I FRIDAY DECEMBER'S i919. 1 1 Kt 'U ,l , , W-V 1 V $ , lt 10 THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER ONE MINUTE INTERVIEWS MRS. J. P. CALDWELL Office Phone Number 384. "Would Ark of tho Iird Drop If the first tiros In Iti history, appointed uja. Hulnnl Cnrrv It?" Purs- a committee to report on this point. byiertaa nd Ep seopnl Churches' The only wayln which the Pres u Dnned Over Coa.8 About Women t.terlans seem to-Tiave anything on the Drmed "Dear Mra, Ca'dwoll ' l"m fceftding you a clipping for your One-Minute page, from The Woman Citisen, which I think will be et Interest of the women of the Episcopal and Prtsbyteilan churches, perhaps the men, too, of these ultra coriearvative denominations may find in it food for thought. "Very truly yours, T, "MRS. W. B. PUETT." ' Belmont, Dec. 3. Should Women be Ecclesiastically Outran ilned? ' It Is now nip and tuck as to wheth er the Presbyterians or the Epi copal ians Wi'.l do Justice to women first or t all Both of these churches that i. h m.ile members of these 'churches are solemnly Eplseopa tans Js that the former plan no asic tne opinion or women tncm selves upon the subject of their ec clesiastical status, and the 'atter are going- to be satisfied with the opinion of the party a'ready In authority, that of the hieratic male. Also it does ap pear as If what the Episcopalians are about to offer women Is an empty shell, alike costly to the church and va ueless to the women. -Tho Presby terians on the othr hand, If s ower and more professedly insecure of Bible sanction, are at any rate contemp at ing a genuine democracy on a bash of Integrity and not of compliment. Disrespect to the Flajf. Charlotte Is not alone In wrong discus-sing ' doing." said one yesterday. "The dls- Whether anything is going to happ n( r sport of men not raising their hats to the Ark of the Lord if women he p . .nen tne flam goes by as universal t Carry It Of cour e. the Ark would I ns ,t ls , hf, cUy ( not connnen have been dropped In the wl ilornesn i , tn Hornet's Nest. Even out in Mm fenerations back ir women Kftnsaj, tho flag Roes by men w)tn . hadn't furnish' d more than half of Its r0Vprpd nn(1a 0ne wr:tlng of thls '-l0 !Taii ."e,.- ! The Kansas City Stir recently bare patterned their priestly 10beslsal1. after women s every-aay ones, are n ,, , t forget this itm. Thej- have usurp-, mA ths rurht to be vice resents of tbe After having passed so recently through a great war, when tho world waited breathless to le.-irn the final outcome, it seemerl almost unbeli v able that the residents of Kansas City who watched tho memorial pa rade, October 25, could conduct themselves so discourteously toward the flag. So s Mom was a head uncovered other attendants were wnen me colors passed in parade tnat It was a matter of comment among the ex-service men who marched. Lord Of Hosts, and are now sitting In" (KJlenin conc ave over the woman's ' right to serve in His temple. The diff-renee between tho Episco pal and the Presbyterian mind is qual itative. Episcopalian men have no objection to suing through the form ef letting women participate in church government if they can kep from the tin9ni Iness of seeing women do It. ' A cumbersome plan is on foot for a -dup Icate set of general and provincial . They resented thnt discourtesy quick houses for women deput les to the gov-1 y horn use th v shared the respon mlng bodies of the Episcopal com- nihility n hrlnr-ing credit to the flag, munion. These houses wou d con-, Th(,y made It possible for the flag to form to the present general and pro- i pnRS unnin!(,,t(,(Ii ypt lt wa8 received Vlncial houses (eight In number) of , wlth 8Prrt,p tolerance, men, but they would have no leglsla-i ,. ., . v of nn )aw whph ' Uve powers. It Is pre umed that mes-' , , ,, ,,- ' Miners might without contamination: h of thp rolora Rllf . do sriiiw mere are i.ftuu.uwu men wno would vote for a law compelling all persons to show courtesy to the flag.' " Patriot Americana. Proof of the law-abiding qualities Of the people of this section woj strong yesterday and day before when, with out tangible, or visible proof of a law directing, the people In regard to shutting down to save fuel, many closed stores and offices, obeying, as they believed, a law or dered by Washington. Yesterday people began to inquire into