Hi bui i,: i hi Widely - Known Charlotte Busi ness Man Dies at FarmingtonV Interment Wilt Held Today. Wife and Children With Him ; : . ' V-at Death. : , ... ..." -t--;; J. ;.v;i.;: 'After an illness of almost a year, Labia J. McDonald,' a widely known and prominent business man of Char lotte, died at noon yesterday at Far mington, New Mexico, where he went several, months ago with the hope of regaining hla health. Mrs. McDonald and their three children, who went to New Mexico soon after, he did. were "Aged EKlitnt Hi Narrow t was at my work," my limbs be came numb, I got dissy and faint, my ears seemed stopped up. I had been troubled with gas on my stomach and severe bloating after meals. Doctors failed to help me. Onf dose of Msvr's Wonderful Remedy, recommended by the corner druggist proved v a life whh hkn at hU d-.'ath. 'The fursral jiml l,r... .-r.u'r.t e-rvio s i.l be held there today. The announcement of his death was contained In telegrams received last night by relative's here. Mr. McDonald was born October 9. 1882. at Concord, and was a eon, of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McDonald, who sOU , reside there. .. In October, 1904, Mr.- McDonald married Miss Luclle Reilley, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Reilley, 6( Dilworth. Mr. Mc Donald came to Charlotte a number of years . ago, spending the.. greater part of his life here, and became ac tively identified in business. He be came vice president of the Smlth Wadsworth Hardware company, and traveled much In the interest of that firm untn his health failed last Jan- imrv . Surviving him are1 Mrs. McDonaldU and their children, Charles. Eugene and Josephine; his parents; two sis ters, Mrs. C. C. Hook, of Charlotte, and Mrs. George X Patterson, of Con cord; and three brothers, Edmund, Jr.. of Younsstown. O.: HaseL with the Canadian army in France; and Dr. Henry McDonald, . U. 8. M. C, Camp Gordon,- Atlanta, Ga." Mr. MoDonald was held in high es teem by a wide acquaintance In this city and state, and was regarded as a man of marked, business ability. . In faith he was a Presbyterian, and was a member of the board of deacons of Westminster ' Presbyterian ., church, here. :....,.- -'... . The mother of Mr. McDonald is now at Youngstown. where she Is visiting her son, Edmund. . . . ... , v v MRS. N. H. GILL IS VICTIM OF PNEUMONIA t : : 1 1 r . .1 -i ? n IM-AtMrw" iLJId 1.1 bSiilll Aftern an illness ot six days, Mrs. Natalie Tlse GUI wife of N. H. Gill, died of . pneu monla - yesterday after- saver to me. I am continuing with it ! noon at 6 o'clock at her . home, 111 with splendid results." It la a simple. harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and. intestinal complaints,. Including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money ; refunded. John S. Blake Drug Co., . Llggett's-Jordan's Drug Store, Charlotte Drug Co., and drug gists everywhere. Adv. East boulevard. She was 40 years of age and Is survived by Mr. GUI and SECTION NUMBER OXE. The following casnnltlcs ' in the army are reported by tho commanding general of the American expeditionary forces: Killed in action . . . . . ... SSO Died of wounds . .. . ?4 Died of di0ca.se ... .... ... ... 130 Wounded severely ........... .- 1 Wounded (degree undetermined) lSs Wounded slightly . .". ; . . .r. ... 15 Missing In action . . . . . . 120 ' Total .U ... ... ... ... ... tsa ' The lUt includes the following from North and South Carol Inn: ,. KILLED IS ACTION. Sergeant Hooker, Claude H. Mount Airy. N. C. - . -Sergeant Mailer, Horace ett. SI Haynosworth street, Sumter, S. C. . Private Sisk, Perry I, Rutherford ton. N. C. ' " Private Woodard, Preston, . Pine Level, N. C." .. v . Private Jones , Ira, R. F. D. S, WaynesvUie, N. C. - Private Myers, James T., Effingham, S. C. ' ' ' - , -Private Prevatt, Watus, Kannapolla, DIED OP WOUNDS. Corporal Frazlcr, James G, Ashe boro. N. C. ' , " ? Private La timer, Herbert, R. F..D. e. Andcrmn. S. C. : DIED OF DISEASE. Sergeant Bonner, Gilbert B., Bon nerton. N. C. - Sergeant ParncIL John B R. F. D. 4. Lamar. S. C. Private Barr, David, Tarberlllc, Private Barr, Henry, R. F. D. S, Red Snrhun. N. C Private tircen, ceorgc, h. r . v. , nve cnuaren, juuun, autiie, . a.., oranirebunt. S. C, Jr Elbert and June. Mrs. Gill was a nox urBneDur' Presbyterian in faith. The body was taken on a train leaving here soon after midnight to Washington, where the funeral and intedment services will be held: Mrs. Gill's former home was at Washington and Mr. Gill origi nally resided atBaltlmore. Private Jcnkln, Snnuel F.. Coving' ton, N. C - - 0rivnte stephney, Harry., 10 Green street, Columbia, S. C. - . Private Sweet, John D, Laarinburg. N. C. . ..