r f czzziivuiu :..onday, December 9, 19 is. fill LUIiUiit iJJI BRINGING UP FATHER. d ix a 7 n fois 3T3 BY GEORGE f &fr!bt Hit. bsitfnaUeoal Kt SctTio. i 14' V... lETJILDCfil' W.crnan Takes Exception ' to Change In Nams of Thirtieth. Latter Name Won on Battlefields of France Was Given by British Troops.. ia: 1 1 1 II .- h IISe fev7! I I St rn I III Jvt5) 1411 1 ' jJ ' - : r-"- ' ' 1 1 ' "" ' : BY H. E. C. BUT ANT. v 'Washington; D. C, Dsc 8. Mrs. R. i.uacKai is wrought up over tne fighting SOth being called the "Wild Cat division." She say it proper nam la "Old Hickory.'. That la true but the boya of the division were nick 1 named "The Wild Cats." and "The Wild Cats" they will be. c , Andrew Jackson won the name of j "Old Hickory." "Stonewall" Jackson I was given the name ot . "Stonewall" 1 because he stood like a stonewall The 10th has been -renamed "The Wild Cat" by the British with whom they (ought. There Is no way to change it "Old Hickory" means a great deaf here, but "Wild Cat", was won on the battle Held, . and it is written In blood. ; , " Mrs. ' MacRae, in a' letter . to me aid j. "In your article in today's (November 28) Observer you speak ot the 30th division a the Wild Cat division. Please correct that The ; division is emphatically named "The Old Hickory division' and never was called the Wild Cat. "A request for & na)me was made at Camp Sevier last December, and ' the man who submitted an accept able name was offered a furlough pf ten days or two weeks at home., "Lieutenant Donald C. MacRae was successful, giving the name 'Old Hickory' to the division, as the men who composed it came from North and South Carolina and Tennessee. This fact gives -point to the name. "There is neither sense, . appro- i prlateness, nor compliment in the name Wild Cat. so please correct the error when you can." ' ! One might as well try to stop the flow of the ocean as to try to recall the name of Wild Cats for the boys of the loth, - who fought so well .and furiously against' Ui e Germans. Every special correspondent on the battle field called the 30th the "Wild Cat" I am correcting my part of the work, but Mrs. MacRae will have to tear the name Wild Cat out of the western front. VERDICTS RENDERED IN . YORK COUNTY COURT Special to The Observer. York, S. C, Dec. 8. Several dam Age suits in which considerable inter .est was manifested were ' tried here this week in the court of common pleas. C. A. Ferrell secured a verdict against the ' Southern Railway com pany in the sum of $600. Mary Camp bell was awarded a verdict of $248.65 against the Metropolitan Life Insur ance company. A verdict in the sum of 79.37 was returned In the case of B. W. Kimbrell against J. D. O'Con nell. Ezra Huffstickler obtained a " verdict of 31,000 against the Manches ter Cotton mllhTot Rock Hill. The case of J. T. Spargs against the Sea , board Air Liner railroad resulted In a non-sutt The second week of common pleas court will begin Monday. The first case scheduled for trial ia that of Mary Sims against Xork county. The plaintiff, who is the widow of W. T. Kims, negro preacher is suing for $2,000 damages on acoount of the alleged lynching of her husband near York on the night of August 23, 1917. A verdict for the county was rendered when the case was tried last summer, but the presiding Judge granted a new trial on the ground that the verdict was contrary to the weight of the evidence,. Uji CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE , , CLOSES 1918 SESSION Special to The Observer. Chapel Hill, Deo. 8. The twenty fifth annual session of the Eastern North Carolina Christian conference came to a close with the final ses sions here this morning, the features of which were addresses by Dr. J. O. Atkinson, of Elon' College, and Dr. : M. C. Meeks, representative of the American Relief association. With the completion, of business, the con ference adjourned until Wednesday, ' following the first Sunday in Novem Tier. 1919. The meeting place next year was left In . the hands of the executive committee. Much