-1 u ,YTi i;c:.;t, That bespeak the true affec tion of the giver. taniS $1.50 to $10 'i iTiH Tfl"" in A' And we have uch a wealth of beauti sewing stands from $5.00 to $23.00 that it's a plea ure to make a selection ' m .IT do the rCtl s handsome lnt ! ) thing for your home i magnificent Colonial Clock? . There is something jiere that would be appreciated by every member of the family and every friend. ieii cm FID IS MS Good Fellows' Club Continues Adding to Membership. Total Number 'Already Enrolled j 254; Amount of Money , ( Subscribed $669. : ; VA fa- The Good Fellows' club of Char- n-V.M., mill n( EOOa DTOSlWi, did not add so many to Its mb"i ship or o many dollar o Its Christ mas fund yesterday as it did Tuesday or Wednesday. The afwresaie v -late yesterday afternoon, noweer, was very gratifytnt to those pushing the movement. In point oth of mem bers enrolled and of funds collected. Up to Thursday afternoon at 6 o clock the membership of the club had grown to 254 and the amount of money raised to 03. Applications for membership were received yesterday from 58 persons, while $140 was added to the fund the club is raising to provide Christmas cheer for the good fellows of Char lotte who have been Btncaen oy ur ease recently or otherwhw rendered unable to provide the things neces sary for a hnppy Christmas for their families as they have( been doing in years past. .... A minister wan hskou iu. names of persons such as tho Uoou Fellows', list committee preparing of pernons who are worthy bat un fortunate and to whom a remem brance in the spirit of good fellow ship at Christmas time would be a Godsend. This minister told of a man. head of a family, to whom he addressed the question if he would accept a Christmas basket from the Good Fellows club in the spirit of good fellowship. The man replied that he would. He would refuse to accept any assistance or gift from organized charity, the man said,, but he would gladly receive a basket from the Good' Fellows' club in the spirit of fellowship. This incident illustrates exactly the idea of the Good Fellows' club. It Beeks to raise a sum sufficient and secure members enough to (provide a Christmas basket for every such fam ily in Charlotte families who never have and will not ask for alms, but who through misfortune have been rendered unable to provide the wherewith of good cheer for th i com ing Christmas time. . The list of names of those making application yesterday for membership In the Good Fellows' club follow?: E. , A, Smith. Geo. K. Wilson, Sr. Robert Lasslter. I. C. Lowe. Dr. Thomas H. Wright. W. L. McDonald. E. M. Potter. James E. Taylor. P. Q. Klser. G. B. Everett. E. S, Reld. W. C. Wilkinson. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Sibley. Hugh Murrlll. W. J. Edwards. Richard D. Thomas. J. P. Caldwell. Justin Prager. J. O. Walker. Dr. A. M. Berryhill. J. P. Harris. L. O. Berry . J. H. Cutter. J. M. Samoncls. , F. B. Alexander. D. B. Smith. " C. O. Smith. E. T. Cansler. H. C. Jones. J. C. Myers. 8. B .E. Spencer W. L. Pelrce. O. B. Walsh. Thomas Griffith. Chan. A. Mosiev J. P. Manlev. G. L. Miller. R. Leland Moore. O. X. Mathews. Thomas F. Ken . B. R. Cates. A. I.. Parker. O. V. Hoke. T. A. Walker. Rogers W. Davis. Jos. Wanlln. TLi CCOD FlLLC ' CLL v.L-i., Ou Hlni(t every street, possibly hist aromi-.l t'. corner from o" home, there nertly fmrmum, bllcntly anJ, uncnuii ! i:.-.:, .:: facin? tlioir Iol. Porluips the little money saved up for n ruiny tLiy- even the Uiriat iiuis club svlnjr of year lias g-ono fir medicines and oilier expense incidental to much sicknet In the home. Xotlilnx k loft to provlite tlie ChrtKtniaM rlieer to which the family has always bevui accustomed. Thews are in the clajs the UkmI IWIows club U aiming to make glad at Chrtot inun Uroe by wwliur along hi the spirit of good fellowship token ox remembrance thiit will help to make Christmas da j bright and swvet. ' The Good Follows club U not detdgned 'to Interfere with or osp t)K splendid ami noble wtrk done by the Salvation Army, tlw Associated Ciuirltica and other orRaiiifatioiia. It doea uot propose to rare for Uioso who are perpetual object of charity. It