mC v. NORTH CAROLINA ' ' $50,000,000 GOOD ROADS STATE TODAY J g PAGES i A' CAROLINA HOIIE NEWSPAPER OF CONSTRUCTIVE IDEALS, CLEAN AND RELIABLE IN NEWS SERVICE, AND A PROUOTER. OF SOUTHERN RESOURCES. FOUNDED 1869. CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 27, -it 921. , PRICE FIVE CENTS, DAILY SEVEN CENTS, SUNDAY. r LITTIE STOBflS Rdads Financic1 Program " t- . tv . n KOr nnCAVIMP ' aeveterminea l oqay JIIIL UIILHIHIIU L . .... . Stats Highway Commission, Governor and Council of State to Decide FIys Counties Offer Honey for lm " mediate Construction. .. IB LAUDS OF UHITEDSTATES dd p i President Harding It Besieged . : by Job Seeker."; '. N. CAROLINA NOT ALONE , r aerie la BY H. K. POVV1XL, ' JIALEIGH. April ! Htrnktrl ef la mu highway eommissio, tae geversor and (a couacil f star will MNt tomorrrw boo In the ex ecutive offices for the purpose of co la Into th financial situation an definitely determtatng the money rWvU Faction Ar. ConUndlng d?? ff " T Th commission, bald a long ees- I bIoo today but 414 Bot get la toeh with lb goveraor. It heard five ! , for th. Advantage In Every 8Ute In tha Union. differ t delegations offering money 'far Immadlata construction af aut road threuih five oountles, thee being: Oraavllle, Beaufort, Colum bus, Duplin and CaldwslL Nothinx definite waa promise aar of Iba delegations presenting slalm STATE COLLEGE MOTOR BOAT AT READY TO BUILD WEB GITY iriCC. BRYANT. wimiMoroN. AerU II. Nertb raniina la art tba only atau preai dent Herding la having Iron bis with war patronage, utu storms bra kins oat all about, and tba him that paraOBai rainar amm political lnflnaaoa la pravalllBf gaaaril Tba rraatdant la baalaftd I aaakara. Tha Bia COanUf 1 aukiiif Ufa a aiirdan to him. ovary ataia ib u tiona ara aoataoauja ior mm huur Fanraaa la aora at tba i whlta bonaa baaaoao af bia fallura ta tia down Iba intarnai rovanua MnnUMw1! Blaaa. Hla flnal atab irvrM STI'-B-Sa SSOOpOOO to Be Spent at Once Mr. Kama rare a im Bominauon, which waa taBdara blm. Batac OH NeW Structures. and a mlninff tui, th vtrctalaa d acid ad ba could not afford ta aaaapt. and that Tllad tha C4rnc Po Hldg Nw Tni- . raady vpaat orar tba knockout that . n. Wbaalar Kara John H. McDarmott, whom bo waa aupport lna. ! Tana. North Carolina, Jaor aia. Tan nan a, Oklahoma ana unio bl row orar offlaoa ara on. In aamral atataa tha aacro auaatioa ia complicating; tha oltuaUoa and aro tha laadara hard. Tha 11 aainant and tna anornar nri i.-inranea roo 01 naiaiat -"" aro critlciaad for tnaklna poraonal I man of tha board, approrad tba racommaBdauona ror axaaant cor- arnmont at tha colleaa and author laad tha bulldlnt commuwloa to aoand llt.0 at onca on now bulldlnra. It aalactad tha aommiaaiOB in mo Formar Baaakar UruuulU araa hart ii-'JH-1 .c:owi-'.tfI Pretidenfa Letter Read at At- loTiVcLr: tociated Press Uncheon.. all. Jamaa A. Hartnaaa. Sab V Leo and otbara wtra lataraotad jointly la tba Irtdall and CatdwaU pralaota. Commlaalonar Paaa aaaovnead daflaltaly that tba anrlaaara wUl sot Mmtra of A. P. In Annual w mnmmwin wj nun to in con JOHN W. DAVIS SPEAKER Bilaatoa at tha praaant ' maatlaa. roatpoBomant of action an thla mat tar laaraa llttla of a poaltlva natura for tbo praaant aiaatlna aara aa a-raaniaBt aa ta Inaaeaa. - All Biambara af tha eomrolaaioi wara praaant today but Word H. Wood, of Charlotta, and ba waa ax paotad to raacb tha oily on a trala from Now York lata tonight ' The Gar 2nd, Jr., Running a Day Ahead of Schedule. tHi; W. 8. Lm May Had Building Commission. it n. r. POWTXX. RALEIOH. AprU . Truataaa or tba North Carolina Stata collego of -AiTlcultura 'and Knglnaarlng In canton hra today a lac ted Dr. appotntmanU In Ohio. Tasaa ana olhar atataa. Mlaa Alloa Robartaon. tha lena woana anambar of CongTaaa, la oaa m.t iMnnalntad br ana whlta i.. rr Irian Hardlna fallad I maatlaa today. W. B. Loo of Char har in nar ana raauaat for patron-1 lotta. will probably ba chairman aga for B eonaUtaaaL) Racaattylnnd with 'him will aerra T. T. viaa Robartaon eallad on tha I Thorno of Rocky Mount, and P. S. Praeldant bo took a flowar tram a Boyd of Mooraarllla. Tha eommlt- nam. plaekad tha thorn from ft, la waa InatrueUd to , prapara f or a4 tandarad It oaying. "may your tha Immadlata araetton of tha arrl- VOllticai earaar a without thoraa,' ealtural astaoaloa balldlng to coat L. - a . .a mm la, har lit. aaa l t. Mtmnlata tha ma. way ay Igaormr bw