- y r O " :ing lIi:...,HJJ..jlULiLiJ a notice: -. Fourth Liberty Loan Subscribers Those who. subscribed to the Fourth Liberty Loan under the Government's plan, are hereby notified that the sec ond payment of 20 per cent will be due November 2tv Your prompt attention to this matter will be greatly ap preciated by us. .. - , " ' ,.. ' : We have just received another lot of Fourth l iberty Bonds. Those who hold receipts, and are waiting deliv- ery will please call and secure their bond. tLLerjEKCGE-ireiu The Charlotte United States Depository. Ino. M. Scott, President " V. J, Chamber, Vice President I. F. Robertson, Vice President National Bank - Assets: 4 Million W. n. Twitty. Cashier " V. W. Butt. Assistant Cashier' W. B. McClintock, Teller Bapk Strength and Good Service OUR management makes the security of deposits t matter of drat consideration and to this end the re- sources of the Bank are carefully guarded by pru- i dence and conservatism. This fact makes a strong bank. Coupled with strength oar Officers and Board of Directors make good service the backbone of our banking policy. With ample equipment and organisation, this Bank Is In a position to serve all individuals and firms requiring safe banking and good service. 4 Per Cent Paid on Tbne Deposits if Left Three Months or Longer. 4 Per cent Paid Per Annum on Savings, Compounded , 1 Quarterly. Bishop Kilgo Addresses Histori cal Society This Afternoon. Hold Sunday School Anniversary e - - The Western North Carolina Meth rnnfornca convenes In Tryon street church this morning at 9 vink with BlshoD U. V. W. Dar lington presiding. All trains yfer day and last night brought .ministers and delegates to tne city. ." -tendance promises' to be unusually large and the members are .arriving early o enjoy Charlotte, and many of them doubtless to do some shop ping before the session opens. BlBhop Darltngton Is at the Selwyn hotel and all day yesterday was busily engaged In his work preliminary to the opening of conference. There were many callers at his apartments to confer with hlra concerning the work for the week. He met the pre siding elders last night to begin the work of making the appointments and will hold meetings each afternoon with these elders until the work has been completed. ' ' :V ! -' ' "Francis Asbury. the Apostolic Founder of American Methodism," will be the subject of an address be fore the conference historical society at 4 o'clock this afternoon by Bishop John C. KlUro, of Charlotte The so ciety is fortunate to socure Bishop Ktlgo for this address. The address will be delivered at , Tryon Ktreet church and the public is most cor dially invited. The Sunday school anniversary of the conference will be held this even ing at 7:30 o'clochv Miss Minnie B. Kennedy, of "NashVille, Tenn., and. O. V. Woosley, the conference Sunday Hohoxl field secretary, will deliver ad dresses upon some aspects of the work of the Sunday school. BASEBALL COMING BACK Merchants & Farmers National Bank .. . Established m the Year 1871. , CHARLOTTE, N. C. OF SINCE AUGUST, ' NINETEEN FOURTEEN business conditions have been unsettled, and all over the country the real estate business has been affected perhaps more than any other line. But, in spite o'f this. MYERS PARK HAS KEPT RIGHT ON GROWING STEADILY. The number of new homex built there during the past four years Is conclusive evidence of the position which Myers Park holds In the minds ef the people of Charlotte. And the thing that has made Myers Park grow during a period of real estate depression is going to make this beautiful home section' grow y leaps and bounds, now that real estate Is to become active again. Select your own home site there now before it is taken by someone else. PHONE 231 THE STEPHENS COMPANY Owner and Developer. r.a.a b,o c Pi : STATEMENT OF American Trust Co. Member Federal Reserve System CHARLOTTE, N. C. NOVEMBER 1, 1918. , Condensed From Report to Federal Reserve Bank and State Banking Commission. RESOURCES Toarts Stocks and Bonds . . . .' United States Liberty Bonds, Treasury Certificates and War Savings Stamps . . Due from Banks Cash in Vault, Checks for clearings and due from Fed eral Reserve Bank $ 4.146.993.77 85.900.00 491,557.62 759,061.62 393,295.79 Trust Investments 1,471,383.63 Total 7 . 