L) 7 L. i iL.: c v i . tief'f o , g "It- '. f mca, Aud I ' Riii ia bni. F tur inn'y or mif i Abjr mmi- ffa r1 $40$ a ? ' " 1 F. C Baldwin, Dtatributor, Gftanabaf, N.C - thorn en diaplay at 1 '; , . Hutchtaon. Bchsrit Hipp. Charlofta. i Monro Hardware Co., Monro. ? Standard Harda-kra. Co, Oaatonia. "V W. C, Johnapq Ca., HooratvlUa, I Blatofk-AUan llardwara Ua.t Wadeibare, 'i John Bins, Lawinburf. , -, a .' ; . . i Ocoft Mooaa, Nawtoiv '' ' ' ' ..?;' i ' Raid Hardware Co., tlneotntsn.' , - Aaornathy llarrtwara Ca., , tflckafy. V , Mortanton Hirdwara Ca., Uoraantoa. Parmars' Hardwar Co Forast City. ' . Thotva Hardware 'Co., gtaUarllla. . Brown-Rofara Co.. Wlmton-Salara. . H,0. Kawall C6 Oraenthore. . !: I DCrtT THINK HU i ' "" illl - I j II H I . L -j VT UNTIL MrVtfit ' JL - A a T HZ V v ' ? ' ' ' ' ; - ' - ' ; j ; J I rlHif-K 4 , t TRUSTEE'S SALE. - ' trhder and by virtue Of 'the author ity vested in me. the undersigned trusv tee, by that certain deed of trust ex-, touted on the Slrd ay of February, 1114, by Patterson 4k Glascock, In corporated, to the Charlotte Builders' Supply. Company, and registered ' in : Book IS 6, page 888, In the office of the Register of . Deeds for Mecklenburg County, Nerth Carolina, to which ref erence' Is hereby made, default hav lngbeen made with the terms and stipulations therein oontalned, I will sell the hereinafter described property at publio auction to the highest bidder for cash, and upon the express con dition that the said highest and last bidder shall Immedlately'deposlt with in unaersignea trustee an amount) equal to ten per cent (10 per cent) of. the said bid. and If this condition be u not complied with, the property Is to i fc oe resoia mi once; saia saie to ne neia at the Court House door in the City of Charlotte, North Carolina, at 1S:00 o'clock noon, on Monday, the 2nd day of December, 1111, said property be fng described as follows: In the suburb of the City of Char lotte known as "Chatham Estates." Beginning at a stake on the southwest corner at the Intersection of the Plata and Belvedere Avenue,- on the west side M the Plata and the South side of Belvedere Avenue, and runs thence In a westerly direction with the South edge of Belvedere Avenue one hun dred and seventy (170) feet to the East line of a fifteen (15) foot alley way; thence In a Southerly direction ! with this alleyway one hundred And thirteen (lis) feet to a stake, the rear 'corner between Lots Eleven (11) and Ten: thence in an Easterly direc tion With the . line between Lots 10 and 11 one hundred and seventy (170) feet to a' stae. the front earner! oetween Lots 11 and 10; thence In a Northerly direction; with -the West edge of the Plata one hundred and thirteen fUS) feet to the ' aforesaid corner at the Intersection of the Plata niM.T. V .11 V ' p " Beglnn ng, -being all of -Lot Eleven (liy of Block Seven (7) of Chatham Estates, as shown by map thereof, recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in Book 210, pages 162 and 163, together with the right to the use in common with adjacent j lot owneni or tne niteen-rpot aneyway shown on the said map of Block 7. nd being the same lot or tract of land conveyed to Patterson A Gtas cock, Incorporated, by the Charlotte Builders Supply Company, by deed dated 23rd day of February, 1016, and recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Mecklenburg Coun ty, North Carolina, in Book , page . This, the 1st day . of November, 1918. , . 