enthus Jasm was manifested In the work of the conference at all assemblies. The morning session opened with devotional services, led by" Rev. T. E. : White, of Sanford, followed by a re port on the Sunday achools, which was approved. Dr: Atkinson, In an address on "Mission Work in the Sun- , day School," Insisted that every Sun day school should .organize a mission :t study class and adopt the plan of con - h4 trlbutlng onehalf of the funds collect ed to missions. A report on literature was made by Rev. A. T. Banks. peach brandy undoing of Iredell. county trio Special to The Observer. . , Statesvllle, Dec. 8. Deputy Collec- tors R. P. Allison and "W. A. Hart ness, on the lookout for illicit whis key, seized a Ford automobile arid three men about Ave miles north of Statesvllle yesterday afternoon, and ''- found them in possession of three gal- , ., Ions of peach brandy. The men gave .their names as D. C, Phelps, of Lan- . dls: W. B, Clodfelter, of China Grove. and F. H. Upright, of Bear Poplar," all or Rowan county. The deputies . seised the car and whiskey, but al ) lowed the prisoners to go on their ' own recognizance. A federal warrant - charting them with transporting un . taxpaid spirits, will: be issued later '"- and the men taken into custody. Our Vlctrola Department Is the ptace to meet your friends. Sound- ' prooi dooms ana an the new style Victrolas and eight to ten thousand records on hand all the time. Yod are welcome. PARKER-GARDNER CO. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS" ; rm-CMPANY':,.v.,,., ' SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Unless previously called for and charges paid, or. otherwise disposed , of, the American Railway Express - Company Wjll sell to highest bidder for cash, at publlo auction; 206 South , Church St.; Charlotte, N. Tuesday, December 17th, 1913 all unclaimed V and refused express matter shipped on or before June 17th, 1918. ', For further information phone W.' S. Hall, Agent, phone 669, pals com ' mences lfc A. M. . J. E. 8KAGG8, Superintendent, ' ' W. S. HALL; Agent. -""X LEE "PHILLIPS,- Auctioneer- KEPT MARRIAGE SECRET V FOR SEVERAL MONTHS . . Special to The Observer. Salisbury, Dec. 8. A wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage here on the ninth day of last August, but the fact has been kept a secret until today. The contracting parties were J. B. Holloway, of Hopewell, Va., and Miss Llllle B. Morris, of Rutherford college, this state. The witnesses were Miss Gladys Holloway and Hin ton Plyler. The minister who united the couple In marriage was Rev. W. A. Lambeth. For Coughs and Colds take fried sal tatted remedy one tast acta promptly sad effectively and contain! Moahtea. YeasthatremedyhyaaklBgfor HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted Two experienced 'white waitresses, and 2 colored women dish washers. O'Neill's, next to Y. M. C.-A., S, Tryon St, 26tf Wanted Girls 18 years or over for factory -work. J. & D. Tire Co., Foot of Palmer St., near Dowd Foundry. I3tf 'Leant at home or school shorthand, bookkeeping on credit. Position guaranteed. Edwards college, Win ston, N. C." 9-8 Wanted -A good cook. Apply 508 East Avenue. 9-15 Wanted Young lady to do photo graphic finishing, experience pre ferred. George Seitz. 28 AV. Trade St, Room 1, upstairs. - jf Wanted Experienced expert stenog rapher, who can use dictaphone. Good salary. No beginners need apply. Edward S. Reld, Commer cial Bank Building. 1-tf Wanted Thoroughly experienced op erator of Burrs Posting Machine, must be ready to oegin work at onoe. Wire application, give ref erence, state' salary desired, state length of experience. Central Bank and Trust Co., Ashevllle, N. C. 3t Wanted Capable stenographer and office assistant. Good salary and op portunity. State experience, refer ences and salary expected. Address Manufacturer "S. S.," care Observer. 