i 7 ... . . ..'., :Tq-, z:). ... Wadesboro. -Eaa. $0.--Ur.!on serv ices of all the local churches were held at the Methodist church la evening to welcome Rev. E. It; Velcn - and fainily- Into the religious' lire of the town. The service were presifl er oved by Rev. W. H. RediV.Kh, of the Baptist church. Rev. B. M. Walton, of the Episcopal church, read, the scriptures; Rev. John Jordan Woug laga, of the Preabyterlan church, of fered the 'opening prayer. Addressee of a -brief welcoming 1 nature were made toy Rev. Messrs. Douglass, Wal ton and Reddish. A very appreciat ive response was then made by Rot. JB. W. Welch, i ' -v Solos were rendered by MfYMary Kennedy Little and Mrs. H. wj Little. The spring term et school opened here this morning. :-." - " There are several new oases of "flu" in town, but It seems to be of a milder type than formerly. . No quarantine is anticipated. - '' A ' f Dr. May hard, a popula physician ef tnis place, mho has received recently an honorable, discharge ' from - the army, has ,. returned to resume ; hit practice. . ' ': - f . '- Lieutenant and Mrs. R. a Pruette have returned from Charlotte, where they spent Christmas with' his pa rents. Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Pruettee The Blewltt falls electriJ ferry, which was out. ofHuDH !w hrdluu which was at one tlme.out of com mission, has resumed operation. , -: Thomas Emmanuel, of the Blalock Allen Automobile company, - was taken ta tlCospltal last evening suf fering with Spanish Influenaa. ' " '. : - r.u:t: . v''s GERMAN AVIATOR TELLS OF. DOWNING ROOSEVELT Donhauser Is Plaining Trip to V - , America and types to Be J . .. come American Aviator. Y t ' ' - '''-"'.A . ' ' j -. ,With the American Army of Occu- . . pation, Saturdayt Dee. 21. (By the Associated Press.) Christian Don hauser, V youthful German aviator, -', who claims to have defeated Lieu ' tenant Juentln , Roosevelt v1 In th righting iv the air in the. region, of Chamery, which resulted in the death " of young Roosevelt, today s told the correspondent that the day following 1 the combat his commander Informed V) him the American he haa downed . was Roosevelt. Immediately, after- ward ! German aviators began ar ranging the details for the funeral of . Lieutenant Roosevelt - Before the, war Donhauser was an . aviator, although now he Is "only 23 'years of age, He Is the smallest of the German aviators, weighing only f 14 pounds. Boon ator the 'War be "', gan ha entered the wfvle as an ob , server, serving on various fronts, but V . principally on those In France and rf , Belgium; He began pursuit flyinfe r July 1 and between thai tima and the day. the armUtloe, was signed he had to hit credit to planes, ddwned. He wears the iron cross and other German decorations. The aviator is credited with 12 planes downed- In eleven consecutive. days, . Donhaunkr's home is Hamburg. Al though atltl the ; German army, Donhauser is fanning a trip to the United States. Nrthermor he says he hopes eventually to tak oot f American citizenship papers and Join the -American a viatic n forces, f UNITED tTATRM KATT.nOAI . AMUS- , v 1STRATMK. - I IT. O. MeAAna, Dliveter Bref f RallM, I , RAILROAD SCHEDULES The arrival end 4ptrtltn of pauangte trains Charlotte. Tbo followln pchiMlul , fUrures Sro pus. llKhad Information an a r not (USraa , orTnTit KAitnoati. , (StetUa tVsst Tm Strest.) ; Arrlvoe , y.s - Dsrts ll:4a AtUnta-Wrlnfhni.,.,...,. 