THli CHAl.L SOCIETY NEWS MARGARET KEIXY ABERXETHT, XXITOR. McAIlsier-Vaughii AVeddlng. Many friends in Charlotte will - b interested in the marriage of Miss Mary 'Watson yauphn and Mr. John Worth McAllster, which took place in Greensboro Monday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, G. Vaughn, Rev. Charles F. Myers, pastor .- of- the First Presby terian churchy officiating. . -, . - The bride was given in marriage by her father. Miss Josephine Vaughn, dieter of the bride, was maid of honor. The bridegroom was accompanied by his brother, Mr. Lacy Little McAllster, at present of the S. A. T. C, Davidson college. The bridesmaids were Misses Margaret Vaughn, Jean McAllster and Lynn Richardson. Little Miss Cynthia Vaughn was flower girl. In noting the marriage The Greens boro News says: "The rpmance is one of long standing. "The bride was a student of Con vene college, Spartanburg, 8. C, and Is a graduate of the Castle-on-the-Hudson. Lovely in person and char- EFIRD t - - -' .- . t Never Before Such a Sale of COATS In Our : The throngs commenced pouring in . this morning at 9 o'clock and have kept jt up continually ever since until 6 o'clock. V - . '- v ' ' ; . . :- ' -" ' v - Don't forget that the sale continues as long as the quantity of coats last, which will be for several days, as it was impossible to display the entire lot , and new styles are being continually thrown out from day to day. Values that are absolutely matchless. ' V, - -7'-" " ., - , ".,y . :. v4 rr . . . . . . . $18.50 Coats at, . ... ..... $12.95 $22.50 Coats at..'.." . . ...$14.75 . $25.00 Coats at . . $18.50 $35.00 Coats at. $21.75 , $45.00 Coats at .$29.50 , 65.00 ... ... .$39.50 acter; ahe adds to her attainments a musical ability-rarely equalled. '.v. ' ' "Among the many exquisite pres ents showered .upon the bride and bridegroom was; a -mahogany - music chair, formerly belonging to the bride's great-grandmother, - 'Mary Watson, of Charlottesville,- Va.'-. x 'The groom enlisted several months ago In the United States marine corps and will sail in a few days for .France, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McAllster, of this city, and a grand son 0f Col. A. C. McAllster and Cot B. F. Little. The bride is th daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Vaughn; ajso of Greensboro, and - the grand daughter of Joeeph M.J -Vaughn, of Madison, and Dr. Henry G. -Smith, of Greensboro. . .. , j..'. - . .. ' , "The out-of-town guests werej'Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Montcaitle, of Lex ington; Mr. and Mrs. JHarry J. Penn, or-Madison; Misses Kate Rucker and Cassadaria Penn, of Madison;-Dr. C. Alphonso Smith, Dr. Henry - Louis Smith; Miss Catharine McDonald, of Charlotte; - Miss Frances Worth,..) of Davidson;- Bryan McCullen, of Wash ington, D. C; Charles Vance, of Win ston -Salem; Miss A. C, McAUsternd Miss May McAllster, ' of Asheboror Miss Maude Carson, of Charlotte; Henry Spann, of Davidson college." Miss Catherine McDonald, who at tended the wedding; returned home yesterday. ' ' ... Miss Fairlcy Coming. - ' Miss Nancy Fairley, ' of Rocking ham, wilt arrive In the city within the next day or two to visit Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Beatty, at their home on Worthington avenue, Dllworth.? EfFIRD History Iletura Iom Savannah. Mses AUene Wallace, Ada Carrlker and Frances Jones have returned home from Savannah where they rpent- three months in the Western Union telegraph offices of that City. The young ladles are automatic op erators in the Charlotte office and they went to Savannah in lae interest of their company. .-:.v . Home From Louisville. Mrs. 8. B. Tanner, and daughter. Miss Sara Tanner, arrived nome Monday night from ' lxuisville, Ky., wnere they spent 10 days witn Mr. Bobo Tanner, second son of Mr.