'1 CHARLOTTE. OBSERVER, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1920 'J MARKETS AND FINANCIAL WORLD - LITTLE NET CHANGE IN Late Fluctuations Irregular. Close Quiet Net 10 Points Higher to 22 Lower. Hew Turk. rw. 14 About til only trading feature M the eottoa market hr today .11 he Mai v.ntm-up of l.c.m kr com ranta wh'ch mUurad at neon Only thr Dtctmbff natlce vara r- rtad and a fw rema'nlne; shorl found lacuaary lo bid th price up to 1411 or 41 point abov tb cloalna; quotattona of yeeterday bfora thay eoald eur cover Th atrtnath of tn nr poaltton pul'ad a lh balane of th. Hit but aftar trad-(-at- In December wee ovar pr'oa aaaad off aeeral point andar acatt.rad reeltilns and later fluctoattena were Irregular, witb lb market eloelnc qutl--Aet 19 point felrher to II potnt lower. Near month were II to IS point, lower at lb op .1n( but latr dt1vri ehowed ad ranee of I to I point and th fen rJ Ht aoon firmed up on the eoverlna; vy nembr short Report that the British government had reached an un etoratandlna with rfernc to a trt-dt fteTreamant with Ruaala. mar hav cor. IrlbateT to the ear' advaee which ear rid January and latr poaltlnn. about IT to It point abov laat night' Hosing cur. Thi made a recovery of ap ffro1mately a cent a pound from the low record of th week which eemd uff' -aunt to attract aorn realising and th enarket waa almost at a tandtlll durln" th afternoon when th attention of broker wae enaaejed by the usual i hans of holiday wishes January "ld h'h as Mtt and c'od 1471 The Liverpool market closed today snd will remain rinsed until Tee-"Bv morn ln. while th. American mark! reopen for business on Monday Hlah t-ow Close Janosry It ' ' March 14 14 47 14 M . ... tut. aiay i 1 K Art 1171 titti October '. . 1" 14 ! - MOMKT lalat-p. New Tor Dec. 14 Prim mercantile panel 1 t r-chan hw. (ttertma -day bill IV: cummecclal tn-iUv bills an bank I ; commercial da bllla I4f aWmand 1114k: cable lf Pranca demand I tl cWe Tie via n Trance demand 1. cable tl. On'Mera demand II ? cable. 11.11 IJre. demand I 7. chle I It Marks, i cable I St. flceece flemand T It Mon-real u4 per cent dlacount- Oov.rnment bonda atrons: railroad kond. Irreculsr fme ' 4 day, to dya and aii montha IH' CH 4JP1 4 I Vv Ch'rmmn, 'C 4 W'he.t. So. t red t No i hard I 77H1 'H Tom No I mlsed 71: N t yellow T1H 7I Oats. No t white 4IV.94IHS N. I wh'te 447i4 rl.-e No t 1 HV Barley 7"lt T Tfh-.eet not offoted. rlovereeed not quoted For nominal trd 11 Rlbe 11. Oil 24 antrrr - ' ro-.TON BTa.TF.'ireNT Comnr'ons re lo acfal da' not to rloae of corr oondlnat . Tn thoueand. bale tn ,b- for week I "2 In e'-M eme seven da- laat year.. 4 -4-t.i tnm rbe month 1.7t" In el'ht seme date la t year ... .In s'-M for aeaeon n i-b -a me 'ae raac.... Port receloi for aeason n . ni. earne date la vear 1.774 I 7.t I i4 1.177 OaoVend to ml'l and Canada for iti eeasna Overl.-d earn, data last vear H..'h.i-n m"l atns for -. .itherw 'aame da ' vear 74 l.llt i.m St 414 . Interior Block l Teaa or nepiem- ber I Interior la." Tar Avawtei. far week n asm. aevea aav y-r. n for aeaaaa t.t' S.44- Sl " ii: 1.11 teore'i data laat ver Northern n'nnera' taklna and ranada for wl --h.i- nar eeren day lat v. r Northern for aeae-m w t .e 1t. t.el veer. . . H ...n aiieiteve Tet.e e Aeeevi ' si l l Ik. Werid. The ai-ne week ; evn da-o it vaar Total etnca Bpt ember 1 d i. . mr 4 144 Ha - . WM'i'. Vlalhle Auaaily T,.. e4e'b-a ih'B week 1 ' To'al vkbl laat week ."- n-. . .V--'e eeme ""i-e lat vear.. 14-4 O thl the total American this week Ameccan lea- we . . . ... . -1 eM.n teat Vtir 4 " 1 All other hind.