MARKETS AND FINANCIAL WORLD OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE IBM n iin Ycr.x gotto; CHABLOTTE COTTOX. Strict and Rood middling. . ..MM to ll4e Rerelpts yeaterdajr.. 17 halea Cottonseed, pries paid prodacera by gin run l ton NKW TORK STOCK LIST. Net Advance of 54 to 101 Points Recorded at Close Demand N . Broadened. Now Tork, Dee. II. Ths feature In the cotton market'tooar was ths Increaatnf. c tlvltr ef slnees. particularly In the Uti months. Notwithstanding ths proilmltv of too holldare and tho oxtont ot rsesnt ad- i- v nlea nn resolly absorbed by a broadening demand and there were aharp advances. -. . . ' - Tba general Mat closed steady at a pet advance of 14 to 111 polnta. Tho opening waa aomewhat lrrelar with TMcsmber 21 polnta lower tinder '" bat tho tone wa arm and Istsr deliveries were I Ito 11 polnta higher. There wm probably aome aelllng for a reaction as well a prodtaaklng. but thert waa a good gen oral demand and active montba eoon aold IS to II polnta net higher with January touching 11.41 and March 11.41. At thia level tho buying movement alackened sorae what and there ware reactlona of II to 4t polnu during the early afternoon roallslnf for over the holidays but the of ferings wore gradually taken off the mar ket owing to a continued demand from trade Interests or commlsalon house and covering by. early sellers. This gave the market a steady undertone and the close waa several polnta up from the loweat at II 17 for January and 11.14 for March. De cember 'bhorts bid tho price up aharply . ... uoyriaf much cotton and that de livery closed at the highest point of the day. Trading In December will end at noon tomorrow. Prints cables from Liverpool esld that after tho February allotment government control of ocean freight and ratea would be ended, and that there waa aome aelllng of later months therein expected Imports or lower freight rates. -High, i Low. Close. January , .- March 2141 17.71131.14 Mar ..I...! 17.87 MOO f"S7.4l Julr ll.ll 14 10 SIIO October ..4.41 U7I "S4.ll MONET 1MBKET. . New Tork. Dec. iJ. Mercantile paper I. Sterling 10-day bills 4.TIH: commercial 10 day bllla on banka 4.7SV: commercial 40 day bills 4.73; demand 4.71.10; cablea 4.71 -ll. Government bonds atrong; railroad bonds heavy. . Time loana eaaler: I- days, II daya and months. IK to EH. Call -money stesdy; ruling rate 4. Bank acceptances 4Vi. ' LIVERPOOL COTTOX. Liverpool. Dee. 11. Cotton, spot In fair demand; prices unchanged; good middling 21.11; middling 21.17; low middling 20.12; good ordinary , 11.00; ordinary 11.47; sales 1,001 bales. Including 100 American. Re ceipts' 1,401 bales, all American. Futures closed unsettled: December 21.21: January 11.11; February 11.11; March JI.32; April 17.21. s J. tlCOAR AND COFFEE. 1 ' New Tork, Dec. 25. Raw auger steady; Centrifugal 7.21: fine granulated I cents. K Spot coffee nominal; local quotations for kilo 7a. 17 M: Sentos 4a, 22',. I Butter unaettled; cheese steady. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonlo Restores vitality and energy by purl-fylng- and enriching the blood. Tou can soon feel Its Strengthening, Invig orating Effect Price 60c.- Tues. American Beet Sugar...... American Can Amer. Car and Foundry.. American Locomotive ; . . .'. American Unseed ...'...-. Amer. Smelting and Ref.. American Sugar American Tel. and I'd.... American Tobacco ........ Anaconda Copper ........ Atchison .......... . . . . . . Atlantic Coast Line.....;. At I. Oulf and W. Indies... Baldwin Locomotive ...... Baltimore and Ohio.,.,.,. Bethlehem Steel "B". Canadian Paclfle ......... Central Leather .......... Chesapeake and Ohio Chicago. Mil. end St. Paul Chicago, R. I. and Pac... China Copper ............ Colorado Fuel and uron. , . Corn Products ........... Crucible Steel ........... Cuba Cane Sugar.......... Brio Oenerat Electric General Motors ......... Great Northern pfd....... Great Northern Ors Ctfs.. Oulf Ststes Steel Illinois Central ......... Inspiration Copper Int. Mer. Marine Int Mer. Marine pfd..,-... International Paper Kennecott Copper ........ Louisville and Naahvllls... Maxwell Motors .......... Mexican Petroleum ...... Miami Copper Mldvale Stool Missouri Pacific ......... New Tork Central....'... Norfolk and Western Northern Psclfle Ohio Cities Oas Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Coal bid Ray Consolidated Copper. Reading Rep. Iron and Steel ...... Seaboard Air Line. S. A. L. pfd. bjd Sinclair Oil and Refining. 8loss-8bef. Steel and Iron Southern Pacific ......... Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd.... Stpdebaker Corporation . Tennessee Copper Texas Co Tobacco Products t'nlofi Pacific I'rlted Olgsr Stores...... UMted Fruit . . r. 8. Ind. Alcohol timed States Rubber.... I'liited States Steel I'nited States Steel pfd... Utah Copper Virginia-Caro. Chem. . . . Wabash pfd. "A" Western Union Westtnghouse Electric , . Willys-Overland jHlfhjLow jClose IT 44 J 17 II : j 4i 71 111 11 ' II 10114 111 71 I! ! 11114 114 II 4 42 4714 17 S 10 S 44 77 111 7 "ii "S 10114 111 : 74 1 114 ' It 4 ii 'is ", 4414 11 It 44 77 111 11 111 II 0 10114 111 74 1 lil II 41 II h M II 'a 41 ! ;7i 11 14711 4 t(,l4ll llllllllll It 41 41 27 114 11 14 11 ISlil MH CI 444 l . II 44 2. : 112 t 13 21 illlll 44 44!4 i 94 75 14 1 7i 101 1111 14 3 421; 42 41 41 111 Sl 111 f 141 STOCK LIM SETTLES DQVui TO DULL ROUTluE J0 24 II I 11 ,....! I j 1 iii'i i I il ?i f 2'4I : . i . . . Jl'il 1114 : n 101 41 'i 41 47 !' II 74 1 I II 5i 41 11 n I iti s:.i 4ji ntf- I 14l 14 14 till lie )! 1 llil 11 I II lil llT ll 1107 tl1ill' !!32:iS5 U1 ll01tUO2TillU 77'4l TT i 77 I'll !' IB Ui 74 11 11 41 21 112llll 71l 72 l 11 32l 11 1 I 11 41 41 14! 24 Total sales, 31 1.700. SMOKE FRAGRANT RE2E wROY CIGARS Too fheHvropks' NEW TORK LIVESTOCK. New Tork, Dec. ?1. Beeves Arm; steers 1. 10 to 17.00; bulls t00 to 11.09; cows 4.10 to 1.00. Calves Arm; veal 14.S0 to 21.00; culls 12.00 to 14.00; fed calves 1. 10 to 1.00; grasa ers 1. 10 to 7.S0; yearlings 5.00 to 5.50; westerns I.I to 11.00. , Sheep and lambs steady; common to prime sheep 1.00 to I. So: culls 4.00 to 5 50; lambs 12.00 to 11.11; culls 11.00. Hogs steady at 17.10 to 1100 for light to heavy weights; plga 16.7 Ito 17.00; roughs 11.79. Left Entirely to Its Own Devices After Moderately Active and Stron ...ining. New Tork, Dec. 11. Left quite, entirely to Its own devices, todsy's stock market set tled down to tho dull routine of the past fortnight, aftsr a moderately active and atrong opening In which shippings were the main features at- extreme advances of one to four polnta. I Tho strength of this particular group was directly traceable to reports from wasning ton indicating tho early transfer of tho Brit ish tonnags to tho mercantile marine' com pany to tho-United States government on a satisfactory financial Basel. A few other stocks, notably transconti nental mils, motors, eila and miscellaneous specialties, derived some benefit front the rise In shippings, but this proved to bo only temporary, tho whole Hat falling back no fore