THE CHARLOnii ClISERVE?,, THURSDAY, NOVE' 'Hil 21, 191C SOCIETY NEWS MARGARET KELLY ABERXETHY, EDITOR. EmIUANT dance at MANUFACTURERS' CLUB Mecklenburg Chapter D. A. R., gives Dance Colonel and Mrs. Augustus C. Macomb Honor Guests. The largest and one of the most brilliant military dance ojt the fall was that given by the Mecklenburg chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, at the Southern Manu facturer' club last evening from 1:3s to II o'clock. ' The ball room was beautifully - draped with the allied flags. Punch ;'was served from a long table art-ranged in the north end of the room. ... . I llk ... V. I . A in la Die was coverea wim wimo kuu festooned with ivy. In the center and at each end were artistic baskets of roses and chrys anthemums. Many of the members of the chap- ter received. Colonel Augustus C. Macomb, com manding Camp Greene, and .Mrs. Ma comb were distinguished guests. Shar ing honors with them were Colonel W. A. Kent and Mrs. Kent and Major A. B. Burgwin and Mrs. Burgwln. There were two hundred or more guests in attendance. Aside from the young officers from Camp Greene a number of officers and their charming wives were present. Much of the success of the dance was due to Col. A. L. Smith, presi dent of the Southern Manufacturers' rlub, and Lieutenant Al Whitney, of Camp Greene. A feature of the dance was the ex cellent music furnished by the Jazz orchestra, Fourth recruit camp. The members of the orchestra are: "Pri - vates Gus Mueller, clarinet and -saxa-phone; Arthur Mathews, cornet; Walter Luck; bass; Thomas 'J. Klrby, drums, and Oscar Appel, violinist and director. The boys played all the newest dance music and were enthusiastical ly applauded, responding to numer ous encores. Tho young ladies Invited to the dance Included: Miss Adelaide Poore, LEMON JUICE . WHITENS SKIN Girls! Make beauty lotion at home for few cents . . . . i to a bottle containing three ounce of Orchard White, shake well, and you htvi a nmrlttp n4nt tt till bleaching and skin whitening lotion. and complexion beautlfler, at very. I very small cost. Your grocer ha the legona and any drug store or toilet counter will sup ply three ounces of Orchard Whit for a few cents. Massage this sweetly fra grant lotion into the face, neck, arm gram jouon mio in xace, neca, arm i and hands each. day and see how tan. ' redness, sallowness, sunburn and wind-1 burn disappear and how clear, soft and rosy whit th skin becomes, Xssl It Is hsrmlasa Ad, ltl Easy to Make This Pine Cough Remedy Tbeaaaads of families swear by It prompt rreulti. IneipeoslVe, od aarre aoont $t. You know that pine is used in nearly ill prescription and remedies for cough. J he reason is that pine contains several peculiar element that have a remark title effect in soothing and healing the membrane of the throat and chest. Tine is famous for thia purpose. Pine, cough syrups are combination of pine and syrup. The "syrup" part is usually plain granulated sugar syrup. ' To make the best pine cough remedy lliat money can buy, put ounce of l'inex in, a pint bottle, and fill up with home-made sugar svrup. Or vou ?nn use clarified molasses, honey, jt corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Kither way, you make a full pint more than you can buy ready-made for three lime the money. It is pure, good and verv pleasant children take it cagerlv. You can feel this take hold 6f a cough iir cold in a way that means business, i he cough may be drv, hoarse and tight, or may lie persistently loose from the formation of phlegm. The cause is the ime inflamed membranes and thia l'inex and Syrup combination will stoo i usually in 24 hours or less. Splen did, too, lor bronchial asthma, hoartar ness, or any ordinary throat ailment. l'inex i a highly concentrated com lund of genuine Norwav pine extract, ?nd is famous the world over for it i rompt effect upon coughs. Beware of substitutes. Ak your drug gist for "2V. ounces uf Pihex" with .''direction, and don't accept anything flse. Guaranteed lo give absolute sat isfaction or money promptly refunded. In Pinex Co., Ft ayne, Ind. kv;K.";?'4.57 HEAT! That what you expect when you put fuel In a stove, isn't itf This ."Tip-Top" Oak is about the most economical and effective heater you ever saw. '" It burns less gives mors. Comes In Ave sizes. Your is hers. - ' -7 ; , . " . - j , ;'",' '' J.N.McCausland&Co. In JliO TtnalBeai ii Vwiw , r; n.onosl , - 9 S318.Tr7on .