7-9 SALESMEN WANTED OIL MILL MACHINERY SALESMAN To travel North and South Carolina selling full line of equipment to cot tonseed oil mills. Applicant should be 30 to 40 years of age, well edu cated, and have sons knowledge of the industry. This Is an excellent opportunity for some enterprising superintendent to secure a good po sition with thoroughly responsible concern. In replying give age, edu cation', experience in detail,' refer ences and salary wanted. 'Strictly confidential Box 1517, Atlanta, Ga. "vr 150 Hones and Mules For Sale , We 'Will exchange horses and mules for Liberty Bonds. Wadsworth Sale Stable! "In the Business 60 Years" , - TRUSSES We now have In our employ an expert Truss Fitter who irives his time to this work and ws offer ev erything wanted In Trusses. Mail orders a specialty. Jno. S. Blake Drug Co. Charlotte, N. G H. L MORROW . Dlstrftutor International Motor Trucks, , , Trailers . Track Attachments Truck Bodies S27-229 North Tryon Street ' " CHARLOTTE, X 0. - ' . vUuuL C wars . IT OBSERVER k!i!!B!liBMniD HELP WANTED MALE. Automobile Painter and Trimmer wanted Thoroughly experienced foreman trimmer, sober, quick and reliable; also thoroughly experi enced foreman painter, sober, quick and reliable. In answering, state your price and experience. We op erate one of the best shops In South Carolina. Rowland Brothers, Sum ter, S. C. . 4-10 Wanted A good cleaner and preaser. Good wages for first class white man. Clyde Ennls, Spencer, N. C. 9 Wanted Competent night clerk for American plan hotel. Applicants failing to give references and state salary expected In . first letter will be Ignored. Carolina Hotel, Rock Hill, S. C. 9-tf TWO BOYS WITH WITEFXS WANT ED AT WESTERN UNION. Wanted Twenty white non-union plasterers. Winter's work for good men. Bring tools. Apply 27th St. and Woodley Road, Washington, D. C. 1-3 Wanted Printer foreman for Job of fice. Pay $30 per week. Union. Give reference and full particulars first letter. Evening Telegram, Rocky Mount, N. C. 7-9 PLUMBERS WANTED Good pay, steady Job. Two or more experienced plumbers at once. Vass-Watson Corporation. ' Danville, Va, - 8-10 Wanted An experienced steward; al so clerk. State salary expected. Ad- I dress P. O. Box 487, Spartanburg, S. C. 7-9 Wanted At once, one first class white barber; guarantee $25 per week, and half over $S5..Wlre me. R. S. Smith, Bennettsville, S. C. - 8-10 Wanted several good shoe makers at once. .Shu-Fix-ery, 207 W. Trade St.; . Charlotte, N. C. 8-10 POULTRY; LIVESTOCK; SEED Horses and Motes We have 150 horses and mules for sale or trade. Cochran '& Boss Co., 219 W. Fourth St. Charlotte. N. C. , 18tf Frost Proof Cabbage Plants AU va rieties, ready for Immediate ship ment. Prepaid parcel post, BOO for $1.50; 1,000 for $2.50. Express col lect, 600 for $1.25; 1,000 for $2; 5,000 and" over $1.75; 10,000 and over $1.50 per thousand. Cash with order. F. E. Hull, Rock Hill. S. C. ' 26tf Ready now, fol lowing plants assort ed as you wish, but not less than ten of a variety: By mail, prepaid, 100, $1; 600, $3; 1,000, $5. Cab bage Early Sucesslon, Charleston Wakefield, Jersey Wakefield, New Early, Surehead, Late Flat Dutch. Bee"t Eclipse, Detroit Dark Red. Lettuce Big Boston, Wayahead, Paris White. Onion Bermuda Red, Crystal Wax, Southport Red, White Globe, Prlzetaker. Cabbage plants only 60a. per 100 by mail prepaid. By express collect, 600, $1.50; 1, 000, $2.50; cash with order. Alfred Jouannet, Mt. Pleasant, S. C. 8-14 For Sale Work mare 12 yean, gen- .tle, good traveler, $90; Jersey cow 2 1-2 years, gentle, a beauty, $5S. H. G. Hallyburton,. Rutherford Col lege, N. C. - v 8-H Help Wanted-rMale Female Wanted E perienoed cafe cook; also two waitresses. State experience and " wages. City Cafer Wlnston-Sa.lem. Government clerk examinations Char lotte soon. Customs,' internal reve ' nue, Income tax, railway mall, post , office. $l,100-$l,8oo. Experlfnce un ' necessary. Men and women desiring , government positions write for free particulars.. J. C. Leonard, (former civil service examiner), 169 Kenols ' Bldg., Washington. . - T-11 ScotL CHarnlev & Co. ' Certified Publlo Accountants Selwyn Hotel Building . i V ' CHARLOTTE. N. Cv V Palmetto Building, Colombia, S. Cy' PHOTOGRAPHS FOR CUTS (Interior, or Exterior) ' Out-of -T6wn ( Work Solicited W. t. LINSDAY . cHARLorm, n.1 r : aq 8. Tryon St. v 1'hone 1794 PAYS. TO READ AND USE in;iiiMB!!x::nKM&w HELP WANTED-MALE. LABOR WANTED BY. THE 0. