I...J LwvrJ OOlfetAl n&niemtnt make the security ef deposits natter of first consideration and to thla end the re "' sources ef the Bank ere carefully guarded by pro- , denee and conaervatltm. Thla (act makes a strong bank. I Coupled .witli strength our Officers and Board of, Dirertors make good service tha backbone of our banking policy. With $ v ample equipment and organization, thla Bank la In a position to aervo an Individuals and flrma requiring safe banking and good service, . - v .' Now in Operation Work Solicited. Burwell-Walker Co. 211 So Church St.. J v, J w U u k . w f T r ?cr Ccr.t PtiJ en Tcne DcpcrlU if Left Threa Months crLezcsr. . 4 Tex cent P33 Per Anmsa on Sarin;?, Gxn?ouncd f Qrterlj. ? ; L..J : . . - end . Vort ! New Imt' , ilw .4 Hntloml Bank Established In the Year 1871. ' - - . ' CHARLOTTE, N. C Winter Opening. Jan. 2 and 3, 1919 ; f . fteeoWe t make Ills the EPOCHAL year ef your life by preparing for tb bit f . " epportunlttos that peace and UNPARALLELED, prosperity are ertaUng. I- Bookkeeping-, Shorthand. Touch Trpew ritlnf. Penmanship and the Englifh subject , tenant by SPECIALISTS. - - " ; Come to eee u or request new Journal and Catalogue. Srerybedr endorsee- 7 ' I.. t ii Caarietee, Jf. C. Baleich, X. C. WHEN YOU SEE IT ItfTHl? CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, IT'S SO. LAPROBE WEATHER We have a large assort ment. Get yours while the "picking", is good. ... PYRAMID MOTOR CO. Authorised Salea and Service. 403 N. Try on St. ' Phono tott Space of Independence Trust Co. uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!::sii 5 R. L. GOODE General Contractor " and Builder Charlotte, N. C. Wf -y.eti 1 V'4 4 J. ' if, r 1, ' ' v'' '5' ''v'''; If Your Day ; , Could be made twenty-five hours long, Jiow would you spend the extra hour? .Would you waste it or use it wisely?. :lv;:Jf yourUry.was nisoda dollar a day, what would you do with, the extra dollar? Could you hold on to all of it any part of it? Try it. Open a Sayings Account .ft ; and see how much you can save every day. v 4 Anew Interest Quarter begins at this Bank on January 1st. All deposits v pilde on or before January 5th, bear interest from'January 1st at 4 per cent com- 'pounded quarterly. - K Pick die Class You Vill Join in Our Christmas Club WE HAVE EIGHT HERE ARE TflREE: : T;f Start with 5c; increase 5c each week save $63.75. 7 -- - :'-if;i':Start'with 2c increase 2c each weeksave $25.50'. ... ' t Start with $i deposit $i each week save $50.00. ' ' ; t - Our Christmas Savings Club opened December -,l 6th and will close, on ' February. 1st, 1919.' Come in and get full details. '1 N I Charlotte, Capital . . . . I Surplus and Profits I Resources 7 t Organized June 2, 1908. ' I - North Tarolina 1 $ 100,000.00 $ 163,937.70 $2,400,000,001 J5 ft I OFFICERS: ; 1 T. W. WADE . . . Chairfnah of Board F. D.sALEXANDER. . 1 H. M. VICTOR . . . r . . ; President D: P. TILLETT . . . : i - A. G. TROTTER ... ... .Assistant Cashier " . . . -. - 1 " . " DIRECTORS: ... .Vice President . ........ Cashier r ! F. D." ALEXANDER !1 J.W.CONWAY PETER 3. GILCHRIST E. D. LATTA, Jr. H. M. VICTOR T. W.'WAt)E ' tent We cordially Invite your'busipess and assure you in, advance, of every -courtesy and accotnmction'consis-v I with safe Banking, and also of the active ccKperation of efficient officers in the discussion ana handling of I problems that may arise in your business. The year. 1919 will, undoubtedly, present new conditions to the:la-;f - a- UVi WI f I HI 1419 ?UTUiJ UVVVUIU MJ If Vil (W W WV tl IUMVI1UU. VI MlUUUIUViUI VI UIIU H W HH HV VUI VU91VIUW4? I I to call on us for such assistance and advice as we are able to offer. We feel free and unbiased in the offer of fi I - these services as we have nothing to sell and no 'means of profit ; except the judicious investment 'of funds in v ; I loans to customers upon whose' prosperity our success is dependent ' , 1 r I I ' We advise the holding of Liberty Bonds by both large and small owners. They pay '41-4 percent and are I I always good collateral for loans at lowest rate of interest. Thus they are an excellent investment while idle, prac-; . S tically cash as anyone can borrow 90 per cent of face value at any time at inside rates. They are tax free up to ; $30,000.00. ' ' ' -v" v i' s ' ' - - " I I , Every transaction with this Bank is handled confidentially. . " . i 1 We are deeply grateful to our' customers for .their patronage and support'during. 