1. t b f.:x'.V.: cr sllJ !;;t!.:r fcr the boys in service. In Ivory, Wood, Silver and other materials for those of lis at home. A frame to suit any photograph or any pocketbookv SI BROCKIIANNS BOOKS STATIONERY GIFTS 110 S. Trjron 6t I Next to Keith's FboM 139? . MALL ORDERS A SPECIALTY 1 Of I t: ; - Ten,,. . -, 4 i . - - '.;! t . i, ; j t,.,'. .1 I . . . j A&ii-t a's . ' '.i.:t a. I 1 i. j fe - r-eetl::jr of t'.a : ! ;" Naturally evtry one U cu :.' X Cre, V a;J C. C. Hook last even jthe President and the trip to Cs- 'M::! la h, :j Js the '.Academy other side which he has decided to ! j.;u..;c Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. I now K 1 : take. Said a citisn yesterday: ; . , u wrcrs t. "Whatever President Wilson doe.. la rei BS Parana commute to : ,v.y cr, , I right Amon the many papers of the j usy Making up-a program that wi.l, ( try- s t, : country which have expressed the j not only be suitable, but an insplra- In the sr. : opinion that the President should go ,lon n all. V'Aa chairman of the Rei''-rcfc. j is ine xsasnviii xennesaean, wmcn croas says emphatically, 'President Wilson ! the hiMil1 . 11a mnA mttvm fiivthAy. 'An ' r i , ffrtlnv . ' .....l. . i . ... . -- . rf". . 1 ' . vuins nuuio iiiitrucuuj, m;uis i.reene, wno win os presented oy uu 1, tr.e ! c to i V . ' 1 LI S - f t fc n I will preside.. We .will have t Christ I..U ' j honor of having as speaker Col. .;tiul the jUn t i c!.urr .tut if the ,.y f.-orn trs.e $;antat , no matter J w tau 'v p ' n: t, t y are e have maintained rd Is suitable tot all ! ci.. i.:ry, b "Do i f . t! -C-i:-.- u : 1 , mat Roosevelt went to Panama, and Mayor McNinch: The music will be molasses and i l t-es. That plan con- Tart to Canada during their terms f keeping with the Interest and magnl-; stitutes Christ's program for salvation ; office, and that therefor Wilson can tude of the occasion. We are making . for all the world. The program of j go to Europe. Precedents ar ' not every effort to get music from .ths Jesus, If carried out. Is e.;icaciou to needed to support an idea of such fit j Camp an orchestra. If possible. Ther save the worldthat nrocram and ne8s' and Imperative demand as thfwlil be reports of th various depart, j non other. - Christ did very littla personal participation of the Presl-1 ments and other matters of Interest preaching but He 'did the speaking PLATINUM JEWELRY Ther la so much talk these days about Platinum Jewelry that you would ordinarily tak the matter: seriously but here at Roark's ,w have the most wonderful stock of Diamonds set In , platinum,' bar pins and all kinds of P!atlnuraset jewelry. There's no more to sayJust com and see what w can of -fer. , ( ' i v (' , B. F. ROMIK Jeweler .and S3venmith Diamond Merchant . 10 N. TRYON STREET QIARLOTTt, N. C tsssslsA dent In the peace settlement. The ait nation which he has so largely created to without precedent In our history and as no provision of the Constitu tion forbids it the question - may be left to President Wilson ' himself to decide on Its merits. During the war obviously his absence from this coun try would not have been proper in rvlew of his tremendous responsibili ties, but with peace restored and the responsibilities transferred in a large measure to the International field, the President can well leave this country long enough to assume his rightful place at the peace table and there speak for the policies which bear, his name. , v, The Allied nations expect him to be present. : The 'conquered 1 countries would be glad to know hie policy In active and personal- operation. The smaller countries and new. nations especially would welcome hia aid and inspiration to their hopes and plana The American people would be proud to have their .foremost figure among the greatest of the Allied leaders in this world-shaping body. President Wilson deserves this recognition and ipiilililllttniwwwiwl'ffPwiillW-ililwWIIIIWWIIIlWBlwWWtlw VCX W. 8. 