7,348,192.43 LIABILITIES Capital Stock : $ 523,000.00 Surplus Fund ,, .. 375,000.00 Undivided Profits .... 85,383.10 - Bills Payable (Secured by United States Treasury Cer- , ; Uflcates and Liberty Bonds) ; ; 423,000.00 " Trust Deposits .", . 1.471,383.63 Deposits 4,468,425.70 Total .$ 7,348,192.43 V.'e beg to call attention to the above financial statement which Indicates the confidence the public has in this Bank and desire to express our thanks to the people for their patronntra and co-operation. We Invite all those who desire new tr additional banking: rela tions to see or write us. This Bank Is able and willing to grant lib eral accommodations and facilities, American Trust Co. Member Federal Reserve System ; Charlotte, N. C. -OFFlCERS-r- FrrMdcftt. M'.'U. Wood., Yico President; George fJtrpltCui Vice President, W.'fi. Lee ' -Treasurer, J. K. Pavls ; Secretary, T. R Hornby , -Aftltant Sec., H. L. Davenport Trurt Offtcer, I. C. Whitlock Managers Ins. Department . , JMgr. Insurance i Deportment, Walter Lambeth Bro. Manager Stock ami Bond Dept., t I'. B, Grccuc. k ' W. M. Moore, One of Leading Lo cal Fans, Believes Charlotte Will Have League Team. ' VV. M. (Bud) Moore, popular reg ister of deeds, believes that league baseball in North Carolina is coming back in North Carolina next spring, and coming back with a vengeance. Mr. Moore haa. been interested in Charlotte teamrfor several years arjd at one time was a catcher of no mean ability himself. "If the boys in the service get back before spring, I feel assured that the North Carolina league will again be put in operation," said Mr. Moore when asked yesterday what the out look for the national pastime in Char lotte was in his . opinion. . ' Charlotte had a' chance to enter the South Atlantic league two years ago and again last spring, but decided to remain with the North Carolina or ganization. The class of ball played in the two Teagues in the past was about equal, according to Mr. Moore. Mr. Moore also stated that in case the North Carolina league falls to re open In 19J9, it is not Improbable that a franchise will be accepted in the South Atlantic, as that organization is practically sure to begin operations if the-proper cities can be induced to take berths. That the time Is propitious for starting the "ball a-rollihg" was the opinion o'f Mr. Moore, and It is possi ble that several Charlotte business men will be called together within a short time to discuss the baseball situation. The following deeds were filed for record In the office of the clerk.of the superior court, C C. Moore, yesterday: John Ik Howe and wife to William J. Kerr, for, "ll,279,vplot of land In Providence township. O. B. Robinson and wife to W. M. Robinson, for $100 and other valuable considerations, tract of land on Old Putter rand ' . . . Continental Securities company to miliary Wilder Hduiton and wife, tfr $100 and other valuable considera tions, plot of land In Mecklenburg county. y , . -. ;. - - W. D. Rock and wife to Duncan O. Calder, for $1,000 and other valuable considerations, plot of land on Meek lenburr avenue, j v Duncan O. Calder and wife -to W. D. Rock, for $8,000, plot of land In Piedmont park. -- 3. A. Sharps' and wife, of Lincoln county, to Luther Mosteller and J. D. Elliott, tor $15,170, track of land in Iredell and Mecklenburg counties. p. . f Goes to Fort Oglethorpe. T 8. 'J. Worley left yesterday for Fort Oglethorpe, Chattanooga, Tenn., to visit his son,-ExCell Wortey.. .who Is seriously ,jn with .pneumonia - in ,the camp hospital - t .