I TODAY J g PAGES ; . NORTH CAROLINA - 130,000,000 GOOD ROADS STATE A CAROLINA HOUE NEWSPAPER OF CONSTRUCTIVE IDEALS, CLEAN AND RELIABLE IN NEWS SERVICE, AND A PROMOTER OF SOUTHERN RESOURCES. FOUNDED 1869. CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 28, 1921. PRICE FIVE CENTS, DAILY-SEVEN CENTS, SUNDAY, t ii ir -r UHITED ESTATES HAS HOT ACTED 111 Awaiting Information At to At : titudi of Allies. TIME IS RUNNING SHORT Counter Proposals on Repara tions "Absolutely Unaocept abls" Franco Declare. WANTS RAILWAY FARES REDUCED ONE-THIRD WAaBUrOTOW, April IT, A AM redaction) of M 1-1 per ess la ptmtfgn raise through the ef wile booee H pro- la a Mil latrodaced today by BMiimln Hood, drsso ml, Virginia. I would direct the Interstate wmw it km to Umm books of not Iras than 1.00 aulles at tale rednotioe frees the established raw. Mr. Hood Afdiml diaro was a grow tag drmaad from tha pebUo lor lower ratea, with reports from Mf ectlous Indicating eVis-tss d travel hem ass of ba of tha present tariff. DOCTORS AND STATE HEALTH OHDTOEETH Joint and Harmonious Session Held at Plnehursl FAJUa, April ST-(By tha W l.) The Gt oa rrparmlJoaa aa to rwtdesit Herdlag a Waahtagtoa ara aaaohMrJr orptaNf. aad tha Frifa an ta tha ITallad States, M. kaa bee aaUfcd ta thia effect. Tha prapoaaJa ara rbaraotartsad by gov araanat oOctala aa "a step heck, ward,' aad ara declared ta (tea ao promise of a satisfactory aattla All cyea ara bow taraed oa Wash ington, where tha eonalor propi la are Seder adrlai meat aa h concerns tha autiada of rraaoa. Tha general frUac la that aompatloa of the Rahr rngloa of Grraaaay la aaaroid a bee, bat H la believed la aoaaa Or tare earrly poaalble that la aoaaa war tha Berlin government aaay bp made ta aaderataad through Waab tagtoa tha (rarity of tha atiaatkm aad tha rear n rial taot that ao pro posal oaa ba mimed wi d by the rraarn coraraotaat aalrai tha Part eoadlUoaa. DECLARES MUNICIPAL FINANCE.ACT HELD INVALID BY ATTOPJfEY GENERAL Clerical Error in journal of the Senate Proceedings of the Last Legislature Places Larger Cities, et SUteWith Ex ception of Winston-Salem In Bad Way Financially; Un able to Sell Bonds to Pay Indebtedness. ' THE BOARD IS ENOORSED Opposition to Tonsil Operations Is Dissipated; Dr. Royster Probably New President 0115 Bins CAUSE OF W Root of Peril Threatenin Japan and United States. SIMMS STUDIES SITUATION WASHINGTON. April tT.By tha Aaaoctated Prss. The Ameri can (orm m tot tenKht till waa without any official Information aa ta tha attitude of tha allied power with reaped to Oermanra counter propoaala on reparation. Cones- qsectly a reply to (ha eommunlce Uoa reealred from Berlin yeaterday haa not yet been prepared. The news or tha allied govern- menta are expected to ba transmit tad through tbelr ambassador here. with whom Secretary Hughe con ferred yeaterday. None of the en voy called at tha (tat department today, bat an Associated presa dis patch from Paris thla ernln( an nounced that inatmctlona had (one forward to . Ambassador Jueserand , ta Inform the United State thai tha Germaa propositions were unaceept- able ta France. It waa assumed that X. Jseserand would make thla known officially to Mr. Htt(he to morrow. Dispatches from Brussels Indicat ed that in Belgium tha German offer also waa retarded aa unaatlafactory. There waa no word aa to the views of tha other Interested power. It was understood, howvrer, that of ficiate did not neceaearlly regard aa significant tha action of Oreat Britain In, requesting Its representatives In Berlin to Inquire Informally regard Ing the new German offer with a view to making clear the terms of years over which the payments would run. Administration officers continued today their policy of alienee with re gard to the whole reparations ques tion. It was understood, however. that an element of tha aituatlon which they have under consideration Is an Intimation from some of the allied govern menu that tha n traaamiaafoa of the German offer by the I raited State would Involve the American government la some meae- nre of respoaaibUlty. It la believed that tha state depart ment ia not ready to accept this view of responsibility on ita part, pro vided ita efforts ara confined to a ' mere transmission of tha communl cation without