THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1921 SOCIETY MRS. MARGARET KGLLT ABERXETHT, Editor (MMPboMKalM iSS CAROLINE B. MOORE .HIDE OF CHARLES THOMAS . Prominent Carolina and Florida I Families Reception . ; Follows. In a ceremony . of exceptional beauty U brilliance. Miss Caroline Brevard Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mm Robert Cunningham Moore, and Mr. Charles Lewis Clark Thomas war wedded at Saint Peter's Epli oopal church last evening at 7 o'clock, the rector Re. B. A. Penlck, Jr, officiating. ! ' The bridal music was rendirejfjby ilr. Robert I. Keeeler. Ob the altar were vases of white chrysanthemums and seven-br&BChzJ ed candlesticks homing ugntea ta ers, above which was the electric cross. Tall floor vases of white chrysanthemums and Southern smilax arranged on each aide of the aisle designated the seats for the specially Invited guests. The wedding march trom "Lo hengrin" was rendered as the pro cessional and Mendelssohn's march as the recessional. 1 - MacDowell'a "To A Wild Rose" was played during the service. The bride waa given in marriage by ber father, Mr. Robert Cunning ham Moore. Mr. Thomas was attended by Mr, 1 Benjamin Bowen, of Jacksonville, Kla. Miss MUlicent Blanton. of 8helby. I was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were: Miss Mar garet McGregor, of Columbia, 8. C, , Miss Ella Crawford Heath, of Wlnns horo, S. C, Miss Susanna Pegues, of Greenville, 8 .C, Misa Josephine Rose, ot Henderson,. Misa Mary Rog era Gibbon and Miss Gladys Palmer, of Charlotte. ;t The groomsmen were: Mr. Clark- son Jones, Mr. Armand de Rosset Myers, Mr. W. Frank Dowd, Jr., Mr. Maertce Steadman, Mr. John Payne, Mr. Randolph Scott: The ushers were: Mr. Edwin Clark- Brown btty TEAROOM In I. making a specialty of Iunoh tnr la Dinner for Si. 00 'Cafeteria Service on Street Floor far the young man wtio is win- l( to rid at a speed of So miles rid do It easily, and also economi iUty, the Cleveland Motorcycle is ha , machine. Queen City Cycle iompany, 41 North College Street . ; ' 1 The Gray Shop fo A Tfce FiftliNArarae Shop Of The Cwolinw A Smart Modes For Autumn Fin materials, stunning styles, that empha sise the smart simplicity of MELLOlt'8 AP PAREL. Quality that is self evident at mod- "tmr wetrxatvmx-rsrrtimasmvt. : - Fur Coats ahd Wraps Suits Top Coats Gowns Dresses Blouses Hats Foot- y 1 "J war. son, Mr.' Vaughan Hawkins. Mr. Maurice Rellley, Mr. Gus Travis. The bride waa beautiful in an ex flulslterldalQwnp.fwhlte satin embroidered in seed pearls and trim- rpwpalnrlace; 'A cluster ;oi white satin roses with pearl center fell from the waist. The long train embroidered in pearls bung from the shoulders. Her veil waa of illusion worn cap'faahion edged in real laca and held with a coronet of orange blossoms-She carried a colonial bouquet of white aweet peas with shower of lilies of the valley. The maid of honor was gowned in turquoise blue chiffon over cream lace. , The maids' dresses were fashioned of chiffon andxream lace, two were orchid, two blcre and two pink. The attendants all carried colonial bou quets of pink sweet peaa with show ers. he-wedding scene waa one of rare beauty and charm and was followed by an elegant reception at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, on Kingston avenue, Dll worth. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. MoOre were the members of the bridal party,' relatives and out-of-town guests. Mrs. Moore wore a beautiful gown of coral chiffon beaded in crystal and silver girdle, and crarled an orchid ostrich fan. Mrs. Thomas, mother of the bride! groom, was handsomely gowned in blacV chiffon embroidered In silver over satin. She wore a corsage of orchids and roses. In the upstairs livlngroom many costly and beautiful wedding gifts were displayed. A color-note of white and green was observed in the decorations of the home, a great profusion of ropes and chrysanthemums being used. The centerpiece of the dlnlngroom table was an artistic arrangement of bride roses, white snapdragons and maldenhaiforns. Mr. and Mrl Thomas left for an extennlve tour of Florida. On their return to the city they will make their home with the bride's parents. The bride is the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Moore and is prominently connected. On her paternal side she Is descended from the Moores and Pattersons of York county and on her maternal side from the Clark sons and Simons of Charleston, lead ing old families in the Palmetto state. She was graduated from St. Mary's college at Raleigh last June and was to have been one of this season's debutantes. Mrs. Thomas is young and pretty, with bright men tality and is petite and attractive, 1 winsome and vivacious. No brlde : elect in recent years has been enter- talned more extensively. Mr. Thomas Is the only child of i Mr. and Mrs. Georeg Thomas, of . Jacksonville, one of the leading old ' families in Flerlda. He was In the , uviution branch of the service dur I ing the world war and came to Char lotte to locate Just after the armistice wax signed. He holds a position with (.'. C. Coddlngton and Is achieving much success. He is held In high regard by his business associates. Mr. i Thomas Is a young man of attractive' , personality and genial manners and since coming to Charlotte haa been one of the most popular young men In the city. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas, of Jacksonville, Fla., parents of the groom Mr. and Mra C. I C. Thomas, of Madison, Ga., the former. an uncle of therroom; Miss MUlicent Blanton, of Shelby, who Is a student at Holllns college, Va.; Mlaa Susanna Pegues, of Greenville, 8. -C; Miss Margaret , McGregor, of Columbia, 8. C; Misa Josephine Rose, of Hen derson, who is a student at Bt Mary's college at Raleigh; Mis Ella Crawford Heath, of Wlnnsboro, S. C; Miss Mary Moffltt, of Asheboro; MlsaMamle Moore, of Little Bwitier. Jand; Mr. and Mra Thomas F. Mc- Dow, of York, 8. C: Misa Annie seal QIarkson Jones, of Little Switzerland; Mra, H. J. Gregg."bf CoIflffiB!rrC:r Mr-Maurice- Tewnsend-or Auguaia. Ga.; Mr. and Mra George Blanton and Mr. Charles Blanton, of Shelby; Mr. D. 8. Walker, of Rhodhlss; Mr, Stephen Miller, of Richmond, Va. ' Planning' for Halloween Party.. It was an interested, enthusiasts group of girls who met the leaders when they went out .for the regular club meeting at the T. W. C. A. cottage Tueaday night. This meet ing marked the close of a member ship contest which resulted In vic tory for the "B team." This team will be entertained1 by the losing team at a supper later in the month. The club started the year with five members and at the -Tuesday night meeting which the third of the club year, there were 27 en rolled. After the business was finished the rest of the evening was devoted to making all sorts of attractive decorations for their Halloween party. The Belmont club will also have a Halloween party. This club has an enrollment of 25 and Its spirit of co-operatlon is especially fine. Bridal Party Entertained. Mrs. C. Furber Jones and Miss Annie Clarkaon entertained in honor of their nlec;, Miss Caroline Deatraixl Xfnnra unH hf WPrlriiniT party Wednesday evening after the v i ' .u- 1 vi- 1 renearsai at wi numr ui mi. an-. Mrs. Edward A. Quintard, the lat ter a daughter of Mrs. Jones. The party was one of the most elaborate given In honor of Miss Moore. The home was arranged through out with bride roses and white