8. ' ,;. I I C3i . . n MAHOGANY 3 NUTBOWLS., ij What is more cheery of a winter's night than an 5 open fire and a bowl of p nuts? -' 8 This line, of nut bowls is new, and, each, is fur- jj nished with a cracker and I picks. rv,' I VV.I.VanNess &Co. i Kodak neadqnartors- 23 N. Tryon Su Phone 744 I Cash Rings Loud Here. i as every one wno wouia im xo pne to another. That was His pro know just what the Red Cross Is doing eram Personal nrir ,T.Mn.i ..... to com to tbe Academy Sunday at- j gel lam is the thing that's going to win ternoon at ; o'clock." . ' - the aoldler . when he comes across the i " - - I-. ' nt your social entertainments. Ue .'Wcstx - . your church partlea To win him and Dr. James r. Robertson and dn ugh- hold htm you must put the program ter, Mra 8. B. Alexander, Jr left Mon- j of. Jesus across, if ; every. Christian day night for Pine Bluf, Ark., where ; would put Christ's program across we they will visit Mr., and Mrs. Harvey , would win the world In a generation. Wilson Moore,, the latter a daughter The soldier ' likes you to serve him of Dr. RoberUon, Mra. Alexander wUl but he also likes your frlendsWD He rf urn homo In . tha , mum of two J mnM j" W"F nosnip.. U.9 Ti iniirt . .V.rv!-""r UBV." companion return home in weeks. Dr. Robertson , will j Tnain some time with Mr and Mrs. Moore. He will stop for several week at Hot Aerial Mall Scrrloe. "The after war period It pregnant "IP Ulan VOOF ntartlnman - T ts- nsners of men' w must have bait not Just personality, but God's Word. Being a Christian now Isn't what It was years ago. Arguing doesn't pay. The soldier; at the hut does not want argument He wants God's Word bnol or,hta ,rvlces to thie country, country like that successfully operated the Allied caus? ; and humanity. . It between New, York and Washington, would be a loss to our National pres. Beside the-convenience of the service tige and power not to have Wilson t ths establishment of these routes will with Interest, with developing and de- plained to him. nd u ,mi- ZZ. VZET&jATZX STtt 5; sponsible f or kvi uea w sv w iiuiu et v v-ww war have been a study and, constant source of Interested delight '--af "The ImmedUte expansion Of th , not brought any one to Chrtat von aerial mall service la one of the mos . have failed as Church member Th interesting things that has beets deter- Korean PresbyterlM chur?h l mined upon., , The plan, I understand, ! M4ll. No on. ta .l-"ry some one. When Htuki how many "!fl" t5Itve y?u Won 4 Him, will yon mm siaoaeri ir you have himself at the peace conference, Tennyson, once writing on Shake speare, said, "If I had to pick, one man of this earth to send as representative of its highest capabilities to another planet I should choose Shakespeare.' - - If th American people could pick one man to go now before the nations of the world as the representative of their highest and best, who can doubt that it would be Woodrpw Wilson? He should go. - ts JSSL tr m Nadina T; Face Powder ( Crsas) Bmms Only) , Keep The) Complsxion Beautiful Soft and velvety. Hooey back If net so tirsly pleased, Nadlo Is pure sod harm tess. Adbsrasenul washed oft Prevents sunburn and return of discoloration A mlUlon dellghtsd a Mrs prove its valve, Tintsi riaah. Pink, Brunette, Wnlts. tWUasasiTaUCaeBlsnistsUI KaHaeal TottM C0apaa7. PaHa.Taaa. give employment to. thousands of young aviators who have had an In tensive and expensive training only to have the war end before they could get to France to tak part In It The suggestion to made that a large part of our first class . mall could be ex pedited by the us of the aerial deliv ery. The only question Is whether or ing to become simply aerial mall car rtors." . ' ; -' ' The Rockingham ; Extra. -, -? "All the glory ; of Peace news' ex tras doesn't belong to Charlotte and the other large cities of the state," said, one from the Pee Dee section, "The extra gotten out by 1 the Rock lnghamv , Post-Dispatch was highly creditable. It would have done credit to , a city : three times the else. The . - - - -- w in a. inein- . v ui cnurcn until he has led to put Chrlsfa program acrosa'W- ' .. ' "Britain's DayfSit 'To have the nation observe De cember 7, as 'Britain's