mvka merely to provide cheer for tho home of the good fellows who are temporarily depressed and needy because of unusual misfortunes tliat have befallen them. Th Good Fellows club Is not ft charitable organization It propose lo dispense good chwr In ihe homes of good fellows In the spirit ot good fellowship. Dmth lui sulkeil abroad In the land in -recent wfroka and hM de mniulcd a terrible toll of Uvea. Hundred of persons who never knew wliat aorrow and need were before are enduring both today. The -Good Fellows club Is simply trying to pour a little oil of human sympathy upon the troubled waters of adversity. y ; . ; c , , r i The Savior spent lite life In this world cheering the downcast and mlnlsterlnjr to the nerds of the unfortunate. The liood Felhvws ctnb Is trying to follow Ills-rounsel, "If thine brother hunger feed bhn. K he u vlck or in primm visit him." , One of the greatest truih In Holy Writ Is "It J,.WTStSS than to iv1ve." The Ctood Fellows' club is " ,1i,rDU,laim5 m euch member Is trylnsr to giro good cheer and comfort to other good let lows not so fortunate.-; . ; .'' Tliere are Iiuudrtxls of Good Fellows In JIJ " life. Each one would willingly aid another comrade ht matter were brought to his attention.. The trouble wiSJ2! . Good Fellows worked on tlielr own InlUaUve. -Thej 'J&: Ization to cover tho work fully. The Good Fellows' club will be more useful as Its membership grows. It costs only one dollar to nxtire a membership In the Good J'cW club, but any good fellow In Cliarlotte may Join and pay for hto membership as he likes. The Invitation 'n""yu mor members are needed. All the money gooa Into Christmas baskets. VVhiSa ln.Diri;us Ctats, III Wi: flu, Ha Jyrpped Into & Wi at His Mem at Chadwick. Andrew S. Afelton, .- of Chadwick, who while in a delirious state, ill with Influent. Jumped Into a well in the rear yard of hia home on the night of November 2S, died yesterday Af ternoon at the Presbyterian hospital. Mr. Melton was taken to the hospital j upon being rescued from the well by police officers. - V . The remains will be Interred in the burying srround of Mulberry church. 1 this county, this afternoon... Funeral services will be held at the church, but the hour had not been decided ; yesterday afternoon. . , . , r Mr. Melton was St veara of in. Surviving him" are hUvwife and -nine children. , At the time Mr. Melton jumped into the welt it was said that all the members' of his family were confined to their beds with Influent. LOCAL CHICKEN FANCIERS ' TO SEND BIRDS TO WILSON The Charlotte Observer City I hereby make application to The GOODFELLOWS' Club, and hand you herewith to pay my in- itiation fee and dues for season of 1918. A - number of Charlotte chicken I fanciers are planning to exhibit their best birds at the annual poultry show at Wilson,' December Si, - through January , Dr. J. R. Klnnls, of Queens college, one of the leading fanciers of the city, said last night. Desalts many handicaps because of the 'influenza situation, the show promises 'to be . most successful, said Dr. Nlnnls. The omciais ot the show this year will end premium . lists only to poultry, men exhibiting last year except in cases where request for a Book is made. Those desiring a premium Hat, said Dr. Nlnnls, should writs to G. P. Fulghine. ofWllson. or Charles Nixon, of Washington, N. C. Numerous cups will be given prise winners at the ehowJ Visitors in the city are welcome to visit our Vietrola Department and hear all the new Victor Records. PARKER-GARDNER CO. ' (Ady.) R Walter 8cott. , Wade H. Harris. L. p. Mackenxle. W. H. Dail, Jr. Geo. E. Wilson. Jr. William W. Stewart, , I. Providence, LAWRENCE JOHNSON DIES OF Rheumatism is completely wriHhed out of the sys tem by the celebrated Shlvar Mineral Water. Positively guaranteed by mon ey back offer. Tastes fine; costs a trifle, Delivered anywhere by our Charlotte agents, Cotton Belt Candy Co. Phone them. Advertisement. VUIMoySCo. hOIIE BETTER -FEW AS GOOD j j FIRST THOUGHT fOR PAIRS I Fancy J 4 Fruits t M Nuts U .J1' Candies If ' For V v Christmas. JOHN ANTONIO , ' i , 304 S, Tryon St. I'Jtone 21 IS WANTS SEABOARD TRAINS NOS. 31 AM PUT BACK Were