1 " 1 4. ,s. ' ' 4 1: ,:' ... - 'J:...,', I . . :- CHARLOTTE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUNDAY, r-bBKUAKY 22, 1920. SECTIONS ZFZ OBSERVER WANT Reach Throughout the Pros .perous Piedmont Section. r ADS HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE TTaaf 4 ' Tnnr mma 16 to to jemn old to ' Co.ord Men ! pant oftr; $3 ult of- HELP WANTED MALE FOR SALE FOR SALE WANTED MALE-FEMALE HELP worfct In shipping dprimni. I no lrx- tile Mill BupplT company. 20-22 I Wearted Reporter ier leading mth Oaro- ! In mornng dally. Addrs. starting ex- pertence and aalary required, managing , editor. The Observer. None but rjirlen ced men need apply. " : Wutri-BritH jonng man I" to S'i rare of age for position of (.hop clrk 1 r r r "."with amomobile arcountlnx -kp-rt.nc Mukt hav neat PPn9:." I ..tui-iLtlon and raminar wnn Vk Am Biain fully previous experlenre, business duration, and salary vanted. Apply hy . pmiMon dtien Aiari-ii i. u.n..r aervlce department. HouthTn Oakland company, Charlotte. N. C. Wt-d-A few..-"""- '"LTZtZZ,1 medicine. win pay - llUle Medicine Co . N. C. H 337. Charlotte uited everywhere- For a full KaMim" w"rr. th. souttiern ' oourse In mM TH1DI Ulii '; School of Embalming. Savannah, a a. 2S-21 Wanted Reliable young man as bookkeeper. Chemical Construction Company. Trust Building. 21-22 Wanted Colored truck driver for early morning work. Good pay, short hours. Ap ply E. C. Keelling, The Ob server. 21-22 Wanted Several .Experienc ed Ford mechanics. Only rTnerit?nced men need an- ply. Pyramid Motor Co. 21-23 Wanted Six first class auto- mobile mechanics; splendid nnnnrtiinltv of nromotion -rr- ; for hustlers. Give refer ences when answering this ad. Address R. M. C, Box 293, Statesvllle, N.C 10-tf ' Wanted Laborers, 30c per hour, transportation fur-nlshed-.Truck leaves South-j Wanted em Depot ai o:w a. m. j. S. Rust, Camp Greene. 1 2-tf Wanted Several good shoe makers at once. Shu Fix ery, Charlotte, N. C. 20-26 Wanted Several .Experienc ed. Ford mechanics. Only experienced men need ap ply. Pyramid Motor Co. 21-23 REAL ESTATE HOMES FOR SALE w , oettanw Baldwin aranna t roe-room heUM en Forest gtreet, fl.JSt, 1.8B0 and Jl f.iii t-rwni kouaa, N. Caldwell $l,7rn 4-reona aettatra. North Dartdaon street, large lot, Si. mm ena aswrassTe la Piedmont 4 $2,f" -ronea eetta4ra. North Caldwell street, deep lot, Ja.fiOO t-reasm eetteure. Booth Tryon 2.ttni t -re osn aetlage. North Tryon at reel, larg lot $i 2n i nm aWath Mint a treat jj ;,n rus hsnas N. Darldaoa, deep lot $3.3i.n T reenn, Lakewood. lot 120x1$, garage, $3 Sim t nam eettage Bear Wyera park $3,750 a i roam hiaaa en Tth 8L, close In, both for $3,750 . Vrbar JJ:;B, ", Wltmore, new, good term $4,000, and J4.2'" res an eot !-, Carson atreet, close In. good location 4,2:,o. ream haagalow. East Tenth atreet ii'.iw I ream hnagaiow, Wllmoore $4.5f.. ran ma. North Brevard, bungalow, close In $4 cue I reoma, North Brevard, close In ti.ry 1 e-room beneee close to Southern station, large lots $l.7r.o and $r...r.i'ii t-rooca hooae cleee In, large lot and fine fruit tre-e $4.7f,n ream ottaure, garage and good garden, close in J4.77. " l-reeea bamgajow, Lllllngton avenue, large lot, fine location $5.2r,n I -room hooae. South Boulevard, walking distance f r, . 2 r. r l-rwm house (new) close In, large lot $r,,F,0i T reoma. Fourth Ward, hardwood floors sr, 70" I reooaa. North Pine atreet $r,.7.'.n ' s-reosal cottage. North Pins, close in IS.775 l-reena hooae and two etorles all for i r. 7 7 r. C-reotn hnngalow, close In on car line $HJ8n s-rootB hooae In Piedmont, hardwood floor $6,000 ' i-rooga houae, N. Caldwell, large lot, close in $ 2S0 7-reora hooae, (th St.. close In fi!nn l-nna houae, furnace heut and gariige. In F.llaabeih .... $S r,on .",!S!L,,,.,1-K:.;'1;,h,1 " fo0' r"" 0,Q $ reoma, Bllaabeth. with good garden and garage $7.0,10 '" ,n'"r ' 7.Sr. 5-reom bungalow, new, Myers Park $7.7!.n I reoma, Colonial Heights, hardwood floors and furnace, garage $H.oiin ! Si '' veue, double lot. furnace ." rawna. on corn.r lot, close ;n. nearly new . )(.