- tbt week I All other btnda 'sat week !. An ether atnue thta lat yr IT lalbl la th ITalted a..te this week I J'J VUfhie thl laat year. .T Vle-ble In oth ceontrle. thl wee .!. Vl.lbl this da- - raw WORK BOND. U. I ", ranls-ered V,'"".a IT S I. rttM ttnciuoted TT a 4a resist ed Unquoted TJ. tl Is. eoup'li. ftd Panama ta ral1er pma Is. conoon American Bmeltlna and Rflnla American Tel and Tel. cv. as. . ti'.on een. 4 Atlantic Coast Una lrt 4s Be'i'more a"d Ob'o rv 4HB Be'hl.hem Rioal ref Central of Oeorata Consolidated I Central leather s ... i. nbto cv Ba.... . . 1M . . It . . to I Tt 4 . . 7SA 74U. H .. t3V . . 77 is. 11 n 71 '4 i.. II M "4 i . us i. . S! . . S4 ... 1 ... 7 . . 70-i 74 B ... 7'' . .. h ... Bt ... t74 ,.. lilt ... 74W ... t4 .. 7t 10) .. . e ... IK ... nut ... 15 ... It ... t ;.. 7 ... 7IH I, tsit .. ... t ... U ... 71 nic--o. p and oulncy Joint 4 Chlcaao. Mil. ana m r. i--Chicaao, R I. and Pae. Ry. raf. 4 Cite of Par1 . ' ' -amitbern ref 4X. . t.niurauu - Denver and R'o 0-nd confl. 4 rv-m'ninn of Canada t.s tiasii-. Erie ren I rillnois Central ref IB Int Mer. Marine Ksnss. City (tout hern ref. I .- Uaeett and M-ers Ss tyn-llsville and Nashville un. I . . Mle-ourl. an. and Teva 1st la. . Missouri Pan. run 4 Wew Tork Central db. t Norfolk and Western cv. Borthern Pacific 4a pennsvlvanla en. 6s Readina aren. I Republic Iron and Bel S (14 St tut and Ban Fran. adj. .. Seaboard Air Wna-bdl. Routhern Bell Tel t -Southern Paoiflo c. t Southern Jtway Ba Southern Ral'wav -ran. la Teva and PaKclflo lt Union Paddd 4a United Klnadom of O. B. and ma tlfW),,., V. B. Steel I Vlraln'a Car Chemical Is "Wabash lat Wilson and Co. cv rtKT fioons. New Tork. Peo. tl. Trv -roods buyln was quiet before th holiday but manv buvers aav notte of an Intention to com early to markets next year. Tarn, wera quiet and Irreanlar. Mor Inquiry developed In athletic undrwar far prlnf. SHfcsi wara dull. Wool food qulat. T.IBKRTT BONT.. New Tork, Pao. II Liberty bond "'Vh-. t l: first ' !: aaoond l' 14 J"; rflst 4Vt BR BO: second !' tl 1 third 44 'a tT.IO; fourth tB.lt; vic tory K'a MM: vio-ry 4t' tl.t-l. Minis imn fftwVTW. : Nw Tark. POO Il.r tvaw ana nnnra ev.. ... nt.rkst lod tsy. ppot erte CHARLOTTE COTTON, top-artee 9W . . Wlih-, FHe 14 H kWeeipt M hm Market dMd CkrMnM Day and pret-alLr MscxUr. NEW ORLEANS COTTON HIGHER IN SMALL WAY Covering Operationt of Trad ers on 8hort Side Retpontl bit for Strength. New Orleana, Daa. 14 Prloe war hither In a amall way In th cottoa mar ket today for wblcb lb covertne; pera i '--s n( trader on h abort rid who wanted lo tak proflU ovar tba holiday Hi--.' reaponslbl. Their demand was rathr mora than tba rlna could lly fill, with operation' i mitad a thy wr and th con quanca waa that aavanca paraiaud prtic ically throuabout th eelon In th aiiy tradinc tba nm waa fairly active for a while and during thl. activity price were etronae t but fol lowing the first declln tber waa a af to practically th cloolnc level of yes terday under what looked Ilk liquidation from lonca who war disappointed over th continued oppoattlon of covemment official to th m. astir to revive the war finance eorporatlon. In th second half of the .assign the marks! earn back for amall cams bu; very nitl xtlvlty developed ' M sb Inw rios- Jnur lit 111 un March 14 13 II 14 II H May 14,42 14.14 14 If July 14 II II Id 14.10 Octob.r II II 14 It 14 12 Nan VOKK PTOCK I.IHT. Hlah' U.w irio. rn beet aluaar Americaa Can Am. Car and Fflry (m H "d U Pfd. It I4H 111 is ' t ut it tm 117 12 Am. Inlaraatloaal Corp ' 3ii l!H 4m lcomatlv Am Llnaeed Am Hmeltlna and Ref.. American Buaar Am. Hnmatra Tobacco. m Te' and TeL American Woolea A-.'-o-ida C&pper Atlantla Coast Una ... 1 Uulf and W I Raldwtn l-ocomollv ... n't'more and Oh1... Rethlehem Steel "B".. c-il'in P-ie'tlc Central leather Chandler Motors ' -s.neake and Ohio... r-bi n and P . . Cbl.. R. I. and Paa CV.no Copper r-oca-Cola ftlnrailo f" and I r- P-.'