13 7 ANT. AD RATES A est ta alffaraat at at type aee "1 TYPE. T-lT,CAM.TintKK . NTS PER WORD BACH l.NjSRTXON. , 1 v ' f . !.U size. 12 pomt 5 cettt per word each insertion. point type, 9 cents TELEPHQNE 78 FOR RENT kitchen? ! swtohd: 411 unmt mwa, wSTtSS-. modon. ImP"": matii furnac. ': .!, n(-U-t U JHt-aeW. Adolf ,. couple without hf;jt K. ttb. la r m--wUr North Church private m. eppv x-u. M wfc- Pb Mil. " tare room wniw - heated homo, an eoav-- Thirty-nve dollar pr mu p. a Bos . city. ? Address MM far wa Wk- -at 1171. October t. ll-tf ai aaanpirw . u f m M month. Phone nn wttbaat aMMraa, two . tiht hanaaheep- fornlahed n ahea rooma. v' ' p " a. n.tf PhoaatlH-J: W. Trade U ll-tf nf. e Baaawtwa raaaaa p'tT?. Apalr, . Chareh. Paaaa II. T. ' Blake Aata aerTiea . " rr ipal nil urn lira- taaaaa. ratea Pladmnat Hoa- a wMl bear. ll-tf If W. eroBth. -" ror i - nkta: Inv.aataai ataam 7," th a ae- rare IW taw Bid.. Charlotta. W. c ll-tf rar raoav ; rboaa MM: til" Trade. KEATS AND GROCERIES ... .' in m!bm aJaal oraatea, 4t-lb. box. MW"; rhMkar aaoaay order with order. Bof er.nci.rrbInkT.mpa. b TroptejJ pralt Ca, Tampa, Wa.. - " lnea 'Zia-Tlfr. J. C Fowh, Idhnr-t W iw ona at our nuna Norway vl far braaMMt. Tb. Wrf IiiVVB t m,-mr v . V jilTbldER.TAH NESS CO SPECIAL NOTICE :'-VT'j-fa. atcmor rw itw. . cnw-AaUlaBelda Brarytblnt. ;th Tear Baaort Berelea lw Coat . Illuatrataa BOOKIOT aeni. Broad St., Aaxuata. Oa. i i:h A. J. Dunn Co. - Pafer Hangers & Decorators 25 worm iryon axrcci f fhone 2204. 22-tf. CajtmSt Rots moT- in packing, storing, tonj r distance hauling. Phone 52. 20-tf, LOST AND F0UND U WA WawB) fWd ThTaday aftaraaeay t,'n camera. t. tn Mack leather ua Baward for return or Informa IMA laadiaal to reeerory. Phone IMS. my Ln Cilld braaaM. art with two anf" M aapphlre. Mr. T. C. Allea. No. 1IM KUaaYbeth Avaaaa. ala-h. Meyer Beat A venae, mink fur ward. Phone IU7-J. neckpiece. Re- r FEMALE HELPWANTED mr, ta starwt ptoee. Aoair 111 Kinney Bine- w. Thirl Ht between aad l:M at night. Mra. Chaat Brealaar. . . H WAITED -OOMPtTTKNT 8TENOO. iRAPHER. REFERENCES RE QUIRED. APPL.T MILL. POWER BUPPX.T CO itl SO. CHURCH WAIiTED SEVERAL ENERGET IC LADIES IN CHARLOTTE AND NEARBY TOWNS TO SELL A GUARANTEED LINE OF MERCHANDISE, FACTORY, TO TABUS. BIG RETURN8 TO WORKERS. ONLY APPLICANTS OP GOOD ADDRESS AND CON SIDERABLE ACQUAINTANCE WILL BE : CONSIDERED. AD DRESS W D. B., - CARE OB fcSRVER. - 25-27 zzXtA Young lady book keeper and typist; must , Lave at least two years ex- rerience, only; competent help need apply. Write B. E. ML., care Observer. 23-tf HOTELS AND RESORTS - Plate!, Onsailsrt s earn aeat; ateaa aaaas auderats seat. -t TEACHERS WANTED rr.D h. . i ' Kcnoot JACHER AT ONCE. . APPLY . N. BULLA. CH M.' BOARD OL TKffcTEI.S, BANDLB. ., N. C. - aod KALE HELPWANTED wanted Uvs, active pnt sana M " retary t Chtnkw l Commerce and Mebaao Pair Aaaocistlon Olve exper- lencs, reference and (alary expecico. 3. B. Prtnaa, Bec'y. Mebaao, N. C. 11-11 Par al -Oola taxi .baamaes la towa af . people.. .Conaiota of car eelab llahed buslnee and all-hotel patronage gsaranreed tor two year. Will clear till ta IIH par month. Trie 11.00; . 11,10 cash, balance two aotaa 1601 each, mtw mmI It mnnlhi ia TUB . AddrSa Taxi, aara Observer. .. WANTED" REGISTERED OR UN REGISTERED DRUGGIST. AT ONCE. J AS. P. 8TOWH CO. WANTEDFIRST-CliARS COAT MAKED. JACOBSON AMD PE TERS. 2l W. TRADE ST. :4-J5 Waated nrt-laaa tallert (toady werki good chance (or advancement. Apply JBu Woolen Mill Co.. 11 W. Trade Bt. - 1 i i . i 11-17 Wasted Two reliable raws aaea, aapa fele of earnlnc lioe. Permanent. Call . 1:1. room 17, tSk Sooth Church afreet. ' r' - . SOU Ian nleaBlilaci barera taarht free. Wa wUl .help yoa atart a euelneee oi roar Iowa. Aaderaon Itaam ' Valeantsar Co. 