(,iin Bungalow, furnac. and garage near Myers Park V2r.. $ rooms .slate roof, Dllworth home $.r,no i l eight-room houses on Tt. R.. good business property $lu,fioO - . , u , , . ' , 7-rOOm, elate roof. Dllworth bungalow $9.0e0 I l-room hooae. Fourth Ward, close In. corner lot $9,400 l-room hooae. Colonial Heights, furnace, garage $9.f,00 I It-room hooae. East avenue. 2 baths and furnac lie8t $10,000 rooms. East Seventh street. (Piedmont), garage, large, lot $9.H0O S-rMm hooae, East Seventh street, dose in t, (...a ' -room bungalow, hot water heat, near .Mv.rs Park i l.nnii -room new bungalow, Myers Park, one-half acre $!l iiio 10 reoma. South Boulevard. 2 baths , lu.wn 12-room house, large lot. North llrevard street tl 2.000 ; rl rooms, J baths. Elizabeth, slain roof arid furnace, one Paver 'iri $12 nun RMlKaheth Heights, new homes, $1 4,200, and $12 Uno i K-roem house, hardwood flours, furnace hent. close In $n'r," New Dllworth homes, egcellent terms. $12.1:11 and Jir.'onnl room house. West Peventh street, close In. (good business proir!v) $; 1 r. -.oo ' Brick- house on fine street and car line JKeOiH, rooms. East Houlevard. 2 baths, hot water, heut $K, E00 ' I" room house. North Tryon street. 2 baths, deep lot $17 nno : -room house, one-half acre lot. Myera Park $ 1 7,;,nn ' 10-room house, two baths. Wmt Trade street $1n'ikih 11 rooms, Elizabeth, double l,,i im ndfi 10 rootna. Trade street, close in t'iiliic 10 rooms. College street, close In f'i',fli Elegant home In Elizabeth $2o!onn 10 rooms. North Church MP-.". 2 l,..ths. lot about f 7 x 2 o n ' j'-'ofin Tryon atreet, close In. large lot. KIH.d house . . . ' $23 r.oi ; 10 rooms, t baths, steam hent. fl.-mim brick resiiler,..- $42.KOO Booth Tryon atreet, near business section $40.ofO Tryon street, valuable lot. old hio.-,. $,'.oioe It! MNKSS I'KOI'liKT). Hrlck warehouse on rsllrond. cuin i.tc flours, a good patlng InveMiii-nt $30,000 Vacant lot, TOO feet railroad frontage. 4H street frontage, rnu In '$in,oiin Kill atreet and railroad, lust off ft. Tryon. splendid locution, information g,.n at office FC ARnfYn" JP f"3 V. rVDDvy 1 1 CC HEAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT T. M. ABIHUT, Manager. Phones 80S? and S481-J. , W. C. HAfcBIM, Salesman c. I . HAKKIH, Salesman , Pliaiee MM and I448-J ' I'lionea ViWl and 158a -'- 1 v L. T. WjDdliam, Salesman, , ' ,i. . . $35,000 SOUTH TRYON STREET $35,000. Corner let saving approximately 100 feet frontage on H Tryon sir..-!. Just beyond sec- . tion now Ming -oevelopea for Duslness purposes, v t Terms, t)oethlrd cash, balance i years, six per j v ' F. C. Abbott Seal Estate Peparlanent. Phunea S021 i ier; ivnie inr rre, NftmpiPH una iyiN. Knlrk.-rbocker :hlcag. Tailoring Co. ropt. 64. s Firemen, lirakemen. baggagemen, gl40-$200, colored p.irtTi., b nil I roit dm .-very where. Kxperleii.-,. iinner,Rsnry- '"!! Ky. nurcau. East Si l.ouls. Ills. 8 Wanted al once a first, class harness maker and n-puir man. V oili.-r need apply. Writ- T O. Monk, n,,x 1: r. r . Spurt&nburg, 8 ,C . 22 . - I Men Wanted, to learn the anlomoltllo me chtinb' trade; a irado with u future. I. our f? x i n i t rneclmnli' l.-iicli nu with tiol on real tnrs of ll (T-rft) t itiuh'-a; you lo I he tvnrli oui-H'lf with tool in our nio'l rrn Mt'iim-heat.il khthK' ; ilnuble your jirnlt'K inpju'lly in S w-.K Hood posi tion ..ui.'il I'.-r frei I kl.l write Aul.ini..lpll. i'.,l.K" of Nnslnlll.-. Vnah iile? TfiiiH Cainiol Itoul.'vard. Macliinlats Wanted Steady employment. a .......... irii.r m, i,i. unli ni'i'i. . -tonia. N. C ltf -Vifnil llrt i ll ll'T ' oil ' l:... 1, lllll S law Halter. ..1 ' 1 In. i,. Don't 1 .'in.. Mot. 1 Milled Men It.- 'lO'V " 1111' I I" ItiK' ".l-i: '. Ii learn iiartier tratle. ! anuiiu I f oti in. at iiiii-i' ' r 1 ' Siartnnbtira s Make iiiil 11 IVunlfil l-.upcricnced irw feeder. I'oiind ami M..01 ' . ' li" i' l"t l . ' t l.enrn the barber trade Only four week., "..Ulin-'l for 111-' iiwi'i'k' Mi.l"iit. IVr f..r li.fiirinatioti. Shul.'i.l lli'il.'T i'cII.i; . t."4 linn .Marshall Si . I'.i' In I. V:i L'l .'I Hanted Aato painter. Muil be good slri- .er and rlnlnh'-i ll'wul.ir - in ploy no n ' Write clatliiK in,'.'