Tlie Charlotte Observer, W i & McIUGIILIK.- ' - hates of advent: riKc. One Sqnare one time .J - i rxi ; iwoaavs : ; t go - 1 -t ,ATCS 0? SUB3CEIPTI0JT. . i ! Six months, in advance,..:...;... ' "' XX Uti ffklTf 1 1' in flHtronAn - .tV i w,The ubserveb will be delivered- in an, ; part of the City at Fifteen Cents "per week.7 1 The! Goose Creek Slaughter. ; - i'4,?ivrA t?rres.Pdent Of the Kew. Yoik i ... Tr.-7, 1 lint Mitivin. P . . v 'WV"111" iruiJ1 uestfield. Pa -: hoiT-.ble,. railroad accident at Goose -i - '-o" ""i-AiK5iwter oi "which; T l'ij-aent'ycu partial' details 'yesterday : - v-", . V 1Vills vue saddest , v cases pf Ihe kind that have ever been ; AstntmJNo. 6 afternoon , p JV 7A ,me Portion -of the ;' Buffalo, Corry and Pittsburg Railroad known as the Cross Cut, neared -Pros- rv"'?8tfUl0thd rear truc of the terfdeTvas thrown off the track- br f . ' theJbreakm2 of a- whi fpdlbre thS train 'reached fa Wgh .jud.ftgerbus' trestle,,- t - ii n X j i "jraiteman pn MiiithQtHin could ribtbe stopped, V4 ,-:0: l. f ': lamreal; ": - 5 i.Weiehtt)f the tender hmkA iii v off iHe:tie.aiid eonebaWace" and Klcs 'VWKer rear , wnicn made un he. train were thrown nff t.n tK toff BM rele completely; overturned "v .iwiutjufc jysnuea. r ana m woto three :f theeirioyees'who - J. y " e i unaoican ts ; ot nearesi, nouses rendered sail the a W-ZlTrtw?:.!:-"i"v'l . y,1: -'f'wetylie.ersont hivve! been tak--;oaUtfe:rjirihe"i jwreckOne died VP8- anat bnlhre of the others i?UV? danVeronai k)ttditior:Onlv drelynhife4i- Sr?djxrh0 remains of thd trairimnst :&hf fKa'.Lliw t1?J::,mD.8t . '. , i ti t . . " .v m$?t?& andrtheyvare atres- : W v. .ov 15.H IU U V "UNTneM n ha isi " " : (Vr?. yaij mg inquiries. ;'iS:-afvbutdangeroto of volumes for ten times its cost : and then, ' ' ' V "-Sion, 550 illustrations. Prospectus free. ; trrtaUy' there are thexhromos, besides ! - - - ' -asd-- ,.v "'r... - ' AOdjess JIftHfewo'persons, . ' :, ' ART DEPARTMENT ! - vVCOIOntSSIOIT .M3EECHAHT,. nov 2(MV 518 Arel StPSiMk , v ton, oi who escaped with uinoiauer fcfrtv 'itteiiow.hnnfiwi 'Xont9$U-.js rvi -v -i Piioehester- who isriinp4 w if h 1 ' Aotwuhstaiidina the j ,. it.. iw ii w j uji 1 n w-h tm j i- . . . : iw w jl on 1 1 1111 ii in 1 m null tit rnv II H I ! rcar to'haebecnXH yaiid three f AS?im proportions and rep ft orfourtandin ThStM tivecharcter, the edition mon.thL IU fofkWfe!!?!? fe?3n8 y.J Piling that v-v 5 v V-9Uua t Auwruau iuoiic appreciate," and will I v tar'jangea 7do.ubtfulIv be- support,- a sincere, effort in the cause of Art 1 - -'' m-ryix"andfi.ftviTfi inrl nt The publishers, anxifins'ti fnHvtho f -' v." ,"i ' lenacr.crossea the 5, trace ::the-taus of the:disastejriirrther Thc . publishers are authorized to an 3; I itftau brjak nounce. designs from many of the most P "rf: tthefracture oc- K&W ! i7ccasionea py the whl coming V- comacKwitli the- end i0f a sound flCSnpset , ;?tU(ir tot)s.and Itlift wpfrt. a rMkSQcrnshe:the- -es Hiuier.neji.tht. mass Of fimlia da s! v .mid,- w ijicu;- iieiu QOWn iKon-t SSlE&latcoii mMmr,tHa " ' MiHIAJ-iiWr 'fr:ffiW& r?a lDr irri.Mvy -SxHp jPrecQyerea. ; ia&-ine :TiaC0"wnerl'ih a-a rn I '1rtui"n ;i-WPve- feet irtKeighV ; : ; be m o ved haye 'jnst ; beepi taken to m;'. 