'ill . East Martla Street. Ralelih. m. a: tl-M Wanted at Once One firt class electrician for house wireman, knob and tube work. Wire or write Elec tric Service Co., Shelby, N.C 23-tf. POSITIONS raattlaa WaataeV Thame hi perlMwd atenocrapher and ood bnalnem woman deiiree poaltioa with Charlotta Una. Ad dreea "U K. F.." care of Obaerrar. aod Wanted real tlea la barber ahae, la town or oat of town; T yeara aporieae; aat laf action c aaraataod. Addraal B. O. S.. care ObMrver. : M-ll man. foreman. Advertlalat or aaer opea for poattlon. nforaland. HIT 14th it, Intton. D. C baalneaa maa- D. B. Wt N. W- Waah- Kxpeileneed ateaorrapber and rmral of- noo worker aeairea pontion i iu ble conjee m. Addreea P. O. Boa 1111. City. " WaatoaWab by yaana; aaaa, caercatla aad willing to work, aa hotel tier or aepan ment atore, or rrocery clerk; can faralah laod referencea. Addraaa R. U C, III Bellrlea it.. Oreoaaboro, N. C - Waatod fob halalaa; arlU water waUe; two years oxpenenco neipma urn .. walla; want retalar work and ood par. Addraaa H. a Bdwarda BOX tllr Kan. aapolla, N. C. - Lady ateaafraaliar deatraa paeltlaw. Pro- for bana or inaarance oaica; iar jwmtm experience. Good 'reference. tV U, care Obaerver. . Wanted Wark eaak or maid rood ref erencea Beano W. M. juarmon, in a. o Dowell it - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES For Sale Entire Itock of merchandise, Shoes, Qoth ing, Dry Goods, etc; Best stand in town. Will state "reasons for selling. Write Box 613, Albemarle, N. C. v ivy , 23-29. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Natblag better for Sana areaent for father aad mother than Dr. unr eye giaeaea, made ta fit the eyea and face. I Eat Trad Bt.. upatalra. dec It n SALESMEN Oar mpaay haa a few vaeaaclea fa Arat-elam aaleamen. Monmiy income lie up. Poaalbllitte unlimited. Com pany ataadlng good aver entire aouth. Writ for Information. A. M. Moaely, In aarance. Charlotte. ood FARMS & TIMBERLANDS Par 8al Medium -else farm, aear church. ckeol. oa pablle road and mall route Bulldinga, timber and well-watered Price 111 per acre. Addreea A. B.-1I, car Obaerver.' 14-11 1S5 ACRES GOOD IAND. ONE MILE PROM STATION, HIOH SCHOOL. AND MACADAM ROAD, AND SEVEN MILES FROM CHARLOTTE8VILLE. THE LAND 18 LEVEL, SMOOTH AND WELL WATERED. THE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDE 8IX-ROOM HOUSE, FOUR STALL BARN. THERE IS ALSO ABOUT 75,000 FEET MER- SHAN'T ABLE TIMBER, J.000 AILROAD TIES AND 25 ACRES CLOVER AND TIMOTHY. PRICE $5,500. GOOD TERMS, a K. WIIKKIiKR & CO.. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. - - - - . 25-27 Ut Us Find the Job for You you looking (or work? Ar yon qualified toehold oaltlon that raautrea skill do (you want a mart lm- JpoT . M you'r tha ana aoma amployer want and rraliy ad at anca. Writ pour want-ad and Inurt it-.-al . It may produe tha - o1Uaa that will tvantually N-fca worth much to you. Ploa Tow Want Ads ta The -Observer PHONE78 ) 4 1 ''Tftm' k'AklE I V" :THE BRINGING UP F7VTHER ; DO YOO WNT lK' NO r-VK. PLOwEri: OBSERVER j AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS Waated 10 more ear owaar ta join ear . proflt-aharlBAT olab; drive la aad aak for . niormation. Day and Nlaht Oaraae TM BO. Mint Bt Phone 1141., , U- tar aalr Henm pamaagat ieaTny taarlap ear. flood ranalng condition. Term It dealrod. Call IllLW. o l. raaracemaa-Caenplet ataek of baarlac or au car .ana track ; aiae qui platen ring. Boathorn Bearing Co, 11 Bo. Pop lar. Phone 4111. v s ' aod EXCELLENT USED CARS Overland modal It tourlngC newly painted. Haynea touring, newly painted.' Wlllyi-Knlght. T-paoengor. (Juat the ear for hire nee.) . All In guaranteed mechanical condition. " form If dealred. ' DAIIOVEBLAND CO. 41 W. Trade Bt. - SEE THE NEW GARDNERS AT 10 E. 7TH STREET. 