SOCIETY ME VS MARGARET KELLY AnrHXETHY. EDITOR. ; : . . " Officers to JJe Honored. One of the, gala "occasions of the : holiday season will, be the Christmas dance at the Southern Manufactur i ere club" Thursday' evening which ' will be complimentary to the officer of , Camp Greene by 'the Charlotte V war camp community service. Bince arrangements were made, by . the v war camp community service- with ' the Southern Manufacturers club to organise an officers club and make v that their club headquarters, numer ous social affairs, with dances pre- i dominating, have been -given by the officer at the club. The dance Thurs l day evening will be the Srst compli , - mentary dance given officers, nd In. v formal invitation la extended, by the j war camp community service to ev , try fllcer t a Camp Green to at ( tend. . f Co-operating with the organisation in making this dance a brilliant sue ' cess are the military officials. Music . is to be furnished by the Fourth Re. v crutt orchestra, Wives of the eom- manding officers of Camp Greene will o patronesses. Mesdaraea Wra. B. . Clayton, Theodore West, and George iieacKs,, compose tne committee on arrangements, acting for the war ? camp commupity service. . . Ltobfesaot Beiiley Arrive Today: f lieutenant Eugene H. Seilley will i arrive home today from Camp Lee, t Petersburg, Va., to spend Christmas TOO fcATO FOB CLASSIFICATION. ; Lost Gold watch lit leather wrist t case. Monogram, L. D. Y. 'Phone 30S8-L-8 for reward. Mrs. L. -D. i Young. , Efird Today, Tuesday, the Final Day of the Big Goat Sale If you have not bought that Coat, today i your chance.' Wonderfully sharp price-cutting has been done to make a clean sweep. See f - " " . ' ' :.. ., . ,.- i - . V - - . - . v. the price cards on each lot telling of the great slaughter. The lot consists df splendid mod els in exceptionally good materials in very de sirable colors, priced at about half the origi nal values. . Only about 65 or 7Q Coats in the lot to close. They should be sold in one hour at the ridiculous price we are offering them. Original prices $18.50 to about $50. , SALE PRICES: -:. -rv',;: 'v'M, v--: ?'0--': : : f : " , $12.95 TO $24.50 with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Eugene 'Reilley, at their home, 17f)0 Euclid avenue. Lieutenant Maurice Reilley, who has been statieped at Camp Grant, near Rockford, III., arrived home Sunday. . Lieutenants Reilley have been mus tered out e aetive service into the United States army reserve. Jack Iea th With Ralph Van Land . Ingham. . v Mr. Jack Heath will spend the holi days with Mr, Ralph Van Landing ham, Jr., at his home on the Plain. Chatham estates. - ' ' ' . Mr. Van Landingbam Is home from the state university. Mr. Heath has been in Norfolk for the past several months, going there to accept a posi tion while the Charlotte university was elosed during the quarantine. Mr. Hnth wnt to Norfolk from Rich" rnond and made the trip home through the country. He stopped by Chapel. Hill for Mr. Van , Lanaing nam l 1 Seabrooks-Wilson Wedding. Miss Carrie J. Wilson and Mr. John T. Seabrooke were nuletly mar tied last evening at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Beabrooks, HIS South Col lege street. Rev. W. J. Smith offi ciated.' . The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W H countv. Wilson, Nef the Mr. an Mrs. Seabrooks command a host of friends in the city and county who will be Interested in the announcement of their marriage. Efird DAILY CALENDAR a r ' . TuwitlaT. 7:4? P- to li ni. Dance at' the Soldiers' club, oa fcoutn. ryon street, for enlisted men. , 8; JO p. m. tq 1 p. m. Officers ot Fifth recruit camp will give dance at the Southern Manufacturers' club. 1 Wednesday. 7:4$ p. m. to 11 p. m. Christmas dinner at the Soldiers' club, on South Tryon street, for enlisted men. -8:30 p. m. The officers at Carrfp Greene will give a dance at the Southern Manufacturers' clab. 1:30 p. ni. Dance at the Red Fes . Club, on South Tryon street, for members and their families an ' . members of the shrine, who are stationed at Camp Greene. Thursday. It -a. m. to m.The Red Cross work rooms in the Mint building. ' on West Trade street, will be open. '. ;-' '.: 3:30 p. m. The Signers' chapter, T. A. R., will meet with Miss Julia . Alexander, at her home on Wst Trade street. 