CAROLINA AUTO DEALERS. GUESTS OF CHARLOTTE ASSOCIATION TO H EAR HEADS 07 NATIONAL DEALERS r . . - . - -1 - 0 1 J -V. -t" v 'J J II n Ti V' r- M If V ( St N X 1, This Dtcture vu made Tuesday afWnoon oa the grounds of ttM First marie by P. W. A. Vesper, of St. Louis, and E. E Prato alto of St LouU, president is Mr. Peaks; to his right is J. T, Bl uldcn, president of Uw Cuariotte coalers Presbyterian church, end la of the automobile dealer of North and South Carolina, wtx were nests of ths Charlotte J ildcnt and executive aocretary, ectpectivcty, of the National Automobile Peelers association. Mr. Vesper fa standing In i; to Hr. Vesper's left Is Secretary Mitchell, of the Charlotte dealers' association; to his left la CC. CwkUngSon, of Charlc of ths Charlotte Aetomottve Dealera .association at dinner, when addresses were ins; in u niaaie oi utc rront ranic, nouinx a me case; to oia ricn Chrlott,e one of the bicccat diatrtbvtors of the CaroUaaa. M. E. CONFERENCE HAS A BUSY AND INTERESTING DAY (Continued From Page One.) that shall determine how much shall be apportioned to each board out of the total assented upon ths conference, was elected upon nomination of the presiding elders. This boatd. consists of E. U Bain, W. U Sherrill, O. C. Brinkman, C. -X. Wood and Z. Paris, ministers, and the following laymen, J. B. Ivey, C. W. Brown, D. ,B. Col trane, Dorman Thompsan and James A. Gray. The following visitors were Intro duced to the conference: Dr. J. 8. Jenkins, of the North Georgia con ference; Dr. W. P. Few, president of Trinity college; Dr. J. W. Kilgo, of the Upper South Carolina conference; Dr. J. 8. Hunter, of the publishing house at Richmand, Vs.. and Dr. Eugene Blake, president' of Weaver college. The presiding elders, R. O. Tuttle, H. K. Boyer, J. H. Barnhardt, H. C. Sprinkle, T. E. Wagg, J. C. Rowe, J. F. Kirk. W. A. Newell. J. H. West and Frank Slier, submitted their reports, which showed that the past year has been one of great financial progress throughout the bounds of the conference, and a fairly good year In other respects, reaily a very remark able year when one considers the disturbed conditions of the country en account of ths war. Several items of especial Interest appeared in these reports. Among an opportunity to sxpress your will aa to the sons of the parsonage. Brethren of the Western North Caro lina eonferenoe, it gives me great pleasure to unfurl this to you In the ?h7.; item. to , br oitathm moth, of End. Winston, of which R. D. Sher-l" Peonage. rill Is pastor, had this year raised In aceepttng the flng for the con $44,000 for all purposes. W. A, Newell 1 ferenee, W. X Sherrill spoke as fol reported that the Statesvllle -district i lows: had paid out in full alf assessments of honor to the soldier boys, but every charge, an entirely new record j t0day we pay special honor to the for that district If not for all ether j noble 'sons of the parsonsge.' districts in the conference.. "The ninety and nine stars on this Dr. J. 8. Chadwlck. asslsltant edl-1 beautiful banner represent the ninety tor of The Nashville Christian Advo. ' nine brave lads, reared in parsonage cate, now in the army T. M. C. A. ' homes, whe went forth at the call of work, was Introduced and add reused : the nation to do or to die for freedom, the conference upon the subject of ! They went from firesides where holy service In the army 7. M. C. A. Dr. J. 8. Jenkins spoke in bshalf of Lane college, the college at Augusta, Oa., for colored preachers, and the conference contributed 11.101. Presentation of Service Flag. . The conference Just before adjourn incense burns and where lessons of the Prince of Peaoe enriched their childhood and youth. Being taught te love peaee they were willing to fight for It. "They believed that .lawlessness must be overcome, even at the peril of life, so that an abiding peace might 6 Bellans Hot water VJH Sure Relief ELL-AN S TOR INDIGESTION gMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiMiiiiiiiimiiu ment entered into the exercises of : come to the world. When they went unfurling a service flag which carried forth to war the prayers of godly 99 stars