IVEY'o IVEY'S IVEY'S Continuation of Our Sale, of Fine Coats, Dresses and Coat Suits '. COATS SPECIALS AT . $19.75, $23.75, $33.75, $47.50 DRESSES $19.75, $53.75, $47.50 COAT SUITS $23.75, $33.75, $47.50 A SALE of FINE SILKS TODAY HIGH CLASS SILKS Selling Regularly , $3.25 to $4.00 2.95 40-inch Charmeu, $l5o value, Navy, Taupe, Brown, 5Vhite, Black ...... ' - . .' ' ' f ' : ' Matthewsoh's "well-known Kashmere Kloth, $3.75 regularly $3.00 to $3.50 Pussywillow Plain and Printed Street and Evening Shades. . ' " " : ? ' - ..... Cheney Brothers Printed $3.5o Griderella Silk Pussywillow Satin, soft handsqrne quality, elegant shades,, sell regularly J3 Jo and $4.00 . . . ; ' ...... $2.95 $2,95 $2.95 $2.95. $2 95 Silk and Wool Faille; excellent fabrics for . Coat Suits of Dinner Gowns,- $3.75 grade . . . . t. Satin faced tfaille, -JS4.00 quality $2 95 These Srlks aire all our regular fine quality ot Silks, ' " but wernake these prices to reduce stock. . ' - OBSE-RVATIOHS Cy ft 1 A Rare Pleasure. Did you ever know of a' person for months, and . months. , and wonder what manner of Individual he or she really Is? ' Did you ever paint a picture of some one you have dealings with by mail or otherwise, and never come m contact with and'loo't forward to the " time when you-may-meet them face to face? , I" Have you read of men of prom Ihence and pictured In your mind the over the telephone would be very dif ferent In the flesh. lt,ha been my misfortune to be terribly disappoint ed in people I have heard of for years, and to find the living pres ence to tally so perfectly with my preconceived. Idea of the individual In question was- a pleasure which comes to me but rarely. . : And now I fear that In the future I am- to be penalised by the fact that T ' h.u. mm h., fip. , a fun 'AnA fur ther because of the things -1 '; have thus trust "J! t ry x -."! i ..ve l.:s dearest wl:;h yratl- I I i f: e a." . -rnt Is mn ia that In j latere a.i cr ;.iary ji'ictttoras new ; picture w'.l be feen at the Broad-1 i way. 2dr. li. D. Craver, owner of the' Broadway, has secured the rights for this famous picture star for the eight southeastern states. Again we rem onstrate our superior connections In the film world. Watch for the com ing of "Lafayette We Come," the su-i pcrplcture event of t,he season, also owned and controlled by Mr. Craver. J iDDearinct or rn man. ana wonurr ed If In reality the man la like thel, h op ta maintain that friendship shadowreature you seem to k"-'" whlch has developed through the For months nnued I have been. .v. ..t V ..... ik.t blessed with a telephone acquaint-: .. - ,m- .dra would miss her I'll TH CHARLES ance which I believe I am Justified in calling a friendship, with a well : known resident of Charlotte.- I have !been unfortunate enough to never I com In contact with her. but from trno to time I have been favored with a telephone vail, and Jin each instance l it has been to my interest to pay ' strict attention to what my caller had to say, because each time she ha riven me a subject wit worth my while, and in every such case I have heard commendation for the thought expressed by ray friend, un known by face, but for whom I have formed a high regard for the sound ness of her opinlons'and for the un usually clear manner in which she presents those ideas. v One day this week I visited the office of a professional friend where I was compelled to wait , a few mo ments to see him, Sitting opposite me was a little woman who attract ed my immediate attention by .rea son of the straightforward way in which she looked you in the eye, and for the generally attractive ensemble. I wondered where I had known her, feeling that former acquaintance had existed. However, within a short at a dinner, time our mutual friend appeared, then I learned that she who had at tracted my favorable mental com- tlmely. snappy, and altogether sound opinions upon affairs of the city,1 state and nation, that really matter. . A bright, attractive, sensible little body. .. - - ' ' 1 I Hi I Local Business Man Returns Aft er Addressing Merchants' Association Members There. .V At the Academy , Headed by George . Damerel and company, the celebrated musical com edy star, and a supporting cast of It people, four other acts of more than usuaMnterest; make up the bill. Mack. Sennet, the foremost dlspen- wlll be a leature ews Ln t . nV.w r' of picture fun, wlll.be a feat ! k2 .h- i.Zi nFu2f ih Plctu' program. 