inA;u ror. ran- c:,-- BY G 3b it . I ni wa Sa-,s - 5 - W i v v. . s EHIHGIMG UP FATHER: f'Miifl: i i 1 I f 1 I 111" If I) , ' "Hi I 'I II I 1 1; m a. a i iik ww r i j lit ai r ii w na s t. sk pnj v l s m l it aw - a nil i irm r-1 1 e i i t m r i i - - -v. J AD rua!fy shows whtn you cooetrts 6r - marvism leoorel wt. C .C. CorUin'ston, , ' Southern Distributer. Charlotte Vulcanizing Company Local distributor. j . Charlotte Dealers . Pyramid Motor. Co. Regent Garage . " bowling Motor Co. Shaw. Vulcanizing Co. IMTKD 8TATRt ' MAn.XOAb ADMIJI. :. f. ISTHATION. i ' W, O. McAthm. nirwUr CMwral ef Railroad. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Th arrival and dsrtur at aaMngr t mini Chariot ta. v Th follewlnit arhdul fluuraa ar tub 1lah4 M Information and art. not tuaraa- KOrtHFIIl KAn.BOAO. i JStaUoa Wait Tra Straat.) Arrlvaa IX parti from. . j, - for 11:40 Atlanla-Blrmlnihara.. . ....... 4:lt 4 Mt waahiovton .............. i .... II :l(a - 4.1Ba Rirhmond I.tlp l-.iiu, Waahlriton. f:tSp - :!5a Atlanta. T:la :ta Columbia :a t:3fa Taylnrarlll '. . ...... . .'. . ,1 :4o .5 Waahlntton .................. I:5p l:2(a Waahlncton ;.,..-,.. .,. I:4lp m iOn nicbmftnd. ............. I:1lp tt:50r. Blrmina-ham-Nair Orleam 'ItJIp lfSB rharloaton-Columbla II :tta I1:49p Vlniton-0alni S.tAa t :4T.n OrfenTl'Ir-Wntmlnatar ., 4:Ilp 4:1Ap OrnEooro-DnTllla !:p :p Atlanta.. llrllp T:tSp A nuiala-Columbta. ............ T:tla :15p Tayloravlll l:0a !5p Now Tork-Waihlntton 1:la -Sip Colombia. .V. :t(p 1:1 Atlanta :(Sa 40p New Orlrant-Atlinta. , 1 n :30a :Dp Wahlnton. , 4:Sa Waahlncton ll:ta rro not run Bnndaf. . SEABOARD AIR LINK RAILROAD. 8tatlao -Warth Trjan Straat) Arlva 4 Daparti from' for I Sla Monro. l:Xa J:1a Rutnrfordton. :lta Rutharfordton T :!6p U;40p Wllmlnton-Rallh I.Ola U:1P "ft'ttmlnaton-ItalelBh. I'.ttp. l;4o- Norfolk-Richmond, :tla, lltlitp Norroik-Ricnmona.. E:llp lj:40p Jurknonvlll ; .'. f :ta Jackaon villa t:8p PIEDMONT ft NORTRTCRX RAIlJtOAD. (HtathiB wait Tra oa street.) T.eavea Laaraa Gaatonla t:na-t:00a 1 1 :a-1 :0p :0p-f:0flp 1:n0p-t:4Sp Charlotte I 90a-10:a ll:0m-J:p 4:p-l:p l:BBp-l):O0p Belmont car connects with all mala Una trains. .NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD, (8. A. U Statloa Marth Tryss BU Arrtvas : ;;;,:," ; ;v " Departs from, " - . for I:4Cp Norfolk.:........,.... t:IM . Tetephas Z. OFFICE SUPPLIES Reliable Goods ' . Reasonable Prices OFFICE SPECIALTY CO. . - , CliarloUe, , C SCRIPPS-B00TH STANDS FOR SATISFACTION - TONKEAV LIGHT Easily turned on, giving plenty of illumination for getting in or out of car, or picking up small articles that have dropped on the floor or running board. r - Osmond Barringer Co. ' Dlstrlhutora- -497 X. Tryon, ; . CliarloUe, S. C THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , Of Charlotte. N: C. : Established in 1865 : caplt 1 , tnn nn Aa Surplus Rod Prollti .. oftrvH0 Aaaata '. . . . ... . . K,oou.U.oo Four Per Cent Inrre , paid on CertiRcatee pf bepoalu.. , Toim sDsixKRn'imi.tnTKb: RTRNttT M. MrADKN. Praklent CEO. W J1RYAN. Vlcr Presldrnt JOHN F. ORR. raahlrr ' f I i I I I dl I 1. H 1 I f "WW-' "I -V f 1 fVI ' H k 1 I r : . i' , SaaBBaB' I . fis.. 51-1 I 1 w-" - i T.ft --?3 W .A kv 1 i ..3 -"NC fX't-O- I - J ' ps" I ATM- -VMk . . J'J V o. I I V- I A'Q ' 1 clothed -io joot - : : , k A Vbi -; ' rWW '' yvw I. 