laoamaamdai 1 ahanlgaj artfomrint lmnalng at a tlaaj that U 0. Xaanay, bar caavlaoai af f lM.ffta. - ' t .im miunr. ba avDolatad aap-1 Tha' raaommandatlotui' ' InroMng lMMaant tba . . Ova elrlllaad I tha introduction of atndant gorn trfbaa. Mr. Daogharty. who la tha maat at tha eollaga wero allghtly ehlaf af pla diapanaera, had Mr. I mod 11 ad by tba truataaa in tna oa Hardlnc nam yictor liacka, of hiaf that tha altaratlona will giro Aatlara. VUaa Rihartaoii had pro- tha ooilaga a aelf-govarnmant tmmtmA aaalnat tha BalactloB Of I allahtlr imororad oar that In opa Locka for oommlaalonar of Indian I ration at any of tha tachnloal or affaira on tha grounoa of morauty, i military acnooia in ino country and whan h fallad to land that I Nothing but approral of Preoidant Job ha turn ad to tba ona ba la to I Riddlck'a racant acUon In turning a . TMahia ba Tcanaaaec. Iba heard from tha truataca. Tha Charlaa Qulnn. a prominent re- atudenta will hara an opportunity publican leader of western Tennee- to paaa upon tha modlncatlone of aea for year, came hare to aaa the truataaa and. If they accept the Postmaster General Baya aboat the amendments, atudent government vacancy in tha Mamphla office. He will atart right away. , left here several daya ago with a I Dr. Pom, tha new chairman of tha temporary commission for the po-1 board, la editor or Tha rrogreaaive alHnn. and waa nurryinr nome ioi Farmer. Bunoanea nere. nm "- Maatin Thank Offleara and Diractora for 8arvicaa. NEW TORK. April II Pralee or America Bawapapars by ftealdsat Harding and aa addreaa ty John W. Davie, formerly ambassador to tOreat Britain, featured the annual lunch eon of Tha Assorts tad Preaa, bald to day In conn action with tha annual business meeting". in a letter read at tha luncheon. President Harding lauded tha eourae of tha preaa during tba war aaa as pressed the hope that hla adminis tration would continue to deserve tha aupport accorded It thua far by tba newspapers. Mr. Davis, making hla first appear ance before mam bare aa general counsel ror The .Associated Preaa, had kind words for Impartial, truth ful news gathering aa be had found It exemplified by tba Associated Press and. referring to tha Import ance or foreign news, digress, d to give personal opinions on several matters affecting foreign relatione or Makaa 78S Milaa In 28 Hour the United Staiea. He urged that a moxm iOO MlltS in aW "Ours I trty 9b(yLllA curled by a major- in Raca With ACL Flyar From Miami to Naw York. Ity vot of tha senate. Instead of two thirda and that there be adeauate compensation for tba diploma tio and consular srviee. At the business meetln gthe fol lowlna resolution waa adopted: "Resolved that tha member or BEAUFORT. AprU il. The U.t.rpVln. vTtlon 2nd, Jr., driven by Oar Wood. ar. rived here at 1:11 thla afternoon. mbled. Under their thanka to the President, board of director ana oi- docking at tha Standard Oil dock at I?-? til?. tYZL JLZ M orehead City for fuel and cylinder year, which a mad The Ass a is st- oll. practically one day ahead of Its ad Preaa the greatest new gather- aehsitnia h, i. .ta fc lag organization In- the world, and a ecbeduje m iU apeed contest with cajtV th Vmitm4 Bute.-, tha Havana special of the Atlantic The following director wara Coast Una from Miami. Fhv, to Naw aleeted for term of three year: York , W. H. Cowl. Spokane, - WuIl, . ' Bpokeeman Review: Victor 1. Lw- In aa Interview C. F. Chapman, son. Chicago, Dally Nnra; , Frank editor of Motor Boating, who 1 mak- P- Mactiennan, Topeka. Kaa., State journal: u. u. sioore, new urteaws. Time Picayune; V. E. Toera, Inie- unrrplre Iha.Duluth. Minn., Herald, seaigBeeW I XL IT., mtot The", Minneapolis Journal. was elected. ' Joard and . eommltteee elected included: ' Advisory . boards, aouthern divi sion: H. C. Adler, Chattanooga, Tenn Times, chairman; J. N. Heiskell, take charge, but before he reached there the authorisation for htm to set was withdrawn. An inveitiga tlon revealed tha fact that Bob Church, tha negro millionaire of MooiDhla. who had exacted a prom Urn from President Harding to let blm bo beard before any selection waa made, had protested against the advantage given Mr. Qulnn over his candidate, Steve Wright, a white man whom ha la supporting. Church won out. and tha Qulnn 'faction la wrought up over hla set back. . Tennessee democrats contend that neither Qulnn nor Wright can have tha Memphis postofflce until