f (1 t 1 1 y i c L.llki,,l CI i 1 : v a 3 r f " . ;.l cf I J In action lnei ct wounus.'.. ............. r ScJ of d ,aso. Wounded, I,lvrree undetermined) Wounded t,.., .tly '. Missing In action. , . . ...... . . , . . ry 174 ea 254 110 155 IS ' Total. .. i . 775 The following "Nortand South Carolinians are include! in the list: . KILLED IJi ACTION. , Corporal Mickey, Joint AM Tobacco Ville, N. C. ;'. ' . . Doicler Davis, Foster C Wake For est. N. C. ' ' "' Cook Fogfr-man, Otis' BM R. F. D. t, Rockcreek, N. C. . ,;.. - - i Private Baldwin, George Barton. R. F. D. 8. Box 31, Chapel Hill. I. C. Private Nell I, Robert XV., R. F. D. 1, Lancaster, 8: C. " v . Private Surratt, Will lain Sontb Point, N. C. .-. -..-''.:..'-' Private hoot, Leonard J., Ro.boro, N. Cv -; ;K.-4 ; ' -y Private Sanders, Oule T StacK Private Taylor, William C U Sixth street, roe HI1U. B. v. ,- - , Private Watson, Isam "W Altam baw, . v !j."S-i"- ; Private TUley, Austin W., Thnrman. THE WOMAN'S FRIEND. Mrs, Jo Person's Remedy won derfut record for 40 years as blood cleanser and tonic. Ask any druggist or: write Person Remedy Company,, Charlotte, N. Cv Accept no substitute. Adv. . , We Save You Money s I., L.r, IX. F. P. 1, ? .--Si . ? v. . ; . ft) -7- .5 $25 $30 $35 " Why pay more? , Don't buy a name BUY QUALITY. ; Also Victor Brai ; is--' i-. ' - "St-..- ;,. :at , ; $15 to $25. V.Vallace&Sons 31-33 W. Trade ....... The Oldest Men's Store - in the Carolini IirD CP V.OCXI 3. Sloct.anto West, Matter, Fayette rCie, X. C. ' . . Frivata Brown. Lex C, IU F. X). 5, Hoxboro, X. C. r . Private pixon, George H., Alliance, xc Private McLean. John A R. F. X. 6, Luniberton, X. C. . v , IlEO OF DISEASE. Farrier Longshore, Ernest M., R. F. D. 1, Xewbcrry, S. C. ' . ; Private Bcaxley, Jesse F R. F. D. 1 Francisco, X.C Private Brbn, William, Bobson. X.C. ' Private Coleman, llcnry A R. F. I). 1, Sbelton, S. C. Private Dobey, Eldred, R. F. D. S, Box 4, Edgefield, S. C. Private Griffin, Benjamin SH R F. D. S, Monroe, X. C. Private Bird, Willie. Durham. X. C. ' Private Boggs, James R R. F. B. 1, daremont, N. C , Private Haynea, Dempsey R, R. F. D. I, Kenley, X. C. ' Private Ilolmee, Fred, St. Helena Island, Fro gm ore, 8. Ct . Private .Jones, Tom, R V, B. 1, Chapin,S.C. - : K " Private Woods, Sim, Scott plant., tkm, Frogmore. S. C.-:, - 1 - Privato Uasei, Joiin. US Klmslrea street, Georgetown, 6. C. Private McFadden, Elijah, R F. D. 9, Manning, 8. C. -1 v WOUXBEO (DEGREE tXBETER-v.'-v MIXED.) Private Edward, Dennis, Mars Hill, Private Jones, (Agrappa W Vanoe boro, X. C ; WQUXDEO SLIGHTLY. Llcnt. - Wilson, John I4 Manning, S. C. " r Private Apple, Euell, Burlington, X. C. k f . Private Gardner, ;, Xec, Vanceboro, SECTIOX X UMBER TWO. The following - casnalties In the army are reported by tne commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: t Killed In acUonj.. ............. 40 Died of wounds. ............... Died of disease. .. i 110 Total Sit The ' following Xorth and South LEMON JUICE. r C WHITENS SKIN Girls I Majce beauty lotion I ; tt home for few cents ; ' I i. . :.. c. i . tn.j l: i, I i. t. c. l'rlYBie irarris. Craily, 107 Jones street, p:m,ribmrrr, S. C - - Private liaydwk, llcnry, R. F. D. 9, ;reenvi; . S. C. Private Un, Ernest Xewtn, 425 Tucker street, liurllnffton, X. O. Private Xorman, Doctor T., Blarion, X. C. DIED OP WOUNDS. Corporal Robertson, Benjamin C Armtn. S. C ' - Private vjlughcs, Kcxtcr, wmaonKj DIED OF PlWAKio Private Hilton. Ferman Bn R. F. D. 2, Bethnne, S. C. . private iToctor, uomcr ? TUle, X. C. .... Private SwUlinr. liarnson, S, Bot gg, Anderson, 8. C. ' t, , J PEACE THANKSCIVINO r : SERVICE AT MONROE I j . C;v;:r.;r ,":r.y