THE SUNDAY OBSERVER, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1022 SECTION B SOC IE T Y MRS. MARGARET KEXI.T ABETtVETnY, Editor. Oftlcs Phone So, IM 1 A Gave Initial Dun Xl"hs members of lbs Ace o Oub gave their. InitlaJ dance of the yea' t,the Charlotte Country club, Frl- tmv MMilnr fram I la 1 o'clock, end It was oi.e of the most brilliant and charming In, the history of the or ganisation. The decorations of the ballroom were especially attractive and were agestive of the approaching Hal loween season. Yellow and black paper ribbon were festooned from one en' of the room to the other and the frails were hung wi h black cat ad witches. The celling lights were haded In yellow and from the light extended black and yellow stream- are. ,-.- The -Original Pennsylvania sere nadors famished fine and inspiring must . Oaring the flrs part of the eve ning the german was danced. -t At midnight - the grand . march took place and all the lights were suspended over the mantel. During the march the ladies received as souvenirs miniature flash lights, the effect with all these little lights be ing turned on and off was very at tractive. PUDQth. sandwiches and salted ants were served from a long' table In the reading room. A mass OF yel . low chrysanthemums - formed the center piece of the table. . 1 Mr. Floyd M. Simmons, Is presi dent Of the club and Mr. Thorns Henderson Is secretary nd treas urer, and to ;hem much of the suc- ' Members of the club are: Mr. and Unv Floyd M. Simmons. Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Henderson, Mr. and M. A. Morsen, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Talla ferrs Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. 3. Bryant, i Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones, Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Lambeth, : Mr and Mrs. Esley Q. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Harris, Mr ana Mrs. frank purreii, nr. ani Mrs. E. a. Draper, Mr . and Mrs. David Clark Mr. and Mrs. George H& L Mr. .nd Mrs. W. J. Brown. Mr and Mrs. Lloyd C. Withers, Mr, and Mrs. Gaston G. Callaway, Mr. and Mra. W. E. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs W.& Lee, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bethea, Mr. and Mrs. Connor Sherrlll Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Quarles, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Lassiter. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Goyer. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward Hubbard. Mr. and Mm. E. C. Marshall, Mr. nd Mrs. Lane Etheredge, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lane. Mr. and Mrs. J. H.r Cut er, Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell McDonald, Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Nalle, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. C. Wadsworth. Mr. and Mrs. W..H. Wlllard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. McAden, Mr. and Mrs. B D. Heath, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cansler, Jr., Mr. and Mrs George W. Graham, Jr. Mr. and Joseph Graham Fitislmons. Mr. and Mrs. E. C Sweeney, Mr. and Mrs. John C. flyers, Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Hardie, Mr. and Mrs. Korman Pet, Dr. and Mrs. W. Myers Hun ter. , 6tar4 Invited were: 8tage John Husks, Wilson Cos by, Bobo Tanner, W. E. Chambers, Meban Long, J. H. Van Ness, Jr.. Frank Dowd E C. Qrifflth, C. R Collins. B. B. Shelby. Odora Ale, under. William O'Hara. George Crouch, R. B. Stltt, Randolph Scott William Osborne Warren Myer. Henry Dockery. Edward Dowd, Tom Taliaferro. Julian Taliaferro. Nor- "man Lynch, Out Travis, wills Hun ter. Den Harris Dr. Jaa. Gibbon. turt Gilchrist. John Durham, X V. Hardieon. Jr. Guest present were Mrs. David Burgevin, of New York, guetrt of Mr. nd Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Ada Mor rison Nutail. of Raleigh, guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bryant. Mr. and M s. A". B. Klugh, and Messrs. Latta Law and Tom Crawford, of Rock Hill, a C guests of Mr. and Mrs. Quarlea Miss Helen Brack, of San Francieco. ;uest of Mr. and Mrs. Fitaaimoru, and Mrs. Margaret Kelly AberneOy. Burwen-Murphy Wedding Plans, A wedding of