a civil eervioe examination is held under tha Wilson order of three years ago. In a former examination H. C. MeKellar stood first, secured the nomination, and tha aenate refused to confirm him -with many others during the last Congress. Demo crats will 'Insist that MeKellar be named under the civil service regu lations. ..The success of Church, on of the ' leading negro politicians of the south, in this case has encouraged colored leaders here who aro mak ing a hard fight ror general recog nition from the administration,' ' t Kicking m Ohio. ' 1 In Ohio, regular republicans or tha working sort are kicking be cause President Harding la making personal appointments, thereby, taking Patronage the organization leader should have. Dr, Sawyer, the President's physician; Mr. Cris slnger, comptroller or the treasury, and Mr. Volaw, tha President's brother-in-law, who ha been ap pointed superintendent of ' federal (Ceatlssed ea Trngm Two.) ' EPIDEMIC OF BURGLARY - IS WORRYING ASHEVILLE Bpeelal to Tha ASHEVILLE, April : 2S. JWith fifteen burglaries reported in ten days, the city Is In the midst of an epidemic of house-breaking against which, local police seem, powerless to act , effectively, -s . . - Two houses were entered last night, and In one or these Charles O. Lee met the maurauder face to fa t. and engaged him inilstto battle. When Mr. Lea entered the scene and im plored the burglar not' to shoot, he succeeded In breaking away, plung ed through an upstairs window, and escaped rrom the root V - A row nights ago R. IL McDuflle; prominent , business , man, surprised a burglar In his house and waa Are i upon by the thief who escaped. Some sf the best homes have been, entered and valuable loot ts"ken. ' , , Police from Knoiville. GreenvllJe ceeda W. H. Ragan. High Point man, who was not re-appointed by the governor. Military Enmmptne-nl. Malor Gordon Smith, assistant adjutant general, today announced Julv t-I as the dates for the en campment of the North Carolina militia at Camp Glenn. Approval of tha period haa been received from the war department A foul of l.S0 men and 70 6t fleer wUl attend with the prospect that other unit will be ready be fore the camp meets. Governor Morrison will visit Camp Glenn during the summer training of the troops and Inspect tha militia, which will be com manded br Colonel Don Scott or Graham. FIDDLERS' CONVENTION. BTATE3VILLB. April . An old fiddlers convention will be held in Sutesvllle Friday night. tux Sheriff J. M. Deaton, who is one of tha orima promoters of the affair. haa been notified by SO fiddlers of their Intention of UKing part in the convention and there, will fee others. The convention will be held m the new Iredell tobacco ware house, and 1.000 chairs will be placed for the comfort of the audi ence. JO JO SAYS Ing the trip with Mr,, Wood, de clared that the trip from aavaanah SiT'Tid Tt. fill th to this peat waa a fln one. vryt VSJj. Weii. of 1! thin ..I.. ..A-.Ki-. -j t term or a. ti waias or x """ -' "SB aaavwswwsw eva; as as ai s, sa AUawsiasa ase oMramid. ; r.n.w taaaOar Snd. Jr, left aavanoah at I o'eioas: this mornins: arrived at South port at l:l p. m. So far the boat haa covered 711 mile la IS hour Mr. Chapman said, the av erage from Southport her waa bet- tar tnaa so mile an hour. air. v.napman expressea nimaeit Utile Rook. Ark.. Gaxetta. aecre- aa very much pleased with the show- ury: J. L..' Olerne. Jr., Rocky ing me uar zna nas made and ex-1 Mount. N.- C Telegram: John 8. pecu to -arrive m,N"ew York, early Irnhan. Atlanta. Gat.. Journal: 1 J, Thursdsy morning. - Wortham. Fort Worthy Texas, Star santsi ABHHiaUD. SOUTHPORT, April 21. The Hardimr'S Lettrr speed boat. Gar II, which la racing The following letter from Preai the Atlantic Cosst line flyer. Havana dent Harding waa read: SoeclaL from Miami to New York. "Dear Mr. Noyes: arrived in port here at 1 o'clock this "I would be vary grateful If on the afternoon and after Uklng on fuel, occasion or the annual luncheon or continued the -voyage north at 1:11 -aasociaiea r you wouiu n m n. ix- i. ,u- oreaa to the aatherlng my great re M. Td 'hV w hatfdiV' ahJ t Mprttom. of hli schedule and .immVi t t impossible for me to accept the r..rh v.w Tnrt, ri- tsnV-w,-. lnviutlons to be present, in a op reach ew York early tomorrow eve- opluBlt tn mt M niessantly com . I nanv of fellow newsnaoer men such . . r ,ipC., to an" aa will be gathered