endorsement of any kind. As only three days remain before the data aet by tha French govern ment for the beginning of ita move Into additional German territory. It is expected that a reply to the Ger man communication will not be long delayed. President Harding left Washing ton today on tha yacht Mayflower for Hampton Roads to be asbent until Friday, but It la not thought likely that this will serve to delay the American answer, aa it la un derstood that the administration's plana were agreed upon at the ses sion of the cabinet Tuesday. Should there be any unforeaeen develop ments In the aituatlon, tne President (Ceatlaaed ea Page Twe.) Finde Many Look to Harding to Take Initiative and Avert Another War. JO JO SAYS Is IS "" usin iiaf-a BY WIUAAJC nOLIP SIMMS. (Written Expreaely for Tha News paper Enterprise Association.) SHANGHAI, April ST. Tha heavy fog of devbt, suspicion aad hatred which, prior to 1114, hun( over tha Balkans, has shifted to tha far aaat and unless it can ba cleared away by some definite movea wa tha part o tha three government principally Involved acts which will admit of no two interpretation another ooa- fllct seems Inevitable. Guff of a highly dangerous ao rt la daily being spilled out here in tha Orient, adding to the confusion. The wildest rumors ara always In the air. generally without even a shred of truth ia them; but each adda it mite to tha general tension and thus doaa Ita little bit af harm. Soma of tha ah re wd eat observers -American, British and Japanese u are J their perspective, living as they are in thla turbid atmosphere, driving homo on newcomers the need of im mediate steps to clarify tha aituatlon. And America ia alwaya the goat whatever tha combination of dire ful events perdlcted or eared. Dopes of England 7 Soma have the United 8tatee and England i tobogganing at terrific apeed towarda war on tha theory that since Germany la down and out America alone atanda in tha way of Great Britain's commercial domi nation of the world. Others are convinced the United Statea and Japan ara headed Jn the direction of an Inevitable clash on the ground that their ambitions can not be reconciled in Asia. A third category of sidewalk dip. lomats aee Great Britain conniving to push America and Japan into a war with each other for the double purpose of removing Japan as a dangerous commercial rival in tha Orient and from the high aeas aa a rapidly growing menace to Britain's merchant marina. And then there's the group who profess to believe England wants the United States and Japan to fight so she, England; will not have to fight America, while a fifth aphool of opinion preach that Great Britain would like a Japanese-American war so that both Japan and America would receive such a setback that she would remain undlsputedly In possession of the field. i Call on uaraux. These are some of the things folks out here are talking about. But it la by no means all they are say ing Everybody is guessing and the wildest (ueaaer wins. On one thing, however, all think ing men in the- Orient, whatever their nationality, are agreed upon and that is the necessity for a show down. Great Britain, Japan and the United States these three nations alone are the nations which must decide what is to be in the Far East, and as matters stand nobody knows what any one of them intends to do. President Harding, many contend. holds the key to the situation. These are anxious for him to take the initiative in clearing up the whole bad business out here. Four moves, they consider, would do the Job. First, to announce to the world a do - unto others - as - we -would - be - done by, thoroughly American, non - grab - foreign pol icy with particular reference to the Far East. z Second, free the Philippines as proof that America means what she says and for the psychological effect on the world. . Third, press armament reduction PIN BHURaT, April IT, OeneroM approval of the policies of tha etate board of health and the pledge of tha profession to make thoee polldee even mora successful In the future aaave today whsa tha state medical society and the members of the stats board of health met la Joint a Ion. It was the most largely attended meeting of the two bodies since tha Joint session annually was mad mandatory