! SECTION D THE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1922 V SOCIETY rRS. MAKGARET EXIXY ABERXETHT, Editor. Office rboae Ko. Ud PROMINENT yOUNQ COUPLE , T0 WED WEDNESDAY NIGHT Marriage of Mist Alexander and Mr. HoweJJ to be at First Presbyterian Church. A brilliant event of tha ureek will b ths mtrrUfi of lllaa Mary Bre vard Alutndtr, only child of Mr. and Mm 8. B. Alexander, Jr.. and Mr. Billy 8haw Howell which wlU Uke place at the First Presbyterian church Wednesday evening at I o'clock. , Rev. Dr. 3. R. Howerton, of Tax Ington, Va, formerly of this g4ty. will officiate.. - . Dr. Howerton performed the cere mony at the marrLace of the parent or tho brlee-eiect ana. groom-eiecx. The wedding music will be played by Dr. 3. R. Ntnnlaa, dean of muale at Queens eolleg. ' Tho bride-elect wUl b given In marriage by her lather. Mr. ft, B. Alexander. Jr. Mr. Howell will b accompanied by Mr. W. Frank Dowd, jr who will aerv aa beet man. Mrs. U W. Robert. JTr, of Atlanta, will ha dame of honor. Mlat Ellen Victor win bo maid of honor. - The bridesmaid will bo Ml Julia Baxter and Cehrine Seott, Mta Doris -Ho well. Mia Adelaide Cald well. Mia Virginia Ryder and Mia Martha Whitehead, of Now Har mony, Ind. The aroomamea will be Messrs. Mebana Long, George Crouch. Jam Oraham. Oliver Shaw. Everett Nlabot and Jama H. Carson. Tho uaher will be Jama Har vey Orr. Fred Wilson, B. D. Heath, Jr.. and Mr. Hararty. of Atlanta. The wedding will be followed by a brilliant recaption and daaea at the Charlott Country olub. Mia Alexander haa been tha re cipient of a numbor of charming Denies during tha paat aaroral weeka. ' Mra. Robert Least tsr win tw a luncheon tomorrow la bar honor and tomorrow evening Mia Calvin Bcott will give a dinner party at the Myers Park club la bar honor and aftar tha nartv tha Ut Wfll at tend tho Halloween dance gtvos by the dub. Tuesday evening after th rehear aal Mr. and Mra. J. Herbert Howell win Mtartain th bridal party at their horn ta JSltxabeth. Mr. Addl eon Brcnlser gava a luncheon for Mlaa Alexander at tha Charlott rnnntrv- eluh. Mlaa Dean Van Land Ingham, Mia Ellen Victor and Mia Oltv Brlce each cava a brldga party In hr honor and , Mra Oeorg P. Wadsworth gave a buffet luncheon fnr har. Vim Adelaide Caldwell gar a luncheon for har at th Charlott rnontrv club and laat evening Mr. and Mra. Thoma W. Alexander tar a dinner party for Mlaa Alexander and Mr. Howell at th Charlott k ; i Country club. . : i ww v aa Mra. Randal. Th office fore at th Charlotte Chamber of Commerce gava a de lightful luncheon yeateraay in no r Ur w. B. Raaadala and bride. . Mra.- Ragadaie prior ta her mar riage a week ago wan Mia Claribal Kemp, of Georgia, . M ' Th Ubla waa r. decorated . with vaaaa ot ninn --hjryaantbamnma. A Araaaat Tmm luncheon wa served. r.r m laid for Mr. and Mra Ragadaie, Mr. and ra. CUr-nc O. Kueator. Mia. JanaeUe rrtdjey. ub. um fitmlraa. Mr. Maym Mooro Blfford. Mi r""L"" Epworth League Halloween Party. Tha Senior Epwerth league of Belmont Park Methodist church will give a Halloween party at th home of Mlaa Corrle Burns, No. 4 Colum bia avenue, Villa Heights, tomorrow evening at I o'clock. Th following Invitation baa toen sent to in mem ber and friends of the league. On Halloween when Jack-O-Lantern Woo th witch by candle light Tou'r Invited to a frolic Dodging ghosta all dressed in . white. Mlaa Chrda Fallen la anoertntend- ent of tha recreation and culture de partment of th league, and prom ise ali who com a delightful time. Oatvta Brook Phttttpa. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Phillips an nounce th birth of a son. Calvin Brooks, at the Mercy hospital. The baby Is named for his maternal unci. Mr. Cat Went. Mr. Phillip prior to har mar- rtag waa Mia Wlllean NesblL ' Bridge By Correspondence, Of great interest to Charlotte .Thomp.on.uMr. f Margaret and Mason Hood. . . .. - . . " lOrm Ttnarrita Gafld. The Junior hospital r Pater Episcopal church will meet with Mra. Charlea A. Dixon. Jr, .at her home oa Eaat boulevard. Dll worth. Wednesday morning at o'clock.