- and Mrs. Tanner, who is to the officers training senbol at Camp Zachary Taylor- '. - . ' " Messrs. E. S. Lipscomb and George H. iirockenbrougn, jr.j of thw city are amo in training at this camp. Mr. Tanner bas nv weeks' more training and is undecided as to whether he win finish his course. Measers. JUIpscomb and Brockenbrough expect to return home as soon as they are discharged. Remember the Soldiers Overseas. . There are great many people fh th'e city and county wno naven i any relatives in the servloe to wnom tuey can send a enristmas box ana tney should deem it a privilege to be, one of the number to send a box to one of the boys overseas irom tne Caro linas, Ttnnesstt, Georgia and Florida who hasn't a relative 10 look to for a box. i1:'' ' - ' . The : Charlotte ' Red Cross chapter has undertaken the work of'senulng 60U boxes and Mrs. Paul Chatham is in charge of the work. ' Mrs. Chatham Is in her office1 in the Mint building every day from 10 to o'clock and often she and her assist ants have to work late into the night packing boxes. . - Already . 220 of the .600 boxes hays been packed. ' fha mtnimnm fnt rtt a. box is S1.S0. LDort't delay, sending your check to Mrs. cnatnam tor at easi one uw. Your card will be sent In the box. Think of the. Joy you will cause "over there" at Christmas. ' It will be recalled that last Christ mas, Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones, Sr., and her corps of workers labored for weeks sending a splendid box to each of the boys - in tne army and navy from Mecklenburg. So generous was the response from ths people in the citv and county that a neat sum was Klett over. . . At a meeting of tha-commlttee neia some time later it was unaimously voted to give this sum to the canteen service of the American Red Cross. A check , was sent to Mrs. . Ralph Van Landlngham, commander, of the can teen work, and the money was Judic iously used in the canteen service. ' e Mrs. Beatty Hostess. The Pro Re Nata Book Club' will meet with Mrs. Robert R. Beatty, at her home 811 Worthington ayenue, Dllworth, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Draper. Mrs. Baxter S. Mooro Is spending a few days In the city , as. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Draper, at their home on Elisabeth avenue, en route to Chester, S. C., from Nqw York. Mrs. Moore spent several weeks in New York with her husband, Cap tain Moore, who sailed Sunday for France. ' Captain and Mrs. Moore's children, Miss Annie Wylle and Masters Rob ert Brevard and,Baxter S., Jr., remain ed in Chester with their grandmoth ers, Mrs. Ernest Moors and Mrs. R. J. Brqvardw. - . ... v.: " - ' r ' - r - Leaw for New York. - After spending several days in Washington and Baltimore Mrs. John M. Scott - and daughter, Miss Julia Baxter Scott, left there last Thursday for New York. ', T.Mr. Scott accompanied his family as far as Washington and remained there Until after the peace celebration. . Miss Calvine Scott, younger daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Scott, is a student at the National Cathedral school, ' Mrs, Henkcl and Daughter. Mrs. C. V. Henkel and daughter,. ' Miss Dorothy Henkel, Of Statesvllle, j spent yesterday inHhe city shopping. Mrs. Bethel Returns Home. Mrs. R. H. Bethel has returned to her home In Ashevllle after a few days' visit to Mr. and-Mrs. Thomas S. Franklin;' at their home on East ave nue. . V Parents Teacher Association Meets. At a recent meeting of. the Wesley Heights Parent-Teacher . association the members decided to equip a bas ket ball court. The assocltlon has under consideration the serving of hot lunches, but nothing definite has been decided