- ..WOUNDED SEVERELY. ' Private Winder. Floyd. R. F. D. 1. North Wllkcsboro, N. C. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETERnl V MINED.) . PRnATETAYLOR. FRED B. 1114 North Caldwell street, Charlotte, N. C. , Private ount, David 1 It. FVD. 4, Hickory. N. C. . . - " WOUNDED SLIGHTLY. : Private Johnson, William, R. F. D. i; Box V Milton, S. C - Private CantreIL Anderson, White Rock,' N. C . MISSING IN ACTION. Sergeant Warren. Ira 11 Park avenue,. Asheville, N. C. . Sergeant Scttlcmyre, Frederick, R. F. D. 1, MooresvUlc, N. C. .Corporal Cllppard, Kluts Battle, afalden, N. C; . Private- Butler. Cliff. Laurel HilL N ' C , . Private Dillon, Loyd IU Jerry, N. C. Private Bradlcr, Andrew L Smith. Held, N. C : Private Civile, Behnle O R. F. D. I, Cove City, N. C. Private Turner, David D Wilson, 'Private WlUlams, Dock D., R. F. D. t, Wadesboro, N. C. Private -Pierce, Ambrose rranklln, R. F. D. 1, Box 69. Reddles River, N.C. v Private -Potter, Harry,- S Wester Street, Wilmington, N. C. " Private Taylor,", William, Blowing Roek Nf W: Private Trlplett, Blf W. R R. F. I. 1, Pariear, S. C -. Kew Avenues cf Trads . i)pen. Jctsi Uqt Uncmploifment, Will -Ccms With . Peace. , " Special to' The Observer. New York, Nov. 10. Prosperity, not hard-times; jobs, not unemploy ment: will come with peace. This; Is the. business judgment of Michael Doyle, president of the In ternational Pulp company, of 41 Park Row, one of the largest concerns of 1UI kiuu. T-- I The cessation of the war wllr affect principally the war Industries which are of an abnormal character. Those supplying normal peaceful ac tlvitiea are bound to be prosperous. "With small stocks ' everywhere, with the enormous demand for, the his pocket reha'..-::'Mt!on of the dt. ' - ! ;- tries of -Europe, with ti.e !.,...; t amount cf current money known in I our history. I predict several years of unexampled prosperity for the stable I industries of our country. "Increased cost of labor and sup piles, due to war conditions, will be adjusted in a true, harmonious, Amer ican spirit, which will not retard our energy or prevent us from making. the United States the first nation In the world In a financial, manufacturing ind commercial sense. . ' . "There .will. In addition, be many new avenues for trade in all the lead ing, countries of -therworld." wetxe iovns.n? in . s i i assigned 3,0u9 tor t) work fund and thti i t- r son : to suppose that t! i ' be removed. Davidson u -her goal of 11,200. The college men here have m3e a wonderful record. Asked for M.OOy they have come across with subscrip tions, In excess of $7,100, . rhowing an average of .from $20 to $25 per man. : . HELD FOR BURGLARY. ' Asheville. Not. JO. Aba Abbott," a negro, Is held without bond7 on the charge of burglary here. The negro Is charged with entering the home of Thomas Lattlmore, another negro, stealing $1 and two pistols .from the room where the negroes were sleep ing, and escaping. He was caught a CHESTER COUNTY KXl . succjUMSS to wou::D3 Chester, S.-C. Nov. . 2.-Private William Chappell, lnf antryr " Chester county man, died of wounds received In action October 4, according to a telegram received here today.' from' Adjutant General Harris. ThUT makes the ninth Chester county man v to few minutes later with the money in make the supreme sacrifice In ' the , I world war TIIE GIFT OF 6IFIS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY v A Grafonola WANTS $2,000 FOR RELIEF WORK OF SALVATION ARMY The output of Grafonolas has been cut down during thewar to the extent that there are not going to be enough to go around, so if you are planning to put one of these elegant musical in struments in your home Christmas, you had better get your order in soon. Yous may have the advantage of ' our liberal terms of pay- ment. " December Records now on sale. trade