1:30 p. m. to It. The War Cam P ; Community service will give a dance t the Southern Manufac- . turers' club for all the officers stationed at Camp-Greene. , -'Friday. 10 a. m. to X p. m. The Red Cross work rooms in the Mint building, on West Trade street, will be 1 open. ' :' 4 p. m. The Athenae boek elub will meet with Miss Julia Robertson, , atbr homo on West Trade street. . Saturday, p. m. to 11 p. m.-T-Dance at the Soldiers' club on . South t Tryon street, for enlisted men. Mr. Tlllett and Family Return. " Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tlllett and daughter, Miss Laura Tlllett, and Miss Carolyn Baldwin, niece Of Mrs. Tlllett, arrived home yesterday morn ing after a ten days' trip to New York. Mrs. Charles W. Tlllett, Jr., who accompanied them to New York,, continued her trip to Morganton to attend the wedding of her sister. Miss Edith- Calvert Avery, to Lieu tenant Stott Noble. U. 8. A., which takes place Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Tlllett went North especially to set their sons. Captain Charles W. Tlllett, Jr., nd Lieuten ant John Tlllett Mr. Duncan Tlllett. who was In training at the University of North Carolina when the armistice was signed; also joined his parents there and will remain some time longer. While In New York, Mr. and Mrs. Tlllett received a Christmas greet ing from their son, Lieutenant Wil liam Tlllett, who is with the medi cal corps in France. En route home Mr. and Mrs. Tll lett and party stopped over in Washington to see Miss Annie Wall Baldwin, who is engaged in vmr work. Steel Creek Boy Lands in New York, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Marshall, of Steel Creek, received a message yes terday from their son, William Lewis Marshall, saying1 that he had landed in New York. Mr. Marshall' was with the Thirtieth 'division, 115th Machine Gun, Company B. Mr Marshall haB been confined to a hospital in Eng land suffering from wounds received in action. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall are hoping that their son will reach home in time for Christmas. . ' e. -. Mr. and Mrs. Tull Here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Tull, of Atlanta, arrived in the city last night from Waynesville to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Fowler, the latter a sister of Mrs. Tull, at their borne on West avenue. Mr. Tull's mother, Mrs. John Tull, formerly of Morganton and Waynes ville, dled-4n Georgetown, 8. p., at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walker, last Thursday and the funeral and interment took place in Waynes ville Sunday. For some time past Mrs. Tull had made her home with her son, Mr. Joseph M. Tull, and Mrs. Tul lin Atlanta. She had been in declining health for the past year and six weeks ago underwent a serious operation in Atlanta. There was little hope.ot her recovery from the be ginning and the - operation was per formed as a last resort. i e Miss Robertson Hostess. The Athenae book club will meet with Miss Julia Robertson, at her home on West Trade street, Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. . - i Renoverliur Front Influents.. Mrs. F. M. Ward and members of her family are recovering rapidly af ter being confined to their home for two weeks with influenza. :...;,.:"' Mrs. Jones and Children Arrive. Mrs. Jo. Jones and children, Jo, Jr., and Blandina, arrived in the city Sunday night from Columbia, a. C, to spend the holidays with Mrs- Jones' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Springs, at their home on South boulevard. PHworth. Mr. Jones will arrive for Christmas- -' ' ' ' Banco in Honor of Visitors. Miss Margaret Maxwell and Mr, Worth Maxwell have issued cards to a dance which they will give at Fox's studio Friday evening at 8:30 o'clock in honor of their guosts, Miss Helen Lesemann, of Charleston. 8. C, who will arrive in the city Thursday; Mr. Vaughn Connelly, of Washington, who also arrives Thursday, and Mr. Shel ton Sossamon, of Harts vlllo, S. C, who arrived seyeral days ago. , ; . i Georgia Visitors. . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Price, of Ma con, Ga., arrived in the city yesterday to spend Christmas with Mr. Price's mother, Mrs. M. 3, Price, at her home 1800 EJlit&beth avenue. ., Guest of Mr. and Mrs. Trott.r. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Sidney At Vcrson and little daughter, Margaret Wayne, of Greenville, 8. C, will ar rive in the city today to spend Christ mas with Mrs. Alverson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. F.i Tr0", "4 their hom on'; Elizabeth avenue, IClPOJiTArjT UUKS Hygiene, rest, pyre air, sunshine and a well-Nanced diet, plus , SCOTT'S EMQJILSQOT to Improvo the Hood-quality. Increase .body-weight and build up resistance, ore mporfanf Hnk$ in the logical treatment of in cipient pulmonary affections, Tq a child or adult with a tendency to weak lunjs or tender throat, Scott ' brings a wealth of rich tontc-nourohrnsnt A little Of Sctt'$ Emnhfrn today nay o yon world ot god toBterrev. - Scott ft Bswac, BtestSele, If . J.'-tMl LltMit-nunt Tucker CUM for Bravery. La-' : t,t Fred O. Tucker, son of Mrs. U'. H. Tucker and brother of Dr. John Hill Tucker and Misses Julia and Maria Tucker, of thia city, who is with the 20Ui aero squadron, WhiJh was attached to the First army corn, was one nut of 10 men and oiTicers in four bombing .squadrons cited for conspicuous bravery and ex- ceptional devotion to duty. - i Lieutenant .Tucker's squadron was in the raids at Argonne forest and par ticipated in every raid from Septem ber until the signing of the armistice. Lieutenant Tucker commands hun dreds of friends throughout the state who will be keenly interested in the honor that was awarded him. . -- ' Will Spend ChrlsUnns (n Albemarle. ' Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Clay Townsend, of New York, and Mrs. Townsend's sister, Miss Rosebud Hearne, who have been In South America for the past year or longer have arrived in the states and will spend Christmas WjtH Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Mearne, par ents of Mrs. Townsend and Miss Hearne, at Albemarle. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend will also have with them their daughters, Miss Helen Hearne, who is a trained nurse in Richmond, Va., Mrs. S. H. Trlplett. and family of Pine Bluff, Ark., and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Myron Hennlng and son, Richard Townsend, of South Carolina. ' v ' Mrs, Henn,Ing is also a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hearne. Ii Honqr of Miss Yorke. Captain W. B. Clayton and Mrs. Clayton, of Alabama, will entertain at dinner at the Selwyn hotel tomor row evening followed by a box party at the theater in honor of Miss Mar garet Yorke; the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Yorke, who Is home from St. Mary's at Raleigh to spend the holidays. -'The guests will include: Miss Yorke, Miss Ellen Victor,-Captain Hartmfin, Lieutenant Drake and Mr. and Mrs. Yorke. , - t . Home From New York. Mrs. Henry B. Fowler and younger daughter, Miss Margaret Fowler, have returned home after a week's trip to New York. 1 . e Spend Christmas hi Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones will leave today for Durham to tpend Christmas with Mrs. Jones' parents, j Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Erwin. j Signers' Chapter Meets Thursday. The Signers' chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet with Miss Julia Alexander, at her home on West Trade street, Thurs day afternoon at 3:30 o'clock- Mrs. B. D. Heath, who is a national officer, will be a special guest of the afternoon. Mrs. Heath will make a talk on her work as director general In charge of report to the Smithson ian institution. , . . e J Doctor Thompson Returns to Cily. Dr. Raymond Thompson returned to the city yesterday after a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. a. Thompson, in Lumberton. e Mr. Cramer Homo for Holidays. Mr. George Bennett Cramer has ar rived home from the AsheviHe high school to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart W. Cramer. Mr. Johnson Goes Home. Mr. Robert C. Johnson, who has re cently recuperated after a serious ill ness with influenza and pneumonia, has gone to his home In Camden. S. C to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson. Mr. Johnson will re turn to the city the first of the year to resume his position as bookkeeper at the First National bank. Holiday Guests. Mrs. M. E. Berry and daughter, Miss Margaret Berry, have as their guests during the holidays the