by legislative act. and tha keen Interest developed prolong ed the session for three hours, dur ing which period there was extend ed aad general discussion, particu larly with regard to the tqnall and adenoid operations being conduct ed among the school children. At the end th'ero wss unanimous vote that the work ahould coatlnue under the plan now followed. A resolution offered by Dr. J. How ell Way, president of the board of health, was unanimously aoopiea. laying down the policy that no mem ber of the board, and ao paid em ploye. ahould bold office In the medi cal society, ths health officers' as sociation, or any similar organua tlon in ths state. A resolution coming from the sec tion on pediatric wae offered by Dr. I. W. Falaon, of Charlotte, and adopted, urging the manufacture and distribution of toxine antl-tox Ine for the prevention of diphtheria. Dr. C. A. Shore, director of the lab oratory of hygiene, announced that preparations were wen unaer way and thla new weapon for the de fense of children's Uvea would very shortly ba available. Following ths report or tne eec retarv. Dr. W. B. Rankin. In whlcn ha briefly outlined the policies of the board and the methods pureueo. ths snlrlted and prolonged discus sion began with ths offering of a re sort br a committee of policies, ap pointed at the last annuel meeun. Ths waa submitted by Dr. J. Hi Cbarletie Observer Pereae, TerWeaea Hetai. iyr,e. rowrxi ItALElOlf. Asrll IT. Attorney General James S. Manning today ruled that the municipal finance aet of 1(11 la invalid aad la doing ao held (hat a clerical error In ths Jour nal of the senate proceedings can only be corrected by tha legislature Itself. It Is a lerrlOe blow to the larger cities of ths state. Ilk Charlotte, Asheville. Raleigh, Wilmington and Oreeasbero. Unless they get relief they are debarred from levy lag taxes sufficient ta west Indebtsdneas bow outtendln( of approximately two million doliara Ths Issue waa raised by bonding attorneys ta whom the act had been submitted In connection with the of fering of municipal paper Issued un der the provisions of the aew law. They Investigated tha records aad found that ths bill Is not reoorded on the senate Journal as paaarn( a roll oall rote on final reading. The eonsututlon oxpressly says that taxation measures must paa their several readlnga on a roll call vote and be so reoorded In ths Journal. "Unless ths legislature corrects this error," City Clerk W. I Dowel I, of Raleurh, said today, "asrsral towns In ths stats might Just aa wsll nail up their- doors and go out of basiaeea. I see ao ether way out af lbs difficulty." Mr. Powell waa ' la ths senate chamber wbea ths present aet was aader eeaslderatien. It had paa all readings and waa properly re oorded aa ths Journal whsa Bene tee asms, of Wlnstoa-aalem, proposed aa ameadmenl rest rioting tha lory ia his tewa td IS eenta The adoption af thai ameadmeat enseal ta tod tha reeoasidaretlea af tha third read log vote, watch ap peared ta the JoarnaU aad another rett ealL' The final roll eaD at aet shown ea ths reoerd bat It appears eathe original bllL Bending attorneys questioned, he aeoretary af state as ta the defect ad the aeoretary transmitted tha Inquiry ta the attorney (sacral re s, seating a rultn(. "Tea Inquire whether yea, aa eus tedlaa ef the reoerd, have authority ta permit the chief clerk te amend ths Journal so as te make It accord with the entry an the bill Itself." Judge Mannln( states la firing his ruling. "We are clearly of the epinloa yea hare ae such authortry- he aaya it la only necessary ta state one reason, amon( several which exist. why yon do not have this authority. "The section (of the constitution) HIGHWAY COMMISSION TO SPEND 10 MILLIONS THIS YEAR IN ROAD BUILDING Confirmation 4Of Blair Is Held Up By Hiram Johnson Old Not Vote tor Calif omian at CHARLOTTE BANKER ON Chicago Convention. s VENGEANCE THREATENED STATE HIGHWAY BOARD No Danger, However, That Confirmation Will be Lacking. JUDGE BYNUM HAS CHANCE North Carolina Republicans Are Asked to Present Man for Western Marshal. ea race Two.)' Defendant Found Not Guilty of "Mob Violence." Trial of Will Reevee, Charged With Murder in Connection With Lynching, it Begun. ins wins LL QUICKLY AGREES SHJI TO PHISON CAMILLA, OA.. April