state-wide Interest to society will be that of Miss Mat tie Edmund Burwell and Dr. John Gerald Murphy, the latter of Wil mington, which will take place Wednesday evening at o'clock at H pewell Presbyterian church. Rev. Richard 8. Burwell. father of the bride-elect, and pastor of the church, will officiate. Mr. Keller, of Charlotte, will ren der the wedding music. Prior to the ceremony Miss Emily Murphy, of Georgetown, 8. C will sing. Mrs. John Lawrence Chieoim, of Birmingham, a cousin of the bride elect, and Mrs. Fred Ramseur, of Llncolnton, will be dames of honor. MUs Mary Graham, of Charlotte, wt:i be n aid of honor. Dr. Murphy will be accompanied by Dr. David B. Sloan, of Wilming ton, who will serve as best man. The groomsmen and ushers will be Dr. Henry L. Sloan, Charlotte, Mr. Wright Murphy of Greensboro, Mr. Paul P. Murphy, of Lowell; Mr. R. C. Carson, of Whltevllle: Mr. Marlon Farrow, of Hopewell, and Dr. John B. Wright, of Raleigh. Among' the out-of-town guests will be Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Carson, of Wnltevllle, Mrs. John L. Chlsolm of Birmingham, Miss Eliza Murphy of Wilmington. Mr. and Mrs. Wright Murphy of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murphy of Lowell. Mr. and Mrs. C C Murphy of Ivanhoe, Dr. and Mrs. John B. Wright of Raleigh. Tuesday evening after the re hearsal Mr. and Mrs. Burwell will entertain the bridal party and a few friends at their horn la Hope welt Willis Warren JfeweJL Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Newell an nounce the birth of a son, Willis Warren. Jr., at St Peter's hospital. Mrs. Newell was formally Miss Kate Banton. Benefit Concert ReaHsn $200. The American War Mothers held their first meeting of the fall under the new leader, Mrs. E. P. Ttngley, at the home of Mrs. C. A. Black on West Third street. The meeting was one of the larg est ever held and showed the unflag ging Interest of the mothers for the sick and dying ex-service men at Oteen. Six new members were added to the already large list. Halloween favors and confections war sent to Miss Clement, the house mother at Oteen for the boys on I IL i About II 00 was realized from the concert given at the chamber. of commerce on Tuesday evening. Fuel and clothing were sent to a family who were In distress. The body of a soldier will be re nt Mrs. A dair Foster . .' ' . ?:, ' v w. y- "A ' 'V'X' .. ! ,v . - . - 1 ' .. . ? ' i V - T - r i h . f ,'-.. - i 1 Yvjv't1... -ii. Vi" 'I . v.-.T . . f ... : V , : ' ' J'. ' v 1 . M , ibVi' W" r!i'.?! n IRVITED TO 1IBTTE Ml' IIM Says Time Has Come for Sup port of Republican Party. pesial at Tke O TROT. Oct II. Jt hn i. Parker, former republican nomine tor gov ernor, spoke to a Urge crowd In the . courthouse hers today. t Mr. Well known member of Atlanta society who his Jnst completed corre spondence course of Bridge evolved from years of experience as one of the leading teachers and players of the south. will be held at the soldiers' plot en armistice day at 11 o'clock. - -This hour being selected as a na tional memorial hour for the Amer ican War Mothers. Miss Prop to Wed Mr. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. James - Plckney Propst announce the engagement of their daughter, Marian, to Mr. Henry Green Harper, Jr., the wedding to take place November the aid, at St. John's Baptist church. Miss Propst la the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- James Pinokney Propst She was graduated from the Charlotte high school and finish ed her education at Brenao and Salem college, specializing In piano. She is a pretty blonde, with an at tractive personality and Is admired by a host of friends. Mr. Harper is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oreen Harper, the former secretary and treasurer of John M. Scott and company. . He Is Inside sales manager of the Good- oved from the strangers' rt lwlt?LraJ?,R!! "VS Elmwood and memorial service AUCTION BRIDGE made easy bprores your game in one week UmplmCmmt- ATHT sssthed W hstraetiea Wr i aatbornyet tea years irhing eya rieace, often the only complete, prannesl eemne la lesson torn. . Wttais fast week, jest tnead iB a lMthaurkdimpixTeasMafoerfjae. Tke Adsa- r ester Ceene ftweweoaar If