presenU a real 17 t V'Ipii nunn-1 temputlon to play truant ana join ,1 o."m "vr wHism, uu you, but It seems quite impossiDie. continue the voyage at daybreak to- i. . newananer oubusher I am morrow morning, reaching Norfolk disposed to arrogate to myself a bit about S a. m. He said the vessel of special qualification to Judge the wouia remain in isorroix only long I service that the Journalistic press nas enougn to Uke on fuel and then rendered to our Country in the aim- proceed to New York. All on board cult period through which we have are welL Mr. Wood aatd. passed, and which la not yet ended. v I know how earnestly and effectively 3FNATF PAQP3 RlinnPT the press tried to hold up the bands . P. .7- 5- . . of all who were carrying forward our HILL! Nil KkCUKU VU I c nations activities during the war. On , I the other hand my service in public ks..-.. . i- j- . t - d ...... I "re gave me some special Insight Into mvaeuiw riuTiuBi iui Duioau the relations between the govern- nt 4ia a., An, mA fin.. I ment and thi w. vvv. nubUcltV. No more unouallfled. ln- Away With Comptrollers Of telligent and patriotic service waa Currency. cause, than that ao freely given by me newspapers, looung back upon It as one of the chief asseU on the side of national morale, I cannot but bespeak a continuance of the lofty mouves mat inspirea ana or the gen' TEXTILE UNION HEADS START FOR CAROLINA HEW TORS, Afl sd with fun pewar to gsairsl oaaears af the Catted T tU Worhars of Asasrtn wfll tear loasorrow lor NerUt Caro- cxtll t aaiosal ar aaJd m B aawiiartB- Joan Goldea, p , Bad Tbossss MoMahaaj aad rraak Maeeaury, vic favatdeaits, war seleoted a Beak lis trip at BiXlH her oday of thai a "f husb inm af Use argaasis Ham. Mr. tJoadeaj aJMcauced they 61 Use local Bnlocsj I to get tba) WBlsauiBl PirjEHIinSTHOST to 300 Doctors incoiuoH Terms pfNeu? Proposals Submitted by ' Germany to The Allies Made Public I tfa Use of appvoxl- Bsalely tJ worker. IV. S. LEE HEADS P. S II. 1L1I Three Famous Specialists Heard by N. C. Medical Society GOV.. MORRISON PRESIDES Dr. W. 8. Rankin Ra-Elactad for Anothar 8ix Yaara Aftar , Having 8arvd Twafva. THREE PER CENT DROP IN WHOLESALE PRICES WASUrXGTOX, April li-A oecUa of Utro per cent a wholreal price darlag Mardi waa aaaoeuaoed toalgbt by Us Frdrral Reatrv board oa th ba ts of lade BBjnbera eoea piled for Ua parpoa of oosnpaHsoa. Oa th basis of prices 1 ISIS Ltodexed aa IM, th board said. ooaaaaodltlre IsHpocted shifted froa IIS ta F-trary to lit dar kog March. Prloes of export do ruaad frosa 1SS la Frbraary to LM ba March. Th . all-coaanaodlUe bade staad at IM a oosa pared with 1M la Frbraary. Charlotte Man Elected to Suc ceed Z. V. Taylor. saaBBSaaadbASBaaB Diractora, Masting at Craan villa, Maka Savaral Changaa Among Officara. ucEscons BYR.B. WILaO!t, P1NEHUR8T. AprU IS. The U- ty-elghth annual session of th Med ical society of North CaroHn oa Mud . tM ' thla MAinln with an attendance of thro hundred, got through th rellmiaarle, held a an m bar or second meetlags and con cluded the first day with a program tonight with three of the leading men of tha profession -aiscuaang subjecU or keen Interest to th mem bers. That the North Carolina doctors Ilk Plnehurat la demonstrated by tha fact that thla is th third time th society ha met her In tour yaara and there la a well defined sentiment ror making this th an nual meeting place. Th owner or Plneburst. umonura Tuft, waa assisted ia extending for a n a I mal welcome today by Dr. M. E. At tha snnusl maatlnv nf tha Kuril I Street or the Moor County Med! or director of th Piedmont oal aoclety. and U. LS pence, or th . . ,t . . .L1. . I ua- -kl.h rk William ternoon, W. a Lee, or Charlotte, ror MacNlder, or Chapel Hill, responded. UnitSd StdtSS, in Reply tO Car am urns vie preeiaent or tna road, I xna reatura at tna morning eee waa cnoaen as president to succeed I alon waa tha address or tna preai Z. V. Taylor, who died suddenly a dent. Dr. Thomas B. Anderson, of few daya ago. Sutesvllle, In which he stressed the J B. Duke, or New York, waa re- important advances made In mdl- eiecud vice president, and JB. Thorn- cal science and urged a broader con- WASH1NOTOV 1 aril ll rt ason. of Oraanvllla. au .w 1.1- I . nAOHlHUlV., Apni IS. (tfy r-M V.- .i v-. ''-"-"-,'"'.