chrysanthemums. The bride's cake was one of . unusual beauty. The ice course was served in the wea- wing bells and bride's slippers. When the cake was cut the ring fell to Mr. Maurice Steadman, the heart to . Mr. Armand de Rosset Myers, the button to Mr. Randolph Scott, the dime to Miss Susanne Pegues of Greenville, S. C the wishbone to Mr. Maurice Rellley. J Sherrlll-Jetton Wedding. Miss LUlie Mue Jetton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Jetton and Mr. Sloan 8. Sherrlll were mar ried at the First Baptist church yesterday morning at 9:30 o'clock, the pastor, Rev. Dr. Luther Little, officiating. The pulpit was grouped with tow ering palms and Immediately In i front were three seven-bra nched Cathedral candlesticks holding light- : ed, tapers, forming an effective back- 1 ground for the impressive vows. Mrs. Alexander Stephens rendered the wedding march from "Lohen-1 grin" as the bridal party entered. t Messrs. M. R. Marsh and Robin Kirby were groomsmen. Miss Sarah Jetton, elster of the bride, was maid of honor. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Mr. Charles M. Jet ton. Mr. Sherrlll was accompanied by Mr. Wayte Thomas as best man. The bride wore a handsome dress of brown duvetyn with mink neck piece and brown Velvet hat and car ried a beautiful shower ot ophelia roses and white sweet peas. Miss Jetton, the maid ot honor, was gowned in black lace with sil ver trimmings and brown mallne hat trimmed in Frenoh flowers and carried an armful of pink Killarney hoses. 1 Th rlnr nnlr v ti I rHEST COLDS 1 Apply over throat and chest w cover with hot flannel cloth. 0 KS VapoRuq Over 17 Millhnjan Vttd Ytariy When we recall the hardships VtM M s fc of mu mothers, bow thankful we should be for such modern conveniences as the CrVDETHEATER Ms loaaar Is alshwasUBa a tadloa Job. a Itating the heatiat of many pans of hot wstar. With aCAOST la year aooe it is sunply a auttar of tatoiaatbefauest. The CADBT boras coal and weed Ma svaaeoilsot'sslvaBlaKiplpe sorrouad the tre bowl This noiuai ve aad patenterf faatuta inturat the BMxiausa saooat of hot water from the least amount of fuel. Th4 prictts low Every aaatsr has tha "j u 3i rd CADET oa tbe whits mated door pta. Look far h. GUARANTeS , The CADST isatadeof autniak ftnUb- ed by ahilfcd labor. We guarantee complete Local Dealers. back. Auanta Store Worka bilnl laarfnissi Atlanta. Ga. I : Writajoc a . ' "If ow have , Jkf- hot water aU FZGf Athsnms' For Sale by SOCIAL CALENDAR 1 '' Friday. . ' .. . , 11:10 a. m. Important called meet v ing of the Mecklenburg chap ter, J). A. R., at Carnegie libra ry. Brief meeting. ' ? y 1 p.m. Luncheon at the Woman's i club for club member -, 1:30 p. m. -Miss Katherine Scott will fflya aJuncheon at the Charlotte Country club in honor, of rler - --sisterr-Mrs.' Weoley Haath -1:30 p m. The Virginia Pare cjrele will meet with Mra. C. N. G. Butt at her heme on Avondale avenue, Dilworth. ; , 3:80 p. m. The Dolly Madison book club will meet "with Mm. "Martin Davis at her home near the- Charlotte country club. 3:30 p. m. The Research Book club will meet with Mrs. Butord Pat terson at her home on Clement avenue. 3:30 p. m. Miss Catherine GUmer will entertain at cards at her home in Myers Park in honor of Miss Joy Draper ana Miss sog ers Gibbon. 4 p. m. The Chelldon book club will meet with Mrs. Thomas B. Wright at her home 700 East avenue. 4 p. m. -The Cranford Book club will meet with Mrs. C. L. Hunter at the home ot her sister, Mrs. H. C. Jones, in Myers Park. 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. T. Croft Woodruff will give a buffet sup per followed by bridge at their home near the old-remount sta tion In honor of Mrs. J. William Buck. 8 p. m. Fathers' Night at the Eliza beth school. ' m. The Roselle Springer class of the First Baptist Sunday school will give a concert In the t P church auditorium. 