'ereatheywili receive t ,tf4 - vTv- Ay.f : m-5u 1x0 ur ure re PKHsuras women, ana it fiS Tm UiR tlie Moor." are 14x20 inches are nrin- " nlI7iZr" r' mmmimmm f fromS Afferent tas.irlng.25 5' yit-ndhP'ehed?- Wsjons and tmts to perfect each pic- ' . - , f BUR WELL & CO. :&to Cleveland an Pf -f?? j per pair, m the art Stores- A&it is Uiexie- . : - S miMM?lZ$A?L termination of its conductors to keep THE .ttttv ' J ) ' "v-u i v fsciiu ,uu ruauiHS Vi ni - iri tan i a i nivi? j. ....:. - .... . if t u xx jii uiuinr vv iijMir mini1, t .in- . -j v",c";uj 1 ."-m uut ui uio reacu 01 i comnetmon 1 ""Joea ,a nisntr wnen it was im- m everv denartmpnt fhA m-mna n m rtaproe reliahle facts, SrahamaBogua J Bondilo lie j-egoate4r-CoId: Weathervc. tM0TOOMEY.'M)ecS31 T? ; . Witch elj, acting- hnancial agent . fcf J '.h .Ettousrntv ne will not stoD in icw k; but so id Eurooe.' -.4 ue- weatherias I bitterly coldI It i-yaa hnght at1ip6. but the sunshine 'faned to th aw even the surface of the Weather Moderating: Slightly.; .';'' Li' ,.-L'. i ' : ; m fr? 7 FRT YoEK,DecA 28.-The weather ice in: thejiverand bayi The 'ifeiidjig'JUiltoa8T9-fe.cleahing their .?v . tracks. Kegular tr.' vel , will bere- bf4'Wed;.this-iafteTno4n 1 'jpaiinittefr of ;the Louisiana delega re, Wn-visited m Rn Tirnminont vn hk.. ChantsAyefiterday;withahe purpose Jfsotrietaction in behalf i t"'5 yisiana complication. . T-'f Saow Slide' at Cottonwooit. !-VALr LXKE ciTY, Pec. 29. Twelve ; . persons are .missing 7 from the Cot- H tonwood AvalancheTbe slide came ;H Vle jpjowntairi,: a mile distant, cnh fearful speMi4uMen, mules, wagons and sacks of ore were carried lL'??way;like wisps: painere.Snow - in ; the " mountains tcontinues. The .if trains iire nine hourk behind time. t3 H S V W V r n ii a.u d i rj;E -dn Illustrated--M&ntJilv Journal uttnwea to oe iK? Handsomest -Period cal in the World. A Representative ': .dChaonpiofAniericanJuste.' " ' Ml FOSALE IN BOOK STORES, - . i.y " . ? .w.i.viuv.j p: 1 A"V"r? lfv 1UA.caL specimens I m oiacK ana white,, Al vjiuajfji . eacn snncefiriiniirnnnihm. otxwj , Z Y:' -f tresji "pleasure to its friemls. t.lip tai and leauty,-of THE ALDINf will be most appreciated after it has been bound up at the close of the year; f . , -. T - While other publications may claim supe rior cheapness, as compared with rivals of a -similar class, THE ALDINE is a unique and original .coiiceptionalonfTand -nnar. f P-absolutely' without competition -alone and - unapproactied-absoluteiv 1 n,fhi,t nnmUC- I. . . i "".wiiticiiiiuii. price or cnaracwr. The possessor of a complete -?olumea?: increase rcaqy xjonncenec thu xfemonstratel.-1jftvA I exerted themselves to tiler utmost to devel- f.tft v!l . iters, fast.ici rest ; success, aftd, greatest general interest ; as have become familiar, li",1 . Prai"s or-copies of any r t issues for Jauuary, April, July and Octo- ber,:woUld be aloiie wortli ; the hriert nf a .4 - trated U; 1 T -"V" "v w" . tinued. -To possess such a valuable epitome, of the art world,-at' a cost so trifling,' will toiujuana ine suoscriDtions of thnn!inis of .the country- but, 2?. .the usefulness and attraction-' of