following rela tives. Dr. Kent J. Brown, of the facul ty of the University of North Carolina, and Mrs. Brown, and Miss Harriet M. Berry, of Chapel Hl, who is in charge of the office of Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Hyde Pratt, state geol ogist, while he Is overseas. Major John Berry, commander of one of the convalescent Hospitals over seas, is the only member of the family who will not be present for Chrlst- Miss Reynolds to Roekinghuni. Miss Maude Reynolds. who is connected with the office of Clerk of Court C. C. Moore, will leave this afternoon for Rockingham to spend Christmas with her parents. e Willi Mr. and Mrs. Haekney. Mrs. L. C. Lazenby and Miss Pearl MUleY, of Lancaster, 8. C, have ar rived in the city to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hackney, the latter their Bister, at their borne on East Seventh street. , . . , e i i Will Attend Ambassador Page's Funeral. Miss Mary Catherine Thomson left yesterday for Aberdeen to at tend the funeral today of Ambassa dor Walter Mines Page. Miss Thomson is a niece of Mrs. Page. Miss Parker Goes North. Miss Helen Parker left Sunday night for Medina, N. Y., to visit Mrs. Spencer Wheadon. Miss Park er stopped over in Washington Sun day with Lieutenant Ernest Conrad Wunsch and Mrs. Wunsch. Lieuten ant and Mrs. Wunsch, who have been In Washington, ori a bridal trip, will leave there today for Detroit to visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wunsqh. , Here for Holidays. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Plckler and little son, Edgar L. Jr., of Green ville, S. C, have. arrived in the city to spend Christmas with Mrs. Pick- ler's mother, Mrs. jh. u. -uanune, at her nome on &gutn Tryon street, Mr. and Mrs. Plckler will also visit the former's sister, Mrs. E. H, Cox, at her home on North Cedar street. Spending Christmas in Salisbury. Mrs. Kenneth R. Trotter accom panied by her little daughter, Betty, left several days ago for Salisbury to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D, Davis. Mr. Trot ter will leave tonight to join his family. ' . - .. Mrs. MeJvin Will Visit MoUier. Mrs. Robert Melvin and children will Jeave tomorrow morning to visit her mother, Mrs. J. A. Talbert. near Mooresville. Mrs, Melvin expects to be away a week. Lieutenant Andrews Home. : Lieutenant William P. Andrews ar rived home last night from New York to spend Christmas with his Barents. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. An draws, at their home on East More- head street. . v Lieutenant Andrews is military in structor in the University of New York and has only a few days' leave, He hopes soon to be mustered out antt will then resume his studies at tne university or wortn Carolina., Kf member Uie Hospital Wards. ' Mrs. E. B. Laird, chairman of the Jiase hospital committee for the war camp community service, . suggests that ail the organizations who have adopted wards remember the pa tionta-' p. .i, . ,,,..,.,, VIl "r. autl Sirs. CtJe.. Mr. and Mrs. 'L. C. Young and little daughter. iliUred, and Mr. M. Doni ger, of New York, have arrived in the city to spend Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cole, the latter a sifter of Mrs. Youns, at their home , on Kingston avenue, Dilworth. ' Captain A. C. Cole and Mrs. Cole, who have been on an extended visit to their son, Mr. H. C. Cole, and Mrs. Cole, left last week for Monroe to spend eome tirrie with their daughter, Mrs. W. 6. Blakeney. - Mr. Crutchflcld Continues 111. Miss Anne D. Crutch field is still at Thomasville, where she was called on account of the critical Illness of her brfither. atr. B; F. Crutchfleld, who has pleurisy and pneumonia, 7 MUl Spend Clirlstiuas Here. Mr, and Mrs. Sanford strange, of Portsmouth. Va., have arrived in the city . to spend Christmas with rela tives and friends. EXTENDING THE. POUND OF BUTTER BY BIDDY BYE. With best table butter ranging In price from 55 to 75 cents a pound the housewife is often unable to provide even, enough for table use without slighting other items in the weekly food budget. . A way has been found to extend the pound of butter by one-half, by churning it with milk. Of course the food value is not equal to a pound and a half of solid butter, and usual ly the family requires larger helpings of the extended