' r ) -J - - ' a - - ' TODAY 16 PAGES A CAROLINA HOME NEWSPAPER OF CONSTRUCTIVE IDEALS, CLEAN AND RELIABLE IN NEWS SERVICE, AND A PROMOTER OF . SOUTHERN RESOURCES. , ; ; , 'FOUNDED 1869.,,... PRICE FIVE CENTS, DAILY SEVEN CENTS, SUNDAY. r .QMRLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY MORCUNG,' APRIL 14, 1921. mm TEXTILE MILLS POSITION HID III POM CASE Robinson and Bigot Engage In i Heated Verbal1 Exchange. SEVERAL' SPEECHES HEARD Parker, Croweli, Brooks and Bridgort 'Argue for Mills ; Against Petition. " ' Caarlett ' v TarWmafe Helel sr R.K. fowell. ; RALEIGH. April 11. Tba cond 47 af argument before the earpo ra tion cemmlaalon o tba petition ( ' tha South- Power company (or an increase la rat wa ooosumsd aa lirely by (ha respondent mill a a- almoat save tba vara aad ward anaoitatar batwaaa W.1 S. 0B. Rb inaen. Jr.. chlf unl far th powar compaay. and Jud-a 3. Craw (ord Blxr. af caanaal (or tba cot ton nllla. ' E. B. Parkr, Jr., af Orahajn. Aa bray I Brooka, J. La CrvU and J. H. Brldcara. ail raaiatlnc tba la vmm aoua-ht by tha powar com pany. had eoneiiM4 tnir area wianu whn Jadg Blr took th floor. H dplor4 tha rarE from Jadca Pll oa yaatarday that th mamaora o( th eommlaslon da not IntMid to m "nmoa-fo with Boath Carolina aa flcurM aad ! want Into a hot realisation o( th powr eompany'a lawyor, wha arcuad yaatarday. Bom of th r- maraa air. ttoniiwn m aw I aumnt Jad BUti attnoniaa wi youthful nthuataasn and thla alona I aot calculated to bride th natural I chaara btwa tb two dliUnrimn-1 d lawrara. It wa p4 orr and I niy wbaa Jadca cm aetara un i la aractle of a ouartar of a cantary I ba bad aavr known tb atblca (o I tb profeealon t b o aharwly aa aallad aa by Mr. Reblnaon. did th younger man rnt th lnatauatlona Judg Bigg engaged tn a chaatia aiaat at hi (allow attorney (or th charging- la tba mill aide tba "grota atM" and "high handed" manipula tion t tV pewvr -coaipaay'a br i muat ak th oommlaalon to Jadg Blg wUhi the-wrrper bouad.' aala Atr. ag,uwoi (ac Suahing a trlna, 1 I'U ba the jaaga ot r?-; aounda arooncu7 -i juog inck"- "ti m T.-t-i- 0g Dlgga. m vr U than." eturnd Bobln- .I'll i. aama lutdaina myaaU." a aavlnc ha atralgbuaad blrnaeK out aa If.ta cat out, th talk .and hlrl Into action should th Judg rMtlnua nagging. Z. V. Taylor ntimA Mnii at hla arm and Robin eon (all Into hi eat Judg Bigg then allowed that be would proceed U a dlacuaaion of th caa. It happened ao Quickly that (ew of the (olka In th room felt the heat, but aa Judge Bigg alowly wimr himself Into a dlacuaaion or th cu tha older lawyers and om of th a pactatora paaaed Into ante rooms to dlacusa it- There, were (ew regrata-in.th comment after wards. Tha dlleiT of Mr. Parker waa aa vigorous an aasault on the power company aa baa been beard since tne flcht Tatartad. He praised Mr. Duk. in common with lot of other (oik, ranted a a matter o( sound business, but he warned the commission and a resumption In carrying more aaainst "th octopua" normnl stock all along the line were It 1 a monopolistic body thriving brought "about, undoubtedly a con on the natural resources of North alderabl part of th load now being Carolina, ha skid, making It profit forced back upon th original pro nT rwoatatea and subject to Inter- ducers of our agricultural products stat regulations. He thought, th commission ought to dismiss th pe- tition before it and let tb case go an to a hlghr court j xl Brldgers, of Henderson, fol- low'ed him for Vance county mills .in. Southern powes, and J. Lee Crowell. of Concord, put the case or hk, mtanltlpallty before the commla- Concord 1 th home of the Can- m .nlt tha Cannon mill with the con interest are the biggest complainant in tne preeem vw. Mr. BrookV speech wa an appeal - ..i.ii.. without anv dlscrimi- i.. Ha feared for' the life of the North, Carolina e public service company unless auch a preventive order la inciuaea wuio.- tngs the comtnassion lng about the case, piled up great nt eurea. He didn't argue JUdg DlggB, W . j . ajVauaaW , - . . la 1 the Interstate angie vl icr -lr not ahot at SUCtl Uling a i miumii valuations, labora tory InvestmenU and Interlocking dlwctoratea He arrayed expert figures against fixed valuation of Mmmllon to point out how mttcli the commission ought to atrip tn petition peiorc a,uwa, , i . ' , . ) snowers muay " u..u k.a .1m in i Every man iv I JO JO SAYS L m. ihiii It is astonurninx now cir - TO WACE FIGHT AGAINST 8. C. TELEPHONE RATES , , ' anaenwaAaanaaaBe -. GREENVILLE. B. C. April It- ! Decision ta sell upon all eewntle ef the Mat t nd representative te Columbia m April II (or state wide . snaa . meeting t . protest