- - OTHINE ' For the traatm-nt of FRECKLES In Uaa for Over 14 Year. Tour freckles need attention NOW r may remain all winter. Ue rxhinn mm double strength the old and Urn-tried guaranteed treatment that ha given satisfaction to mil lions of women, and rid yourself of these homely spot. At all Prnggiate and Department tttoree. . : - Adv. bridge enthusiast Is the announce ment by Mra. Annie Adair roster, of Atlanta, wall known authority on auction bridge, of th comple tion of her new bridge course to be studied through tha malla. Mrs. Foster 1 well known In Charlott aa ah came here last year by re quest to teach a claas 100 ardent brldga lover. This new venture will carry with It the best wishes of her many friends and admirer who remember her not only for ber skill la bride, but for ber charm ing paraonaUty. A clever image piayer nerssii. Mrs. Foster for the paat six years baa devoted her entire time to the study of this fascinating and popu lar gam, in oeargia even aa tar back aa 1004 she waa considered an authority on bridge. Her advice Is constantly sought hoth mgnt ana day over long distance to nettle differences of opinion that arise In other southern citle. The one eo lutlon to ail bridge problem has been. "Ask Miss Annie ehell know." Mra. Footer has bad student! from a great many clues, and the re- eueet aha haa bad from various eitlea. aand tha request aha haa had from various cities to conduct elaesea would compel her (If ah accepted them) to become a regu lar . "traveling man " Declining to forsake har own homo town. At lanta, Mra, Footer haa decided up on a way ta give ber knowledge ana brldga experience to the public. She la the author of "Modern Auction Rrldm Vaila and haa taken for har Ma name Adair Foster.' Thia work consists of a series of six booklets which cover even nhaaa of brldaa. In thia eonven lent form the seeker of bridge knowledge le not com polled to read throna-h endlaa Daces for concrete Information. Beginning with the underlying principles of the game Mra. Footer carries one 1 na mom Interesting manner to the most eomnlex Broblem of the gams. Aa Mra. Foster aald. "If I could only be in several placee at once and teach 14 hour a day. I might be able to direct classes In alt the cities In which I have received re- nnaata Ttnnlns thia Impossible have dona the next beat thing and nanial nt rlaaats SO that I can direct them through tha mail with tha same decree or success mat have experienced through personal teaching.' . Mrs. Poster haa not stopped with tha six leasona. but aire her atua ent who study by thia method her own personal Attention. She will answsr by personal letter any ques tion that confront her student la commenting on th Increasing popularity of bridge. Mra Foster stated: "Up until th present time brldre baa been a game of the wealthy class only because of th time and great expenee Involved In securing Intelligent Instruction. To day bridge Is fast becoming , the moot popular diversion of all cir cles. Wherever society gathers, a knowledge la essential. In the beet clubs of the country it Is a common occurrence to And the card room aa popular aa the ban room." -fAoaflamry Meeting Postponed. Th meeting of th Woman' aux iliary of the Church of the Holy Comforter echedoledv for Thursday 0aa been postponed until the 0th. DOwortb Parent-Teacber Meeting. The Wlworth Parent-Teacher as sociation . will -meet at the achoot Wednesday afternoon at - 1:10 o'clock. The meeting will be an Important one and all member arc urged to be present. Dlnw-r for Bridal Party, Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa W. Alex ander gave a charming dinner party at the Charlotte Country club laat evening in honor of their niece. M1m Mary Brevard Alexander,' and