,;:v i , i f 4 THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER. SATURDAYS AUGUST 9. 1919. , , t: X.' . .'v , ''. ' '. ""' ' 1 ' ' , " ' , 1 " ' 1 11 I J " . ' I " 1 J' J ' wilson lays before i con caess several specific Proposals for checking ;: " (.Continued From Page One. , make, shirt for itseu as it can. or a ' psaoe OUtlressea ana lupponea uy I . v ths will and concert of the nations that hare the purpose and the power to do and to enforce what is right. ' politically, economically. socmiiy in ll1. """ -1"" j -Ml ha not oeen . s.,. e .. .i. . ;. any anesthetic. It is conscious. It vn watches the capita, operation upon wnicn it Knows tnat us nope oi - hi.wvii lira Ma..iniH i , r n n , ininK its Duiinna uui or inv .'" a.4 v intallta-ept and nrovldent dl- '"i rsctlon to Its affairs while In such a mind there can be no energy In en rlkavrtr There can be no confidence In- Industry, no calculable basis for credits, no confident buying or sys tematic sailing, no certain proapeot of employment, no normal restoration of business, no hopeful attepipt at re construction or the proper reassem bUng of the dislocated elements of enterprise until peace has been es tablished and. so far as may be. guaranteed. Other Notions Worse Off. Our nations 1 life has no doubt i been less radically disturbed and dls- I membered than the national life of; other peoples wnoni the war more directly, affected, with all its terrible INTERESTING FEATURES . FOR SUNDAY OBSERVER "O. Henry and Al Jennings," the.r first day together and that the fourth of July, In Honduras, Al Jennings tells all about it In tomorrow's chapter of his story of the life of the great short story writer as the former band t knew him. By the way, the chapter to be printed toniorroy constitutes a fine beginning point for those who have not yet begun reading Jen n ng" story. In the procedlng chapters he has covered h s own life up to the Line he met O. Henry. From now on tie will tell ! the gripping story of the troKic r years of Bill Porter's life as Al Jennings knew hlin Intimately. Other features for tomorrow In clude an especially Interesting "Potash & Perlniutter" article by Montague Glass; another article by Charles M. Klpley on war In ventions of great value in pence times; another thrilUng chapter of Rlckenbacker's utory of "Fighting the Flying Circus;" the pictorial gravure section, e'ght pages of p.ctureK, devoted to "Carolina Col leges." and numbers of other timely article and news -Tories. 1of holding off from the new process of distribution, ,, Supply and Dtinand Annulled. Borne very Interesting and signlfl 'cant facts with regard to stocks on hand and the rise of prices In the face of abundance have b.en aisclosea ny have on supplies and prices. It is impossible yet to predict how far or how long foreign purchasers wlil be able to find the money or tlu rredlt ravaging and destructive force, but 1 to pay for or sustain such purchases It has been, nevertheless, profoundly on Bucn a seme, now uun ..i 10 wnui affected and disarranged, and our In- I extent foreign manufacturers can re duntrtes our credits, our nroduetlve sume their former production, for- capaolty ,our economic processes are , eln farmers get their inextricably interwoven with those of ' "'" concert with vnu thai best wavs to nacltv with which aha deals with and serva the country in this emergency. ' , masters th problems of pae..'will It la one of the absolutely necessary 1 be the final' test and proof , of her means, underlying many others, and place among; the peoples of tha world. con be supplied at once. And. if only in our own Interest, we There are many other ways; Ex- mut help the peoples overseas. Eu- litinc law la Inadequate. There are rope la our biggest customer. We must the Inau rles of the department of ""V perieeuy legitimate metnoas oy kep her going or tnousanaa oi our 'agriculture the department of labor I which the government can exercise shops and scores ot our mines must 'and tho federal trade commission. '. restraint and guidance. close. There la no such thing as lt- They seem to Justify the statement I Lt me urge. In the first place, that ting her go to ruin without ourselves I that in the case of many necessary he present food control act should sharing In the, disaster, 'commodities effective means have ; he extended both as to the period of i In such circumstances, face to face been found to prevent the normal , time during which It shall remain in : with such teats, passion must ba dls 'operation of the law of upply and ' operation and as to the