GIIOES FROM CLUBDOM BY MRS. GORDON M. FINGEIL Cub President to Entertain. The regalar monthly meeting ot the executive board has been called to meet in the "club room at StiefTe Wednesday : morning. November 87. Following the executive session, Mrs. Charles E. . PlatC president of the Woman's club, , will entertain the members of the executive board and the past presidents of the Woman's club at a luncheon at the cafeteria at 1 'clock. The following ladles comprise the executive committee: Mrs. Y, J. Guth ery, first vice president; Miss Lily W. Long, seeona vice president; Mrs, M. Frank Wooten, recording secretary; ISM. tit SILTS FOR pies T&t a class of Silts if your v Back hurts or Bladder rj.-:. botheff. ' ' Tie Asmertcs men eaa -eae- aasf gw eeneteetlr against kleaey1 tresble. beeasse we eat too h aad tM wr foot to rteb. 0r Woe wTrJl Wttk wis aetd whleta the kt .erslve to tur "Vttww trem erenrertc beesms ftons th mmlneHre ttssuee slog the remit L klintr trouble. blUder weakaert ea geasral steUee in b.alth. -wWyettf kissers feelMbo lump, ei lees: Jer baek hurts eV the uriae m eledVr-l of -tiWWJt eMlred t seek relief, twe er three, nmm daring the nfcMt It you eu.r with .lek headache er sissy, rvwd .. aeld etemaeh. or re torsi rKeumatlsm whee tte weather ts bad, gat from your pharmacist about f our oases of J Baits; teka M1 eeoosful in a ls of water before breakfast for a few days aad your kidneys wfll then act fine? JThto fa sews satta It made from the aeld of grape ani lemon Juice, combined with Uthia, and has boon used fer eaoratloM to bsV and stimulate otefged kldaoys: to nonlraltoo the aerie in tli nrtae It no longer M a seerU ef Irrttatle, thue ending bladder dlsardere. , Jad alts U Inexpensive; eanaot taj tare, makes a delightM eHerreseeet Itthla-wator beverage, and belongs W ' every homo, because nobody can make a mistake by having a good kidney flushing any time. Mrs. Henry E. Thomas, correspond" ring secretary; Mrs. Julian Jeffries, treasurers - Department, heads: Mrs. Essie Blankenship, education ; Mrs. Charles A. Williams, civics-health; Mrs. John R. purser, home economics: Mrs. Hugh . A. Murrlll, literature; Mrs. A. C. Orndorff, music. : - , . The past presidents In the order of their terms, of office,, airs as follows: Mrs. Walter & Liddell, Mrs. F. C. Abbott. Mrs. Hugh A. Murrill Mrs. Eugene Rellley, Mrs. I. W. Falson, Mrs. Charles C. Hook, Mrs. Willard O. Rogers and Mrs.. Gordon Finger, who preceded Mrs. Charles E. Piatt, who is beginning her second year In office. . . ? .'. . .. ' Liters lure Season Opened.' An Invitation' from Mrs.' W. I Pierce that the literature department be her guests turned the opening meeting of the department into a de lightful social affair. Evidences of peaceful plenty as well' as plentiful peace were seen in the passing sugar bowl with the lid off and sandwiches whose whiteness of - encasing bread were only to be- equalled by the (pin ions of the dove herself. . The chairman, Mrs. Hugh A. Mur rlll, outlined the year's study before the department - In addition; to the work of the committees described in this column last week a number of books which are to bo reviewed by special assignment, at specified times were mentioned. . A part of the list Includes: "Historical Backgrounds of the Great War," Atkins; "The Earth quake," Arthur Train; "Winged War fare," W. A. Bishop; "Young Franco and New America," Lanux; "Khaki," Freeman Tllden; "American Women and the World War." -L.M. darke; "The Return of the Soldier." R, West; "The Yellow Dog," H. I. Dodge; "The Unseen Hosts and Other Plays," Per clval Wilde. In connection with the drama section of the program It was proposed to have character readings or a full-fledged play would be put on by club talent In other years many of the most successful literary depart ment affairs have been drama presen tation. Ibsen Rostand, Maeterlinck, Shaw, of the modern school , and many older mastfs having been pre sented. o Arbor Say for Spring. because of the general disturbance of customary plans and meetings that have so generaly disorganized the schedule for autumn, 191S tnfluenta has Interfered with Arbor day prep aration that the state forester Mr, J. 8. Holmes, the North Carolina For estry association, of which Miss Julia Thorns, of Asheboro, is president, and the conservation department of the North Carolina Federation of Wo men's clubs. Mrs. vi. H. Jasspon, Charlotte chairman, the agencies pro tnoting Arbor day celebration have de- .