-irl. Crucible S:eel --a rne Buaar Krl -nerl t.tric Teoeral Motor Oceat Northern, pfd.... onf at' a-. el Illinois Central to.o'reMon C-vnner Int Mer Marine, ofd . titemstlnna' N'cfc.l -r-.ilnnt Paper ... Kennecott Copper t, and N Mexican Petroleum ... t'lm1 Copner M'smt Cotmer vnile B-ates Oil M'Uvsle Bte.1 Mlsenurl Pacific Vow York Ce-trsl .... V T . N H and H V--'k a"d Western... 10 I 71 It II iiu; lira It II H1 It 7IV f H tiv.1 ti.: tt ' iml it it I tm: 1 I 11 II 4 IIHI IIS1 lH 14 'ioia:ioi ttV it i ii 14 itsi tmi i?h Itlil lllii I1H ii4iit!'iim I4UI 91 1 lit 44141 II I II 14 I 11 I H 1 ,. 15 1 I list 14H ITS' 17' ! ItH! It I lit 17 I ft I 17 7lt II tl f. I 7i I 7' 114' 1741 174 11-el 1 7 H 1 f" .'ft 'HI". '! IISI 1141 11V 744' 7IV.I 71 t 1 I UK' H4l IK TI4(I ? I I 4V 4t I 41 I Its! li I 1 I 44 I 44 I 44 I 1"4' ItH' "u I 7 I s I SI 141 I1B7H 1S74 ItHI IIVI 1'4 im 1441 11 iml It 4 1 111 en1 et 1741 H4 ll4 1711 14 I 1 r.44 u 7411 7H Tt4 . I "4 1 I I I 7141 7"4I 7IH JHi l4' 14 tH1 7t 1 'I It I It ' It U V-n-"i Pacific 'vie P-nrl end Pf . . . tan Am Petroleum.. reTlvan,a w't sbareh and W Va Wire O'l Rav r,meo'ldted Oopperl M4l 10-41 lit. -4ll' t4l 7tH' 7"4 41 II I t II I .su SI 14(1 f4 1 I lt-4,1 IHI l4 tHI 14' t 40 I l-4 IIU t!V4' tt I tt 44 ' 41 I 44 141 IISI 44 Rep Iron and Bteel..... Revel r-mtch. N T wt Tnl.- and Ban fran aeeboard All- Une . .osrd A. U. Pfd snll T'ane and Trad . Sr!'- All and Ref..., t'.e-Oh.f B and I a-.n-brn Pacific aon-h-rn tta'tway tl I IKS' tl -..,. hem RaH-av. PM ' t7Ul ll ll atstirA o of N J , pfd Itar1"iv4 114 ut-irt.heleer Corporation . Tenneeee Copper T.s4 CO "ee, and Paiflc T-terrn Prodnct 41 Hi !S 41U 714I t-41 t 41HI 41 Hi 41 17141 14 I II 4 4 I 41 7 I IHI IK T-nsrvint'nntal Oil "men Pectflc Unfed rralt IT. B Pood Pmilitr-. .I1I4I1144I1144 I1i4'1tt !1tl ' II I MHl H4 nn.T nrmi tibix. Pert M-i-Mlt New Ortean MMdllna I4: rece'nt. s tl; exports l.74t: sale 1; frtock 4BI, 41. Oalve.tnn: Mlddlln 11 M; receipt 1,- e, porta IB.tBI: ' l.ttt; stock 141 01. Mobile: Mlddlln 1171; roelt 711: tork It. 111. Savannah: Middling ll.tt: receipt 1,171; tock lBt.att. charles-on: Receipts IM: stock HI 711 (Vllmln(tn: Receipts lit; stack 44, 011. Tots, Cltv: Receipt Itt: tock l.llt Norfolk: Middlln 11.10; receipts M IJ7: -ock 71. too . Ttaltlmore: flecelpts 70; stock t.OBl bo ton: Mlddllna II 10; stock 11.1(4 Philadelphia: Mlddllh-r 11.10; tock t.- (94 New Tork: Mlddlln IB. IBs atock II, 1IK Minor port: Stock l.lto. Total toilav: Receipt 11,417; exports 24.700: atock 1,410.711. Ton' for week: Receipt 174,ttl; ! porta H" l2 Total for on: Receipts 1,104,211: exports 3,114 tit Interior Mo-revnews. Houston: Mldilllna 1160; receipt I, 176: hlpmenti 4, Bit; ala 1,171: tock 311.715 Memphis: Mlddlln; 1160; receipt l.Ut: shipments 2.113: sales 126: stock 177.121. Auxueta: Mlddlln M 60; recelpta t 077: shlprnents 1.000; sale 200; stock 18M7S. St. 'Loul: Mlddllnr 1160; recelpU 4. 12S: hlpments 4.013: stock 17,I6. Atlanta: Mlddllnc 11.76 Utile Rock: Mlddllna: 14 BO: receipt 741: shipment ttl; aelea 166: stock 41, 143 nallai: Mlddllna 13.60: aale l.llt. Monlromery: M'ddllna 11.00. Total today: Receipt U.I47; hip menu ll.ttl: rtock 67 171. V. ft lnd Alcohol tH JH 1 V S Retail Store 60 41 44 V. 8 Rubber B-4 B4 6, U. B. Bteel 7ttt 7H 714 U. S. Steel, pfd r1064HlT4 1064 Utah Copper It I 174 17 Vanadlnm Corp II 4 2H 10 V'rxlnla Caro. Chem. . . . It l 4 II WeaUrn Union Ill t014 MH WtlnxhoUM Electrlo .. 