commodities 1 carded. Passion and a disregard for In.m.nd Disraarardlnn the surulus:t" which it shall apply. Its provisions ' the rights of others have no place In stocks In the hands of the govern-1 against hoarding should be made to j the councils of a free people. We need ment, there was a greater supply of i apply not only to food but also to light, not heat, in these solemn times foodstuffs In this country on June 1 j foedstuffs, to fuel, to clothing, and to ; of self -examination and saving action, of this year than at the same date many other commodities which are i There must be no threats. Let there late year. In the combined total of Indisputably necessaries of life. ' ba only Intelligent counsel, and let the a numoer or me most important n aianas now n is iimuea in oest reasons win, not me strongest : foods In dry lind cold storage the ex- i operation to the period of the war and i cess Is quite 19 per cent. And yet I becomes Inoperative upon the formal prices have risen. The supply of . proclamation of peace, fresh eirgs on hand In June of this. But I should Judge that It U clear- ;-ear, for example, was greater by 1 Iv within the constitutional power of 1 18 arbitrary and coercive is in the dls- nearly 10 per cent than the supply on the Congress to make similar perma- j card. Those who seek to employ it ! hand at the same time last year, and nent provisions (ind regulations with only prepare their own destruction. yet the wholesale price was 40 cents ; regard to all goods destined for in- "Serenely Confident." ia dozen, as against 30 cents a year Merstate commerce and to exclude; We cannot hastily and overnight nig". them from Interstate shipment If the j revolutionize all the processes of our l damage , i iir nuji k oi iruzcii iuwib iiou 1 1 1 - i ref ) u i r c mn ts or the law are not com- economic life. We shall not attempt are to ...... r " .......... juiou wnn. oomi sucn regulation is to ao so. xnese are aayt or aeep ex-i as antagonists, xney must, on one 1, 1 " imperatively necessary. The abuses cltement and of extravagant speech: plan or another, be effectively assocla i ' - i-"io i'ci iivuuvi i mat nave crown un in tne miininuia- . hut with tia thiu c rm ihinca nt the i Hon of prices by the withholding of . surface. Everyone who Is In real touch brute force. The world has Just de stroyed the arbitrary force of a mll Itrsy Junta. It will live under no other. All that thing thkt can be done jiew Is to atop I possession and business sense eneuglf or Interrupt production or to interfere to wofk.ottt that result?, Undoubtedly with the distribution of good by the we have, jlsti we shall work It PV Jtti raJways ahd th shipping of the coun- the meantime now and in the days i2L..W ar '"i.1" ot readjustment and recuperation that? t re sslng results of the hlsrh cost of . . . i . correct It There are many things than 9 more to 'rank and Intimate coun. ought to be corrected in the relations sel. and make ourselves a great end between capital and labor, In respect triumphant nation by making our of wages and conditions of labor and selves a united, force In the life of other things even more far-reaching, j the world. It will not then have look and I, for one, am ready to go Into j ed to us (or leadership In vain. vuuierence aooui tnese matters witn any group of my fellow countrymen who know what they are talking about and are willing to remedy ex isting conditions 'by f flank counsel ratherthan by violent contest No remedy Is possible while men are In a temper, and there-can be no settle ment which does not have as Its -motive and standard the general Inter est. Threats and undue Insistence upon the interest of a single class makes settlement Impossible. I be lieve, as I have hitherto had occa sion to say to the Congress, that the industry and life of our people and of the world will suffer Irreparable e If employers and workmen gd on In a perpetual contest, from their own accustomed fields, foreign other nations and peoples most In tlmately of all with the nations and peoples upon whom the chief bur - den and confusion of the war fell and who Hie now most dependent upon the co-operative action of the world. C We are Just now shipping more goods out of our ports to foreign markets than we ever shipped be , fore not foodstuffs merely, but stuffs and materials of every sort; but i mines resume their former output. foreign merchants set up again their old machinery of trade with the ends of the earth. All these things muHt remain uncertain until peace Is es tabllshed and the nations of the world