that represented tne sons oi . fathers and the baptism of love from preachers of the conference who were noble mothers was fresh In their enlisted in the service of the army and 1 minds and hearts and remained a navy. The exercises conslstsd of a , constant inspiration and strength presentation speech by Albert Sherrill, : through all the dark and perilous a speech or acceptance oy me secre-. aays, tary of the conference, singing of the national hymn by the eonferenoe, and prayer by Bishop Kilgo, who has son in the service. In presenting the flag, Albert Sher rill said In part: "Wo desire at this time to corner some little measure of honor espe cially upon the sons of the parsonage. 'Some of thess lads were privates and some held commissions but all were equals and brothers, struggling for human freedom, evesy man In his appointed place doing his best to hurry the arrival of a righteous and lasting peace. Some of them will re turn with all the glory which belongs to the conquering hosts of freedom, We fathers and mothers (some oft but some of thsm will never come these mothers are widows) nave setback, cured this flag and bedecked It with service stars. "I come, therefore, at this hoar to present this service flag to the con ference in order that you may have C Ckareeter Is BmMt ef Credit IT IS WORTH i 1 KNOWING ABOUT f as e 1 E We firmly believe that the S jj Morris Plan IS worth knowing S S about. Who' knows when you s may have need of anywhere from 125 to $5,000 QUICKLY f S Keep in mind that we will ad- s 5 vance you the money on per E S sonal endorsement and at ,6 per s E cent. Tou repay the loan In 60 5 E equal weekly Installments. E E Borrow $100 and return It E E per week. Borrow $1,000 and - return $20 per week, etc. SPECIAL SALE 60c to $125 DOLLS for Dressing. These Dolls are 14" to SI Inches high, unbreak able heads, some without elothos and some with clothes slightly damaged but ex cellent for re dressing. . SEE our fine stork of new American Dolls some of them really pretty. SO West Fifth Ut L "The four gold stars represent those who made the supreme sacrifice. They died for liberty and their sacred dust rests In ' the soil of bleeding .,i, v i,..,,iii tllllies of France, God knows where they rest end will some day bring them forth to life again. "Today we pay honor and tribute te these brave boys living, the brave ones dead. They have added greater glory to American heroism and to the Methodist parsonage, too. "They have honored their parents and their church by the splendid record they have made. "It affords me peculiar joy and pleasure now to accept, in the name of the conference, this handsome serv ice flag, this beautiful token of love for the heroic 'sons of the parsonage,' -uiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The Charlotte MORRIS PLAN E Company E Capital, 175,000. E H. C. Sherrill, Treasurer E Academy of Music Building. s :'S .victor Machines Victor Records When Uncle Sam Wants Music Academy of Music Building. niiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiititniiHiimiiffi t Do You Know the Pathe Folks? Are the first to record 'all the pop ular hits being sung along Broad way, and that we get them Just g few days later. Here are some we would like to have 'you come and hear. No. J036 Three Wonderful Let . ters From Home. No, 2011 Around Her.Neck She I Wears a' Taller Ribbon. ' No, S0ll Tishomingo Blues; Somebody's Done Me Wrong. -! All above records priced 78o. .t-: ' Vc- .' . ..;." .J ..: r-r . v; ' r,-; . - lb Bar Furniture Co. put of the jriigh Rent District. SSS IS, Trade St, Phone JSJT - to cheer the boys on his bg 2 battleships the choice is nearly E S alwayi an Autoplano, because of S r the proven fact that under S, the most trying conditions of E roiiRh usage and climatic S 2j changes It keeps in good condl- S tlon and its rich, brilliant tons E E is unimpaired. E Over one hundred Autoplanos S S are In une on U. 8. battleships. S 3 Can you do better In selecting S 5 an Instrument for your home E than follow the example of gov- S S ernment experts? E E See and hear the Autoplano E 2 at our store. I F.H.ANDREWS I MUSIC