Ctat::. Siatesvr.fe, Nav. IS. I-f.:;J..T, Thompson, county ch 'rman of t2;s j united war work campaign In Iredell . Special to The Observer. . umm, -vnv. IS. A sratse vand rhanfanffivina- service was held at tha courthouse Sunday afterBOon, Mayor John C Bikes presiding. The roast ing was opened with'kvsry one Joining In the singing of "Praise God From. Whom All Blessings Flow.". Dr. H. E. Gurney - then offered ; a prayer of thanksgiving for the great victory and peace which has come to the world. Splendid five minute talks were made by F. B. Ashcraft. W. S. Blakeney, Dr J- M. Beck, J. J. Parker. Rev. 8. T Rotter and Dr. I?. B. Gurney Dr. Gurnsy, who la chairman of the united war work comniittee for Union county, made a plea In behalf of this work, saying that we must make up to the peace situation and contribute liberally to these organisations. Tke courthouse was filled with people and nearly every 'voice Joined In thj sing ing of 'America, and "The 8tar Spangled Banrrer," with i which the meeting closed. The business and professional ; men "were asked, to re main for, a few minutes to perfect an organisation to raise Union coun ty's allotment In the war work drive. -;,;,. : -.,"' MONROE RED CROSS CHAIRMEN ARE NAMED Squeeze the Juice of two lemons in to a bottle containing , three ounces of Orchard White, shake well, and you have a quarter . pint of the best bleaching and skin whitening lotion, and . complexion beautlfler, at vary, very small cosc ;:i Tour grocer hae the legons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of Orchard White for i a fsw cents. Massage this sweetly fra grant lotion Into the face, neck, arms and hands each day and see how tan, redness, sallownesa, sunburn and wind burn disappear and how clear, soft and rosy white the skin bseemee. TeaN 'Z . J't' f t. i. t,. a in ... IBelk ana Dr. j. Monroe, Nov. 1$. John J. -Parker, chairman of the Monroe chapter of the American Red Cross; called a .meeting of the executive board Fri j day afternoon at which time chalr- men or the nine committees were ap pointed as follows: Chairman of membership and extension committee, B. C. GrltOn; chairman, finance com mittee, W. J. Rudge; chairman wo man's work committee, Mrs. W.. A. Lane; chairman Junior membership and conservation committee, Mrs, Randolph .Redfearn; chairman pub llclty committee, Mrs. C M. Red fearn: chairman canteen committee, Mrs. A. I. Monroe; chairman civilian relief and home service' committee, T. L. Riddle. It was decided to or ganize a motor corps, with Miss Louise Morrow as captain. Mrs. C. In gram was elected chairman of the sick and nursing committee.- The ex Rpcckl to T:.e Observer. Tinehurst, Xov. 18. The Berkshire Hog congress, under the auspices of the American Berkshire association, will be held at Finehurst on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday of this week, colncldentally with the annual Sandhill fair and races, and the pros pects are that the double attraction will mean a record-breaking assem blage at the big resort this week." Oovernor Bickett will address the con gress on Wednesday evening and there will be a full program of lectures, moving pictures of the hog industry, etc.. together1 with an exhibition of Berkshire contributed by every large breeder east of the Rocky mountains, about SO of whom will attend the congress personally In- order to meet and compare notes with their southern colleagues. -The congress will be wound up by a great sale of over 70 Berkshires . of the best pedigreed stock. The races and the entertain ment program of the fair Itself will be even better than last year, to Judge from 4he lengthy schedule of events which has Just