Mr. Billy Shaw Howell, whose wedding will be a brilliant event of the week. - A large sliver basket filled with yellow chrysanthemums formed the center piece of the table and ailvsr candlesticks held yellow candles. The color-note, yellow, waa observed In the place-cards and nut baaketa Covers were laid for Mr. and Mra Alexander, Mlas Alexander and Mr. Shaw and the following members of the bridal party:' Mlse Ellen Vic tor, Mra U W. Robert, Jr.. of At lanta. Misses Julia and Calvin Scott, Mlas Doris Howell, Miss Vlrginie Ry der, Miss Adelaide Caldwell, Mia Martha Whitehead, of New Har mony. Ind.: Meaara W. - Frank Dowd, Jr., Oeorge Crouch, Everett Ms bet. James H. Carson. Oliver Shaw, James Graham, Mebana Long. In addition to the bridal party other guests were Mum DeWitt Chat ham, Messrs. Stuart onennat, r,reo Wilson, and Edward Dowd. After dinner Mr. and atra. Alex ander and guests attended the dance given at the club. Mia Victor Honor Brlde-i3ect. Mia Ellen Victor gave a beautiful card party at her home on . The Plaza, Chatham, Eitatea, Friday af ternoon In honor of las Mary Bra vard Alexander, whose marriage to Mr. Billy Shaw Howell will taae place Wednesday evening. Miss victor received ner suew m a Nile green georgette iroca. mm- med la crystal beads. Miss Alexander, wno la one oi Charlotte's prettiest young giria wore a becoming drees of lapis blue crepe de chine and a black velvet picture hat trimraea id stiver nw- bon. , The home wa arranged wa Quantities of pink Killarney roeee. The prtte tor toe top wkotw won by Mlse Ann iiuwn Miss Adelaide Taliaferro cut the consolation prlae. Mlaa Alexander received the honor priae. Mlaa Victor's cuesta inciuoea uiu- ty.-two friends of the bride-elect. f SOCIAL CALENDAR 1 1- t DO YOU KNOW TOE BROWN BIHTY TEA ROOM 18 NOW SERVINO A REGULAR DINNER " FROM ,TO I F, M. FOR 1.00T BRING THE FAMILY UP FOR A TREAT s N' Christmas Card Talk Never In the history of the use ot greeting cards has there been such a demand for something different from the stereotyped there Is this season. Thos who ars particular want something that la dis tinctive and free from "bargain counter characteristic,", in other words; they want originality an delegance com bined with high grade material, with greeting that repre sents an individual expression. In th specimen which th Stevens Engraving Co. ex hibit thia season, the capable designers and the experi enced workmen have co-ordinated the hlgheet Interpreta tion of their arte and the result shows a election of new design and striking Ideas. SOCIAL PERSONALS. ding party was entertfyned at the home of Mra.'E. Anthony, a mother of one of the grooms. Mrs. L. M. Kimberlin will entertain in honor ot the two couple today. Gordon-Kearney Announcement, j Friends throughout the state will be interested in the following an- j nouncement: ' Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Gor- , don, of Hamlet, N. C, announce the ; engagement of their daughter. Mary, j to Mr. Henry Crawford Kearney, ot Frankllnton. N. C. Miss Gordon, who is the fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Gordon, re ceived her education at Peace insti tute. Raleigh, afterward taking spe cial courses at the University of North Carolina and Peabody. For several years she has been a mem ber of the faculty of the Franklin ton graded schools. Mr. Kearney la a prominent attor aev of Frankllnton and is the second son of Mra I. H. Kearney and grand son and namesake of the late Cap- Ditcr-Denoeninational Meeting. Pha Inter. Denominational Mls- Innarv union will meet at St. Fe- teri Episcopal pansn nous wmw" row afternoon at o cioca. a a intaraatinc nroaram nu ma mMi aiM a full attendance is urged. - .