1 , ' . ' -' " C. H. DOVER. Trustjee. EXITED STATES RAILROAD AOMIN' IHTBATIOM. '--... W. n. McAdoo. Dlrafter Oraaral of Rallmadt, RAILROAD SCHEDULES Tb, arrival and. departura of aancntsr (rarns Charlotte. " " . - " Tha folloarlns .aehadul fliturea ara pub llihf as Information ana era not SDaraa tad: . KOCTHKR RAILROAD. ' (StaUoa West Trade BtNet) Arrives , Departs from ' for 13:4fla Atlanta-Birmingham... i 4:1 la 4:05a waintnston. ihinston...... ...11:10a j:66a Richmond ....;.... i:pday of December, 1918, at 12 o'clock, i r 1.7" .- 1"' le; ua Taiaratna... ....... I ..i:4p t:isa wahinsto :HP ' t:lta Waihlnrtos............. ...... f:(ip 10:la Rlohmond. I:llp lt:Iia Blrmlntham-Naw Orlaass..... tilB U:S6p Charlestofl-ColBmbla, 11 :00a ll:4p WIton-8alm.......... ...... I.joa J:Sp flraanvllla-Wattmlnater. 4:tlp 4:lp 'OreaniMre-Dasnns. '.;.... i:tp l:00p Atlanta... ...,ii:np 7 : 1 Bp Aaitoita'CnlumblS. ............ 7:16a l:1l Tarioravtlle . r .,,,'........ 1 ,, I ,aa :6p Naar Tork-Waihlnft on. ...... .11 :lfta l:p Colombia... 4:55p :IOp Atlanta t:Sa :(p New Orleans-Atlanta ...16:30a U:0p Wanhlncton. ............. 4:I5a : W aahlnston. ...... ...1. ...... 11 :o t IDa not run Sunday. HE.l BOARD AIR MM: RAILROAD. (Btatton Worth Tryon Btreai.) Artvee i : Departs for 1:05a l:l t:25p f :06a t:00p cot l:Mp 1:05a 6:00p t :Ita aMnroe. .'. 10:10a Rutherfordton..' .' 1 :12p Rutherfordton IMOp- WIlmlnfton-RalalRh.. 11:J0p wnmlntohRalelslt.. tl.top Norfolk-Richmond... tl:10p Norfolk-Richmond,.. 13:40p Jaokiionvlll. , .. .... . . t .?ckonvlllfl.. ...... . PIEDMONT NORTHERN RAILROAD (Station Waal Trade StreaO ... t Leaves . - Leave . Oastonla 1 . Charlotte I 7:00a-:00a , S:00a-10:00a ' tl:00a-l:0p 2:00m-):0p :0Op-S:00p ., 4:00p--00p l00p-:4Bf T 4 i l :O0p-ll:00p t mimoni car connesia wun an mam line train.'. , . NORFOLK HOVTIIERN' RAILROAD. (K. A. L. Station Xortli Tryea BL) Arrives . Dapart from' i . .4 for 3:4tp Norrolk. ............ ........... i;a iri.ha an ; . . DON'T HAVE SHORT STUBBORN; haih wnen u is o easyto nre iwt apply tooM , QUEEN HAIR I unaaainu en yew fenir tfifl e ; f ortou'WU bow qulcl. Il AMps.DANDRtrrr i aw and top MUns tin Daa1 watt in. oihar dav. ItnS ISa la tttmpa or Mamy for a baa of thl wonOariul aairsrawar. NCWBRO MrU CO.. ATLANTA. CA. AGENTS WANTED wr'l? WlfEN YPTT SEE IT W ' ; ! THE CUARIOTTE OBSERVE IV tm f OR SALEr-REAL ESTATE For Rale --room residence .In ,Jf1nt ward, convenient to . school .and churches, splendid neighborhood, house in good condition. Prico M.- I09, ; . Murphy ft Co. lMl For Sale 8 room residence In hirers . Park: house has been built about It months, garage, paved street and walk, nice heating plant, one of the most Attractive homes in that sec tion. Price, f 9,000. f. E. Murphy & Co. . li-ai For Sakv-4-room residence, conveni ent to school and churches, papered throughout screened ibrlck under pinned. large lot .nice electric fix tures, good size bath room; would cost to build house today about 'SS, 600. Prioe,. 