TilJS ALDINE. can :he -enhanced. u Ptoportfan to the numerical increase of us supporters the publishers propose ttfi lowma: unDaralleled nffpr of , -- PREMIUM CHR0M0S FOR 1873. Every subscriber to THE ALDIN1 who pays in advance for the. rear 1873. will re ceive, without additional charge, a pair of I eumicni ngnsn -painter; Vllie "pictures, entitled 4Thft Vi1!qM TtoHa arX r i- tound .correspondingly ahead - of any that u ouerea oy otner periodicals. ' Every subscriber. wiU receive; a Certificate over 1 ui xne puDiisners, yuatantee- c4Miai.H tue samples lurnished the agent. or iiie money will be refunded. The dis- ueapi-ess or tne price ior the at.Titmi " "c iuiUTCi ucue snore 01 a mir acle, even to ' those best the achieyements z of., inventive , genius and improved .meclianical appliances. (For illustrations of thesw. oh THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT will continue under the care of Mr. RICH-! AKJJ nryrKx 5 lVULJAliD. assisted hv . n , . . ' the best writers andjwets of the, dayr who J will strive to have' tne literature of .THE A T fTTT1 1 r f "I , -I . AiviiMii aiways 141 seeping wicn its artis tic attractions. - j - . TERMS. - : $5 per annum, in advance, with Oil -.; ' - - . j Chromos free. , " THE, ALDINE will, hereafter, be ob tainable only by subscription There will be no reduced or club rates ; cash for sub scriptions must be sent to the publishers direct, or handed to the local agent, with out responsibility to the publishers, except in cases where the certificate is given, bearing iha facsimile signature of James ScttOn & Co. " , . v - - - .: AGENTS WANTED. ' Any Person.. wishinC to act as a local - agent, will receive tui; . and prompt information bv applying to - " JAM123 SUTTON fc CO., ..' . If . ' mL' J " Publishers,"- "J ( it-" a n ,a pure. heht. and frrarofh? min - . . . - - - - in the , aec Q 1 .. ts juaiuen Lane, jncw 1 ork; CHARLOTTE, K., CJ, WEDNESDAY, JANUABT SinoiITOII i HOUSE. :0:- A Hotel iApedJUr?ln7l 1Wtteindthu6 Public generally V visit StatesrSle. He ybarlotte and the nnhl,v ci on him when thPv mZF Will -"."t "cuciwier pains nor moner to IIUTIL, and worthy of public patronage. nov 25-tf Proprietor. , ' esmptiona prepared at ajl hours .V of the Dayan4 -night. fresii spices; rM lot of select- Spices for 1,7 :Crves at F. SCARE'S June 29 r- Drugstore. Pure Salad Oil. . Finest article in f nri-if . at ;r ' ; F. SCARES june29 . , . Dru-Btore. .1st : snyniTH: Market, .fe Special attention given to iBuvInir I and SelW Wheat, Corn, Flour, and alii ,"uu') wuuujr prouuce? - apr 6 -r-;r ;r por SALE.,-. . ; T W. WADSWORTH - lias at his Livery ndSalea SUhle, opposite, th& Citv Clock HORSES and MULES- for sale and kept constanly 011 hand, nov su T arge lot, of Country Lard and Bacon, SODA, Lemon, "and -Water Crackers and Ginger Cakes. . Wholesale and retail. . sept 19 , r ; A- R, N. dfe BRO,. , Fresh Arrivalsii V Magnum, Bonum' Apples, at " --y' B,'N;SMITH,S." oet 16 -, - - - - , " f :; 7 FINE, S4J.T.;- 1 A A Sacks Factory filled SALT on hand j lvv and lor sale by --.