commission- now touring this country, said today that no one in America knows the extent of Ger many's efforts throughout the war to nvlng Japanese support. He add: that the fact that Japan remained steadfast should be proof of her de sire for America's friendship. STOMACH AG!DTtY INDIGESTION, GAS e Quick! Eat just one tablet of Pape's Diapepsin for in stant relief. When meals don't fit and you belch gas, acids and undigested food. When you feel lumps of distress in stomach, pain, flatulence, heartburn or head ache. Here Is Instant relief No waiting! JAPAN STOOD STEADFAST DESPITE GERMAN EFFORTS St Louis, Nov. 20. S. Shiba, sec- ratnrv of h Tnkin chamber of com- The Salvation army in Charlotte merce, and a member of the Japanese ' nas fixed $1,000 as. the amount de sired to be raised before the Christ mas holidays for carrying on the va rious works here of the army, Includ ing the providing of Christmas din ners to needy widows and orphan children and affording emergency re lief during the final, months of the Winter, when the demand for assist ance was declared greatest. Ensign Breaseale, In charge of the Salvation army members here, stated yesterday that the amount usually raised here at this, season of the year varied from $800 to $1,500. The usual Christmas tree for the poor children of the city will be provided, he said. Ensign Breaseale said the liberal opportunity for men to obtain employ ment had largely decreased the num ber of dependent families, but the number of families afwhlch a wid owed mother Is at the head has not been decreased. Such families will be this Christmas, as during the past IS years, recipients of Christmas cheer, he declared. . DAVIDSON COLLEGE TO CONTINUE ARMY SCHOOL A A Just as soon as you eat a tablet of Panp'a T)tnnnnin all thn dvannnaia. .in- 0 i digestion and stomach distress ends. 'rnese pieasani, narmiess laoieis, oi Pape's Diapep3in never fall to make sick, upset stomachs feel fine at once, and they cost so little at drug stores. Adv. ssnsj - asss -sjs" m , a x 3fc 7 W. T. McCoy' & Company Get It At McCoy's. V lllilr the Loaf Go Farther The Electric Toaster helps save wheat. It saves the'stale loaf of bread or the dried up slice doomed to be thrown out. " - It makes crisp, golden brown squares of deli cious steaming.toast from the stale bread of the day before. Not a crumb needs be wasted. Toasts for you right at the tableattach to any light socket. ; ;.-;''.?'. : A gift of real usefulness that will be long ap preciated." 4 We Save You Money i - bontnern Pitt: Utilities Co. .-.;sksisr?rtSh,. Special to The Observer. Davidson, Nov. JO. The inference drawn from the reading at chapel of official communications from Washington,- received here this week, is that the war department expects cer tainly to continue the S. A. T. C. under the contracts made with the colleges this past summer throughout the present scholastic year, that is, until June 21. On the other hand it In Illcelv that with the retention of all t th. mlllfarv fAatilrAa ttfift thA wnr aims' course, the colleges will be al lowed to make such changes from the present S. A. T. C. prescribed class work that will allow an approximate return to normal courses in academic work proper after. December, If the institutions concerned so choose. While most ot the men In the & A. T. C. will be held, It Is expected that men who are In college simply because of the 8. A. T. C. and who are eager to again take up their work In. the business world will be allowed to return to their former employment. PUBLIC EATING PLACES MAY GIVE MORE SUGAR The following memorandum .on changes In the food administration's ruling regarding the serving of sugar In public eating places was Issued ver bally yesterday by Plummer Stewart, food administrator for Mecklenburg eounty. . r "Proprietors of public eating places may hereafter serve one spoonful of sugar for coffee or other drink at meals and another spoonful ot sugar tor fruit or cereals, but It Is not per mitted that two spoonfuls be served, for Instance, for coffee when the pa tron does not order fruit or cereals. This ruling does not exactly have the effect of doubling the sugar allow ances to such patrons but may have that effect. , under, the above circum stances." ' ,r ' ' .. . r CAR OF HAY. CATCHES FIRE. Lancaster, S C.. Nov. -20, Thls af ternoon about S;30 o'clock. a car load ed with hay on thc-JU & C. railway tracks caught on Are. The hay was badly damaged. . Prompt action by the fire company prevented . the fire from spreading to nearby-warehouses, thereby : preventing a serious con flagration. ;.,-:,.'