22tf. BRAND NEW GARDNERS AT 40 PER CENT OFF. INTERSTATE MOTOR CO.. 10 ,E. 7TH ST. ij-tf W aara yea w par cent oa part) aed part for Oevrland 11, II. t- Beo 4; Dial Flyorj Maxwell; Chavrolet 411; need atarter; generator and mag. aetoa ' Batlsf action- guaranteed or money refunded. y. M. BUoe. I So. Tryoa Bt ' .' l-tf Par aJa Pord tea truck, IK bhmM; perfect condition. Price right for quick buyer; ona light delivery Chevrolet truck, cheap; one light delivery Ford iraca. cnaap. asotor supply Co.. Ill N. ' Tryoa. Phono 11TI. n-tf Par Bam-lH-taa Clydeedal truck, aaee ( lately new. .Coot tl.lo.ll.,. Our price ei.eue.ee. aibo eargain in atcond aaaa rora and nee trucka Terms to alt. f J. M. Clark, Inc., ooraer Chare b and Third atreota. tl-il Wa buy, el aad exchange aow aad' need auiomeoiiea payae' Auto Work, ll-tf Par Bale Oaai Balek readater; good Urea, tor a. Apply NT Wet Trad.- ll-tf Bargain la Bard car. Ueed part far practically all make of care. V. M. Btlna. f 8. Tryoa Bt . 10-tf Par Bala Ford car of nil dcemmlnatleaa. at a bargain. Motor Supply Co, 111 N. Tryon. Phone 1171. l-tf WHY BUY A SECOND HAND CAR WHEN YOU CAN BUY BRAND NEW GARDNER AT A SACRI FICE. INTERSTATE MOTOR CO., 10 E. 7TH ST. 22-tf Bargains la used aara. Mar thaa SB used automobiles; different makra; tie bp. Sehorn Hipp, 111 N. College Bt. Phone 401. 7-tf USED MOTOB TBCCK BALK. We have aevSrai light trueke either olid or pnenmatio tlrea. Also two l-toa traeka that have been practically re built Can make close price and terma or would trade for good used passenger car. SOl'THEASTKBN OMC TBtCK CO. No. 107 So. Tryon St Phone II . H-tf NEW GARDNERS AT A SAVING OF 500.00 CABH OR CREDIT. INTERSTATE MOTOR CO., 10 E, 7TH STREET. 22-tf BARGAINS We have several very good used cars that can be bought right and" on easy terms. . USED CAR EXCHANGE 505 So. Tryon Next Catholic Church. 9-tf Real Values in Used Cars HUPMOB1LES - HUPP COUPE, RECONDITION ED. IDEAL FAMILY. CAR. ' , HUPP MODEL N. NEW PAINT, MECHANICALLY RIGHT. HUPP MODEL R. TOURING GOOD ALL 'ROUND CONDITION. OTHER MAKES CHANDLER T-PASS. PRACTI C ALLY NEW. BARGAIN. ' DODGE TOURING. a CORD TIRES 4 . CHEVROLET TOURINO. BAR GAIN. DORT, lltl MODEL TOURINO 8TEPHENS SALIENT SIX- BRAND NEW. . FORD - LIGHT TRUCK. JUST OVERHAULED. Charlotte Motor. Car Co. 201, 8. CHURCH ST. PHONES Sl. CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, THEY ARE. r-iE WIFE' IT PAYS TO RflAD AND USE THOSE HAVING ROOMS, APARTMENTS. RESIDENCES, OFFICES OR STORES FOR RENT CAN OBTAIN QUICK RESULTS BY USING OBSERVER WANT ADS. CALL 78 FOR THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. FOR SALE EXTRA SPECIAL SALE OF PJNE- VILLE FURNITURE COMPANY, WHICH WAS CONDUCTED NO VEMBER If. WAS A PERFEQT SUCCESS. BUT ON ACCOUNT OF SUCH A LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, 18 COMPELLED TO CONTINUE SALE UNTIL. SAT- URDAT, NOVEMBER 2. COME ONE AND COMB ALL BAR GAINS FOR EVERYBODY BALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 10 O'CLOCK. SALE ACCOMPANIED X5 1 SA. L UJT MUBIC W. A. YANDELU MANAQER! J. LEE PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEER. 20-25 ChrleTlane iaUrmtt tm aw aplrlraal truth ihould Inveetlf ate The Uo.pel Trumpet, a non-aectarlan weekly. Spec lal offer, three month for 380. Addrem Dept I., ooapal Tramptt Co., Aadereen. lad.,, .;,, . ll-M Talk aaaa! eaat. they'll ba la Bataraay. aiheep-llned coat, leatherettoa, offlcarl' ralneoata ga mask rain eoata, sweater eoatt, regulation ralneoata, long over - eoata, abort overcoats, overcoat for. the poor maa and for the rich man. Just pay as a vlalt and you'd ba aarprlaed to aee how cheap they are. '- Army Surplus Bate CO., Ill Eaat Trad Street, Char lotta, N. C. Out-of-towa customer writ for prloea. 