'Aa . j FOR RENT ur Muck h lortctv Ulv wmt'thlnff ueful. Garibaldi ft Brun. JeweU em, 82-24 !r Rent -A large nicely furnished front room la prlv&to home., close in; . 'Phone 2571-W. 312 N. Bre s vard 8t v 2Jtf POULTRY; LIVESTOCK: SEED Vor fcalc Well broken goat.. 805 Huth B 8t 'Phone 1717, 24 100 PIGS FOR KAI.K AT CXJCHRAN & ROS8V 4TH - STREET. "ROM TUESDAY TO FRIDAY. THIS WEEK.. R. M. BRYANT 24-27 Horse and Mute We have ISO horaea and mules for sale or trade. Cochran A Rosa Co., 21 W. Fourth 8tV Oarlotte. N. C lltt Front Proof Cabbajre Plants All va- , rletlea, ready for Immediate ship ment. Prepaid parcel post, 500 for - tl.tO; 1.000 for $2.S0. Express col lect. 600 for $1.26- 1.000 for 12; 5,000 and over $1.75; 10.000 and over 11.50 per thousand. Cosh with order. F. E. Hull, Rock Hill, a '"' C , - . 36tf For Sale 4.000 Keuppcriiomt vines S ito ft. Price 6c. Apply R. A. Drb. Hoffman, N.C. ' 22-2 Boy Beans I can quote you an at. tractive price on Mammoth Yellow ant Tokto seed beans. My long ex perience in growing and handling beans should be advantageous to you. F, P. Latham, Belhaven, N. C. - , eod AGENTS WANTED Wanted Ten thousand agents to sell Tha World War For liberty." Pay , best commission. Send fifteen cents for mailing expenses of outfit. C. H. Robinson It Co., Charlotte. N. C letf WORLD WAR HISTORY Complete authentic, pictorial. Giving . an account of ery phase of the war. Best terms. Write quick for free outfit, or If you prefer the best outfit, which will help you secure double the subscribers, send 25c - postage. R. L. Phillips Publishing Co.. Atlanta. Ga.: Waco. Texas. Ad dress nearest office. 22-24 Imiortant Papers Lost Among them are papers bearing name of R. J. to R. J. Webb. No. 301 East Ave. 23 TRUSSES We now have In our employ an expert Trtias Fitter who glw his time to this work and we ofTer ev erythlng wanted In Trusses. Mall orders a specialty. Jno. S. Blake Drug Co. Charlotte. N. C. Scott, Charnley & .Co. Certified r unite Accountants Selwyn HmrI Building ciUMiOTrn. n. ti. Palmetto Building, Columbia, S. C. TUCKER & LAXTON Contracting Engineer a 100 Really Building Power plants. Waterworks, Fttteia. Dam and Concrete Work. Complete Welding Plant "'ik-,k-'--''4:-':ti::;-v$'-'v---. yWw.-'V;'.', .-.:, ;'. i.: Now in Operation Work Solicited. BurwellAValker Co. 211 So Church St. JAPROBE WEATHER ;: ' : , ;" . v f. ..'..'. 1 .ye-have'a large assort ment. t Get ypur$ while the picking" is good. '-r'i PYRAMID J MOTOR CO. Authorised tialca and Krrvt'.w. 403 V. Tryon alt: '-" Phona zor-i A 1 IT PAYS TO READ AND USE ' OBSE R V E R W A NT ADS ::;o:;-fliri:B3;:BoBTFBBB HELP WANTED MALE. Wanted Knitting machine User on Scott & Williams machines. Ad '' dress Fixer, care Observer. 24-26 W tinted Iron moulders. Also several i good indoor jobs open. Steady work, good- pay. Nine hours per day. Es sential war work. The Cole Manu facturing Co.' 22eod We have paid over one hundred thou sand dollars to people In your state who were sick or hurt. We want good, reliable agents in every town to sell our popular "Monthly Pre mium" accident and health policies. Cash compensation and liberal re newals. Johnson & Adams, South eastern Managers, 371 Southern Bldg., Washington, D. C. eod Wanted-MJne first-class all aronnd carriage and, auto painter. Also one wood workman for Vepalring and truck bodies. State salary and when can commence in first letter. Dub lin Buggy' Co., Dublin. Ga. 23-26 Wanted For law office, capable ste nographer. GosM salary for compe tent service. 