MMM -the new I MP DOM nlNi was? NtcbH bm today by th UMtUT, committee At th Pled mont CIlkHiu1 Prelect lv aaeoola- lion, formed here a faw day ago la mk a flxht (or re -peeing' of th telephone eaaa before tha Hat railroad com m swoon. Tba retaat bora la being mad not only upon tha recently granted mer In Sat rata but alao upon lha Inauguration of lone d lata no tall between eearby exchanges whlah have baraiofora baea give thla lntr-town aervlce without ad ditional chart. COTTON EXPORT Finance Corporation 0. KVs Application for SaMXXIrOCC Business Msn Should Exer cise Mors Confidence. WASHIOTON. AprU II, Ap proral ( a application (or a loan f fl.IOf.Mo (or flnanclna cotton iporu waa announced today by tha war flnaaea corporation. Export of bai of cotton t Enaiand. Franca. Italy. Portugal. Japaa and Oormany la Inrolrnd In th transaction, according to Kugana Mayor, director of corporation. Tb application, Mr. Meyer added, waa a direct reeult of a recent conference la New Orlean with outhrn bank ra. . Application (or tba loan, ha aald, mad by aa export financing corporation. DUcu1ng tba recant wbipm. la n.Miinwn, AUnu ana imw orian wiiA xportra. manufacturer and banker. Mr, btarar clar4 th rralt wr aoaidrdl aauafaetory by all con oai-nad." Tb mt important roauit, n aaia, waa that th banker axa rolna- t approach tba problam o( xporUnv cottoa aad other aoirthern productaJ (rem a new point or viw aad la a mora nrgeU mannr. Lnaciuelon drreloped, be aald. that la the general opinion atacka of man ufactured good la band of retailer Had wholeaatar aa wall aa naaataa tarara ar gaaerallr ry kw la thla eoaatry and abroad, It aot. ptw er. within tb proline or la war flaaaoa aorporatloa ta attempt -ta -flnaea baalneaa, Mr. Merer aaaert- ad. nor ra to adrlae bnatn men u,w to conduct their bualnaaa xt.woaid aeem." Mr. Mayor aald. opportune at thla moment for mr chant to eonsldar whether or not eondiUon la th consuming market,' and In tha present price level f material and good, do not warrant a return to mor normal procedure with reaoeet to th tock or raw material and flnlhd goods carried by merchants and manufacturer. It would appear that ooondenoe was great at the. high price levels of a year ago when the Ijoalnea risks rruaniy largrr tnaa tncy are It nay be well (or boat nee fflea now to aak theeaaelrca the que Hon wrbetber or mot the present low er price levels do not warrant some what greater confidence than exist at the present time. Thla is a matter (or each and every - buslnea man. retailer, wholesaler and manufac turer to consider for himself. "If greater confidence were war- and th bank in tba country dis- trlcta would be generally distributed nd mor easily carried by the mer- chant and bank Interested In th processes that are Involved in mov- ing the raw material through the various step that lead the ulti- mate consumer. MRS. W. C. HAMMER IS RE-ELECTED PRESIDENT Officers for Year" Chosen by M. P. State's Women's Home and Foreign Mission ary Society. Special ie The Obeerver. HIGH POINT. AprU 13. Re electing Mrs. W. C. Hammer, of r-Bb VV w. ava-nauaeava f va. AsheborO, president for another year, u-.ntMn. -.nn.ta tmm nunmlHua listening to reports from committees and a eermon by Rev. J. D. Williams, of Liberty, delegates tonight closed the second busy day oi tne annual conference of. the North- Carolina Women's Home and Foreign" Mission ary societies, in session in the First Methodist Protestant church here. Other officers elected were Mrs. J. 3. Milliken, of Greensboro, first vice president; Mrs. R. L. Blalock, of Greensboro, second vice president: Miss Esther Ross, of Asheboro, cor responding secretary; Mrs. Nichol son, of Mebane, recording secretary; Mrs. H. A. Garrett, of High Point, treasurer; Mrs. 8. W. Taylor, or Burlington, secretary of literature; Mrs. C. W. Bates, of Henderson, secretary of life and memorial mem bers; Mrs. J. E. pritchara, or Hen derson, secretary of young1 people's work: Miss Pearl Mcculloch. rl Greensboro, state editor; Mrs. W. P. ficaeii, ot man riwui, iiiuiiur. The place-' for next meeting will probably be selected before adjourn ment tomorrow afternoon. ... . . . - . c - - TRINITY WINS DEBATE WITH EMORY UNIVERSITY DURHAM, N. C. April 11. Trinity college last night won Its debate -here with Emory university completing its. debating season with out defeat The debate tonight waa tha fourth thl year. Jame A. Drumbrojnsky, - Sumpter Kelly . and Granger HanaelU - repreaented th Geontia Institution, and jonn it. Small. Jr.. Huah T. Lefler. and Hen LOAN APPflOVED "l-l7," , il h. th. rr v djuu v.i..t-- - rSDCIETY BIGHT IS EM EfflT OF