41 40 10 Willys-Overland t 6Sk IK Invincible O'l ItH 11 H 11 Total -..ales 17,6t0 CHICAOO MVlWTCKTK. nlcao, Dec. 24. tat'.le: Beef steer tronc arly. cloelnx steady to weak; bulk of sale) 10.60911.00, top 11.60; all othr classes steady with yesterday: compartd with wak axo: Bt tra unvniy 76 cents to tl hlxher, mostly II to 11.10 hlxtier; fat ah stock 60 to 71 ceii'a hlxher; ennner 60 cent hlxher; built steady to 26 cents lower; calves 60 cents to 1 hlxher; stockari and feeders ao cents hlxher, Hoxs: Lights 10 cant to 40 cents higher; other mostly 16 cent to 16 oerR higher than yesterday's average, but dot ing weak; top 10.16; bulk of sala t.6 iu.tO; pig IB cant to It onta hlgheri mill dMlrabl M It lit pound ptg I.III) 11.16. PRICES REACT BEFORE MIDDAY Business on 'Change of the Usual- Perfunctory Pre Holiday Character. Nw Tork, 6c. 14 Business on the stock Chan today was or tn uauai perfunctory pre-hollday character, tradlni dwlndllnc teadiJy aftar the first hour and becom'na Imost mo:lonla in th later deallna. Prlcee wara firm an tron In spots at th oataat but ractd sharply before mlddav. when Reploal Hil re'leved the monotony with perpendicular decline of It pojnta, almost dapllcatinc its per formance of la: Tuesday. Later, bow ever, the slock recovered 1 point Vanadium Bteel and a1 Hated Issue fall 1 to I points. Th day' nw had lltll or no re'a tlon to market value, eomprialnc tor the most part the cuajomary week-end urXmary of condition In th commer o al and industrial field Althouch call money waa mor than ordinarily plenti ful, the rate held al evn per cent, that quotation applying- al -o to renewal Into nest week Broker rportd vlrtuaUy no demand for bill of ehn-. bu: rV mittsn.e of London. Pr1 and lbr ini--rirr.t center eased variably. The bond market wa dull, but pr'ces tsnded mainly hlfher. Liberty lsue showed marked Improvement, tba flrat fiurs, howvr. reectlnf a'most 1 per cent Total .ale (par value) ll,67S.0O. Old It 8 bond war unrhanaed on call for the week. WEEKLY STATEMENT OF FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS Washlncton. Deo 14 Resource and llawllll-. of lh twelve federal reserve benka at the clo of business Thursday. December 13, Were reported Unifhi by th federal rerve board aj follow: Oold and gold certlflcatM 1.17l.7lt.0. Oold ett!ement fund federl reerve board HI ni,"l Oold with for'-rn agenda, l.lot.M Totsl gold he d by bsnks 140.772.000. Oold with federal reserve agent, I. 16.4t:,000. Oold redemption, fund Ill.lltOnO. Total gold reserve 1.061 111 010. Il tender note. sllvr. ate., 110. 152.000. Total reeerve- t.lll.711 0e Bllla diecoun-ed (secured by goirarnment e ar obllratlons 1 . 1 77 24 1 "00 Bill discounted sll Cher 1 6l4.4tl.0O0 B'll bought In open market lll.ltl.- 400 Total bills a hand t.t7t tst I, a government bonds 14.t6t.00t. I t v:c ory notea t,0it r B certlflcatea of indebtedneaa 111. 161.000 THB4 eamlna ii .1i .H.t3t.0t. fttnk premises ll.tto Uncollected items snd other deductions from groaa deposits 711,001.000. rive per cent redemption fund against federal reeerve bank notes l4i,2,000 All other resource t 417.000. Total resource i 311 0)M0l. LlablHt'ew. Csp'tsl paid In 4 461.001 Burplo 14.745.000 Oovemmen dcpoM 2f.0lt.000 Due to members, raadrre accouat, 1. 711.3tl,00. r-rf.rr-d .vallablllty Item. llt.MI.M. other depn t. Inc'ud'ng foreign gov ernment credit IMStaoO Total xro. deptalt Ml" 161.000. Pederal ra erve note In actual elrcula tloa l.4,M1.00 Pederal reeerve notea In circulation, net llab'llty tit IH ono. All other I aiill le 11t.714 0l Total ItabHIt'e t il 1.016.001. Ratio of total reaerve to net dpo't and federa' reeerve note liabilities com bined 45 I per cent. Ratio of gold reeerve to federal re serve note In circulation after sot '.lag aside 16 per cent axaln-t net deposit llabllltlee 4t t per rent BEARISH INFLUENCE AFFECTS WHEAT MARKET tn cax. 1'rw:. mm - to Europe seven cents a bushel cheaper than offering from th United Btat had a hear! innuance masy en i wr. i. Prlr.i ctnseA -jnsettlad at 114 net lowr to 4 cent advance. Corn BnUhed S to 17-1 down, and oat un changed to 4 off. In provla'ona the out come varied from li cents decline to 21 WHEAT Open man 1 tt Low 1.14 1 It Close I 6 1.1114 .74-4 71 March .. .. l.tti Mav . . CORN May .. July .. OATS May .. Julv .. . PORK January LARD Jan. .. Mav RIBS Jan. May .. 