'Wjltlng, state experi ence, literary education, etc. Albion Dunn, Greenville. N. C. 23-24 Wanted A barber; $30 a week and half over $40. A. A. Covington, Hamlet, N. C. 21-28 Wanted Two first-class white barbers at once. Good opportunity to make $25 to $35 per week. Write or wire . J. P. Keziah, Monroe, N. C. 21-26 Wanted Millinery manager and buy er for one of Spartanburg's leading department stores. . All year round position, excellent salary, AH com munications will be held In strictest confidence. Address P. O. Box 1191. Charlotte. N. C. . 19tf HEAR THE NEW EDISON AT CRAYTONS OPEN EVENINGS. 217 S6uth Tryon St. Wanted Exncrleneeo knitting mill foreman for nev. mill. Knitting Mill, Red Springs, N. C. T9-28 For those seeking a position, or wish ing to secure a better one, The Ob server's circulation 'reaching thous ands of Arms and corporations tn two states, offers a wonderful field of opportunity. Over 100,000 peo- pie read these ads every day. 25 - words 1 time. 25 wtts; 4 times, 1; 1 week, $1.75. These rates are cash. TWO BOYS WTTH WHEALS WANT ED AT WESTERN UNION. Bookkeeping, shortluind. thoroughly taught; special rates offered. Write " for catalogue.. Address Greensboro Commercial School, Greensboro, N. C. . 22-21 HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted Before making arrange) ments on a business course, you to see us. Hundreds of graduates hold ing responsible positions throughout the city and surrounding, towns. We can prepare you for a good paying position in from three to four months' time. See us. Brown's Business College, 12 South Tryon St. 'Phone 2566. 8-10 Wanted Kxpertcticci expert stenog rapher, who can use dictaphone. Good salary. No beginners need apply. Edward S. Reld. Commer cial Bank Building 1-tf For tliosc seeking a position, or wish ing to secure a better one. The Ob server's circulation reaching tiious ' ands of firms and corporations in two states, offers a wonderfuLfleld ; of opportunity. Over" 100,000 peo , pie read these ads. every .dayr; 25 , words 1 time. 25 cents; 4 times, $1; ii week. $1.75.. These - rates are -cash.--.-- - Wantet: Expeiienecd white woman , 'tailor and seamstress to take charge . uniform room J messenger depart ment Western Union Telegraph . Company. Also colored presser for same work. Apply SO South Tryon street. ' 22-27 Wanted. Experienced .; stenographer: one who is familiar With adding . mncnine , worK arouna cotton mm office preferred, References requir ed. Clinehfleld Manufacturing Co., Marlon. N. C. , , - ... 22-tf EXPERnSN(K MAID WANTED , PHOENIX HOTEL. . , 22-tf T Wonted TwoV exp-rlciiccd white waitresses,, and K ' colored Women dish washers. O'Neill's, next to Y, iM.i C. A S. Tryon, St . , . 26tf Ml4carn at Itottic or school shnrthnnd. bookkeeping' on credit, position guaranteed. Edwards college, Win- ton. N. C," , J - .f- BUSINESS NOTICES' Imbrellas recovprei. 'Wc have gloria tarrcta siiks t. ana z.60. j. win ' Kesterson.'gun and. lock smith. 