Special Musical Program be Feature of Evening. to DEALERS OAY SUCCESS Many Osalsrs From Two Caro lina! In Show; Doors to Closs Lata Saturday Night Yalae of Aat KxbiMta. The following erhedul ( th ac tual alue of the axhlblta la tba auto mobile abow waa prepared by La A. Polger. of th C C. Coddingloa com pany veaierdav, to Indicate tb vaat- nee of the if 11 axhlblta: Passenger car on exhibition. IJH.JM.M; comsjerctal ears aad trucka 114.171; accusaorl . fit. IT. Orand tout. !M!I.I. lioctai (oe Today. Society night will be observed In tb evening. Ex hi biter aad women friends receiving will wear conven tional evening dree. Tb committee hwver, aak that visitor be. In formed thai they will aot b expect ed to comply with thla. The admis sion on thla night will be ll.lt. Light refreshment will b served at booth and la exhibitor space. Musical program today: Matinee. Prrr and Hi Band. Soloists: Marxaret Travere. so prano; carl Bcaumann, franca born. Part 1. 1. Overture-Tb Vikings." Hart- man. , S. fJcn frem "Jlngaboo," Pryar. I. Solo for French horn -"Ber ceuse," Oosard; Carl Schuraaa. 4. ExcerptsWL Bohra. ruo- clnL' I. Fantasl on "My Old Kntuekr Home," Dalby. Jvariauons ror an inrtrumennj. . Caprice "The Lion Cha, Koelllng. ran a. T. 'Invitation to th Daaos," Weber. I. Gem from !Tba Royal vaga bond." Cohaa. . soprano boio Tjpeo ta uaie of th Temple." Kaapp; Margaret 1 -Patrol or tha Old BoNUers,- BaasUi Mis Carmala , PanaeU, praaa. V Alia from Xa Farorita." Dent xettt a. fiord 1 Risen, Rachmaninoff. b. FanchonVta. C. B. Clark, c To a Messenger, LaForga. Frederick Bristol at tha piano. Society Night. Pryor and His Band. Soloists: Margaret Travers. so prano: Leon HandaUK, cornet; jonn Wummer, flute. rait i. 1. Overture "Zampe," Herold. 2. Scenes from "Robin Hood," D I. Cornet Solo 'TM Lost Chord." Sullivan; Leon Handsllk. 4. Grand Scene "Tannnaeuaer, Wagner. S.. Piccolo Solo -poika uaprio. Terachak: John Wummer. "Tuneful Tune or ,- camn. Parti. 7. Dedication and Benedlctlo "Lea Huguenots." Meyerbeer. I. (a) Tone poem "Alter sun et," Pryor. (b) "The Whistler and His Dog,' Pryor. . Soprano Solo "The Kiss,' Ardltl: Marxaret Travers. 10. Finale to Ballet "Dane of the Hours." PonchlellL Miss Carmela Ponselle, messo -so prano. Aria from "La Favorlta," Donl- settl. 2. a. Lord 1 Risen, Rachmaninoff. b. Fanchonette, C. B. Clark. c. To a Messenger, LaForge. Frederick Bristol at the piano. Reaches Grand Climax. With "dealers' day" yesterday, when hundreds of automobile men from the Carolina attended the Car olina Automobile show, and with "society night" scheduled for this evening, with special music .md other features, the automobile show may be said to have reached It grand climax. . The attendance yesterday, after noon and evening, was th.v largest that the show haa had, mot excepting Tuesday evening, when a great thrlng filled the building till the closing hour. - "Dealers' day" yesterday brought to the Carolina Automobile show automobile men from B0 to TB cities and towns in the Carollnas, and esti mates of local committees ranged from 600 to 800 visiting dealer. Th day from a business angle was one of the best of the show, for the local exhibitors, many of whom are dis tributors (or the Carolina, had op nortunity to meet men from all sec tions of the two states who are en gaged in handling their cars as agents and local dealers in th'. Car olina towns and cities. Aa a result, much important business was dis cussed and transacted, while the lo cal distributor bal opn-n-tunlry to show their men iaU'rd over ta two states the very latest in tin lines and models tha ihey represent. It was a dav of eic!un.re of idea, tug- gestlons for improving business, and of many valuable ninis to ngen; who handle cars for Charlotte dis tributors in far away localities In the states of North, and South Caro'ina. Many Dealer rreaenc The larger cities,. Oresnsboro, Raleigh, , Columbia, Wilmington, Winston-Salem, and others, sent down large delegations or men in terested In a dosen make of cars and truoka, and these spent tno whole day at the show, conferring T SHOW with local official of distributing agencies in Charlotte and reporting on business conditions and th out look in the towns and cities from which they came. It was conven tion' of automobile men, without a v" (Caattaa a; rg Two.) ; PtANTINO COTTON IN - " UPPER SOUTH CAROLINA I WAJHUIdTOK, . Apr 1 lea planting was selnf ' pllshad la the pled mo I acten af South Carolina bad was 'bauur soa ttnued la 0rg1. Alabama and MUwiaslppI,' aecordlaf U tb w4k lr area balletla kerued today by ta Weather bureau. The week waa mostly ael la