. '" il' ii'.- mo I w.tv- -i n-imted. Tl.l'lv al"l Hall. Ai-ll i.l'.. N 1 Wanted Ftr-I cIhhk barber: make anywhere from '." ' . ... 'l.'llaiM iter ...-k. Mu-i nesv I- n I . i: i'oi. j. S'. i. .-vi i . C. I - Wanted 25 laborers. Apply Lewis Wrecking Co., Camp Greene. Phone 37((. lf)-2l Wanted Several .Experienc- ed Ford mechanics. Only experienced men need ap ply. Pyramid Motor Co. 2 1-2 Linotype operator; union shop; good working conditions; top-notch salary. If you are a good operator and mean business, wire or write, or phone, "Fore man," Charlotte Observer. REAL ESTATE ji : Phones 302' and 6.10-J. 1 15.1$ I I ideal lui atlou for automobile business, cent. & Company T. M. ABBOTT, Mgr. and Mll-J. C2-2. Wanted Man of good aUuirflna; In hla com munlty lu take ordera for trees, shruba, rosea, vines, bulbs, old fashioned flowers. P'Tmanent. HlKh commlaslons paid weekly. So dellvrlnif or rnllcrtlns;. Vrit- today. I'"lret National Nurseries. Rochester. X. V. 22 Wanted An enereUe, ambitious infl man of itood experleuru to assist in our clothlnir and shoe department. Tli" stvre Is hi-h grade, surroundlnirs pleasant and position permanent for the rtirht man. Hend in r'-rroinmendaflnns and state preTil salary anil salary fjipected with aipllcatlon. Address The John MrHwffen Company. Iiepartmeiit Btore, Tlinmons vllle. 8. C. 2a Men learn barber trade. Darn lil wace. HarbiMH niak" itonii lion'i ,l..av Wrlto Mol.-r HarlMr ..11-k". 1 N. l''orytli Ht.. Ail.iiitn eoil IVuuteil I flrnt clnaa Ford mec-littnlc. Ply Lieo. S. Tuiii'-r. WaKiaiii. N. I'. . oil Wanted Two Job printer. wire salary expect... I, also v. Ii.-n you can f-port for i work. A. K. Magill. (ireenvllle, S. C. Men troubled with orlnary frequency or I bladil.-r Itriliilton, i.roHtnl" dis-U'l'T. pll1. or conat:.,itioii, will l.-iirii Soiii-I limp innii7lriKi lo lpfo' ' itlioiir .tr iikh. ilil. ii-;i---iag'. i,r ip-ralion. In- Tii.'i.-ly writing Lu fr.-.- iii'iiliurf In I il'-ri rot )i-rinal !.. - ' I l.'ifiiin llt.U- . Slciil,eii Ml.-. 11 Kallviiy Irurili lneeclor wanted; SI 10 a ino'i'li arid x i ! 1 1 .1 rc r-lart; shutl Iiouth '':i'l.. ihr." TiiiuitliH hiiiii.. Htndy u'l'lci lu. 1 1 .1 u l U'.. . ( on posilloii. No age limn lor I... '.1,1.1 NJ'.l'.i Sti.ndi.nl liuMiii.'H . Tnuiuru' Insi.. hiltfiii.. T. h Learn Aulo uml Tractor ItiiHlneH in II to M w... l, tt..,.i iimiti.. "i.i'ili.r'. ..f.-c ilili fl " to $lli" .. moiitii Twice illon ''lllili" lit .unl floor s.ae. use.) ill dail l-r,i,.i.'- tcuiiilriif tli.ui j.n nulo siliool in l'i' :n.i Ma.sl.r M''.Jii. li ic I nm met i ir in. I einic in. t h.ol - us, ,1 (., (rain th.nl--.uuIh of SoI.M.t M -1 In. ii 1 in lili-da; oura... , Writ. f..r I're. i'iilalot Kulle Aulo iin-l Tin.'... li". T1H Hal . K ulisic. I 'tly. ! - ,s len I.Utell Kon'l lu'tit clicaii join. We'll I'-.o ii .on nerner i r . ..uerni l"llliB I" -i.llli.ri. V " n mIioi.k. money ,ll .-., ri..i.n i oiiipl. I '" .l:n kjf.iinll.. Hurl., i . . ! I . u . . Hay St.. .lackKoevil! -. l'l.. .l al,- e.lUrse Men wanted for delrclite work. ' lanor. I', r:n-i i I ,-r 1 -. . Ills M rite Wen ge under 5.V "ftrj. Tra - I ihmi r"pori s..i,ii i, -. Lipecience unneces- -e.-ret I II ees: in ,i , i, inf. ' XpeilB'-s Mljel i l ,, K'iie. :;. SI Louis Cure 1 1 e If you hate l iiniids Prof. Ilran- ih" rinrl.'T trade, "f shops, posilloii llsrl,-i- I'oli.ife. 14 tniii; u II l ,-a, li ;-.'.. I wa-ea; chan Kuaraiil I. Allan K Mil. h'-l Si A I lu n : Wanted Men to learn t.oi erimieiii Cotton Standard gradum. a s nulling lorn; an" "hori ample eon, ,ii Tuition $.u. Iligl: s.ihinVd positions oiiMcnl I op.-n W .-.No t. ji. li hrra,1ini ,-.,tii,- -y . rr, ip.,n l-iire Charlntle I'o'loi, s.-h-'i-l. I'lin- '..tte. V. (' I-lrt ClaSH .If4 Compositor warilfsl at once. $:l.S (HI. i. In.ur I 'e. I i ' I'r.'it.ry. Sails bury, X i". 'JL'-T- Wanted l.irensrd or mill, enseal drug clerk 'Villi experleln ,. S,li, -l"v lirii.. "t..r. . Suint- r. S. C 2" Hooting t ement Salesmen, Paint Salesmen, for this and adjacent territory by live tip-in il.i'e ortfaniy.at inn selllrm direct to consumer If you ;.re making less than " . n ( 1 1 a i;ir i n v estl kii t e at once. l'aint sin! looting cement toil,! on On days fre. 