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE FOR THE ALUMINUM WORKS AT BADIN, N; C. Permanent inside work, no temporary proposition, and with the exceptional living conditions here makes it a de sirable location for both white and colored peopieXpr a per manent home. For further information, call at your local U. S. Fed eral Labor B ureau regarding the TALLASSEE POWER COMPANY BADIN, N. C. FOR SALE Horses and Mules We nave 150 horses and mules for sale or trade. Cochran & Ross Co., 219 W. Fourth St. Charlotte, N. C IStf For Sale Four sliares B. & L. two years old. B. care Observer. 8-10 For Sale -Restaurant y close In, new, low rent Will sell place and lease cheap for cash- Address "Restau- - rant," care Observer. 15tf Best grade Red Leaf chewing tobacco, 5 pounds, $2; smoking tobacco, 4 pounds, $1.26. Tou pay postage. Wharton & Cayce, Martin, Tenn. Rubber Stamps We make them dally, tt. 8. Storr Co.. Ralelch. N. C. For Sale Caraway Telephone ex change, 100 drop board, new and in good condition, 25 lines, 90 phones. This exchange 'will pay 12 to 16 ' hundred dollars per year and can be made pay 2 thousand in nice village, thickly settled. Bargain to the right person. Can be used, also connects with county seat. Reason for selling, poor health and no help. J. F. Jarrell, Mgr., Asheboro, N. C. 7-10 Wonderful package Christmas cards, seals, tags, 10c. Eagle Sales Com pany, Box 860, Richmond, Va. 8-10 MOTORS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 3 PHASE 60 CYCLE 220, '440 or 550 VOLT ONE H. P. to 30 H. P. ELECTRIC SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT COMPANY 220 WEST FIRST ST. CHARLOTTE, N. C PHONE 3647 ELECTRIC-SUPPLIES FOR RENT For Rent Furnished 9-room bouse, 803 N. Tryon St. .'Phone 2060. 4tf If yon have, a room, apartment or house for I rent, . use an Observer want ad. .. There's no quicker or more efficient method for finding a satisfactory tenant. One cent e 'word. For , Rent Furnished apt., steam . neat, ; in "The Beverly," 10 S. Mo - Bowell, by week or month ' 8-9 For Rent Xlccl y furnished room and . kitchenette, first floor; private en- trance: suitable lor couple or bust ness women. 'Phone 2448-L3 orap ply 17 W.Vance St. - slo For Rent Furnished nomcs, all sizes, i bungalows and apartments, one un furnished home, one unfurnished apartment: Rental Dept., American t Trust Co.; T.,M. Abbott. Mgr. Tele phones 8024 and 2411-J. 23tf TEACHERS WANTED The Acme Teachers' Agency needs teachers , splendid salaries. Healy " Bldr-i Atlanta; Ga ' J-19 WANT HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Wanted To buy linmo in good resi dential section; ..bout eight or nine rooms with all modern conveni ences. State location and price to Box 904, Charlotte. 6tf Wanted To buy poplar logs In It, 14 and 12 ft. lengths, 16 Inches and up in diameter. Inspected and paid for at loading point. Hill Veneer Co., High Point. N. C. 29-28 Wanted To bny second-hand hand bag. Must be good stuff and cheap. Address P. O. Box 116.1, Charlotte, N. C. , 8-9-10 Room Wanted A yonng single gen tleman of refinement and culture desires room with or without board. Will be permanently located here. Nice location given. Reference giv en. Address 25, care Observer. 8-9 Wanted Quiet, comfortable room. Must be within easy walking dis tance Latta Arcade. Gentleman will be permanent if room and price are satisfactory, ffra. E. Rothery, P. O. Box 67, Charlotte. 8-10 Wanted Three unfurnished room suitable for light housekeeping. Gas and water connections desired. 'Phone 81S2. 8-9 Would the driver of the Ford car who ran over the soldier In front of . the quartermaster Infirmary on Dowd road, about 7 p. m., Dec. 7, 1918, see Lieut. French, personnel adjutant of the sub. depot, Q. M. Wanted To contract for hauling of two hundred thousand feet of lum ber. About 10 mile haul. Good macadam road. Address, Box 188. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Wanted To sell or exchange for piece or real estate, Chalmers Six, Bar gain. Call 378S. 8-10 For Salo 8 -room residence on paved street ana car line, close in, nicely papered throughout, electric lights and bathroom. If taken this week can be bought for $5,760. J. E. Murphy &Co. 8-12 For Sale S-room residence in First Ward, within walking distance of square, on paced street and car line, modern conveniences, lot runs from street to street. Price $3,000. J. E. Murphy & Co. 8-12 For Sale S-room residence close in, floors, nicely papered, modern con veniences, sleeping porch. Owner has left city and has made a price of $7,801 for quick sals. J. B. Mur phy ft Co. 8-12 For Sale 8-room residence In Myers Park, comparatively new, slate roof, sleeping porch, garage and setvant house, nice heating plant, house attractive- in ever! way. ' A modern home : for $9,000. , J E. Murphy ft Co. , . v 8-12 For Sale 7-room residence in Fourth ward, nicely papered throughout, large lot, 'Would cost about $4,600 to build this house.- Tou can buy ; house and lot for $3,910. J. E. Mur 1 phy ft Co. ' i 1 - 8-12 nrn.rr-ox , -. . For Headache", Toothache and " ' Neuralgia. -At Drnir Stores. 29 Cents ' . , PERSO X REMEDY CO. , " i Mfgrs., Charlotte.-N. C. ADS liBIUBmiUBT FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS. Mountain farm for sale in McDowell county. Beautiful location but un improved; 6 miles from Nebo, 10 from Marlon and Bridge water; half mile from picturesque 30,000-acrs lake of Southern Power Co. New roads; rural mall route. Between crests of two ridges; stream ample for power and fairyland of electric lights; cold spring water; 216 acres; (0 to 60 acres almost level; IS to 20 In cultivation. Fine for apples, grain, poultry, livestock, tranquil country estate, game preserve. Price $2,600; discount for oash be fore December 25. Rigid investiga tion invited. Address Farm Owner, Box 412. Raleigh, N. C. 8-10 For Sale 75-acro farm 1-9 miles from center of Charlotte; 6-room house In 'pretty grove, large barn, tenant house, nice young orchard, plenty wood, running water, good pasture; land lies well, some bot tom land. Price for quick sale, $75 per acre. J. E. Murphy & Co. 8-12 For Sale Ford Track, new model, low price. Piedmont Candy Kitchen, 18 N. Tryon St. 88tf For Sale One Denmo-Grant 2 ton truck, 1917 modeb; practically new; body and cab just put on; bargain. Address Box 963, Charlotte, or phone 2974. 8tf For Sale Small Saxon roadster, new top and newly painted, electric lights and starter. Cotton States Wagon Co., 519 W. Fourth. 8-9 For Sale Chalmers Six, best condi tion, new top, newly painted. Will exchange for piece of real estate. Call 8783. . 8-10 For Sale Buick touring, Dodge road ster, Hudson touring,- R.eo touring, Hup touring, Hup "20' roadster. Dodge touring, Ford touring,' Stude baker. Charlotte Motor Car Co. Used car department. 8-9 One practically new Anderson Six demonstrator, run less than two thousand miles, guarantee and service, a bargain for cash. , Two Anderson sport, four passenger, roadsters, wire wheels, extra paint job, motor meter, spot light, motor driven tire pump, brand new at old price, guarantee and service. One brand new Truxton Unit attached to new Ford. This is a 1 , ton job with service and guarantee, a bar gain for cash. One rebuilt Hudson speedster, been thoroughly overhauled, a bargain for $460. Anderson Motor Salea Co. 'Phone 2S37. 822 N. Tryon St. 8-10 For Sale One Ford one ton truck, 1917 model; oak body and' cab; excellent condition; price reasonable. Address Box 963, Charlotte, or phone'2974. 