14-11 Mr. AntomaMI Drleerw Wa bare arveral ooa mm ror you. A lew ar ineep- linea eoata for 110.71; wriatlets, its a pair; wool glovea Mo a pair; lap robes, for II each:-folding water backets for! foe each; wool aocks. e a pair. Maay other bargain too numeron to mention. Just come over and see. Out of- the high rent district, and we hand out the bargains. Mall order given prompt at tention. Army Surplus Bale Co., Ill East Trad Street, Charlotta, N. C, 21-17 Trie Sawdust aad enavUgas adglag atrip ana scrap lumber for fuel, ll.l par one-horse lead. - Charlotta Lamber Com pany. 1 - - - 11-11 Pal at at half prtea, bona paint, a p linseed oil paint. In l-gallun cane and It-gallon half, barrel; color, outside whit and outside gray at 11.11 per al. Army blanket. 11.16, l.t, f t 4.lt, II. Black rooting paint at 1 oenla per gal lon. In SO. II. It, 4 and l-gatlo bar rels. Black liquid roofing cement at II cent per gallon In same atxea. Maroon lloutfl asbestos., r&ofina camant In 1ft. gsllo barrola, guaranteed for 1 year. ti ll per gallon. Government meat I case lots at low pries Steal cot, can vas cola Fifteen dollar raincoat at 1171. Many other bargain to select from. Prompt attention paid to mall order. . Term: .. Caah or check with order. Tha Army Salvage Co, No. I N. Tryon St.. Charlotte, N. C. Also new ground floor star at No. Bo, Church St ' . od Wanted Ta bay faraltaro aad Stseee. l-tf Charlotte Stove Co. Phone 477. Ml received New ahlpmrnt f arm I breakfast baesa. roast beef, eom.d beet I ralneoata armr shoes officer's aboea I blsnkstei ate.-; The Army Salvage Ca. Na t North Tryoa Bt, ovar Llggatt' Drag Store. Ala at our new groaad Boor tor at N. I B. Church St Htf ,- FOB BALE. Tslk about bargaina; we've mire lot am Just received large ahlpment o f gov arnment good and hare lot of good bar gains Here are a lew: 14 wool regulation anirta. II earn. Steel army folding cole, ti ll earn. New mattress for tola, I! Jl each. Pillowa for cots 10c. each. 11 wool blanket, ti lt, while they last II rldlns breeches- It. XI a pair. New bob-nall ahoea. 4.e a pair. These 111 last you aeveral years. Army ovsreoats, 14 each. til officers' raincoats, t sach, II regulsllon ralneoata, 11 10 each. New wrap legglna. tl a pair. Munson last nrmy shoes, It a pair. New fresh Inner tubaa (Ford tin) ti lt ssch. . i v-. - 't t- -i Many otHer bargain too numerous to mention. Com snd aee for yourself. Mall orders given prompt attention Enclose money order, check or stamps. Out of the high rent district. lauv KliKPLLI MLEI CO. tit a Trad Bt.. -, : i. Charlotte, N. C T'r'S;- JUST ARRIVED" Fresh' car oranges" and grape fruit; extra fine Io,t of fruit. r Also Washington state box anDles. Come and look them over. Florida Fruit Distributors P. & N. R. R. Tracks , . . ' , , 22-26 Fall is lawn making time We can supply you with lime, ."Tsheer manurerlawn -grass and blue grass seed. Da vidson & Wolfe.. , 20-tf FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, lBtern.Uon.1 ewi Borrtce. WANT WANTED Wa ar aow glvtag the Mggee bargains over oliared In new and reclaimed army gooaa. Just receive a large ahlpment of new ralneoata which we a re aaerlflc- Ing at from lit to lll.lt. Also a few reclaimed army ralneoata at t I.I each: x. moleskin and leatherette rata aad overcoats going at til each. New Suede combination eoata at 114.71, regular tit value. O.nuln army L Munaon last ahoea.from tt.tl -' t ll.lt, Ragalatlon wool shirt, tl.tt each. Army wool aocka II otata per pair up. Army overcoala II each. Army work pants a cents each. . New army wool blank- ota I Lit. Army steel fpldlng cats II.IS. New . awaatm from . tl.l to t.l. Call and look .'em aver, li pleaaes as to please yon. Army Salvage Co, .No, I N. Tryoa Bt. and No. I Bo. .Chareh. St., . , .a;itii:,.-.ff Wanted Kodak Satahmgi ruUa dovelepsd. 