11,300. , J. C. Murphy & Co. v ' 1M, For Sale -room residence in : Dll . worth, . paved street and car line, house attractively arranged, paper ed throughout handsome electric fixtures, hardwood floors, splendid heating ulant, slate roof. Price for this week, f 7.100. J. E. Murphy & Co. . ' 17-21 For Hale- 7-room residence in Fourth ward; has reception room, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, 3 bearooms on second floor, house nicely papered, good . site lot. Would cost o build this .house today, 14,890. You can buy house and lot for 13,950. J. E. Murphy. & Co. v. ' 17-21 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. , Having duly qualified as Executor ,1.. 1, .111 ft 1 ii ,.n,nmA, Vln- Anna I Twelvetrees. deceased pit Oc- t.- 9,a ism Bii rm. iiAvin tober 23rd, 1918, all persons having debts against the estate of the said deceased are hereby notified to pre sent the same duly proven to the un dersigned executor on or before the 12th dav of November. 1919. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon ; xn Per80ns indebted to the said Mtate wln maue settlement with the tindersla-ned executor Immediately. ' This, the 1st day of November, 1118. R. M. MILLER. Jr., Executor of the last will and testa . mint of Miss Anna L. Twelvetrees,' deceased. NOTICE. State of North Carolina, County of Mecklenburg. ' In the .Superior Court. ' Ernest Ellison, Plaintiff, vs. Charlotte Candy Company, Defendant Tohe creditors, stockholders and oth ers interested In the distribution of , the 'assets of the Charlotte Candy Company: . You are hereby notified that the undersigned has been appointed re ceiver of the above named corpora tion defendant, and pursuant to or der duly entered In the cause you are hereby notified and required to present and make proof of your re spective claims against said 'corpora tion defendant on or before the 31st noon, at my omee, No. 110 Law Bund jiur m the city of chriotte. n. c.. and U vent you shall faU so to do you are nereDy nounea mat sucn ranure shall bar t you from participating In the dlttrlbutlon of the assets of said corporation, defendant This, the 6th day of November, 1918. ' J. H. McLEAN, - Reoeiver. 150 Hones and Mules . Received - - j november 12. Sale or exchange. Wadsworth Sales Stables "In the Business 60 Years" Complete Welding Plant Now in Operation Work Solicited. Burwell-Walker Co. 211. So Church StL R.L.GOODE General Contractor nd ; Builddr Charlotte, N. C. 1 TRUSSES , We now have In our employ an expert Truss Titter wh glve his time to this work nd we offer ev trythtng wanted Ip Trusses. Mall orders a specialty. . Jno. S. Blake Drug Co. Charlotte, ff. C. CAYAIiilH etthe- HOURS ... . trim ir 11 1 IT PAYS TO READ AND USE OBSERVER WANT ifffrtWhtfTBaaWfffJ miMiiiiilij FOR RENT If you baro a rooni, epartmcnt or ' house for rent; use an Observer want ad. There's no quicker or more efficient method for finding a satisfactory tenant. - One cent word. . . , . " For Rent -Furnished bungalow, t Woodlawn. 11 Grove Bt; $80 a, . month. 19tf For Rent 'Room with connecting - bath and board In private home, i Telephone 1.7 77 -J. - 19-20 For RentTwo unfurnished rooms, -reasonable, first floor, in Fourth ward, close in, lights, water and 'phone. Call 3706-J. 19-22 For .Rent Furnished room, steam heat, electric lights, adjoining bath. Phone 8678-J. Dllworth.; od-11 For Rent Four unfurnished rooms upstairs. No. 3 Third St. For Rent Very desirable , furnished room with small private family, good locality, close in, new house . with furnace heat. 'Phone 779. 20-21 For Rent Orte 1 nicely furnished room In Tenth Ave. home. 'Phone 847-L2. 