been Issued. , WHITMIRE PLEADS GUILTY SECOND DEGREE MURDER Salisbury Mnn -Pay -Widow of . Man Hs Killed ; $1,000 and -Gets JFive Years. Special to The Obnerver., - v Salisbury, Xav.i Ed. Whltmlre today In Rowan superior court plead guilty of murder in the second de gree, paid the widow of the man, he killed $1,000 end was sentenced by Judge Long to five years. . Whltmlre ! the young brakemah who ran wild on the Spencer yards. one night several weeks ago, tying pp traffic for a couple or hours aim snooting three men, one of whom, H. W. Kluttx, died from his. Injuries. ' . A true bill for- murder was found against Louts Pee, a negro, for killing another negro at East Spencer. This case was postponed on account of the Influenza quarantine. Court was -adjourned rater one day's session, only. Jail cases being disposed or. - OFFICERS MAKE SERIES OF RAIDS IN WILKES WilaiirJEton, Nov. IS. Lieut. Jack Newman, , Jr., advises his father, J. T. Newman, well-known' cafe man of the city, that he was wounded recently! county, advises that while the county and is now in a French coast town, recuperating. He and five (Companions were sleeping in a house near the front lines one night when the Huns began a bombardment. He arose hur riedly and was passing out of the room when a shell landed on. the bed he had Just vacated. His flvecom panlons were blown to bits and he suffered severe wounds but is not in serious condition. In fact, he was so well pleased with his hospital sur roundings when - he wrote . that he asks, "Why should I worry ? has nbt yet gone "over the top" In the securing of the county's allotment, .it is his opinion that before the expira tion of the time set, that Iredell will set, which is $10,800. In every cam paign for the raising of funds for the conduct of the war. Iredell has al ways responded liberally, and in each Instance has oversubscribed her allot ment, therefore It is safe to predict that before the time expires the amount called for will be given, and "some over." , . -v- 8taadard eoU rtrtiedf for 3D yer ia u' ' t form tfe,ur, nooplat P 24 twurt-ftHevw (hp in 3 oy- - y NKkifitfn''. The siuioe brx fcsl -d too. WttJl al.htil'Btctur. AC A4 Lirus fcirefc ecutlve board is composed of John J. Parker, chapter . chairman; Mrs. J. V. Laney, vice chairman; Mrs.sFred Huntley, secretary; J. W. Laney, treas urer, and Messrs. W. S; Blakeney, D, B. Snyder, D. L. Mlddleton, Dr. J. M. E. Ashcraft. Prepare for Peace , Second only to .the successful prosecution of the war is preparation, for the inevitable reaction and readjustments of peace. To conduct business to-. day without thought of the future would be a serious mistake. , 'V. -:';,'' ".r--, ' :!'Z'"' - .' . ":' Far-sighted business men are taking precautldns now which will preserve the stability of their re sources. They are taking advantage of the com plete protection afforded by American vredit Insurance. , There is nothing so safe in any emergency of credit accounts as The American's : Unlimited Policy of Credit insurance. . ' ' Manufacturers and jobBcrs, get the full particu ' lars of .this constructive, stabilizing service. Oe AMERICAN CKEDIT INDEMNITY CQ TNtW YORK E.M.TPXAT . President H. A. LONDON, General Agent Realty Building. Charlotte, N. C. B74 ' Special to The Observer. Statesvllle, Nov. 18. Deputy Col lector R. P. Allison, of Statesville, in company with Deputy Collector W.. A. Hartness, of Lexington, conducted a number of successful raids In Wilkes county last week,i for Illicit distiller In the les, their week's work resulting destruction of three outfits and the souring out of many thousand gal lons of beer. The flrsttwo seizures took place