HOUSE SIS North Tryori St. , iiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiuiififfliiimmini which will be preserved with the most valuable and sacred relics of the con ference. We mourn for those who dlsd and honor both the living and the dead as we strive to perpetuate ths record of their noble deeds." Historical Society Meets. The conference historical society met at 4 o'clock In the afternoon, A. W. Plyler presiding. Bishop Kilgo, of Charlotte, delivered the annual address, choosing as his sublect "Francis Aebury, the Peerless. Prophet of the American Republlo." Bishop Kilgo, with an eloquence and effec tiveness that even he seldom, if ever, has been able to surpass, presented hts great subject. For an hour and a half he held the great audience without the least sign of weariness with an increasing Interest to the. end aa he discussed Bishop Asbury and his work ! -ettA m.aa snaatavn mil. Attn let ! V ing the .foundation of this mighty nation. The following resolutions, presented by H. M. Blair, were unanimously adopted: "Resolved That this society recog nize the excellent service rendered by Rev. A. W. Plyler and his brother. Rev. M. T. Plyler, of the North Carolina conference, in bringing from the press, during the past year that excellent book under the title, The I Men of the Burning Heart.' This I book contains the biographical sketch- i a of Tjiramn Tinw Veter Doub and George W. Ivey. "We recommend this book, not only for its historical and lnsptr-tlonai value, but also for the reason that through the generosity of the sons of Rev. O. W. Ivey, the proceeds of the sale go to Rutherford college to establish a loan fund In memory of O. W. Ivey.". e f FOOD PRICES TO DROP SO PRODUCER THINK . e Not Through Lowering of Cost of Labor So Much as by Low er Raw Materials. THIRD AMERICAN ARMY GOING TOWARD GERMANY Other Units Slowy Making Their Way Back to Their Old Training Areas. . With 'the American Forces In France, Tuesday, Nov. lt (By the Associated . Press.) While the third American army- la making Its way to ward the German frontier, ether units are slowly going back, to their old training areas. A greater portion of the trotpa atill la In the battle reached the camps established laatt year, where there are ample canton-j menu and .hospitals and where large supplies of fuel are available. Here the men will be made as com fortable aa possible tn Well-heated huts. , General March's announcement re garding the demobilisation of some units and the return of oonvalescent sick and wounded la causing quiet speculation. It la thought probable tbat tnen may be returned home who are now making arrangements for Thanksgiving day and Christmas eel ebratlona. . , ' INCREASES IN EXPRESS " RATES ARE ANNOUNCED Advance About 16 and 17 Cents a Hundred Pounds in South eastern Territory. Washington, Nov. 10. General In creases tn express rates were an nounced today by Director General McAdoo of the railroad administra tion. . East of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio and Potomao rivers the new rates on merchandise will be about II and 17 cents a hundred pounds more than at present The Inorease on food rates will be about 7S per cent as much. For the remainder of the country the merchandise rate will be increased about 10 to . II cents a hundred pounds ever the present scale and the incrsaae in food rates wilt be ptupor tlonately 76 per cent The increases, it was announced, , are due to In creases In wagea, and beaorae effec tive January 1. . MOST WAR CAMPS WILL SOON CO INTO SCRAP HEAP BY II. E. a BRYANT. Washington, Nov. 20. B. C. Dun can, A. L. Mahler, A. F. Baker and M. R. Beeman, of Raleigh, are here to save Camp Polk, If they can. Most war camps will go in the ecraphead now. Set tne Genuln-gwfv)Y SIP 4frt5y'n Every Cake SPRINrTJ FIREMEN EVERY fEft SET raWraV-i They've raised your insurance rates So you're not getting at much protection for your money aa you did a year ago. Globe Sprinklers are still giving the same protection, offsetting the higher insurance rate and pay ing for themselves out of re duced premium. Telephone for