9 p. m. to 12. A dance will be give at th Ri Fbs c ub for mem- at the Red Fes club for mem hers and their families and vis iting Shriners. Saturday. 3:30 p. m. Mrs. John L. Morehead and Mrs. Morehead Jones will entertain at bridge at the Char- lotte Country club,, 8:30 d. m. to 8 n. m. Dinner will be served at the Charlotte Country club. ' 7 n. m: The Charlotte Sanatorium Nurses' literary club will met at the sanatorium. Mrs. Isaac Hardeman. Jr.. leader. n. m. to 12. A subscription dance will be given at the Charlotte Country club for members and their families. during the ceremony Mrs. Stephens played "Forget-me-not. oy Mac beth. Mnrtimohn'K march was render da m the bridal party left the church. A large assemblage of relativea and friends were present at the marriage. Mr And Mrs. Sherrlll left lm mediately for a trip to Washington and New York, after which they will be at home In Joliette, 111. Airs. Shjerrlll Is the older daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Jetton and Is one of Charlotte's brightest young women, with attrac tive, winning personality. She Is admired by a host of friends. Mr Sherrlll Is the older sort of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Sherrlll of this city, and is a rising young chemist. He was formerly con nected with the Chemical Construc tion company in this Hty and left here last April tp accept an im portant position with the Calumet Chemical company In Joliette, 111. He is a young man of splendid ability and sterling qualities of character and is held in high re gard oy his associates and friends. Mr. and , Mra Sherrlll received numerous handsome wedding gifts. . Parties Continue at Camp IaUta. This summer proved to be the most successful season that the Y. W. C. A. Camp Latta has ever known. The camp Is located 12 miles from Charlotte in a beautiful spot In the woods. Long Creek runs across one corner of the land and a delightful swimming pool has I been built in It. During the years that the camp haa been In existence many girls have learned to swim In this pool as there has been a swimming Instructor In charge every year. Many business women spent their vacation at the camp and every week-end the camp was tilled to Its capacity and many had to be turned away for lack of suf ficient room. . Miss Emma Blggers has been camp director thlR summer and Miss Marion Dudley, girls' work secretary at the T. W. C. A. rec reation leader during the month uf flune and the physical director at the Y. W. C. A., Miss Zena Morrell. during the renminder'of the season. Ever since the close of the season the camp has not been idle, as many parties have spent some" time there. Rummage Kale., The laidles aid society of St. Mark's Lutheran church, will hold a rummage sale tomorrow, beginning at 9:80 a. m., In the vacant lot on East avenue. All those who have donations for the sale are requested to send them to the lot tomorrow morning by 9:30 o'clock. 9 Dance at Red Fez Club. A dance will be given at the, Red Fez club this evening from 9 to 12 o'clock for the members and their families and any visiting Shriners. The Shrine band will furnish the music and the dance promises to b$ largely attended. The bull room of the club Is one of the finest In the city and the dances given there are among the most enjoyable social affairs Jn fra ternal circles. Mrs. Young Improving. j Mrs. M. S. Young, who has been j seriously ill at the Charlotte sana tortum for.the past month, is much ' improved and was able to return to her home in Concord yesterday. ; In-Honor of Mrs. Buck. ' A charming event .of. the