1 cent: printa, IV. ceata Mall ordere aollclted. K.. W. Blasr, IT Eaat Trade St.. Room I, Charlotte, N. C- 14-17 11 pa Covert a Have year plpea aad awU- .covered. Bare fuel and gat heat Call 141. O. M. Beaty. fllm dMelaped aad printed la four hoars; mall year , ordere. The Carolina Developing and Printing House. Box til, Charlotta. N. O. 14-11 West Fourth Street Prewhag Clab. A clean lag aad pressing; raea'aaalt dry cleaned li t aad 11.71; sponging ana pressing Ida to ttei ladle auit dry cleaned (t il, (ponging and preeelng Tic to II. Palm Beach ulta (leaned Ta to th 101 W. Fwartb St. W. H. Brown. PbonaiMI. , ? ,:-.n WaataV- ar room aafuralshsd Bunga low, Must be first class ana. wave gar age aad heating plant Phone 117. WANTED TO BUY ABOUT FIFTY CEDAR "POSTS. APPLY It PROVIDENCE ROAD. 20tf Wil paper banging, hsus painting. J. M. Muse. . Phon m-w. Wanted Ta maks year asattrwaa pads to order; maltrraa renovation. box springs repaired; feather mattress made. Halley Howard. Ill B. Trad. Phon 44. ' It M-tf Matlrnaae mad at of year aid Renovated. New lick, it pays It rid you of vermin. Cell llll-J for oartloular Lawlnr Mattreee Fa tory, til North Lang Bt- l-tf W antra IM-ho. lie power carnsa gmii Arst-elaaa eotidltlou; must be a bargain y tor cash. National Huapstone Company. inc.. Boanoaa, va. eoa Mlnia & HutV Paper Hangers and Decora tors. 'Phone 3634. 11 boutn r. i . ropiar. : ; Prt-U-e-ra ' X, Rlill Ct. WOCllTail. Ut , ItDH J Lone distance . haul ing. Phone 52. 20-tf Wall Pber r Pintv--4ete-t designs and colorings in -wall paper. 'Whitlow Paint l & PapctCoi, 4 S. Poplar St.. Phone 3634. 19-tf RIGHT NOW Is tha tlm i beirln to prepart twt WANT AD FOR THE SUNDAY , - observer: s . It's trad that Sunday not quit here, but tha sooner your eopy ta reeird tha better . senrica .you ara ouuna-iu - v.. THE' SUNDAY OBSERVER" " aH.h lf ar.raarlilnw audlsnca nf ovr 100,000 readers produce wonaeriui ramus ivr aanrusm from both the CaroIInas. '- v GET j-YOUft t AD READY You can mall It-i-you can brln as a .... . a.ta.-.' tat. it in yon can puuo ""CACtT78" ' " SJiTivKrSS.- I - . . Tk -C; 5 voo coins to ve' p Qii: 192.. DRAWN FOn TXzi CZZZZIVLZI . ADS REAL ESTATE Mew hardarekAA tXmmwm h,.n.k.n, h. . . ' . .WWV. . .WW ta French aoera, furnace halts ail eon venlencee Installed; 11,401; thl la a real bargala. Call Tervlngtoa. W. C Harris Co. Phene Mt. . . ' - -v. , .. ll-t It aear baagalon.. Myer Park aatd Bits. aoaia aaetioa. 11,11 to t,l( ready for. aecupancr neat weak: all oaarna. lone, Including ehadea. Call Taralng. " ' " v. tiarria C. phone tl. BeaaUfal Myar Park haaaa. aa wooa Koaa. stucco aad atsel aaastrae- tlon; la beaatlfnl oak grove; ahady side w-aara ioij an moaara aonvenUnce garage, aorvaaur aoartara Owner left tat, aailou t aail at aaerlflo. Tear terma Make aa aa offer. If yea bar been looking for a pick-aa, batter bop an thle qulok:. II' going ta aelL Call Tarvlaatoa. W.K M.rrl. a r. Vk... Utht-rsean haaaa, K. Ua Pin; hardwood fleora; heat; two garages; large lot; fii,e. caU Terr. Ingtaa, W, C. Harrta Co. Phone W.. . '"..r- It-It Ktgbt aaadar bass. aTlngaHa Ave nue Owner left Ute; anxlau to cell; make a aa altar. Call Tervlngtoa w, X Harrta Co. Phone tit. . 1117 Par Sale Wefl Isaatail asaaafaatBrhag alU or aasineae property, ixeiag a, I.-at on Mint ntnet Cash pile 41t.vt. J. Murphy a C. - -. r,v -X t4-M For Sal Largo three story bnck building. Will double in .value? in five years. uooa terms. ;Ki:ht at In dependence -Square. Will be sold auick at ! price of fered by owner. Reply to u K. b. care Observer. mMm 22-26 BUILDING MATERIAL' t Why kick aa peicea yea aay far tambsrf nay rrom saamit Lumber t o. and aavr aaa-thlrd. Pre cell vet v av milt cat soata Bealvr: tnsloa. Faoa 141 -v ' 24-IT tafma aad ahwt metal warn. We e aata contracts for tin. it. til, slag ar gravel roots-, guttata, aawaapaaw, aay llghta vaatllatara aad eornkee; baa. Msnvllla Sreoroof. Bullt-aa Ashaataa " Pooling' for store school, faster! add warehouses Mall aa year' plaaa ar skstehee for estimate. Ceatreata tak en anywhere - Id the atate. . Badd-Pisar Roofing Ca. Contract Dept. arhajav N. c : write aa aheat yoar re-reef fa For Sale Oak tabbring, all kinds at special prices. H. S. Leonard Lumber Co., Charlotte. Phone 4287. 