-(- daughter of General B. A.' Poore and Mrs. Poore; Miss Mildred Burgwln, of Pittsburgh, Pa., daughter of Major A B. Burgwin, Judge advocate at Camp Greene, and Mrs. -Burgwin; Miss Ma rlon, Bontecou, daughter of Major R. B. Bontecou and Mrs. Bontecou; Miss Katharine Everett, of Bennetts ville, a C, who Is in training at the base .hospital; ! Miss Charlotte Mason, of Lewlsburg, W. Va., who Is in train Ing at the base hospital; Miss Marion i Greene, daughter of Major Clarence Greene and Mrs. Greene; Misses Joy Draper,, Minerva Arrlngton, Alethla Bland, Julia, Baxter Scott, Mary Stuart Alexander,. Mildred Flnlayson, Adele Masterman. Arabelle Johnson, Anna Belle Dowd.Cornle Fore. Margaret Gardner. Flora- Porter.. Marv Brevard I Gardner,' Flora Porter,, Mary Brevard Alexander, Louise withers, Sara Tan ner, Jean Spong, Sara' Jenkins, Bennie Withers, Margaret Hill, Caroline Con stable, Alice and Margaret Hairghton, Hattle and Elisabeth Roark, Rose and Sarah Hawkins, Adelaide and Margaret Davis, Lula Taliaferro, Anns Taliaferro. Ellen Victor. Sara Mellon, Aubin Wert. Mary Shelton, Alice Masterman, Elisabeth Conrad, Fran ces Osborne, Cora Annette Harris. Milred Patterson, Olive and Ellen Brice, Elizabeth Bruns, Katherine McDonald, Grace and Dorothy Tomp kins. Lucille McDonald, Esteile Har grave, Minnie Little, Sadie and Marie Thomas, Annie Wilson, Margaret Reese, Corinne and Mary Rogers Gib bon, Marie and Helen Lentz, Anno Dewey Chambers, Mildred Butt, Bess Durham, Katherine Gilmer, Leila Durham, Ernestine Nuttall, Miss Es ther Springs and guests. Miss Nan Roddey and Miss Mary Hope Craw ford, of Rock HIH.' S. C; Miss Ruth Mason, of Gastonia, guest of Miss Elizabeth Bruns. Youna-Doggett XuptlalH. Miss Miriam Lipscomb and Mr. Norman Freeman Young were wedded Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Doggett. on Ran som place, Rev. W. A. Smith, pastor of Prltehard Memorial Baptist church, officiating. The wedding was a quiet affair, be ing attended only by the members of I the Immediate families. The bride is the eldest daughter of f t m rt.o-iTAt t firvmar1 v nf u .n.',r;i connected lnSouth Carolina, being al. Mra- Osmond L. Barrlnger is much Kranddaughter of the late Nathan ! Improved after being confined to her : Lipscomb and Major W. A. C. Dog- gett. both of Gaffney. She is pretty ana attractive .ana is : ! She wore a traveling suit of navy blue ! with taupe, Accessories and corsage : bouquet of Bride roses and ferns. ! Mr. Young is the third son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Young, the former one of the city's well known businesx men. He is associated with his father : In business. He is a young man of . . i ... ii ii. i ..i . j i. HirriiUK ' uuaiilltrs ciiaidtiri ami in ' highly regarded by all who know him. Mr. and Mrs. Young left for a trip north and on their return to the city .wl" ,nake tn?lr home wlth the l,rldP parents on Ransom place. Hold Position With Red Crow, ilrs. Roger Harrison, wife of Ma jor Harrison, who spent last winter in Charlotte, writes a m" n i uvhik hi vmmnnKioii in the same apartments with Marguer- ite Clark. that she is living iu Washington in Mrs. Harrison holds a position In the bureau of communication of the Red Cross. Major and Mrs. Harrison made nu merous friends during their stay In Charlotte last winter. They occupied one of the Brown apartments on South Church street, and extended, cordial hospitality to their friends. The members of the French mission were frequently entertained by them. Mr. Harrison wa -.formerly ffdm Knnsas City., Mo. She was graduat ed from Vassal- and 1h a young wo man of Btrong Intellect and charm ing personality. RcMcnrcli Clnli Meets. 