4:1 4:la Wmh!tYlon....v...,....i,..,.llria j t wahifttgn.,.,.,wi,,.;,:.sv:ia. t a Atlanta i.. .,.,...,...,. T-tps' i i.oiTODnr,.,i, S:na ' !: Tlor(i'ttlO.......,..'...r,..1r4p t:4ta Waahlmrten :lta t:tia Wathinttoa .................. l:4lo J0:a Iteimnd. ........ 4-l I1:f. Bminham-Vw Orleans.. ..; !: 1I:S difltn-Cnlsmbla, .... . (. . . II 11:40 Wlnstnn-ea1fS .......r..'. tt4i 1rnvt')-Wtrtlritor..:...,'.. 4 ls , !inp OrMnaoore-Danville. ,.'..,,... '!: Atlanta. .......t1-ls " t:M Asirs-r!lm Wa. ....... i tM . f :tla :!:! Tayloturllle. . ,.,..,',, ? l:!lo Now Tn-l(.Waahlntoa..4.....liM . l-p fnlwfnbla. ............. ...ri.. 4:IK9 :0 Atlanta ....................... Ua' t:4p Now Orleans-Atlanta., .,...,.V:!a tr . T niiui.Hi., ........... v:j.a Waahlncton. tliia ir no tnn linnday. j ' eaboahi aih i.rft nn.soAfi. 1 . (Statloa KeHh Tryon atroot.) ' .- Artvoe .. ;" , v, .i.Oopatts ..'from - - '0 c,J, . 'I, .. for l:6a Mnnroo.. (a is-io nthrvrn, ...... im l:1tV Msthorfordtns.; ..,.. l-tlf ll:4t 'Wllm'ntn-fllih. 11 Wlmlnetm.Saloili.4.t,f,(i.' So ll:4i . Norfotk-lBhmnnd,V..i...,. ll:10p Nnrtolk-Rlchmond... ..,.,.., j:Jip ll:4p Jaekaonvllla. ..,,... ....... t:la . J"konnil.T. ..... ...... i b rncDwoxT Noainr.nx kait.voadv - (SUtiea Wee Trade fMrcet) Monotonia .. Vv " V;' 'v :J ' '' Charlolt :;: 1 :0a-t:a ';;-' ' a"f V Vyfe l:Ma-1! ''. Il:sa-l: .r.r:;-?MH l;m-l: l:ftp-l:p r , 4p-:ep i:op-:p .. "?-!,..:.- :op-M:p Belmont r eonnoets ita all main lino train, ' - ' - Kuarvi.H kouthkh WAii.no.n. te. a. la Met Ma ji Merle e M.I ,v:-:v-- Popart . from-.-.,-"- v for 5 ' FOR REXT. . .. : l-room house, 1121 aVTth'8t - furnished . . .i..f 15.90 l-room house, SOS N, College ' -' 8U with furnace . (0.10 d-room house 411 N. Cbllege . ; :... Street . . .. ... . . . . ..,, , . 14.00 fl-room house, 609' B. Ave 27.10 6-room house 201 B. 11th, St. 28.00 6-room house; 12 B. 4th 8L , 12.50 Storeroom 217 N. Tryon. St., 10.00 Storeroom 101 Tryon Sc., 10.00 Storeroom e07 E. Trade St . '' 10.00 j. Arthur temkusoN Real Estato and Fire lnnnin4n. W84t N. Tryon 'St. . , f Phone 880 "' "r':-. v '" t "-; On . Peoember i4th we' received 200 fresh Koines and Mules, For sale or exchange. Vtuworth Sale ZtiV.zt In' the Buslnofi (Q Tears" TUCUEU & LAXTOiN Ccntractinj Er.btiv fit Bealty TulMIrt ' I'ower 1 lantn. Wterwor, flUoia" Pun and Concrete Work. ' it.- .on. I . itr Oarage, .-. (-1. li-2.4 iNori-1 i i-31 Tryon. L":t U .O.VrLsr.J r :.,.."". r::f:l i- 'y new, run 1. t an t.iii n.. end brand new tires - all around. . 1 argaln to quick buyer. Dall Over- land Co. , . .. Haynce Llfht El, five-passenger, newly painted and new top, first ; 'class - mechanical condition. . The price Is rlht Dajl Overland Co. For Rule Caick tourlTj HIT IIup- mobue tourinc. good as new Brlsooe touring; Empire touring; Dodge touring. Used. Car Department, Charlotte Motor Car Company. '-..- tl-Il For Sale Ono Ford light , delivery. Barga. h. Morrow, 217-881 N. Tryon. : . . V 11-11 If yon wish to sell or trade roar auto moblls or truck. It will pay yon to k us an Observer want ad. The Ob- -server's largo - circulation reaches . into two states, and produces quick results. Big 'Sunday edition with ; over 2S.006 . circulation; ti words, 1 time, 2S MfiUi 4,tlnves. tl; week. .$l.T5. These rates are cash.; - Liffht Four roadster.