mid-day. ' For the balance of the aesslon tho mots ment was one of idle drift, mainly down, ward. In which atahdard ralta were rela lively heavier than . speculative Issues, grangers and coalers for example, losing ono to almost throe polnta. Other points of weakness embraced the coppers, secondary equipments, Studebaker and utilities. Including tho shares of ths various comnanlee and Brooklyn transit. cmiso: Blaise eieei was wm prumuivni than usual but resisted prsssurs better than other Issues of ths same division, at no time losing more than a fraction. Amerl can Smelting was freely covered at an. ex. tremo setback of 1 points. Bonds wars heavy aa a result of ths weak ness shown by minor rails and utilities. In which losses ran from 1 to 2 polnta Marked Improvement was evinced by tho Liberty division, the !s sdvanelng. over ono per cent and tho 4s tallying substantially from last week's low quotations Totsl sales, par value, were' 114.211.110. Old United States bonds wtreNinaltered nn csll. HOLIDAY SPIRIT FELT ON CHICAGO EXCHANGE Corn Market Irregular and Easily Influenced Oats ' Higher at Close. i . Chicago, Dec. 23. Holiday spirit ' took precedence over business on 'change today, and the corn market was Irregular and easily influenced. Prices closed steady at 1.11 to 1.11 to 1.31. January 1.3S to 1.21; February, with the market as a whole. cents oft to 1 up compared with Saturday's finish. Oats lost to 1. In provisions tho outcome ranged from 30 cents decline to 21 cents advance. Cash corn: No. 2 yellow nominal: No. 3 yellow 1.S3 to l.tlr No. 4 yellow 1.47 to 1.41. High. Low. Closs. 1.404 1.11 1.31 1.31 1.34 1.11 Because, Y0O ssc. im the first Placb tu.y CiTTCR MATC THIS 15 tUHAT YOU WANT. YOU'Ci. HAVE. TO HUMT A LONG TlMC fOU SST AMTTUNQ x-TMAT CN HOtO A CANDCC TO Corn January . May Oats January . May .... Pork January May .... Lard January May .... Ribs January May .70 .71 .11 . 42.71 43.40 34.00 24.12 21.70 22.17 23.12 22.10 .41 .61 41.71 42.70 4.00 24.07 25.00 23.17 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Chicago, Dec. 23. Hoga, receipts 4.006; market generally atrong with Saturday's sverage; hulk of ssles 17.30 to 17.11. Csttle, receipts 20.000; market generally 15 to 26 cents higher; cr.lves 21 cents lower. Sheep, receipts 12,000; market 2S to 10 cents higher on fst clssses; feeders strong; ewes, choice and prime, 1.25 to 1.71. DRY GOODS. New Tork, Dec. 23. Cotton goods and yarns today ware firm with trading light. Raw silk wss quiet. Dress goods were quiet with mills making preparations for new offerings of fine goods, Staples were quiet and burlaps unsettled. , COTTON GINNED IN STATE FOR YEARS 1917 AND 18 1117 412.521 454 17,1411 4.342 1 Philadelphia, April 30, 1114. PUBLIC SALE VALADA SPRINGS PROPERTY. I will sell at public aale at the Court Home door, Monday, Jan. I, 1111, at 12 o'clock A. M., ths wall known Valada Springe property. Tho Spring on thla property la one of tho beat known In thla aectlon of tha State and the water therefrom has established medicinal qualitiea. The demand for thla water aasures the purchaser a steady Incoms from the Isle thereof. Spring equipped with sll modern improvements. Including complete sterilizing and bottling plant, concrete spring home. The following Is sn expert snsiyils of this wster: Charles H. Lawsll, Analytical and Consulting Chemist, N. B. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets, II South Tenth Street. Bell Telephone. Mr. D. Baxter Henderson, Charlotte. N. C. Dear Sir: On or about March 3, 1913, I received a five gallon bottle of water from you for analysis and found tha sanitary chemical and total mineral analysis to be as follows: , ... . Paejs to ths Million. Total solids , t 7jg Nitrogen as nitrates .'...'...'.'.'.'.'.WW None .iiiirogen as nitrates None nuroira as irss ammonia 0.04 Nitrogen as albumenold ammonia . aoj Oxygon consuming power m a 61 Temporary naraness ; H 00 Permanent hardness .' WW.' .WW 41 '40 sicium suipnais , 444.10 rmicon uxiae ' qq Calcium carbonate WWW. WW 14 ..40 Sodium sulphate ' ........... W ".'" "" 33 4.1 roiaasium cniorme ; 22 .1 msgneaium carbonate jq Ferric oxids , , , ' 'n Alumlnlo oxide , WW WW WW WW 10 Arsenic, Iodine, bromine, boron, phosphorus sulphides and alaklt'ne carbonates.'..'. None The sanitary analysis alone ahowe the purl'.y and freedom from contamination to bo exceptionally high. (Aa atated In my letter of March 11, 1113), thla water will re main In a permanent condition when bottled and ao far ss the classification Is concerned belongs to the class of sulphsted ssllne waters described In Bulletin II of the Deosrt. ment of Agriculture and correspond! In amount and character of total aollda vary closely w w u. juuubto juwua Dpnnga weier puousnea in tott Bulletin. Very truly yours, ' V , M CHARLES H. LA WALL, Property open for Inapcctlon. J. LAURENCE JONES, Trustee, Washington, Dec, 23. Director Sam L. Rogers, of the census, department of commerce, announces the report of cotton ginned by counties, in North Carolina, for the crops of 1918 and 1917. The quantities are in running bales, counting round as half bales and not including linters. The report follows: County.. 1111. The state 141.515 lexander 1.010 Anaon , , 21.211 Beaufort , I. Ill Bertie 3.311 Bladen 1.220 Cabarrus ....s. 1,752 Camden 1.131 Carteret 1.112 Catawba 1,021 Chatham 1.113 Chowan 3,144 Cleveland 30.025 Columbua 1,214 Craven 4,101 Cumberland 11.014 Davidson 1,0(1 Davie 1,174 Duplin 10,312 Durham Ill Edgecombe 23.320 Franklin 12.477 A SIX AND SIX-TENTHS (6.6 per cent) PER CENT INVESTMENT The "Williamsburg Power Company offers, subject to prior sale, $100, 99.00 worth of First Mortgage SIX PER CENT ten year Cold Bonds in denominations of $500.00, tie interest payable semi-annually January and July. - ( ' , PRICE 90 and accrued interest YEARLY yield 6.6 Per Cent This company owns and operates under, a JO-year franchise for light 'ana power in the city of .Williamsburg, Virginia, and has recently com pleted Its pole line and installation of generators, electrical equipment, etc. I a connection with its light and power business, it also operates both laundry and Ice factory, the former capable of taking care of $2,600.00 ; worth of work a week, and the totat output of the ice factory is ten tons daily, and there is a demand for the latter the entire year. ( i The total value of all real estate, buildings, machinery, equipment, etc ' la (190,000.00, and the estimated earnings from all operations la on an annual basis of four and one-half times the Interest on the bonds. A pro vision has been made to retire any and all bonds at any interest period selected Dy the company at a price of 103 and" Interest.' Tha issuance of . these bonds has been passed upon by the Capital Issues Committee, and tna bonds will be ready. for delivery by January II, ill, '; ; Wire or write the Secretary-Treasurer the amount you desire to pur .chase as bonds will be sold only In the order In which applications are re .. sjviveti, AuurcBS - i . , ilTLUX T, . W1NFREE, Scctxry-Treasurer r ' i , ' " , ViillajMborir, Power Company V ' i lUclunond, Virginia u -ri 1 1 tkif " R i I YOU MM I INSTEAD OP TALKING. Mfc INTO A ; . .S0 a-4 r ..