( PrKM'nf I - -V ' " "pit" ll VI .ill Lllk.A LdUivlUiyJ . .1P-"-.-.''" ',, Elaborata Preparations Made for Annual Meet of Stata Asso-' .. -ciations Here Dec, 10-13. Advance copies of the program for the seventh annual" tneetlnc -of the North" Catollna'Wvestocfc;' palry- and - Poultry aasoclatlona, whlcb will ' bo held. at CharlottsJ December it to 11, . both. ' inclusive, wers , received -here yesterday. Addresses by prominent speakers, educational exhibits, live stock and' dairy products Judging classes, sales pt pure-bred beef a.nd dairy cattle, swine and poultry are listed as features . of the . exhibition. , All meetings will be held at the Meek, tenburg county courthouse. -- The opening day will be -swine . day." with a demonstration in Inocu latlng hogs . against nog cnoieni scheduled for 10 o'clock, whteh will be followed by an address by Robert J.; Evans, secretary-;. of the American Duroe-Jersey Swine Breeders asso ciation, on opportunities for breeding pure-bred . hogs. . J. E. Moses, of the 'swine extension and pjg. clubs. work in NortW Carolina, wfll be 1 charge of a hog Judging demonstration, and LOOK M CHILD'S TONGUE IF SICK. CROSS. FEVERISH '.m, r-. "' e -, y t:-!- . Hurry, Mother! Remove potf ; ons'from little stomach, . liver, bowels. ... Give "California Syrup )f Figs" at once if , bilious or . constipateoV Look at the tongue, mother!- If coated,' It ! a sure sign that your Ut- 1 tie one's stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle;, thorough cleansing at once. . - - ' , AVhen peevish, -cross, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act nat urally, or is feverish,, stomach sour1; breath bad: ; has stomach-ache, sore throat, .diarrhoea, full of cold, give iv teaspoonful of "California Syrup of ' viga" and in a few hours alt the foul constipated waste, undigested food and - rour bile gently moves out of the lit tle bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again. You needn't coax sick children to , take this -harmless, "fruit l;aUve;" they love 1U delicious taste, and It al ways makes them feel splendldo. v Ask your- druggist for a bottle of California 8yrup- tf ftos," which; has directions for babies, children s of all nges and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Beware f counterfeits sold vUert.T6 be sure you. get the genuine, jrsk to see that it is made by 'Call- fornla Fig Syrup Company." Refuse ...... ..ha, IrlMit with fftnt,mnt fliv HEALTH TALK ' SPANISH WFIXEXZA OR GRIP f. jbT i)R, LEE H. SMITH. . An old enemy ia wlthus again, and . whether we fight a German or a germ, we must put up a good fight, and not he afraid. The influenza runs a brief 'course when the patient la careful, and if we keep the system In good ; condition and throw . off the .poisons which tend to accumulate within our ' bodies, We can escape the disease. Re member these three C'a a clean mouth, a clean skin, and clean bow els. To carry off poisons from the sys tem and keep the bowels loose, daily doses of a pleasant laxatixe should be taken. Such a one Is made of May apple, leaves of aloe, root of Jalap, and called Dr.. Pierce's Pleasant Pel 1 lets. Hot lemonade should be -" used i freely if attacked by a cold, and tha patient should be put to bed after a ; hot ' mustard foot-batb. i ".. . To prevent the attack of bronchitis or pneumonia and lo control the pain, 'Anurio Tablets should be obtained at thedrug store, and one given every two hours, with lemonade. The Anu rio tablets, were first discovered by Dr. pierce, and, as they flush the bladder and cleanse the kidneys, they carry away ..much, of the. poisons and the uric acid. - -'-,' ,- It 'la Important that broths, milk, buttermilk, Ice-cream and simple diet be given regularly to strengthen the ; system and increase the vital resist ance. The fever la diminished by the use of the Anuria tablets, but in addi- lion, the forehead, ' arms and hands may 4e .bathed with? water ( tepid) in ' which a tablespoonful of salatraus has ; been dissolved . In a quart. After an attack of grip or pneumonia to build ; up . and strengthen the system, obtain lit the drug store a good Iron tonic, nailed "Irontlc Tablets, brlhat well i known herbal tonic, Dr.. Pierce's Gold- ?en Medical Discovery. Advertlcement E FOR COL OS UNO GRIPPE The Improved Calomel Tablet' ; . . That Is Entirely