'Pathe K w"i?!.iV&fELSi&: trill also be shown., ' : ' - 9 The. Uttle- Liar'Ms. the new musi cal farce presented by Oeorge Dam ereW assisted by Myrtle Vail, Edward Hume and a splendid cast and beauty chorus.. The story of "The Little Liar" la from the pen of .Will M. Hough and concerns the adventures of a young artist in quest of a model with a per fect shoulder, to pose for his painting of the Red Cross girl, which he has been commissioned to do for the gov ernment In his search for the. girt with a perfect nhoulder, he sees at a masquerade ball a girl irho fulfills In every way the requirements for his painting, but he is unable to learn her identity, so disguised as a guide at the fanhlonsble country club, the art ist determines to see the shoulder of every girl there, until he finds the lady of the masquerade. . , v nent little skit In which some very good singing, comedy and a Uttle talk is .Introduced is offered by Kuter Claire 'and Kuter under the title of David C. Ovens, director of the;. Will e Jones Stepmother. Charlotte chamber of commerce, ar- Kuter Claire and Kuter are two rived hom from Charleston. 8. C. ' boys and a girl and each i .an expert I. u. hai vAAn ,h enced performer a, fact that Is dem- L"LnhH,lhS the excellence of their and chamber of commerce of that Dcn't vcit until w;r cold develops Spanish Influenza or pneumonia, j Kill it quick. CASCARAf9UlNINE Btsadsrd cold MMdy for Wwari "U tablet farts ft, sure, BeopiaMt breaks np a eold ' la 14 houft ytltetas snp ta 1 day. Monay back If ktfan. ThasatanabflliMRdtop. with tt.UiU'aictiira, At All &ru Store. The Acdcsjy csver c "..:' 1 a' better frcztzzi cf Hi.'a Vaudeville thsa the . h:t half bill, corsmencinz tcd:y, matinee Work which of course gives the fin Ifhed touch to an artist to whatever 5"y- T.w'.T.T. "? '"J '7,r; ,Vv W undertake to do. Ul CBBCU 110 UUWU0 llini .va. - - nriAnt wu nnn other than my tele 1 rharUBtnn in ratrard to the future of ! Dhone friend who hoa bo often given ! their city. Charleston now claims a Mirth n nd MnlnHv nnrl rSyAhnm ant I UCH nH Hf i riNAir HM VT 1 f V A Mr. Ovens stated he was deeply Im-. K' i.t....u.,. i, pressed With the spirit and enthusiasm djang Rnd tQ m tneM aecompsn. shown by the business men or m.nt, fh.tf hnnme nPnfw-a Thoii act Is called "On Board a Transport, me a meaty subject for discussion in this column. Oftentimes, after one of these tele phone visits I have sat at my desk and visualised her, pictured her as I Imagined her to be, knowing her alto gether delightful family, and wonder ing when fate would throw me In her path. 1 shall not here set down her facial and other characteristics, by reason of the fact that were I to .do so many of her friend would know immediately to whom I refer. But-! want to say that had I been an frtist and able to set In living rotor the face. I had nlcnired it would have been a most( perfect Uke- iness'of the woman I met and came to know by sight as I have known 1 1 .... -it u... . t. nor ujr ivivpuuiiB j.ur an vuiof siiuiiwu passed. . I have dreaded the time when I should thus come to know her, for fear that the personality I heard DODUlatlon of approximately 100,000 people and is steadily growing. - The huge new government wharf and warehouses recently completed in Charleston, said Mr. Ovens, are the largest of their kind in America. The wharf is one mile in length with a frontage Of water 40 feet deep. On Somewhere In Vaudeville." The scene depicts the deck of a ship and here the twln engage in a very humorous dialogue which is interrupted by se lections on the tuba, trombone, bag pipe and French horns. Gaston Palmer is a juggler with, a sense of humor. T)ie humor, however, is of the silent variety but is Just as thll monster wharf are built eight ' oulck a are the feats accomplished. massive warehouses, each of which Is palmer has been called the man- who Eat GARRISON :j: A NEW FALLSTVLC IN joh Collars OLDEST BRAND IN AMERICA umts sjmst ooum o. raw. a. s FEATURING ills over a Quarter mile In length and 100 feet wide. These buildings are of the permanent fireproof variety built of hollow tile on concrete foundations. The business men of Charleston be lieve, according to Mr. Ovens, that 0 T IOWA Y TODAY DOROTHY DALTON in "The KaiWi Shadow." makes Juggling an art. At any rate he avoids the stereotyped and has just put together a series of tricks that no ; one else in his line has attempted. In i fact Palmer- likes to be known as the j inventive Juggler, for most of his time . when the war work is ever and the is spent in working out new stunts, government Will no longer need the! It is said that he-can work for twen- tJov; Stop filos lead relay rer Wee Trial et lre said Pile Tieatsseet eat Plat Heat Harrises , It you suffer so bad yon can't wait for the free trial get it eht bek of Pyramid File Treatment at the 1 - IsssBiiii, nearest tfruf store. Take.no sub stitute The quick relief has been a wonderful blesslnf.to host of fieopls who got rid of Itching, bleed ng end protruding piles, hemor rhoids" and euoh rectal trouble. Don't delay. fRES SAMPUt COUPON rouinn DRUO coifrumr. 