20-21 For Rent- -Five room bungalow, fur- nished; 11 Grove., street Can bo seen between 10 a. m. and 12 m. Btf - - - 1 HELP WANTED FEMALE Government clerk examinations, Char , lotte. Dec. 7. ..Thousands women clerks needed. Salary $1,100. Ex ' perlence unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write -for fre enarticul'ars. , .J. C, Leonard (former Civil Service examiner), Kenols Building, Washington. 17-2 Wanted at Once A middle age col ored woman to take care of three year old child. Apply 6 South Church St. 20 Wanted A lady to assist lit office 8 or 4 ho,urs every morning; salary $25 a month. Address "Assist," care Observer. 20-22 Wanted Girls 18 years or over for fattory work. J. & P. Tire Co., Foot of Palmer St., near Dowd Foundry. ... "l3tf Wanted Two expcrlehccd white , waitresses, and 2 colored women . dish washers. O'Neill's, next to T. M. C. A., S. Tryon St. Htf LOST. AND FOUND LoKt Card case containing rcrelpta And official orders. Notify Capt. H. W. Long, ; Base Hospital. Camp Ureene. ' 19-21 liont Automobile tire, ' holder, rear ' light and state . number 80123 be tween Charlotte and Sardi. Reward. . Return to 203 Belmont Ave. 'Phone 3410. i 20-21 V S250 Reward-For the recovery -of Bulck car stolen Oct. 29, 1918. out side Academy of. Music, Newport . -News, Va. Engine No. 447893. frame NO. , 447483 vand- Virginia SUte li cense at the time stolen No. 4S7B6. . The car was a 1918 model, five passenger' Butok and was equipped t with extra tire and had front and back bumper. Please notify Thomas ' S. Brabrand, 2200 West Ave., New- v port News, Va..' "ana rAelve re- . ward. ; lS-jg Thermite and! Rie-Nie-Amti-Freeze Solution, Positively, willf keepy.ypur radiator from freezing. Better pe;safe than sorry PYRAMID MOTOR CO. ; Authorized Sates and Service. 0S Sf. Tryon St. x 'i) Phone tOff- TUCKER &UAXTOIH Contracting Engineers ; " N'lOtV Realty . Building . . i'owe1 1'lan'ts: WaterworR. 'rtlUif. ""Pern and Concrete Work. . HELP WANTED MALE. Wanted Two shoemakers for Cham pion outfit state salary wanted in first letter. Box 173, Hamlet N. C. 20-28 Wanted By large corporation, young man to file and mall letters. Good opportunity for advancement. State age and experience. "Manufacturer;" P.O. Box 175. 20-22 Linotype Operator, wanted, also good country printer," good wages and steady job. Gazette-Observer, Leaks ville, N. C." 20-22 U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WANTS MEN For Hardaway Contracting Company, Contractors for the Western Carolina Power Company, on earth dam at Brldgewate, North Carolina. For the following work: 2 DUMP FOREMEN . 1 ELECTRICIAN 300 LABORERS , For further Information call at your local U.S.LABOR . 1 SERVICE &0RITA0 regarding the .work of the Hardaway Contracting Co. Bridgewater, N. C. . Wanted Licensed embalm or; prefer young, man, with furniture experi ence; good wasres. Address "Under taker, care Observer. 17-20 Wanted A first class white barber at i ' once; 120 guarantee and 60 per cent over $32: good Job. C. S.: Green. 1 West Fifth St. ' 12-21 I U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE WANTS LABORERS FOR THE BADIN ALUMINUM WORKS BADIN, N.C. Prepare for winter, secure perma nent inside work for a eompnny that delivers 90 per cent of Its entire out put to the United States Government FOR WHITES Living conditions are first class, rents low, cost of liv ing as low sb elsewhere, No company stores and competition, sufficient to keep prices at a minimum. FOR COLORED PEOPLE They have one of the best, if riot the BEST equipped villages in the South. The homes are comfortable, equipped wtth lectrle light and water and special attention is paid to securing the better class of families who Intend to make Badln a permanent home. -- GOOD BOARD for single men, both white end colored, is to be had at a reasonable , figure, For further information, , call at your local IT.