have concerted the methods by which normal life und industry are to be restored. Any Remedy Not Permanent. All that we shall do, in the mean time, to restrain profiteering and put x f II .uftMifsnovi 3 this Is no Index of what our foreign 1 the life of our people upon a toler sales will continue to be or nf the ' able footing will be makeshift and effect the value of our exports will provisional. Thern can be no settled ' i conditions here or elsewhere until the treaty of peace Is out of the way and the work of liquidating the war has become the chief concern of our gov ernment and of the other govern ments of the wor'd. Until then bus- j lness will Inevitably j-emaln speculu i tlvc and sway now this way and again that, with heavy losses or heavy gains as It may chnnce. and the consumer must take care of both the gains and the losses. There ran be no peace prices so long as our whole financial and economic system is on a war basis. Europe will not, cannot recoup her capital or put her restless, distracted peoples to work until she knows ex- 6 Bellans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-AN S FOR INDIGESTION. cents. ine suppjy or creamery ouuer nan .foodstuffs and other necessaries of increased 129 per cent and the price .nfe cannot otherwise be effectively from 41 to S3 cents per pound prevented. There can be no doubt of Tho supply of salt beef had bern,e,ther the necMH)ty or th(1 legitimacy augmented 3 per cent and the price. of HUch meaHUr. May i not cal, t had pone up from J34 a barrel to J3h ,pntlon to the fact R,BO that althou(rh a barrel. Canned corn had Incnased tne prent act prohb,8 profiteering. In stock nearly 2 per cent, and had th prohlbltlon acCompanled by no remained substantially the same 'n penalty "Tn'a few foodstuffs the prices had , " ' JL!lr,13: vIn wj? TirtP"J?Jl IOllr,!Sfl"i declined, but In nothing like the 'h a p1fnalty HnOU d b provided proportion it. which the supply hadjwhlch wl" e P""' n, ' Increased. For example, the stock ! Relate Cold storage of canned tomatoes had Increased 102! To th.e 'me end. I earnestly rec- per cent and vet the prlc had le- 1 "mm"nd' ln tne -cor.d place that dined only 25 cents per dozen cans. !,n" Congress pass a law regulating In some cases there had been thccold "tarage as it Is regulated, for ex usual result of an lncieas of price BmnIe- bV tn law of ,h Btat" ot following a decrease nt supply, but ! New J'rsey. which limit the time In almost every Instance the ln-!aurln which goods may be kept in crease of price had been dlspropor- storage, prescribe the method of dis tlonate to the deer ase In stock. ! posing of them If kept beyond the Combinations Formed. .permitted period, and require thnt The attorney general has been goods released from storage shall ln making a careful study of the sltua- I all canes bear the date of their re tion as a whole and of the laws that jcelpt. It would materially add to the ran he applied to better it, and Is . nervlceabllity of the law, for the convinced thut, under the stimulation purpose we now have ln view, if it and temptation of exceptional clr- .were also prescribed that all goods re cti instances, combinations of produc- I leased from storage for interstate ers and combinations of traders have 'shipment should have plainly marked heen formed for the control of sup- ! upon each package the selling or mar plits and t.f prices which are clearly lket price at which they went Into In restraint of trade, and against storage By this means the purchaser these prosecutions will be promptly j would alwavs be able to learn what Instituted and actively pushed, which profits stood between him and the will In all likelihood have a prompt producer or the wholesale dealer, corrective effect. There is rrason to It WOUld serve as a useful example believe that the prices of lenh-r. f,,o thp otnpr con,mUnltles of the "in. oi lunii'i'i una oi textiles nave with the silent masses of our great people knows that the old strong fiber and steady self-control are still there, firm against violence or any distem pered action that would brow their affairs inte confusion. I am serenely confident that they will readily find themselves, no matter what the cir cumstances, and that they will ad dress themselves to the task of peace with the fame devotion and the same stalwart preference for what Is right I that they have displayed to the ad miration of the whole world In the midst of war. And I entertain another confident hope. I have spoken today chiefly of measures of imperative regulation and legal compulsion, of