8tf MACHINERY. I can make immediate shipment from stock. Vaughn drag saw machines fitted with four horse power gaso line engine, invaluable' for cutting. Cord or stove wood. Veneer or shin gle blocks. Price $186, Sumter, S. C, or Atlanta, Ga. B. L. Montague, Sumter, S. C. ' 8-10 Saws When yon buy, be sure you get Atkins Silver Steel Saws. They " are ' always guaranteed circulars. Bands and cfoss cuts. I have in stock 75 Sliver Steel circular saws and good stock of cross cuts. B. L. Montague. Sumter, 8. C. 8-10 LOST AHD FOUND Stolen Ford touring car, 1017 model, off East Main St., Spartanburg. -S, C; top glass on wind shield broken out. right fender bent, glass on left lamp broken out No number or rear lamp, Goodrich tires. Notify police headquarters, or R. L. Love, Linden Ave., Spartanburg, S. C. Motor Mo. 1871135; $26 reward. 7-9 BUSINESS NOTICES Dr. 8. Levy, Dentist, T E, Trade street. 'Phone 1116. k Wanted My friends and the publlo to know that I am now at your service with Messrs, Belk Bros.' Clothing 'department, first floor, during bust - nesa hours. At home to my friends, after business hours, at the Y. M. C A., room No. ; 9, lobby or library. Respectfully, Alex. Little. 8 WHEN -YOB SEE' IT IN - -TR13 CHARLOTTE OBSERVER AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS ' .i Al' U.. AGENTS WANTED Wanted Ten thousand agents to mil The World War For liberty.- Pay . best commission. Bead fifteen cents for mailing expenses of outfit C H. Robinson Ac Co.. Charlotte. N. C. lltf Agents wanted In every oosnty in too United States good commissions to hanle Kwlck Bath for country homes. For full particulars address Kwlck Bath Mfg. Corporation. Wil son. N. C. - i 8-10 World War Hlatorr Complete, an-' thentlc, pictorial book, well written.. Big profit Act quick. Outfit 25o. R. L. Phillips Publishing Co., Atlanta, Ga., and Waco, Texas. Address near est office. " 1-10 Agent To sell history of World War. Everybody buys. Book contains about 600 pages. Big commission, samples 25c. Act quick. Huso Pub lishing Co.. 113 West Peachtree St., . Atlanta, Ga. " JB-10 POSITIONS WANTED Bankers A young man experienced in country bank wishes to make . ' change where hard work and abil ity will win promotion. References . , present employers. "Cashier," care Observer. 8-9 , , - Trained Nurse wishes ear of tnvaUd, or elderly person for winter. In re fined home. Best reference furnish-, ed. Address "Trained Nurse," Rocky , Mount N- C. Box 721. 6-11 Office manager or chief clerk, experi enced and practical, desires to lo-' cats with responsible firm. Married. Student Alexander Hamilton Imrtl-' tute. Employed, but good . reasons for making change. Only high-class proposition considered. Address L A., care. Charlotte Observer. 7-13 Wanted Young man wishes position with reliable firm where chance for promotion are according to one's ability to succeed. At present hand ling the correspondence end ot big business, forming .all letters and ; attending to all correspondence in general. All Interested parties ad- dress "Obedlah," care Observer. ? 1-10 ) Advertising man now connect-, ed with prominent Southern daily desires change. Good copy writer, lay-out man and salesman. Will consid er newspaper or department store. Address "Advertis ing:," care Observer 6-tf Physician, young married man. well qualified, nine years experience, desires a good location; can make change at once. Drug store con sidered. Address W. W. L., care . Observer. 1-10 SPECIAL NOTICES' WE HAVE ANOTHER LOT OF THE famous ."Gortons" cod' fish In one and two pound packages; also small packages of shredded cod fish, and smoked Scotch herring, North Caro lina roe herring and shore mackerel. . MILLER-VAN NESS CO. 'Phone SS75. . Trade Street v- Market 247 W. Trade Street F. C. Auten, Mgr. ' Go to Trade Street Mar ket December 10, 11 and 12, and learn from State ex hibits there how good beef cattle are made, and, inci dentally, how good beef is handled at this market Good beef cattle properly handled on the farni, cash in the wastes, put money in the farmer's pocket, build up the soil, and, ultimately, enable the butcher to please you with a home product; HUYLEIVS CANDIES Jas. P. Stov3 Ci Co. TUCKER Cz LAIITO 1 1 . Contract!::? Ensh-'rs , i 199 r.e&y r "--? Power Flantak Vatsrs. . Dam and Concrf.s V . v'f' 1 I-5 v 1 4 V"

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