the or igin, or authenticity of the law, as apme were observing it, . and some were not, this working an injustice. x-osimasier Boya n, oi anury, phoned The Observer for information. Said he: "Our people are wanting always to do what the country wants them to do, but there seems to be some misunderstanding about the law. I wir d Washington but got no satisfaction, so thought perhaps The urmerver had some special news on the subject." Later lt wag learned through Mr. T. T. Allison, business manager of the chamber of commerce, that Sena tor Ov rman had fixed it up all right up there In Washington as he al ways does and lt was not Impera tive for any one to close their places of business. arry proceedings of the provinria houte of ma es to the provincial house ''or females and vice versa, that is, if Information on the activities of a - Woman's house without power has nny Jalld reason for being transmitted any- Where or to anybody. However, nothing precipitate wl'l be done. Three bishops, three presby ters end three laymen not a woman among them wil first pass Judgment upon the fltnes of even this highly quarantined and completely sterilized participation by women in the affairs f "tbe church. The Presbyterians, on the other .Band, have not even reacheil tl quar an tine station in Europeans Avtsp to Fresh Air. Heard a man who was In Europe during tho war say yesterday that Europeans do not like fresh air. "In this." said he. "I have eminent au thority In Roosevelt's book 'Average Americans." which says: " 'Europ ans do not like fresh air. They feel a good deal like the gentle man In Stephen Leacock's story, who their attitude to- 1 SJ1'd be liked fresh? air. and believed wards women in eccle-.lastlcal affairs, you should open the windows and g t They are drifting on the high seas In all you could. Then you should Without a chart. Whi e some one has I shut the windows and keep lt there, precipitated three questions to be set- ! it would keep for years, tied by the General Assembly next I ' 'I have been in many rooms In May, there Is much fluttering about France where the windows were ae to whether the Lord God rea!ly ap- nailed shut. The beds also are rather proved of women at all. remarkable. Thfy are generally ne inree questions are: or.an wo- fitted with feather mattresses and men be ordained to the ministry of the Church? Shall thy be permitted to be e'ders? Sha'l they have the same rights as men in the sessions, presbyterie't, synods and assembly's? Although the Presbyterian church has had.a reputation for scholarship for some hundreds of years, it doesn't yetj-know what the Bible says about wetnen, so it hers now apparently, for Marriaare of Notah'c Interest at Ilnn tersvllle. The A. R. P. church of Huntersvllle was the scene, on Wednesday even ing, of an unusually Interesting event, the marriage of Rev. R. E. Huey of fitatenvllle, and Miss Macle Knox daughter of Mr. J. M. and Mrs. Anna Caldwell Knox. The ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor. Rev. J. M. IJigham. The wedding march wns rendered by Miss Marie Whitley. Before the ceremony Mrs. Orler Waugh, of Statesvllle, sang two beau tiful and appropriate selections. Rev. P. A. 8troup, of Newe ls, a class mate of the ggrom, was best man and Miss Paul'ne Houston of Missouri, n cous in of the bride, was maid of honor. Prof. Leon Brown of Troutman, Mr. Ra'ph Rob inson of Derita, and Misses Em'ly Mullen and Lois Steele, of Hunt rs vll'e. Little Dorothy Knox, sister of the bride carried the ring and Ferry Lane Knox, and Sara Barnet'e were ribbon girls. The young couple are graduates of Erskine oo'lor. The ' bride Is one of Huntersvi''e's most I attract'vo and useful younsr women anil w'll unit gracefully o-i'iipy the position of "Mistress of the Manse." Tbe groom is the popular pastor of PresMly A. R. P. church of S'ates vllle. The young coup'e left imme r'late'y for a bridal trip of sev?ral days. A reception was given on Tues day evening to the bridal pa.