1 tl 1 124 .76 .76 7t lt 41 14 fl. iH .it I1H US) .41 .11 01 11 00 11.00 lit .11 16 .11.16 11 46 11 IS 11 17 '76 11 17 11.40 II to 1 0 11.41 11 It . .11 07 . .11 76 11 tl 11 16 BRADSTREET'S REV'EW OF TRADE CONDITIONS New Tork. Dec. 14 Braditraefg tan-Trow will aay: The fvorble feature of th week In dlatrlbutlve trade are eaonal Increase In retail buvlng, etlmulated by holiday purchaae of seasonal good', a Hghtly enlrxed dltrlbutlon of heavy wearing apparel, due to colder wethr. with now north and xtH, and some bela'ed activity on the part of lobber In ahlpplng goods to nil in broken stocks. Retail trade generally, however .has not meaaured up to a year axa. The trend othr1 ha been toward Increased ou1t at holl and In manufacturing line and a further extenelon of the widening circle of quiet In Industry, accompanied by many re port, of wage reduction Woekly bank r'e-'nx tl 17I.16H.0H. COTTONBEEli OH,. New Tork. Dec. 21 Cotton.eed oil was qalet with prices easy under scattered liquidation on the declln In lard and con tinued dullnes in trad circle. Leading month, finished 11 to II pomts Bles 7.100 barrels. Prime crude 00 nominal: prme aummer yellow .pot 1 .16 g(0; January H: March Its. Ma .ll. Other article. unchanged, (Thri-AmM Ktc Wrxlrllnit. SIIrs Mat-trie J. Co-lnr-r. dBirhtp nf Mr. na Mn. O. 8. Cortprr. 1110 Wllllam gtreat. wu Tnnrrlcd lt. nlarht to Mr. TViniam C. fitam-!y. the o-remoliy havlnf ben perfornied at the homo of the bride' l-rothor. Mr. W. H. Conner, on North Louise rtve nue. . A. Rev. John B. WotO. lmntor or the Ptrram Btrtet PreBliy'erlu n c hujch, officiated al the BerVtoo. 9 The younur cotiple will malte their home In Chftrlott Rtter February 1, 1921, the, proom, a contract painter, being- en-raged In work at StrtteavMe at present. Funeral of M-ih. SlmpBon The funeral of Mm. W. B. Simpson, of Newell, who d'ed at the Prenbyter lan hospital Thursday nl-fht, was oonduotsd at Hickory Grove church yesterday ntomlnB at S o'clock, Mf Court ClotMHl All -jlll be Lfulet In the recorder's courtroom nus tones' of 8erreant MoLdtughtln calling; the honorable court to order, there will be ft 'graveyard-like still ness in ths room. Christmas day that's Ue rwadon. STOCK COTTON OplNloi.;. nsAbaurd ansa. fW '' NW Twk."Dso. li. Th ntarkat con. tlnued steady on better Liverpool ad vice, accentuated by local abort covering before the holiday. Wa r pied to wltne a tba appearance of the trad In oar market - aftar such a prolonged ab Sno. Al bough th trad hat notbeen buying Is any larg vol una, thsy ar picking up small qaant'tle on decline There was vary little outside bustnesa, due to the coming bo'ldsya Wa ar looking for better oondltlon After th turn of the yer. At th level w think It ad vl able to bay tor future profits. welt Ins; for weak a-nots to do so. We tak this opportunity to estend to all best wishes for a merry Christmas and a bappy Nsw Tear Br H. B. Bear. -New Orlee. Dec 14 A wsa to ba expected, the lower price for com mod'tle. Including metal. are be-ng taken advantaxe of by the railroad- and construction promotora by commencing to place 'arse order for rail and material. The eastern and southern market for lumber snd cement ax also being flooded with Imiu'ries as to prices, all of which sneaks wef) for the future. Already the Penn-ylvanla railroad hag placed order for 2.000. otto ton or raiia and the New Tork Central rcn'ly order ed rails lo the ev ent of 176.000 tone Other svstems and the smsller roads are expected to enter the market tor their urgent need. Thre are Indications of a revival In th Ho and automobile Industrie, In which nauob of cotton xood are used for lining and In h as of canvas. Advices