upon yet. Mrs. Charles Dorsey, president of he organization, presided at the meet ln" . , . , Mrs. Allen Joins Husband. Mrs. H. C. Allen has arrived In the city from Norfolk, Va., to Join Mr. Allen, who has been In Charlotte for the past month or Isnger. Mr, and Mrs. Allen will make their future home In this city and . are located at 204 North Church street, " Mrs. Bryan in Winston-Salem. Mrs. George W. Bryan is spending the week in Winston-Salem visiting her brother, Dr. W,v J. Conrad, and Mrs. Conrad. ' . Home From Blowing Rook Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Alexander and children have returned home from Blowing Rock where they have been since last spring. Hire Shopping." Mrs. J. R. Prince, -of Danville, Va., and Misses Rabe'and Nell Johnston, of Salisbury, spent yesterday in the pity shopping. ; Misses Johnston Expected nome. Misses Lily, Kate and Evelyn Johnston are expected home the lat ter part of the week from their sum mer home Zuela, In Lincoln county. The Misses Johston have been in the country since last spring and their home on Tenth avenui has been closed. 3Iisn Brown Returns Home. Mir Viola Brown, one of the city's popular nurses, has returned home from Winston-Salem, where she spent a month nursing influenza patients at the Twin City hospital. . ' ; Prominent Visitors Entertained. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ci Coddlngton en tertained at a charming dinner .party, at their handsome home op More head road, last evening in honor of Mrs. F. W. A. Vesper and Mr. Vesper, of 8U Louis, Mo., the latter president of the National Automobile Dealers' association, and Mr, rJ..E. Peake, also of St. Louis, the executive secretary of tho organisation. ' Private' White . Iands Overseas, ' " Private Paul White, eon of Mrs, D. M White, of 6 West Bland street, has arrived safely, overseas. Private White was connected with- the Carolina Bak ing, company before going . to Camp Jackson August' 2 . Mrsr-Stroue ,K:crs.,HopitaL ' -The friends of Mrs. J8. Strane will regret ' to leant that she has entered the Presbyterian hospital to undergo -Curium I ; circle of the l'l; t Presbyterian ei.areh will mwt with Mrs. L. W. Sanders, at her home on South Tryon street, tomorrow after noon at 3 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. . , Miss Addison Returns Home. 'Miss Virginia Addison. .one of the i city's most efficient and popular nurses, who recently spent a month in Aaoeviue nursing innuensa pauenis ai the Normal college, la able to be out after an 11 mess of 10 days with lnflu ensa, at the Charlotte sanatorium. .Mrs. Nicholson Ret urns Home. Mrs. W.' L., Nicholson has returned to her home on East Seventh street, after undergoing treatment at the Charlotte sanatorium, following an operation for appendicitis three weeks ago. ' - Mrs. Nicholson has been ill for the pasf two months and her wide circle of friend will be gratified to lera that she Is steadily Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Arrive Today. Mr. and Mrs. Dilworth Clarke and tittle son. Dllworth. Jr.. of Montlcel lo, Fla., will arrive in ths city this morning to spend 10 day's visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Smith, at their horns on East boulevard, . Dllworth. : Mr, Clarke Is a brother of Mrs. Smith. He Is recuperating after an Illness -with typhoid fever. s- Leave for New York.. Mr. and Mrs,' Frank Pureell left Monday n!ght ; for. a week's trip to New York- , -...!