- 6c. Bbabeth 3eaTd St. Elizabeth guild of the Church of the Horr Comforter will meet with Mrs. O. D. Curry at nsr noma In the Blandwood apartments to morrow afternoon at I:It o'clock. daaae at the Y. W. C A. A great deal of interest la being manifested In some of the educa Uonal classee offered at the Young Women Christian association. There are some young women wb wish to become mora efficient in business, and they have Joined the business English claas. There are other who want to learn to make their own hats, or to become mill! ners: they have joined the millinery claaa. Others winning to give pi ure to others, and also to combine some aood times wttn tneir sen- improvement, have joined the dra matics and choral cluba. Still oth ers, wanting to do thetr studying out of doors, have joined th clans in etudvlne th stars. These cia have had enthusiastic meet lnga dur ing tha east week, and will continue through thia week with the following scheduler Choral etna, Monoay; atudv of stars Tueaday, T:0; dra mattes, Wednesday. 7: SO; business English Wsdnssdsy and Thursday, MO: mlillnerv. dally t to 11. and Tueaday. Thursday and Friday T to t. .... . Other classes offered y wis oe- nartment will be started wnen a sufficient number of students ha registered. v f Y. W. C A. Swlmmlna; Pool, ' The swimming pod at the Young Women's Christian association is nnat annular these dare, tne sea sonal ; hesitation natural iw io i cniuy aay oeing ubtkiwi u mw heating'of ths water to a very com fortable temperature.- A. class for Instruction in swimming la given Monday and. Thursday rrom t to 7:10 o'clock and another Tuesday and Friday afternoona from I to I:t0 o'clock. - A swimming class for those, who partially learned to swim last year at the association but did not quite master the art la dnn an Mondav at o'clock and a similar class for partially swimming businese- women la avauanie on Saturday at 1 ovioek. t Bsirine-a and Profew-JonaJ WomeSL The Business and .rTOTe-Bionw Women'a club win meet Thursday at 1 o'clock In . the parlor of Tryon Street Metnodist enurcn where tne utuai luncneon wui am served.""' ' " " ' At thia meeting will be given the second program in the ""know your town" eerie, and the program chairman, Mia Naomi Alexander, has appointed a committee com posed of Mlaees Margaret Berry, toutse Murohy and Mary Newman who will have charge of the prog ram, and the subject will be, "City Government" Nnrman Jumr Leave- Hospital. ' Norman James, young aon of Mr. and Mra. H. H James, who has been In the Presbyterian hospital for the past month seriously HI with blood poisoning, haa sufficient ly Improved to he taken to his home on North TVe-rum street rnnit Tor Grot Work. Hls-h school credits I are being given this year for gymnasium work done by pupils in the gymnasium of the Young Women's Christian aauwtatlnn. Three classes are of- fand , for the convenience of ' the arvmiuiats. duriJIC the ' first school period on Tuesday and Fri days and from to :50 o'clock on uiii and Wednesday The course is under the direction of Mlas Zena Morrell. Young Women's rhrintlan association secretary for physical education. ?. . - - . Monday. 1:10 p. m. Mrs. Robert Leestter will give a luncheon . for Mi .Alexander. 1:10 p. m. Mrs. C. B. Bryant win give a luncheon at the Char lotte ountry club for Mlas Lenta. 1:10 p m. The Interdenomina tional Missionary union will meet at 8U Peter's pariah i hnuia 1:10 p. m. Ut Elisabeth guild Of tha Church of the Holy com forter will meet with Mra O. D. Curry at her home No. I land wood apartmenta. 1:10 p. m, The Woman's guild of St. Martin a Episcopal church will meet In tha milid rooma. TsIO o. m. Mlas CaJvlne Scott will give a dinner party at the My era Park club for Mia Alexander, bride-elect. :15 p. m. A dance will be given at - the Red Fes club for the mem mere, their ladles and families. Music by the Southern Melody sextet, 10 p. m. to 1:10 a. m. The Char lotte Cotillion club will give I Halloween dance at the jMyers Park club. S p. m. A Halloween party wfll be' given at Hawthorne Lane Meth odist, Tueaday. 