-- STENHOUSE, MACAULAy & CO. nov 27 " - . " - nENUINE Brown Winsor 8on AJT gatea Glycerine and Honey SoapT It - r ; BUJ,WELL & CO. nov24 " ' . " v 1 '. - -- ". ... WE-i have opened to-day ; some - Fine IT Brandy , and Whiskey, 1 for. Medical purposes. - BURWEL"&COr :nov 21 . - -T' L. VVon Mey eyhofiY . . C. PROPOSES to form, instruct, and con duct, in Charlotte, N.- O., a Musical Society and to .give musical festivals. Tlie inconle from; which, is to be applied to the purchasing of Maps, Globes and ocientinc Apparatus ior tne A;nanoipe in? stitute, Also, to furnish-for the Institute Orchestral Instruments- and Music,; such as are found in -Seminaries of the largest Cities Soutli and North. : Tliese Instru ments, &c., will be placed in the- hands of r.M I rnorono fri .tha1 nae rr . or,-! trt nnn tiniiA ti ho tha -nmn r ..rrtiai-Wfo aim . viic UjV UU' BliU w. N, C.) Institute for Young Ladies. Aciiua ui aumission, - qomu Instructions per months " , " 2.00 Ladies -and frentlemen desirine to become memhjers of; the Society will please leaf e their names at the book store of Messrs. 4iddy & Bror --.-; dec 7-6m . ,;,-- . t " ' ' " " ' r"V 1 ' . 1 - in . 11 I. I I I.WI.I I MM I .ON AIARREAGE , Happy. ReHef fot.Youiiar Men from the effects of 'Erfor? and Abuses in early life. Manhood restored Nerveus debility cured. : Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of, treatment. New ' and. re- ... ii. 11 ..: -, ..-v :. 1 It -i iuaiLh.upio remeuies. uooks ana circulars sent ? freef''''inealed-..'envelopes.'; Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2, South qhariIotte; nl :c. l'il'- " Ninth.' streeiyThiladelphia, Pa.-,-.dec813t : ' " " ' -- : l.r 1873 , liewfUnt &eMents,: AGENTS . Something New; 6 swlabrearticlcs.sellat sight, - Catalogues and oue sample free. WANTED uompany,, 21 Court """i? f V1 V vr: DON'T 5?l?f?fved'bli r "colds; sore uiroat, hoarseness and hmTii?oi jtieeonly " ; U1 WELLS CAES OLIO TABLETS: , Worthless Imitations are on the market, but the only scientific preparation of Car boto Acid for Lung disease is when chem cally combined rifh i,. n w JJl remedies, as in these tabljsts, And all par - ties are caution flMinf -i.fT" r Be warned.never iww cured in its', inc nJn? 'Zii' ntr0Sl: "" difficult, a -- ---i . u w. - At - Ufa :i iiiitr? pl rtc Atiuiera as a specific " Jrrice 25c. ncr T5n-e- r . - Piatt St.. .-v . m. IX " " estates. Send forSTrnfin. - 'HAND STAIUP, P.'.11 itni !.:. larsfree: AffentPWan" W.H.H. PavisACo.1 nov 2G-4w , l frs. 79 Nassau, N. Y. BUILDERS I K'p . ! BitiM i -. r TVJ. i-iuuqpn noryb-4w ' 27 Warren St. N. Y." XKA 7rt ,AGENTS PROFITS Ol). 4 U WEEK will timvp U. m nlpJ frtta f " nil : "--vy A0 Address W H.- CHIDESTLR, 'j 2G7 Broadway, N.Y nor 2G-4w 1 X Ministers I T ADIES and GENTLEMEN, Agents iJ wanted to sell Protean Button Hole xTUtlf,r ?cls., jsutton ilole Worker, 50cts.: Needle Threading Tl.unKlo 0." sniall Ned 1 " $15,erday sure; triple free to any one at above prices. - . THORNTON & CO., nor2G-4w 599 Broadway, N. Y. mo THE WORKING CLASS male or -1 1 , w " wyt guaranteed-. Ke spectable emplonuent at home, dav or cvw.mgj no capital required! full instruc- "V"a tt,, vatuaoie package of goods to start uiti.BCiu iree oy, man. Address, with 6 ii jvurn stamp - YOUNG & caL ' xu " . A PT?ATTC1 