'rl.-ll If Hot satisfaelory CUSloiner tieeil iiol pa'. exclusive territory Address S, , unt MutlUil l'aint and arnisli Works. Station A. Cleveland. Ohio. Wanted Three Automobile Washers. Applv No. 12 Y. First St. Wanted 2 or 3 Automobile Mechanics. Apply Monday morning, The Vhite Co., 206 S. Poplar Street. 22-23 Wanted Experienced bicycle repair man at once. Gas- r toni.l VlllCail 1 71 II t' ( ( Gnstf)- l';llla v inv.ani.in.i, s., vj.isit) J eod J ' - - Wanted Experienced NaU- ;,-, M -lriM-iP Unn -.n V O Hlg iVVJCniHC JVl l II On 10. V ti , M:i: au, : Morgan Nailing MaClllIie. 1 n t . i i Steady WOrk. Apply to o i j - rT Sll pen II teilllen t SWltt & CO. I i- , - t t?T I tl C T' . 22-2 1 j ' , . Igf A UTm WAN I tU wanted To put down your hardwood flimrs .,,, garage w ,kc a specialty repair w..rK. Phone 4I27-.I , . "' Ilorlor Wanted. Cotton mill tillage and : splendid surrounding country. Write At- I water and I.amb-th. Hyrium. V .' 2122 . ' ; w..,j , . . . Wanted At, mice, seven to nine r.MTni house. pllrnlhed or unfurnished .h.m- lr rurnisn. n or unrurniii.i 1 horn lv-, , . . , " W'n"1 "ty " """"" ,',rth ro",n" r"' ' l-f-l'""'"""- Address Mnanrlal ' ' onserver i - - W ,"!' C ' ' .f". ' ar" """'ri''r 22-24: , . , . Wanted To purchase an aildressograpli. 1 ' "h"""1"111" plessc state whether your i machlno Is rubber type or metal type, """l'''- CV" model number and price. Address Ad,lrssogrph. care ibaerrer. I - w anleil Von to know that we have a large slock of reinforcing bars at nur" I'har- I loti.- warehouse and arc prepared to cut i 'o li-nglli, fabricate .and make prompt ' rhlpni'-u!. Send plans or list of material . Mimni., our engineering force is at I ,,ui- s.-rvlc Southern Engine, ring , ::: ll-altv Ttldg. 22 - - - - Wanted T buy a small grocery store,; ..ish business, in or near Charlotte. In, iinswering state amount of etot k on hand. . wo.-kly sales and b. st cash prle... c. P. W. cine Observer 22 . We have storage room for several hundred bales of loti.m l.et us hear from you. ItueUer w 11 rehouse Corporation, (ireens- boro. N. c. 22 I WIJI Pay Cash for any stork of general j merchandise In North or South Carolina. (iaffney Mercantile Co., Oaffney, 8. C, 22 Wanted to Kent Couple without children , want two or three-room furnished apnrt- ment, with 'modern conveniences. Must be closo In. Address A. O. W., P O. Boz 110$, Charlotte 22-24 Wanted to Buy Two to five acres of land utthln three or four miles of siiusr.. .Must be u burguln. Will .leal only with owner. Address Purchaser, P. O. Box 1108. t'hnrlott". 22-24 HARNESS AND SADDLES KEIIOKN tt HIPP. Phm... 211 N. Cullsee for Hale A National five (61 drawer elee trio re-lstr. Oood as new, used only six months. Mahoaany finish, l'rlce 1876 de livered. W. H. Orlmmcr, Standard Shoe , Co., Petersburg-, Fa. 22 Apple No, 1 Wlnrmapa, $10 barrel ; No. ' Wlnesaps. ff barrel. Firm and nice. W. K. Hall. Mediums Klver, Va. rateifta For Kale To sell, buy or obtain patents wrlteatent Nrwa-2u9. Washing ton n r 5? 22 For Sale Ever bearing raspberries, f 1.50 I doien; Himalaya blackberries. 16 cents each; fls bashes, bear till frost, 46 cents ; each. John Parrott, Oaffney, 8. C. 16 : For Sale SO0 shares good cotton mill stock in Oaxton county. HX, cure obsyver. FOK SALK lied ( lover Seed, 125.00 per bu. New Home Sewing machines, $42. On ply Certain-Teed Roofing, $3.60. 2 ily Certain-Teed Hoofing. $3.00. While or Pink beans, lni) lbs baK iii'xil'i KlrcHtone caslnga. $u;.f.il. Mix iJ V. tubes. $3.00. All th-- aboe delivered. W AI.HKK'N HARt.AIN HOI XV., Mocksville, N. 4'. $10. Charlotte Leather and Finding CdT Cliar- lotte. N '. ivhl.-aal9 dealers In all kinds i f l-iiili. i products and i-hoe makers' supplies .Mail .rd-rs Kiven prompt at leiition Write li" f"i' ouotatUills. 32 S. College St. lor Sale Hotel property In live, progres sive little low, i. il'i riilleH Hist of Kieh moiiil. :.. Heuutli'ii: shady lawn of oaks. Lii Iota lo.O'l garden: Hue water; electric htflit" Can 1... Ii-l'l fill of boarders vuai -uuinl. Meal sun' m !'