36 E. Fifth St... It-lf Dr.' ft. l4-vy. Dentist, 1 iv. TiitiU' street. PUoae-4331 HELP WANTED MALE. LABOR WANTED ... BY THE U. S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE FOR THE ALl)MINUM WORKS AT BAD1N. N. C. Permanent inside work, no temporary proposition, and with the exceptional living conditions here makes it a de a-afr sirable location for both white and colored people for a per manent home. For further information, call at your local U. S. Fed eral Labor Bureau regarding the TALLASSEE POWER COMPANY BADIN. N. C. FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS. Land for Sale 450 acres, more or less; 250 acres, more or less strong uplands, and 200 acres, more or less, of fine creek and branch bot toms. All this land lies well; bot toms as fine as can be found any where. A twelve-horse farm now in operation on this land produced this year around 125 bales of cot ton, and around 3.000 bushels of corn. Has on It fipe residence and large barn, and number of tenant houses and outbuildings, together with cotton gin and brick store. Land runs up to Herberts Station and Southern Railway, In Union county. As an investment ,thls prop osition cannot be excelled at seventy-five dollars per acre. Much of this land produces around two bales of cotton per acre. All conveni ences. For price and terms, etc., apply to S. E. Barron, Union, S. C. 22-23 Advertisements under this heading are closely read by people ceoklng Information about farm and timber lands, if you have a farm of any kind that you wish to sell or rent, use an Observer want ad. 26 words. 1 time. 25' cents; 4 - times, $1; 1 week, 11.75. These rates are cash. Large Sunday edition with over 25,000 circulation- FOR SALE BICYCLES. FLYING MERKLE. . RAINI BIO SIX AND ELCO BI CYCLES FOR SALE, 20-INCH SIZES FOR BO Y8. - ? HUTCHISON, SEHORN & HIPP, r ' 24 FOR RALE GOOD 'STOCK OF BI CYCLES, BOYS' SIZES. HUTCHIr SON, SEHORN & HIPP. ' 24 Rod Cedar Shingles In ear lot's only. l-nreci iruin rscim: cuani innin iu dealer. Delivery 30 to 40 days frdm date of order. Write for prices and terms. James M. Cake, Fayetteville, N. C. , 24-2 HEAR THE NEW: EDISON . AT CRAYTONS OPEN EVENINGS. . 217 South Tryon St "' (for Sale Complete moving ; picture outfit In good condition. Powers ! machine. Berrywood Orchestrion. 300 opera chairs, etc. 'Address .las, , A. Estridge, Uastonia, N. C. 21-25 For Sale nt a Barguln Shannon solid construction. 82 compartment filing cabinet. Address Loray Mills, Gas tonla.. N. C. - . 14tf Nitrate of Mods is cheaper titan fomicr isolations and we have the best ; price on Mixed Goods than otnors f offering, we also have a limited .amount Acid Phosphates at .ow prices, also Blood. Fish Tankage, .i Lime 7V per cent Meal Fish Scrap. Tsnkage and' all grades Fertl'izrr i Materials, write us for prices. Southern Brokerage , Co., ' Sumter, Horses and ' Mulee We ' have v 160 horses and mules for tale er trade. , Cochran ft Ross Co., 219-W. Fourth , St. Charlotte. K.. C .' 1 lltf For Snlc Reainurant. crrne In, 1 new. vlow rent. Will sell place and Mease cheap for cssh. Address "Resta'i- . rant," care Observer. ;16tf Kid)er astnmna-rWe ntsKt? them dally. & SiorrjfJpJial.'iJgVNJCL HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED WantcdBy Jnn. 1, S or 4-room heated apiutment. closo in. Give full Particulars regarding location, condition and rent in first letter. Address H. F. P-. care Observer. 