Day. Is a plan being worked out by a Britain's day committee in New Tork. The day is planned as commemorating the great achievements, In the war, of Great Britain, i In New Tork it to planned to nave the arreateat dianiov nf Ri-iti.t, not the military aviators will be will-Jlags ever seen there. Fifth avenne wm do aecaea in ' the British colors, and everyone wlU be asked to hang Union .Jack from the window. On Sunday, December I, a mass meeting will be. held at the Hippodrome, with addresses to be by distinguished Eng. llshmen." s 1 . German People Must Keep Their Names. , '.'German people in America must naner came out' Mondav afternoon In D Germ names, is the decision SfwnSwH , Sr0?.i.,? uprme court judge In Brook- splendidly displayed. ! lyn' note lw'er of this city. "A Editor London rot out an extra at ) 1-1 ' We,l-PPUd tor I a. m. and another at l:S0 p.:m.lRtin t0 ' j his rname to aftd had U the essential facts therein, f 'V warner.' He was a physician H hired cars and had them sent to f nd sUted ln hta 1 Petition that . his neighboring towns in the county, be- i German nama was a detriment and fore seven a. m. He had just cause to reel, as ne saia, so good over it my-elf." Hear The v. eoisavi.-uocaiiiOui li 1 ,-' ' if embarrassment in his business. Per- aw may auopi sucn names as tney choose,' said the judge, 'but when they apply for leave to change their names under sanction of the law, I, for one, will not graht such permission Vhere the effect of doing so Is to enable per sons of Germanic origin to practic deception 6ft persona whd deal srlth them .in ignorance of such origin. Neither will I permit the adoption of the names of American families by foreigners.1 "Such subterfuges can not and must . not . be, tolerated.' " KID LACE BOOTS ; FIELD MOUSE AND OR ST , ' ' "! . FRENCH AND MEDIUM HEELS ' t Jt $11.00 '-a $12.50 I DeLane Shoe Company ' ' Si East Trade St '. Charlotte, N C, S , Ir hn r j i m .'AX OUR ''KNOX" SHOE. $10.00 and $11.00 ;. Tl &fsil flflfl ftflfi" r a , it T. TTr T,WT. Were belated because of a strike but here at last, and better than everv r Browns, Blacks In both Vicl and Calf, regular and com bination lasts, A to E. :' Sole agents for "8orosis" Fine Footwear for women. H..C. Long Co; THE CASH STORE XI East Trade St' T omembcr our boys in France v...en,th lights wink at t p. nv "Z?aT C. VHITE . .. j ..... . ,u i .. . ' II ,,.,.,............. . , , , , "' 111 I nwMulIBuliBlilUiUIDIS III '-' ' 1 ' ' - III lis rtr Ir mm i vox n i. Ill I k I I i , Ti -a. i T Ill I BaSI - .,.:!, S 1 Ill!n t I I !",. ii - m Jr4 f - - 1 11 . -lift . - ' v. r j!: ii ' v i , . ' o D:.c;:n:;ii,:;,B::;,";"C:,nS::,::r::.:::s:;,c:z:l:n Sale I p v. ax P q a a f 9 5 u B 'sit o All' to Sing National Anthem. VA featur of the National Victory Sing which will be held under the auspices of the 7,000.000 members of tno waiionai council of Defense wo , men In fevery community in America on. Thanksgiving day, ; will t be th , singing of the Star-Spangled Banner , by the enUre nation aMhe same hour i r- Vm Eastern" time. Secretary ef War Baker . has sent the following iuaHi 10 me - national committee, ; of which Dr. Anna Howard Shaw to Honorary cnairman: ' i, a, 7n battle, rest billet, wherever our soldiers abroad gather, they elng. Muslo swells from their hearts be cause their soul Is in their work. It to peculiarly fitting, therefore, that we at home, on this coming day of not only national but universal thanks giving, should unite -, in ? a hymn of tribute and gratitude, alike for their bravery and for the blessttgs it has brought I sincerelv tnmt that h pian to nave in each mmmmittv g ; November 2t, An connection with ser I vices or prayer and worship, a vic tory sing, may- commend itself to nA.ltii.MM. .... . .1. ..,..rau. appruvai among tno . " NEWTON D, BAKER.' Velvet GGeS:i! ii U 4 ii All the new shades, sizes u 16 to 42. Special. 039.50 i?6.00 Georgette -Waists, all colors and .sizes. j Special v -. 