- 8. Labor Service Bureau, regarding the . TALLASSEE POWER CO. BADIN, N.'C. Government needs hundreds clerks for Income- tax. customa, internal ' revenue, y Charlotte examinations soon. Salary $1,100-12,000. Experi ence unnecessary. For free partlcu- lars . regarding examinations, write ' J. C. Leonard, (former civil serv ice examiner). 2009 Kenols Build ing Washington. , J 17-20 Wanted Three' barbers at once. $30 a Week and half over $40. A. A. i Covington. Hamlet. Nf, C. t 3 17-24 Wanted Physician for small town and country practice, good location. . Address "Physlclap," care Observer. TWO BOYS WITH WHEELS WANT ED AT WESTERN UNION. jBusiiifessrroficEs All Kinds of keys fitted. J. Will Kee , terson, practical gun and locksmith; 36 B. Fifth Bt . , 14tf Dr Richard H. Johnston has opened , offices in j the Realty Building for ' the treatment of diseases of the eye, ' ear, nose ftnd throat Hours to 1. v.. to 4. -rf;4W!--lSilS Dr. S, Levy. Dentist, t E. Trad street ;;Phqne ji$M. f.mr, '-; MILBURN, HE1STER & CO. v ? ARCHITECTS -; Washington, 0. C ' - MaCjitfja.TaM:MEg3ariTCnsB FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS. Notice, of sale of valuable real estate In Catawba county, on Monday, Dec. I, 1911, at 12 o'clock, noon, at court house door, 1 Newton, N. C. 115 acres of land, the Matthew Wilson estate, 5 miles east from Newton, near sand olay road. Well watered, one-third cleared, balance In timber, consisting of ptne, poplar and all kinds of oak, approximately 200, 000 board feet, house, barn and im provements, including good spring. Terms, one-half cash and one-half in six months. - A. P. Lynch, Ad minlstrator of Matthew Wilson Es tate. 17-2 Farm Foe. Sale 222 acres, house sev en rooms, new barn, two miles from railroad station near Charlottesville, Va. Price $3,650. 1-3 cash. Address for particulars and catalog. H. K. Hawthorne, Charlottesville, Va. 8-22 for Sale Lnrgo tract of GeorgU short leaf pine, convenient railroad And good rates. Afdress Box 2)9. Macon. Ga. Btf 47S Acres Only $10,000 A great bargain for quick sale. Easy terms. On Improved highway, at high school In fine neighborhood, con venient railway and Blackstone. -beautiful; well watered and fenced. Heautlful; well watered and fenced. Good large, well built dwelling of 9 rooms, halls, and porches, stable, crib, 4 bams, 2 tenant houses and other outbuildings; orchard. You will never have the chance to secure ' such a rare bargain .again. Come and secure It at once, or write for further description, this and other good property. H. Frederlcksen Co., , Blackstone, Va. . J4-20 North Caollna Farm For Sale tOl acres in the center of the be; to bacco section of the state, midway between Greensboro and Winston Salem, six miles from Hiirh Point. Plenty of land open for cultivation. Well timbered, good buildings, good neighborhoods Ideal, healthful loca tion. Price $50 per acre. Address Hayworth Roll and Panel Co., High Point, N. C. 14-20 For Qnlck gale 22T acres