I AU"Jltl 1 0 I R nov20-4w 16 CQurtland St., N; Y. IRE CHANCE. - We will rav all Arwits f;in"T.'v.ri. . i " ,itivu. ua at oiicE. Everything furnxshed land expenses-paid. - irrr s kj ,Wiu eiitrajre WltU - us at nwrt Ak COULTER & CO" nov 2G-4w t Cliariotte, Mich. it P YSCHOMANCY or Soul Charm- - Iflff . How either ser mnv f,.; i and gain the- love and affections of an v ncr son they choose instantly. This simple awuurmcm ait can possess, free, by man, for 25c. toet!ifr wU.ii guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, . WedtUnc-Niaht 'Shirt. a queer book. Address " " i ' T WILLIAMS CO, ' ' , ,nov 2G-4w . . , . lubs.-Phila? iJlEA-BECTAR A DlfDC rufitroc Tn ,'7-4 THIS BEST TEA IStPOBTED. HWajicci o uii aff tasted I Pi Put up in our Trade Mark Half-Pound and Poiind P.orVafrp nnli) W n .1 T l'T . i.' T. vuijr w aim uu tuuiiu Dtilts, For Sale at Wholesale only by " - i Great Atlantic & Pacifc Tea Co.; h . P: O, Box. 5500, New York City! " nov 2G-4w ' - A GREAT OFFER! HORACE WATERS, 481 Broadwav, N. Y., wilt dispose of lOO PIANOS, MELO- AMviAno, ujtibfAJMSt ' oj:six first-class makers, including Waters t at "very Urn prices for cash,l P or part cash, and balance in small monthly instalments New-1 '-octave first-clas PIANOS, modern cash. Now readv a CONCERTO PA nr.nj? . . It A 0RGANtthe most beatoiful Myle and perfect tendency to inflamn)AtionS;.--.r.:-.c-.,, f as low? as, any Ann in Cliariotte, ; for -tone ever made. Illustrated Cutnlnmu -n. - .It is not a nhvsu wlnVh mnrm'i j I cash or to punctual customer , ed. Sheet Mwc ant Music Machandist.' nov2b4w : : -1 3 Agents Wanted Everywhere : to sell the best low-priced ConvShellerever Eatented. Let farmers and everybody who as corn to shell send for circular "to -'FAMILY CORN-SHELLER QQ.f , -; nov 26-4w - Harrisburg, Pa. ' EH 'Genuine Improved Com- 7 K -.-a. O T . !1 n .!. "-aaT a Z5 niunouuseramiiy oewmg jviacnine. I This machine will stich. hem. fell. MS. . Fulb- loosed nd M - for five ycara. WewiUraTM.OOOfor EH ; by than ours. It makes . the . Elastic 5 Lock Stitch." Every second stitch -A -1 .iMl 'lL ' . r -m. couup tm, zuiu ami tut; uuiu cannot HH be pulleo; apart without tearing it. Hj We pay agenrs from $15 to $250 per "5 from which twice that amonnt can be made "Address Boston;" MasS.,"' Pittsburg! . lu or est. ixtms, B875 'IV 250 VRWR OTS W Everywhere, male and Female, to in-1 iesmtsl " ' : -i - f-'sentlO A. R. NisuuT x nrr'a- '.'1 - mamvJi'r: ' i WPorerty of the Blood, Droiical 1, i Prf KH- - ' "toOV 28-4W - Cheap Farms I Free Homes!! VsVn flialm. TTI' - ' rr ' 1 i-c,JtM),ooJi acres if thn A3000,000 Acres in Nebraska, : in the JrJatte alley, 'now for sale . MILBjCLlMATE, FEBTTtK .' SOIL, , for Crain growing and Stock? Baising tm- u.uucu ujr mijr m me unitea states.?'