!. Price very 1 1 t. so li h 1.1 -. WU" I. A. Keiinoii. Min eral. Va. A Powers motion picture machine in A-I condition; ton opcni .hairs; fans. Iiclts, shaftlliK At a barK.-i Vut,e I. .Mc . ill. Wiik-ram. N '. t(r sal, car. ltt.lMMI feel sheathing, sur faced one side. K. i' H Chariot le for in, li.ile accept:. n. ll.,i-.lwo...l Mfg . .. . n., is; rr Sale New H-room bungalow In Kil ,.rlli. furnac ami isarim-. spl-ndld lo arloii l'ri-e at oftlc. C '. Abl.oll i'.i. I'hoiies iiol' and J44:i-.l. L".--'4 , -or sale H-r.Mim Kllworth home, furnnce heat hiirdw.ioil Moors v.t'it irarane. on n"o.i stre.-l. I'rlee lll.iol'' I". C- Abbott -'';' I'hori.s ill;;; li 1 1 I -4IJ-.I '.".'-'.'4 Highest grade hall chewing gum 15c prr nuant lt . Am. Illoli Mint I'ro'lueis Conipun' . Haiti- Mil. Will Ier glad to recrlie private bids on a . I. I- lumber plant ioiat-. ut Knnnap ..lis. N i'. including holler, ennui., sum .,111 ..in lit all kinds of linislied lumber ii..i. Innery. dry kill:, etc. Th's machinery - rrulik-ed to b- run enher by steam or l.v electricity. K. Low.-, trustee I, bankruptcy, Kar.napolls, N C ForaTf IHamond for sale In pawn for $ I no. win sen tb-k. t for ,'1"",,,Jl-;; aflern....ns mill. - ,'. eye glasi-'s fit all eye., none ; K.mt Trade St r s, Pedigreed llelglun linree. Ill) ii pair. Al-xan.h-r's. r.l' Phone Ho.ii-I.-:; ;i to v.nlh 21-22 For Sale Hemstitching and plcotlng attach liienl. '.'.', n'ks nil all sewniK I""' no."-. full Instructions. I C l.'Kht. ltlrniiiiKliani. A in Hus 127. 'Il-li For Sale Last chance. tiovernment wag ons one-third aetunl cost. rlne for fai'ir, : i,d K.-neral us- Hesl and nu.sl durable wuroiih mad,- Price $7i. Only few left. Make cei lined check or money order Tor the number vou want, made payable to ilovornment Surplus tioods Co.. and send fame to Captain I Woenne, care Camp Supply officer. Camp Jackson, 8. eod For Sale 'JSO.OOO feet of oak and S00.04MI feet gum four miles from station at a bar gain. ). I.. Newton, Machen. Ua. 21-22 Apples Fancy Wlnesaps $10.00 barrel No. " Wlnesaps, $S $1 barrel. Kan Hill Or chards. Mechums Biver. Va. Wanted You to know the Matthews Full Automatic Electric Light and Power Plants for counlry homes They require no attention ex. opt to supply water, oil. and gas. Write us for Information, utili ties Supply Company (distributors! Hill. H. c. Rock 1 19tf FOR SALE VVc have purchased the fol- lowing materials used by the government at Camp r Greene and offer subject to prior sale: lalvanixed tanks 80 gsl 126 .'.000 screen doors, 2-16-1 60c to 76c rubles, all alzes 60c to S3 I Benches, all sizes 60e to 13 60 i Suitable for schools, lawns, etc. 1.S00 poles, 25. 30 and 36 feet .... 12 to 14 Plumbers' materials Electric goods. j City Phone 2306 Warehouse Phone 3848 WIGGINS & WEBB P. O Box 1063 Camp Greene. Charlotte. N. C 27-lf; I For Sale About 30 feet oP wire grill for bank or office counter. May be seen at Observer office. tf For Sale We have pur chased the following mate rials used by the Govern ment at Camp Greene, and offer subject to prior sale. Steel tanks, 1 30, 400 and 500 gallon. Suitable for gas air, water, etc. Carolina Junk & Hide Co. P. O. Box No. 08, Phone 74. I8tf FOR SALE One 1.5 horsepower boiler, complete. One Oil Tank, capacity 2, ooo gallons. Seven 5 ft. skylights. One 700 gallon copper still. Piedmont Iron & Metal Co. Phone 886, " S. for sale -Oolden Kalre Fin Kemedy Pre vents Influenaa. 1.00 per box, postpaid. Watson Chemical Works, Tuma, N. C. eod. For Sale Porcelain lined refrigerator, M pound Ice capacity. Oood condition. Price $16 00. Phone 3111. 