-ea to defer the . observance until March. 1 V . ' Local Plans to VeW. It had been expected that the Charlotte observance following out a suggestion made by the civics de partment to the city commission would consist -larger in planting a sjmmmmmsmmmmmmaasmmi t:6-;.IlA tT; At" er.t t: v.? ?t is now I- t i.ore'aead avenue had bea donated for this honorary plsaUs- far the - Mecklenburg and Charlotte men who have fallen for freedom so recently. Some residents on Morehead avenue demurred at the aroDoeed term "Memorial avenue." ro garding it - as suggestively funereal,. The residents of another beautiful section are greatly appealed to by ths clan and ths name ana nave re quested the commission to make ths memorial planting there, which ltis most likely the commissioners will do. The Plasa, the beautiful, double road way, from , the city to the Country club. Is the avenue referred to. Mr. H. M. Victor the, veteran Liberty loan, driver of the county, and Mrs. Ralph Van, Landtngham, of Red Cross fame, are residents of the street Mr. Victor so highly favors ths plan that ha has sought expression of opinion from his neighbors and baa made ths request his enthusiastic report justi fied that the planting be done. Mrs. W. H. Jasspon is responsible for pro moting the idea of memorial planting throughout the state. Miss Thorns In Washington. Miss Julia A. Thorns, of Asheboro, president of the North Carolina For estry association, has gone to Wash ington to again consult her physicians there, her many -friends .will regret to know. Last summer she was there for protracted surgical treatment, but It la hoped her resent mission is not of a ff3us nature and her stay will be short - .' r'A. .-. '-.,. As usual, Miss Thorns is alert and keenly interested in her work. She expects the January'' session of the' Forestry association, to be held. Rec lamation and reforestation of burnt and cut over lands will be made a doubly Important subject since the forced depletion of, some of our for est wealth to meet the needs of can tonment munitions cities, and ship yard construction. - , - Recently .a; meeting was held In Georgia to consider the problem. But Secretary Lane, of 'the department of Interior, was . unable to furnish the general gpvernment's program at that eariy aate. - . It is expected that : the national government will afford special oppor tunlties for serving themselves and their country in vthls field. State activities to be successful must neces sarily be In line with national policy, much of the work already done be ing. due to co-operation in funds and workers with ' the nation's forestry department. By the first of the year the reconstruction program will no doubt be ready for submission to North Carolina by. Secretary Lane or his representatives. An interesting story of recent storms and heavy rains was that of an army forestry section out of world communication In Pisgah' forest, in the lovely land of the "Pink Beds,"-where in sum mer the abundant crimson of the In dian wild flower gave rise to Us garden-like name of "The Pink Beds." From time to time we shall learn what of our freely offered all it has been necessary to take to bring about glorious victory. Finances for forest fire protection law enforcement -will be the first step In North Carolina's piogram to be taken by our legisla ture In New Year session. . A .Tune Changed. ' The Junior Observer has taken his readers into abundant confidence about his anonymous correspondence; but the group of unknown do not con fine their letter writing to him. .We have received many a one but never acknowledged It in public before, 1 si' - : .!':' ' i i! v' ' J i v v ; . i.. .. L I It If e r ( ) t" e i ice ! of 1 ' ' t i i z 1 1 e; a l nol is F ii 1 i o.l too of ten. A lie8 re' it , , c, or o;Heer of a! civic bouy, c -i rarely attend a public fathering riil.nut receiving urgent requests to go tor some corporation, class, or petty public nuisance; hard