0 ; 4 n' : li h ii I! Ij ' 1 1 t i Reception to Dr. and Mrs.' Johnnon. - The members and congregation of the First Presbyterian church will tender a reception" Frldly night to Dr." Albert Sidney Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, ; the former the pastor, Friends of the church Invited. ' . , , V ' t ' - " i- i . j "I - The Liberty planes 'The importance of the airship in winning the ;war connet be over estlinated,"v said a man of wide In formation In all things, and especially concerning the war. ri see that the 10,000th Liberty motor was completed October 12. The man who receives every . Liberty plane in . France -, Is Major Summer." . . - 4 j .r. i llarrto Returns West '. Mr, Richard P. Harris left last night en his return to Denver. Col.; and x peets to resume the place with Th Post which, he quit a little more than so, ?ipi. me nope or getting irmv ' a year into (ha army. ten,'-? 1 one ye- r wasn't 'an At: in' '.a , cart' t :..;i i thus: ' N w v k?" .' . ' ." Trowiis Lrad. Said a woman, merchant: " "War or no war the popular shade this season Is brown, a tributs to the khaki .uniform of American soldiers. Beside the staple .browns, the shors are showing new shades: Deer, Ha vana rust castor, bark tann, and last but not least, 'henna' the latter the leading shade and the fad. Owing to the war the color season Has been a conservative one, the darker shades predominating. The season's color scheme plight be called a dependable one.". ... ... , . -.a sC' 'r. "v..- . '.':.' I ..i Misery Lovea-Company. . T thought the South was tte- only plac ln th world, and especially in the United States where there was ig norance and no school houses In some districts," remarked a citlaen from another. Southern stateuyesterday, "so I was astonished to ,read thla in a northern paper In regard to Oregon: Few people in the country or in th stat Itself realise how wild the great er part ef Oregon still is. Away from the railroads and wain auto , routes lies territory that has not even been organised Into school districts. It Is stated that In a certain district no school has been held for two years because the six pupils required by law cannot be found. . People who Uve In th South get so accustomed to hear ing things like this said and written about the south, that ft Is positively refreshing to find that there are oih. era,' .? , v'; 5" '."f : yr?". .i:, .. . v v.., ..-.i.'; !"-',' :-jfi;:l:il'i. Mra Macomb at Home After 4 P, M. ir Mrs,, A. C. Macomb; wife of Col Ma. comb, commanding Camp Greene, baa moved into her home, SOS East boule vard., and will be glad to see her friends after 4 o'clock, Mrs. Macomb has with her for ; the winter her sis ter. pending their securing a hous for the winter, CoL Macomb and Mra Macomb, have been, at the Selwyn. K ' Visited Nephew. ' .'. "' Miss Emma Hall returned yester day from Fontress Monro, where sh had been o see her nephew. Garry HalL Jr hn fitti.. ui ti.,,.1 ; . w wwa nana only brother, and' whose death oc curred recently. Garry Halt. Jr.. to at the officers' training, camp at For. tress Monroe. 4 ' , - . . , , ' , ' " " ' t Y ; , Ctccles Then Reception. 'Is that you, Mrs. Caldwell?" ask ""Tml'"1"'1 T0,c oyer'?n Phon. "Teen, please state that. the' postl JOnf of the circles of the FlrstPresbyterlan. church will be held In thechurch Friday evening at I: ClOC Dr. Johnson will have a .special message for the-women, of JJ chweh and asks that all be pres. ''FtonthW'me rW-Ur' tl?1 b "cepUon"o Dr. and Mra-Johnson at 1: 10 o'clock. hnth if.n1.1 5"yttana of the S?, Am nd wn"eni are cordially InC l , . - rti'--'C h' A"-' '': : s s dlers and asJlora' Well that's the The reader and the speaker wasltvere wnat?.JL l00kin nttot lad Whl wat here for a few hours.' tThey try that ther are soldiers of the water as well, as soldiers of the growd rnSZflT onw Wtcomrto soi: ?J thif u d d they might hS thtt ,allor- otng"heir nit on the seas av.it1 .i . .. dit make; ?K? feel good when he strikes as "tZui KSrfitr - tM"d?ha. thought of the sailor as well VkI a sTO ' to that church the . churrh over thw ta th big yard? ' - " "o i "Phccy. " ' -Said one: "In regard to the Vat. atven ' height Dden.