--1 the Asaociated Prase). Events here WITH DIPLOMATS Discusses With Them Briefly the German Note. ITS 'in TO PRESS CASE TO SETTLEKIT Would Assume Ained 'OI;!!;! tJons to United States.,' many, to Ba Cuidad by '. Allied Covammanta. ' C MoGowan. ot CbarlotU. waa mad sacra tarr and N. A. Cocka. of Chalotta, waa sleeted vie president and treasurer. Mr. Cocke up to the present tuna naa been secretary and treasurer. mi uocior vu ine pupuo auu u vir- i ,4-w i-i.. tmA .1 -i.. .k- ponunity oirerea ior oonunu-a I United SUte in reolrlni to Oar vancement in preventive mwiuuw. manVa counter Droaosals on renara. TaV?fTJr7fra-. .,. Uon would be guided almost it not neaauners oi uu eessioa b mm imr- . . k-,v.. k. The board'elected two aw direct-':JL'.'pr9VMtioBM put forward by Berlin A U U.. n. .1. - I VWM4K Vft " uv-v.M-, I ... ...Ml. . . .. !.. strong, both or Gastonla, to fill the . 1 a oaala for further negotUUona. vacancies caused try the death of Mr. LnoPiul ,of Richmond, on gaoraury Hughe oonferred Taylor and by tha .death last yaaf " raw i am i today with each or tha allied dlplo ofAndrw Moore, In Gaatoaia, ' asona, and .Dr. Frederick a Green. reprntatlvea. dlacuastog . n"n . was wiii anenaec I "r"'""' T Z,f- .1J?"-7T" . with them briefly th German om an quar memoera or in directors I neaim ana ui.utuui . ntunleatlon-. which waa racelvad war., ra-alacUd. ,4 , , ., jth JmrMmm ISWa'fJ- Imlrlea. ', 1 -"TI-r-JiZrZ: rl la th day from. America A. t ??'.r.,l.W?JlTl.!l ,1 rommfcioaer Dreel at BarU-v The B.' Lae. wha waa i yesterday 1 leet Jrhlla Drn -n dlacujaad so letsd president of th Piedmont , A cial iponsTbCTnetof modern med genius of th Southern Power com-1 In the mornlnsr' knd ' afternoon pany and was Instrumental with Mr. titer were numerous paper pro Duk in the promotion and develop-1 sented before the sections on pedia ment f th P. A N. He had served Mas. nublla haaltb education and WASHINGTON, April 2. With out a record vote, the senate late to day passed the budget bill. fJT l.eitlutt2.? considerable helprul attitude. vot on the measure, which was In' troduced originally by Senator Mc Cormlck, republican, Illinois, passed by both the senate and house during the fdth Congress, vetoed by Presi- President Noyes Heard. Frank B. Noyes, president of the Associated Press, in behalf of the gathering, pledged support and svm pathy to President Harding In the ?:,t?i then repa y - the house with the section found ob Jectionable by the executive stricken out The senate, however- failed to act on the measure after the Presi dent's veto. The measure as passed today now goes to the house, where prompt ac tion has been promised. The bill provides for a bureau of the budget In the treasury depart ment to prepare the estimate of ap- gave the only toast offered on these occasions: "The President of the United States." The guest of honor at the lunch eon, John W. Davis, remarking that editorial comment was secondary to the news columns in Influence upon public opinion, congratulated the Associated Press 'because by the general verdict of mankind It has performed Its duty without Mas. propriations needed by the various 1 without prejudice and without nar. M.n.l4lMMf, TVi . WAnTil V a ,r I . . . ' as 1U head a director or the budget appointed by the President with the consent or the senate for a term of seven years with an annual salary of 110.000. -, The offices of comptroller and as sistant comjf roller of the treasury would be abcV'shed under the revised bill and In their stead offices of comptroller general and tlsanship, and la an earnest pursuit i ,- (Ceattnaad ea race Twe.) BLAIR NOMINATION IS BEFORE SENATE TODAY BY H. E. C. BRYANT. WiSH!TlTnV m.. assistant nomination of David H. Blair will be ' -4pl -..-.i.t : pt S: " ';4; . so' "'' . Cloudy and shower today; prob ably showers Thursday. ' . - j It Ukes an optimist to rejoice In the fact that after his wife has tired on- nd other nearby cities report eiml-jof hi kisses he can eat as many lr waves, of burglary. . ions as he like," ' 'c j- comptroller general would be ere ated. The measure approved today by th senate would permit their removal by joint congressional reso lution, , which requires the Presi dent's signature. ,'"'' i MENTALLY DEFICIENT. N GAFFNBY, April J.Col. T. B. Butler, attorney for Roy Henderson, widespread attention. who waa eent to the stats. hosolUl th universe are on the new:. for observation received a report to-1 mlesloner -. of vlhternal revenue. day which declares that the boy has Is an Interesting ' fact that of