1 The Kesearch club held un un URUiilly Interesting meeting at the borne of Mrs. Frank R. McKlnch. on Hawthorne Inno, yesterday afternoon. The subject for the afternoon was Japan. Excellent papers were pre sented by Mrs. 1$. M. Brothers, "Japan of Today;" Mrs. C. E. Boesch. 'Re sources of Japan;" Mrs. Buford Patterson, "Famous Men of Japan." At the conclusion of the program a salad course was served. The merr bers of the club are; Mea- dames C. K. Boesch. B. M. Brothers. ! J. W. Fraser, V. J. Outhery. A. V. Harrlll. W. R. Hodge, J. S."lIoffman, ! John Long Jackson. Frank Jones, .1.1 M. Jamison. E. L. Mason. Frank R. McNinch, Ruford Patterson. Charles K. Piatt. J. Renwfck Wilkes, and John Paul Lucas, the latter a non-resident member. . j A Son In Born to Lalo Captain n . ,u ' ?,JW,M'1 ore. I Born to the late Capt. S. J. Sweeney i and Mrs. Sweeney, of Baltimore, a j son, 8, j. Jr. Captain Sweeney was killed while going "over the top" October 3. He was stationed at Camp Greene hist winter and during his stay in the city made a host of friends, who were distressed to learn that he had been killed. Jl was a splendid young officer and was held in highest re gard by his men. Mrs. Sweeney was formerly Miss Louise Daly, one of Baltimore's prom- Inent young society women. Soon j after her marriage to Captain SweVn ey last fall she accompanied him to ! Charlotte and remained here until , ho went overseas. Mrs. Jones Bettor Yesterday. Mrs. C. Furber Jones, who has been undergoing treatment at 8t. reiur s nospuai since oaiuraay, suf fering with an attack of influenza, was better yesterday. Mr. Jones hopes to be able to leave the hospltalideveloplng into a coldi inn i a si oi me weeK ana spenu a lew days with Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Moore, the latter her sister, recuper ating. Mrs., Jones assumed charge of the dining room and kitchen at the Southern Manufacturers' club, the first of November and as soon as she recover she will return to her duties at the club. . ' . McOracliy Circle Meet. The McQeachy circle met yester day morning with Mrs. Yates W. Fal son, at her home on North Tryon street. Mis Ida Morrison, president of th circle, presided. The members of the circle are car ing for a small boy at th Alexander, home. At ' the - meeting yesterday plans were discussed for the winter's work. . ' s . . Mrs. Word II. Wood 1st delightful addition to the circle personnel. ! 'i.T'V',,'-- "'i':-' ' !.'":.MVV'.'jA'i' ' Monroe Mtor)h'iihi' -Dr. 'J. M.'Belk'amt daughter, Miss Mabel Belk, and Miss Carolina Mor row,.' of Monroe, spent yesterday in the city. Mr.'W. H.' Belk,. who had been spending a few days: tri Monroe, accompanied thn to. lh clty-.Thy mads the trip through Jh country in iwior' tieia s car t" octnr Bolk's-car.' v ;(r falls t do th. work-Ad 7 MI.V Nash In Training Here. Miss Blossom Nash, daughter of Mrs. Shepherd Nash, of Sumter. S. C, arrived in the city several days ago and is In training at the Charldtte sanatorium. Mrs. Nash and family made their home in i Charlotte for several years and later returned to their old home at Sumter. Miss Nash la a bright and attrac tive young woman and is pleasantly remembered here by numerous friends who will be interested to learn of her return to Charlotte.. Mr. Etikrldsc . Improving. Mr. Forrest Esridge. : of Shelby, who has been . undergoing treatment at the Charlotte sanatorium for the nAMt 10 rial's la much tmnrnvetl -and expects to return home within the next few days. t Mr. Eskridge is one of Shelby's most prominent and. popular young men. Mr. J. K. .Dixon, of Ashevllle, who nas been visiting relatives in Gastonla, came over ,.Mterda; to ee Mr . ' ' J"' uuae. . , ' Alexander-Hutchison Cards. ' ' Cards reading; as follows have been issued: , Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph Hutchison . request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter . Ella Louise ... to - Mr. Nathaniel Alexander on the evening of Wednesday, the fourth