- WU1 sell for, ,$110 to a quick buyer- Dail Over land Co5 ' . . For Sale Model lilt Cole Mt,wjiowly painted, cord tires, taew motor. In first-class eondltlonr seven-passen-ger. H. L. Morrow, 117-221 North I Tryon 8t. v 2-!l For Sale naynos f-cyllndef, T-pae- .'. senger . demonstrator, in flrst-clats i shape. 'Only slightly ued. Liberal i discount allowed on this car. H. L , Morrow, '227-221 North Tryon. . . .n-i Willys-Knight touring in .guaranteed meehanicaT condition and newly - painted. Act quick- if you want a . peach of a used car with the fa- mous WUIys-Kfllght engine. Dall Overland C. - V . For Sale One-ton truck-. Pneumatic tires on' front, solid .on rear. r Klee . trie lights and starter. A bargain. Has never been used. H. L. Mor f ow, 127-121 N. Tryon Kt. 11-11 For Sato Model It 18, e-cyllnder, 7 , passenger Reo, used slightly as demenstrator. Will sell at a dis count made' dealers on these earn. . Studebaker Oarage. 227221 North ' Tryon VvVf , y "-. v 11-11 For Solo Model 19 la, 4-cyllndcr, 7 . passenger Studebaker, used slightly as demonstrator. ' Will give a liberal discount on this car. Studebaker Garage. 117-221 North Tryon. 21-11 FOR SALE. two 2-ton Republic Trucks. One' 2-ton Federal Truck. One 2-ton International Truck Have been in use two to six months only, in excellent con ditionVery, attractive : price for quick sale. , ' . , For information, 606 Trust Bldg., or Phone 2862 ' 4 ' " , ' 294 COIiUMBIA BHAXD TYPEWRITER RlBROlfS t- Reinfection Gnaranteed OFFICE SPECIALTY CO. ;:vCllrktto,' X. C.. :;:,-r.. Dividend Nb. 107 First National ; Bank, of Charlotte, lyl tp. l5The&rcctoiof:this Baipk have ordered a semi-annual Dividend of Six Dollars per share to be paid to the'stock holders on ; Jan. 2d, 1919. r : , , ;johnf:orr, ; Cathier.' ; j 'h Scott, Chamley & Co. . Certlnra rjbllc Acmunlania . Selwyn Hotel halMing CllAltl1TK. X. . r ' Palmetto Building Columbia, S. C, finnnfi r a Oil nam fWelaki-rRoiek You caa hav straight hair quik:mx pczx h ich la n Italr Grower and ntcpa falling hair, removal dandruff and makes the hair grow Ion aoft and sIHiy. Try box al it not satined your money te re turned. - - rlee 23c by ftnati ea roealot of stairp'a - or coin.'. . ..'-'.' a-..t tvKTti 1 ;Yv::::r j ann.sirro a.,., ... . , itra,sis. the cuARif . 1 : o; sivxn 11 a ta. I ' U WAITED Wanted To lease hotel In growing town. Address r. O. Box 1266. Charlotte, N. .C. . - . . 11 Highest prices paid for furs and skins. Write for price list. Burnstein Fur Co., Spartanburg, S. C. ?-10-1 TCanted-A ased handpower address ing machine. Send particulars and best cash price to -Farm Power Co., Salisbury, NC , v ; ,a!M To lease or rent small hotel or first , c)ass boarding house, furnished, : near 8. C line. Write Mrs. 8. A. B., WUkesboro, K. C 21-1 Wanted To bay ' good second-hand adding machine cheap. W. 8. Mil ; ler A Son, Lenoir. N. C ' , tl-11 VCttt Kmw A mmmJt M.Ik - 1 - WJ.. is right. Medium sixe. -R. ii. hou- set, iwannapoiia. n. v. ; . Will bay a small slsed safe. IVet'a hear from yon what you have. R. i M. HouseU Kannapolis, N. C. - 21-1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE For Sale- 8-room residence close In. , on wide, prominent street and car i line. House has slate roof, elecfrtc . lights, nloely papered, nice bath room. Price f 1,7 60. J. & Murphy A Co. , , ' 11-1 For Hale fl-room rdsldence; nicely pa pered and screened throughout, nice electric fixtures, cement 'walk to business bart of city. Special bar gain, tl,S00. J. E. Murphy V Co. :-K:x':-. -:.n- . 