Discontinued Soon After War Was Declared Run Be tween Here and . Raleigh. An effort is being made by the chamber of commerce to have restored to service Seaboard trains Nos. 31 and 34, which ran between Charlotte and Raleigh and which were discon tinued soon after the declaration of war, Secretary Farrls said yesterday. Thasa trains were of vast benefit to the people along the Seaboard between here and Hamlet, and were patron ised more largely than any of the other trains, Mr. Farris said. j With many of the conditions brought about by thewar relieved, officials of the chamber were declared of the op inion that these trains should be re instated at an ijarly date. When these trains were in operation. It was ex plained, it was possible for people re siding in cities on the Seaboard line between here and Hamlet to come to Charlotte and do their shopping with out Inconvenience. The present serv ice, It was said, makes it difficult for those wishing to come here to trade to make the trip without various incon veniences. The matter has been taken up With railroad officials, and the hope was expressed that the officials upon In vestigation would find that It would be profitable to the railroads and advantageous to the general public to reinstate these two trains. . MRS. L 0. MOCK DIES AT HOME ON BLAND STREET - Was Daughter of Police Ser geant E. L. Black Funeral at Noon Today at Residence. Mrs. L. O. Mock, of 304 West Bland street, died yesterduy after noon at 12:30 o'clock at her home after a short illness. Mrs. Mock was a daughter of Sergeant E. L. Black, of the city police depart ment Mr. Mock is connected with the Loom Reed and Harness com pany. Funeral services will be conduct ed at the late residence today at 12 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Moore, pastor of Trinity Methodist church, offlciat lnR. Interment will be In Elmwood cemetery. The following have been selected to act as pallbearers: T. K. Rea, 8. J. Crane, Charles B. Rea, J. W. McGinn. K. I. Clark and S. C. Leslie. . Mrs. Mock was born in Charlotte 21 years ago. She was married De cember 22. 1917. She was u young woman of Christian character, and a pleasing personality, and was a member of Chalmers Memorial church . She Joined this church in childhood and had been a loyal and devoted member. Surviving her, besides her hus band, ure her parents, Sergeant and Mrs. E. L. Black, of 201 West Bland street, and two brothers and I ness man met with marked success. two sisters: K. A. Black and J. He was a man of pleasing personality W. Black, and Misses LoUlse and j who made friends easily,, and he was Bessie Black, all of this city. 'held in high esteem by scores of frlnnris in this cltv mid elsewhere. He Death Occurred at Clayton Ho tel at 1 :50 0'Clock Yester day Morning Funeral Today. Lawrence Branch Johnson, of 709 South Tryon street, and a well known business man of Charlotte, died suddenly yesterday morning at 1:60 o'clock at the Clayton hotel. Dr. W. H. Parsons, who was called to Mr. Johnson's bedside a few min utes before he died, said that death was the result of apoplexy, C. O. Brown, manager of the Clayton hotel, notified Desk Ser geant White at police headquarters, because oft the sudden death of Mr. Johnson, and Detective Plttman investigated his death. Coroner Z. A. Hovls was notified by the police but, being informed that a physician was present when aeatn occurrea, decided no inquest was necessary. According to Information obtained from the police, Dr. Parsons and others, Mr. Johnson became ill while upstreet and was taken to the Clay ton hotel by a friend whose name could not be learned. Soon after going to r room Mr. Johnson became unconscious. It was then, it was reported, that Doctor Parsons was called. Death followed a few min utes later. Mr. Johnson had been in ill health for sometime. He had been a patient at the Tranqulll Park sanatorium but was discharged about December 1, It was said at the sana torium. Funeral services will be conducted at the graveside In Elmwood ceme tery this morning at 10:30 o'clock, Dr. A. A. McQeaehy, pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, officiat ing. Those