of December One thousand nine hundred and . eighteen . at six o'clock ' Charlotte. North Carolina. Call for Linen Today. Mrs. Charles E. Piatt, chairman of the emergency bed committee during the recent Influenza epidemic, requests all those who loaned bed linen for the 100 emergency beds established at the Presbyterian hospital, will please carl at the hosultal today from 3 to 5 o'clock to have it returned to them. I If the linen is not called for today it will be packed away for future use. Reception at Dllworth School. An interesting social event of the afternoon will be the reception given by the Parent-Teacher association of tho Dllworth school, at the school, be tween the hours of 3:30 and 5:30 o'clock. A silver offering will be taken, which will be used to equip a rest room. All parents of the school and their friends are cordially invited. Mr. Barring Much Improved ' " '" rwi, iur a Wk Sf. 8Ufferin Lwlth a mlld N . " yiB i u out in a few day. Mr. and Mrs. Barringer's little son. Rufus, who was very 111 recently in improving. Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney Kxpeeted Toduy Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sweeney are expected to return home today after u week s absence. Thev snent n fv ,1 .11. " . mi wiiu .nrs. ctweenev nnronta Mr . - - -' - and Mrs. 8. E. Williams, at Iilntnn and latter visited the summer home of Mr. and Mir. Williams at March mont. . Mrs. Wultnvin Improving. The friends of Mrs. Albert E. Walt man, formerly of this city, will be glad to. learn that aha lilSl Wllliei - ,,, 1 . . Fiuvmts friend herelafter an "'n" with nervous pros- ;,,. , v "ua ! 'n. ln the c" ome weeks ago Mrs. ; I"1 and two small daughters i.iff.i.ivii. ciiii. iiit? ueam or in., nuo. ...,y "h aii4uiK u.fir nume wttn Mrs. Waltmnn's parents, at 300 Pine " street Mlllvllle. N. J. j Miss Wilkes Loaves. MIsh Jane Wilkes has returned to her home In Washington after spend ing two months here with Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Wilkes, the former her nephew, at their home on West More- FEVEHISHNESS Black-Draught Is Used by Vir ginia Lady for Colds, Fe ver and Other Troubles With Fine Results. ' in.,i,v r,,. i- ,,, , . . Rotky Mount' Mss Mae Chit- wood, of this place, recently stated- "f . , , have use(1 Black-Draught for colds antj stomach trouble and certainly have found it very satisfactory. When I would feel bad and fever- uu ",lu lever- lh. as though I was taking a fresh cold. T would make a good cup of Black-Draught tea and It would soon set me all right. I .can recommend It as a splendid laxative and gladly do so. You may publish my statement." . When you feel chilly, tired, fever ish, headachy and fear that 'vou are taking cold, take a good dose of the old reliable, liver medicine you have heard so much about Thedford's Black-Draught. It is made from pure ly vegetable ingredients, acts la a gen tle, natural way, and by helping to drive out poisonous waste matter from your system, It will often, if taken ln time, prevent a chill from Thousands of people during the past 70 years, have found Black-Draught of benefit ln such cases. Try It the next time you chill or neete. Adv. NA22 Washing Won't Rid Head Of Dandruff Th only sure way to get rid of dan druff is to dissolve it, - then you de stroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently wlth the finger tip. Do this .tonight and by .morning; most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three-or four more an. plications will completely dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter, how much dan. draff; you1 -may AatavtM-?--. 1 YOU will : And,; too; that, all itching and digging of the scalp will stop at 6ncs, and your hah will be nutty, lus trous, glossy, silky and. soft, and look and feel hundred times better, rYu- oaa. gat . liquid .arvon ,a. any yrua; aiore. u is inexpensive and nev hea datrcet. . V,"i:kes spent the summer at her eoltafre at Saluda. Her niece, Mrs. Lockwoad Joes, of this cny, spent the summer with her. Mr. Preston. Confined to Home. " Mr. E. R. Preston, who is confined to his. home on West Trade street, suffering with a mild attack of in fluenza, is improving. Mrs. Moore Returns Home. " . Mrs. Iceland Moors has returned home after a abort visit to her par ents, Mr; and Mrs. H. J. Harby, in Sumter, & C. , Mr. and Mrs. Moore have, as their guest, at their horns in the Blandwood apartments. Mrs. C.