-c- J. M. Matthews, county superin tendent of schools, chairman of the victory boys' campaign committee, and James E. Steere, scout master of the Charlotte boy1 scout organization, addressed the pupils of the Sharon and Sardls schools yesterday. . An explanation of the victory club plan to assist in the united war work fund was glverr by Superintendent Matthews while Mr. Steere delivered patriotic addresses. Other schools will be visited by the county commit- tees during the week. r - t : - nit? slum ov RELIABLE INSURANCE 31 v - r .' V'. .j . t .,-. y Fire arid Theft Automobiles- Palmetto Fire Insurance Co. The very best policies at at tractive Urates. The very best ' service. Claims : paid frorn this office. Verv attrac -'A '-i tive fof agents. - ! ;: W. D, Wiikinson General Agent - x For State of North Carolina. . . : Fresh from the hands of the builders and ready for immediate occupancy, we offer for sale a house In which is embodied nearly every feature, desirable in a modern, luxurious home. It is situated among the'plnes at Elizabeth on a largre lot. front Ing a paved street and car line. It contains eight Bplendld rooms, those on the first floor being floored with oak. -A good heating plant' and every modern feature that makes ?or comfortable; living have been built into this nous. The price and terms are very attractive and may be learned at this office. . . .. , . . . Southern Heal Estato Loc'n & Trust Company ' 4 S. Tryon St Tel;phon 235 r. O 5or 'THE STRONG BOX O The newspapers often tell of Instances where people lose all their saving, because .they hat put their money lna stocking-, or a bureau drawer, or a strong box.' and! have b tn robbed. When ou have money around the house you tovlto tbo burglar ana tne-enoas uieb - .-. ; . ; 1 . . .i -, Tlie. best strong borta Um world Is tho nvtngt tjaak v Thero your money to protected as well as it eat bo protected ywhero SOUTHERN LOAN & SAVINGS BANK OE OE INFLUENZA DONT& Don't try to fight the Influenza yourself. See a doctor. ; The Maryland Casualty Co.'s kji . . m iieann ana Acciaeni i'oucies pj ; jj cover every disease, including B ki SB I the dread Influenza. i I j Local adjuster handles claims P J promptly. i 1 jl ERNEST ELUSON J 1 GENERAL AGENT g !i IS E. th St. Phone 2Q5I I m !mr'BjnMNI!"SSinBH:'SB' I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Charlotte. N. C. Established in 1865 Caplt I t Mfl.noAnA Surplnt and rrodts . . 400,000.00 Assets K.OOOXHO.00 Four rrr Cent Interefit fald on x Certiricaies of Deposlta TOUR 3USIXESS SOLICITED nEXRT M. McADKX rmldent fiEO. Xf .BRTAV, Vice President JOHN F. ORR. Casbief NOW IN HANDS QF JURY Case of W. F. Simpson Against Public Utilities Cpmpany Long-Drawn-Out Affair. The case of W. F. Simpson, a mem ber of the Charlotte fire department, against the Southern Public Utilities company for damages in' the sum of $50,000, which began on Monday, took up the entire session of civil court yesterday. The case was given to the Jury after a short charge by Judge W. V. Harding, shortly after S o'clock yesterday afternoon. The suit is the result of ah acci dent which occurred February 1, 1917, on East boulevard when a fire truck- and an electric car collided. Mr.; Simpson, Bob Barnes, also a fireman, and another man were injured. Drs. J. Q. Myers, W. K. Reld and E. B. Wltherspoon testified that the plaintiff was mentally and physically permanently Injured as a result of in juries received in the accident. " The defendant company . claimed thattMr. Simpson's injury- was par tially due to negligence, on his part and that the Are track was traveling at an excessive rate; of speed at the time of the collision.-- . v Col. T. U Kirkpatrlck appeared for the plaintiff and W. 8. O'B. Robinson and C. YV. Tillett for the defendant i corporation. 1 1 ' 20 Due November 21 All. subscribers to the .Fourth.Liberty Loan on the ii Government plan will please forward check for 20 per cent of theiV subscription by November 21st. , We invite your business and promise. you every possible, courtesy and service; . - Safe deposit boxes for rent $ 1 .50 per year and up. COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK Of CHARLOTTE, N. C. ; . " " Capital, Surplus and Profits .' . . . .