- .'123V DC 3 3-4 K. W. .Westinghouss ' 7 1-2 H. P. Western Eke. Go. v 9 K. W. Card Elec. Co. - ' i. v10 HP. Gen. Elec. '" 3 10K.W.VVestinghouse " . " . i U K. -Wo Gen. Elec. , r . r . Daciy Ccndltbn. , PRICES RIGHT , Greenoboro Supply 'Co.' (Establlshed-1898) GREENSBORO, N. C BUYING PRESSURE FELT DURING MOST OBSESSION !, a New High Levels for Upward Movement Reached in New Orleans Cotton. New Orleans. ' Dec. 23. New high levela were reached In the cotton market today, for the upward movement now under way, buylnc pressure being; felt during the great er part of the aeaslon. Bullish feeling re Carding the apot altuation was the main In fluence at work. At tho highest levels In the early trading contracts were 74 to 108 points up. Around the middle of the day there wss a. reration of from 21 to 50 polnta, but toward tho close the tone stead ied and January made a new high level. where It stood 17 points up. Closing prices were (4 to II points up net. - Weather conditlona over tho belt were reT garded as highly unfavorable and they had their bullish effect on values. The distant months were stronger than the near which had the effect of reducing discounts somewhat. January at Us best touched 21.17 and July 21.(0. Spots wers marked up 17 points to 30.10 for middling. High. Low. Close. January 1I.1T 21-40 March 21.09 ; 27.4S May 27.35 10 July 2 0 26.14 October 23.10 - 23.31 PRINCIPAL ACQUITTED' OF UNLAWFULLY WHIPPING ALL HEARTv "TTTEHOLD SELECT." ; RED CEDAR SHINGLES : r "ELECTROIDV AND "ASF ALTO" RUBBER ROOFING, METAL SHINGLES And Roof Coverings of every description. i CAROLINA PORTLAND CEMENT CO. CHARLESTON, S. C Manufacturers. Distributors lima, 'Cement, Plaster. General Building Materials. ' Delivered prices quoted carload lots or leee aarwhere In the SoutheasL Writ ua, 29.04 27. M 27.05 21.31 23.10 Speolal to The Observer. Ashevllle, Dec. 2S. Thomas H. Franks, principal of Blltmore high school, la acquitted of a charge of un lawfully chastising Seaborn White, one of his pupils, , following charges brought by the boy's father. Mr. Franks admits whipping the boy. who, It is shown, was whipped for fighting with another boy, Franklin Frady. T. U White, the boy's father, had Mr. Franks arrested, and the case . was tried before a magistrate resulting in the acquittal of the teacher. COTTONSEED OIL. New Tork, Dec. 21. Cottonseed oil was dull and nominal. Prim crude 17.10. WILMINGTON TO HAVE LIBERTY SAVJNGS BANK Oast on Oates Greene Halifax .... Harnett . . . Hertford . . . Hoke Iredell Johnston . . Jones Lee .enolr Incoln Martin Mecklenburg Montgomery Moors Nash Northampton Onslow . . . . Oranaje .... ramllco . . . Paanuotank Pepder .... Perquimans Pitt Richmond . . Robeaon . . . Rowan Rutherford . Sampson . . . Scotland . . . Stanly Union Vanes .... Wake .. . . Warren . . . Washington Wayne .' . . . Wilson ... All other . V" 4.311 3.17S . -1.103 21,201 21,411 2.712 14.411 1,141 37.521 4.414 1.257 10,111 5.14S I. 141 11.141 3,741 2,711 17.531 11,101 4.141 -7 3.321 21010 2,631 ' 3,501 17.717 12,147 61.471 1.511 T.45I 20,774 21,217 4.212 11.434 8,101 17,111 1.211 2.313 , 95.131 II. 731 4.0S1 Special to The Observer. Wilmington. Dec. 23 A new flnan- J'lil cial institution is the Liberty Savings' 4,2711 DanK, 10 De locaiea on ouum trviu street. ,ln the heart or tne retail ana market district, where