-ty at the home of the bride's pa-ents. True. "That was a wise man who said that 'commonplnce people all indi viduals are much alike." " remarked one of th thinkers of the town in discussing "men I had known." "It takes Intellectuality to see originality in other men," said he. Secretary of Wavy to CtonfeeWate Vet. Mr. A. W . Perkins, Former Marmprer of f craiui Tlie Doughboy of World War, Central Hotel, Died in Spartanburg, I Like Unto Them. 8 C, Yesterday. I "For lovs of the cause and admlra-1 News was received in the city yes- f tion of the men, will you publish what terday of the death at 1o'clockTm Secretary of the Navy Josephus Dan- Spartanburg, R' C, of Mr. A. N. Per- iele said to the Confederate veterans kins, formerly proprietor and manager during their recent reunion In Atlanta, of the Central hotel. This was the 7 . " ... . . . Ainta new cam In a "phone mes age to which was published In The Atlanta Mr an(, Mrs w B Hock,tti the for. Journal," said a Charlotte veteran mer manager of the Stonewall hotel, vMtcritnv i Mrs. Hockett being a niece of Mrs. ..m JL' ,, . , . r.nnfA(1r. I Perkins". Mr. Hockett left at once tor "To the Veterans of the Conreaer- sartanbur acy: It Is altogether fitting jat.nj Mr Hockett came to Cnarotte wlthi reunion in in !.. ""'" Mr. Perkins, from Greensboro and, 1 berty should be held in Atlanta The wa8 asal8tant manage,. or lhe Central i welcome which the metropol a i or hote, u herf) he met n(a w Georgia will give to the men jn gray she b,.lng Qn v.,t t( Mr an(J Mrg will have about It the spirit of Boo Perklna Mr Perkln's death was sud- j Toombs Alexander Stephens and John den He WM , on, ft few mnuteil B. Gordon and their lllustr ous asso- Tne funera, Bervlce will be held lif elates who led the gallant rnen or Greensboro Sunday afternoon at 3 I Georgia who made large contributions o'C0c to the intrepid hosts who made up the Mr pPrkjns wa8 a native of Greena- armles of the Confederacy. boro, and was 54 years of age. He "Braver and more chlvalric men came t0 char otte to become proprlo- j than those who followed Lee have not tor ot the centra and he and his . lived in all the world's history. The famiiy were at the Central for five ' snow that never melts has fallen upon yean,, Mr. Perkins was splendidly) their heads. With every passing year adapted for hotel business and made ' the thlngray line grows thinner, but a success of the Central, as was as! their fame grows brighter with the WP aa 0tner hotels of which he had I passing years. assumed the management ,On leaving i "The valor, the dashing courage, Char otte he and his family returned the abandon of 1'fe in their fierce to Greensboro. From there he went j charges glow upon the paces of his- to Spartanburg where he was asso- ! tory. Before America entered the dated with the Gresham hotel as man- j W.JIIU nni iiiu .', ...... . . i iiniiio uuu rx la ciiv lui tion and a hallowed memory, but In success. He was a. Mine business man the year 1917-18. they became some- and had been most successful In every I thing more. Their sons and their ( busine .s adventure with which he was grandsons In the struggle for. human- , connected.- He was widely known ' Itv and peace showed that same sp ru over tne uarollnas. He warned Ayes that made the Confederate soldiers Mamnh -Ross, of Pheasant Garden, flghtbravelv and glorlouslv nnd which near Greensboro, who with two child has been transmitted to their descend- ren, Miss Irene Perkins, and Master ants. These youths lacked nothing of Aubrey Perkins, survive, the spirit of sacrifice wh ch dominated In faith Mr. Perkins was a Metho the men of the sixties. Indeed thev dist. a member, whil" here, of Tryon had before them the noble spirit of Street Methodist church. Lee's army and the Inspiration of the I e high deeds of the men who wore the; noil cross heal Foeiu. grav. Interest in tn s reunion is , je.n iwik. iuiuwt-ii: f hlirhtened bv the fact that on every "I'm sending you a little poem our ship which faced the submarine men- I poet. Mrs. T. M. Rrockman, has writ ace In the recent war the sons of the ten for us over here in Gastonia to south fought side by side w'th the help with our sale of Red Cross seals, men from the gulf to the lakes, and It is so good we want others to share the Atlantic to the Pnctnc PurceU'-VVerae'a' Garment of ' Qu Jiy Puree'! Adding To Our Showing Of Fine . FURS i Today's Christmas Tip Beacon Blanket Bath Robes, very handsome patterns, with satin bound edges and rope girdles. to save liberty for the world. Together these brothers made new slory for our re puhl'c. This, therefore, is a reunion of the men who wore rray In the six ties nnd the men who