- A, Ballou. of Danville, Va.. aunt of Mrs. Moore. '.. .Thursday. 11 a. m.: Mrs. Elisabeth Preston Al - lan's Bible class will meet at the Y.W.C A... ' 10 a. mr to rp. m. The Red Cross work rooms in the Mint building will be open. ; '- a . .:-' 3:10 to S:30 p.m. The . Dllworth Parent-Teacher arsoclatlon will give i a reception at the school 3 p. m. The .Fourth -ward parent teacher meeting will be devoted .to work on first and second grades. , Informal reception will follow meeting. . - . 4 p. m. Ths . pew Red Cross con valescent home at Camp Greene will be formally turned over to the governments The public lrf Invited. A . dance will be given in the heme Thursday evening. 3:30 p. m. The Mecklenburg county committee of colonial dames will meet with Mrs. M. A. Blandest her horn. on East avenue. 4 p. m. The Battle of Charlotte chap ter D. A. R., will meet with Mrs. H. 8. Dodenhoff, at her home on East Seventh street. ' v 3 p. m. The Barium Sprnlt; circle "of the First Presbyterian church will meet with Mrs. L W. San ders, at her home on South" Try on street, tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friday. 10 a. m. to 6 p. in. The Red Cross work rooms In the Mint building will be open. 3. p. m. Mrs. B. W. Lipscomb, of Nashville, Tenn., will deliver an address at Trinity Methodist church. All the women In the city are Invited. 4 p. m. The Athenae Book club will meet with Ml w Violet Alexander. at her home on West Trade street. ' 4 p. m. The Bessie Dewey club will . meet with Mis. J. Lenoir Cham bers, at her home on Tenth ave nuei 4 p. m. The Do'ly Madison Book cluh will meet with Mrs. M. M. Mur phy, at her home on North Col lege street. 4 p. m. The Pro Re N'ata book clii' will meet with ,Mrs. Robert R Bpatty, at her home' 811 Worth ington avenue. Dilworth. Satnrday. 10 a. in. to B p. m.- -The Red Cros work rooms in the Mint building wl': bn open. Coughing Is annoying and harmful. Relieve threat irritation, tickling and get rid of 6rarh, colds - and hoarseness at one , by taking The Christmas Store - For Men For Gifts He always expects a pair so why disapi point him ? Everybody knows about theAdler Gloves well, that's our lead ing line. - For dress, for street wear, all 'shades, all sizes, all prices. , t,. ' -SELL it FOR LESS" ;IL ' ' , ,vr ! DAILY CALENDAR PISP'S GLOVES m BM1S . i,l Attcs; I Iji c a I uitcral. Mr Frank U; CaUweil will go to Salisbury this morning to attend the funeral of his uncle, Hon. Theodore F. Kluttz, which will ks held at 11 o'clock at the Presbyterian church. i" Mrs. Busscy Returns Home. " Mrs. Elisabeth L. Bussey returned horns' Monday night after an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brannon, th latter her daughter, in New Tork. - Mrs. Bussey bad not been well for some time when she went north and was greatly benefited by her trip. Mrs. Abbott Leaves for Richmond. Mrs. F. C. Abbott will leave tonight for Richmond, Vs., to attend a con ference of T .W.C. A. war work ers which will be In session tomor row and Saturday. A number of prominent women , from New York and elsewhere will be in jtttendancs at the mesUnx. , ' - o . . Important Meeting on Missions. Mrs. B. W. Lipscomb, of Nashville. Tsnn.. will address a mlaalonarv mt. Ing at Trinity Methodist church tomor row arternoon at I o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is extended U the women in the city to attend. ' ' Mrs. Lipscomb Is horns baaa Wre-1 xary oi us woman's Missionary coun cil of th Southern Methodist church. LIBERTY THPATFR IT C.kUP GREENE TO BE ABANDONED Order to Build .Wood Structure : Is Cahce.llet-Mari8er Sow-J ; erby to Be Transferred Soort . . The