-"'-'" ; Cheaper in Price, mom ; fAvhmKia ftiven. anl mnm mm-onior, : than can be found else where, i - . - ? - Tho Kcrf i . . V ft T - -v oena lor tlie'new JAnHv tttxi with new mans. rmhlishoA t in Vtt;o1, i German, Swedish and Danish' mailed free x-ana uom r u;r, E. Co.. Omaha. Neh j nnv 'Jf.. .i . jrv;; - V .. , . f i . . . r .. : J 1 A&ents l. wanted to' canvass ' W-the great . . ..;-r. -, ' mmWnAfinn hYi tbebest and cheapest paper miblrehod. LEWIS and a corps of most a twn. . -a - - . . - j. . : . AUTHoijs write excJusi vel v for? i t. w m VA I JUST SO HIGH; w every euoscribcr. . Agents take, fyom inemy-uve ro - tnirtv nnmiw: ).. ., v land Kpnnrpfm'f-mr fx c.,, a ii. :''! at "Trr" MACLEAN, ST0DDART& CQ.. ti,-i j i . Publishers - Philadelphia, Pa., or Cincinnati, Ohio. -nov 26-4w -'- "' - - lTUTY w TExiS! THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA'COM'Y na,ve Dusmess connections . with all ' the principal ports of China and JahaB. and 1 . "H " ' f- -jt. ,,4 io uj. .juji.ia awi jj mport their Teas direct from i i . . . . - rowtir. thi nui "" r,: place of .7 0 4t is now about 12 years since the CAimpany was organized-4-and I it has been a splendid sunups fwi-i fK i a f. . - 1 ..iv ixiaiy. The Best &Tnrest' Goods, aim uiscnoutert them to our custom in all parts of the United States, for one small 8!!, nf-nly between 3e Tea-grower and the Tea-consumer, . Weoriginatedthe sys tem of supplying consumers in distant parts of the country with-Teas, at New auja. uinro mws. v nn tho!' i"n.,k - - w . f r.viuu rIan. iw e, we,-raoptert. this rln ttp liava people (if tliis coimtry millioxs U nviiriAll. -Vf . IT. . ' a. . . ' a?,BI annually, in tha cost article ZrTL Send for Club Circular, which' contain? lull directions, premiums, fcc. 1 '- Great "American ;tea? Co, 31 fe 33 VESEY STREET, . P. O. Box 5G13: v 7 r ;.yrk at -no'v2(Mw t-" . : , - t IHP0ETAHX to 0 WMEES CHLORALDfil; THE OT ' j,. r-f ODORLESS; NON-POISONOUS Deodorizer and Disinfectant. J:ia Deen used with erpsit Canada Detroit 'BiShSSvand otlier places in the prevailing " TT . ' "1 ; 1 Cepidehic;;.. l For Sprinkling- the Floors of Stables washing the Mangers, and decomposing the poisonous ;exha:aMons from the man ure and, urine when sprinkled with it. ; .1 or decomposing and dtwvinn- oil odors and Sases, as well- as germs of dis ease and septic particles in the air thrown off by the sick animal, - - 1 - . -For purifying the - Air f tho- Animal breathes by hanging cloths wet with it near his head, so that he will not breathe " w " vver aSa, toul airt j . - TO SrVlrKro nrl $!tm'ni 1. 1 1kil-i .. -. Mouth, check the acrid poisonous dis- vuajcs, ueai aii uicers and sores. . - It prevents the spreadof the disease by completely cleaning the 'mouthahdpuri fyiug the breath . . :. t .. - S , worses hke it while thev turn away from tne smell of Carbolic Acid which is poison-' ous and irritating to inflamed mucous surf j 14JLK CO. - : X PUT UP IN BQTTLI5S. Prepared by ; , . TILDEN & CO., 1 - 17G Williara t I '. Sold by All Druggists.' - nov23r-4w- - ( t - - Take it to allav8 irrifcitinn capI sufferer for the first few I doses, - but, wMch, from continued 'use 111111 brings Piles and kindred diseases to aid in J wu?lesaie trade,) and feel warranted in weakenine the invalirt-Ttrrr i t -rWfawi I'sayine that thev can sell ro na th mir - : vjjikji, unaer.ine popular name of i is so extensivAlv nnimM fl-. I f the public as sovereign remedies, but it is a 1 an, iwoL powenui Aonic : ana alterative, pro-1 nounced SO bv the.IendiTKrnnol fir I ; 4:ies 01 jinaon and Paris, and has been ""5 useu oy.tne . ' n uii u iX0.LlU.Ul Ul UUl liLULLi I -11 JTH-.H. . 