IT. M .K. Boutwsli waa found pat (uflty at the charge af vlelatlaa the anew 1a- Jury In Mitchell county superior court at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The Jury retired at 3:91 p. m, The trial of Will Reeves, charged with murder, was Immediately taken op. Boutwell ana Keevee were two or nine men arrested In connection all War. for the board of health: Dr Ia A. Crowell, for the medical socle-1 leace aV by a rr. aad Dr. J. af. Parrott for tne hospital association. The same re port had been previously adopted without dissent by the house or dele gates. The report gave endorsement t every policy now In effect and urged the continuation of each. Opposition to tonsil operation clubs waa voic ed by a number of members, while with ths lynchln( of Jim Roland, a tha methoda pursued and tne oo- nerro. lecta aimed at were defended by The iurv to try Reeves was select others. This was the only point that led late this afternoon, after which called forth a debate and when the court adjourned until 1:10 o'clock vote waa finally called a complete tomorrow morning. understandlnr had been reached. "Considerable evidence will be In' and the opposition had faded away, troduced aaainst Boutwell In the Tomorrow moraine tne nominat- mob violence case, saia ooirawr Inr committee will renort on officera General Gardner. fnr the fnllnwlns- vear. It is under- Tha defendants refused the pro stood that Dr. Hubert A. Royster, posal today to try the defendants of Raleigh, is to be president, and Jointly, although at ths opening or Dr. W. T. Parrott, of Kineton nret the first trial on aaonoay iney were Ivce president. Dr. L. B. McBrayer. willing to agree to thla. who has been acting secretary for The trial of Reeves is expected to three years is understood to be the be completed late Friday or eariy choice or the committee ror secre-1 oaiuroay. i ne veruiui in una o, fori? This fact in vHw af tha raanlu.1 It ia exnected. will determine what tions adopted at the Joint session to-lection, if any, la to be taken ay, la causing considerable discus sion tonight, since Dr. McBrayer la n employe of the board of health. Winston-Salem gets the meeting next year. The councilors today, by unanl-t mous vote, directed that Dr. A. EUlng and Dr. Ivan Proctor, both of I Charged She Framed Up Rob : btry joj Unelo at WellfortL Two Principle W F. Catee and T. fisher, of Charlotte, " Aleo Oven Seven Years. OLD NEGRO WOMAN IS REPORTED LYNCHED ATLANTA, Ga., April 27. Mob violence against negroes in another Raleigh, be reinstated a members Georgia county waa brought to light of the Wake County Medical society, today when a letter from the sheriff The two physicians were dropped af-1 of a county In aouthwestern Geor- er associating themselves in prac-1 ria. waa made publlo in reply to one tlce with a former osteopath. They from Governor Dorsey asking verifi- appealed to the state society with cation -of charges that three negroes Dr. J. M. Temnleton pleading their hud been lvnched. one an old negro cause and Dr. Hubert A. Royster de-1 woman who was thrown Into a fending the local society. The coun- nrv and drowned. cllors were in session until the early Names were withheld ata the cap hours of this morning and then af- ol pending an Investigation into the ter sleep rendered their verdict, Tonlsht the Carolina hotel is glv in (a dance for the visitors. PLANTING OF COTTON MAKES SLOW PROGRESS Advances Northward Toward Northern Portion of North Carolina; South Finished. Fair today and Friday; not much change in temperature.- . . Perhaps the rekson the god d pus of time is fickle is simply because she is' a goddess, therefore neccstuirily feminine. ; (Centura. 