- Miss Lineberger Improving. ' -Miss Stella Llneberger is improv ing at the Charlotte satiatorlum af ter art illness with influensa. Miss Llneberger Is engaged in school work under the eupervision of Dr. G. C. Hudson, city .health officer. . . Mrs. Ross Returns Home. Mrs. Joseph Iussell Rosa has re turned home from! Ashevllle' where she spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. H. jMoDufflB,; who has been very 111 reef ntly. Mrs. McDuffle has not. been weir for some months.! i& for Soldiers. -. BeglnningHEtth this evening at 7:45 o'clock the Knights of Columbus will resume the dances at O'E'xtoshue hall P given in compliment to the soldiers at Those In charge of the dances ex tend an invitation to all young ladies holding cards to the Soldiers' club to attend the. dances. O'Donoghue- hail has. an excellent floor and is an ideal place for danc- 'Ing. ..rj .,, Dance at Manufactarers' Club. The social event of the evening will be the officers' . daace given by the members of the Mecklenburg chapter, Daughters of the American Revolu tion, at the Southern Manufacturers' club from 8 to 12 o'clock. . 7". . The chapter has Invited 50 or more young society women to the dance and Invitations have been extended all offi cers at Camp Greent. . The proceeds of the dance will be devoted to war vbrk by the chapter. Civilians are Invited to' attend the dance . and especially young married people. The dance will doubtfess be the largest affair of the winter. The club will be beautifully decorated. The committee will met at tho, club this morning at 11 o'clock. Colonel Augustus C. MaeoHib, com manding Camp Greene, and Mrs. Ma Comb, and Colonel W. A Kent and Mrs. Kent, and. Major A. B. Burgwin and Mrs. Burgwin will be special guosts of the chapter. The Christmas Store For Men A . S H IRT -.. . - ,t w. ' (PracticalUseful) . . Makes a most acceptable gift for any; man. It's easy to choose the right one for the right man- especially from bur stocks , , , . . - .? Silk, Percale 'Madras the materials-plain and striped all colors, ii sizes, prices Vv '-' r7:yc- $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 $5.00, $5.50, $5.00, $70 t'.S'";i'oi mmrnm 'SEIi iTFOaiESS'! , Mrs. II. I!. Vk L..r r, J.I Us T.'.'.eti Victor, arrive! home Mon day night from Staunton, VaT. where Miss Victor was recently ill with ty phoid fever. Miss Victor returned to Stuart hall in the fall to resume her; studies and was taken 111 soon alter her arrival there. Mrs. Victor went to Staunton six weeks or more- ago to be with her daughter and remained with1 her throughout her Illness. - ' Miss Victor -is one of, Charlotte's moot popular young rirls and her host of friends will be glad, to learn that she is improving. If she is strong enough the will return to school aft er Christmas. - , , , . . v I : DAILY . .CALENDAR ' - n Wednesday. ' 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. The Red Cross work rooms in the Mint building will be open. . 4 p. m. The Charlotte branch of the Southern Association ; of College Women w(ll meet at the T.' W. C A. 7:44, to 11 p. m. Dance at the Sol diers club for enlisted men, stationed at Camp Greene. , I p. m. to '11 The Mecklenburg chapter IX A. R.. will give an officers' subscription daace at - the Southern Manufacturers' club. . , 1:19 p. m.- The Research club will " meet with Mrs. . Frank R. Me , NInch. at her home on Haw thorne lane, v , 7:45 p. in. to It p. m. -The Knights ; of Columbus will give a nnce ft O'Donoghue hall In compliment -' to the soldiers stationed at Camp Orene. " , . Thursday. . - 10 a."m. to I p. m. The Red Cross work moms in the Mint building will be enen. 3:10 to 8:S0 p. m.- The Dilworth Parent-Teacher - association will give a reception at the school. 3 p. ' m. The Fourth' ward parent- teacher meeting will be devoted to York on first .and second grades. Informal reception will follow meeting. ' v . .v.r . 