wore blue and khaki in 1917-1018 They are of one mould, of one blood, of one glory, of one destiny." "And that reminds me that some one else said dur'ner tho reunion that there is little d (Terence hetween thn old Confede-ate vets of '61 and the young doushhoy of the present, except j age, for both are possessed of the i same undying couraso and comrade ship characterized their actions during the wars in which they fought." Mr. Smith St'oks t the "Old Reliable" Tho Observer. Many In Charlotte will be interested In tho following personally, as well as its message. Please find a place for it In your One-Minute page before the sale of the seals closes. "Thank you. "Sincerely yours, "MRS. FRANK L. WILSON." Gastonia, December 5th. The poem follows: The IUxl Crt-s Seal Speaks. (Z. K. B.) We're cheery little symbols of the brotherhood of man. To pain'.s S. O. S. we answer, "We're ... i . . . - j . , - " ,i loo, unui itr.o, dotting, only to be sent, We carry hope and cheer to thoae whose cheer and hope ls spent. For a pittance from your bounty we are given soaring wings, , I We send a shaft of .sunlight through ! i i n ht cibvo. i -n misiu scneme or tnmKs, "nd Sor ngs- i VVe sp,eiul a sof,or pl"ow' and we ' I ""Dear Mr. Caldwell: ! a fbrin""in AJ , I ... ....... ., ,. t o I V teach the honeless and dnwnnal ' I I am inclosing my cneca mr n n , , . for the 'Old Reliable. The Daly: '"" up. pay feather quilts. Very often they are arranged In a niche In the wall like a closet, and have two doors, which the average European, aft r getting into the Led, closes, thereby render ing it about as airy and well ventil ated as ft r f i O' ti T romomhnr mv ,m n billet in one of th? 'towns where we ! Weddlngton yesterday stonned. As I was commanding nt- onp slognn." said he, The Shrlner's Pruyer. "Dear Mrs. Caldwell: "Just a little original and apropos ,,v. 0 or, t.-ih thonV of the season. : vou t0 ha've my narne recorded accord- We are helpless though without You ..r cd m J' nr-ono.. ingly. Several copies of the paper J. 1'KA.NK JALUHS. , corne to mv offlce which I have the "A bunch of Charlotte Shrmers nrl.,ii.. rcnrilrir hut T nrefer to I tninK were playing poker in the desert. One was 'draw'ng' cards, and was heard pray ng, 'Oas's, Oas s.' " Postoflleo Slogan. "What about Christmas postofflce rules?" was asked of Postmaster "W have but Pack securely. have my own paper to read I enjoy reading lt more when It is my own paper. "The Cleveland Springs hotel propo sition is coming along nicely. We signed up contracts yesterday for the heating and plumbing, br ck. lumber etc. Heating contract goes to Genera Fire Extinguisher company, of Char lotte: plumbing contract was secured we are mute until You speak Yours the guidance thnt is noedf.nl, Yours the interest that we seek. We'rf little Good Samaritans to those whom pain has tossed, Then.-for the lark of help from You, shall any life be lost? (Tifi jug fleer, it was one of ihn hos an wns mark plainly, ship early." The Christ reasonablv warm. It wns wurm h- I "ush hns not commenced yet, but by Henry Hackney, also of Charlotte: brick to ne rurnlsnea nv tne tvenarn-K Brick company, of ML Holly. The cause the barnvard was next door i when It does well be ready. literally In the next room, as all that coRNScAinm fts GUARANTEED Call ' fqr it ct- Arxj Dryg Store sMwurAcniM m separated me from a cow was a light deal door by thr side of the bed. The row was tied to the door. When the cow slept I slept; but if the cow passed a restless night I had all the opportunity I needed to think over my past sins and future plans. " 'In another town un exc llent bil let was not used by the officers be cause over the bed were hung photo graphs of all the various persons who had died In the house, taken while they lay dead in that bed looking Southward. i Dr. R. H. Lafferty leaves next week for Chicago to be pres-nt at the I meeting of the Western Roentgen- I Ray society, which will be in session j there. "This society," said Dr. Laf ferty, "is the biggest in the countrv. I Th y plan to extend it Into .the South. which will be a great thing for our j part of the country." contract for the building proper is being considered. "Respectfully, "JO. C. SMITH." Shelby, December 4th. Kd. Gldlcy Here. Among the many good men and j true that the Shrine meet brought