20 N. Tryon St. 27-tf. POULTRY LIVESTOCK SEED PETS & FARM PRODUCTS Bred Uata Pedigreed . Bd Apatsr. am Improved Pulghaia. - Unexcelled breei and quality. Guaranteed right. Bmat fro. HumphryCokr Band Compsnr. Hsrtavllle. 8. C Slit "No Boll Weevilt" Land depreaaion or bankrupt farm- era In THE LESPEDEZA HAY and LIVE STOCK SECTIONS. .. Cut out expensive cultivation and fertiliser Put all your Idle and worn oat land in LESPEDEZA CLOVER r PAS TURES, . South's ' most .wonderful PASTURAGE, HAY. SEED and SOIL-BUILDINO CROP. My litera ture shows how to - make f ISO an acre NO RISK Or CULTIVATION. SIDNEY J. WEBER. Baton Rouge, Baton Rooce, La. -v Paw Bale olx tharoagkbred Airedale gap. pica, can rurnisn paaigre; males, ii; feraaiea 111; als beautiful foa terrier pnpplea, alx weeks' aid,, with tan mark tng; very fine; male 111; females l Also two extra Una., female . pointer puppl.a, ut montnr old, from vary beet took, Juat tn right eg ta begin bant ing. They ar guaranteed aatlafactory C. tm Harper, Plum Branch. 0. C aod Cotton Seed Plaeat pedigreed 1 stralm af Webber Long staple aad ClsvaUn-1 fug Boll Short Btsple. Oar seed enexcelled In breeding aad ouality. - Our twd- mark aa every . bag guaraaUw aatli- f action. Price In keepln with the tlmea. Writ . today. , Hamphry-Cokr Bead Company, uaruvtue.- a.. U. . : 14-10 FOR aALBT WO. DRAFT HORS ES, HARNESS AND , DOUBLE WAGON, - A BARGAIN AT 1400 -LJ SEE MR. SK ELDING, SOUTH ERN PUBLIC UTILITIES CO - 421 SOUTH CHURCH ST CHAR LOTTE. -X:r.:, Sur;-? II-2T Peaa for Sale Iron aaaa, goad eeanrr, mixed, tl It; la. new buabal bais, f. a. a. .Bwsea. a, c tisat ' Vara, Bwaama. S. C , H-U Pine Hampshire pigs I tbap greVr fasti . make th beat meat. ' vnaap. selwyn ;arai V-V....v.-.V''vi'ri :.r i ij;?". i IM Vroatsawef cabbage plants All th taad- i ar varietlee now ready for ihlpmeat ttt, tle lit, tli 1.000. tl.lt. , Plants ar government Inepeeted and grown aara, P. B. Hall, Book HUI. . a lt-U Cabbage Plaats Whiter aad apt-tag kaV - law, 41.14 !. U. tete pre paid, aad la. urad: atrong, naaitay, lull count; gov srsment inspected; growa bora. . W load, other follow. Med Us Plaat Parm, Port Mill. . South varaiina. ' , a ai n DY Permanent CommisswrirTo:! Study "World 'Disarmdmenr ; jBY FRAN CISCO DE IA BARRA, Former Slexlcan Candldato for tb IVtwideaey and Pauavtms at art. CWrtuen Ezpreaaly (or Unlreraal -Samoa.) ., Spootal Gable Dlsvatoh. ' PARIS, not. . S2.- An Intar- national commlailon'to study world disarmament - and aid ' Indtridnal goveramonts In an advlaory capacity la the loaical outcome of ths Wash tngton eonfaranot. -. .It U manueatly wronf to footer Ballot that tha praaent conference can gucceea in laying down a law for nnlrersal dlaarmament. - AH the itatearaen ta Washington can do Is to lay out a broad baala whereon fruitful agreements can ba reached at soma f atnre data. Tba - disarmament problem is compoaed of dosens of other prob lems, many ; exceedingly Intricate and delicate aad an attempt, to solve these might.rasa In actual barm. for it would put at chanca tba bo stbillty of ratlScatton v by th got, rnments concerned. :-. It Is vital therefore, that the con ference take steps to sea that when tha world is once put on "the road to peace It ta kept there. This only poaalble by Intensive propaganda for disarmament. Tha graateat factor : working In favor of disarmament is ; public EXTINCTION THREATENS THE SMALLER MARKETS L&Grangq Ha Closed Down and Othsrt in Eastern Caro lina May Follow Suit i a KIN8TON. Nov. 14. CToalng , of the LaGranga tobacco market yester day was an experience threatsntng other smalt markets In tha aaatarn belt this year. " Without