7 - .rWtU SSSfS."K " , . : .vnmVrSS, "L. " ? 'V;N deleterious secretions,3 producing scro- VT ' . ur Mn aiseases, Blotches, Felons, Pustnles, Canker, Pimples, &c., &c. ;: Take JURUBEBA iopImmp nrifv estore the vitiated blood to health yaction I ?uu "A DYSPEPTIC STOM. Ali 7 Unless -digestion is promptly aid- ea. ne system is debilitated; with loss of TI WnWa Vriitn r T lX. " ' " . . : 11 11 ru v n 1 1 1 4ii in . 1 11 I'll I uii'j i . 11 "fT tV,". ": .1 leiKiency, iener.ii Weakness or Lassitnd i t i-n'y7r w auu ron oncct- ; v-. five daj-s;.;.w 3 00 - , one week....4. 3 j0 two Weeks..;:j..;... 5 00 three weeks. 6 0 j.Cont--Ad vprtisenaeiits taken at v . five Square? estimated'at a iTmrter-col-" uJon. ami ten winawx' no n t - r x. 1 utun u lj k r 1 1 1 E rJ1 ? ? are in danar of Chron J :?r1HI??uuiwoiw inflammation of ; HA VP. VnYT tri? rvtwo v X -"-1 1 ojt must prooare instant relief or you ar: hablfr to suffering worse than death. 7 lue it to strengthen organie weaknes -or life becomes a bnrden. , - - "f" , . I keen tTi avtcim ;n v.nn t A. - . ra x mauy u snouw be trcqnentlT taken to ar? otherwise m great danger of malarial- ' I '"HN Q. KELLOGG. 18 Piatt R W T- ' - ": .ft A IILC A IKfF 111 11110 vSend fo Circular. nov25 4w CHARLOTTE FAIR J.T BUTLER'S !! GOODS.- Watches, Clocks, JcwcI-? : ry,- Diamond; Silver ; "ani Platerl Ware, .; . Spectacles' Sc. . . - HUSIOBOXEl AND MANY (TOO NUMEROUS TQ M3335fTI03Sr: AT J. BUTLER'S -, - OPPOSITE THE MANSibHOUSE. - October 22-1 -. . 11 : 4 dooh for the ginxiorxt " , Wl WUaUl m7wrlaadreT,taUoBW HU.I di-r.rU. I. Pro4efi?T2,Sf5i? aariaftsrtsi-s 4 eV.iBTth.;77,,,0?,s It onuio. th zperieoe and adriee fTohT.W.a, Ur im. that, li W5nh ki iii'.tt.VE ot pobli.hed in any attar work. " "i T?""v 5 aJ!7 J? (fre of poue) for Fifty Cu. " K r-fiST, Mr;.B"tt' lai. itrtat ' V wi v IIIiUK uu LOB nhlAM r thai auak . lTotlcrto (is AlSicted aad TTiriWcsatflL I.hTT;.SPJ, ".J" oUrton ! who adrartiM I ? - . vr. jtatu oeeapiea a doabto aaaaa mt - -"-- - .' Pnfor. of and X a4n JiT VtJA.M;?ffi0 ?" i"L Jf. lxBttJt - " -1 lH . ?;ncr 2-d fc w ly v A.'EvNi$bet& Brother- HAVING completed Un improve)nent in ' their Commodious Store Room "on Jrad Street, onesdoor west of Smith A ' Hammond's Drug Store, Cliariotte, N. CL are now receiving a well selected stock of Groceries, Musical Instrument, Toys, Ci gars, 45., which has been bought by one of tiie firm, at a time when the market was most favorable: s Tliev therefore fied that thev can sell all crwvia ir ,; V1? invite Merchants to give them a1- raMas they had .a special eye to their Jut fe ui-meir purcnases lnev return their thant tn thw rA- be generous public fr past favors, and wuujiuance 01 ine.same. . v v.'.;; ; : v.- a I? Nrsuurr urn . . fnTfAd Qr., t: ui A' a ... Tt? Plc y?tc". Jellies, . . V & BEO. S5?fL attent-on of families are called. Al ViT ? nassed HanS r?n iJftra Leaf and Pure Leaf Lard in" Welsh Tubs. Wholesale and7etailby, ' ' sept 20 - , A. R. N. & BRO.' ' On CigTiiaeatf. - ?' . ' ''-a 1 ' w . J .. : ' - t ECCLES & GAITHER.

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