prosecutions and tho sharp correction of selfish pro cesses; and these, no doubt, are nec essary. But there are other forces that we may count on besides those resident In the department of Jus tice. We have Just fully awakened to what has been going on and to the influences, many of them very sel fish and sinister, that have been pro ducing high prices and imposing an intolerable burden on the mass of our people. To have brought it all into tha open will accomplish the greater part of the result w seek. I appeal with entire confidence to our produ cers .our middlemen, and our mer chants to deal fairly with the people. Tt is their opportunity to show that they comprehend, that they Intend to ted. Have we not steadiness and self- Capudime NO ACKTANIfWlDC EASES HEADACHE Al, QRIpet rUO" Trv II If Heat Cause Wrinkle. to Form, Try Thu I b en materially affected by torm.i nf concert and co-operation ninonqr the producers and marketers of these ami , country, as well as greatly relieve lo- met Justly, and that they have the pub- cal distress, if the Congress were to regulate all such matters very fully where actlv where she stands In resnect of I ..... n.. .. , for the District of Columbia, ne.ee: and what w. will do is for ' V UJ .V 'Tr.' "7 I Its legislative authority is without J If th heat tends te looaan. and wrinkle year skin. thr' an affactlva and harm IM remedy yon ran readily mak at hnmt. lost lat sa eunea ot pura powdered aao llt dlsaolva In s halt-pint of witch hiel aad hatha your faca In tha liquid. This at nnce tifhtena tha akin and amootha out tha lines, making tha cutlcla and underlying Ha sans mock, firmer. The Ingredienta of courae ran ha abtalnad from anv drusalat. Th aatollt lotion Is aplendld for flabby Chaoka or ohln, as wall aa for enlarged porta, it makea a tired, wilted faca more ra- freshed snd youthful looking Adv. '.ties, whleh It li iw,umK1a t,, a- K Vi nhl.f n,..tlAn , . .. ... V. I V. . .... 1 .... v,-.. r...... . nress. .o watcnrul or energetic ef- her quietude of mind and confidence J fort will be spared to accomplish thu of purpose depend. liiecessary result. I trust that ihern limit. I would also recommend that It be I required that all goods destined for I Interstate commerce should in every j case Where their form of package makes it possible be plainly marked iwlth the price at which they left the visions of opinion among the powers , r(j uieKnl methods to abandon them i hands of the producer. Such a re- 18 While there Is any possibility that the peace terms may be changed or may be held long ln abeyance or may not be enforced because of dl- j who have perhaps unw ittingly adopt will not be many cases ln which prosecution will be necessary. Pub lic action will no doubt cause many associated against Germany. It Idle to look for permanent relief. Immediate Action I'rgrri. But what we can do we should do, and should do at once. And there is a greut deal that we can' do, provi sional though It be ALL WEEK WE WILL OFFER ONE LOT OF CLOTHING 33 TO 40 We have in this sale some slims, stouts and stubs. Gome look them XI I . arei One lot of Shirts, $2.00 and $2.5o val- $1.35 j "wti ' s promptly and of their own motion. Iqulrement would bear a close analogy And publicity can accomplish n to certain provisions or the pure rooa great deal. The purchaser can often net, byy vhlch it is required that cer take care of himself if he knows the tain detailed Information be Riven on facts and influences he Is dealing 'the labels of packages of food and with; and purchasers are not disin- ! drugs. ellned tn An onvthlnir altha ,lr,,r1 A I f.lrvtiae f'nrnrwiratlonS. Wheat shipments and credits to fa-J collectively, that may be necessnry for ' And it does not seem to me that llltate th purchase of our wheat i their self-nrotertion Tho ,i.-f . 1 flr, nnrelve fo detailed can and will be limited and controled , ment of commerce, the department of i measures of this kind, if ft is Indeed in such a way as not to raise, but agriculture, th- department of labor, our purpose to assume national con rather to lower, the price of flour and the federal trade commission ran I trol of the processes- of distribution, ifu. The4"ov1rl",n5 ha e power, , do a great deal towards supplying the ,t tftk it for granted that that Is our within certain limits, to rrgulate that We cannot deny wheat to foreign peoples who are ln dire need of it. and we do not wish to dowo; but, for tunately, though the wheat crop is not what we hoped it would b. It Is public, systematically and at short in tervals, with information regarding the actual supply of particular com modities that Is in existence , but not available because of hoarding, and with regard to the methods of price purpose ana our auiy. rciming iron will suffice. We need not hesitate to handle a national question in a na tional way. We should ge beyond the measures I have suggested. We fhould formulate a law requir ing a federal license of all corpora tions eneaeed ln Interstate commerce and can. with proper management, be There can be little doubt that re- n.nd em,.?.