Thursday morning, when the officers tore up two copper stills of 60 and 85-gallon capacity, respect ively, and poured out over 11,000 gal lons of beer. The first two seizures in the Wlnday Gap section of Wilkes. The third seizure-took place Saturday near Delaplalne, and resulted in the destruction of a third copper outfit and the emptying into an adjacent stream of about 700 gallons of beer. In each case the : officers, while not finding' anyone present at the still sites, were nevertheless able to secure enough evidence te. warrant theimu 1 aACftA of papers vlor the operators-'of tne plant. Mews coming to States ville, from from the southern partfif Wilkes county which adjoins Iredell, la to the effect that blockading on a Bgaie heretofore unthought oft is be ing engaged in, in this vicinity. Fed eral officers,, however, are making a determined effort to , stamp out the practice. -1 "vV"v"-. 'v ':j'?v: CASTONIA PREPARES FOR CAMP MtNSTEL SHOW Special to The Observer. Gastonla. Now 1$. Members of the Red Cross society of Gastonla are aiding in advertising the minstrel show which is to be given at the high school auditorium 'Wednesday evening by the enlisted men from the United states army base hospital. Camp Gceene. Half of the profits from the show are to go to the Red Cross society of Gas tonla . and halt to the mesa fund of the base hospital.,. , v , . The hospital minstrels are booking dates In several towns as the result of the marked success of the' Initial performance- ot the soldier company In Charlotte last Thursday night. It was understood that the show will be given in Kannapolis Saturday; night. capt,' i. d. McNeill to ' ' SPEAK AT WILMINGTON miiiimmpifiir?ii'f' wfmHitfW;n;iMHMf0!imitrimhiHV'tHtM'HHtisi wtoHi'i UOsMilllMUUimiUaUJlUUMtf l'(tt'MniMt"r"'lt,l'riilHt,i''H(lll BIG TM IRIFT CLUD A GREAT: SUCCESS AND IS ATTRACTING MANY BUYERS ' . . - . , 'No Deception, No Flamboyant Claimt. Just Plain Truths as Told in Our Big Sale Advertising Brings Great Results. Charlotte People . Quick to Realize What This Great Sale Means in Actual Savings. $1B Secures a Piano and makes you a mem ber of our Big Econ omy Piano and Play er Club. ' .,.;' ' :,r ' The balance can be peld In small weekly or month ly terms a low as S3. 00, $3.50 end $3.00 weekly or $8.00, S 10.00, S1S.00 and SIS monthly. mriTi sss ) ijiss rrrsr a Ledies'' and Children IS I I s ' '. 'a I This, Coupon will admit one lady of child under 12 years of age to PIEDMONT THEATER Today, Tuesday, November 19th, 1:00 P. M. to witness the first episode of "WOLVES OF KULTUR". featuring the famous dramatic actress, MISS LEAH BAIRD -Vaudeville arid. Oer .Featurea. T .COMB EARLT. - ' 7 ' f - -V 7 ' ' ' Special to The Observer, Wilmington, s Nov. 1 Wilmington Slksvln arranging for their annual lodge of sorrow have secured Capt James D. McNeill, of Fayettevllle, for their speaker. . The memorial exer else will be held on the first Sunday in ' December, In common : with Elks all over the United States, j During the year the lodge has lost several members. Capt. II. H. Hall and Cant Thos. B. Carroll, two prominent Elks, both dying In the past few weeks, the former a victim of an automobile ac cident end' "the latter suddenly of apoplexy at Camp Bragg, Fayettevllle. CONSTRUCTION WORK AT r i CAMP SEVIER HELD UP ;;( ,;! ; Special to The Observer. ' ' Greenville. 