intelligence equal only to a child of I the 17.000,000 in taxes collected considered by the senate tomorrow. No objection to hla confirmation has been suggested. - Newspaper throughout the na tion are calling on their Washing ton representatives for sketches and pictures of Mr. Blair. No other ap pointment made by the ' . Harding administration 'has attracted sueb The eyes. of corn- It seven or eight years or age. Hender son is charged with the murder of two little eons of Wofford Klrby of this county., r , from, tobacco In the atau In 191S more than. 151,774,000 of it came from the-western district,' and most of that rrom Winston-Salem. . aa a director and a vlo preeldent or tna company since iu organise' tioa and 1 consequently thoroughly laminar wita iu organisation and problems. ..Mr. Cocke, who was mad president and treasurer, la head or tna legal department or tha road and haa been closely associated with It fEpm lu ornnlsation.. J. C Me Gowan. the new eecreUry, I also a member or the legal department or ue road. Gastonla, which la one of the' most Important polnu on tha entire Jr. the Dractlce ofmidlclne. Th stats health officers conclud ed their sessions with the election of president U J. Smith, of Wilson; , I Vic president, A. C. Bulla, of Win- MVU'MUOIlai HUU) OWtviaii a e anav Register, of Raleigh. Governor Cameron Morrison pre sided at th night session. - Raakln Re-elected. Dr. W. 8. Rankin was again sleet ed seereUry of the stats board of health and stats health officer to succeed himself by the board In an A N. systsm, had been without a rep-1 nual meeting hero today. The term reeenUtlve on the board of director I edis for six years beginning July 1. since the recent death of Andrew B. Dr. Rankin Is Just completing hla Moore. The election of Messrs. Be- second term, having been first elect, park and Ar matrons", two or the ed In 1I0S. During the twelve year strongest business men and manu- he ha served, the sUte has ad- fact urers of th Gaston caplUl, is lanced to a leading position In IU i irn' Savers Immediately reported to their governmenUty cable aad It wa understood that the framing of a reply would await th outcome of these exchanges. Aa tha allied governments war be lieved to be in possession of the text of th German proposals, which was made pubuo today at Berlin, It waa thought that a reply would not be long delayed, . It was suggested, however, that exchanges between Paris and Lon don might be necessary before final decision was reacned. Discussion or th German memo randum iu understood to have occu pied much or a two hour' session today or President Harding's cabinet. After returning to the sUte de partment from th Whit House, Secretary Hughes sent lnvtution to th allied diplomato to visit htm nl his oflK for a discussion or tha Ger man proposal. These Invitations went out to th represenUtlves not only or Great regarded as a fitting recognition of pubiw health work and now haa the B,rtUmT ,ana DUt 9tB laa IfMnnwtasaaak A W al a alw I T . ... I 111 Vrt It IW S Tab VS1 the imports ie of their city. At a meeting of th director yea teraay, an executive committee was elected as follows: W. S. Lee. E. Thomaaon and A. J. Draper, of Charlotte; E. Smyth, of Greenville, and J. P. Oos- sett. or Winiamston, 8. C. The personnel of the board am braces the following named: J. & Duke and Pierpont V. highest birth rata and on of the lowest death raus in th union. "What', the News? glum, IUly and Japan. Each envoy was received , sepa rately and each conference waa brier. the aerlea or visits being concluded within a little more than aa hour, ALLEGED PLOT HATCHED IN CHARLOTTE AIRED Stat college, trustee elect Dr. Tm. I fHajMMvt TirA rhmirmaa asw tiajnu. a York: W. S. Lee. H. Thomaaon. S. W. I balldlna- Maramlsalmi to nraceed Brlth I OatOS and Fisher Plead CuiltV " Jurraper, oi vnar- k. aaaitit. J aano aaa n ca lotte; C. E. Hutchison. .oT -'Mount r. ' ' Holly; J. H. Bepark and C. C. ""i! Armstrong, of Gastonla; W. 8. Mont- The state highway commission. gomery. v. M. Montgomery and John Governor MotrlaoB aad the councO A. Law, of Spartanburg. S. C: E. A. L- - o ,.. ix7 in d...m. in nr . ioi aan saw w naoDt inuir aaa an- side. A W Smith. 3. W Arrinatnn eld udob a flnanolal prognuB. The SPARTANBURG, 8. C AprU If. A. F. McKlseick and B. E. Geer. of I commission veexerdar received Ave r".? Xtl' Tt ' hw it rt a-9 . w w m m " - i wniia man wnn wara rnBrsriri wit n ureeiiviiie. a, v.. ; i. jr uoweit. OI I MM.M .a si.. airaj.. .