tha w eater portion f th eotlaa belt, ay th bulletin, aad areparatloa e( soil for planting was aotwb delayed. Llttl Held work waa ao. eompiuhed In eastern Oklahoma while planting progrisl slowly la Texas. Louisiana aad i Arkaaaaa Molatur Is needed In oalfc' eastern localttla. where germina tion baa been dlyd brjr irf soli, Roanoke Man Nominated for District Governor. Wilmington Clob's Proposal for Changs in By-Laws Votsd Down by District CWsrsnca. NORFOLK. VA-. April II. Jo Turner of Roanoke, waa nominated aa th next governor for th vnth district at th Retary aonventloa to day. Ha had no opposition tot th nomination, which will b eonnrmed by th international convention la Edinburgh. Th early session of tha convention today were devoted t consideration of rolutiona among- them being a prepoaed change la fh by-law af Rotary prohibiting local club from endorsing any movement wblck la t be. voted on by th public or t b acted on by a igiiauve oaay. a resolution from th WUmlngtoa rab, oppoalnc thl propoaad chang. waa unanimously adopted. . A number of ether reaolutlona, ta ba acted an by th International eonraaUon, war dicud. among tbens a prep chana-a In th lnternaUoaai orxanl- astion providing for an International board of aln menu alx or wnom should b ehoaaa from , American club. ' Tb entertainment fatur of th day waa a mammoth , aystr roaat at Caoo Hanry. when place for 1J0 aeraon were filled. Thl the blawast dinner of Ha kind area JiaOat Cap Henry, famou wf.lt" The'delecat aluf-Tau" dinner, mad aa InapecUon of hsstorio point of Interest In th vicinity, ana eeverai of thm ventured to tak a dip la th ocean, deeplte a chilly wind. ' The day will be taken up tomor row with a e tea mer trip around th harbor, visiting all point of lntrt, A special hlp ha been chartered to carry th 1,190 passenger on an all-day trip throught Hampton Road and neighboring water. A number of delegate, however, will not remain over for thl trip. ROSS WILL TRIAL IS TO END ON SATURDAY If Not Through Then the Judge Says He Will Declare a Mis trial. MONROE, April II. Jifdg Bl Ray served notloe on attorneys in the Roa wlU case today that the trial would end Saturday night re gardless, or If it was not over tnen he would declare it, a mistrial. Thla notica on Dart of the court served to speed up. action and sev eral witnesses were disposed or. R A. Hudson, for years confiden tial business agent (or Maggie Ross nil Urate of 11.000 under tne codicil of her will, waa on the stand several houra Hudson, who has been under fire of caveators all through the trial, bema: cnargeu with exerting Undue I n n u - ence over Maggie Koss. maoe a rood witness tor the propounders and for himself. He told of many buslnea dealings wttn ner on wmcn h baaed hi opinion, that ah wa of sound mind. A number or witnesse usiinea xo Hudson's good character. Mrs. Hudson was put on to corroborate her husband and also tesuneo inai u.ni. Rnu was or sound mina. She had known her practically all of her life. m , Dr. W. R. McCain, of Waxhaw. tnM ahniit maklna professional visits to the house and he thought Maggie Ross caDable or making a win. mo testimony of other witnesses was about th same. Senator Knox again Introduces a manintinn to end the state or war with Germany and Austria by eon grfjinlonal declaration. -The war finance corporation ap proves application for a two million dollar loan for financing; cotton ex port. ' - . Kitchln and other house democrat in caucus hind themselves to stand acalnst 'the emergency tariff and anti-dumping bill. . - . An order Issued by the Interstate commerce commission, effective June SO, completely readjusts and gener ally Increases freight rate on higher ciassea of merchandise tlironghout the southeast. , Three North Carollnlana Judge Bynnm J. J. Brltt and Judge H. G. Connor are belnc unred for ap pointment as Judge Prltchard' suc cessor. Unless North CoroUnlans unite on one man, the post la likely to go to Virginia, according to re port from Washington. The aecona aay oi argument uv fore the corporation commission on the Southern Power eompany'a peti tion is consumed by speeches of lawyers representing the textile mills and featured by a warm exchange of words between Judge Bigg and W. S. 0"B. Robinson, Jr. Charlotte la selected for- the next North Carolina , Sunday School con vention, To be held in April. 1. Joe Turner; of Roanoke, Va., is chosen for aovernor of the seventh district of Rotary dub for the next ilBSis I "What'atheNewa?" DEMOCRATS BIND THEMSELVES TO STiT TOGETHER To Fight Emergency Tariff and Anti-Dumping BIIL KITCHIN FILES HIS REPORT Minority of Ways and Means Committee Bitterly Assails 0. 