0 p. m. Rev. W. B. Mcllwalne, Jr. will meet hi Bible class at th T. W. C A. 1:10 p. m. Mr. and Mra. J. Herbert Howell will entertain the mem bers of the Alexander-Howell bridal party at their home on East Seventh street following the rehearsal. Wednesday. 1C:J0 a. m. The Junior hospital guild will meet with Mrs. C. A. Dixon. Jr., at her home on East boulevard, Dilworth. tO p. m. Ths South school Parent-Teacher association - win meet at the school. p. m. The Third Ward Parent- . Teacher association will meet at ..the school. Note change In meeting from Thursday ta Wed nesdar. I:t0 p. m The Dilworth Parent' Teacher association will meet, at tne school p. ra. The Elisabeth Parent Teacher association will meet at tha school. I p. m. Ths marriage of Mlas Mat- tie Edmund Burwell ana Dr. John Gerald Murphy will take place at Hopewell Presbyterian church. t p. m. Th marriage of Mlas Mary xtrevard Alexander and Mr. Bil ly 8haw Howell will take place at th First Presbyterian church. Immediately after the ceremony th bride' parents. Mr. and Mrs. 6. B. Alexander. Jr., will give a reception at the Charlotte Country club. Thursday. 10:10 a ra. Dr. W. H. Prater's Bible class will meet at tha T. W. C. A. 1:10 d. m. The First Ward Parent. Teacher association will meet at th school. 7:10 p. mv The wedding of Mia Helen Lents and Mr. Allen Grady Xing wlU Uke place at the home of the bride-elect In the Blandwood apartments. Mrs W. 8. Lee and Mra. E. C. Marshall are expected ta return home the first .of the week 'after a two week's trip'to New York. Mrs. C. C. Coddlngton. Mrs. Lee A. Folger, Mra. I. C. Love and Miss Sara Belle Adams, the latter of Greensboro, are expected to arrive home this morning after a week' visit to New York. Mra J. C. home- after i New Tork. Patton haa returned two week'a trip to Kisses Deane Van Landlngham apd Calvin Scott and Mr. Johnnie Johnson went to Chapel Hill yerter day morning to attend the Carolina Maryland game and the dance given at the university last evening. Miss Van Landingham'a brother. Mr. Ralph Van Landlngham. Jr.. is at ins university taxing a p:st -graduate course. , - Mr. and Mra Edwin Morrow BrleU have returned home after a 14 days' wed d nig trip to Washington and New York. They are making their home at Colonial apartmenta. Mra. Brtets prior to ber marriage waa Miss Martha Est ridge. Mrs. Cabell Leaves HoepttaL Mra John Cabell and little daugh ter. Mary Caroline, have left the Presbyterian hospital and are at their home on Worthlngton avenue. Dilworth. - HALLOVEEf, DANCE Tuesday Niht Mask By Sootbern Entertainer? Scrip $1.00 R. I. FOX DANCING SCHOOL F com- MEETDTOS OF THE WEEK, At Chamber of Monday. 1 p. m. Charlotte Automotive Trade association luncheon, 1 p. m. Lion club members. TaMday . 1 . p. m. Davidson campaign com mtttee luncheon. 0:10 p. m. Rotary club dinner. Wednesday. 10 a. m. Goodrich Rubber - pany meetinc. l p. m. charlotte Insurance ex change luncheon. Thursday. An day meeting Goodrich Rubber company. :- t p. m. Kiwania club luncheon, -Friday. 1 . m. Clvltan club luncheon. 7:10 p. m. Joint meeting Charlotte Merchants association, Char lotte Automotive Trade aasocla tlon, Charlott Shippers associa tion, city commissioners, county commission era and board of di rector of - chamber of com merce. SaMrdav. 1: 10 p. m. League of Women vo ter. wonderful A postal card address to tho J. P. Stevens Engraving Co,' Atlanta, Ga will bring you samples and prices. ' - CARD OP THANES. . We wish to thank the many friends for their kindness given to us during the sickneee and death of our darling baby, Ruth,, aged two years.' MR. AND MRS. J. H. GRAHAM. Banco CTuh Meeta Mrs. Melvln O'Grady wa hostess to the Bunco club at her home on Caldwell street Wedneeday after noon. lira Herbert Harris won the prlxe for tha top cor and Mra. C. P. Elam received the consola tion prise. The favor and decorationa were suggestive .of th