beneficial to the beginner sa to tke asV vaseed pUyer. Stet by step it takes toe wee the beus pnaciple letlieBMet eoss plei problesa. The pnee is bat tbSti lot the complete eearse. This i si psrusisl inetniction sadet as atejnsry teacher woald appreausate 4u is (SU. im4 7eWy2( tm. Tk. If m Urn ADAAFOsm. Ba g - Hamtf kak. .'iPSPtll ,M i1! M -r? ii ! if I! i ! i m -m h pi ii ptmrd Maraud jristnuisi (Ehrds . Sanu)lt?Tnltdt!IponTlequcsi tvtntt Itaddcy Company preme treasurer of the PT Kanna Phi fraternity, member of the rius and Myers Park -olub. Mr. '. Harper graduated from tha Univsrslty of North Carolina In HIT, also receiv ing, a certificate In the department of economic. - After receiving his diploma he entered the first officers' training camps at . Port Oglethorpe, and was later stationed at .Camp uoraon, u.v Air. Harper is a young man of sterling qualities of charac ter and is held In high esteem by hundreds of friends, throughout Iks stats. Miss Mcfloa f i 'rnnmlliarssisi i . Bridge. . Miss Rsra jj ,nn amtrtwA charmingly atv a bridge' luneheoB yesterday at the home of her sister. Mrs. I. C Lowe. Myers Park, com plimentlng Mlsa Helen Lents, whose marriage to Mr. Allan White of Ab beville. S. C, Thursday, Is to be a notable social event, and Miss Helen Brack, ot San Francisco, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Graham Pits Simons, the latter her sifter. Miss Mellon chose a color scheme of yellow and white, effectively car ried out florally In crysanthemuma and at the edibly. In Ices, confections and cake. An elaborate luncheon wa beautifully served. Mlsa Julia Baxter Scott won the high scroe prise. Miss - Brack was presented with the guest of honor prise. ; - . . First Cotillion Dance of Semsoa. The event of magnitude tomorrow night, socially," Is the Halloween dance which the Charlotte Cotillion club will give at the Myers Psrk club, dancing to. begin at the orie-'nal Pennsylvania 8erenaders to furnish music. ; Mr. E. B. Shelby Is president of the club, and he and his committee have put forth every effort to make the dance, which inaugurates the club season, the most beautiful the club has vet held. The ballroom will be decorated n Ha'loween colt . j and con re Its, and will present a 'hw-tns f"ct. SMALLPOX IS RACING ' IN COUNTY OF STOKES CHOCOLATES ' ' . MADE FOR CANDY LOVERS ' If rm are a lover of candy you will find quality and eat'sfaeMon in very package of Booth's Chocolates. Try a package today and be come one of the lovers of Booth's Chocolates. Booth's True Blue Chocolates. IS os ...... ... n9 , Booth's Butter Chocolates. 1 If 91 A9 Booth's Esther Chocolates, 1 D- ....$155 Booth's Billy Chocolates 1 ..,.$1.00 For Sale by , IS Tfonb Try on St. PIEDMONT CANDY KITCHEN Charlotte, K. C WINSTON-SALEM .Oct. J$-A meraage received here this afternoon from Uermanton states that there are many r axe of smallpox in Stokes - county and that if it continues to pread schools in some sections will have to ausnend. A small mild died from the disease near Gennanton i Thursday night. ftOCKY. MCUWT WAREHOUSE FIRE CONSUMES COTTON While the meeting Is essentially one of the business organisations of the city, general Invitation Is being extended to persona Interested la the rstes applying ts this territory. Mr. Crelghts is widely known through oat the stats as one of the best ' Informed rats men In the south, being manaa-er at thm Chr. of the lahae smM a -w - strong Bgnt s being made ROCKT MOUNT, Oct. H. One hundred and fifty-six bales of cotton together wi'h a st or a ire bouse and a large receiving p'atform near the At'onTRrenmst tinefreltsht-depot were des royed by fire he today. The loss, partially covered by In surance, was eatimated at $2.M. YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL : FACE: Bet M that nswrflswea kesr. es4 fast tt 17 mole I To eoolda't Mcbet twr tM'li kwitw H net auwr t kan thrai aL . Thm whr permit yew tr tn be mrr4 vltb thaaa tttrit fsclal e'eiBlstaes. kleh are am fktl7 tbn t4 ttb. AU fhrlal tlm!hM parmtinilr aaS Mtsleir rmv4 br the iTCtr'e aeed!, gear atecd. . K9 scar, sire TrW. ; ' MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP Phone SSSt It 1-1 X Tryoa St. COMPLETE SUNDAY SCHOOL . - :.,.; n -j -- f.' :A , . i : - i . " , ' Departmental Plan, as Consti tjrterf by. Gene. Conference Adopted at Meeting. Organisation of what is claimed to be the only Sunday school In Charlotte conducted on complete de partmental Unas, was perfected Fri day night at the Tryon BiSreet Meth odist church, by the Sunday school committee, as constituted by the last quarterly conference in Monroe. .,TJi Tryon Street Sunday school has as) Enrollment of $$0 and tsdreMed Into sight departments. each W which has Its own opening devotional service. The Sunday school .committee announces the helding.of a' banquet at the Sunday school next Friday evening, at JO o'clock, at which all the officers ol the Sunday school are expected to He present, Rev. IL G. Hard n. pastor of Tryon Street announced that he would have Installation service for ths officers of ths Sunday school next Sunday evening. The, baord of stew ards may be installed al this meet ing also. The -new offleor of the Sunday school .lSclndo Miss Maude MeKen son. ' director, ot religious education and O. i. Rock, superintendent. Mr. Rock succeeds D. E. Henderson, who was superintendent for the pant four years.; Mr, Henderson st D remains active In Sunday school work, hold ing membership on the Tryon 8treet local Sunday school committee, the western-, North Carolina conference Sunday-school board and the auper- Intsndency of ths district Sunday school association. A local Sunday school committee as constituted by ths general con ference. Includes: ths pastor, direc tor of relglous work superinten dent, department ' superintendents, genera officers and three others. It is charged with formulating the pol'c'ee of ths local 8unday school. At ths meeting last night, teachers and officers wars elected, following meir nomination by the superinten dent and departmental heads and the approval of the pastor. The committee decided to have a coarse of study pertaining to the general 8unday school given st its workers' council meeting each month. The offerings of the Sunday school will be used for the following pur poses: First Sunday, general church expenses: second and third Sundays, general support of the SuSnday school provision being made for de partments and classes: fourth Sun day, missions: and on the fifth Sun day, the collection w.ll be given to ths children's home at Winston Salem The superintendent of the home department was authorised to select her assistarta ATLANTIC OSTEOPATHS HOLD FINAL SESSIONS GREENSBORO. Oct 1$. Techni cal addresses by men of prominence la their Work fea'nred lha final sions of the Middle Atlantic 8(ates wienpaime association hero todav Im W. Drew, of Ph"adptnhta l Dr. C D 8 wot-,o Washington. D. C delivered addresses. i Officers of the sw-!af!on elected w. a. aararnsm, of Asheville. or?Ment r R u Pherkelford. of RJ-fcnVmd. vt-e nrn. Idem, and P R. Heine; of areen- oct'k setTeTary -treasurer. . ' .The aseortaxlon . meets next year is xucnniona. IREDELL TO SEND DOCS , TO FOX HUNTERS' RACES Open Sandays Reservations U P. M. for Small Parties PHONB tit Delicatessen Shop (PrsBsh CsIsIbs) Psatvrlng. Special for Supper, dainty sooked Savory and Sweets. . Ineludlns nuBveo drip corns located in ths tsrssnwlsli VHlage" t CharlottsT BREVARD COURT AT SOUTH CHURCH 0TREBT Chairman cf Corporation Com mission to Hear Creighton Speak on Frei;ht Rates. A. 3. MaxwelL of Raleigh, chair man of ths corporation commission. Demands ChAno In Tlne M T H,s aa uemanas V,nangS, in ISXinS cmcij of the Southern Furniture System of Stats, and Blames ' Mafurr' associauon. have yi.ciM wiaio, aim Dianien . B lBWti4 w hear W. S. Creigh- Democratt for Alleged Evils, itoo, chariots rats sxpsrt, discuss " I that) ftsrht ftKstw tan Vvestv v sxnskilsa WafnM xme sss veiny sexwej irvw W ths Interstate commerce commission for a revision sf ths freight rates af fecting this territory Friday night at ths Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Creighton, whs Is chairman sf ths hoard of governors of ths South ern Traffle leasme. has bean ana nf Parker touched upon ths achieve- ths leaders Is ths fight before ths ment ot the national republican commission and hs will dcusa ths party and argued that the Urns had fi?" mJJB w??0" of. arrived