of the diet, has declared his readiness to abdicate, according to a. dispatch from Rudolstadt. -. Prince Gunther was born In 1158, 'and succeeded his cousin, Prince Georg, aa the reigning .-prince of Schwarsburg-Rudolatadt in 180. . ' The principality.. -of Schwariburg Rudolstadt has an area of 163 square miles and a population of about 100, 000. . -' v ,'. -';.t '; C.:tu:,. HEAD OP MORMON CHURCH ILL. Salt Lake City. Utah. Nov. 18. Joseph F. Smith, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Pay Saints, "(Mormon). Is critically 111 here and not much hope Is held out for his recovery He to 80 years old. , uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumi.. S - Chararttr la the Bast ef Credit . S OURS IS A HELPING HAND We ask that you grasp It, If a loan of from 26 to 5,000 will s be of service to you. , It is our s business to lend money to those S who need it on a certain plan. E Liberty bonds or other collateral as aecurlty. We charge 8 per s cent, which is deducted from the E loan In advance. We require U that you should repay the loan E In- 0 equal weekly installments. il 1 The Charlotte I MORRIS PLAN J 1, Company E S Capital, $75,000. ( S E H. C. Sherrill, Treasurer 2 E Academy of Music Building. E niiiiiiiii'.iiiiiimiiiminmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif: S i i-t i.il I 'I , o t- n, i". UaleiRh, Nov. 18. Member of U.e corporation commission left this even in for Washington to take'up anew with the Interstate conimerce commis sion and others representing the fed eral control of freight rates, the question of North Carolina's entitle ment to' exceptions in the southern classification of freight rates that the government Is about to apply in rall- T'av control. They very much fear they are fighting against fearful odds. If -they fail, it will mean. Commis sioners say. that tha North Carolina shippers will lose all the freight rate concessions of the past Several years and. will be put to the greatest disad vantage Jn shipping competition with Virginia cities and other favored ship--ping poltiU. The commission is press ing the application. of 41-cent excep tions to the southern, classification, these representing commodities, raw material and manufactured products originating in this ptate and .which i4 fj tier wTr ELL-AWS 'FOR INDIGESTION, ISDIrTERENT : IFDIFTEREiNT When you hear tha Pathephone yon will not be asked to " make comparisons of value, inUnglWe almllaritles. You will find It un mlstakably different visibly and audibly different from any phono graph you have ever known. Dif ferent ' in cause, different in re sult; different in tone and In the means of producing that tone. It Is the onjy phonograph equipped with the Pathe Sapphire Ball. the Banner Furniture Co Out of tho High Rent District. 30S' . Trade St. ,' ,. Phone 2537 MM . a ...1 . a:. ....). Base), Nov. 18', (Havas.) The tier man authorities, according to a dis patch from Berlin, have notified the RuBSlan . bolHhevikl government thut. representatives must not be sent to Germanv. , Miller's Antlfrptlc Oil, Known n n vr; I. Posltlrely Relieves .Psln Jn Few .'Minutes. . '.V. , Try it rlsht new (or Rhtumailsm, Nu Mltts. Lumksgo, aare, itiff, anS.awolltn Jointi, pin in the held, krk and limb, rorna, ounioni, te. Altur en pllctloo pain' ttaualljr dlMppre if ky mafte. ' A aew rtnimiy mi Mteraaltr anS Umallv far Rauahm. Talila .p.hua I.m Tkraata, PItithaiia and TentlllUa ., , i This Oil IS conceded U the mott pn." tratlng romadr known. Its prompt and 1m mtxtlat eltaet in ralltvlnf pain la do to th tact that it poaotrstaa to tho alttd arts at one.," As aa illustration, pour ton drops on th thickoat piaos ( sols leather sad It will ponotrato .this substance through and through in thraa, mlnutoa. Accept .no aubatlluto. This treat' oil Is Miller's only. Hvary mim yuarantaaa so, o and tl.W a botUo at losdlnt drueclsu lotto, N. C Adv. .y-f.i- . : . . . SERVICE PARCEL POST ' ;': : Service '' Banners , with brass ? rod and cord to hang by, Silky flhlsh. A. Izl one star only v. . , . . . . . .!5o 8x11 one star.. ., .. ....SSc 1 stars...... ...,.48o . I stars.. .. ;,. .. t.Mo Uxll 2 stars.... ., .. .....,70o a stars.. 80c w,liiiisi r?;;-J to West Fifth Kt. V i r It frrvr sTl r T fm PsytaeiretlnlJsotjM,anl Indiaaa aervioa is a eoaeidera. OuxilinaMotorCompany mTDnuxnc L S

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