a neat new building has been finished. The cap ital will be ,25,000 paid in, and it will attend strictly to savings ac counts, watching for the day laborer who hasn't had the savings habit, and helping him with his Liberty bond and W. S. S. affairs. Hours will be such as to afford the greatest con venience to the workers, especially shipyard men. Ralph Starrett, gen eral manager of the Carolina ship yard; Thomas E. Cooper, big banker of the city; W. L. Gore, banker of Whsteville, and others of the city are interested. It is said Joseph C. Rourk will be cashier. 6,411 111 I. 0131 1.014 3.131' 2.110 13.104 4,424 3,111 11.117 134 . 1.244 211 15.117 1.171 4.111 2.103 1,171 14,067 11,241 S.077 II. 111 4.421 21.251 2.781 3. SOS 7.437 1.014 4.141 13.013 2,606 . 1.731 14.716 1.114 3,605 451 1.922 2,243 1,611 1.042 13.211 1.341 43.n1 3.712 18 Til 26.511 3,141 15.417 3,307 14.444 7.332 1.810 18.411 14.227 3,431 SEAGATE APPLE TREE HAS CAMELION QUALITIES Special to The Observer. Wilmington, Dee. 2S. Thomas F. Bagley. orchardist of Seagate, a subur ban community, has gathered a sec ond crop of apples from nine trees in his orchards, four of which were literally loaded with bright red ap ples. He states that the trees bear yellow, fruit ordinarily, and in. the regular crop last summer produced yellow. aDDles, whereas the mid-De cember cpopisveryjrei'' NORTH CAROLINA MEN PRISONERS IN GERMANY How Do " j lO I They Walt llUlj ForYOV KKW TORK rOTTOV REPORT." Fort Movement. New. Tork, Dec-21. New Orleans: Mid- dllns 30.50; receipt l.lOt; aales 3,015; stock 450,140. 1 Oslveston: Mlddlln 33.15: receipts 7.745: exports 5,342: sales 1,13; stock 264,610. Mobile: Mlddllnc 21.00; receipt! 130; sales 88; stock 31,147. , Savannah! Middling; 30.00: receipts 2.351: exporte 10,610; aalee 213; stock 262,878. : Charleston: Middling 21.00; receipts 436: stock 88,111. ' Wllmlns-ton: Receipts lis; atock 60,133, Texaa City : Receipts 111; stock 1,117. ' Norfolk'. Middling 11.60; receipts 1,520; sales 711 ; atock is.iss. v Hsltlmoro: Stock 18.004. ' Boston: Mlddllnf 11.50; receipts 45; atock 13,100. - . - Philadelphia! Middling 12.11; stock It, New Tork: Middling 13.1(0; xoports 7,213; Stock 134.TS1. , Minor porta: Stock 1,747, Total today: Receipts 28,114; exports 23,- 120; atocK i.aii.sii. Total for week: Receipta 12,574;- exports 48.111. ' Total fn rseaaon: Receipts 1,411,876; ax ports 1,771,141. ' Ae'. Interior Movoment, - Houston: Middling 11.10; receipts 1 1,44; shipments t ,341: sales 1,183; stock 381,877. Memphis! Middling 10.00: receipts 7.074; shipments 1,144; sales 4,111; stock 812,401. Aufusta: Middling 11.17; recslots 1,284; shipments till sales 710; stock 110,110. 8L Louis: Middling 11.50; receipts 1,143; shipments 1.141; stock 31.141. LHtls Rock: Middling 11.71; receipts 04; shipments 111; sales lilt stock 41.120. fiallae: Middling It.e.l; sales 1.717. Meatgottisryi. Middling 30.00;. sale Total today: Receipts 25.1.11; shipments 11,134; stock 121,117. i , Washington, Dec. 23. A list of sol diers who have been reported pris oners of war In Germany, Issued to day by the war department, Include the following: Reported to be at a hospital: Lieut. Alfred H. Walker, Durham. N. C. At an unknown camp: Corp. Kluts B. Lippard, Maiden, N. C; Purley J. Taylor, Stecoah, N. C: Robin Walker, Weanes Ford, N. C: Samuel Winstead, Spring Hope, N. C, .... 