0. P. Tariff Program. WAgHINOTON, April II. Houm democraU bound themelve through eauoua action today to tad agalnat th mrgncy tariff and aall-dumplag Mil and Represen tative Kltchla. minority leader', mad aubllo simultaneously a tat mant of view ( minority member of tha way and man oommltte bitterly assailing th republlcaa temporary program. Sharp difference are In th caucus on th queeUon of Instruct ing democratic member to vol aa reeervedly agalnat th emergency measure but It finally waa eairtod by a vol of TT to II. After th cau cus. Mr. - Kltchln predicted that laaa than a dasaa dsmocratl vote would ba cast for th Toung bUl." In th minority report tn repub lican ar accused of loosing into th Up oT "tbro great truata," tn packer, th ugr truat ana mw ..n trust. iTii.lll.tll a yar. and of eeklng to dlabar any future trad with th central powr and mailer atat in Europe through a "subtle and dangerous Joker" la di recting the secretary of th treas ury to fix lb valu of foreign mon ey aa a baata for i vying dutl oa import. - . ,Th prMtnt bni la cbaractrld by tha report aa even wore than nt predeceeeor, th Fordney measure, and It asserts that If any advantag wUl lnur anywhar irom in new nronoaal It Will b to tb "trust. peculator and pronteer " It also call attantloa to provision of th republican national platform and In quire whether "nay honoat republl caa can incr1y vot for thl bill la th nf that It will redae tha coat mfXirUkg." ' .'' ' ' ' I (to. rti.t tha am lie bean fehaaged tttfrXHm last aaiaiuaj"? Congreaa.- th m 7; th Ferdney emergency tariff bill to the Toiina- . smerxenoy tarns miu. whether tha wavs and mean oom nltta thouaht tn nam ox nm chairman. Mr. Fordney, attached to th bill would discredit it or be lieved that by attaching th nam of Anna- from tha aaricultural atat Of North Dakota, it. would -mor easily fool the farmers, we cannot unuar- tak to say. But there must d aom pollUcal significance in it" , Figure ar presented .purporting to show that tha actual increase in living coats resulting from enact ment of uch a law would b about te. Aoo.OAo.ooo a rear. ine staiv. mnt San that th bill would haVd a gratuity" of lZB,0o.oo annuauy to th "ugar trust, . ,,vv annually to th "meat ana oeei irusi. tha nankara." and more than 1100 000,000 a year to the Income of the "woolen trut." Value of Foreign Money. Discussing th provisions of the bill for fixing th valu or xoreign money the report says: "Tha German mark I quoted being worth 1.61 cent. If thl pro vision of the bill becomes a law the secretary of the 'treasury would be compelled to calculate tne uerman mark a worth S cents, for th bill states that the depreciation In no ibu ran be estimated at mora than 61 2-1 per cent Duties on - goods from Germany thereby would be In creaaed 410 per cent; from Italy 100 per cent; from Austria 2.100 per cent; from Cx echo-Slovak la 44 per cent; from Finland 27 per cent; from Hungary 1,700 per cent; from Jugo-Slavia IS per cent;., from, Po land 1,100 per cent; from Rumania 420 per cent; from Serbia 270 per cent and from Ruasia 4,100 per cent" In conclusion th report charges republican leaders with having be trayed the consumer of th east and at the same time breaking faith with the farmers of the west The binding resolution reads: "That the democrats of the house are hereby instructed to oppose and vote against the Toung emergency tariff bill." ...... It was said that some of the 21 would abide by the decision of the caucus, while nearly 20 of these "recaucussed" themselves, explain-in- that thev promised before elec tion to stand for protection of cer tain products. Under rules oi ine democratic caucus they would not be bound. Among those who "re caucussed" were members from Louisiana ' Interested in protection of sugar. The democrats unanimously adopted tha following resolution: '.'That th democrats of the house in caucus assembled reaffirm the traditional" policy of the democratic party in favor of a tariff for rev enue only." - BRITT IS ENDORSED BY THE HENDERSONVILLE BAR special t The Obeerver WW!VTT.T.K. Anrll IS. tMembers (of th HandersonvllTe Bar associa tion adopted resolutions today favor ing the appointment of J. J. Brltt aa judge of the United States circuit court of appeals, succeeding the lata J. C. Prltchard. . Telephonic conversation was es tablished here today with Havana, Cuba, tba first commercial calls from this country over the recently com pleted telephonic cabl connnectlng Key : West with th Island . capital. Th service waa said to be perfect in each Instano. Two patron paid 110 each for three minute converea