Purified of . All Nauseating and Danger-' ; out Qualitiea. J ' Physiolans are warning the public against trifling . With colds, Influenza and gripped s They, say that a bvlsk calomel purgative," preferably Calo , tabs, the new and Improved calomel tablet, should be Invariably taken at bedtime and repeated the second or ' third night. If necessary. In the ear i:est stages, one Calotab la usualy suf ficient, unless: jthe case, Is particuUriy , severe. ' i .; -. - .:' ' ih. i; . .:-.t: Physlclana say that It Is a waste of time and is dangerous, to experiment - with - other f laxatives, as caloniel ts -' absolutely- necessary sooner or later, ' One CaloUb on the tongue at bedtime , with a swallow .of water-chat's all.1; .No salts, no nausea nor the slightest ' Interference with diet .work; or pleas I ures.s - Next , morhlng . your cold has ' ' vanisHed and your whole system ,1s , purified and refreshed.. Calotabs are void, only in original, sealed packages, ' price thirty-five cents. Recommended " I-nd guaranteed' by. droggists' every-'" where. Price refunded iLvou are not i delighted. Adv ,.;., i . a. i a rt- :.e "if t!.o J. "!".! ( F .1 ; - e i;reeders' asso- c'.u.on, be fce;,t. . The business rneptina of . the state ewine breeder will be(he!iin the evening, followed by . an adUresa by E. Z. Kussll, in States government "' ' , Talks by Dr. Talt Butler, of . Mem phis, editor of The ' Progressive Farmer, on poultry, and by Helmer Rabild, of the United States dairy di vision, and Stanly Combs. . of the dairy division of the state experiment station, on dairying, will be features of the second, or. "dairy and poultry" day. Sales of poultry and dairy cattle will be held early In the afternoon. Another poultry talk will be delivered during the evening by Dr. Butler. The annual meeting of the Bute Poultry association' will be held in the morning.- The sales of cattle will include Guernseys and Jerseys, both of which will- be held under direction of the North - Carolina Dairyman's associa tion. ... ,f- ; v '-, ,v; !-( : . Theeef cattle day" program, De cember. 12. will be . opened with an address of welcome by E. N. Farria, secretary of the Charlotte chamber pf commerce, to which J. E. Latham, president of the North Carolina Beef Breeders' and Feeders'' association, will reply, ,Dr. Butler will deliver an address on the relation of livestock to progressive farming: 3. IL Rogers, secretary ' of ,, the i North Carolina Hereford Cattle Breeders' association, will conduct a sale of pure-bred Here ford cattle at noon, and, at 1:10 o'clock, a sale of pure-bread Arbedeen Angus cattle will be conducted by E, H. -Harrison; of Salisbury, , manager, under direction of the North Carolina Beef Breeders', and Feeders' associa tion. The. annual meeting of this as sociation win be held m the evening, whenSDr. Butler will epeak on .how to build a successful livestock indus- try' : .' : -;i : '' :i' - V4 : - : A. ' The 'closing day of the meeting will be ''sheep day, which will be opened by an address by Charles E; Miller, of . Charlotte, farm demon stration agent for Mecklenburg coun ty. The response will be delivered by R. W.. Scott, of Haw River." president of the State Sheep- Breeders' and Wool, Groefa' association Other addresses on the program for the day include that by A. C. Bigelow, presi dent ' of . ,the Philadelphia . Wool . and Textile - association on . the national sheep and wool problem; by F. . H. Abbott, .president of the. Georgia Landowners', association, on Georgia's plan for growing, sheep r by G. A. ICardwell, of Wilmington, a represen tative of the A. C L, railway, on how railroads can co-operate In develop-, ment of the aheep Industry; by H. E. Allen; bureau of animal husbandry. Washington, 'on the future -of the sheep Industry; and by F. -L. Seely, of Asheville. on why. North Carolina should have- a dog control law. Demonstrations by George Evans and W. H. Ferguson, of , the state exten sion service, of sheep shearing and wool tying; by R. S. Curtis and Mr. Evans, of the state extension service, of lamb slaughtering, .will be given during the day.