-pr,: to us any time we S kre making old Bill Kaiser low ! sleep, just von - 88 ??mt if he does not commit suicide ' . ' -'.4" V . -The 186 ' - ' ne story, comes from . r.,- city, "that as soon as new. was known at the camp TSat one of the negro soldiers went ta hi, m . and Mid, 'I would hk. tVgef "xcS To Cape May Hospital. Maurice G. Sullivan, private In th V. B. army; who came home recently after having been wounded In action while with , the Rainbow division in France, leaves today for Cape May to ehter the N. 0 general hospital for further treatment- Mr, Sullivan was hot in she face, his eyes being very badly injured, . '. . A Prescription. Talking with a doctor yesterday on the problem of how to keep well, he said: "Be hygienic; keep nose, throat clean; take a laxative , when heees sary; eat enough food and drink enougn water; , keep warm without , up j.uu inucn; steep eignt or nine hours out of the 2V.f:;;:j.iti Corp. Colder in Hofpltal in Inee. The Charlotte frlonds of Corp. Geo. Bruce Calder, of Dallas, Texas, will be interested. to hear that he Is recover mg ln one of the Lass Hospitals in franc from a Severe wound received In battle. Mr. Caller is In the 13th Held Artillery, which was In training at Camp Oreotis for a niwher of months, ai.d U a i., , ,v of ue, I.'.u G. Hunter of this cliy Knqclcs Out Pain ' V ' . ' . hT ",rr or ' your bodyf ha M good a.wa 10t yc0. rrJ Mock t -pain ln, sa.na,, ypu v l?wa:-., O") o th. afflict. part,. Thla great remedy in.tr.. .ui.t . ... leather, thronah and Ihroush. in thr. mln. .m, m, mat yeu can It la bound to so alnrdhtkoonca"ot,p:,rhl,, or , K you've sot rhaumatlam, lumbaso. na ralsla. aora throat, haadache, a apralfc anr pain, don't wait a minute si, t! th naareat drus store and vat aOo, h - Bold lit Charlotte by John Sy Jtllak. Drus COAdV,".-.i. , Stomach Dead Linn Still Lives People who uffr: from ; sour stomai-h, fermentation of 'food, dlitreaa after eatmc and Indication, and aeek relief In lr,e chunks of artlflclal dlaeator : araklllin their stomacua by Innctlon Juat a e'trn.y I aa the victim of morphine la deadening an-l I Injuring beyoml repair every nerve In ti ' bortv. ;: v ' . , );.. ,..', i w nai tne atnmacn or every aufferor frntn indlseatlon needa la a good preanrlption tht will ti"tld up hla etomach, put errenei i, anera-y ind elawtnify Into it. nil u nkf it eturuy enomvn to c i-st a hearty liiml with out artificial ai l. , The. bent p"""'n .on f.ir l'"ligpiiirr ever Written la . euui I v rirui?i:...L evpryw , t and by I.lirirtt'-Jiir ' n uru store, and t rigidly Ruin ti t, i'' and cure Iru, rs " i. i Xhla prfRi-.i ni'i ia ta aoiil In ptnctj t t f,r ui!v a J ' llll-O-lia Ml i . Adv. 10 I ! !!! 1 rii A i-o-ita, en 1 1 In lr, a 1 T ! t A w ... ... ti V,, ! A i DrccbcSs' Wccl Jc::zy Dresses, Georgette Dresses, Satin-and-G:cr-getteomfcineil Dresses, ( , , Tricolette Dresses rn r t tr V1 a I 1 , A-eWAJF WUUI WUllbWll uutv. every btyiw mm 5 smart. Reduced for sure and im- ; , Amediate selling.. 4 V ; j " i 19,95 to22.50, valued for . v ; v 512.C5 ; $22.50 and $25:6o values for. .7 , . 015.C3 , '3629.50 to $35.00 vaiues for:. . i.'; ; ;C10.C3 , $27.50 to $45.00 values for : , 1 7 . C25.C5 $39.50 to $50 values for,;; . l .C2D.C3 jtC -. ' - tr 4 B U-R ;G; E L L ' S ; - 4 i l.1 F . r ' X -'. 4 Since J 868 the iHome 6f;Good Shoes.'' ' :-J' ' A vAf rrrrs ?nnr rn" vn-7M ; '-."V:;. The Illustration gives yodi,! a gooa iaca 01 ine ciean- cut snappy lines of7thisV clever jsa . ' .walking1 boot..Made of dark ' 8( ( ' ; brown calf, ?welt sole, military; " : S-: Voniti -tip.y Price 4 ' 6 i ft. 4 . - ' SHOES' , . 1 , 010.00 Gilmer-Moore Co. HOS1EBT LuaoAQa f FOUR CORN BROOMS ' SAVED IN A YEAR Buy A : BiVscirs 'Sweeper Which: .Lasts 10 Yean J ' ' See them on display, in our window - V 4 r-l'V i?",t aiong with 4r!l V"'"'5 :r";,t4:' Vacuum s : Sweepers That pick up all surface, trash 'and "sucks out" "all irn b'edded dust anci dirt7 No well. regulated household is ' without Bissell's appliances!. We sell them. 4 ' ' ' - 1 .7 ,ialM. t., w it. j lU. L-. - . 11 1 A, v