4 ea Pace Twe.) CAROLINA BOYS PASS ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS BY H. E. C. BRYANT. WASHINGTON, April 27. An nouncement was made today by the war department of the . following candidates from North Carolina to be admitted to West Point July 1. fol lowing examinations held in March: Thomas Byrd Whitted, Jr., Char lotte; Geo. Patrick Lynch, LaG range; Samuel Zebulon Lamb, 211 North Road street, Elizabeth City: Pierre BaCot Deneon, 42 North Saunders street, Raleigh; Edwin B. Reams, Jr.. 618 North Liberty street, Wln- Mlfin.Mul.nl' John StmjihAll Palmar. ' ;! W t Divine street, Dunn. WASHINGTON, April 27. Plant ing of cotton continued to make slow progress in the central and western portions of the belt because of rather frequent and heavy rain fall but in the more eastern states conditions were more favorable and work made satisfactory progress, ac. cording to the national weather and crop bulletin today. Planting advanced northward dur ing the week toward the northern portion pf North Carolina, and some planting was accomplished In Ten. The crop is up to a very good stand in central and southern South' Carolina and planting is practically completed in that etate, but germin ating rather slowly owing to cool nights. 1 Recent cold weather also hindered germination in Georgia where con siderable replanting will be neces sary. Local, excessive rains were unfa vorable In the Mississippi valley and the soil continues too cold and wet in the northwestern portion of the belt ' The condition. 'of the crop In Texas Is mostly poor and the stands un isfactory In many localities. Recov ery from the recent cold weather is slow in Texas, while late reports in dicate considerable damage in the northwestern half. i situation, which the sheriff said had been "very bad" but which he de clared was improving as a result of efforts of himself and the sheriffs of three nearby counties whom ne called to his aid. Mobs were riding every night, beating and killing negroes; accord ing to an appeal the governor re cently received from a negro who said he had fled from the county. Oa.i;. after the old negro woman had been Varuiinal .-..j tt. ralallvA. an afraM UIVTI.VUi . . u . . w V- " - 1 it was said, to remove her. body from the creek for burial. The sheriffs letter, telling of steps he had taken and declaring that con ditions had improved, said the trou ble started on the killing or a con stable by a negro. . . "Tim nearo that killed him Just murdered him for no cause at all and the same negro the next day shot anotoher man that waa feeding some bogs on tne river nana," said the sheriff. He declared the constable was a man who held the respect of his neighbors and that he had frequently served capably as a deputy sheriff. SPEED BOAT DOCKS IN HAMPTON CREEK, VA. HAMPTON, Va.. April 27. The Gar II, piloted by Gar Wood,, of De troit, docked In Hampton creek to night and will not continue her run to New York until tomorrow morn ing. Although Mr. Wood left, Nor folk earlier in ' the afternoon - with the Intention of attempting to brave the northeast storm now blowing down the coast, he altered that, de cision Just before passing through the capes and turned back. Gar II has 12 H hours In which to make New York, according to Mr. Wood but he declared he will complete the run. In ten hours, ; (PARTANBTJRO, M. C April ff i. J nances . ach marts, young vwhKsn woman, was cod tic ea py a Jpry in court of general session thla nniffl. ing ea the charge ef being aoc sry to tne assault and robbery of her uncis. W. B. Acres, at Wellford last January, and was glvsn a aantance ef seven years ImpnuMnmenC W, F. Oates and T. M. Fisher, who lata yes. terday pleaded guilty as principals to the crime, were each given a seven-year sentence this morning by judge w. p. areens, who declared the crime to te ene of ths foulest that had came under his observation during a quarter of a century. The jury in the Sen marts case waa out 12 mlnutea Immediately after ths verdict waa announced C P. Slma, one of the woman's attorneys, made a motion for a new- trial aad the motion was pronvcly overruled and sentence pronounced. J. G. Galbralth. attorney for Fisher and Oatea,. mads a plea for mercy on the ground that the. men had admitted the crime, expressed their sorrow and on ths fact that they had borne good reputations prior to this time. Judge Greene said he felt profound sympathy for tha parents of the young men and the young woman, but that he could not in Justice to the public at large Impose light sentences aa he had been asked to do. Oates apd Fisher heard their sen tences without displaying any emo tions. The young woman was ap parently unmoved when the verdict of guilty waa announoea, but seemed to be' stunned when told that ahe must serve seven years in prison. She wept continuously until removed from