foe Nnrti r.,nii. i bord of directors of ths Charlotte arrived for North Carolina to five Automotive Trads aasoclaUoa, ths her suppprt to ths republican party Charlotu Merchants' association, and aid tn solving ths great prob-1 ths Charlotte Manufacturers and lem confronCng ths nation. Ha Shippers asaodat.on, the Chamber poke .t length on stats affairs and fi C? " r vwiiiMi ssu wuvisk gave parucuiar attention ts tne subject of taxation. Hs Said, In part: ; "North Carolina needs a new tax ing system. The democratic party has not gives us a new system, but has merely aggravated the evlis ot the. old system. The backbone of the system Is still ths general property ux and ths Inevitable at-; lott. Manufacturer.' . ShlppeTi' ftstit of thai nnraJ nrAiisrtv tsiT im ? .7 . sK" 111 Ihrnt? an linrllld Kiavwlaasa ansa Is nil - Tr m mt - - " vaauHW asrwaawss VH "Mr. Bailey points out StalA anil lnjLl ffnv.rnm unt In Vitrth Carolina collect approximately 000.000 lo taxes la North Carolina today as against ll,M,ttl 11 years ago. An Increase of nearly 100 per cent The result Is to throw an umnipporuble burden on agri culture, and more farms were ad vertised for sa.s tor taxes this year than aver tmfure lo ths hUtory of the state. .." I Not Dealing Candidly. . ) "Democratc leaders are not deal ing candidly with the people with regard to this matter ot taxation. Two years ago they told us that Our taxes would not be increased over 10 per cent. .As a matter of fact tn most of ths counties ot the state the farthers taxes have been increased . two hundred, litres hET increased IU9, loo and eves 0t per cent. They told us that they were passing a constitutional amendment so that the taxes would be limited to It cents on ths $100 valuation of property, but by means of acta for special purposes ths property tat tn moat counties ex ceed $1 on the hundred and In many counties Is more than 11.10. "They assessed on property for; taxes at the time when prices had ' reached the very ' peak of Inflation. Ihey are saying now that they have repealed the revaluation act, which they defended when I attacked It two years ag", but as a matter of fact they have not repealed It but have merely autboris d ths com taiselonert of ths various counties to reduce values. ThU has bee done to soma extent, but land Is stl.l paying inordinately high taxes, as a result of ths. valuation mads under revaluation. ' , ' "At the time of ths passage' of the" revaluation act. Mr. Bailey charged that It was passed ts lower the tax burden On the railways sad the great corporations and shift ths burden to land. Ths attorney gen eral of the state in the suit died by the railroads shows that In lit ths railroads paid S3SO.0OO less taxes than In ill and that real estate paid 11,(00 000 more. . j Mo Tax on property. "We are told that ths stats levies no state tax on property, but ths stats has shifted onto the shoulders of the counties expenses formerly borne by the stats, ws pay more taxes for the sams pur pose than before. wno cares Whether It Is called stats tax or; County tatT j "We are told that taxes are ft urn In some republican counties. My answer Is that taxes are high In agricultural counties whether dem ocratic or repuDtican. tne state has shifted to the shoulders of ths ; counties expense that onght to be ' borne - by the stats, such as ths support of ths schools. This en-1 shies counties containing ncnt towns Bk Durham or RaieigB to; levy a low tax rate, while It neces i sitatee a high rate tn agricultural; enuntles like Montgomery or Cas well. -We need a new tax system. Ws' should . encourage agricultural and - we -must devise a tax system which. will lighten the burden on this basic Industry. Ws must devise a sy-i tern, too, under which the stats will . tax property equally- wherever sit- -Hated, and not thrown tnsultortable burden on agricultural counties an-; der the guise of abolishing stats tax, - Cat Out Kxlmvaganos. "Above all, we must cut out ex tra vagnc, abo!lh useless offices, and practice retrenchment and conorry. I believe In a stats sys tem of hard surfaced hlghwsys. I believe In better schools and I would not withhold a penny liglti aiately spent for these Important purpose. But there Is no excuse for the unbusinesslike method In which the state's business la trans acted. 