Halloween on. After the game a salad course was served. The guests were Mra Harris. Mrs. Elam. Mra R. A. Williams. Mra. J. R. Andrew Mra. L. W. Hill. Mra. O. A, Link, Jr, Mrs. G. J. Mitchell, Mra. C H. Wentx, Mra E. C. Hee man. Mra C. D. Shelby, Jr, Mra. L. M. Davey. Mrs. Henderson Itertama. Mra. Ellis W. Henderson waa hos tess at a delightful bridge luncheon eiven at her home In Chatham Es tates Friday In honor of Mrs. Lewi and Mlta Helen Ross, of Wilkes Barre. Pa, who are "visiting Dr. and Mra. C N. Peeler at their noma in Mvers Park. The prise tor tne top score was won bv Mrs. Lb A. Doxey and Mr Charles Arey received the second nrlxe. Mrs. C. D. Kennedy cut the consolation prise. The guests, Mrs. Lewis, and Mlas-boss received tne honor nrizea The home waa atiracovery aeco rated with quantities of beautiful fall blossoms. The guests were: Mrs. C. N. Pee ler. Mra Lewi. Miss Rosa Mra Fred Casey, W. K. Medinaeh. c. D. Kennedy. H. E. Love. F. R. Roberts J. -P. Lindsay, J. C. Gilmer, J. F. Hoffman, L. G. Berry, W. T. Shore, H. Giles, Clement McOee, L. Doxev. John A. Porter. William Graham, Earl Whit ten, A. L. Boyle, Gordon Finger, B. R. HI op, Charles E. Plutt. J. Rueh Bhull. R Rutherfordton, J.' M. Connelly,- A. A. Knee. Charles Arey. J. R. Clements, Perry Oil la, D. Dowling, Jamea Mar ahall. Adam Flaher V. B. Huggtna W. Fred McCandless, Laurence Jones, T. T. Cole, Edwin Clark, Jr. E. C Register, E. J. Braswell, A. Todd, W. E. Hayes, Mlas Myrtle Irwin. . . avrntxrocg baib aa one 1ad rntd Is the inaat dlaraat' nest thin 1 ever saw, sad I was have It. Don't roo either. Have It ie mavid. Mr-. Tavlor. Speelalkrt. MAB1SKIXO SHOr. 13 Mi N. Trymt to. . Phone tSSl Leonard C. Cooke Dlstmctlve Portralu In Your Home aw Oar fttudWt AS R. Tryon SO, Phoaw mi Ylw-Bewedlet Dance- The offlcers and executive com mlttee of The Benedicts had meeting Friday afternoon and de elded .to have thetr first entertain ment of the season at the Char lotte Country' club Wedneeday 16th It will be a dinner dance. Mr. Harvey W. Moore Is the new president of th organisation. Dr. Bred I C. Nail vice president; Mr. W. M. Jonea secretary and trees urer. . Woman' Guild Meets. Th Woman' guild of St, Martin Episcopal church will meet, in the guild rooms. Mrs. Charles Torrance and Mra M, C. Thompson will be hostesses. tain Hen rv Crawford Kearney. ! confederate veteran of fame wno served under Lee. In hi youth Mr. Kearney spent several years on tne Mexican border with his father and . enlisted at the beginning of the world ; war. serving with the famous gutn i division. He waa wounded In the" battle at Camhrai and was In Eng land In a hospital when the armistice waa signed. Mr. Kearney ta asso ciated with his father In farming, and tobacco raising. The wedding . ot alias uoravD ana jar. mubv will take place In December. v Dinner Party Laat Evening. -Mr. and Mra' Ralph Van Landlng ham entertained at dinner at the Charlotte Country club last even ing prior to th dance. Their guests Included Mr. and Mra. John M. Scott. Mr. and Mra. Henry M. Mc- Aden, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Ooasett and Mr. and Mra C. B. Byant. Lrnts-King Wedding. - Much social Interest - centers In the wedding of Mlaa Helen Lents and Mr. Allen Grady King which will take place Thursday evening at 10 o clock aO the: home . of tne bride' parents. Mr. and Mra. a R. Lents, in tha Blandwood apart menta Rev. Dr. A. A. McGeachy. pastor of th Second Presbyterian church. will officiate. Mrs. Helen Foil Beard will ren der the wedding music. The bride-elect will be given in marriage by her father, Mr.. 8. R. Lenta Mra William Myers Jonea, alater of th bride-elect, will be dams of honor. Mr. King will be accompanied by his brother, Mr. 3. C King, of Ab beville. & C who will serva aa beet man. Mis Courtenay Marshall Jonea, the beautiful little girt of Mr. and Mra Peter W. v. Jones, win b ring bearer. Mlas