evening will be the buffet supper and card ! party given by Mr. and Mrs. T. j Croft Woodruff at their home near : the old remount station In honor of Mrs. J. William Buck of Jackson ville, Fla.. who is the attractive I guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Holt I Dates. in-ttimtite vi Miss Mwir: - 4 Mrs. Kichard A. Myers entertain ed at bridge at her home on Tenth avenue Wednesday afternoon In honor of her cousin, Miss Caroline Brevard .Moore, whose marriage to Mr. Charles Lewis Clark Thomas took place last evening. Miss Susanne Pegues of Green ville, S. C, tied with Misa Gladys Palmer for the first prlae and on 1 the cut It fell to Miss Pegues, Miss I Elsie Palmer cut the consolation prize and Miss Moore, received the honor prise. 1. ! Mrs. Tillett Club noaU-ws. Mrs. Johfr Tillett waa the charm-1 ing. hostess to. the Duplicate bridge club yesterday morning at the Char lotte Country club. I Miss Joy Draper won the prise for' the top eoore and Mia Rogers Gib bon cut the consolation price. A flve-oourse luncheon followed the game. , Special guests of the club were: Miss Joy Draper -and Miss Rogers Gibbon, brides-elect, M m .Marlon Voorhlee, of Portland, Oregon, guest of Miss Draper, Miss Elizabeth Mil ler, Miss Ann Taliaferro, Mrs. Charles W. Tillett, Jr. Members of the- club aside from Mrs. Tillett are: Mrs. David Clark, Mrs. Charles E. Lambeth, Mrs. Dan F. Carroll, v Mrs. IS. A. Quintard. MrsrThoTnglHgm1eisuii. Mis. OV Br Bryant, Mrs. Lane Etheredge, Mrs. John L. Morehead, Mrs. Morehead Jones, Mrs. Edwin T. Cansler, Jr. BlackweJder-Dcaton Wedding. Mra Russell Deaton, and Mr. E. M., Black welder, of Mallard Creek, were married yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock in the church house of the Second Presbyterian church, Rev. J. T. McCutchan. assistant minister of the church, performing the cere' mony. Relatives and aeveral friends were present. Tbe bride and groom are both of prominent families of the Mallard Creek section of the county. The bride is pretty and attractive and universally loved in her home corn mun ty. - The groom Is a young man of bus1- ness ability and commands a host of friends In the state. He Is connect ed with the Balfnson Humidifier company of Winston-Salem, and ha and his bride will make their home In Tarboro. Chelldon Book Club. The Chelldon Book club will meet with Mrs. Thomas H. Wright at her home, 700 East avenue, this after noon at 4 o'clock. This is the first time that the club haaxmet with Mrs. Wright since she has moved into her new home. Mecklenburg Chapter D. A. R. An Important called meeting of Mecklenburg chapter, D. A. R., will be held at Carnegie library this morning at 11:30 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to be present for a brief meeting. - - Levy-Shelhj, Wedding. Cards have beenossueoNreading as follows: Mr-and Mra Charles Davis 8helby announce the marriage of their daughter Sarah Estelle to Mr. Archie Allen Levy on Thursday, October the twentieth nineteen hundred and twenty-one Charlotte. North Carolina The wedding was celebrated yes terday evening at 7 o clock, the cere mony having been performed by Rev. J. T. McCutchan, assistant pastor of the Second Presbyterian church, in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Dr. A. A. McGeachy. The wadding was a quiet affair, only a few relatives and close friends having been in attendance. Mrs. Levy Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Shelby, of 811 East avenue. She was educated at the city schools and a Queens col lege. Mr. Levy Is the son of Mr. Nathan lal Eugene .levy and the late Mra Ada Levy, of Monroe. He was In service overseas for nearly a year, having taken his training at Camp Gordon, Ga. Mr. Levy