located on the Piedmont Highway between Newberry and Clinton, near Oarys, a station on the C. N. & L., IH miles from school and church, 100 acres In cultivation, sand loam with a red clay sub-soil, 7 acre pasture fenced with barbed wire, 100 or more acres in timber. Young orchard. Nice 6 room cottage dwell ing, 2 tenant houses, .4 rooms each, in good order. -Barn, 2 stables and other necessary outbuildings, 2 good wells and living streams through place. For a limited time we have this place at the very reasonable price of $45 per acre. Don't fall to write or wire us at our expense, when you will arrive in Newberry to look over this proposition. Davis Realty Co., Newberry, S. C. 17-24 center of Charlotte; 6-room house in nice grove, large barn, tenant house, nice young orchard, plenty wood, running water, good pasture, some bottom land, land' lies well. Price for quick sale, $75 per acre. J.'E. Murphy & Co, 17-21 For Sale Bladen county farms, tim ber lands and cut-over lands. Ad dress Box 44, Ellxabethtown, N. C. 17-2$ Nice farm, one hundred and fifty aeres, all wlrdt half in cultivation, balance pasture and woodland, very productive, good water, healthy, In edge of growing town, half mile to churches, high school, railroad end courthouse, five head cattle, 40 hogs, two mules, about three hundred bushels corn, many tons hay, tots of sweet potatoes and farm imple ments, all for $87.60 per acre, w ry. Buckner, Rldgeland S.C! '11M24 J 00 Aero Farm For- Sale Good to bacco, $orn or cotton land, nw, $ room bungalow," tenant' house; barn, 81 acres cultivated and 20 more can e cleared. .Buildings cost s $1,600, ( miles from Raeford, N. 0, on 1 highway, near good church; nnd school. Easy terms. ' Price ?2;S00. " See J. C, ,'Currie," Raeford, Nt C. I I I ! I I I I 1 1 . ' , ill, l" I. I I I I, Farm Land at Auction Tuesday. No vember 26, at 10:30, the 8. D. Tey- v lor farm. 4 mites north of Lancaster, g C, on the Charlotte and Wades boro f road,' sub-divided -' in small 1 tracts, some of the jc finest cotton, grain and tobacco land in South Carolina. Big free Brunswick stew.' nreensboro Realty & Auction Co., ;.?.Oreensboro, .': N.",;: ? ,2 0 th-,24th HELP(WANTt;DMALEv WAOTEB EXPERIENCED LKAD INU LADY AND LEADING MAN. ' NEAT APPEARING, FOR MU81 ' CAL COMEDY. NOT TAB. CHANCE FOR SOLDIERS ' OF THE PRO FES8ION WHO MAT BE , MUS TERED OUT OF SERVICE. fAIAO A CHORUS OF GIRLS. "W. V. D:,M ' 10 N. CHURCH 8T.,' CHAR LOTTE, N. C. , 20th-24th' TEACHERS WANTED The Acme Teachers' ( Agency needs teachers ..splendid , salaries. Healy Bldg Atlanta, Ga- y J-l$ laSllaf ADS AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS For Sale Ford Truck, new model, low t price. Piedmont Candy Kitchen, 1$ N. Tryon 8t $6tf For Sale Ford touring car, 1917 mod el, tip top shape. 'Phone 3364, ztr For Sal Briscoe cars, $905, dcliv ered. Our prices have not advanced In recent months. We will not have ; to drop In prices. No deliveries promised after Dec. 18 until spring 1919. Act quick. J. M. Clark, .dealer. 17 W. Fourth St . ' 19-28 For Sale Dodge touring car, ISIS medel, driven only 8,500 miles, per fect condition. 'Phone 2935-W, "1705 S. Boulevard. 