'A ll-l For Sale a-room residence, dose In, on ear Una, nicely papered through out, steam heat, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, corner lot. Owner lives in -another city. Price 17.100. - J. E. Murphy ft Co. ' . 11-a For Sale 4-room bungalow on 5orUi Tryon street House only, been. built ;-, short time, in splendid condition. t modern conveniences, papered, elec tric lights, earner lot. nice garage and woodhouse. Price $3,700. J. E. Murphy ft -Co.. 11-2 FARMS AND TIMBER LANDS. For Sale Farm, ISu acres within miles of center of Charlotte'. Nice eight-room ' residence. . large nice i barn and outbuildlnaa Owner leav- ' Ing State. See us for special price. ' i. E. Mufphy ft Co. . 21-2 For Sale 1,000 acre of land In Bla- rayetteviue nignway, wnite's creek township. 100 acres of this land .under cultivation. This la flnajand and the best bargain you will ever make. Price J10 per Acre. ' Address .Box 44. Elisabethtown, N. a 11 AdvertiMMncnM under this .heading . are closely' read by people, seeking Information about farm and timber lands. If you have a farm of any kind that you wish to sell or. rent, use an Observer want ad. 21 words, . 1 time,- 29 cents; '4 times. 11: 1 week, fl.7t. These rates are cash. ' Large Sunday edition', with over I 21.000 etrculatlon. . 1 s For Sale 0-acre farm; 10 acres cleared, four good tenant houses. - one 11 -room dwelling. In bright to Observer. ' 21-1 YOUR FARM SUBDIVIDED AND SOLD AT AUC TION WILL- BRING MORE MONEY THAN. IF SOLD AS A WHOLE. WRITE US TODAY IF YOU HAVE A FARM TO SELL CAROLINA REALTY COMPANY, RALEIGH, N.C 29-4 Sirnogrnpher Wanted Permanent po- sltien In business offlce In North 4" Carolina tewn of eight thousand people. : Give references when you - answer. Address D. U S.", car Ob ' server. . . - . ; ll-l Wanted Bffore making . arrange ments en a business course, you to ee tls.. Hundred of graduates hold ing responsible positions throughout the city and surrounding towns. Everybody endorses Brown's Busi ness College,' 12 Souttt Tryon et . 'Phone IMI.;'-i-i'.-.--sv-W'!".V:. 21-11-2 Cook wanted at onoe. Either expcrl ' ' enced woman or boy, Room fur nished on place. .'Phone 2221-J or A;.:i4ia. k k' , tl- Wanted Experienced atenographcr; one who i familiar with adding - machine work around cotton mill ' offlce preferred. References requir ed. Cllnchfleld Manufacturing Co., i Marlon. N. C.-Mr:t'xvr, 22-tf V ii ii i .'j,. ... .. .. ft ,. . KM..,,,. EXrEniKTfCED MAID WANTED k PHOENIX HOTEL. 22-tf WnnteOVpyo ; ' experienced , r wht waitress and i colored women dish washers. O'Nslll's.. next to -T. M. aJU Tn(pn Bt V . .2tf "Learn at home or school shorthand, bookkeeping on .? credit Y Position guaranteed, Sdwarda college. ".Wirt ston, K. t4; y Aw t-l For those seeking a position, mr wish ing to secure a better one, The Ob server's circulation reaching thous ands of Arms and corporations tn two states, offer a wonderful field of ooportunhy. Over 160,000 peo. pie read the ads every day.' 21 word 1 timer 25 cents; 4 tlm;, 11; 1 week. $1.78. Theso rates art can. , j . CHARLES C. HOOK ARCHITECT ",. '-v .Charlotte, tfl C, ; I0T Trust XMg. Telephone Its TTlUSSESr : W novr" ha in our employ an expert Tntns Fitter who a-iv hi time to this work and we otter et erythin wanted In Trusce 1.;! erflra a sneHallv. Jr.o. S. Eb!:5 Dxuz Co. !'. C.i.