us: i r1 r I o 3" 03 (L If In Our House 1: . -Off 4. Quick' action is what we want and must have in this sale. It will only last a few days. j,'-..-. c a lie him f ' InrnmrtMitawt 34 i5. Tiy6nSt ' Ttj Cwh Caih Pay Alterations Mads at Actual Cost. ; Hi 1 )I"H ill.bll Was Ons of -Kost' Prominent Women of City and Stats. Funeral at Late Residence This Afternoon- Club Membert to Attend in a Body. Mrs. Margaret I Barrlnger, wife of the late General Rufua Barrlnger, and one of the moat prominent wo men of this city and state, died sud denly yesterday morning at 7:S0 o'clock at her home, 411 North Tryon street Mrs. Barrlnger apparently was In her usual health when she re tired Bunday night Yesterday morn ing, however, she complained of feel ing badly. Her sister. Miss Lily Long, left the room to summon a physician. Returning, she found Mrs. Barrlnger was unconscious. She died ' a . few minutes later. .; ! v;? The funeral will take place this af ternoon at J:J0 o'clock, at Second Presbyterian ehurch. Dr. A. f A. Mc- Geachy, tha pastor, - wilt officiate. Pallbearer were chosen as fol lows: Col. A. J.. Smith J. H. Wearn, W. H. f witty, William An derson, H. M. McAden, H. M. Victor, J. M. Bheppard and George M. Phifer. Interment will be in Elmwood ceme tery. . -u ... ' . :. Members of the stonewall Jackson for Wenknem After Grip or t nflnenaa take GROVE'S TA8TELES8 chill TONTfi. which ! ilmnhf IROK and ; QUININE suspended in ' syrup.: So pleasant even unuaren nice it. zou can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorat ing jsineci. euo. ..; v - xues PHOTOGRAPHS - FOR - CUTS (Interior or Exterior) j ; ; Ont-of-Towa Work Solicited W. T. UNSDAY CHARLOTTE, If. a 108 S. Tryon St Phone 1794 r. : V tsci- v. "I r.ieet at tlie norne oi - .. : . , ! : r. Ar:f..a 'L. Alexander. 410 North C. I -;:. , . 1 ryca urett. this afternoon - at 3:15 ..ra. 1 . i .. , c . a t o'clock to ati -d the funeral in a cr ar 1 f-.u j i licit? a boiy. All trier. .bers of Mecklenburg and L!:v Lor, v. - r...i tiit-sr home chapter, Paul h'ere American Revolu-1 with Mrs.- Larrl.. r; Mrs. Jo-n 1J. tlon. are reouested to meet ai ine . smiuui, or eummeri,n. v a., ana l. . homt of th Mcererent. jurs. n. m. Lor.S. Of Falrvic .v iQlKISKillE T0CJTGTI1 u3. 45 Arrangement f'ada Whereby Passengers From South Can Make-Closs Connection, ' Miller, Jr., 408 North Tryon street, this afternoon at 8:11 o'clock, to at tend the funeral. Mrs. Barrlnger was a leader In the religious and socfal life of both Char lotte and , North Carolina. She was one of the first members of the Sec ond Presbyterian church. When she Joined that church, it . had only 43 members. From the beginning of her membership, she took an active and devoted Interest in church work and age did Hot bar her in her religious endeavors. Mrs. Barrlnger was - a member of the United Daughters of tha CnntmHnp.v. and the Daughters Of the American Revolution. She was I In consequence of communication a life-long honorary first vice presi-1 between the ; chamber of commerce dent . of Stonewall Jackson chapter, and officials of the Southern Railway United Daughters of the Confederacy, system. Southern train No.' 4, tor She was a member of ; ' Mecklenburg Statesville, due to here each chapter. Daughters of the American afternoon at 1:40 o'clockr, will he Revolution. She had attended many held until the arrival of. Southern of the state meetings of these two or- train No. .48, from Spartanburg and ganlsatlons and at these she always . Greenville, at 1:4$, o'clock In the figured prominently, her counsel be afternoon provided there, are pas Ing sought and her Advice being glad- eengers on train No. 48 en route to ly received. -Mrs. Barrlnger also was points between Charlotte and States a member of the Virginia Dare Book.ville,' Secretary - E. N. Farrls, of the club. , ' '- chamber, announced yesterday. - Mrs. Barrlnger, who was in her M In the past train No.' 14 has left IZnd year, was born in Hillsboro. this here Just five minutes hefore the state. August 18, 188T. She was a arrival of train .No. 46 from Spar daughter of the late Dr. Osmond T. -tanburg. Complaints had been made Long and Mrs. Helen Webb Long. The that numerous passengers wished to Barrlnger family resided in Hlllsboro &o on to Statesvllle and because of for five generations. Mrs. Barrlnger the fact.. that the Statesvllle s train great-great grandfather . was James left five minutes before the 'arrival Hogg, a member of the continental of train No 46. passengers have been congress. He came to this country forced to-"lay ever" here for .what from Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1774. General' Rufua -Barrlnger, to 'whom Mrs. Barrlnger was married Seotem- haa been considered a unnecessary length of tlme. , . i ; . Another feature ' of - this . . .new iSrwo-'Kihedule, Mr. Farrls Dointed out Is B;wn"ih. sur-;r;rr Mnrai ant fAt MM fc wu one ncction with .the tram f or Ashevtlle, state. General Barrlnger was one of , SfMi; ' keo?C ,iu the first elders of the Second Presby- . c"y h k ft whi terlan church. His forebears eame ; ' vWben from Germany and settled in Cabar-1 PMifers- ar-. on Ualn No. 48 en rn countv ' " route for points north of here, the ru WUOIJ. . .. . .