668 Pyramid Bldg..- kfsnhiu, Idea. fclMtr and me s free tame!" Pyramid Ma TrestaJat,la slals wrapper. Name.. Strut. Cltf..... .......8tt. ........ wharf and warehouses for war .pur poses that they will be used to fur ther the trade between the United States and South "American countries. They argue that. Charleston, through its geographical situation is better adapted for South American business than' are the more congested ports of the north. Mr. Ovens was also particularly Im pressed with the splendid organiza tions of the business men. , There and five separate business associations with offices all In the same building, which is owned by them. All these organisations work under the guid ance of the chamber of commerce. The people of north Charleston are especially proud of their battery dis trict Mr. OVeps .Jjtated, This Utnfl. was; all recehtly reclaimed, by the government through the use of suo tlon dredges. The land is adjacent to the ware houses and has already been sold in small lots for an amount which ex ceeds the total money spent in re claiming the land and building the sea wall along its front. Mr. Ovens believes .that the awak ening of Charleston Wilt be a great help to the commerce of the south and will aid materially in bringing about a larger amount of business dealings between this country snd the South American -republics. Whether the Wharf and warehouses will con-! tinue under government control Or ,be turned oyer to . privste corporations will not be known until Congress de cides oh the future ownership of rail roads and shipping Interests 21 months hence, he said. ty-four hours exhausting his accom plishments. NERVOUS ENERGY life's momentum, depends upon a well-nourished body. When strength is depleted and the body lacking in essential nourishment, the nerves art the first to suffer. SC0TTTS EOTLSBOfl simon-pure in substance, rich in tome qualities, nourishes the whole body and strengthens and steadies the nerves. Wherever the sun shines SoOtt'B is the recognized standard tonic-food and conserver oi strength. ficottft-Bowne.BloomBeld.N.J. 1S-17 A (GcodRJevs! No mote cutting, shred ding or chipping of bar dap. No more waste! Let G2ANDMA do your next Wishing. Suva time, trou ble, scan. Won. derful cleanstog power. Powdered SOAP Ask Your Grocer For Itl HOW TO FIGHT S PANiSH L BY tft. L. Vf. BOWERS ' Avoid crowds, coughs and cowards; but fear neither germs nor Germans! keep the system in good order, take niantv of exercise in the fresh air and .practice cleanliness, ftemember olean I mouth, a clean skin, and clean bowels are a protecting armour against dis ease.' to keep the liver and bowels regular and to carry away the poisons within. It is best to take a vegetates pill every other day, made up ot May apple, aloes. Jalap, ar.d sugar-coated, to be had at most drug stores, known as Dr. . Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. . It there Is a sudden onset Of What ao- pears like a hard Oold, one should go to bed, wrap warm, take a hot mus tard foot-bath and drink copiously of hot .lemonade. If pain develops in head or back, ask the druggist ior I Ahurlo (anti-uric) tablet. These will flush the bladder and. kidney and 'carry oft poisonous germs. To control ; the pains and aches take One Anurle i tablet every two hours, with frequent i drinks of lemonade. The pneumonia appears Inn most treacherous Way, when the Influensa victim is appar ently recovering and anxious to leave ; his 'bed. In recovering from' a bad attack of influenza or pneumonia the t system-ehould. be built up with a good herbal ' tome, such as Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery, made with out alcohol from the roots and barks of American forest trees, or his Iron tlo (iron, tonic) tablets, which can be obtained at most drug stores, or send 10c to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel Buffalo, N.. Tr for trial package. AdT, " "i "" REALTY TRANSFERS The following deeds were filed for record in the office of the clerk bt the superior court, C. p, Moore, yes terday: ' " ' . J. W. Lewis and wife to Miss Ludie Wilson, for $2,600, plot of land at cor ner of South boulevard and Grade Street. V. O. Leonard and wife to J. Burley ftebler. for I i, ft 00, tract of land on the Btatesvilie road. W. 8. Stanclll and Wife to Jr. If. and W. A. Wearn, for $1,800, plot of land on the Monroe road. The Queens Collee Loan company to Joseph H. Wearn, for. 12,260, plot of land on the Sharon foftd. W. W. KILLOUGH'S FUNERAL ; WILL BE HELD TODAY Funeral services for W. W. Kil lough, chief engineer of , the Charlotte vfater Works, whose death occurred early yesterday . morning at Presby terian hospital of diabetes after an illness of several months, wilt be held this morning at 10 o'clock at Pleasant Hill cemetery. Matthews.