1948 and invite the oppor- -; I nnitv trf;hnw mir annrefiatifin. . , v S " . . ' . T r I ....... ' , ..... . ' ' ' . .. American Trust Co. ' " " v . , , . , - t v ' ' , Member Federal Kcecrve System 4 ' '?' ; Charlotte,' N. Cl . s . , : ' f-- Ccpital, Surplua and Undiaed Profit!.. .. . . 050,000.00' .Tc'::I.Rource..;-.. J .',;'r ... . ; . .V . . . : .$500,000.00'- : ,,'.t-r;.v..f.;v..:v. ' , 1 ' WOlU 1L WOOD, Pmkteot. ' ' ' ' CrcnCE STLriLCXS, V; Frw, - 1 I'oimKNn? K llKMBY, Seerrtary ' " r-vivn ! tm,.- - a- ' ' WHITIAM K,TruHt Odlcer . f -. - .. Ktot-ij ml IkMHl lVtgriitt'nt-t-"vTt-tTTnrrt-wy'y r rn r,trmt n y. B. OWBEJf K - I ; We enter the New Year with pride in the conduct of, and faith :Jm ihe future prosperity , of, our citrr county, v I State and nation. . .. .. r V ; y ; 1 - v i . Until the financing of the war is' completed we urge all savers to use their funds in finishing" paying for Lib- 1 1 ,' erty Bonds and in buying War Sayings Stamps which, pay better tha(i Bank savings and are equally-as available. i J : . ' ,To those who wish to open savings accounts we invite your deposits. $.1 .00 will start an, accountin this de- 1 J,ed everythree months, which wilLbft' available to, you next Christmas or any other .time when needed. j ,v f J 7 ,.. i iilMiiliitiiiiititiitiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiimiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiliiillal.................r: llllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIHllliiliiililiiiMMillilimimnn"m"mMiiHiniiini ,.i..m.......m.............. : iiiiiiiiiMiillllJllillllll THE LAST CHANCE IN 1918 in tenure) nartlf matured aharea. We rave a check to one of the moat tun- ceaaful business concerns tn Charlotte for $11,400.00 the other day. This was for matured stock. These people think for themselves and saw wood while many others sleep, or, If not asleep, are busy cussing or criticising i BANK STOCKS MILL STOCKS SUBJECT SAL13, WE OFFER: 23 American Trust Company 20 Peoples Bank & Trust v - ' 10 First National Bank everything and everybodyi The war hurt their business, out they-bought Liberty Bonds, worked in every campaign and didn't forget oi nejilevt to buy aharea In the Old Mutual while they cut out, luxuries and economized. Thafa fine and wise citizenship. SO weeka old to Jan. 1st, 4, 10, S, 13. & and 20 shares at ; 11.75 per share St weeka old to Jan, Jat, 10 and 6 fhare at .,.,....w.48.B0 per ahare ' WHY NOT SAVE the entrance fee and secure the profit already earned; on above -without cost? Ii't that good arithmetic for you if such appeal to the best bankers, manufacturers, professional men and Individuals of. all classes 1n Charlotte man . T1IAT8 THE WAY X - - It strikes me, but many .little fellows are ao big and mighty they n't afford to deal with a small B. & L. Association with a subscribed capital of over SMj millions of Uncle Barn's good dollara ' 1 . ; 1 a muuun YOU'LL HAVE. TO nUIUlt . - ' ' , if you get any of these. New aharea going every hour to. those busy bees who expect to have honey in the sweet by Ana" by while you're, moping about a fuming and a fussing and going down hjil.1 NEW SERIES NOW HEADY.' I'UONE tH ' - . X5 SOUTH TRYON ST. 200 Woodslde 7 per cent pfd. ' 100 Aragon 7 per cent pfd. ISO Victor Monaghan 7 per cent pfd. 10 Atherton Mill. SO Marlon Mlg, Co. . 60 CHnchfield Mill 100 Marlboro Mill ' . 30 Loray Milt JO, 15 ray Mill pfd. -2 J Manchester Mill Sn Altavista Mill 100 Washington pfd. , 260 Washington common : 100 Judson MU1 pfd. ' 260 Buck Creek pfd. 100 Chadwlck-Hoekina 20 Elba Mfsf., Co. ' " . . 20 Apartment Realty ' . . ' 25' PalHsades Realty Co. ; , 100 Alaiiien Mill BOiNDS SUBJECT SUPPLY, WE WANT: v North Carolina SUte .6s North Carolina State 4b : v Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. - ' - 'Independence Trust Co. . -' Chadwlck-Hosktns, pfd. Highland-Park pfd. Cannon Mfg. Co. v Cabarrus Mill .- . -. Salisbury Mill v Mooresvllla Mill'' ' x F. W. Poe Mfg. ' . i-'Ti Florence , , J-.well Mill ' . 1 . f Brown Mfg. . . . Limestone ' Union Buffalo 1st! Union Buffalo, 2nd. ' . ' Flint Mill ' . Arlington ' .'--;'.,: -' Grey Mf(f. - Climax Fpltinlng Cora Mill Bibb Mfg.y 11.000, $8,000 Real KsT. -Mnrtgnge. " I . Dlll!"r x - ' ; ' ' f.c. ALoiTC: Co::.v.:iy ' Tweu'v-one years'-cxpcrlcnrc In t ',3 f '1. l'lret lloor Tnsst LUlj. "

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