a drastic re duction In th local porductlon. La Orange's sales this season had slumped TO or 10 par cent, Laat year 1.000,000 pounds were handled and as In previous yeara LeOrange prospered aa one oi ue strongest small-town markets in tha region. Tobacconists point to tha big bue- mess dona on the large market thia teaaon as tra reason far tha smaller markets' rough sailing. Long hauls of tha product have been , reported all tha fall. Buyers disclaim dis crimination Or that they are trying to centralise marketing. Competi tion la keener on tba large markets, they assert. In part aa a result of tha participation of many Independents In the bidding. . Independent buyers naturally dock to the larger markets. - Though price maximums are the same everywhere. according to manufacturers', repre sentatives, spirited bidding for offer. Inge on the large. markets baturaiiy drives averages, onward. - . .' , . .- . O .ii i i' :iA .' . - ZIONIST ORGANIZATION - WORKINO IN . PALESTINE -.r t -V-'i e .-yf:,fcw..,,;v, ' Btwelal I The Oaaervar. KINSTON. Nov. 14. TbB Zionist organisation In America wilt raise 11,000.000 for development work m Palestine. It was announced today by Joseph Htrahfleld, member of the na tional executive committee for wort o Carolina. The allotment was. fixed early In, the week. - Tha fund, to be known as "Keren Hayes od," will go to educational, industrial and helath and other purposes. It Is understood. Tha Zionists are engaged In exten sive reconstruction work In Palestine, which Is planed to result In tha na tion becoming tne monei :, xor -ine east. British and American Jews have contributed large suma already and work has been started at num. erots points, while Considerable numbers of Jewish people have mi grated to the -homeland' from other countrlea' . ' t: v.-r"-..C'-o. NEGRO IS KILLED WHEN AUTOMOBILE TURNS OVER V . 'gawalaS ta Tb.:g 8PARTANBURQ, (sV CN0T,:i4. Laurie . Stewart, a negro, was killed Sunday nlaht near th city when the car fn which he was rid ing turned ; turtle while turning a curve near Hayne. Seven negroes were In tba car at tha time. Eugene Brown bad taken tha car out for a joy ride, . It belonged to A. L. Bauia of Columbia, ; tor wnom , urown worked. He picked ud four negro men and two negro women, and they wer proceeding at a high rate or speed . when the car turned over. Brown and Bam Thompson were or dered held on a charge or "man slaughter by tha coroner's Jury. -x- 1 Andrews Music Bture. Inc, lit IT. Tryon' Stv Charlotte's greatest music atorc High srado pianos and tho vlctrola, with rooorrls from' th most noted anUaors, Adv. , v Chevrolet 1535. Tho lowest priced quality oar on the rnarket. sehorn dk Hipp, exclusive) aistnou- tor for Mecklenburg County. Stl m. College st Charlotte, Hnntley Broa, ; 17 8. Churcti St aotiea and number - on eejrtrloo, '- a ny on who deals with tbcun about Vulcanising, tires, tubes and aooes a a a s a M . ' weir - 'Wwripw-viui,,,,; , : , w- ,,v,.. 4 . a opinion which weary of pword-rat-tling asks to bs allowed to return -to Its-ploughshares with aa aarar-v a no af tranqnU - Unuw Cop aV long period. , f v. -v m t. j... ' This groping of tba publl , for freedom ta the aolidaat thing npoa---which wa can base ths aaaartlon that - disarmament will one dap be a real- Ity. But publlo opinion la lamp which, can ba lighted by many skill- x" ful handa. . .. - ., . It ia not BUfflclent fortho prm-' -elpal power to say "wa will peduc our arralae aod navlea- lt is nacaa- , sary that ths baaio Idea of th con ference ba carried out and elabo . rated upon by an independent, aeu.. trai body of expert who are not -subject to tha changing winds of . polltlca 8uch a eommtaat on should baumalL It should not eonalst of mora than flva men. It ahauld con fer In a "crystal" house that may see and Jta dellbmUoraS should be : spread broadcast. It's seat should logically ba In Washington. . , Abora alt It must bo advisory and -there must not be a duplication- of tha unfortunate league of nations covenant which tended to create a superstatev -, - - i Harding has begun a most mag nificent thing. It will live history as the noblest .gesture of any gov- arnment. ' - ? , SCHOOL AT CAMP BRAGG FOR SENIOR OFFICERS Eighth Field Artilltry Brigade i"a J S - as at a liM.t a ' " m. .. A vraorsa MergwO . rvrtn tn ThirtMfith. , ; , Bl E.C BRYANT. r - ' 'r washwoton"1 xor ii-rh war department mads this announce ment today.. . , Tba ela-hth fleld'artlUery brigade-j ; now at Camp Kno. Kentucky, vltf,' proceed or" motor truck to v CimV. Brag, about lecember 1. Unon the arrival of this fbtlgad at t Camp ragg, ii win eo absorbed by th trrlrteenth field artillery brigade, now stationed at Camp Bragg, and tha eighth field artlllarv hrit.ii. ent. - be placed on the inactive Hat" - j inis aaaiuonai announcement wa made: .- 1 ; The field nrflller rlaM mtrnmn.- school will begin its first course of instruction aoout January 10. Thl rhool J to be located at Cam;, 'i tiragg. Majors E. L. Oruber and D M. Beer. F. Aw now at Camp Knox Kantuckw. - have - keen nrAmrmA . . Camp: Bragg aa Instructors In thk " school, aad for the purpose of mak-. . ing ine necessary preparations for '.he opening-of the school Januar; " 10. Quite a large amonunt of equip ment,. books and . supplies la belnt taken from Camp Knox to Cam). Bragg, Tba' Object of this field of Beers" achuol is to teach senior of Qcers o' field artillery and select officers from the other branches o the servlc the tactic . of th em ploy mnt of nld artillery and autt-- a..i&. i j . . . .l . .. . uuuoa inciuvni uivraio.' It IS .OOn- -.fi temo'ated that the uouraa of In. . miction .wi!l eovri about1 alx ' month" . i. stA K 6lW)UATES OF TRINITY 1 - s MAlSb UUUU TfcACHtKS Nearly Half of Last Year's Graduate Ar Thus' Engag ' d In This Stat. , Bpelal f The Okmrnttm. "'j - . DURHAM. Nov. 14. Ths "annual banquet of Trinity eollege 'alumni who ar engaged In teaching in the . gtat will ba held in connection with tha .Teachers', assembly In Raleigh. On' Friday avening 100 alumni will gather around a festive board at E3d - enton Street Methodist church, Dla-.. ; cuasion of affairs pertaining. to th - 4 ,oollega will ba held. . i.. " wiL 1 . f Dr. Few, president of Trinity 5 J Prof. H. L; riowers, secretary to the corporation; Graduate Manager's. ' W. Barnard, and Prof. Holland Hoi-, f -ton will represent the college at th t ! . occasion, f Mr. Barnard '-will dlacuas' . X ' the . plana for continuing the work' - of organising Trinity alumni assocla- s . ttons in the counties of the state. Dr. Fed will also speak. . - : Statistics show that a greater num- . -, ber of Trinity alumni engaged in -teaching than in any other, profes-; J ' . ' ilon, Of the class of 77 graduatd ', last June, 15 ar now teaohlng,-moat , ..- -of them In th atat c ? t '. '' The commission for the erection of monument In the Argrone r . Son of iFranc In tnmory of th .. Issourt heroes who gave their Bvws In th world war, has been awarded to Mrs. i Nancy Coonsman .Hahn,. of , St Louls whose design for ., the -monument ha been-selected by three -judges acting cor tha Missouri stat memorial commission, f-; The oris winning model by Mrs. Harm represents the flgur of a woman j holding aloft the wreath of victory Tn ngur stanas upon ann ( bearlnar the following .; toscrlption: "In grateful memory to the sona of Missouri who helped bring ' victory to tha allies and peace to humanity In tba world war. '-wmy . The Rem brand t StnOM, OV Rar ' Act. prwietor, 17; I -g Urnith Trroa) street wiil funb yon vota i .at will deliobt you and drrery member . - of your family. Adv. 1 . , ( - 1 . r - t I .. V-v I ''N-jf-' V f -Wl itb-a-W