from spot 1ntereet In th Bouth Atlantic ststeo are lo effect that It la not neceasary to wait until af rr th hnll dav tor a fevlval In the -pot demand, claiming , that It baa developed already a result of improvement In the outbrn mil1 situation. Reports from Nw Tork tat tbat there I Increasing Interest In cotton goods, mor buying developing, snd a further down ward revision, looked for nest week. I expected to a'tract s largsr number of buyers after ths holiday", and a good baalnee Is looksd forward to after th New Tear DnrinT the period of depreslon. which haa continued fur a,bout .in months, hav ing started last urnmer. general liquida tion In all eommodltlee. especially la -locks of textiles, has been tenlve. and as the mills have been curtsillnx and merehnt buying sparingly, heif good and 'ocVs of raw cotton In p'nners hande, ,are reported to be well hlrh de puted nrees Hating In the Immediate future . Per pereona! reason, financial In nature, sh"rt in th larxe speculatlv markets have deferred taktng progte on an n'v cie until after eiplratlon of thl year, after which a general covering m ivement In the way of buying 1 antici pated R'imor h It that xlxantlc buM pool, capital one billon dollar baa been formed In Wa'l Street to care for weak I auea and to prevent the atock marko frm declining further. Wlahlnx you th compllmenta of tit aeaaon and a bappy and prosperous New Tear. By fyrvl ft roe A Ca. New Tork. Dec 14 While -oday' mar. ket wa typically a pre-ho'lday affair d-irlng a good portion of the session In th eerly trading, ther wa good demand id the undertone waa steady throughout the day The banw statement publlebed late In the day la favorable, reflee Ing an Improvement In the altuatlon with the Intention of viewing bu iness In a mora cneerful light the beginning of the year and with the red iced price levele pr m'ttlnx freer commercial ac Ivltles we look forward to Increased consumption . , .... A I., eottnn ThlS should have th effect of lifting prlcee .. . .a . . , Kknrn in4 ll apoi nuiaers ""7 r,Khtlr ao In refualng current quotations We etend to each and every one of our friends, beet wish, for a very merry Cbrir utaa Los Angreles Ctllf.. Dec. t. Grand Jury indictments of William (Bi.be) Borton, Har MancerU and William Rumlor, alle-in! that they eoncplred to pre-arrange derision In I'acillc Coast league bansball "fames were Qua-hed by Judge Willis in the Los Angeles superior court. New York, Dec. 24. The actual condition of clearing; house banks and trust companle for the week shows that thsy nold $0,5S.6S rrfserve in excess of legal require ments. This is an increase of $2i, 337.330 from lastt week. Char eston. 8 C Dec. 14. Aided by a fund raised by the Charleston Shrine club and by other donations the Santa Claue association of this city will tomorrow answer letters of a thousand poor children who havs written the Jolly 8alnt. All their requests win oe niiea. riu--i.i--o.i-j , a 1 of them have asked tor snoes and stockings among other things. Washington. Dec. 4. Prelimi nary relaxation of American mili tary rule In Santo Domingo was aufhorized today by President Wil son. w Tork, Dec. 84. The hope that New York's crime wave had begun to recede, engendered by an apparent lull In serious outlawry during the last two days was dash ed thla morning when a holdup was staged In the Murray Hill hotel on Park avenue. DRUNK MAN WITH BABY IN ARMS SEEKS POLICE CELL Special to The Obw-rver. Klnston. Dec. 24. Like a barque rudderless on a stormy sea, there, strolled Into the police station hsre last night the qneerest era t that had sought a haven in that he.pless harbor In many nights. To a mem ber of the W. C. T. U. he would have taken shape as a llv'ng horror; to tho taciturn cops present he was ft mere drunk." H tarried a double