Liberty theater authorised for J Camp Greene several "weeks ago by j the war department will not be con structed, according to J. H. Sowerhv, manager of the temporary theater vniiip, wuv auiieu yeoicruay ma order cancelling this , proposed .con struction had been received at con-, structlon headquarters The. .Liberty tent, wrttcn Has served . as a tern-, porary theater- for th war depart meat's commission on training camo activities,, will be abandoned probably i Dy uecemoer l. Mr. sowerby aald he Your Best Asset! A Skin Cleard By AldrectMrtee .OI tiliij BTOei GOLDS ARD GRIPPE YIELD TO C1L0TI To break up a cold ovr night or to out short an attack of lnflunsa or. grtpp, physicians and druggists aro now recommending Calotaba, th nw nauals calomel, that is purified from all dangrou and sickening f faets. Those who hav tried it say that It acts Ijko maglo, by far mora ffectlv and cortaln than tho old stylo calomel, heretofore recommend ed by all physlclana Ons Calotab on th tongno at bd tim with a swallow of watr that's alL No salta, no nausea, nor tho light est Interference with atlng, work or pleasures. Next morning your cold has vanished and your wholo system feel refreshed and purified. Calotaba is sold only In orlginaL, sealed pack ages, pric thirty-five csnta. Recom mondad ar.d sruarantesd by all drug gists. Tour money back if you ar pot dllghtd Adr. SS WE SELL NO CuticuraSoap tBSHIHT Beautiful Dresses M En OCCASION . : Of serge;and serge and satin in combination - are these wonderfully pretty and stylish frocks'. Some have accordion pleated skirts, while near ly all of them have the military braid trim mings. Every one of these dresses is an actual $30.00 value. Your choice of the colors, navy, . brown and black , : 1 5 $14.95 No more stylish dresses are to be found any i where than these charming Co-Ed frocks of velvet, serge and combinations.' ; Each one- has a. style that is distinctively its own--an appeal - that is irresistible. We ha veeen; ; selling these dresses up to as high as S40.00They ara really wonderful bargains at the saleprice.of $19,95 . : Dainty and charming Afternoon Dresses of ' Georgette. 'Over 50 frocks to choose from. . Colors, taupe, brown, navy and black. Bead and .embroidery Jrirnming. .These have sold"; - regularly, for $50.00. . Special 'price for tfiis .v, V '. (' r No CO; D. 6r - had received Instructions to hold him self In readiness far ftransfer to an other camp, but he explained that l;e would not leave Camp Greene until after the Liberty tent is packed- and ready for shipment,. "When Dreams Come True" will be presented at the Liberty tent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. The comoany. comoosed of II certons. j probably will be the last company to appear at this theater. . Picture shows will be given there each night until the theater is abandoned. , ;' Hear 'A Qonm ; IF YOU ARE YOUNG -j - ..'.. . . . . - ., .....,.,,... year preMts for weass ar w ussltlss. ''A mvltitud of bookkMpsrs, sUnot raphara, n lrplu ar waaiad y banka, uiUla.. ratiraada, and other larga eoryeratlona at attraetiT aalarlM. -' - ' . Prepare (or tht sapeeeed uu pfoaptrity that ."raeonatrsettoB" will fcrtnt. Attnd aa accredited school and body eadorse , . .. prtABXOTTK, If. c. PsiaiBniainn P i 1 5 at. 0 ID B B B i FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE S Tb NEW ALL ' . . . For our 50c Luncheon and $1.00 Dinner. -" .-. ., Dop't forget Hot Rolls and Bread a feature of our meals. Take a look aj our Delicatessen when you can. Our Motto: "TO PLEASE YOU." . STONEWALL CAFE AND DELICATESSEN 527 Wett Trade Street i a ASWaaniailBIBlBIlBI!! PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS "MADE IN GERMANY" GOODS HERE ApprovdrM&il Order on Any r ' y I A CtJ f CZm CJt t Ul Cs TiA Ypr jyT Yo '. tjTt$ Liccixid.Vaolv UCGfrmUIOROAM CO. The - ocali lOVi Over -the top" la the bMlnes world. Every RALEIGH. V. C. 's - i START YOUR CHRISTMAS BUYING NOW BUY A GIFT A WEEK of the Above; .

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