is connected tlth the firm of Hamilton LUes coin any, of Monroe. Mr. and Mrs. Levy left last night for Washington and other northern cities. On their return-they will re side at Monroe. AshcvtUe Couple Wed Here. A popular couple of Ashevllle, Miss Edna Hunt and Mr. William E. Ware, were quietly married in the parlor of the Second Presbyter Ian church Wednesday evening at 7:80 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. T. McCutchan, executive secretary of the church. Mr. King was originally from Kings Mountain, but has resided in Ashevllle for about a year. He Is a cousin of E. Lr Ware, 405 South Tryon street. Mrs. Myers Honors Brides-FJect. One of the prettiest luncheons of the autumn was. that given by Mrs. J. Q. Myers at the Charlotte Coun try club Wednesday In honor of Miss Minnie Everett Little and Miss Sara Lily D.ckcry. the latter v of Rockingham. Miss Dockery's wedding to Mr. Oxmer Lucas Henry will take place next Thursday evening in Rocking ham. . . Miss Little's wedding to Mr. Tates Edgerton will take place in this city November 9th. Yellow chrysanlm.-Miums formed the center piece - of the luncheon table and the place cards were handpalnted In yellow. An elaborate luuncheon was serv ed. Covers were laid for 20. Beautiful Concert Tonight. Lovers of music are looking for ward with ke,en delight to tiro- eon cert that will be given at the First Baptist church this evening at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Roselle Springer S. .day school class. No admission will be charged but an offering will be taken - for the purpose of buying a handsome piano for the Sunday school. The member of the class have secured splendid talent for the eve ning's . concert and they hope that the artists will be greeted tby a large audience. The program: follows: Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST O R I A JJOW often have you en vied some friend or ac quaintance her ability to look well in any costume? How often have you said, "She is always well dress ed, no matter what she wears?" Did you ever stop to think that the secret of real style lies, not figure itself? And the greatest modern answer to the question of making the most of your figure is Nubone Corstt Represented by MRS. MAUDE HAAS 215 Worthington Ave., Charlotte; N. C. Phone 581 Reading "Under Two Flags" Oulda Miss Ethel M. King. Trio "Twillaht" Frame ' Abt Misses Mary Love, Rachel Bummer row, Martha Downs. , Violin (a) "The Hungarian Dance"tHaefghe; (b) "The Bwan" r Saint Baens Miss Ruth Hanna. HnlnuX-ArU ,; "Tannhauaer" Wlf- ner Violin, piano and organ -Miss 1 bummerrow. Concerto Iff A Minor Grieg- Mrs. Hlnson Brown. Miss Elsie. (i..i 1 t eamuei. - - ....... - SUFFERERS front ehronie Indigestion wffl find quick relief Worn a lew aoses ot tir. CaMmll's SrrnD Paoaln. It alvse voa artlfidallr the Oeoaln aature may hira de prived yon of and toe lack of Which aaaaaa dmneaaia. Yen Will fln4 It uk amnra affaettva than chewing tablets aad flavored eandles. . . 5 DK. CALDWELL'S ' SYRUP PEPSIN THB FAMILY LAXATIVE 7 Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsla con tains inaradients effective in dyspep sia aad eoastipatioa. It Is a combin ation of Egyptian Sanaa and other Sple laxative herbs with pepsin. 