load, and one of them had an effeot on him similar to a buckshot 'n ft poanut shell. The other was a swad dled and beribboned baby. Through the surge of the surf that beset him he rose up and down, listed from starboard to larboard, but through It all. by clever Juggling, baby remain ed at the masthead w Id -eyed but Intact. It was an unusual situation that confronted the "bulls." They couldn't put the baby's papa in Jail because it enta'Ied too many conss quenoes for which" they wsr un prepared. Without going ulljR,lnto the details of why tie fond parent was adr'.ft, ft policeman called a cab and escorted the odd twain home. Japan eeio Student to Speftk H. Inadomt, ' formerty "of Japan, now ft student In the Lutheran Theological seminary ftt Columbia. 8. C will deliver an address in the Sunday school auditorium of St. Mark's Lutheran church Tuesday evening; at 8 o'clock. The public la invited to hear him. ., . t Mail DoHrf-riJ-1 Once City car riers will make one delivery of mall today, J. H. Weddlngton, postmaster, announoed yesterday. The parcel post, general delivery and registry windows will be open two hours, from I to. lft-o'clork In the morning. Charity Ward Gifts. Dr. J. R. Alexander, secretary and treasurer, announces additional gifts to the charity work st the Presbyterian hospital from the Park Manufac turing company, J. W. Zimmerman A company and from the Phllathea class of Tryon Street Methodist Sun day school. j THE BULLETIN BTJARD j THE OUTBURSTS IT r-iem F-.t-r .rcr-M Tn fVNWY, CH THO muUOt-S ,S XtoU HfVff NO OfV3!r OF MtrMOR VnCJ H4VS! 1 Xoij 2lQ.Ci.UfS AT ANY A MO ey iSF- TM I M G NO M,rrTS.l HOU7 TRIVIAL OR. TfACSlC . High Grade Stocks and Bonds Very good profits can now be made buying" high grade stocks and bonds. We offer any part of the following, SUBJECT TO SALE 50 Shares Merchants Bank ft Trust Co, W'ns'on-Salem, N. C. Shares American Trust Co., Charlotte, N. C. 110 8hares R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., 7 per cent Preferred. 140 Shares R. J. Reynolds Tobaooo Co., Class B. Common. 20 Shares R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. Common 60 8hares L'ggetts International 8 per cent Preferred. 50 Shares Rex Spinning Co., 1 P: eferred dividends quarterly. 60 Shares Aileen Mills 7 P d. Dividend, semi-annually. 20 Shares Sterling Spinning Co.. Belmont. N. C. 7 per cent Pfd. 20 Shares Rowan Cotton M lis, 7 per cent Pfd., Salisbury, N. C. 10 Shares Icemorlee Mills. Monroe, N. C. I per cent Pfd. 1 SO Shares Monroe Hard war Co , Monroe, N. C. per cent Pfd. v 10 Shares Brown ft Williamson Tobacco Co. 7 per cent Pfd. 20 Shares Climax Mfg. Company, Belmont, N. C., Common. 10 Shares S erl ng Spinning Co., Belmont, N. C, Common. 20 Shares Crea ent Spanning Co., Belmont, N. C, Common. 10 Shares Catawba Bptnnlng Co., Mt. Holly. 200 Shares Anderson Motor Co., 7 per cent Pfd. 5.000 N. C. 4 per cent Bonds due 1150. Very lew price. 6,000 New Bern, N. C. per cent Bonds due 1922. yield 1-2. 6.000 Cumberland Ciunty. N. C, per cent Bonds due 1932. 1,000 Cero-DePasro Copper Co. ( per cent bonds, due 1931. 5,000 Virginia-Carol na Chemical Co.. 7 1-2 per cent Bonds. 1,000 Interstate Flour Mills, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED. Icemorlee Cotton Mi'ls. Common. Independence Trust Co., Charlotte, N. C. Union National Bank. Charlotte, N. C StatesvMle Flour Mills. Common. . Charlotte National Bank stock. Stultz & Rose Bank Stocks, Bonds, Tobacco and Cotton Mill Stocks Phone 796. Charlotte, N. C Trust Bldg. - Announcement We wish to advise our friends and patrons that we have, changed the name of our Corporation from CAROLINA REALTY COMPANY to THE CAROLINA COMPANY By this we do not mean that we are any less tn the Real Estate Busi ness, but the) name is changed to make tt more suitable for