?.-!., Red Blooded men work best for Uncle Sam What saved America in 76 and in '61? Red Blood What is making the w.orld safe, for democracy? Red Blood Red Blood in the veins of the never-say-quit American soldier. You may never be called on to fight, but you need rich, red blood pumping through your body as well as the man who is fighting. Whatever work you are doing, your country asks you to work .. harder at it than ever before. But you can't do your full patri otic duty if your blood and body are filled with weakness and torpor. Root them out. It is comparatively easy, if you have no serious disease'. Simply,, combine fresh air, regular exer-; cise and plain, nourishing food with Pepto-Mangan. ' Stmfy Mb srfctere M m mill ktfw A "The Red Blood Bmlder' Pepto-Mangan is a splendid general tonic and blood maker for weak, run down, anemic, over worked men and women, delicate children, feeble , old people and convalescents. It builds up and . braces up the whole system. It adds thousands of new, rich, 'red blood cells to the blood. GudeV Pepto-Mangan is easy to digest, exceedingly pleas ant to taste and perfectly safe to take. Universally endorsed and prescribed by the medical profession. . FRIENDLY WABN1NG : There Is only eae Feme. Mansan and that is Oudc's. Sold in bottle and yackac , korasbewo. Fot sale at all dreg stores. ftpto-Umnitn la aiarfe only y M. J. BRE1TENBACH CO.. Manutatturlnt Chemists. New York ' A jsteeBBaeBSSweeBSBst essssa iZiiimisZmimitiit V7 ' " 112 i VI IVI W 1 1 1 1 1 ' i i $15t0$35 . Absolutely the best value? intown, good styles,' heavy, , and light , weights, . all tizes. ' Come in Todav. V. Wallace & Softs - 3t-'33'W;Trade.;r The Oldest Men's Store.; - -in the Carolina THE WEATHE rI J " Washington KoV. 20. 5 Weather forecast: ' North Carolina: Fair Thursday and Friday. . . ' South Carolina: FAlr. Thursday: Friday local rains, I ' 4 Local usnce vaiica smim weather imrtee, . 1 . Charlotto, Nov. 10. BunriH... 7:10 k. m. Bunwt.... 1:11p.m. Temperslsre (In slegreea) . . m:.. ........ At Noon............ 14 p. m., S tN m.i Klshest temperature Lowott temperature Mn temperatsre . Excess for the day Mean tomperaturels date last year , ... , SSifj:S! -I orit Pull Loosa hsibla Joint Straight Edges Flat Tread wT n Heels se 4 Have you five minutes to spare for a pair of rubber heels that will set so snug and neatly you will have to look hard to see. the joint freelpltatlea (ta Uwbee) Total for II boars ending I p., m. .00 Total for the mon(b to date ... ... ... DeAciknep for . month .... . ... . ... .If TMQclener- for year .... i.,. ,...10.lt Prevatllng wind- direction t.. North O. O. ATTO, " Ueteorvloclst Increase Your Strength. ; : 'For 41 years Mrs. Joe Person's ftern dy. has been among the. .best ' all round tonics, especially for - women whose blood Is : In . an. ' Impoverished aaajIICa4j 1 risaw 1 tVn Asa T Si WAioie 4siim. I glcU.. Accept no substitute. Of , write Person -RemedyCompftny.,- Charlotte. Then ask your repair man to put on a pair of "Usco" Rubber Heel. ' .'-. Rip-p-PT-off ' comes the old frazzled heel. Tap, tap. tap, tap. and the new job , with this won . derful new heel is ready. The "Usco" Rubber hed ; is the latest contribution of. science to longer heel mile-1 age, and sure-footedness. r !i i ! i and a perfectly level tread that will 7 T j J last till the heel is worn out a - "Usco" Heels are pleasantly soft v )J and yielding to walk on. The . 1 tough wear-resisting quality of the rubber makes "UscoMHeeb r.- Am1 '1 A few nails anchor it firmly. The spring of the rubber presses the r edges tight and snug all the way round. No cement is used. It makes a perfectly invisible joint a decided economy,. .; t :; yiar rtfnr man has them it Hack, tan sua whttt. ttvt mtmuttt i timi is ktt ht uttdu Ll U. S. StL , tl3ctt , ; I ) United States Tlublnr Conq:7 : ,:" llJjC v; Mc!aixlcal Goods' DivLioW ; ,: . J N. C Adv Th.- .; I, . , , . . V