- I nttstHlla train wilt luvi nn aihB,1. General ; and Mrs. Barrlnger xame to Charlotte to make .their home af ter, marriage! While their home, was being erected, they resided at the old Central hotel and later In the. home now,' occupied by D. P. Hutchinson. Since its erection. 43 years ago, Mrs. Barrlnger was occupied the residence at 411 North Tryon street Surviving Mrs. Barrlnger is a son, Osmond L. Barrlnger, and two. step- Statesville train will leave on sched ule time. Did You Do It? ) . ' That deal you ' were going to put over sometime this past year didn't quite materialize like ypu hadjt figured out. Probably you ran short of funds at the crucial moment, or sickness depleted your income. Any-' way you were disappointed. , , s .; . 1 Why not guard against disappointment in the com ing year by fortifying yourself with a savings account? Come in and talk it over with us. The Charlotte National Bank United States Depository. ' .... Ino. M. Scott, President ' W. J. Chambers, Vie Presldeiit 9. F. Robertson, Tic President Assets: 4 MiHioit W. ft. Twitty, Cashter C W. Butt. Assistant Cashier W. B. McCUntock, Teller , T LITTLE WHITE POODLE DOG SOMEWHERE IN CHARLOTTE Was En Route From Tied Springs to Black Mountain and Stop ped Off at Station Here. . . .'- 1 --'V:'' A female voice on the telephone im plored Desk Sergeant McLaughlin, at police headquarters, yesterday ' after noon to search for a little white poodle dog which has strayed. : Said dog, so the voice told the sergeant, was en route 'from Red Springs to Black Mountain. The dog stopped off tt Charlotte and evidently became so fascinated ' with' the Queen City that he decided, to make this his future abode. True, he was in a cute little box,' beautifully colored, and was rld tag in an express car. But appar ently, he didn't like the .cute little box because he managed to get out of it in some mysterious manner. : The name of the dog was. not given, but the police were of the opinion that he doubtless changed ( his name on alighting here to escape detection. Nevertheless, an effort is being made to locate' the. little white, poodle to satisfy the nervous voice over the telephone. The call came from Red Springs, and. the dog will be ordered to go back home' at once4t he is, found, so the police said. ;.,-r- , 1 BIG DIFFERENCE IN , . MEAN TEMPERATURES Another "Accident" A soldier was driving Q, M. C. ear Number IS south on Tryon street yesterday afternoon at ten minutes after two o'clock. When in front of the First National Ban the soldier cut the automobile directly across the street (in '1.1 T- the middle of the block), directly in 'front of Street Car Number 47, going north. Result Street car tender' de molished paint scraped off right front wheel of auto mobile. :.' . :. ' ' : ' But for the fact that the street' car was Slowing 'down for the stop at the square a fatality probably would have occurred. . v. ?.,-' :.'.'.'-'.... Southern Pullic Utilities Company Charlotte folks were complimenting the weather man on the good weather yesterday. The report of Meteorologist Atto shows that it was a fine day. Per chance few could hark , back to the days and halt on the corresponding date of last year and sum up weather conditions of that dreary time. The mean temperature for December 80, 1917, was 10 degrees and when Henry Alexander brought the report to The Observer office last night the veracity of his report : was questioned, but he held that the mean was 10 degrees and that the thermometer on that day did at one time early in the morning drop down to almost lero. The mean for yesterday was 40 de grees, which is considered a perfectly proper temperature fbr a day of this season since no excess nor deficiency in temperature was registered on Mr. Atto's report. ' The? highest tempera ture for the day was 62 degrees, and the thermometer dropped to 27 de grees as the lowest - 4 HUTCHISON'S FUNERAL AT WILLIAMS: CHAPEL Funeral services over the remains of Ralph M. Hutchison, of 10 North cedar street who died at the Fresby terlan hospital Sunday morning in consequence of self-inflicted wounds, were conducted at the graveside ' in the burying, ground Of Williams Me mortal Presbyterian church yesterday morning at 11 o'clock: The following were selected to act as pallbearers; Graham Auten, Baxter Au ten, Roy Hutchison,, 'Bruce Hutchison, Floyd McConnell and Latta Mc'Connell. Mr. Hutchison last Thursday after noon cut his. throat with a razor at the home of his father, 'J. C. Hutchi son, on the Beattles Ford road; He was an electrician employed by the Armature Winding and Brasing com pany. -" 1 ' YOUNQ MAN .; FINED ."