-.2 Wm C ':...'" EE HELP WANTED MALE. HELP WANTED MALE. 1 LABOR WANTED . ' . BY THE - - ... - , ' . ; U.S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE , : , FOR THE ' " ; . ALUMINUM WORKS AT - ' BADIN, N. C ' ' Permanent Inside work, no temporaxy proposition, and with the exceptional living conditions here makes it a de slrable location for both white and colored people for & per manent home. ' . , : . ' For further information, call atiyour local U. S. Fed , eral Labor Bureau regarding the - ' TALLASSEE POWER COMPANY , . . BADIN, N. C . WANTED YOUNG MAN FAMILIAR WITH CQTTON MILL WASTES ' ::''" v;ij.-,'V'-'ivv?:'iv'" ''''';f?''i?f t'';,': ' A Philadelphia Corporation of high standing contem plates opening an office in a Southern cotton mill center and will require the services of an energetic young man who is ' ... ' . . v , ."'. ' ' thoroughly familiar with cotton mill wastes of all classes and by whom purchased ind for what uses. This is an opportu nity for a young man who is well posted on grades and prices and whose record is clean. He would have -full charge of the office .we will establish and meritorious work would bring : -" :-- , . .; .' v .... .... ... .. ,...:. ........,'... steady advancement. . ' Applications will be treated strictly onfidential. s State - 4in in your reply your present and or single. Upon receipt of application we will arrange for ai personal interview. State clearly your mail or telegraphic addressl; Send yourapplication addressed as follows: .' . ' '1- ' " ;; .v .' ' - ' -' . ' . - ' , ' ' . : 1 . - .'... ;.illr;',,:f..).-e,; ' . '' ' ?. ' . . '.-.. . ':.. . , '''.; " Cotton Waite, P. O. Box 1592, Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANTED MALE. WantedMachine man on Mattlson lathe. Address White Furniture Co.. : lactone, N. C. a ; J 25-21-11 WanUxl Flrst-oIa.w job printer. Good working conditions. If not a real printer, do not apply. . The Pied mont Prlntery, Charlotte. N, C. tf Wanted Two ; mnhj stcnoKraphcra. Salary 1100 per month:. Quarter master, Remnant Dept., Aux 204, ' Camp Orecne, N. C. 'Phone 27. Wanted An e porlcncfd man ' to ' . travel on road, buying hides., An honest man. , Apply with full par ticular! to. Box 245, Columbia, 8. C. ll-t Bookkeeping, shorthand, thoroughly taught: special rates offered. Writ for catalogue. Address Greensboro .'Commercial School, - Greensboro, K. C. '. Wanted Young man with good cdu ' cation, experienced as bookkeeper, stenographer and collector, desires position.; Best references. ' Address ' K. T. W., care Observer. t , eod Wanted Experienced battery man. . Must give good reference, be sober : and Industrious. - H. I Morrow1. 227 , North Tryon. , tf-11 Wanted Carpenters,. Brick- masons, Laborers. Work to 'last' ' all . Winter. '. "Good ' wages. Patillo Bros., Build ers, Gastonia, NG ' . ; " . . 29.31 Wanted Experienced office man want position wher ability will ' be recoaniced. Now employed. I Ten' years' experience. ;"S," . Care Observer. 4t two dots wmt' wnEEi wajtj. ,B0 AT WESTERN UNION, v . Wanted At onoo. rcgiflcred Crvtrrf' capable of managing buxtness. Ad - dress Box 518, Wlnaton-Salem, N. C. ,'io-i f.::u:unrit iii3TEn & co. ArXluTZCTS' TO READ AND USE WANT past employment, age, married FOR RENT For Rent Completely furnlslied six room house, modern improvements, car line, large lot with garage and ' outbuildings, till April 1. . W. J.; car Observer. 21-1 Wantivl in TtntRv fnmllv nt X small furnished apartment. Address juox T4, city. - r tl For lie nt Two rooma nicely furnish ' ed, steam heat 127 W, Morehead. Phone 2472-W. . 