- . The fourth students' livestock judg ing contest will be held December 11, in which a humberlof prises will be offered. All entries In the dairy prod ucts contest must arrive at Charlotte not later than noot, December 10, addressed to F R. Farnham, care the Selwyn hotel, the program stated. President Vesper and Secretary ?eake to Address Auto Dealers of Carolinas. ::";.v ''' . e ' Members of the Charlotte Automo tive Dealers' association will have as their guests today F. W," A. Vesper, of St. Louis, president of the National Automobile Dealers' association, and ' E. E. Peake, executive secretary of the association, at luncheon at tho Selwyn hotel. Several scores of auto-: mobile dealers and distributors " of I other North and 8outh Carolina cities are expected to attend the. luncheon and hear the addresses which will be delivered by Messrs. Vesper and Peake. J. T. Madden, president of the Charlotte Automotive Dealers' as sociation, will preside at the luncheon. " Messrs. Vesper and Peake have been at Washington several months In the Interest of the . association of which they are the executive heads, and have begun a. tour which will take them to the Pacific coast before Its completion. From Charlotte, they go to Atlanta, Jacksonville and Nash ville, then to their homes at St Louis. LateK they will go to Fort Worth, Tex., and to San Francisco, Seattle, Portland and Denver, and back to St. Louis. . v '- "' V ' Mr. Peake arrived last night and Mr. Vesper Was expected to arrive here early this morning. -' The members of the Charlotte as sociation were called to gather in formally at the Selwyn hotel at 11 o'clock this morning, when they will meet the chiefs of the national asso ciation. - . . " MANY IN CAMP GREENE : ; CANNOT SPEAK ENGLISH Interesting Data From Intelli- ' gence Office Shows 283 , in That Class, Speaking 22 Lan guages. , x - i Some interesting information has been secured by the Intelligence offi cer, Lieutenant R. J, McCandlish, with reference to the , numbeg . of . men in Gamp . Greene i who cannot speak a word of English. It , is the plan of the government, through this office,; to do all possible to educate these i men and make them American cltl-1 sens just as soon as possible.- Vn to date there are 283 men in the cam p! Who do not understand English and cannot read nor .write the language. In the list ia Included 51 Americans who are . in that Ifelass but these are J from families who do hot speak Eng lish though they We American citi zens the Same as the rest. - The list of foreign speaking Ameri leans Is ad fdllows: Us , Bulgarian 1,- Russian 26, Swede 1, Polish. 28, Italian 104, Yiddish 9, American S3, Greek 6, French 3, Aus trian 23, Turks 3, Bohemian 7, Hun garian - German J," Danish -1, ; Fin nish 1, Rumanian 1, - Mexlcan 3, Chinese 1,' Lithuanian 1, Scotch lj Norwegian 1, . . , , - REPORT 14 INFLUENZA' - CASES IN .TWO DAYS v Influenza case in Charlotte report,-. d to the office of Dr. C. C. Hudson, city health officer, during the 24-hour period tending at, T o'clock yesterday afternoon numbered 14, according to Information- obtained from the assist mt keeping the health recorda This totat compares "with an 'average of eight new cases each, day during the i'ASft week. 4 , . , ASS0GMTI8N HERE TODAY i ...... ' ' ! I r ''" uiLL Lli.l. jLiuiy,,. w j Failurs cf Ju-; ) Arrivs Ds- layed Opening cf Federal DIs ! trict Court Term. The postponed term of federal dls trict court, which was delayed bo-' cause of theinflilenia: epidemic, will be convened 'at about ,100 o'clock ' this morning by. Judge A E. Boyd, j whoee failure' to arrive yesterday ' morning- necessitated another day's, delay. It .was . explained by a court official that '.Judge Boyd was ; Mun-' avoidably detained" at - -Greensboro, j Whether the Winston-Salem j-lbta. of -1 fered occasion for the delay could not be learned. - . :J0hn & Mercer, charged with at-! tempting to cause . disloyalty . . and , mailing non-mailable matter, la dock eted for trial during this term. ' Mercer was brought up for trial sev eral . months ago, but developments resulted in -Judge' Boyd fining him ISO for, contempt of. court and post poning the trial. - Mercer fled to the east and was later arrested, returned to Greensboro-and released on bond in the sum of $1,000. i j Frank Spears, of Charlotte, an ad- j muted native of Germany, who was ; convicted at a former term of federal court of - mentioning the government and official heads in statements of a threatening ' nature, ; is under court orders to appear at the opening of; this term for sentence. Court officials said after Spears' -conviction' that thej fact: his' wife r was physically unable , to provide for herself and Infant pos-j sibly influenced the judge' to delay ! Imposing sentence. V ";; !