23-24 Wanted to buT t once all klndt of stoves and used furniture, m.tttrcss es, rugs, In fact anythlnr; sabtblu Call at 283 B. Trade St. 'Phone 686. Charlotte Stove Co, l.'itf CDiistmas gifts of silver are lasting gifts. Garibaldi & Bruns, Jewelers. 22-2jj Wanted omplctc moving picture outfit with 300 chairs: n0 old-outfit wanted. Moving Picture, BI Springy N. c. -19-2$ VantC4Usoo up-to-date chairs for moving picture houso. Moving Pi- ".KM Springs, w. t.;. , is. xi WantedTo buy poplar i0gs In 1 14 nd 12 ft. lengths. 16 Inches nd I up jn ammeter. InspecteC nd paid for at loading point. -Hill AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS For Kale 1918 model Ford runabout In flrst-class condition. Williams & -: Shelton Co. v,;: -22-24 For Sale Autos: Practically new . Briscoe touring car. run only a few miles in city by lady, 'phone 162. 16-18-20-22 If yon wish to sell or trade your 'onto mebltq or truck, It win pay you to use an Observer want ad. -The Ob server's large circulation reaches Into two states, and produces quick - results. Big Sunday edition with ,over 25,000 circulation! 25 words, 1 time, 25 cents; 4 times, 11; week. xnese i my casn. - 1 - 1 " 1 1 1 i .I i ' i( .. These raves are cash. ror oaie 1 oe o. Sacnnce. ' All new tires. In excellent condition. P. and n. Gar ae. i nu a 1 I)r gcntipinen: , Cigarette cases, belt nuekles. large assortment to select from Garibaldi & Bruns, Jewelers. , - , ..r., .22-24 lVr Sale 10 IS model Ford ronnbout In first-class condition. Williams & Shelton Co.'' " "'' ': '""!V-" ; ' 22-24 For Sale Ford touring CBr usetl. but snort time. Gooa as new. Must De , "old quick.' Call at Stonewall Bll-lia-rd Parlor or 'phone 2866. 22-24 For Hale lv7 model Himp'tonrhiK. Ford touring-, light Ford -truck, J Chalmers touting. 13 Hupmoblle, -podge touring. W'ouid be glad to : have you visit our showroom. Uel Car Department. Charlotte Motor Car Co. , . . " 22-24 ' PERSONALS We win bo pleased to show yon our line of watches. Garibaldi & Bruns. - Jewelers. H-i TEACHERS .WANTED I Tlie Acme Teachers . Agency needs tacher, splendid -salaries, llealy ' B,-at., Atlanta, Ga. - , . J-l , MILBURN, HEISTER & CO. ARCHITECTS , WahinRton. D. C. V- FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE I will offer for sale Tuesday. Deonnber $lst. next., a throe-story brick hotel! nished. steam heat, lights, baths and all modern conveniences, locat ed at Kinston, N. C, best town In the state, twelve thousand Inhabt-1 tants. Easy terms can be had. Apply to J. F. Taylor, Kinston, N. C . ' S-12-29 Suburban home sites. We have a number of the finest sites at Myers Park and Colonial Heights, taken in exchange for other property, which will interest you if you plan to build a home. Also some very beautiful sites of one to ten acres at Mecklenburg Heights adjoining Horn,er School at special prices. We i!so have a number of very attract ive homes already built If you pre fer In some of the best locations. F. C. Abbott & Co. 8 Central business properly has always been a popular investment because of Its steady growth In value as well s Its annual Income from rents. We have a well located property of this class to offer which is now renting for $2,700 per year. The land value Alone will soon be worth the present price including the building. F. C. Abbott & Co., (Academy of Music building.) Telephone 238. 