19-20 For Sale Oldsmoblle, 8, cylinder, 7 passenger,"17 model, In perfect con , ditton; price $860. V. M. 8tlne, 29 S. ' Tryon St. lOtf Welding and Machine Service Our shop is equipped to do all kinds welding, braz ing and machine work. C. L. Taylor in . charge. Mor row's Garage, 227-229 N. Tryon 17-23 For Sale Two Ford touring cars, de mountable rims, extra tires, speedo meter and extras, excellent condi tion, late model, cheap to quick purchaser. A. J. Raudett, 612 N, 33rd St, Richmond, Va. 20-24 Wanted To exchnngc desirable build ing lot for automobile, i 'Phone " 1702-W. - 20-22 Packard, .five passenger, good eondl tion throughout old model; wilt sell very cheap. 'Phone 331. 20-26 xr roue wtuc Six, o pasHcngcr unaimers, eonaiuon ' gooq, -rnone 840. 20-22 For Sale at Once New Ford sedan car, self starter, shock, absorber springs, bumpers front and rear. Hasn't been run over 1,200 miles. Come to see me if you want a bar gain. Am going west. C. Kennedy, 40 E. Trade St 20 POSITIONS WANTED Competent bank man desires make change. Oood reasons. Reference present employers. Address Box W, ; Dillon, S, C. 17-20 If you are looking for a position, or wish to secure a better one, use an Observer Wanted 100,000 people read these ads every day; 25 words, 1 time, 25 cents; 4 times, $1; 1 week, $1.75. These rates are cash. Wanted Position by experienced traveling salesman, Employed at . present but desire a ehange. Ad dress A. J.. care Observer. Sltf ft-! AGENTS WANTED Wanted Ten thousand agents to sell "The World War For Liberty." Pay best commission. Send fifteen, cents for mailing expenses of outfit. C. H. ' Robinson & Co., Charlotte, N. C. 16tf History of the world's war by Francis A. March, with Introduction by his brother General Peyton C. March, highest officers In United States Army. Complete and authentic. Offi cial photograph. Extraordinary "op portunity for big profit Outfit free. Universal House, . Philadelphia. - MACHINERY. 100 Western- Electric and General ' Electric Motors for sale at once, all speeds and all sites. "Wire for me and I'll wire for you." Jehn A. Our kin Electric Co.. 81a City Hall Ave,, ' Norfolk. Va.,- . Telephone Nbrfolk i, 8285. , 6tf For Sale SO h. p.' center crank Lid ieir engine wjtn a 5 nr p. , First class condition. Ev O boiler. T ; vvun V Iron Works, Rock Hill, 8.. eod Enalne and boiler for sale at a hara-aln. ,,, One 11x38. Philadelphia Corliss En-j gine, trive wneei iv xeet in aiame- ter, 1$ inch phase complete with fix . tures; 1 10 h p. stationary: boiler t . with stack, ' all -j complete and !; ' in good i running condltlon. Can t, be ( icspected at our mill it Mooreevllle, Price $1,250 if the purchaser comes : ror engine and boiler. Reason for selling, we are installing electric power. W. N. Johnston Bona Co., Mooreavllle, N c; 20,-2 One SOS II. P. 150 Jb.' Heine water tube boiler: one 04x3$ . Hamilton , Cortlss engine;' excellent -condition;, immediate delivery. Motors and j other . machinery for sale. Write us. ; Machinery , & Supply. Co. ? 1 Oreensboro. N. C. 1 , 17-18 HU YLER'S CANDIES Jas. P. Stowe','6 Co , FOR SALE Complete hosiery mill for sale. Old : established business. If interested address Box 22$, Statesvllle. -N. C. :-: t- "i-. 14-20 , Horses and Mules We have 150 horses and mules for sale or trade. Cochran & Ross Co., 219 W. Fourth 81. Charlotte. N. C. , l$tf For Sale A brand new Aeolian . Vocallan, has graduoia attachment, ; mahogany ; case, automatic stop, smooth running motor. Sold the; - world over for $118, will be sold by us at $115. Ersklne R. Smith, ' Inc-' ' . ' For Sale Cypress Incubator, size 349 eggs, in good condition,, can be used with either gas or kerosene. "Incu bator," P. O. Box 694, city. 20-21 For Sale Oldest and best cafe In city most centrally located, paying prop osition, books open for inspection. Reason for selling, other business out of city. Address Hotel Wilson, ; Greenville, - S. Cv -r-H- -20-21 For Sale One round dining table anil six chairs. 