10-11 For Rent Furnished room, without board, to married couple or settled girls. Apply 215 West Bland fit. fy : f,;:,.. .,.-, Ul.''-i;': 21-10-11 For Rent Six-room, furntehed, steam heated apartment in Manning apartment on McDowell St. .One v room reserved. 'Phone 1584-J. H. Ii, Morrow. 2921 For Rent Nice country home seven v miles out on macadam road. Five acres of land, large poultry yard. ; hog lot and cow pasture, barn, ga- rag, storehouse and water connec tions, gas lights and bath. 'Apply 624 Jackson Ave.. Charlotte. 29-4 FOR RENT. Furnished. . , , 8 rooms, N. Tryon St. ; , 6-room bungalow with furnace, Pied- . mont. t7nfurnlHhed. 0 rooms, 2 baths, near Central Ave. , 1 rooms. South Boulevard. -., -I rooms, W. Vance St., $25. 4 rooms, T10 E, 1th 8t,.-$12.$0. 4 rooms, South Tryon 8t. . - j . ' Rental Dept. American Trust XIo.r T. M. Abbott, Mgr. Telephones 3024 . and 2411-J. ' 29-tf AGENJS WANTED WORLD WAR HISTORY." Complete, pictorial, authentic. Giving an account of every phase of the " war. - Best terms. Write-quick for free outnt, or if. you prerr best ut fit. which will help secure -doubt subscribers, send 15c- IX: 1 rhil- .. Up Publishing Co., Atlanta, Ga.; - Waco, Texas, . Address, nearest of- fleg.srv'rv -U-:-, . . 21-21 Wanted Ten thousand osents to sell -Th World War For Liberty." Pay ' ' bent commlfsslon.' Bend fifteen cents ' for mailing exoenses of outfit. C. If. s Itoblnson A Co., Charlotte. N. C lltf BUSINESS 0PPO8TUNlTltt If yon hnvo money buy more Liberty uonas rrom u. u you neea money, ', w'll buy Liberty Bonds from you. Goldsmith Co., 112 Est 9th, N. V. . C. Reference, Commonwealth Hunk.' 4 N. T, C. Send bonn by registered , mall. .Uooklet free. ' 81-9 ADS 1 1 ;-.--:;:f..ll POSITIONS WANTED Wanted-rPcrmanont position In of fice by young lady , with knowledge of bookkeeping. Address "M. J.," care Observer. 11-2 Wanted Position as bookkeeper. Thoroughly competent and expert fenced, now employed In bank, but open for a proposition. Address rB-92," care Observer, :,.;:;;MI Wantod Position at bookkeeper or traveling, salesman. - Experienced both lines. C& nfurnish best of ref erence. Address X. C. care Obser ver.', u :' -v ;:,''. 11-1 Wanted A posiUonMn a supply house as shipping clerk or stock clerk by married man 10 year of age. Best of reference. Address B. L. W., care ' Observer.:- ,:J' '-';:i'29-l Wanted Position as salesman : In . men's furnishing store. . Several years' experience. ; Now employed. Can give reference. ' Address R. L. Lewis, Rocky Mount, N. C : 29-5 Competent teacher with experience and success In primary department will consider work after Jan. 1, '19. First grsde or kindergarten pre f erred.. References. Address Teach er, care Observer, vi-vs;? 29-10 WTifwlTViaf Hr.tl mm m.tHil tn In.f I tutlon. Experience and testimonials. . Aaaress "Matron,-' care uoaerver. T 28-10 Wanted Position by young lady, either., stenographic , or clerical work, 'Phone 2431. 