our various lines of business. Ws thank you (or the business entrusted with us during the past years, and w shin- you ft Happy Christmas and ft Prosperous New Tear, we herewith send our cordial greetings. The Carolina Company W. D. WILKINSON, Preskfcnt 328 S. Tryon Street. Phones 609 and 1430 HARDWOOD FLOORING RED CEDAR SIDING AND SHINGLES EVERYTHING IN PINE LUMBER SHINGLES AND LATH Ws carry ft general Una of BUILDING MATERIALS and licit your Inquiries. Carolina Portland Cement Co. CHARLESTON, S. C. MARTIN & COMPANY COTTON BROKERS 81 DroAd Street New York City To protect yourself against losa In 8POT MOLDINGS. hedge Cotton for FUTURE DELIVERY. ' We solicit accounts for In ten (10) bales up. Bend for free booklet. "BOW COTTON MAR K.BTS ARB ata.DK." OF EVERETT TRUE SYAHcR VT4 at, Vfre3 -f" CAN TXXC IT 3GCAVJ3IS Future Delivery In Cotton MOTORS 3 ph. 60-cycle. 1 ph. 60-cycIe. -2 H. P. 220v. -6 H. P. 2 2 OT. -7 1-2 H. P. 220v. -10 H. P. 220v. -20 H. P. 220V. -40 H. P. J20V. -50 H. P. 2300t -260 H. P. 2200. FOR INSTANT SHIPMENT Greensboro Supply Co. (Established 1898.) GREENSBORO, N. C. A Discount on City Taxes, if Paid Before December 29th, 1920. The Oty Tax books will bo cpvmvl for collection of taxes on Monday : the 20th Instant, and all taum for the year 120 paid on or before that date, a discount of 1 per cent will be allowed. An additional Inducement 'or payment of taxea before this date, la that corporations whowe fiscal year ends with the calendar year, and liKtlvt-tuHl are required by the Federal government to actually pay tames before Jan. 1st, If taxea are to be claimed as a deduction lo ctU oulatlns the net taxable tnoome. The Board of Commlwdoners will appreciate you paying your Uses) on or before December 24th, in order that we can pay the City em ployes, as It Is our ustuU custom. John m. wilson, Commiaaluner of Finance. Cotton Futures in Ten Bale Lots Carried on Margin Will cotton ro up or will It come dmn? Send or our special letter The Trend of the Co turn Market.'' MacDONALD and COMPANY Members American Cotton' Grain ExcbaBC) t4 STONE STREET NEW TORK T. N. Hutchinson J. P. T. N. Hutchinson & Co, MEMBERS New Tork Produce Exchanffj. r New Orleans Co ion Exchange. Nsw York Cotton Exchange. Be to announce they will oven for business Jan I. Ill, at 104 and 106 Piedmont Flee Insurance Butldlnc Charlotte. V C. Cnder the Manajcemenl vf L. A. Oodswortb. A Bank's Surplus 4 Means Much It is accumulated in two ways by assessing its stock holders in a lump sum or by the setting aside.f earn-i ings from year to year. An earned surplus, represent-i ing years of Sucessful business, ought to mean much to v a bank's depositor. Our Surplus was Earned Capital $200,000 Surplus and Profits $400,000 I HE MERCHANTS & FARMERS NATIONAL BANK 5 West Trade SL CHARLOTTE. N. C Auditing ' . Sytteihtrtizinft A. R. HARRISON, C. P. A., President Harrison Accounting Corporation S 1-2 South Church Street Telephone 4487 Cost Accounting Federal Tax Sendee Charlotte. N. C. Seaboard Air Une Railway Company Announce That effective January 3, 1921, Seaboard Florida Limited Trains 9 and 10 will be placed in service snd operated daily including Sundays. V1 ( All Pullman, all steel, electric lighted equipment WO be used in this train. , Other new trains and winter schedule changes were effec-' tive November 28, affording passengers to and from Florida' convenient and fast service via the Seaboard Air Line Railway. For further Information call on nearest ticket agent, or E. We Division Pasaengw Afnt. 'Phone No. 180. 1 1- H. P. 110. 2 1 1-4 H. P. llOr. g 1-2 H. P. 110-120. 1 H. P. 110-220.. 3 2 H. P. 110-220. 2 t H. P. 110-220. i I H. P. 110-110. I H. P. 110-220. Charlotte, N. C Dee. IT, IttO. Biettins le. A. Dotlawortal Long CharlottvN-G 1 s' tUli JU la, -sali miw eaiw.v T