- ;j A number of, cases involving t raffle ; In whiskey,- Attempts t .-evade the selective service law and alleged vio lations of statutes forbidding certain personal conduct and' speech during wartime ' are expected ' to ba brought 1 before the federal grand Jury. Some cases 6f similar nature are already , docketed for trial. . "v ALIEN SOLDIERS MADE AMERICAN CITIZENS ; '. e '-'jvV' v ! Ninety-three alien soldiers4 of "the I American army were . admitted to j American cltlzeifshlp yesterday morn- j Ing during a special session of natur- alizatlon court at Camp Greene, at which Judge W. F. Harding, of the, state superior court,' presided. James: L. DeLaney,. ofJthe Charlotte bar, was j the naturalization examiner. The new i American citizens -heard short talks by Judge Harding and Col.. A, C. Ma-, romb, camp commander. -; on washday call , in GRANDMA. Nomura rubbing. GRANDMA - just drives us rdirt out It powdered. Glor- ious clcfcnaing ; tudg in jiffy. ... IH kJM U WMM Powdered SOAP Aak Your Grocer For It The Christmas Store For Men You're Bound to be RIGHT If You Choose BELK GIFT SCARVES ' Uncle Sam, says buy sen sible and practical gifts so why not fall in line?. 1 Our big, busy men's wear department has been filling the requirements of practi cal and .sensible', business men year in and year out for this; reason alone you would be justified in com ing here to select, a suitable gift for Him There's anotherexcellent reason aside from this, how ever, and that is the ilmost limitless .variety, of ;.beauti fut'neck scarfs f rpm which you can, choose the orte you know he'll like best.' ' -' They're reasonably priced. too ""' 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 mmwm .4ScliltFcrLV,r 1 Do Your Christ rzxi Shopping - x Now: - i:oiiii;;r, " m J00 wonderful Coat Bargains to go in a sweeping clearance. Dozens of pretty : styles, every one a new model. Women's actual $25.00 to $30.00 Coats re ducedto ......... .. ...... . ...... . .$16.95 Women's $40.00 Coats, reduced to ..... : . . . .' . . . $25.00 to $29.50 Women's $55.00 to $60.00 Coats, re'duced to .... . . . ... . . . ... . .$39.50 :f H,t-'' - W :f r :-: . - X - ' ' ; ' ' . ' 1 7-XX:sxrxxXl SPECIAL One lot of Coats,' values up to $100, at . . . ........ $49.50 Suggestiooi for Practical Gift For a Woman For a Mus , For a Girl Biouses Lingerie Dlonsrs . Fur Sets , Fur Scarfs - Fur Muffs . -n '" Drassea - Sweater Coats ' ClothCoats Raincoats Negligees ' . Klmonas - V - Dressing Sacques . House Dresses - fjounglnis Robos : "Aprons " , ' . Envelope Cliemle f White Petticoats ' .' Combinations . Night Dresscs XI Drawers .X , ., .'--'.v,', orst Covers L ' Petticoats " . " Girls' For Sets f 'X " . GlrtaC Coats ' ' 1 ' - Glrh Rain Capes , , , and Coats ; , Neckwear , ' , , Bar and Frill Pins . Fans ' fi1 X- v : Xi X?Xd Toilet and Manicure i : Sets ;fcv:.;v- i j;,f'XM Jewel Cases -Combs . ,,, ,;Y , :f . f,r .BUYAtUFT A WEEK s 50 SEND US 17 ir ri i a itf AY '':'-'-'?'5-1 f::.1Vf:'v'-'-!-'. ; -:;fi X :"-,:: ;( !;..... , - . . i . i" i," i. ........ . ' -; . :. ;-m , ' ' ' 1 "i "'V X' ' .'(-. '.X', x. v..' vf V ';' ; . ' -y '-I'sjjAr Xr.'? ') . ... ' ; Vl-v, ;- ' ' V-( ' w-A"' t ' Y "' . ;' , ' Wonderful bargains in Dresses for every occasion. 100 -, brand new, serge and serge, v and satin combination Dresses, actual valueVup to $30. ' : x' ' jiprS 00 brand new Co-Ed Dresses in velvet, velvet, combi nation, serge and serge actually sold up tqO.- New peofgette Afterpopn presses, values up to f:': x. - x 11 ;k' f-.r-'. UTC'ALC ir H rait sale si combinations. These Dresses Special price7. . . . . $19,95 ciiRisTnAs.mil mm XUYAGITT AV oi -m Suggestions for Practical Gifts FOR HIM Bath Robes Shirts Neckwear Pajamas Sweaters Mufflers Pocket Knives Raton ; '. i ; X ' Safety Rasors Rasor Strops t : - : : :' --y'X '''Xii'y Xtfffi ShavlnsT Brashes .' '-, Sultcaaea I'X's'- '.' Xr- ':XP '"X, :'rJ? Traveling Bags Xl Writing Tablets) y -Military Brushca Men's Combs ;' Pocket Combs . ; : -r Shaving Soaps ' ''--X ' J.'J'.'Xr -V ''';:' Florida Water . X'4 :v'iXX XXyX ':: Foantaln Pens Initial Stationery, , $50. - EUYAGI7T