$40; CONVICTED OF LARCENY Fred Hefner," a young white man, was fined $40. and the costs by, Re corder Jane's yesterday morning when convicted of a charge of larceny.. Evidence submitted was to tha affect that Hefner, with another young man, stole a quantity of smoking material and articles of small value from a local I restaurant, the one engaging the at ;tentlon of a boy, the only clerk In -the lestaurant at, the time, vMle t other took the goods. Hefner had not ' hpn able ta raise funds to nftVthe fine, and was eonnnea m jaii. , DR. C. C. HUDSON REPORTS . ; NINETEEN CASES OF FLU X.j "" ' ' Ai slight increase In the average daily report of . influenca cases was announced yesterday afternoon 1 by Dr. C C, Hudson, city health officer. Ninteen cases, were reported for. the 4-hour period..1. The dally average, for the past week or so. has 'been about six ob seven. However of the cases reported yesterday seven were among children at the Thompson or- fihanage and four were in one fam ly. The eight other oases were scattered cases. 5' ' , e v directors Mcot Today.. v The directors of the chamber -of commerce will meet this morning at 11 o'clock in the offices of the or mnlaetlen outline av- program- -f work for the coming year and to con-i slder other matters of importniice. .i 1,1 11 f ii . , She has health magnetism Health magnetism is a great . Shis' has no,ippedt for food, i asset to a young girl. Its glow it in her cheeks and eyes. Its spring is in her step. Its fire is in her every gesture and motion. no zest for work or pleasure.' She suffers from v hndachet, dizziness, indigestion and palpitation. Her blood is And its source is her rich,, red ' thin, watery and dogged with en;- . - . uiuuu wuv.ii 11113 cviy part Oi - poiSOIU. her system with electric force and energy. Yet the vitality-draining change from girlhood to woman hood works hardship to many young girls. Very likely that is " why your daughter is pale, dull eyed, listless and anemic. ' What shall be done fori her f This. Gi?e her a thorough course in blood building. Fresh air, t careful diet, absolute rest andejuiet are demanded. And Pepto-Mangan will bring the most gratifying results , in ; a reasonably short time. ' yon mil knew SBSkSSk I . ; A, I'lllMliaUV . "Thkd Blood BmUtr" Pepte-Mangaa is tocie gad blood reconstraciive that reiUy caa be" dlgesud sad assimilated without taxing the moat delicate stomach. It fills the blood with thousands of new, sturdy rd alls, which any and distribute oaygea to every cell and tissue. Since oaygea It Bis Itselt it chargsa the whole system with keen health and vigor. Pspto-Maagands aaceedincly pleasant to taste. Universally endorsed and prescribed fey the medieal profssstoo. fSPES-t J5LIB?ra enlr eee fM4iaatM m that le ,; . , JBeyhKjtfMaa is anade aay k M. J. BREITENBACH CO, New York ( . ' ,: Itajmtaetanagt i WHEN YOU SEE IT IN THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. IT'S :' 1 "Suicide by Inches" . 1 , s r HpHpUS ANDS t of people commit JL suicide by, inchGc! ; If one should take minute daily doses of some , irritant or poisonous drug, no rjarticular effect, 'might.' be noticed until accumulation of the poi-' son made its action evident ';:.v'Kv ; Yet how. many realized , thaf irntant ; ;; and poisonous substances 're formed ; v. ' constantly, even in hWalth1, during food " ' digestion aiuF. the preparation of its iwaste for elimination? I If the bowcli act regularly and thor- els "to move." Because such drugs oughly, such dangeroui matter it do noC cure constipation They , : .. But if constipation safely gotten rid of. ' V - ' ' . j make .constipatioA a habit The? , ation exists, there li do not prevent suicide by inches.-. - , results stagnation of intestinal waste, . . On the othef.handtheIvujoi x increased production of poisonous Treatment not only overcomes con-' ' " substances, and their absorption in-, ttipation, but prevents stagnation and , "to the blood, "which carriei them all makes self-poisopini impossible.';..;- . . . over the body. . .i . ,r ! . ' Nujol Is not a drue, does not juti . The result is disease or disorder, like any drug it is absolutely harmless. which, if neglected or allowed to NuyJhelpsNature re-establish easy,: daily, thorough, bowel evacuation. ' Warning: ffi, . beariitir the Nuiol Trade Mark. At all druggist. Wist on Nujol. You may jfr from tubatttutet. 1 t .! continue, cripples or kills. . ' ' , The victim of such self-poisoning cpmmits suicide by inches. ' . Constipation is a bad habit It is ' a sin against the body.. "y' ' 1 But ther is an eve worse habit, ' T' e a Crime against Nature, the taking NujOl LabOratOTiei , of pills, castor oil, laxative mineral STANDARDOILCO.(NEWJER8EY)l , wateo, and salts to "force the bow- 1 SO Broadway, New York , , IV ritt ftf frt Book lit I ' . 'Regular as Thirty Feet of Dan-; Clochxo'crh i I.-. ! it t it 1 f ! it ' V 1 . A

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