lines if one is to remain wholesomely cheerful and do a constructive work. And yet public attention is often all the remedy required. A good rule is never to knock unless you are willing to help mend; never find fault with a condition for which you have no sug gested e-emedy, unless it la offered as a specific problem for specific study. A rather happy turn was given to a recent complaint . about dilapidated street cars on the Elizabeth line. ; A busy whirl of events made delay in keeping; a promise to speak, when lo! a new up-to-date car was put on the line, while ' fewer people have noted the comforts of a new street car,. it is aeugnvui to voice the commenda tion and appreciation of the commu nity served; glad we, waited to praise instead of hastened to complain. House ' Numbers ' Must Be Sys- tasnatlsed. - , ,; The last fling the aldermanlo form of government did for Charlotte was to revise ths house numbers in such a halt finished way that it resulted in a complete demoralization of any fixity or assured standard by which strangers could locate places or even householders have purchases dellv ed. " One of the things army folks havs complained about was this. Ev erywhere the telephone . directory kept up to date - Is a standard of information as to the whereabouts of the residences of well known citi zens. The telephone people refused to undertake a partial revision of the house number part of their di rectory; they would revise when -the city ifed revised their numbering sys tem and the changes made had as sumed . sonfe semblance of , perma- Unency. The result, was . that - groups of strangers went to homes by tele phone listing., discharged taxis to find - themselves : upon inquiry any where from several blocks to a few doors removed from their , in tended destinations. It was com plicated and made mall delivery hard and unsatlsfartory. Charlotte has suffered this for two years in un usual silent disgust, but the war Is over, either the city should official ly number every house In the city and forbid the maintenance of sev eral numbers as some have now, or the old numbers that conform tq the telephone directory should be re sumed so a man and his friends would be sure whether he had moved two blocks out or one , and a half mile in or the . old city homesteads were standing undisturbed ' by war or peace at the old stands. Kilmer's .Peacemaker. Under "People in the Foreground head the death and literary work of Joyce Kilmer formed an Inter esting" discussion at Tuesday's litera ture meeting. A request was made for his. last poem, -which Mrs. Kil mer received after the death of the distinguished New York guardsman. It follows: , .. j The Peacemaker,, The 'Slave of Liberty. Upon his will bo , binds a radiant ' . chain. ,.': ..- ..... ... vFor freedom's sake he is no longer . free. It "Is his task, the slave of liberty! With his own blood to wipe away a stain. That pain may cease he yields his : vt i -i. To tanLh var 1, i.;'jst a -.rr!r be- ., i lie dwells 'in !,.'. t eternal dawn to SCO, And K'-adly dies abundant life to gala. What, matters death,lf freedom be not dead? - - - No flags are fair, if freedom's flag . be furled. Who fights for freedom, goes . with joyful tread To meet the fires of hell against him hurled, . . , .. And has' for . Captain, Him , whose thorn-wreathed head . Smiles from the cross upon a con quered world. , . ' " City's Gratitude Expressed. . , As president of the Woman's club and chairman of the emergency, bed committee, Mrs. Charles E. Piatt re ceived a copy of . a resolution - of thanks adopted by the city commis sion. . In the letter from Mayor Mc Ninon, which accompanied the reso lution, lie eald: "In addition to the expressions set out In the enclosed resolution, which was adopted' by our board today, I want to personally thank you for your untiring energy and unselfish devotion to this Im portant work. ; , ' " . Commiviloners Resolve. ' "Resolved, that the emergency bed committee of the Woman's club, ap pointed during- the recent eptdemio of Spanish influenza, having reported in detall the work done for the influenza sufferers, this board desires to give expression to its very sincere appre ciation of the efficient