the courtroom and carried back to her cell' In the county Jail. Judge Greene, In passing sentence, stipulated that the men and the woman may serve their sentences either In the county Jail, or on the county chalngang, or in the state penitentiary. Supervisor Vermin and Sheriff Miller will decide whether the parties are to be kept here or sent to the penitentiary. The courtroom was crowded during the trial of the Schmarts woman thla moralng and yesterday afternoon. The two men, whose homes are at Charlotte, N. C, in January last as saulted W. E. Acree, aged pump keeper for the Southern railway at Wellford, this county, while he was at work in the pump house, and rob bed him of I860, which was after ward recovered. The Schmarts woman is a niece of Acres, and the stats claimed that she told the men one of whom was her paramour, of her aged relative's habit of carrying a large sum of money on his person and then planned the robbery. T R. X. C. BBYAJfT. waattiNUTOif, April IT la a spirit of revenge Senator Hiram Johneoa. of Csnlferala, has held ap tne eonnrmatloa or David H. Blair for eommlalsoner ef Internal reve nue. Mr. Johnson asked that aoth Ing be done la this matter until be arrives here from New York to morrow. The reason assigned far thW action was that Blair was oaa af the dale rates pledged to Johnson .ror the presidency by the North Carolina primary but later , "sold out, to Harding. ' . In writing from Chicago Jane 14, hurt. The Observer correspondent said: "Mr. Johnson said that ha would "pay his respects ta North Carolina and ether states ia which he primaries, hut from which esjvd na votes." This la the first opportunity Mr. Johnson haa had to carry out that threat. . Mr. Blair Is tha eae.to fasl his lash. - ... ? Mr. Blair wUl be confirmed hat he may. pear a .tongue laaaing xren ttoartna Hiram. i ' Mereheed Took Lead. . Republican National Commlttse mai. Moreb.ead opposed, the prspa- staaa-CD give Jonas a eompumea tary vote at Chicago, 'la this Mam ha was supported by Mr. Blair aad ' . t 1 '. ill. G. UISOO GOES Oil STATE 1 Charlotte Banker Named t? Succeed Worct H. WoofJ. APPOINTMENT A vUEPTED. . - . Governor Morrison llakea Ho Comment on Ktrtyatrfck Pro tect by Ch lamber Commerce.'. V W.S WILaUJ(80!f. SPEAKS TREGDE Vircinia-pryland-D. C Annual Ivomerenpo neio. ure of the .Tar Hesi delegation. Featured bv Criticism and De Vor thla he mast answer ta the Call- r9V"H 7 f,THlwn "w fenee of .the ' Federal Reserve System. ALL EVIDENCE HEARD IN THE JUNCMAN CASE Special te The Obeerver. ASHEVILLE, April 27. Evidence in the case of Major J. G. Jungman, deposed commandant of Oteen pub lic health service hospital, charged with public Intoxication was com pleted late today. Counsel for the prosecution and defense will argue the case before the board, following which a transcrip of the evidence will be made and the board will ad journ to meet in Washington and render its decision. Although the hearing was behind closed doors if Is understood charges that Jungman was drunk at a local club last January were not sustained by the evidence. Major Miller of Savannah ia acting commander at the hospital. Major Juagman is in ths city awaiting decision of ths board in his case. foralaa. It was stated today that Mr. John eon will throw bricks at everyone of the North Carolinians who refused Ia Mt. Va him at lhtiaaA If thalr names ae ta ths ssnats. Hs can ds- mawibubu, va.. apm lis day confirmations but not prevent Crttlolsm and defense of tha ederal tbem. reserve avstam were heard todav bv at. 4vnnwn Jinu mat m a iiuiui I . , ,4 ,. , Carnllna. delaeallon to the national " convention was legally bound to him. fsrsnce or. credit men or Virginia, He charged at ths time that they Maryland and the DIs trlct of Co- sold out ana he win repeat tne jumDU, cusses the Blair nomlnaUons. "UB uacu-a.ua. uu. It Is contended by Johnson that hs noon or tne system ana or tne metn- earried North Carolina bv about oaa or in leaerai reserve Doara, J. 11.000 over General Wood. Under ' Tregoo, secretary-treasurer or. the state primary law, he holds, ths the National Association of Credit delegation was compelled to vote Jen, aeciarea tne sysiem nsja savea for his nomination. America from financial ruin. The nMM RaimHH rhiMM peak or nrorita .waa reached in nil There was a fierce rumpus when Secretary Tregos declared. 