8; C. Nov. 1$. Instruc tions were received from Washington today by i the construction quarter master at. Qamp Sevier to suspend construction operations on the canton raents building which were under way for the 166th depot brigade here. The work was held up this afternoon-until further, advices. Other construction work lh ; the amp; however;: la still under way, ' The cantonment build ings inclpde a larg'e number of wooden barracks and smaller huts for the housing of the men f of the -depot brigade. ' . s DIXIE NEWS NOTES. v Dlxl. Nav. 1$. -Lieutenant Harry G. McGinn,' of Cmp Wadsworth, Spartanburg, fl. Cf. and- Miss Laura McGinn, who Is a. student at Queens college spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mr W A, McGinn, Mlis Ruth McGinn, -a trained nurse, also spent Sunday with-her parent. . i Mrs. C. F. Brown ' has , returned home after visiting her sister, .Mrs. r.harlea Gnrman. .Of Charlotte. ' " C Pj Brdwn la HI at his home. His youngest son, William, was kicked by a mule Sunday afternoon, but .Me. con dition la not thought to be serious. Archie Feeeman, a member' of the A. T. C. at Davidson college, spent Saturday night with . his parvus, . jjr. and Mrs. T. 1L Freonian. . ' . . Mr.. and Mrs. Rohert ReK and son. Master WHson Reid, and Misses. Ina and tsabelle Auten epent Sunday at the Jiome of 'Mr parer.H Mr., and 1 1m Pll Great ' Bargain. Besc Player Action and Built In Fine Piano, Well -Worth $575 00. . W iUi Bnth and Muslcj.; CLUB' &AC PRICE , J400 PRICES ARE LOW; ER THAN EVER BEFORE The chance of a iife? time to get a first class, high-grade, world famous piano or player at a price that will actually as tonishT;ypu;;Pon,t . delay. Don't hesitate. Act now. Tuck $15 In Your Inside Pocket & Come in Today I - 6 In $222 1 .1$ . I auauaiim?-; -sap Extra Special Fine $350 Up right - Piano. Sale Price . I un m in iiiinm" OTHER CLUB PIANO PRICES $265. $288. $295 $312. $345, $365.. A TWO YEAR TRIAL FREE If dlmatiNned after using nno or our pianos two years, we agree to uke snxne back and allow you every cent you have paid to apply on any other instrument In our Ktork. Could a propoeitlon be fairer? We think not. We Jell The Whole Story Again FTRT We ere selling S5 Beautiful Story A Clark built Player worth $578 and $850, respec- , Uvely, for $45 and $45. v, Then we are selling 25 Story A Clark new Pi anos, commercially worth $375 and $435, for ' $288 and $312, respectively. Just SS Story A Clark Pianos and S5 Players. That's all. Wo more, No . v-' W: Compare our. $288 piano or our $483 player with any piano or player sold elsewhere for $375 and $850, and we will be willing to abide by j our verdict. " We give 12 fine Moslo Rolls with our players, as well as a fine Player Bench, and we give a . beautiful duet bench with all new pianos. A written guarantee covering a period of 10 years, la banded to yon with each piano purchased. Yon can get your money back after a SO day trial If you are dissatisfied with your piano or player. , Ton can exchange any piano purchased at this .'sale after two years use. We "agree to allow yon every cent paid on same to apply on any player In our stock. . , .,---,.,,,. , . v, . -.- . ' . ' ' S " I" . ' We will exchange your silent piano or vlctrola . on one of onr fine new player pianos, allowing you full market value in the exenange. ; STORY & CLARIi PIANOS SUPREME fOR OVER 60 1TEAIIS 'I Elegant """V Extra ' lriB ' I Pinno ' H Spodttl Flayer t-l... .. H"- l Fine ' I Complete i ;UeU ,Vj player - With 1 25 I Worth, jBench: : i A $275 ' 55o f I I Scarf I Ful1' I I Fully I H 12 Rolls I I Guaran L; ' V Guaran ' 1 Worth ' I tccd. ' teetl . J I $565 ) I Club , cinb C - R Club 1 Price ' ! " Prtoo , Price OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF MEHLJNS, f.IATHUSHEKS, PACIDSX-:., tXL C:i SALE AT SPECIAL PRICES, BUY NOW AND SAVE OVE?. C1C0. OPEN EVENINGS F. H; Andrevc Mucic Haiico n . .... w vkifX Mil li'i; ii! li'lbi'iHi X it; hi'i'iisi ' ni i iMii' ii . " it 'III., II I ,