21-21 For Sale Reinforcing bars from our Char lotto Warehouse Stork. Prompt ship ment. Send plana or list qf material. Southern Kno-lneerlna- Co.. 603 Realty Bid. 22 For Sale About 1,000,000 pine, cypress and gum. ton, Southport, N. C. feet of timber, Daniel and Cot S MONKY BEFUND1CI) yrt4y and Promptly If not KNTIRELY SATISFIKO. ! Swnd $12.60 for Th ClcuUtir. The j New Adding Machine. Une it flv days and : if not suitable to your nof1 return same C O. I). You run no risk. Neither the , Calculator Corporation or the U. 8. Pot Office Department would permit us to make such an offer of this kind and not live up to U. The "Irttlo Wonder" doee t h work of a $300 machine. Adds, Sub tracts, Iivldf8, Multiplies automatically. : iluaranteed five years. Every bookkeeper, ; tiunlneas and professional man need one. j AftentH wanted in every county. Calculator i Sales Agenry. Charlotte, N. C. Snle of Hurplu (iovernmoMit Uooda. I'. S. Arrny wool oMve drab blanktn, food tMnditlon. Oracle A, $7.95 each, or $91.60 Jtineii lotn, (itiT.l Medul I'linvnR folding cots .... $2.9G I' S, Army renulatlon comforts, olive drab, renovHtfnl and ntertllred. Full size, f J. 45 mch or $2 00 each 100 lots. I'. S. Army wool hirtB. (.Jood con (Jit Ion. f iraile A, $ ut h , grad H. $.&0: Kraile C, $1 9f. ' . s Army canvas legine, extra atrong 1 i-anvRH. pair 66c I". S. Army raincoats New. Special $12.60 I . S. Army ponchon. very desirable gar ment fr bad weathfr Openinir in center. Hplfiidld condition. $24 dozen or each $2.4U i C s. Army rKUlatiun nhoe. Brand new. It.'-st gru dn and workrnanflhip- Made on Munstm last on Kovertiuwnt upeciflcationa K Vfry body knows t hp valu of the army Iiiip. Stat stz wanted. I and E widihM. $S K.'i t-iucli or $lt4 dozen lota. I S Navy hummoiku, hav canvas, ex-'M-llrnt condlttnn. 40x71 inchen .... $2.95 . ' rit for 'Ht!ii'K f C S Army (food of klndw. T'timm: Cash with order. Mony . hn( k If not PiitUlled. IH'.A 1M.KY UDMiKM WARKIIOCRR CO. 1 1 rpfii r 1 1 1 , s. NOTICE We have just received a car load of the famous Peter! Schuttler Wide-Track Farm Wagons. Come in and look them over before you buy. All sizes in stock. Sims Potts Company, Phone !()2S, N. College St. eod The K. P. Fertilizer Distribu tor. The absence of cotton seed meal in mixed fertilizer the coming season will make this popular distributor more in demand than ever. All farmers understand why this is true. If you have not already placed yoiir require ments .attend to this prompt ly. N. jacobi Hardware Co., Wilmington, N. C, or Clio Implement Co., Clio, S. C. eod HELP WANTED FEMALE ; Wanted Knergetle ladles for outdoor work. , tlood pay. Address X-2C. Care of Obser ver. 21-22 Wanted Dish washer. Apply Atlanta I.unrh, 27 W. Trade Ht. 21-22 Wanted Girls for factory work; steady emplovment: day work, . to start piece work later; good wa,ges. Apply McClaren Rubber Co. W. Palmer St. 10-tf Wanted Lady for office work ; must write good hand 1 and be able to use type writer. State salary expect ed to start. Good chance of promotion to right party, j Address C. M" care Ob server. 21-22 $3.50 per day trJci one ldy in each town lo diHtrlbute frrft circular fur Economy Noja-Alcnhollc flavoring1. Permanent po sition. F. K. Burr Co., Chicago. GOOD WAGES FOB HOME WORK. We need you to make aocka for ua on the fast, easily earned auto knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. We buy all you can supply ds. Dlstsnce Immaterial. Positively no canvassing. Tarn supplied. Partlculara 2c stamp. Dept 268-C. Auto Knitter Co., Buffalo. N. T. ladles Learn Millinery. Tho demand grows larger each season. Beat and most com plete course taught In the southern states Write for partlculara. Jordan's Millinery Hchool, 220 Highland Ave., At lanta, Oa. I " Wanted Applicants for ' the " Rutherford Hospital Training School for Nurses. The Rutherford hospital offers unexcelled opportunities for surgical training, and part of the course may be taken at Hellevuo and Allied Hospitals In New York. If desired. Pupils while In train ing recolve maintenance, medical atten tion and an allowance sufficient to cover cost of uniform and books. For further particulars, address Miss Freda W. Ward en, R. N., Bupt. of Nurses. Rutherfordton. N. . od Girls Now la the time to take a millinery course for spring aeason. Milliners sr.' In demand. Thorough course guaranteed. 136.00. llest school In south. Tesches making and trimming hats from the foundation up. Write now to Mrs. Lyle. Now York Millinery School, 24 Arcade Bldg.. Atlanta. Oa. 8 Wanted Hundreds girls-women. 