'dealgnat- the North Carolinians reached Chi- ui tne perioa wmcnfroiiowea as tne cago. They proposed a compromise "crasy allk ahirt period." The crisis wherebv half of them would vote reached In UJO, he said, and for Johnson and the remainder for when deflation cam it was due to Wand. The aunest on waa India- no regulation or mo reserve ooaro. nantlr rejected by Johnson. ending by criticising the department Later, whsn en route to California, jusuce ior meauuns, m.ua mu Johnson declared he would avail pecuiinriuos oi mwicn tem. lmlf of avarv annortunltv to aet perameni ana tne -ouyerr struts, .nn with tha TUnrth Carolina, rial an. SS contributing factors. tlon an 4 would keen on tha lob aa Criticism of methods of the fedsr- tnnr aa he lived. 1 reserve board was made In ths aft Tohnaon wu leavin the dtv when ernoon by A. F. Thomas, of Lynch- ths nomination of Blair cams In. He urg, who declared that after al- dld not request Borah, Norria. Ken- lowing contracts to oe maae on one yon or any of his closest friends to oais OI sxenangs tnat basis was ar- hold up action until his return. In- bltrarlly changed, so that while the stead he consulted the prohibition obligations of debtors were as large iai.r. whm vara carefully inveatl. during the process of deflation their atino. tha airaiiahiittv of Rlair. and debt paying power had been de- ..bul tha mtn await his arrival on the crease d. Ka.aw b n. .At An Thai VY . 1X1. iumsr. UL XIUIU1UJU0. fV nrohihlMnn .lament haa found Blair PUd to Mr. Thomas, declarinf that all right. He is perfectly acceptable uie numoer oi oueiness laiiures to aU of them, Including Wayne B. wuia nave own rumou 10 uaiu- Wheeler and the Aantl-Saloon . , . league I William G. Buchanan, of Wash- Tt u aaaumad that Johnson will lngton. D. C, spoke on "Character make a strong protest against the Business Asset," implying that confirmation of Blair and let it go at business men there are two dlf- lereni ciiaracterv, une ousiness sua Oaatlneed ea Pass Twe.) the Other Social. a The credit mn will meet next in TEN BODIES TAKEN Roanoke. FROM RUINS OF BRAXTON DAVENPORT COLLEGE MAY BE MOVED TO SALISBURY Mississippi Town Suffers Heav .ily From Storm; Damage at Other Places Also. JACKSON, Miss.. April ST. Ten bodies had been removed from the debris of the little town of Braxton, near here, which waa struck by a tornado late yesterday, and search ers believe that a number of addl tional dead will he found. More, than thirty were Injured and several of those In the hospital at irlio are expected, to cue. The storm struck first near Wes son, 40 miles south of Braxton. At that pwae two were injured and property damage amounting to $75, 000 was done. It Is reported. Sev eral botnea and a negro church were wrecked near Wesson and eve miles west of that piace a sawmill ana six nouses srere de stroyed. - At Pelahatehla seven homes were wrecked and two in jured, At Crystal Springs the light ning struck a derrick slightly In. luring two men. At Gloster, in Wil kinson county property and crop damage Is reported heavy. AdaluooaJ doctors and nurses were sent from Jackson tonight to relieve those who have , been on duty there, and relief work ta now well under way. Matter of Moving the School is Under Consideration, De pending on Salisbury. Special te The Observer. SALISBURY, April 27. It be came known here today that at a recent meeting of the trustees of Davenport college, the Methodist school for women now located at Lenoir, the board went on record aa in favor of moving the institution to Salisbury. Thla of course, la predi cated on the city guaranteeing the school against financial loss in mak ing the move and providing facili ties with which to start its career In a new place with provision to take care of an Increased patronage of at least 100 boarding pupils. The school now has its capacity of 14 pupils and this year turned-off 00 applicants. ' Pastors and charge directors ef the Salisbury district, meeting here to plan for the educational drive. heartily endorsed the proposed mov ing of the school and agreed ta ad vise the direction of all money paid in tnia district during tne drive to wards the school If It should be