'Phone 3188-L3. 19-21 Oct What yon want, when yon want it tnrouen Tne winston-Haiem senti nel. Classified rate 1 cent word, tf For Sale Restaurant; close in, new. low rent, will sell place and -lease cheap for cash- Address "Restau rant," care Observer. Ktt Let Observer Want Ads And a market for what you have for sate. They sell a large variety of things for others. Practically 100,000 well-to-do people read these ads every day. Rubber Stamps We make them daily. it. s. storr Co., naieign, w, c. POULTRY: LIVESTOCK: SEED Red May Wheat for Sowing We can v . supply you with selected seed. Mail or 'phone us your orders. Davidson ' & Wolfe, 220 8. College St 'Phone 412. 16-21 ' Hairy Vetch Seed for Sale Now Is the time to - sow for hay; forage and winter gracing Davidson & Wolfe, 220 f. College St. 'Phone 412- 1C-21 Horses and Mules We have 150 horses and mules for sate or trade. Cochran A ROsb Co.,'21 W. Fourth St Charlotte. N. C . J3tf Single Comb Ruff Orpington cockee els and pullets, $1.60 each. April , hatch, few hens, $2, Cash with or der. Act quick. L. W, Bardin, Black Creek, N. C.l 17-20 Genuine Jersey Wakefield Frost proof cabbage plants, $1.75 1,000, by express only. O. W. Murray, Clare- mont, N. C. Shoats and Pigs For Sale O. I. C. -Berkshire, Yorkshire and Poland China, bred from best strains of large, big boned, pure bred stock, guaranteed,, thrifty and healthy. Shoats any weight desired from St . to 80 pounds, at 25c per lb. in light crates; pigs 7 weeks old, at $7 each' , 10 weeks. $10. II. H. Meschendorf; Forest Depot, Va. eo4 - FOITl BALES PER ACRE , . The record of Vandiver's Heavy Fruit er Cotton. Forty bolls make pound, Forty-six per- cent lint; 1 VI -Inch staple; no boll weevils. Free from 1 all dease. - Resist drouths and winds. Earliest big boll. The eotton . that beats the boll weevil. All seed ginned and culled on our private machinery. Write for facts and proofs from your own state. Specal price on seed for early delivery. Vandlver Seed Co. t : Iiavonla. Gaj , 1S-ST SPECIAL NOTICES'. THANKSGIVING SPEOAL& : Ferndell brand delicious plum pud dings. In alt sites, one, two and three pounds. Also Individuals. Ferndell mince meat in bulk, stone crocks and glass Jars; fruit cakes In one, two and four pound packages; paper ; shell pecans and almonds; shattered raisins, chanberries, fancy grapes, apples, grape fruit, oranges; Call fornla pears, pumpkins, etc. 'Phone 2375.. ' v M ILLERVAN NESS CO. ' : Strawberry Plants Seed $4. for 1,000 Klondyke, Jjidy Thompson, etc. 500 - for $2.10. John Lightfoot, East Chattanooga, Tenn. , ' - 20-4 NEW CROP RICE Jnst received this morning. -; Big -values -in 35c Coffee.. Other good grades, 20o to 40c. Full lipe of Teas, Sugars, Eaklng Powder, Chocolate and .Cocoa. Also carry flour. 1 ,''-,. ' . C P. KENNY CO. , ' .' 1651 Phones 15&S ' AU1 n.rrr3r V Scott, Charnlsy Cz Co. . Certified ruhlte Accountants ' 6elwy Hotel BulMInz ' CHARLOTTE. N. C. Palmetto Butldlng, Columbia, S. C. r-nn V.

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