15 For Sale For hotel site or large au tomobile display building, we have the finest location in Charlotte. Ad Joins the Bulck and Overland build ing, opposite the new postofflce, near the Southern depot, and but tlyee blocks from Independence Square. The timo to buy in Char lotte Is now before the coming treat activity in building operations is fully under, way. F.-.C. Abbott & Co. . 8 For Kale Manufacturing or ware house site, near Charlotte, about twenty acres, with long frontage on railroad, with wflrter for steam plant and with electric power lines through the property. F. t?. Abbott & Co. 22-24 EDUCATIONAL. B. W. Edmundsou, teacher of piano and theory of music. Will give lessons at home of pupil. 407 East Fifth St. 'Phone 1199-J. LOST AND FOUND. Ixmt Three keys,- Including postofflce key, on chain, In or near postofflce. 'Phone 3784-W. 24 Bicycle stolen from St. Peter's Epts- copal parish house, Syracuse blcy cle, extra small sprocket, box han dle bars, clincher tire on rear, ce ment tire on front, one mud guard on rear wrapped with wire. $5 re ,ward.i Return to sexton of St. Pe ter's church. !Phone 1553. 24 containing -$5.52, 0h P. & N. car. Monday morning. . Reward if re turned to Observer office. 24 Lost -Gray fr neckpiece between square .and Derlta. Reward for re turn to Mrs. Chrixtenbury at Belk Bros'. ,,...,.,..-, .. . 24-25 Stolen On or about tlie 26th or No vember, on So, train No. 46. out of Atlanta, from my coat, one black leather case, containing some, bank certificates of deposit payable to Mrs. F. J. Orr on Georgia Savings . Bank and Trust Co., Atlanta, Ga., 1 Grant Building; also Shrine card by ' Oasis Temple, and ' Scottish -. Rite certificate and receipt for dues be longing to Patrick H. Orr. The above is worthless to any Others. $50 reward for the return of the l above and , no questions asked, to this paper, Charlotte Observer. ' , ' :; v":: 23-29 Lost Black leather luiitdbug. silver monogram A. C. P. Contained bills, i between $25 and $30, gold pencil. I latch ke, postage stamps and some . papers. Reward for return to Mrs. B, A. Poore, 126 E. Morehead St. 1 ? - ' ' ' ' y- - ' 23-tf Lost Two bluek mules,. Finder V Please notify J. , D.- Brown. 'Phone - County Sill. ' : 21-23 11 i.i.i' Give a nice Diamond Soli tare ring. Same as bank stock. : Garibaldi & Bruns, Jewelers. 13.34 MACHINERY. Wanted To buy second-hand sow. mill. J. P. Stroup," pinevllle. N. C. . 80-25 COFFEES ' Try our 35c "Special'. Equals any 40c Coffee on the market No restrictions on ' sales of sugar how. Can sell anybody all they need. Full line of Rice and Grits. - . C. D. KENNY CO. Phoiies 1591, 1532 . R.L. GOODE v General Cpntraeior, Builder , , Charlotte. N..C " 1 "w i 1' POSITIONS WANTED Single man wants position In bank. : Experienced ledger poster. Can be : gin work: Jan. 1 ,11. A-l refer-, ence furnished. Address A, K. E.. care Observer. -P;?.? ;-. ' hy 1 Wanted Position ' as bookkeeper. Thoroughly competent and experi- ; enced, now employed in bank, but' open for a proposition. Address , "B-J2," care Observer. , -J 24-JO ! i 1 1 1 in , ' i 1 1 1 i Wanted Position to teach home eco nomics, English and primary work.' Address Box 43, Pee Dee, N. C. , - . 