- Wllllamston, h C; J. R. Vaiidlver, B. 7 TZ JLT B. Gossett and J. D. Hammett of r tianiedlat ConatractloB. Anderson, S C; L, D. Blake, of Bel- After an all-day fight over disar- to Assault and Robbery of Aged Man Near Spartan burg. whit man who were charged with assaulting and robbing W. E. As-fee, the aged pump tender at the railroad Utlon at Wellford, February IS, to. ton. S. C. and J. C. Self, of Greenwood, Imament, the boas adjourn wtboat ajr entered guUty and DAUCHERTY NOT SURE OF NEWSPAPERS' LIABILITY reaching a vote on the naval appro priation hilL The annual luncheon of the Asso ciated Frees, held la New York la NmnMftina with thA annual lmal- WASHINGTON. AprU 26. Neith-I , . er the government nor any Individ- r"" " T uai omce of the government could M"" "wucu. """ in-auHusj be held liable' at law for the er-1 Amertoan newspapers and by an ad- roneous Inclusion of names in theN- k. .ink. rv n..i. stacker draft list prepared by the ,Arm ... n ar war department ror publication. At- Bam "w?" J. M torney General Daugherty holda In sL BontwJL Georgian, oa trial at an opinion aent today to SeereUry Camilla on charge of violating the gut. Weeks. Mr. Daugherty said the opinion did not pass on the question of ths liability of newspapers for publsh ing such names, but that he did not Lbelieve they could be held liable since the llsU would be official ones previously published by the govern ment. The draft slacker llsU have been prepared for some weeks, but their publication has been held up pend ing receipt of Mr. Daugherty' opin ion by SeereUry Weeks. COL. GARDNER ELECTED MAYOR FOR 12TH TERM ' ftoealaj te Ta Observer. SHELBY, AprU 29. The munici pal primary in Shelby resulted in the nomination ' of Colonel J. T. Gardner ror mayor. He was first elected in 1S90. -This constitutes hi twelfth term a 'mayor of Bhl by. He was unopposed. T. W.-Ham rick, Dn 8. S. Royster, Thad C Ford and Lawrence Lackey were elected tn a contest aa alder Th women voted equal strength to th )'. vf rwv ir-1 threw themselves upon th mercy ef th court Sentence was not passsd upon them, th court waiting unUl after the trial of their alleged ac complice, Frances Smarts, alia France Dexter. This afternoon, the case against Frances Smarts waa started and all the testimony submitted. The argu ment or attorney and th charge of the court will take place first thing tomorrow morning. The two alleged accomplice of th woman proved re luctant and hosjile witnesses for the xamy every vaori to tending for the advantage. The apeed boat Gar Sad, Jr., "mob violence act" the first trial of shield th woman, though they test! the kind In the state. v that u w ln Charlotte that th VL 7, . , thought first entered their mlnda North Carolina U not the only The tbree of them were U a restau- state with which President Harding rant reading a paper and saw where I bavin; trouble over patronage. Ia man had been knocked In the head, every Mate rival factions are con. The girl told them that she had an A havhlt of CAvrrvlriaT aumii' of 111 AV I MM ewltk klM. ha haa .ai.M r4 v " I IU 1UvT nivu uuii, uia aaasj aw uaaau uvk race wltb the A. J. J!- flyer from bank it They further testified that Miami to New York, reaches More- i they saw the woman hers In Spartan' r. M.rt. a u .Kaj . 1 ourg ana mat tney went to ner room shots with which they assaulted the man. Tha woman, though tn the room, knew nothing of what they were doing, or of what they wara going to do' with th i weapon Plain Clothes Policeman and Deputy Sheriff - Becknall testified to hearing a confession or the men and tha woman in which ft wa aUted that Rankin Is re-elected for a term of h i.!?J "i0 imyou w WMa i. w mum awb- ed that she wss to get her part of the booty.