27-1 Position wanted by young . lady who can do stenographic or clerical -'work. Address L. A. B care Ob- - server. , , ' 3i'2 MACHINERY. MOTORS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 3 PHASE 60 CCLE 220, 440 or 550 VOLT ONE H. P. to 3b H. P. , ELECTRIC SUPPLY . AND EQUIPMENT COMPANY 220 WEST FIRST ST. CHARLOTTE, NL C , PHONE 3647 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES POULTRY; LIVESTOCK; SEED For Salr -New Cyphers Incubator, 144 eggs, only set twice. Cost 187, check for 225 gets It. P. W. Esk- ' ridge, Rutherfordton, N. C. 27-81 Frost Proof Cabbage Plant? All va rietles, ready for Immediate ship ment Prepaid parcel post, 600 for 81,60; 1,000 for 82.60. Express col lect. 600 for 11.26 r 1,000 foV 82; ; 1,000 and over -11.75 10,000- and . over 11.60 per thousand. Cash With order, . K., Ituii, ock mil, u. !tf , For Sale 4,000 rcuppernnng vines S to 8 ft.' Price c. Apply K. A. ; Perc.y Hoffman, N.C j : 82-3 Horses anil Mnles We have ISO horses and mules for sal or trad. Cochran & Ross Co.. 219 W. Fourth St. Charlotte. N. C. IStf L T. LEWIS, K. R. LEWIS. 1. V. M. 1. V. M. DRS. LEWIS & LEWIS Gradnate Veterinarians 'Phoitea 1007-24B3-J. Onioe 235 E. Trade St. UVE STOCK SALE. For Sale There will.be offered for sale at public auc tion to the. highest bidder, at Remount Depot, ' Camp Greene, Charlotte, N. C, Jan uary Seventh (Jan. 7th) 1919, one thousand and fifty head surplus Government horses ana mules. . , These animals were, bought by- United States Government for overseas service. The Gov ernment now has no use for this stock and it must be sold. There will be offere4 at sale six hundred and fifty splendid mules and four hundred good riding, s driving and . -draft horses. Among horses are,$ev-enty-five brood mares. Stock will be offered singly, ia pairs or in car lots. . Arrangements have been made- with R.R; transportation: agent to "have cars'pjace in readiness at Re-" mpunt Defjot loading pens to receive. animals bought in car lots.',Salp3!wiIl be held under shelter. leather, halter goes with each animal sold. Lunch will be available ; on , ground during, sale.1' 'Terms of sale: Cash1 or v certified check.. This is a wonderful opportunity, to secure number one . - stock 'at unusual prices. For further in formation; communicate with Quartermaster," Remount De pot, Camp Greene; N. C. ' ' ; COD M il t Lost Lnrro tm i t CJ P. i'inder 'pho,; Stolen 1917 nimlel 1. 1 i on Deo. 21, between 9 ; i from in front of IM. ; License No. 42.111. t painted; paint didn't t top, special dimmer 1 crank handle bent, glu? c curtain. Liberal reward c return. Heriot CJatKson. tr Lost Lady's finger ring, r aiamonai, uoerai rewrri , turned to Nat G. Walker, I. ck 8. C, - , ' - . Lost Money f by noc tradinjr t:. : Piedmont 'Iron and , Metal 5 Cum pany, W are paying hlrhert price for your Junk. - 'Phone 889. 21(-tf t Lost Black leather handbag, s!2 r monogram A. C. P. Contained bi , between 121 and 130, gold pen ,U latch key. postage stamps and roiHe papera Reward for' return to Alife. , 1 B. A. Poor. 124 E. Morehead S) " i'.-.fc''.,k- yics :V.:x 4 i'-, 23-t BUSINESS NOTICES v . Commencing Jan. x, 1919, we will gin : cotton every day in the week until , i-i further notice. Union Seed and , : ; FertUlker o.f 64 S W. 9th; 8t, I i eod . Notloe Mr. Israel Schwnrta has nr ii rived from the North. He Is in the . market for scrap iron, rags, brass, V paying the highest price at present. I Piedmont Iron A Metal Co. 'Phone' 88.8.. . . --w?' -"f; -vs. eod Flvo-pioco Ja Orchestra can furnish music for alt occasions. Manager E. H. Stow. 701 E. 7th St. 'Phone 2691-J. v. . -w w :: ".rKi " fry 11-3' ; Umbrellas recovered. We bave gloria : taffeu silks ft. 19 and 12.60. J. Will' Kesterson, gun and lock smith. It E. Fifth-St. - 11-tf Dr. K. Ivy. I)cntlt, t & Trade sirert. FOR SALE For Sale Poplar lumber,:, boards log run. Can furnish two to three ear. Make best offer; ; H. M. Powell, Fair , Bluff. N. C.y'xJr-yjij vy 29-t- Hlffh-class S. C. Rhode Island Red cockerels for sale. 