'As a first aid to ths reduc tion of taxes, ws must reorganise the government of ths state and place It on a sound . financial basis.' lore the Interstate oommsree com mission for a general revision of the freight rates between eastern and southern points and between west ern and southern points. As " Mr. Creighton expresses it, the light Is being mads to wipe the slate clean and start all ever again. There are 200,000 diabetics In ths United Slates. Grade crossing accidents have In creased during 1121. England has a Ugbthdua to every 14 mil's of coast. Jupiter's year Is Dftkrty II times as long as our own. W tntimv i Heywood- Are Carriares of - - prices. Their fea akefield arriages ! at lover res Include Storm Robes, Genuine f Corduroy Llnlnrs, Luxurious Springs In fact, every detail for the baby's comfort And their rreatesV feature to their most, attractive prices- Sli to $45 i Ksnttii 7 Ciirititisj iber Do Yoar ; Shopping Early Farris Bros., Inc. 10 N. Cotlefs Street r; . Phone 310 1 ; ' 1 1 1 " 1 1 ";, WINSTON-SALEM TO HAVE A BIG NEW SCH00LH0USE W1X5TOJJ-SALBM. Oct. Jt. Bids have been opened and the rontmet wl! be awarded next week for ths flnewt public school - building In Vinton-8alem. It wttl be located on' Patterson avenue. In ths northern part of the city, and will cost about $250,000 It will Include IT class roqms. lunch room, library, adminls trat on offices, medical room combi nation auditorium . and gymnasium with showers. 8jprtan'duKhtere""wc to wreetle and fight like their brothers. svrlal tm Tm Ohmrmr. STATESVIIJ-E. Oct IS. It Is ex pected that 23' dogs from Iredell county IV.! be on dLiplay at the races to be held at Fayet'eYllle by th North Carolina Fox HunterV asso ciation to be held from October 10 to November 4. Attorney W. A Bristol and family left th's morning for FaretteviUe to attend the meet ing, Mr. Bristol being presides t of the orgaelztioTt. The does to be ta- ken are among those that have been prtse-wlanere In the past. - NOTICE HALLOWEEN DANCE ' There will be a ' Halloween dance at . ths City Auditorium. Tuesday, October II. This dance will be from t:M to 1:00, and there will be good music and plenty of If by the Southern - Melody Sextette aug mented to eight or tea pieces. Prices for gentlemen will be $S.00. Ladles free, spectators ts the balcony SSe. :i WTRCTXtS Women's Garments of 0sJlty--rrRCiaX More New Coats Replete With Value , We thourht we had reached the top in Coat values, buUiere is the peak such Coats as ye never dreamed of bcinr able to offer at . .. ' $290, $390, $49.50 ant! $59.60 . De hue fabrics, forjeous in colorlnr, many richly fur-trim-med utility Coats and Coats that veil serve the double pur pose of daytime and evening Wrapl They've been telllnr us we have "the prettiest Coats in town." Now they're jolnr to be addlnr : "and the best val ues," for, honestly, these Coats are wonderful, perfectly won derful values, ..." ... Other Coats, marnificent materials and very handsome furs, $95 and higher. Sports Coats. $1750 These are of pin-check Coating, satin lined throughout, of a business-like chic and sporting smartness that : adds additional value to their quality. . The -price is very .special. TR1COTTNE DRESSES In by Saturday's ex presseven smarter than the ones we've been showing and as good, if not better values, at $24.75 ancl $29.50 Offerin Ah Extraordinary i ; Brand New AH - Wool Jersey Suite $9.95 ':. : . Heather mixtures blues, browns, grays, mostly-i-in Suits of heavy quality all-wool Jersey, in regulation sports style Tuxedo collars, buttoned pockets, narrow belts, etc . Just the Suit for wear right now, being quite warm enough for these bright PaM days and very, very tailored. We were forunate in picking up a small lot of (hese Suits just about thirty-five in all sizes 16 to 42 included. We were aouwy fortunate. in getting, tliem at su:ii a firice. thatwe can.. pass them on to you at a narrow rnargln bfjrofit for the ridiculously small sum of $9.95. -i .. :-; r ry-?,- Hardly necessary to urge your quickest response to this announce ment tomorrow. i.

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