moved to Salisbury. Cbarletta BT R. K, POWJEIX. RALEIOn. April IT-OevWTMW " Morrlsoa ttlf afleraooa appolaU , C, Wilkinson, af Charlotte, aa highway commissioner for. tha sixth district. In place of Word H. Wood. also of Charlotte, who resigned, .' Ths governor reserved tha aooayt- i a nee of Mr. WUklanoa ever loaf dis tance telephone this afternoon, to- -' get her" with tha advios that tha maw appointee would arrive hero earty tomorrow and take offJea, , " . At the tfm the Wilkinson appatat ment was aanoaaeed to the presa, the governor had before him telegrapttie ; protest of tha Charlotte ahamber af co mm arcs to 'the , decision po te , nam Cot Laroy XOrkpatrick. - Hat had no oomment to make on tha pro. test " ', i ' " .Tea MUIkaaS This T-af." ? ' The members ef tha oommhadoa pent a. long while thla mornrsg la eonferenoe - wtOt tha gevaraer' an' ths financial situation, and the cr miaeloa Is ft him ready ta spani 1 . millions this year oa read hulldinr. How ths money would aa rau 4 f a matter f q.r the governor aad eau&- dl of stale, an hands agreed. It waa atatsd by tha members af the Com mittee that the go-veraera erfgiaal -statement of the 0nanciel attaattea' ' follow his visit to New Tork. ataada The comml loa haa the Job of build ing ths road and as they need tha money It will be the Job af tha gov- ernor and oounatl af state to supply the funda ... c. ! . It was clearly svidsnt. however, that the plan for financing the road program from within the state la taking shape. The first Indication Is ths announcement, made today, that from ths 10 millions the lsgialatare authorised the commission to spend this year the total amount offered , by the several counties will he de ducted. Of course these loans from the counties are to ha paid back . whan ths bonds are eold. but no bonds are going oa the market antU they can be sold for flvs par cent OpulomMTloML ? Whether the remaining money necessary will be borrowed; In New Tork or in North Carolina remains to be seen. On thla anestioa thara is a sharp division of opinion amour mem bens of ths commission and tha ' council of state. The plan to sell bonds In North Carolina Is Incnaa Ing and It Is within the realm of poa- , sibtllty that the entire 10 mllUon will come from patrlotio Tar Haela Instead of ths wlaarda of Wall Street There is one thing certain. Chairman Page said tonight That la that tha v road construction program Is .going . forward with nothing bnt permanent and satisfactory results in mind.' Neither the governor, ths council ef stats or the highway commission want to start unlsss reasonable con- -struction bids are received, but no one doubts they will corns. - Members of the commission ' who know him, an dother folks . were generally delighted with the an nouncement of the Wilkinson ap pointment. Commissioner Elwood Cox ' was eloquent In his tribute to Mr. Wilkinson. He will have hia first ' sitting with the body tomorrow. ) Indications are that this session will run into tomorrow night and that adjournment will bo but for a short time. Negotiations from sever- . a! counties In ths state were on hand again today and the commission pa- (CeaHaasd ea Pa TwaV jf 'i' "What's the Newi?" Governor Morrison appoints W. O. Wilkinson, Charlotte banker, oa th state highwuy commiasion to. gao oed Word H. Wood, reaigaed. The . American government la . awaiting information as to the atti tude of the allied Dowers toward Ger many's counter propoaala before re plying to the Benin commnaicatton. France deciares the new proposals ' "absolutely antioccptable." - M. K. BontwclL Oeorgtaa, M foaml not guilty of viola tloa of the snot violence act. '' r !"-ti'vjv The state boardT of healta aad the North Carolina Medical society meet ta Joint session a rmenarst. - Connrmatloa Of Xavld H. Blair for onsnai fat toner of Inirrasl revenne la held ap la the sresam hp Hlrsosi Johnsoa. la a spirit of revaags for what happened at the Chicago con vention. v-i Attorney General Mean ing rtJ' that tha maaucfpal flnanoe art of t -laat leglriMtara la tevattd, V t -atcsi m declared a terride hum t the larger estlea of the ataaa. - The state highway ewtrnn'! after a long noarrrwoe with -nor Hcrriaoa aad the neiw-'i state, ts ready to spead eier(Mjj,f hi road boDding this year.