butter so that it does not save quite halt a pound of butter but it does save at least a third of a pound. - . The method is thlsr Mix' 1-2 teaspoonful of salt with 1 pint of whole milk. Set the small churn containing the milk in a pan of very warm but not hot water. Add the salt and put in the butter cut in very thin slices. When the butter is very soft but not melted take the churn out jof the warm water and beat the contents until the butter has absorbed the milk.' Three minutes' beating should be sufficient. Then set the Charlotte's Most Modern Movie Theatre. TODAY i Mrs. Charlie Chaplin (Mildred Harm) in "For . Husbands Only" ei STRAND For, Last Minute Shoppers A 2 By Way of Diversion He wished a gift for mother, so he bought a handkerchief. And then he thought of brother, so he bought a handkerchief, Aunt Nancy next came to h's mjnd1. He looked and looked some gift to find, And after awhile "he went it blind" and bought a handkerchief, For Grandpa Brown, the dear old soul, he bought a handkerchief, For Cousin Bill he picked his roll, and bought a handkerchief, And when he started home that night, his heart was tilled with real delight, He knewthefd dene his shopping right. He'd bought ten handkerchiefs. v .....--. .-- - - r r w F V . - - Special HolidsFtir Sale We yesterday received a shipment of several thousand dollars worth of new fur pieces, including animal shapes, icarvea and cap , ertecu. This is most Opportune for last minute shopping1, coming as " it does just at the time when one's thoughts are confused as to Just -what to give.' These are all guaranteed furs and represent exceptional bargains at the prices pdaoed upon the separate pieces. Black Narobta Lynx Animal Shapes.. .. ...,,.$11.50 to I39.BO ; Taupe and Brown Wolf Animal Shapes..,,.. . . .tiS.OO Cross Fox Animal Shapes . , , ,., . .,,.9X7.80 and up Etc., Etc., Etc, Etc., Ete. , - ; . l Y n churn'-in .a Van tit cold v.., r ' bfat .the butter two mini' s J ' I Remove the butter. Line a ;i, - ; lonjc cake pan or glass bmur d .-.-a with waxed paper and pack in ti,e butter. Set In a cold place to harden. : .For cooking substitute other fats for butter. Buy beef tallow from the butcher and carefully save all meat trimmings. Put the tallow and fat through a food chopper and melt over boiling water. When melted pour off into Jars or molds. When melted fats are strong In flavor sweeten by boiling with milk, allowing a cupful to pound.' Pieces of pharcoal boiled with fat also tend to sweeten them. When the strong taste has been reduced as much as possible flavor the melted fat with onion, ' bayleaves, thyme, sage, etc., and use for cooking only. . Detective Owens' Children Better. The two young sons of Detective and Mrs. J. F. Owens, of South Graham street, are improving after a serious Illness, one whh bronchial pneumonia and the other with influenza. At one time the life of the child ill with pneumonia was almost despaired of. OTTOWAY ,: Today v Special Attraction "THE CAVELL CASE" With JULIA ARTHUR as EDITH CAVELL Admission . . .....SSe Never' Was a More Elaborate Holiday Program Arranged Than the First Half Commencing Today Matinee. Two Matinees Christmas Day, 2 and 4 P. M. Seat Sale for Reservations on Sal Today First Matinee Re served HoHdayPrlces. ED SLIM, BLANCHE KLAISS AND PHILSSAJE The Celebrated Lively Trio NED OORK" NORTON And His Joyland Girls A Journey of Joy in a Pallia an MACK SENNET COMEDY "Blighted Lovo" FATTMA A COMPANY Presenting Egyptian Dances rags iiEiairroN and JACK KENNEDY The Blackface Snappy Turtle J.L...1..U..U.HII'.. WJ u JJ '. ALFRED PARREL A CO. The Picture Man and Picture Girls. i 1 11 ' " i i B. F. KEITH VAFDEVILLE "Bast by Test" : , i ft "tit 'V - . is . fDI 11 rA ml i "SELl IT fOUE5S: : ... r i . V , j If 0 i ' mtn-r4 mm t is j Price oc owe, 5o,, Ia.J Seat Sale JBeatty'a Drug Store. , HERE AGAIN TODAY ONJLY THE ONE AND ONLY Charlie Chaplin IN . Shoulder Apm See Charlie Get Even With the "cooties" and capture the kaiser. . ' At the '- - v'-! BROADWAY WHEN YOU SEE IT IN v THE CHARLOTTE pBSERVEB ITS SO. A1 Few Things Easy to Buy . At the Last if. Minute Bath Robe Towel Sets :;X House Slippera Toilet et (ilovea Hosiery Neckvear T. 1 i Furs " -7 Stationery NeckUea Silk Underwear ; BondoirCaps Pillow Tops t Etc., Etp. ' P v n 1 i040iii - - !