appointment, GLOBE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CO. Ill N. Church 8t Boll 1421 Cleveland. Nov. 20. Food prices will drop, not through the lowering of the cost of labor so much as by lower markets for raw material. This was agreed upon by some of the largest food producers In America, who aro attending the annual con vention of the American Specialty ManufactQrers' association, which opened a two-day session here today. tin fnrinni wBji made when the ! lower prices would come, but it was predicted 1110 nuuvuun nvwtu v..vw ths purchase of raw material on a lower market after present high prjoe stocks ars exhausted. THOSE OPPOSING LIQUOR TRAFFIC ARE BOYCOTTED? '.(Continued from page 1.) United States Brewers' association was writing German propa3anda, dosen't it?" asked Major Humes. "I do not recall anything about it," Mr. Fox replied. "Mr. Fetgenspan was then chairman of the publications' committee at the time this article was written and .sent to him, was he notT" "Yes," Fox replied and he added: "That bears an Indication that some one prepared it In the office of our association." "darn-inn nrnnaesnda." he OOn- , tinu'ed, "was by common consent dis cussed very little witn us. i oo not know whether tbat was because I am an Englishman." SOUTHERN RED CROSS UNIT IS COMMENDED By Keeping Up Its Quality Coca-Cola Keeps Faith With Its Friends QUR quantity only is qut down, because the Government needed half of our tugar. Our war-shortage caused imitators to offer cheap concoctiom colored to look like Coca-Cola, but the task of Coca-Cola can't be counterfeited ita flavor It Indicative of itt quality. When you order Coca-Cola, if ybu are served with tomething that doesn't taste true put the question squarely up to the dealer. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY ATLANTA, GA. 1 ; ('Si Pav tbeJr cost In 12 Months, ami Indiana service is a eonaktera U jm etaaet aCstd la everteek Is feyies, etMSh. Carolina Motor Company ; .... IfATUVOlg, H&tXZ' SHAW - WALKER FILING CMS in STEEL and WOOD STANDARDIZED FILING SYSTEMS Start your files for the new year right. Ask us how. v Queen City Printing Co. i4-i6-ErFourth-St. CHARLOTTE, N. C. . Washlnston. NOV. JO. A southern Red Cross unit, assisted by men of, the University ot Virginia, and SO Vlr-1 glnla physicians, is commended in a ' dUpatch to Red Cross' headquarters! here, for its work In caring for Amer-1 loan wounded during a recent drive. I The hospital was made ready In two ; weeks with funds partly provided by; the Order of Elks, through Fred Har- ' per, of Lynchburg, Va., former grand exalted ruler. When the flrst de tachment of 200 men was sent to the hospital they were cared for by 100i nurses irom soutnern states. CUBA NEARLY DOUBLED HER LIBERTY LOAN QUOTA New York, Nov, 20. Cuba, with a voluntary quota ot $6,000,000 sub scribed $10,753,660 to the fourth Lib erty loan, according to a oaoie mes- fsage received here tonight from,! Chairman Merchant, or tne cuoan liberty loan committee- The number : of individual subscribers on the ts-1 land totalled 23.000. ' President Menocal, it was an-1 nounced, subscribed' $12,000.- , ! An honor nag will be forwarded to the Amerlaan minister In Cuba to be tn BranM An t All ' Thanksgiving day. ' ARKANSAS NEORO TO SEND ONE TO PEACE CONFERENCE - I. e - ; i '' Helena, Ark., Nov. 20. The Arkan sas Negro Baptist association In an aual convention her today voted to send the association president, Dr. B. C. Morris, of Helena, to attend the world peace onfeTenee"-p'whereve and whenever it is held, to look after,1 the interests of the negro race.". The I MftAlAtlAM will Tm "Kla AvnAIIBIie. . ' A RIGHT SIZE AND STYLE FOR EVERYBODY . You Can be Perfectly Fitted in M UM S I N; G W Ei A R Munsingwear is made. in light, medium and heavy weight fabrics; knit from yarns tested for strength and durability. . ... ' 4 , Whether you're tailor short, thin or stout there's "a style of garment , and quality of fabric that will please you.' . . ' YOU WILL LIKE THEM i ii-i'...;-' ' ' '.. ;,:"'- . , -., " ; ... . J- . ... , ' . ' 1 1 : i V..: aiV - M FT . . Mw ,

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