4 I ... NAVAL.'STORE). . Savannah, Os Dec. 23. Turpentine firm, I5U; sales 111; receipts 34; shipments 21; stock 31.172. Rosin Arm: sales 111; receipts 76; ship ments 245: stock 75,111. Quote: B D B V O H 18.80! T 13.65; K 16.70; M 11.15; N1I.2D; WO 11.15; WW 11.76. A Tonic and Health Builder Remove that warning cough or cold with Calcorbs (tho calcium tablet.) They give strength to combat Illness. : lOo boxes at druggists or from ECKMAN LABORATORY. Philadelphia. . Manufacturers of Eckman'a Alterative, Oa' 1 On December 14th we received 200 fresh Horses and Mules. ' For sal or exchange. WarJsworth Sales Stables In tha Business SO -Years".... How about your wife? Does she listen for your home-comiag footsteps and anxiously wonder whether yon are sober or intoxiostedr And , tenrohildrca. Ai you open the door do tncy ran J yon or rs you? There would be no doubt oi your llsdrelooaio home( no doubt of the by of your wife and tittles ones, if eravinf for stronf drink were tone. At Greensboro, N. C, four weeks of the'Keeley Treataseot will brio about this reiult with out suffering, or confinement, or any humiliation to the patient And at Greensboro tho treatment does even moret There U iu atmos phere, a spirit of brotherly sym pathy and comradeship about tha place that meets with wonderful success , in rebuilding ideals and making tba patient fit to take his proper place in the world. IWsiaUtsatoryofaMcasst "I west 4s ses three sssni srs, a liars ss wabkay sal ticaietMa. It toot ) stoat all bit aail-eaiaed bmost at aubfy tkalr dtmansa. I waa i physical wrack aad M- . . BKxt lost anrillr. My semi iscksd mf ' all tee flaw, I wcigasd only 130 las. sua disaotkaewwkat a coos night's rest was. Now, Una rears sHsf lakiat Ike Treat- - BMnt, laaia sletarsol fccaltb, walgklag 16S Iki.. mf aerras are stialy aad I alecs like a child. And greauMtl ut I h) sacs ssms I kappr lace." - Cesersr, M.C March th, mS.--- Ttml-ltrliuHtmtttCrmuktninymikt ssaaUss mud UtHo la'a tkmmdt a A, am iso, Urimti kj ikt Wsl r Wrt Hf ssan. U sea krtmt h tofmn If 'II mb HvtMlkidnm, WrtftyrlmUmutm fmUt mmdlm etnkJn, . Keeley Institute , Greensboro, KoiihCatoUna; WHOasors-ftas. iTJUCasmiogrttnaJi Mechanics Perpetual Building and Loan Association Shares in Force 3$,50O Loans on Chhrlotte Real Estate $1,592,000.00 - When you place a mortgage on your home you want to feel that vour property is in safe hands. You : want to feel sure that your home is notjn danger of be ing sold from under you on slight cause or on the whim . of a grouchy mortagee. V The Mechanics Perpetual Building & Loan Association is noted for its fair and honorable dealing along this line. Foreclosures have been reduced almost to the vanishing - point. - Our September Series No. 72, is the largest Fall 'series ever issued in this city, and it is still growing. Ap plications for, loans are being filed every day. J.H.WEcRN, E. J. CAFFREY, President, Sec and Treas. II For Christmas Make It an Automatic Gas Water Heater ... ... . ' . ' - Not "strictly a pretty gift, not a frilly thingbut some thing really substantialsomething that, every member of the family will enjoy and bless you for seyeraUimes each day. . You'll get pleasure out of it, too every time you shave or wash your hands or bathe; - : v ' . V ' If you want to givea real gift in every sense of the word, have us install an Automatic Gas Water Heater in time I to use Christmas Day. It's i he greatest .convenience i you could possibly give your home, and our extended payment plan makes purchasing decidedly easy. Don't hesitate. Come in to talk it over. Telephone 2700 Southeni Public

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