$970,000.00 R. A. Dunn. President T. II. Anderson, Vioe Prcsidcnt A. T. 8ununcy, Casliier C. W. Johnston,- Vice President I.'W. Stewart. Assistant Cashier. Sound and Conservative k'Those who require the services of a thoroughly pr6gressive yet sound and conservative institution will -appreciate the services we render, . ; 1 ' Your business invited. '- r The Peoples Bank & Trust Company ':' '. THE WELCOME BANK. - r. A. Bland. Presldeni W. W. Bo bard, Casnle W. R. Foreman, Vie Pre.' W, 8. Bnleo, Assu Cashier UNION ; NATIONAL BANK 'Charlotte. N.C. i We invite your business and assure you jrt ; -advance of yery courtesy and accommoda tion consistent with safe banking. Our business -is confined to thai of Bank ing without any outside features whatever. -;. Every transaction treated confidentially, , . alLr; H. M. VICTOR, President. For the Stomach and Liver. Just, Try one 60-cent bottle of LAX FOS WITH PEPSIN. A Liquid Diges tive Laxative. .Pleasant . to take. Now made and recommended by the man ufacturers of Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Adv. 4 FOR RENT 6-room house SOS E. 11th St., month . t . . . f S6.00 8-rdom house 1103 E. Boule j vard, month . ,a . . . . . 6-room house 205 Montgomery St.. month , . 4-room house 219 Flint : St. month . . S room house Lakewood Ave., month- .. .... . . . 4-room house Frailer Ave month' . . . . .... Storeroom 301 N. Tryon St, Month i... Offices 11, 13, 17, 1 B. 6th St, month 30.00 18.TI0 10.00 15.00 1.00 60.00 4 A A " monin . i . . . t ; iv.uv J. ARTHUR HENDERSON r ' Real Kstnto mid Insnranoe. 219 N. Tryon St. f - Phone 889 CHARLES C HOOK ARCHITECT Charlotte, N. C. . iot.Triwt-P'ff J.J Telephone a J : A : : S Home A Business Your Are Invited to MaJe the .; Independence Trust Co. ; your business home. The officers of the bank are at your service.' '"'s.'k . . ' r ' Our building is conveniently located for the officer and men coining in from Camp Greene. We will be glad. to be of service to you 'whenyoa are in the city. , .'.-...... Resources OFFICERS . f ...:;...:! $2,800,000.00 . II. WB.Mt.t.'ClmiraM Bari W. A." WATSON, Vlre PreWen W. U. XiG. Vlea lrrtdosrt . It LrrTLC. president ' , ' K. p. AMKUS0.V. Cashier ' B K. JONES, Assistant Cashlo r , HAPPY HEARTS The 56th- series Is matured and, as usual. In less tha standard time. Bring in your certificates on or, alter the 80th Inst., and get your cash. ' $120,000.00 , ' ' ' U going off and this Is Just one ot our quarterly maturities, so you can grasp something of the amount of business this old ship is doing. Had you ever thought about how much . of a factor this Institution Is in the life and prosperity of Charlotte? ' u . ' ,WELOVi??rO PAV OL'T ' the" boodle when the golden gram is ripe for we see smiles and good cheer light up the countenances of our multitude of shareholders. ,. , ,t ( ; , ' '""juw'Ihml and carrying shares with Keesier and! the Mutual Billy Malone and happiness is your reward, and don't you let that escape your cranium. ' . . YOU CAN STILL GX EM - T ' ' in the old series,' and your county cousins are still pouring In.' f Let the ball roll on, Joy be unconfined. ' - - E. L. Reeoler, Sec. &. Treas. ""fHE Hl 1 ' 1 M SOUTH TRYON ST. Stocks and , 1 . SUBJECJ, WE OFFER r $2 ,5 ,000 North Carolina State 6 per cent Bonds. -A;.' ,000 North Carolina State 4 per cent Bonds' (old issues). v- 60 snares worth Carolina Railroad Stock, 7 per cent -1 25 shares Elba Mfg. Company, ,7 per cent preferred ! . 60 shares Aragon Mill 7 per cent preferred 50 shares American Trust Company Stock. - ' ' N -"i " ' v" ;25 shares Peoples Bank and Trust Company, " . ' 10 shares First National Bank, , : ' 60 shares IveyIilL ' . , 25 shares Marlboro' 10 shares; Woodlawn 26 shares Lola Mfg.' 60' shares Marlon v 50 shares Cllnchfleld 1 shares Arcade " ' ' 50 shares Ranlo 85 shares Glen Lowry - " ; ' . " S5 shares AltaVista . SO shares Chadwlck-Hoskins , ' . 10 shares Adrian ' ,v V F. C ABBOTT & COMPANY ; ? INVESTSIENTS. o . Pi?: r ..".. A' ;t';V: ''

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