- AID IN RECONSTRUCTION ay esasssassw . ' ' Makaa Condition .That Present Syetem. of PenaJtiea ChaN . ; Ba Stopped ai Onca. ' - st- e , . RERUN, Aprfl aa (By sho As- aocUted Prsea, The flsiisB peopio aow know th aew proeMMaaa whkih. the allied power thromsrh thai ne- ot be hf1' pahlso today, a wetl. aa ta auussa paaytae; saansm Sorwssaed to Preaadeat Harding. Gersaaay. derssHnsT tha th aeae aad wrifare of she world are Opend- cat aaoa a speedy aad last soluUe) oc me rrpei slliaa ataslim. aaasre ta rrealdtait that at will do overy thing la It power to larMn th ' Aaasrlcaa goversaaea to direct tx atteatloa of tbo albed aoveiBu. au to the bbs ner. . A prevtoasly oatHaed. Gerauiny Pvopose to pay the sjbe aa ,1a- . aesnalty exteetdlag over a aaasber of year which will aasxau to Swa baa dred btllloa gold atarka, emivalent to aboat 0,,o,O00; abe wU oe-operBe to her aisaos la the re- ' rsHaarectloa of devaatated regtoaa; he wlU place tsnnsedlately . the dlaposal of the separaosw ouaiau saea oa bUUoa gold snarks; ab Is vrtlUng to sssiibh tha allied obUra- Uoaa to th Lai ted States, aad a wiU bbam aa lateraattoaal loast. sue - proceeds of which will go t the al- ": J atake"acyitatlW' I ? '' ' .But, lar retrr , ah snakes t r - -ditlon that "the present " panaJUee shall be-dJaoenUo! ,a i.., mediately, that' ah be gives free doto of trade and that h be freed frm aU UnprduoUv outlays" now Imposed on her. a , - .. ; , Th German f oreisra mlnlatar. Tir Simons, explaining the counter-pre-posals in the reichstag. declared the new offer sent through the. United SUte must not bs taken "on the basis of an Increase over, tha are. vious German offer, but only on a different basis." Th new sten haa haaa taken h Germany, th minister xplalad. not from rear or new penalties, but awing to th entirety false views en. teruined abroad regarding th rep aration question. President Hard ing was appealed to on th principle of Justice, and th American answer was awaited at any moment, ' ueraiaayw Twelv Pointe." Th text of th BOta forwanla. hw Germany to the United Stales tnr transmission to th elllee eonUude With th following polnU: ' i ... .. "?,?fny fixe her ' toUl liability at C0.00t.0a0.0te cold mark. payable in suitable annultle to toUl wv,vvv,evo,vv goia marka t - "TWO Germanv Will lmmadtatalv . issue 'an International loan Id which she will partlclDat. and if which tha vl value, rat of interest and seal of redemption snau oe subject to agree ment, th proceed of th loaa to be put at th disposal ef th allies. Three Germany will nair. . an. cording to her capacity. In labor, tn- , terest and redemption, th toUl sum to be paid which 1 not covered by th international loan; aha considers la thlaconnection that It will be boo. r siblo to pay only four par cent an nual interest : 'Foup Germany i dUaoosed to permit th allies to share la aa Im provement of th financial and co nomio situation. Th redemption-of the remaining sums will have to Uke, therefore, a variable form, de pending upon an Improvement. It ; would be necessary to draw ua a . scheme to be based on aa Index to be used should th situation become worse. , "Five In order to clear himself as quickly as possible of the bal ance, Germany la wining to cooperate wita an ner atrengttn tn tn recon struction of th devastated regions; sh regard reconstruction '-. the most urgent basia of reparations and th most direct remedy for mitigat ing; the hardships of th war and the hatrea between peopiea tin wui r construct towns. viUsge and tow - hips, designated, er cooperate t y . supplying labor and matarlal, r l any other way agreeable to the alUr'. "Six With th same object ,' ia y -view Germany Is disposed to pay i i . kind to sutes which wer victims or : Caattaaai ea Pase Twa. ..'." a J a. i i- -. ;- UNION CARPENTERS T(3 RESIST OUTSIDE. LA-C" . schedule. W. 8. Lee, of Charlotte, I elected president of the Piedmont A North- era railroad to succeed the late Z. V, Taylor, who 'died recently. Three hundred doctors are attend ing the state medical society's coa- venUoa at Ptnehurst. , Sr. w. & U year; j. -; The ermof the aew German pro- Bosalsa reparations, nbadtted to! the allied powers through the ate-j Th rather of Fisher wa but oa th stand to testify t th confession. aia . .k. Tttmt B..f - I oui ne sarinu uini 10 come cisan totted State, are made t ud h taatlmony was ruled 'publto Ja Berlla. I out at lncomptent ASHXTVTLLE. April ' St. Move ment ha been started y anion car penter of the city to rgni7.a: member of th craft in North Car - Una; for th purpose of resisting s tempu of contractors to bring ia o -side !aborVvThr ar to such trni. la th sUte, aad it 1 ' planned ' adopt a uniform wag seal. Is oarpantera, recently lowered t cal from IT to tl per day. Civio organisation here hav dorsad W hC- Paytow' th ninth district to suc-ed Fklll aa aaata engineer of the ; way commission, . ' Word haa ben'rceivel tfi th death at tiranbury 't f Capt Patrick Henry 1 h. known Confederate amty o. formerly lived here-