selected to act as pall bearers are Jack Crawford, H. A. Murrill, W. M. Wheeler, Skinner Alston. A. M. Hopkins and W. F. Terrell. Mr. Johnson was born In Charlotte March E, 1877. He was a son of Mrs. Kate Markey Johnson, who survives, and the late O. 8. Johnson, who died about four years ago. Surviv ing also are his wife, who was Miss Fannie Butt, and a son, Lawrence B. Johnson, Jr. A little daughter, Godfrey, died In November of last year. A brother, Fred Johnson, died several years ago. Mr. Johnson was reared in this city and, after, attending the public schools, studied at Balrd's and the Horner schools. After leaving school, Mr. Johnson became con nected with the Southern Weighing and Inspection bureau. Because of conscienous effort and ability, Mr. Johnson soon became district man ager of this company. He left this company to accept a responsible po sition on the Interstate" commerce commission, with headquarters in Washington. Later he was manager of the traffic bureau of the city of Nashville, Tenn. Mr,. Johnson be came commercial agent of the Nor folk Southern Railway - company when that system extended its lines Into Charlotte. He continued In that position until the government, in taking over the railroads, merged the Norfolk Southern with other lines running through the city.- and aban doned the office here temporarily. He has been with the Standard Oil com pany here, holding an .important po sition for the past two years., v Mr. Johnson was a man of excep tional business ability and as a busi- possessed a keen intellect-' and his knowledge of the railway , business was extensive. For Itching Torture TWENTY-NINE NEW CASES OF INFLUENZA REPORTED The health department last even ing1 reported S9 new cases of influ enza for yesterday. a Kllirht tn- ! create over the. previous day. Dr. C. C. Hudson, V:lty s health officer, ias -.h. yesterday made public a compilation , Tere..n ftS "ft" Jffi of figures on the number of deaths f top itching torture land fev skia from influenza and complications Irritation and that makes tne Sun soft, during tho last three .months. The dear and healthy. . . ' ' , total number of deaths from infiu- Any druggist can-supply yott with ensa and , complications was placed terno. which generally overcomes all at 197. Jn October 100 were re- skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch, pin' ponea. o iron, umuonn na ..mn pies, rashes, blackheads, in most case complications lrj November, and 53 ir - rnnnthr minor in December up Jo yesterday morn-i ing. . ' . ' . .TIip wine Fool. "You can't mix business and picas- ure." 'observed the. sage. lve way to terno. Frequently, minor lemlsb.es disappear overnight Itching usually stops instantly, zemo is a sale, antiseptic liauidL clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c; an extra large bottle, $L0bY It will not stain, is . "Oh, t don't know," commented hot preasy or stlcky.and Is positively. ylTie'" foorTA"-insltfrnrworft " when" safe-for tendfj sensitive stdn .TVj:,-? ho plays. 'doesn't he?' 1 . , TusE.V.Roca Co Cleveland, 0' ANSWER THE RED CROSS ROLL CALL JOIN Donated by J. H. Wearn 8c Co. ' - ..., ...(-. t. , i WHEN YOU SEE IT IN THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, IT'S SO 4 Days Ito FRIDAY, SATURDAY; MONDAY, TUESDAY D e c e m b e r 20, 21, 23, 24 Take Advantage of Our fa Clris And Free Christmas Dinner Offer One Dollar A Week All purchases jip to $30 can be secured with the cash pay ment of sjij' Down Which will give--.you the Christmas dinner free; then One Dollar a Week. Pay the Easy Way OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 O'CLOCK DURING THIS SALE Two Dollars A Any purchase ranging from $30 up to $60 with the pay ment of , . week j) Down Entitles, the purchaser to the free Christmas dinner, then-t v " Two Dollars jt Week. The, prettiest line of ladies' and misses suits, coats, dresses, waists, skirts j and furs and men's and i boys' suits and overcoats we haveever shown.' All at very moderate prices. ; . - - i YOU GET, THE CLOTHING AND THE FREE CHRISTMAS DINNER. ; WHEN YOU MAKE THE FIRST SMALL PAYMETfT, f

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