1 up. 1100 to 1160 month. U. 8. Oovernment permanent poaltlons. Experience unneo easary. Common education sufficient. 1,1st positions open, free. write imii.e- dlately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 687 B, Rochester, N. T. WANTED bngnt, ratwbla Indies to trav el, demonstrate and sell dealers 126.00 to 161.00 per week. Railroad faro paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. '706. Omaha;- Nebr. Write Photoplays MS-WOO paid anyone for suitable Ideas. Experience unnecessary: complets outline free. Producers League. 807. Ht. I-kiuIs. Wanted Young girl te help at wri counter. Apply Monday. Purcell's. ipplng 22 I want a ateaographer who knows how to spell, who can read her notes a week after taking and who will be sat Ufled . with a salary not more than the allow ance of a princes, Address Oood Jobj ear Opsorvsr, Wanted Te rent direct freest inner, at 1 to (-room residence. Can giro beet of ref erence and will .pay In advance. Ad dress Tenant, care Obaerver. 21 Wanted False teeth. We par high aa $ for full aeta. Mall. Don't matter If broken. Western Metal Company, BlooralngtoD, Ullnola. 11 Wanted Kodak ttwaara werywhere tori writ ua for prices on developing, print ing and enlarging. Pour hour eervtoe. The Carolina Developing- St Printing Houae, P. O. Box 111, Charlotte, N. C. a Safe snlocked, romblnatloae changed. All kinds of Tale keys fitted. J. Will Keeter aon, lock expert, gun and locksmith. A.11 work guaranteed. If B. 6th. Phone 141. Wanted I or 4 furnished rooms far light housekeeping or small apartment, steam heat, bath and phone. P. O. Box 704, City. 11 Wanted t unfurnished steam heated rooms or small apartment, elose In, by young buslnesa woman. Address Business Wo man 171, care Obaerver. 11-11 WANTED TO Pt'KCHABK DINING TABLE AND CHAIRS. MUST BO IN OOOD CONDITION. ADDRESS REA SONABLE, CARB OBSERVER. 12 Wanted eteaeoned oak and poplar.. Give alzee and price in carload lota. Charlotte Wagon and Auto Company, Charlotte, N. C 11-21 Wanted to purchase modern DnngaJow or two-story houae In Elizabeth, Dllworth or Piedmont, for cash. Newcomer, oare Ob server, eod Wanted Refined young eon pie deal i as three or four room unfurnished houae or apart ment for occupancy about March 10th. ; t.. E. P.. care Observer. , 1H-23 FIRE INSURANCE. I STRONO COMPANIES. I F. E. HARLAN : PHONES 321 or 247. lS-tf Wanted Number of colored house to sell. 3. 4. 6, 6 rooms. Near aquare and on the outskirts of city. Ho usee, care Observer. 11-11 , Wanted Your houses to rent. Charges rea- , sonable and have never had management of any property taken from me on ac count of Inefficiency. If you are not satlatled with preeent results see me. F. E. Harlan, 201 South Tryon St., phones '. CP21 or 2479. Htf Wanted To Buy your Iron, rags, books and : magazines. Phone 74 and we will call. Carolina Junk and Hide Co. ltf j Wanted Barbers to push Conoo, "the live 1 tonio for dead hair." It makee yon friends. Conner and Walters Co. ltf WANTED MORE HOMES TO DELL AT ONCE. F. O. ABBOTT CO., PHONI 1022 OR 2441-J. ttf Wanted To buy a few acres hrlrk clay, with good yard spare, in suitable loca tion near railroad. Or w.iuld buy Interest in good brlrk yard thai .-ould be put In j Kooa running shape In f'iv we..k.a. R. J. U., rare Observer. 16-22 Wanted To buy good clean second Burlap und Hurlap bags. I,Ht'K' size bags pre ferred. Phone 364 or , i or rail at 213 South College street Jl-tf Wnntert To liny furniture ami stoves. Char- lotle Stove t.'o . Phone 388 1-tf Wanted Room and board by refined couple in private family. Price no object if in reason. Best of refer ences furnished. Address! C. M., care The Observer.! 2 1-23 i BUILDING MATERIAL BUILDING MATERIAL FOR SALE 40,000 feet 14 by 14 by 10 long leaf pine, per m Ui.i- 100,000 feet 2x4'a, . 10. 