(1:lnB. , IX, In I em n ro In mrl inn..H... 1 1 tne ConQlllons Uliufi kii"-" ' ...... ... ,,,.. ur . . .,.! no reeulat ons deslitnea abundant if. handled with provident 1 flxinir which are heinir i..i i Hoi care. The price of wheat is lower j era ln certain foodstuffs and other in mc unuea niaxes tnan in Europe. t necrssarles, kept so-. By way of immediate relief, sur- part responsible for exorhitant lssued- sPPciflc regulat ons aesigne. plus stock, of both food and clothing j prices; and U ;U quite pracUcaTil'for i -cur eomr " onfsn 1h ln the hands of the government will the covernment. through the agencies vent u,lcl";'clon b 1 Cv, " be sold, and, of course, sold at prices I have mentioned, to supply the pub- 'methods of marketing, bucn a. lav , at wnicn mere is no pront. And ny t 11c with full Information as to the the way of a more permanent correc- ! prices at which retailers buy and as , tlon of prices, surplus stocks In prl- to the costs of transportation they vate hands will be drawn out of stor- i pay, In order that it may be known i age and put upon the .market. For-' Just what margin of profit they are tunately, under the terms of the food demanding. Opinion and concerted j control art, the hoarding of foodstuffs action on th? part of purchasers can i can be checked and prevented; and probably do the rest. , they will be, with the greatest en- Funds Needed ergy. Foodstuffs can be drawn out of : That Is, these agencies may per- storage and sold by legal action, which form this Indispensable service pro- the department of Justice will lnstl- i vlded the Congress will supply th. in I vuij "imrvci iiri i'nu ry , uui so soon ; wnn ine neressary funds to proHe ute e law would afford a welcome opportunity to effect other much needed reforms ln the business of Interstate ship ment and ln the methods of corpora tions which are engaged ln It; but for the moment I confine my recommen dations to the object Immediately in hand, which is to lower the cost of llv,nK- . , May I not add thit there, is a bill now pending before the Congress which, if passed, would do much to ston eneculntlon and to prevent tne the situation Is systematically their Inquiries and keep their price-! fraudulent methods of promotion by dealt with it Is not likely that the j courts will often have to be resorted j to. Much of the accumulating of I stocks has no doubt been due to the i sort of speculation which always re I suits from uncertainty. (Jreat sur- i ihubcb were accumuiniea oecuuse it siranenea ror mians to r" i was Impossible to foresee what the service. Th'it ; market would disclose and dealers ! provided by appropriation were determined to be ready for ; purpose, and p.oviei. .. whatever might happen, as well as , possible, is one of the eager to reap the full advantage of j greatly ameliorating the pr sent IIn lists up to date. i Hitherto, the appropriation mm mltfes nf the hnue hnve not nlnvivs, I fear, seen the full value of these .Inquiries, and the tlepai i.n ,., i commissions have been vrv inn"V for this which our p?nple are annually fleeced of many millions of naro-earnea ! money. I refer to the measure pro posed by the capital Issues committee for the control of fccurlty issues, it is n means formulated by men who know the actual conditions of busi ness and Its adoption would serve a -re-it and beneficent purpose. We are 'dealing, gentlemen of the Congress, I neen naruiy ..j lie Interest sincerely at heart. And I have no doubt that housekeepers all over the country .and everyone who buys the things he dally stands ln need of. will presently exercise a greater vigilance, a more thoughtful economy, a more discriminating care as to the market ln which he buys or the merchant with whom he trades, than he has hitherto exercised. I believe, too, that the more ex treme lenders of organized labor will presently yield to a sober second thought and, like the great mass of their associates, think and act like true Americans. They will see that strikes undertaken at this critical time are certain to make matters worse, not