24-26 Young lady wants position where an important part of the work Is Just being nice to folks,. and where will: be busy all the time. Experienced In office work and an saleslady. Ad dress "Mary," care Observer. 24-26 - : Lritrge line of ladles' wrtst watchee in all make. Garibaldi & Bruns. ; Jewelers. - ; 22-24 Young lady stenographer desires po sition by first of the year. 'Phone 1384-W. , 21-27 Any city wanting a chief police and pstrolman with unquestionable ref erences, address Z. Y., care Obser ver. 18-24 Wanted Position as shipping ' clerk with large mill, shoe and clothing, or grocery salesman, or as traveling salesman for a reliable wholesale grocery , firm. Have had long; ex perience and can give good refer ence. Shipping Clerk, care Obser-' ver. 19-24 it ' ' Wonderful results ere : produced . by the large ana rar-reacntng circula tion of The Observer, for firms and corporations seeking male or ; fe- male help. Replies can be sent tare The Observer. Large Sunday edition read by more than 100.000 people. 25 words. 1 time. 25 cents; 4 times, $1: 1 week, $1.75. These rates are cash. ; n Wanted Position by young man ex perienced n Dan ana general ou nce work. Have some knowledge of shorthand, s Now employed ' but desire to ohange January 1. Refer-, ences furnished. Address ' F-100. care Observer. , . . . '-?'2 Competent boekkoeper, typist and genera lofflce'man, age 28, married, nine years' experience, open for po sition. Salary expected. $100 a month. Address R. M. PrAtt,, Mor " ven. N. C. : V'V- . ?3-28 Man with ten years' general bonking experience desires a change.' Now assistant cashier of a half million , dollar bank. Can report, after Jan. , 1. Bank, care Observer. ; 23-26 , 1 SALESMEN WANTED MOTOR TRPCK . . , . SALESMEN. -We have openings for 5 high pressure wholesale motor truck salesmen to , Introduce to dealers ; a super-one-ton-truck selling at - phenomenal price of $1,295. A master in per formance, a giant in . strength, a beauty In appearance. We offer a ' splendid opportunity to the right , man. Strong sales o-operatlon and -leads from home office. Salary and expense account, Bonos on sales.- ( Excellent references required. Ad dress AH American Truck Co., 2952, Went cnicago Ave., untcago, m. Wantixl Side line or straight time salesman for N. C. to sell unlver,,, sally used Superior Patented Mail ing Boxes, the box that needs no wrapping or tying, 'ready, foe mall-, ' ing In an instant. Used by opticians ami lewelers throughout the land. - ' Box 545. Memphis, .Tenn. 19-24. SPECIAL NOTICES MILLER SPECIALS CIGARS", Made by the famous Loza no factory at Tampa, are positively without an' equal. Ask the man who smokes , them. Come In boxes of 25. 50 and -100. .,WiU make a Christmas gift worth while. MILLER-VAN NESS CO." - ' - ; HUYLER CANDIES 1 , Ja&. P. Stowe z Co. BC-OAOQ . Y011 rf hvi llonsstrsihthiir . by u;:r quininxpc:.:a:3 which is a Hair Grower 1 falling hair, removes dan l.x . t makes the hair trow r and aBty. Try a fccx s- i 1 ' j satisfied your rnoney .l I 1 -turned. . Price ZSe kjr mall en w' t t at arcoin. Actrfrs r""Tr- r - IXtLIMTO svwv. 4 I ' : mi .) 1 1 Jl

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