tions. - " ROW Victor C. Detty. jof Whit Rock, waa elected moderator of tha French Broad Presbyterian session her tndav. anoceedinK Rev. J. Ia 1 Hyde, of Walnut . - . - - DANIELS TELLS STORY OF U. :S. NAVY IN THE GREAT WORLD WAR A Caller at State Department In Late Afternoon of January k 31, 1917. Start! Thingi Happening, and Washington la" Never the Same Agaln-Former Secretary Forethadowt Startling Disclosures as Narrative of It is Written. BY. JOSEPHUS DANIELS. idhu i:k KnuETART OT Till! WAVT 1011 TO ttai. Copyright ltl, by Joeia r. DUla. Coarrlgtit by ITatloaal Huwpaai Sfv In. tJowyrlcht la Oraat Britain, Uaaeda aad tlToagk kraw. AO rtgbaa lax-ladlag tradsllnsi In la 1 rasaUtortaed feyrlatlag ra aay twsrpoaa lorotooew. ARTICLE I, 1 A boot S o'caook oa apw Mttl ivtiaa that arbicai ktarahal ict B Aj Meretary of the navy 1 Bred through thoa crowded month la th atmosphere f of suppress! a x dtmat which la lnparbl from th capital of a great aatloa at war.- A friend recently asked at any Impression af eight year aa secre tary of the navy. I replied, "Four year of aulat than h on all aid, to make Sherman' expression nautical." Department heads, upon who prompt 'and fflclant action tremen dous interest depended had to keep their . wn had amid tha ramor and lntrlau. criticism aad eoaolct or advto which whispered or thun dered la their ara They had t keep their head through day aad nlaht of anxiety when they were ending precious live over sea of peril and Into ntsrprlee of dan. gr. , Thy had to keep their bead wbaa sudden emergency de manded instant decision and ac tion. . Give Iaatdo Fact. I am going to Ull th atory of thoa thrilling day a w aw aad lived them ia tba navy departraear. and present aom thing that bar never yet been told about tba part th navy played. . . I want you to know certain In side facta concerning th miasagi which that dappr lltua man carried Uo th atat department, whereby h Jolted Washington oat f. It routine, aad I am going .to glv you a view or th , momntua caormi meeting., which, followed hs vkdt ' : I" ' "' ' ' e'' Charlotte Gets the day wbew ewrtaaa wiaslaa Inters aooaaaraa wtdch Marshal Foc pri nMyJ&iaoliConvention Lloyd George Asks Grounds of Triple Allianpe Action. . Whole British Transport Syi tem is to Be Tied Up Friday Night, According to Plans. LONDON, April II. (By thAso- elated Preea) Premier Lloyd George haa provided th leader of th triple alliance with another op ening for renewal of negotiation In th miner' strike and the general trike of railway men and transport worker in support of it by asking for th ground of their rafuaal of tha governmenf a offer. And any in fluence tha labor leader who are nutatd the orbit of th actual con flict may be able to exert on the dis putants seems ror tne moment to oe the remaining slender thread upon which industrial peace hanga That auch attempt at mediation will continue and that there ar till two. day before the general strike become operative, are tne only hopeful signs. After tha recelnt of the announce ment of Che "Triple Alliance" that It members would be caned rrom their work Friday night rremier Lloyd George sent the following re ply to tne alliance: "Dear Mr. Thoma (General Sec retary of th RaUway Union) and Mr. William. (Secretary of the Transport Workers' Federation): "I am - receipt oi your inner. The decision you report la a grave one. You threaten mriaay nignt 10 dislocate the whole of the transport services of this country, so essential to the life of the nation. ' T ahnuld like to know the grounds on. which you are determin ed to inflict uch a serious blow on your fellow countrymen. "xoura wiiniuuj, (Signed) "LLOYD GEORGE.? ' Tha triole alliance aat until a late hour tonight, and It ia wa decided to send a reply to the premier leuer Thursday morning when the deliber ations of the triple alliance are re sumed. - , A manifesto Issued by the miners federation tonight seems to render any possibility of renewed negotia tion hopeless, apart from such yielding on the side of the govern ment as the miner themselves aay they can hardly expect Tha gov ernment yesterday met the miner half way by agreeing to glv such financial assistance a would be neceasary to start the regulation of wage on a national baala. CHURCH WILL CELEBRATE MARTIN LUTHER'S 8TAND " aaaaBBiw-atawa. , 1 GREENVILLE, S. C, April II. All Protestant ministers of th city win exchange pulpttavher next Sun-1 day, and the assignments will b kept secret until the hour of open lng rvlce, according to a plan agreed upon by th ministerial asso ciation as a means of increasing la tereet In church earvice. noswaxa