better worse for them and for everybody else. The worst thing, the most fatal ) CO. BUILDING NOW Um the Best Asphalt Shingles (Underwriters' Label.) The Charlotte Supply Company IS in' i I. t rising prices. They will now see the disadvantage, as well as the danger. tressing I have co ,.ndmonsSof'nnve;ho;,d ,Zt i 1: me to urSe. in this attempt to j thf, .Vle e but uZa Big Idea In Corn Flakes 1 I is J 1DA5T I ell vyv ji TOASTIES n What a pity- she doesrit know that Resinol Soap would clear her skin "She would be a pretty girl, If it wasn't forthat pimply, blotchy complex ion!" But the regular use of Resinol Soap, aided at first by a little Resinol Ointment, wou Id probably make it clear, fresh and charminc. If a poor skin is your handicap, brsln tisinp Resinol Soap and see how quickly it improves. Resinnl Snap and Realnal Ointment art told byalldrtif aHft. I'nr frea aampla of aach, wriU to Dept. 9-R. Ra Inal, Balrlmort, Md. says Tender and sweet and ready-to-eat , a . I n,V,nl also seek to oomprenenu inv nnii--of the scene amidst which we act. There is no ground for some of the, fearful forecasts I hear uttered about me. but the condition of the world Is unquestionably very grave and we j should face it comprehenfltngiy. ine sltuntlon or our own uumhj i- ceptlonallv fortunate. We of nil peo ples can afford to keep our beads and to determine upon moderate and sen rlhle courses of action which will en sure us am Inst the passions and dis tempers whirh are working such deep unhappiness for some of the distressed nations on the other side of the se i. Rut we m.iy be involved ln their dis tresses unless we help, and help with energy and intelligence. "Must Pny." The world must pay for the-appnl-llng destruction wrought by the great war, and we are put of the world. We must pnv our sh.re. Knr five yenrs now the Industry of all Europe has been slack and disordered. The nor- i ma crops hive not been produced: the no-mal quantity of manufactured t goods hav not been turned out. j N'ot until there a-e the usual crops end th usuil prod'tctlon of minu- ' fictured goods on the other fide of the Atlantic can Europe return ta the former rond't'ons: and it was no on the fo-mer conditions, and pot the ni-ee"t thet our economic relations I wl'h E'irone were built up. We mut face the fact thtt unless I we hlp Kurope to ret bock to her normal life and production a chaoa ' will ensue there wh'cb w'M inevltT'biv I be communicated to this country. For . th present, 't l manifest, we must I oulcke". not slacken, our own nroduc- , i tlon. TV'e. and we r-lmost 'lone, now I hold the world ste-dv. Upon cur i eteadf.o -tnes- end -"If -possession de pend the affairs of nations every- j where. It l" In this sunrm erl'a thls'i rris's for all mankind that Amer'ca i must n'-ove he- mett'e. In fhe pre"- J ence of a wold cnnf'"ed. distracted, i Fh mut show herse'f re'f-p'nesfed. rif-rontalned. c-""!ibl ef -iber and ; fpctive actn. Sh tved Europe bv . he- ac'on ln s'-pi- sh'1 must now save j It hv her se'on In pence. Ti FKvintr Fn'-ope she wll' snv her self, as ehe did upon the b'att'enetds , of the war. The calmness and ca- I BLCK J GfeflUBHBBBSIBaBHH Serve With Fruit irlrt VANILLA WAFERS i KroaErOWfoaaKxeesa We Close At 6 P. M. 3 Special Items For Today Item No. 1 Tooth Brushes 1,000 Tooth Brushes extra good quality worth 25c and 35c. On sale today only at 10c Each. T-H-E B-I-G T-E-N-T Is ready for the opening of the Charlotte Bible Institute. The tent Is wide-open on all sldas to the evening breeze.;, beautifully lighted with electricity, seated with hun dreds of new. comfortable chairs. Fine tiona; service at the beginning of each meeting led by Evangelist Dieffenbacher. and lntere-tlng; lec ture every n:sht by Evangelist J. L. Shuler. A pleasant and attractive place to spend an hour these summer evnlng:s. The tent Is on a fine location E. Trade and Caldwell next to Chapman-Alexander site accessible to all the people of Charlotte. People living In Myers Park, Elizabeth, Belmont, Hoskins, Seversvllle. Piedmont, Woodlawn and Dllworth .will have a direct line to the tent. Plan to be there at the opening service Sunday, August 10, 8:30 P. M. and hear the famous lecture,: "The Next World Wide Crash of Nations and the Outcome." Item No. 2 Embroidery Bands One lot high-priced Em broidery Bands from 2 to 5 inches wide sell regularly from 75c to $2.00 the yard. To close out today only at 25c Yard. Item No. 3 Ribbons One lot beautiful Rib bons plain and fancy on sale today only at 39c Yard.

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