4 p. m. The new Red - Cross con valescent home at Camp 'Green will be formally turned over to -' the government The public is . Invited. . A 'dance wilt-; be given In the home Thursday evening. StsO'p. m.-r-The Mecklenburg count i committee M colonial dsmea will meet with Mry M. A.. Bland,' at her home on East avenue. 4 p. m. The Battle, of Charlotte chap ter D. A. R.. will meet with Mrs. H. S. Dodenhoff. at her home on ; East . Seventh . street r ; 5 p. m. The Barium ftprnlsrs circle of th Firt Prebvterlan ehnrch wilt meet with MrA K W, Ban ders, at her heme on South Try on street tomorrow, afternoonvat , S o'clock. - ... - . , - Fridar.' ' 10 a. m: to 8 p. m. The Red Cross work rooms in. the Mint building wilt be open. ;. ..;, 4 p. m. -The Athenae Book club will meet with Mis VIoUt Alexander, at her home on West Trade street 4 p. m.r The Bessie Dewey club wilt meet with Mrs. J. Lenoir Cham bers, at her homeon Tenh ave- nus. . .-. ' .. .. 4 p. m. The Dolly Madison Book club will meet with Mrs. M. M. Mur ohy. at her home on North CoN - lege street 4 p. m. The Pro Re Nata book 'club will meet with Mrs. Robert R. Beatty, at her home 111 Worth . i ington gvenue. .TJilworth. , i ;i Saturday, . . . '10 a. m.' .to ( p. m. The Red Cress work room In the Mint building will be open. . . , .... - WE SELL isrtR asteaiM. "tm m. frrjp' 1 i " J, r NO MADE IN GERMANY" GOODS HERE A Remarkable ; Array of COAT VALUES Please don't buy a: Goat uhtil you have looked over these really wonderful bargains, that we offer this week. Take, ' for ins'tance, this one lot df handsome Velouf Coats, trimmed 1 m fabric fur, velvet and plush, flap pockets, big loose belt and pleated belts, v;ry much like the illustration at the right. These are actual ' $25.00 and J530i00 Values. We: offer them in this special sale at In this group are! a' large number of fine velours and silver tones with great bigfur dollars and fur trimmings,, the styles ; are all new- and, the workmanship of each coat is of the. besti r TJhese were regular $40.00j values. ': Our Special price 1 - X $20.00 In the next group are the finer materials, coats- that sold up v$omc Mi iiiiiiigi ana ucauuiui coiiars anu trimmings or i Australian Opossum,"specially priced for this sale at . , $39.50 This is indeed a "very-special , as Bolivia and the, finer grades of Poh-Pon. These -coats have really been selling up to , vas:-higsU.l00.00:vSpAda11y.'pi1ced for..thls"' -K ''$49.50:J : .; ' I CtcS-r.3 Oricn Ocly ca t!i Above-NoC.O.Ds,IoAr?rcvNoRcttrna Th Gently Qzzn Ihs liver ache, Cc'A Sour Stcmch, Eld Ercth '..- - - - BSaBSBBBaaSBBBSBBSSsaBBBaBSBJBBSSlSSBBB .1 - ;i- " ' . . . . : ,':' r- " - Enjoy Life! Taks Oiscircts and Waka Up Feeling Fit and Fins Best Laxative for Men, Wcmcn, ; , ' " ' , - (Mdrca IIarcsk5$--Ncvcr Grips , JCARETS Twenty Ensrayed Christmas Cards" ' . ' . FOR ONE DOLLAIJ : We have prepared a special package Christmas Greet-, ing Cards made from' Steel .Engravings, consisting of twenty popular designs. 'They come with envelopes all ready to mail and represent an unusual value. Sent postpaid for one dollar. Order now. J. P. Stevens Engraving Co.,' Atlanta, Ga. RISiBllSnSIlS If WHEN UNEXPECTED COMPANY AR RIVES DELICATESSEN WILL SAVE (Chilcken Salad:. ...... Ham and Pimento Salad Deviled Crbs Roast Beef i rrt ivitiiitf ::::73 ?iorth,Tryon Street; '' PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS sssiisiteaisjjassjBsiBisjMiiB - -mmm I lilHl i Hii ijm J'sssfMI . sTV ssam srsBaBHt $16.95 : and $29.50 VERY SPECIAL group. Among which will ar.d Bc.vcb, rr.d tc? Head PRICE 10 WORK WWlLEYDU SLEEP. ..$1.00lb. .. . . . . . . 650 .. .. Bob. iaii9 if inirr'r , .1 .JU.J.H .asjn Issspassjs STORES! twit -v-tr. II. K, 4 to $60.00, having -hand- seal, oeaver, raccoon ana . 7 ; " ':S':CSi. " V be found $uch,rich fabrics' , an operation.- . ' h 1