Elizabeth Durant Terrell, of Chattanooga, Tenn., arrived In th city yesterday to attend the wedding. Mis Sara Mellon entertained at bridge for Mlaa Lenta Friday. Mra. C B. Bryant will give a luncheon at the Charlotte Country club for her tomorrow and Wednesday Mra. Albert Clark will gtv a luncheon for her at ber home in Myers Park. No formal Invitations havs been issued to th marriage which will be attended by relatlvee and a few Intimate friends. Tlpton-Mcdlork. -Mis Hugh Medlock. daughter of Mr. Frank Hawkins Mcdloek, and Mr. John Severe Tipton were quietly married Friday afternoon at 0:1 a clock at the home of the bride on Hawthorn Lane, Rev. Joseph A. Gaines, pastor of St. John' Baptist church, officiating. Th announcement of the marri age will com aa a great surprise to the many friend of th young couple In thia state and Georgia, A few relatives and intimate friends were present at the cere- mony which waa performed In the north parlor In front of a group of palm and southern amllax inter spersed with white chrysanthemums and flanked with cathedral candle stick. , Prior to tha wedding Mra G. 8. Hutchln eang "I Love You Truly.' Mra Hutchlns rendered the inarch from Lohengrin aa th wedding party entered the room. Mlaa Marian MediocK, youngest sister of tha bride, waa maid of honor. She was becomingly gown ed In glow colored taffeta and car ried 'a shower bouquet of yellow chrysanthemuma which marked th keynote of the deet-rationa - - Tne bride waa handsomely gowned In a dar kblue satin ta-ved dwetyn suit with the brown accessories and rarrled a ebower bouquet of brMe- and lilies of the valley. She entered with the groom. Durinc the ceremony "In the "hauows was softly played. . A recention followed wnicn was m 'irked with el-nn":clty. Th re ceiving Jlne Included the bride and room, the bride' father, the meld of honor. Misses it any ni wiiue John Medloek. sisters of the h-ide, Mr and Mrs. H. V. Blherat-ln. Mr. and Mra. O. R. Huehln-. f Soar. tanbure;. Mr. and Mra. P. IT. Med lock, Jr.. Ttr. and M-a, 3nn. It. Ashe. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. J"lini.ion. i:ey. Joseph A, Oalnea Mle Kathrrn McLean, of Onstonla. ronsan?e F.I berateln and Mary John-ton. The dining room a ttaternny decorated, the c-mlerpleea being a handsome aH7er luiskvt Ailed with yel'ow chrysan'h-mu-ne. The l-rld' book wa Tresl.1e.1 over bv Vferv Margaret Rltch and 9r Thomas. of Queens college. Mlasea Burwell. Georgia ind Klixabetb Simmons aerved n Ihe dliting room. Mrs. Tipton Is the d.maMer of Mr. Frank Hawkins Medloek an late Mrs. Medlock. forrerly of Oeorgia, She is one of Charlotte- most gifted and nomlir traln'd nurses, having gradnated frim the Waatav Memorial. hvrtral In At lanta. and nursed in n1 out tt the Charlotte sanatorium. Tor the laat yesr sh" hn been eitr1 as on nt rharlntte's scl.-; nurie end le- oauaa of her eh--'ul ili-pieltlon. snlendld hlllrv-wae verv nopuUr Hth hoth teachers an 1 tolls. Mr. Tipton Is n man pendld t,ifnaa ahllltv ail trona peram- nallty and commands r. Inrae clrr! nf friends -ie -. eAVlhl In knalnaaa n Tlk JrV. Wlt - l.e a taklne his hrlile tt vnxM their home. . y Sritilever VShoe forgfen Women IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE OBSERVER EASY ON YOUR FEET CANTILEVER 8H0ES are easy on your feet. They support th arch with a scientific shank, which relieves th bone and muscle of strain. But thia ahank la flexible as moccasin. Instead of binding and restraining the foot a metal sup ports do. It bends with every move ment of walking. CANTILEVER SHOES correct fallen archea by thus exercising and strengthening the muscle. 