star pa, uajii; ua w Mwwatsa of Wedaday, jaaaary si. mi. blsastitf at th) eeVe of tha aeorwtary of sum aaaia la waaiuaataw. wrtaana aad pabllo ta- a la ail other drasa-taacat aatll froaa Bertk signed their naane t a and to Uanaa la tb Soreat of Bonn. I shall tell you th atory of a cer tain "H. W. Davtdaon." who went to London befor th United SUlea de clared war. and of th ooavrs Uon I had with Mm befor h loft. Tou will recall th dispatch you road three year ago concerning th giant Oermaa gun which, from a rmot dlataao and a carefully eoneeelad baa, waa killing wome aad children la Pari. Tou will ra member th shock of horror you felt when roa read how ehella bad fallen la tha Httl church of St Oer vaiaa an Oood Friday. 1111, turning th aaerad praelacta lata a hideous hamblea Do you knew that th CniUd State played a pert In nd lng th bombardment of Pari? It will Interest you to learn how our navy contributed to tb relief of th hll-hkn French capital. , v Halloa With Child" Heart. . And I will tall yu a Joyful tale, ' America is yet a young nation, aad It haa a strong, clean child heart That 1 why, perha-pa, when U went to war it aaitore based aom of their cod algnaki oa nureery rhyme. Only a cblld-haartea nation would bar thought of auch a thing, and In that vary fact lay tha use fulness of their atxnala They war a part of our Intelligence sanrlc. Jus what part I will tU you before my atory snda We have heard a lot about th Im portance of cable lately, and a Wt- tM island, about sn miiea long, in (Ceaataawd a Pag !) Nexi N. C: Place l and Time Selected In Convention in Raleigh. ' STATE STUDENT INDICTED R. H. McComb, of Hickory, Charged With Hazing. GRAND JURY GETS BUSY Judge George W. Connor "Sits Down" on "Quiet" Probe Without Telling Names. Charlett Obeerver Bureau. Terbroush Hotel. BY R. E. POWELL. RALEIGH, April II. Charlotte get th next annual North Carolina Sunday School convention, it was de cided at today" session here, and th date were fixed for April 11. 12 and II. Prominent apeaker appeared at the session today, among them Dr. William A. Brown, of Chicago, who talked about ."Soma Secret of Sun day School Success," chief among which ha declared to be th secret of getting to school on time. President Gilbert T. Stephenson of Winston-Salem, followed Mr. Brown with his annual address to the convention. Tonight there was a parade of Raleigh Bible classes to the Taber nacle church where th session ar being held. One of the day's features of the convention waa the appointment of a committee, headed by Senator Joseph A. Brown, of Chadbourn, to draft) suitable resolutions to the memory of Judge Jeter Prltchard and th late George W. Watts, of Durham, both ' great friend and worker In the association. Hickory Student Indicted. Following a sharp charge to th Wake county grand Jury this morn ing by Judge George W. Connor, Jr., that body this afternoon returned a bill of Indictment against R. H. Mc Comb, Hickory boy, who la a Junior at Stat college, charging the young ster "with wilfully annoying, threatening and heaping indignities" upon W. R. Loftln, a freshman at college. The indictment ia the out come - of the request of - President Rlddlck, that the recent outbreak of hating be inquired Into. Younx McComb will not be tried until the next term of court accord ins; to announcement' by Solicitor Norris, who on yesterday wanted a quiet investigation without the use of names. Judge Connor sat down on this today and directed the grand jury to conduct a full Inquiry into .the baaing activities at the college, to gether with such other activities there aa needed attention. He re ferred particularly to th whiskey law and the carrying of concealed weapon. The open warfare, .her last week between Wak Forest and Bute student, following- a baseball game, when several shot were ex changed gave th Judg hi "lead.". Funeral oa ina xownc. Recretarr of ' the Navy Daniel. Mayor Eldrldg and many prominent Ralelghttea this axtarnoon anenaea th funeral of thS lata Colonel James H. Yeunav colored citixen of aot who passed away Monday. The ser vices began at I o'clock aad lasted until S o'clock. . , . urn cuir, LIKELY TO LOSE ,T Promise is Federal Judseship Win Go to Virginia. - . UNLESS TAR HEELS UNITE Three N. C Men: Propoied; Revenue Job Involved K4-' logg Praises Sirnmons. aaaawaaa)aaaBaa " bt h. e. a BRTAirr;; WASHINGTON. - AprU , ltv AS Important queatloa bar now la; "Will North Carollaa ualu aa a man .aad bold th poalUo tha Judg Prltchard had or will Ihey ; dlvld aad loo all hop f suc oeasr" . ; Thre man ar urged for th plao former Judg William P. Bynnm, of Oreenaborej