12 14 and 16 feet long, per m 2T.6D 200,000 feet S. atreet 8 to IB ft. long, per m 27.60 26,000 feet I by I and 6 by 6, 8 and 10 feet long, per in 27.60 60.000 feet 2 by , 2 by 8 and 2 by 10'a, per m 27.60 100 pair glass double doors, 2'4"x6'8 ", with hardware, per pair 6.00 1,000 feat (I In. wrought Iron water pipe, fittings and valvea, per foot 75 1,000 feet 8 Inch wrought iron water pipe, fittings and valves, per foot 40 600 feet 8 In. terra cotta pipe, per foot 22H 600 pounds No. 14 rubber covered electric wire, per pound 26 The nbove material Is Just hs good as new and will bo sold very v.oon at these prices J. S. RUST Base Hospital, Camp Greene, phone 3250, P. O. Box 118 Charlotte, N. C. WE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU ONETHIRD IN YOUR BUILDING COST OF APARTMENTS. DWELLINGS AND HOTELS K Majestic Steel Kitchen, White Enameled, Fireproof, with every up-to-daie kltohei: iippllanre. costs one-half what the averageltttchen costs. The MURPHY IN-A-POO 11BD (not a folding bed), a metal bed that at night can be in your aun parlor or sleeping poroh or Instantly turned Into a room. In the day, without effort, placed In the cloaet out of sight. Most sanitary and comfortable. Three rooms Murphylxert have the ef tlnency of six rooms. Itenta go down, owners profits go up. more convenience and les housework. MURPHY DOOR BED CO. ,nf Atlanta. 704 Pearhtree Arcade Building. WANTED BEST-EQUIPPED WELDING SHOP IN THE CAROUNAS We weld Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Cast Iron, Steel, Automobile Frames, Cracked Cylinders, Water Jackets. Crank Cases, Cotton Mill Parts, Saw Mill Parts, Gin-Parts and Farming Implements. We do nothing but welding. Our men are experts. All Work Guaranteed. CHARLOTTE WELDING CO. 519 West Fourth Street. Near Southern Station MARBLE AND GRANITE MECKLENBURG MARBLE & GRANITE CO. High Class Granite Monuments. Get in touch with us before placing your order. E. Second and Brevard. Phone 557 Charlotte, N. C. Wanted T . Wl th flrs liuurann r&tln mnA ing. Write stating salary expected and " axpertenoe. Oood salary to, right person. Edgooomoo Realty and Ins. Co,. Tarboro. O- H-13 Tenr Catter Wanted Oood osltea with steady time and good pay to a first eiaas Veneer Cutter who thoroughly understands the operation of Veneer Lathes, to not aa foreman In groan end of Veneer Mill, veneer Manufacturing Company, Golds boro, K. C. , r 2223 Wanted oed live wide awake snaa to take over gasoline and oil station. Apply Mo tor Accessories Co., 611 South Tryon St.. Phono 117. 11-18 Wanted Iff m saJ f jM t Big paying trade. Qulekly learned. Big demand. Write for catalog. Trl Clty Barber School, Philadelphia, Pa, a $100 to I1S0 an oath. Hundreds epeaUnga. U. & Government positions. Mgn-women. 11 up. Experience unnecessary. List po sitions free. Writs immediately. Frank lin Institute, Dept. lit B, Rochester. N- T. (j U. 8. fi over a maut wants railway mall elerks. Commsnoe $100 a month. Particulars, address B. H. K care Observer. 0 Woman or mna wanted, salary 124 fall time, too an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experi ence unnecessary. International Mills. Norrlstown, Pa. I Help Wanted Three loopers tor 200 needle goods. He dozen. Also toppers and knitters, inspectors. Pat rick Hery Mills Co., Gas tonia, N. C. 22 Wanted Four men or women to introduce KLIM to the housekeepers of Charlotte. No collecting to do, no de liveries to make. Only to solicit orders. Experience preferred, but not absolute ly necessary. If you are not a worker and can not devote your entire 'time to the work, don'ft apply. Good worker can make $3.50 to $8.00 per day. Ask for Mr. Beatty, Beatty's Drug Store. 201 N. Tryon St. eod HELP WANTED FEMALE Wanted ilve room uml board In payment to help liouMc v orlt. Phone 2607-W. 23-2:: Ladles Kern $10 Day Gathering roots anil h"rbi. Spurn time. Olnseng grows Ilk, .-. il m-IIIiik 124 lb. Also Oolden Seal K, lllni.' 15.60 lb., easily grown In youi minli-n or backyard; anywhere. Full cu! lural dlrectlona free. We will buy yout rootH, seeds and leaves of the abov. . Hest references furnished. Botanical IPSO West Haven. Conn. 1.. Wanted Experienced stenographer In lura ber business. Oood aalary and promo Hon offered. Olve reference Hrst lett' Lumber Pteno, care Observer. BUILDING MATERIAL ATLANTA, GA WANTED MARBLE AND GRANITE V If. t. WVNDHAM. Halesanaa. Phones 3tr!2 and 3202. v" , :vv. . I " v w ; i 'v1 K 4 t i , l i i