'CANTILEVER. SHOES provide room for th toe. The hoel-eeat la narrower, fits more snugly than in ordinary ahoee. There is no rub bing to blister the foot Th heel ia slightly higher on the Inside than oa the outside, so that the brunt of your weight is not borne by th inside of the arch, flattening th foot, but la evenly distributed over th heel, tha ball, and tha outside of tha foot. The natural Inner-sole Una, which allows tha toea to point straight for ward In th normal way, ia another of the feature of CANTILEVER SHOES which make the correct pos ture the easy one. No detail of Good Looks haa been neglected. Slim lines, trim fit, grace ful lasts, fin leather, smart, med ium vamp. Shoe that do not bear th Canti lever trade-mark are not Cantilever Shoe. Avoid substitution. Canti lever ar sold In th'a city only by CANTILEVER S..OE SHOP M0) 8. Tryoai St, r - Piedmont Fir Insurance Building Second Floor. Rooma SSl-xxX Dr. J. C Robinson Foot Special Attendance , . , A mother ha her Utile trouble but sometimes she gets too much at the seat of her troubles. Instead of licking the child, lick your lip with satisfaction by eating Mecko Ice Cream. Mecklenburg Dairy Co., Inc. To get the feeling of Spring In vour step, why not a pair of rubber heel from United Shoe Repair Shop? 40 S. Tryon, rnone Bias. .... m - 0 Th missionary after being untied and rescued from the burning stake. sot right next to a not burning ten der steak from Moateuer Market. Phones U5a-S27, nmutlfut DonWe Wedding. - A beautliui ooudjo wtoiung celebrated Saturday night at tne realdenco of the brides' mother. Mrs. R. A. Plummer. of 0OT North David son street, when Mlaa Aline Plum mer waa married to Mr. A. Lomax, and Mis Ethel Plummer became the wife of Mr J. P. Anthony. . Th donbla ceremony waa performed by the Rev. L. R. Praeit whe ned the double-ring ceremony. The rlng hearera were little Misaea Ellxa An thony and Elisabeth Carson. "At Dawning" was sung by Mr. John Davis Carroll, with Mrs. Car roll at the piano. The decorationa were cut flower and ferna. chrysan themum being used In profusion. After the ceremony the entire wed- A camel may go seven day with out a drink but who wants to be humped back and let people elt all over him 7- Anyone can go oaye without water but who can resist a good bottle of Pe pot -Cola? .. While it'a higher hire to employ carpenters to work on Inferior lum ber. it's lower hire when they use material from Wiggins Bros., Phone 330. , . : - . Even the man who never criticise anything, can't help sitting on hi pants, even if he knows they have 4ust-beeiada.jightIjy...W. Pressing Oo, 8. Poplar St, phone 047." Formerly we saw something strong in a wise man mouth. . Now tern perance has even made the mouth water. Things strongest about wa' ter. are pipes fitted by McAuley, Garrison ax Hopkins Co., Plumbing A Heating Contractors. Phone 14a. When ftaher sent his spendthrift son away to learn stenography, he concluded from the type of letters ha received, that the boy waa expert at the touch system. To touch your self ' up properly, get furnishing from The Vogue, 15 K. Trade Sc. Notice to Houseowners and Contractors FLOORS SANDED AND FINISHED OLD FLOORS MADE UKE NEW AH Work First-OaM and Guaranteed W. E. GLaENN Telephone 534-J 710 North Brevard Street Charlotte, N. C Reference -Tom Aldndge and W. L. Nklxtbon i rr. n l mci jt mi i n. mr-mSl II Ml XsnBSBSBsnsBSSSBSl aOTH I IA 'X-v. a ' ar' :.v". ; - ........... i,, . , . a. a um..... ' I T " .- Menihan's Arch-Aid Shoes For Young LuBes Who Should Have , Them Before They Apparently NetniThem.' Young ladies who do not need correc tive shoes now are buying Menihan's Arch-Aid shoes so that they will never have any foot trouble to correct MENIHAN'S ARCH-AID is one 'of the most popular corrective shoes thatsell as readily to people who have foot trou ble as to those who do not . ;, .. , ' Come in try on a pair-you never saw a shoe just like it or you would be wearing it this minute. , . , . , ' We are the accredited MENIHAN' ARCH-AID agents for Charlotte. Gilmer-Moore Compa ny SHOES HOSIERY LUGGAGE err ml ijmi ' rrrOr nr! - - i

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