J. J.' Brltt, f Asbe vlll.'and Judge "H. G. Connor, f wiiaoa. u--. Tha pronalaa Is' that Virginia will get th Job. A vary determined . nght will ba put up (or It by Virginia and Maryland republican. The only abow that North Carollaa haa la ta a united (ront at tb departmat of justice aad th White House. . Judg Bynam haa strong back Img. M 1 argued for him that aa a lawyer, h ba few equals if any superiors in the state. Judge Connor, who wa appointed to th federal beach by f resident Tart, after a long- drawn out rw, haa mad a fin record. Democrat aad republican are backing him.'' Representative Btedmaa aald today1, that h la greatly Interested in th movement for him. Ho aald ha had known him from the days of hla ear- . ly manhood aad never knew a man ia or out of tha state more- mlnot ly fitted by natural qualities aad by, study and training for auch a high Judicial position. Mr. 8tdma an nounced that U ha could help bring . about hla nomination h wold - de ao. H Will call on tha President wlthla th aaxt day or two and aaa that.Jdg Ooaaer be aamd. . Ueveoae Fot la vot red. 1 ' Th oonisst ovsr the position' of commkauonsr af wternal' revenue baa become mvohred la tha Judge-' iaair,ma1a7.r'Nth -Carolina or Vtrgiaia-oadoot have both poaiuoaa. Reprwuncatlv Slemp haa bees , caught in a jamb. Tb death of Judge Prltchard brought out one of Mr. Blem' bid party friends fer th Judgeship, and for a week h haa been tearing hla shirt for tha nomination of Robert W. Blair (or Internal rvnu commissioner. North Carolina leader ar in a alnv ilar position. They ar working for David H. Blair and may lose th larger Job. Th North Carolina Blair waa to- hav een th President today but delayed by clreumstanoes and will aee him tomorrow. Som, turn' In affair may give tha treasury poet to tha Wlnaton-Salem man. (or be la well endorsed, and has a good alean record and a drat clas reputation. Democ ratio postmasters In th state ar excited and worried over Lth hidden plan of th republicans to control tn presidential post or- . ficea - U They ar writing t their con-' gressmen to see what they may ex Pct Representative Brinson ' today wrote Postmaster General Hay ask ing him what hla purpose was, and expects to be set right on th prop osition In tb near future. Kellogg Praises Simmon. - During th dlacuaaion of tha Co lombian treaty today Senator Kel logg paid high tribute to th ability . of Senator fllmmona He quoted from hla speeches on the Panama treaty several years ago, and de scribed him as on of th abl states men of the-country. , The senator said: " "If . this government . wa guilty . of th acta charged by tha minority party in 1101 and H04. w should: hav mad reparation then. If th treaty which la now submitted to the senate la a goof"-treaty at thl data, -it wa a good treaty eight year : ago, when negotiated by the demo- , cratlo administration. I ' realise as . much as any on that our foreign' relatlonos should not be made th subject of partisan strife, but they -were so mad in 1901 and 1104. and were ao mad by th negotiation of thla treaty immediately after th in auguration of President Wilson in ' 1911. - -.- , V. ' :('T H 4l "I do not claim that all demo- , cratie senatoros took this position." A notable exception wa th dlstln-; gulshed senator from North Caro Una (Mr. Simmons , now an hon ored member of this body. While he did not In all respects agree with, the adminlstartlon in power in 1101. hla speech en that occasion of tha debate in the main supported th at titude of President Roosevelt an showed a broad-minded statesman ship, for which he I noted. I wish to recall to the senate tha language of tha senator from North Carolina, Hla speech was so at variance With i th position taken by aom e of hi colleague that I ask th indulgence of the senate while 1 read eeriain . quotatlona" Many extracts were cited by Mr. Kellog. . Ratification of the I2S,08,IOO Colombian treaty would 'wot be keeping faith with Theodora Roa velt Senator Kellogg, republican, Minnesota, declared today in open ing debate for those opposin the pact-In tha senate. -J.--, ' ' Acceptance of ft even as amend. edv Senator Kellogg . asserted, "would be, a naeUlaoalmett act" and "a shadow on th brightest par of th history of American aecora plishmenta" - t ." ii i i. a CHAR1TT COST HIM JTOTItlXG. GREENVILLE. A C April IS A man who purchased a suit t clothe a gift of cbartty for . needy friend, was en of the whom th purchase monet wa r -tarned today at a bl dTrm store her which inaugurated a cial sal la which every thin.. cash-conveyor was sent back pened t tb purchaser. to r Uy team. reaMT aoou biw.i" r