'Phone. 8227. - 11-11 For Rule One three-ton rf eight ele ' vator, in flrst-clas. condition, hand power, H. P. Enrd, Oakboro. N. C-, ' eod For Sale L. C. Smith No. 8 typewrit i er, practically new. 'Phone 1171-J. , - 11 For Sale Bicycle ut good condition, '$6. 'Phone Al Thomas. 117-J. a 81 " 1 i . ' i "" " "". ""i 1 For Kale Two carloads of dogwood shuttle Umbers Address Sam Msy hew, Davidson. N. C; :a ' i, 31-4 For Sale Otie horse drawn funeral . hearse, practically good 4s new . ' Cost $310 when new. Will sell for . 1150. Address Dillon Hardware Co., Dillon, S. C. . '' 80-81 Oysters delivered to your station by , express for $2.80 per gal. Shell oys ters, . 14.50 to 84 per bbL 0, . F. Wainwrlght.' Portsmouth, Vw : eod For Sale Ono or the oldest and best established grocery stores In Char- -. lotto. Keeping a clean stock of goods, "with nice fixture. located on j one of the main streets in the up- -town business section. Owners go ing in other business. Reason for selling. Address Grocery Busines,". care Observer. . y 2-St Red Cedar Shingles In car low only. - Direct from Pacific coast mills to dealer. Delivery 30 to 40 day from , date of order. Write for prices .and terms. James M. Cake, Fayetteville. N. C. . , 14-1 For Sule at a Bargain Shannon solid . construction, 32 compartment filing cabinet Address Loray Mills, Gas tonia. N C. X'yU-C', - -lltf - Nitrate of Soda is cheaper than to-raer qaotatlons and ' we have the best . price on Mixed Goods that others - offering, we also have a limited amount Acid Phosphate at low prices, also Blood. Fhth Tankage, Lime 7H per cent Meal Fish crp. Tankage, and all grades Fertilizer Materials, write us , for prices. Southern Brokerage Co.. Sumter, . 8. C. . . . IStf Horses and Males Wa have I S3 ,. horses and mules for sale or trade.' Cochran A Ross Co., Ill W. Fourth 8t. Charlotte. N. C , - i v , lltf For Sale Restanrant close In. new. ' low rent Will sell place and lease. ; cheap tor cash- Address "Restau rant, car Observer,;'!'.' . lltf Rubber Ktamp We rnnae them dally. H. S Rtorr Co.; Rstejgh. N C SALESMEN WANTED, Help sell onr salesmen's mussed sam ples, embroidery, trlmmlns. collars, novelties. Very low; The Lace Plac 8 Oreen St., Cincinnati. O. , ; er Wanted Fxperleneed, polished h: ' -man for general store, centralis cated, cien atore and stock. -Or industrious, competent sober r need apply. Give full part'" ..) . "Box 804, Raeford. N. C. , 18-31 Wanted An experlenerd ' roul r- ; . salesman. Give reff-renee and expe rience Box 80!. Kaleiph, K. C. , TEACHERS WAITED Tli ' Acme Teachers' Agency r- s ' teachers, aplendld salarlea I.pi!" ' Bldg.. Atlanta. J-li : SPECIAL IIOTICuS NEW TEAR'S DAY. YI"-: -, January 1, we will close at us o'clock .fl p nv) to take lnve tory. . Please accept 4ur thank.-j ar t ap preciation for the favors a r 1 co v operation you have given us n-1, -.-i the past, and "assuring you of ev possible courtpwv during 1919. I..L.- LER-VAN NEi53 CO. CG."i " I!.. ..J . '. Trv'onr 85c "SDeclal"! J 40c Coffee on iho market, j. No restrictions on til-M now. can sell anybody s i t Full line of F1- p' i C D;, I---,. . liior-s 4 i;M, 1 t r uuyl:: f. i-.A'

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