- Rev. L. R. Pruette, pastor of Ninth Avenue Bap tist church, of -which Mr. Kitlough Was a' member, will conduct the ser vices. Interment will, be at Pleasant kill at Matthews, The Ma sons of Charlotte, with Which Mr. KU lough was prominently identified, will participate at the tuneral and inter ment services. . -v ... f t SHIPPING LETTUCE. Z. 7i Wilmington, Nov. J0.The first carload ot fall lettuce has gone north from this section. It was shipped by J, E. Klein of East Wilmington to a firm in New Tork. in With Influenza: " Flake Belk, a clerk in the oflloe of the register of deeds, is confined to his home With a evre attack ; of infiuenta, .. ' -v.- .-.. . BROADWAY t Today What Is the Barrier Be tween Them? . See the Great Gripping - . Photoplay THE BARRIER Rex Beach This Famous Author's Master piece Vividly Realistic. Charmingly Romantic. Coming "Lafayette, We Come. siii , t . Charlotte's Newest and Most Modern Movie Theater TODAY Ruth Clifford- in The Fires of Youth . Also 5 Hearst Newt Weekly and Strand Comedy myitie vail Edward : Hunie and a supporting cast of 11 people, Offering the musical Utile Oaf; MUTER MlARE & JuUTER Clevet entertainters, presenting ' "Willie Jones' .. Stepraollier" 'At. Showhous? ' The Barrier? at the Broadway. "Via "'The Barrier," by Hex Beach, which is being shown at the Broad Way today, for the last time, as good as the book? Ask anyone who saw the picture yesterday and he will tell you that it is about the classiest pic ture posslble--ln fact, compare it with The ipolUr,"K VThe Barrier; ha been fslthfully -prcturised from the book, and will stand for h- long tim as one Of the classics of: plcturedom. Anyone wanting : action . win jind everything to his liking Jn rThe Bar rlerU Aayone,, wanting . a,, gool,Joye Putt an End t6 Vaurrn l roubles You Inlinle and Exhale This Medica tion andAway oes Your Catarrh . ...::,' . .. Thr tnuat b resdert islferlng from chronla cstsfrh' who would IIH ta know how thejr esn Mop cstch'tic cold stter eold, fof thr muot reallne that tnoner or mit thli mar )! to mrlous ifnti snd Injury to tht System In srnrral. - - , - Dr, talsssr, rHpooted phynlclan. knd Ut fort-foui yesri so normounly sucecMtuI Poiut in cturrh, Is (h dlMororor of a plAuant, dlrot method that esn bs utsd by man. womin or child. Hli Remedy lmad from medicin al hertia, tlowrt and bPfrloa, whlcs yuu amoke In a dainty pip or els rn.?. Shi) Inhale th.-Vflnnr Intn All the Sir ' pastas., it rontaina no tobacco, Un thoues It u"d In tha asm mannr, Dr. Hlodnar't Catarrh Remady la rqually afftotlra is sll form of catarrh, , bronchial Irritation. ' iimmt, vaUrbhal headacha snd tti trouble that may laad to dvatncM. Tov will brtalba kettar and f.oi . httr aftar using it- ; ( t for U eanta (in coin ef i tamp a mail pacHaga Will mallad. anntalh- jus some' of tb Kvmody ftiads into clear- mttxt. alao anma Kvmedy ' fo araoklnS Ih S 'pip and naa inula pip. Montha aupply, ellbar form, eaata one amini aa-iwrniy-nra tanta Addraaa f h Blaaaar Company. Bom t?i Atlanta. Oa, . -4 i - NOTHS Or. BloMers Catarrh Ramady l for aaJa In Charlotte by all loading dm. gists. tmg!ta da net supply trial outfits .v.. .. -. : i - -Ad. ts vena cn. i if 1. II II IU f ' , J ' " " - Gray and V Grayham on board a transport . somewhere in . . vaudeville. , aaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaBV It EveryboclyV Going TO THE LIBERTY DAN C E TO BE GIVEN Friday Evening -November 22 AT TUB . AUDITORIUM Big Jazz -Orchestra DANCING FROM . (:lt TO 11)10 MOONLIGHT WALTZ . AT :J0 e Osntlemen, 6t ' LADIES FREE " ALL MODERN , DANCES i 4 Finest Dance Floor s . 1 In Nnrti aTuvntm - aaavas -e tvs sa iia wmss) mm w THE BELLDAYS in original comedy 'le Lady of h x PbUsi. ' . ' t . , 4 . aaaaalaaualmaai I I . Gaston Pater The cleverest cf - - , .... .- '.I'i.-; 1 manipulators , I' ' V , i - ' 2 4 ' '''' ' 1 1 Paths Ncv.'s MackScnr.tU

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