to me cuy was t,a. uiaiey, iormer man ager of the Piedmont theater, and for a number of years a resident of Char lotte "I am g ad to be In Charlotte," said Mr. Gid ey, ''and meet o d friends. Some day I am hoping to come back to remain rrmanently." Mr. Presly nnd Daughter Here. The hundreds of friends and for- I mer parishioners of Tit v. H. M. Mrs. J. C. Smrili. nf Kholh. -i?r,-. i Rressly and daughter, Miss Mary Mallard Creek Service FInff to Be Lowered Sunday. "Please," said Mrs. John A. Kirk, "say thnt the service flag at Mallard Creek church will be lower d Sun day morning, December 7lh; special services to be held. o o o o cro aescoooa a a a 5 a a ooooooooroooo PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. R. C. , Carson. of Whitevllle, have been In the city for i day or so, guests of Mr. and Mis Nov, with Fur weather right upon us, comes a wel come shipment of more fine Furs Scarfs that measure up to our very high standard of excellence, in both round and flat shapes the season's most fashionable pelts. $69.50, $95 to 150 they are priced and certainly you had better buy now, for, our word for it, they are going up in price every day. ' See also our so stunning genuine Hudson Seal and Mole Coatees and Capeiets. The cut of them -is entrancing and the wide cuffs and collar in some contrasting pelt most effective. P. S. Yesterdvs express also included some of those new Unrava Seal Simulation Fur Coats 36 to 40-inch 1"-ths, beautifully lined. They have been marked around $75 and $89.5o. Ulit !UT4m.J I XT' OUR UP-TO-DATE BUSINESS COURSES prepare you to step out of the school room into the Business Office and make good from the start. This is why SMITHDEAL'S is called the leading Business Gollege. Let us train you for the Business World. f'WMk. SMfTHDEAL BUSINESS i UUULLOL 1 LHiifjiflfsaigaHtatBaHViBH RICHMOND. VA. Home-Made li Candies 1 tains Cliarm'no-lv I reiy. win t- s'" 10 near uiai incy pniKram lur iii- un-anuu, . . I have returned to Charlotte to remain j Oreran prelude hymn, special to the One-Minute Page. ; for Rorne tme They came from I Scr'pture, 11 Timothy, 11 chapter, i 7, l.; ; 4 "? l the most eastern North Carolina. Ellzab th ! Prayer. delightful meetings of the Chlcora city, where Mrs. Presslv died recent- Music, i club held th s season was on Fr day Iy. Mr proRSiy wns for some vears ' Reading poem, "Home Again,' ,7',k',"c7' il' Wen Mrs. pastBr of West Avenue Presbyterian Miss Margaret Kirk. C ""lth was hostess at her hand- 1 ohurch and was beloved by the p o-I Hymn, some home on South Washington pIo of the West avenue community. Talk. Rev. J. C. Oa These ARE real home made Cand.es, made by us In our own factories and according to our own recipes. ron OIRISTMAS Thejr Make a I) lightful Piedmont Candy Kitchen Piedmont Theatre Bldg. 18 N. Tryon St. Pltone 129 H 3 THE CHRISTMAS STORE BOOKS STATIONERY TOTS GAMES GREETING CARDS FRAMING DECORATIONS Gifts for Evervbody Wr-te for Catalogue Mall Orders a Specialty fffite A COOK UTtJKK Of RARE KXCKLLESCE Direct. xnv aufniuuii was iaeai ana immoriuni., .,( fh:ryhosberTbe fUb KrPete1 W- f-mlly wen o Flo , dahere w vin following program Mr PreRSIy dk, mlnlstPrlal ork Ron Call-Poets of th. South. "11' ZJ? r0" 8"ld The Lfe of Wlliam Glmore Sims 1 To" ll Zv hi o h0Wdy' Mrs. L. A. Gettys. i.,.tlnd We may be here for 80me runn uaui nuiiuuun nayne; Mrs. C M. Lattlmore. Foem (S:. George Tucker) Mrs. Mary McBrayer. , Poem (Edward Crates Pickney) ' Mrs. Lander McRrayer. Mrs John Schenck, Jr., then de lighted all with a beautiful viol n select on. he never played with more ease an" beauty and her rendi tion of the "Romance from Thais" was perfect. She was gracefully ac- I companied by Mrs. V. L. Goods. i Mrs. Pyle then gave a beautiful read'ng "An Indian Legeand." Ths was the first t'me n She'by aud ence had had the opportunity of hearing i th's gifted reader and the grace and j beauty of the poem, together with I the reader's magnetic personality l made one of the most delightful numbers on the program. As a elos'ng number to this hap-J py occas'on Mrs. Goode. ls always a happy addlt'on to any prosxam, gave a p ano number, paraphrase from Rlgoletto, by L'szt. Mrs. Goode was i nt her best and played with artistic ; finish. . The hostess assisted by Mrs. S. A. i McMurry and Mrs Carl Webb serv- ed a del clous refreshments, cnnslst Incr of Waldorf salad, beaten biscuit. ' cheese !nndw ch, rosettes, hot choco- late and mints. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Sm'th was ngn'n at home to 16 of her friends at a progress ve rook party. After an hour spent n this pleasant pastime, tho hostess ass'sted by Mrs. C. C. McRraver and M ss JIargaret Morgan, served cream, cake and mints. The flag bears fourteen blue stars i Armistead Rurwell, at their home on and one gold one. Following lg the ; He-mitage court. They return home 1 today. Miss Sarah Hawkins, who has been in eastern North Caro ina sin-e Sep tember, wil arrive home tonight. Miss Hawkins visited re ativs anil friends In Warrenton, Murfreesboro and Wilmington. Mr. Charles Lambeth left Wednes day night for New York to Join Mrs. Lambeth and return home with her early In next we' k. Mrs. Lambeth accompanied Mr Lambeth on his Eu ropean trip She has been in Now York since they returned to the states. arth, of Charlotte. Reading po m, "In Flanders Field." Miss Marjorie Alexander. Poem by Mrs. W. T. Alexander. Music. Talk by a soldier. Hymn. Benediction. DAIRY MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Wo carry a complete stock of Dairy Suppllea Barn Equipment. Pumps. Gasoline Engines, Milking Machlnea Palls. Cans. Bottles, EVERYTHING FOR THE DAIRY. HACKNEY BROTHERS CO Plumbing and Heating Contractor No. 6 and 8 West 6th Street, Phone 293-294 Charlotte, N. C. ADVERTISING IN THE OBSERVER SELLS THE GOODS Joins Fourth Kstate. "Seeing that Miss Madeline Palmer was going to Lexington. N. C, to edit a paper." remarked a man of the Fourth Estate, yesterday, "automati cally called up the question in my mind, ns to why more women do not become newspaper men. Women, as a rule, write better than men. and a woman of education, taste and Judg ment can. with training soon take up the work with success. Miss Palmer ls a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Palmer, and Is a young woman of re quisites that already Insure h r suc cess as an editor. In the first place she knows the law, having graduated second In her ciasg at the University tf North Carolina within the present year, and knowing the law knows how much, and how far, a woman can go. in print. Miss Palmar is editor and manager of tho Erlanger community paper at Lexington, representing the Erlanger mills. A Casserole Makes a Dandy Christmas Gift We have 'em in Pyrex glass, plain or cut, with and without nickel or Sheffield silver frames. Also in Vitrified China. Other Practical Gift Things Electric Percolators, Chafing Dishes, Grilles and Irons Thermos Bottles and Carafes and Ther mos Lunch Sets Lamps of all kinds and sizes Pyrex Glass Dishes for baking Smith-Wadsworth Hardware Company THE QUALITY HARDWARE STORE" 29 E. Trade St Phones : 64-65 Thn west had it on the east In in tersectlonal foo'hall games this year, four games to one. Both Indiana and Nebraska defeated Syracuse. Notre ! Dame won from the army, and De troit trimmed Holy Cross but lost to Tufts. KLUTZ - 25 PER CENT OFF For cash on all Hot Blast Heaters to Dec. 10th We Sell the Best Klutz Furniture C I7S 22-2 N. Colhre. Phone S7S We Want Your Business 'Women's Apparel Exclusively Special Sale of Wool Dresses $35 I KLIM KLIM Powdered Milk ls pure, fresh milk with the water removed. It is produced without cooking, inerefore ita original frosh milk flavor is unchanged. When water Is replaced, Klim is natural, fresh, sweet milk. Send us (1.25 with this ad. and we will send you postpaid, (or de livered in city) 1 lb. Klim Whole Mlik and 1-lb. can Klim Skimmed Milk, with booklet and special measure. Th.s quantity when re stored to liquid form, according to directions, will produce 4 quart full cream and & quarts skimmed milk (Klim whole for drinking. Klim skim for cooking.) Beatty's Drug Store. 201 N. Tryon Rt.. Charlotte. N. C. Each garment offered was intended to sell for twice as much as we are asking. Through a special purchase, you can choose from elegant Jerseys, Paulettes and Serges, at only $35. Some plain, straight lines with graceful belts, others are handsomely embroidered on pockets and skirt. All favored cloors. See Window Display and Choose Early ' at $35. Z fttttrrtrt-trtrrcrrrttrtt rrrrrrfrrrrrrr- i t, 1, ?

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