and prompt manner in which ths confmlttee dis charged Its difficult and important du ties, which so greatly contributed to the successful handling of the epl demlo through which our community has recently passed. ; i . Special Feature of Victory Sine. An additional feature of the victory sing which Mrs. A. C. Orndorff is ar ranging, ts that at the hour for ths national, singing all over the country, 4 o'clock, all the local theaters and moving picture houses at that hour have the national anthem played, if possible sung. Patriotic music will be the thing for programs for that day whether the music la electrically pro duced or rendered by an artist. - It has been estimated that in Great Britain 20,000,000 pins sre used every day. t First dose of"Ppes Cold Ccrr pound" relieve the cold and grippe misery Don't ttay stuffed up't" ' . Relief comes instantly. . A dose taken every two hours until throe doses are taken will end grippe misery and break up a severe eold either In the head. . chest, , body or limbs. It promptly opens clogged Tup nos trils and air passages la the .head. stops nasty aiscnarge or nosa. running, relieves slqk headache, dullness, fever- Ishnoss, sore throat, snoozing, sore ness aiid stlffsoss, , (l . -. ; - Don't stay stuffed-upt Quit blow Ing and snuffing 1' Ease your trobblng headl Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief as 'Tape's Cold ' Compound," which costs only a few cents at any drug store. It sots with out assistance, tastes nice, causes no Inconvenience, - Be sure you get too genuine. Adv. , ' . , .... , , ft VV GRIND CUraJZTJ ATD MAKE OVERSIZE also FiLLnscortiD anuKDqts. ,- Ostei teol mbnb tntgn, isvt week, etsy v ' ) ' Jfe Lathe, Planss tStm tm 8rClpross mfi - . fro make gpooM tarovU pwrt Mt iorlses for ureatoM. -Also do ouMitytani w-nding and braslBg.. - -We hum snlsissMlets to slffht tnehes, and ean ttvo ' yen as stese wertc as sen be aeae; U. A. Rctisdjt Rcpx!r tad Eajiaeerini Company 14tf Chsslesss, K. a tnaxst tsmca o raeia oir war work eeeieee4 TURNER & COMPANY WHOLCSATS Uce CUrttins, Bed Spreads, Bltnkets, Comforts, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Cots, Cot Pads, Table Linen, Tovels, Rugs, Art Squares, Feathers, Feather Beds, Pillows, Lino leums. ' . - ' Ask us for quotations wfe!eh are lessthan factory prices. Quick sWpmenti to all Southern Points. iia-M . OoDft It, - TPbene M K O. Bex 5 ;'jgPs'snn :.v yapmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjmm - 1 FIX UPWtfR-HOHE q mt im - m i wiuii i i l . a -i rar hi bh i h an as i -'w ismii . . v . - j .yisiiin vmisninns For the "Boys Over There" Who Will -Soon be v ' f "Over Here" Back For the Parlor a Royal Worcester Rug. J v.. Make your home comfortable and beautiful with new Furniture, Rugs and For the Reception Room a Tcpnc Wilton Rug Don't fail to YisitOur Music and Victrola Rcoms Your hnvs and friends nvrr thfr will snnn hft hack here a train and we want Y - 4 , Knabe Grand Pianos our homes to be fixed up ready for them. ' SomC IngS YOB Might tO See in Olir StOre Draperies that you have been waitmsforuntiltheendof lhew Old Ivorv Bedroom Suites Period Diningroom Suites Davenports with Chairs - to Match . Library Tables Consols and Mirrors for Hall Art Gold Mirrors . . . Brass Andirons Brass Fresets , Brass Candlesticks Brass Fire Fenders Brass Loal Boxes , Nothing is tdo good for them and we want them to know that they are loved Sewing Tables ', V- . ..-.. .' V- . ;:.:.- ' . Floor and Table I amps and appreciated and the home is fixed up in honor of their coming. ' ; Silk Lamp Shades )v ... , v f . v , .. . lea wagons . , . . . . ,y , Our new Fall stocks aqd our completed and remodeled store give you welcome. , Sterling Pianos t .Weber Pianola Pianos Wheelock Pianola .Pianos Victrolas . N VicHor Records Pianola Music Rolls PARKIHr . eTi. i, ... 1 . v . . . . v For tha urbrroosi an Anslo-Pertiui Ruj ':yySA ' ffj r"" h' 7 yf.-U r '-For the Dbingrooin a Peerless Body Brussels Rug.D j 'V Ml ." , ; - I. t . t -gir.. .. w.irit. i..w,...,... Jgijyj t- i:,.nLsx?t. r.-.-ri? .!?i-gg7 " ( r f in "i V i i ' " "" ?r- i ' m n'-mm iiiiii "f'' " ' l ir.;: WSJ ' I E3 PIN. II ' , :

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