1 fomala is 00 tbe package. It has a successfully ased for 10 years. Trytt l One bottle will prove its worth. HALF-OUNCE BOTTLE FREE fm mcttt tewirtiMrtas, m mm If 3m as at fat a laaabta at tfiii nami lac su aaU Jt a Hatt-Oancf Trial Battlt uf mj Syna PMa FREE OF CHARGE w that yitwUkmtkkmijwIimnmiid. Slmpij 4 yaw aaaat caiaWrru 10 Dr. W. B. CakWU, 3M WatMsfam Sc, UomdcMo, PLAYTHINGS HALLOWEEN A ntoe little party favor Is a stick pin with head of cat, witch, ghost, etc. 30c Doz. FTinCR QUALITY 6O0 DOZ. FAVORS (box) to hold candy and In assorted variety, Hallo ween designs . SMAI;L SIZE ' 5c Each LARGER SIZE $1.00 DOZ. PAPER CUPS for round with cat cut out mlnts etc. 5c Each OVAL WITH HANDLE, 75c DOZ. PARTY INVITATIONS 40c Doz. , CONSULT THE CAROLINA SHOPPING LIST BEFORE BUYING Belgian School Of Violin ' Win. Traeadale Studio 28 W. Trade. For Appointment Phone SISa-J. Dr. A. P. DuLong CHIROPODIST Room ISIS Realty BnUdlng Phone 4044. Charlotte, N. a OIL HEATERS They make unneces sary the expense of starting the furnace or base burner so early. Easily carried from room to room as required. . Throw out a goodly amount of cozy heat for bed room, bath room, dining rocm or nusery. J. N. McCausland & Co. "In the Business 87 Tears." -I 381 S. Tryon Phone S14 What convinces most is an owner's belief that the Hupmobile gives a degree of service, coupled with prire-greerramofflyrurr-I equalled by any other motqp car built today. Charlotte Motor Car Co. DISTRTAtfeTORS SO g. churon St Charlotte, N. C Hupmobile a. 1 Puccini; (b) "I Wait Beneath Thy Window, Love" Maarkowski; (c) "Who'll Bu My Lavender"Oer man Misa Ruth Chapman. , 1 Quartet "Greetings tb Spring" Strauss' Miss May Love, Miss Bummerrow, Mr, J. A. Bate, Mr. SJ. B. Shelby. . Sextette "Lucia de ; moor Donlsettl Mrs. Frickhoef ! fef, Miss Love, Miss Bummerrow, ; 1 u a a 1 . h a.a . mi "orae"'.; ciMS, aims oervi, irs. vy annum, .... ,. r. . Plaxcti. Mr. Harley, Mr. Shelby. Mr. Bate, Miv GaHiinerer-Prv-jteav-Mrr U uanieia. . y:-. ' Reading Monolcg Pxo and Con -r-Powersj-Mlss King. : Z1; "Organ (a) Gavotte Air At tributed to Louis Xlll (Transcrib ed by Ghys); (b) Passepied from "Le rol 8am use" Dellbes; (a)' To If you Vant an auto mobile watch our ads get, one cheap Name the car you want . Name the price you want to pay. If we haven't got it, 111 get it. ' If you want to buy a car see me If you have a car you wan sold, see me. BARRINGER GARAGE Phones 497-498 TAKE NO CHANCES settle the question FOREVER purchasing a y STIEFF PIANO Call or phone for prices or fill following blank and mall: CHAS. M. STIEFF. Inc.. Charlotte, N. C. Please send catalogue and prices of Pianos. Name Add ' 1 1 M t- RUG CLEANING TIME Our dusUng and shampooing process will lengthen the life of your rugs. Tou will take prife In seeing them and in having them seen when we return them bright and clean. We 'are equipped to do your work with satisfying promptness. Write or Phone THE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY 444 Phones 445 . 1 A New Black Slipper - DeLANE'S 36 E. Trade St ITS. PURITY SHOULD APPEAL JO YOU ITS TASTE CERTAINLY WILL When a loaf of bread combines purity and foodness with all the food. ' properties that go to make a perfect and complete meal, tbe ' . larger part of the diet problem Is solved. BUTTER - NUT BREAD : - IS XHB BRVAI r CAROLINA BAKING COMPANY . VtsH Our STew ttore 00 South Church Street -'-'.v, a Wild Rose MacDo well: (b) Humoresque Dvorak Mr. Freds rick Hall. , ' Miss Helen Marie Day, director. - - Mrs. Alex. Stephens, at the piano. flf EAR OWTf SHIP fi HELLED. HAMBURG, Oer. Villagers along Lammerilhe German coast reported sounds. 1- or , gunnery . in tne Bay or Biscay .a f It was that of Fr4nch battleships , scrapping the former German bat tleship Thurlngen. - - ALL FOR ONEr ONE FOR ALL (The hoar to near at hand.) 4 a .; i Eighth StTMt A well cleaned ear. A well greased eaa ' A belter and more enjoy ably ear. It'e done at the AUTO INN The House Tbas lervtoa Ball TRY tV .TODAT doth Sides of Poplar B.u teles) Trade and Fourth by out v. of gjazed kid and as pictured with three instep straps fastening by buckle. A ivery attractive slipper most moder ately priced at $5.00 1