X V. - i x 1 s. ' 1 4i -yii .... 'Hyc-Vj. V. Y"r: K,Y;v; -:Y7Y-;- . Travel e rs C u I d o North Carolina Railroad. - i i, - y - - - - t . abch 80, 1872. On and after Sunday 3i tant, the - Passenger Trains over this V d will leave and arrive at Charlotte, as lows I ' Leave, going east, at : - i 7:30 p. ,m. -Arrive, coming west, at . : s 7.20 a. ra." Leave, going east, at - : : "5.25 a. m. Arrive, coming west, at v v;-.7.05 p. m. rWilmington C. & H. Bailrbad.; Leaves, - " : , - v : ' 8.00 a. m Arrives, -s 5.30 p. m ", - :" Atlantic, Tennessee & OMo B. R, v I SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, J , ' ChA-BCOTte, N. C. July 32nd, 1872: J . . QN and after Thursday,, the 25th", the fol i lowing Schedule will be run over this , Road daily." Sunday excepted.) ; - " - Leave Btatesville, - : - 7.00 A. M- " - Arrive at Charlotte, ' ' 10.35 44 " Leave Charlotte,- ' - 3.35 P,rM. ' . -: -Arrive a Statesville, , .V ' ' 7.00 - " ' A - - All charges must be pre-paid on Freight - oflfeied.for shipment to. .Section House, Henderson, Alexandrianaf Hunter's, Cald- r welt's, Tatom's and Freelands. These being . v 4Flag Stations," the Company is not liable -' ' fof any loss or damage to freight after it is " 1 unloaded," at eHher or the above points. - No freight will be received by Agents, or I . . . forwarded unless the name of Consignee, 1 arid destination is distinctly marked there- v . " : on.' - ' -T J: J. GORMLEY, July 123 V Superintendent. Charlotte, Columbia & Angnsta J -;-. Eailroad. -, - , it - j , t ' Columbia S. C.,. Sept.'22, 1872. ' GEN. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE. On and after MONDAY SEPT 22, the following Schedule will be ran over this Road i n TIME TABLE. GOING SOUTH. .. "v ; li Train No. 1. Train No. 2. Leave Charlotte, 7.15 a. m. 8.20 p. m. Leave Columbia, ' 2.29 p. m. 3.30 a. m. Arrive Augusta, 7.42 p. m. - 8.20 a. m. ! " f GOUTG ITOBTP. ' Leave Augusta, 6,35 a. in, , 5,50 p. m. Leave Columbia, 11.53 a. m. v, 11.05 p. m. Arrive Charlotte, 6,15 p. m. .. .00 a. m. 1 Standard Time ten- minuts slower than Washington City time, and six minutes faster-than Columbia City time. ( No. V Train daily. No. 2 Train daily, Sundays excepted. Both -trains make close connection iojall points .North, South and West. , - rThrongh tickets sold and baggage check ed to all principal points, r !j JAMES ANDERSON, . Gen. Supt. E. R. Doesey; Gen. Fr'ght & Ticket Agt. 4 June 11 i -m ' -- .1 .jj. .. Time Table Western UT. C B. R. j Takes effect Monday, May 22, 1871. i; (iOIMGr ,WSS. 1 Arrive. - Leave. , . . Salisbury, , ' 5.00 A. Mi 5.52 A; I M. Third. Creek,' 5 57 6.45 -1 Statesville, . 6.50 '7.42 Catawba Station? 8.02 '11 8.50i Newton, - 8,55 " 10.20 f: Jcard, " 10.25 11.05! ' Morganton, 11.10 11.54. --I Bridsrewater. 11 59 - ' 12.43 p;! M ; Marion, 12.48 p. M. X.32 rt . Old Fort, - GOING EAST. Leave. . Old Fort. 7.15 a: m. 8.04 44 8.53 " 9.42 " 10.27 " 11.12 " Jfliljl! Marion, JOOT . M i'. VIm rant . 302 .- j" IcarJ, -- J. 11.07 - " . Hickory Tavern, 11.52 j r " Newton. 11.57 12.45 p. H,-.v Catawba Station, 12.50 p. jc . .ti. rT -.5 oiaiesviue,- 1.1.- . 2.35 Y' Third Creek, . 2.40" " 'J: ) S2 1k'v; Salisbury, -: Trains , Pass at Icard at 10.25 rk. M. 'J tf R1 ICHMOND & D ANVIKL13 RAIL- C O ND ENSED TIM ET ABLE X ? 1 In effect on and after Sunday, June 9th, -l872,-j-.v - ''V- ' " - tt"' i:'-"'y' . " ' VV .7 . " ' ' . : 1 1 ? "4 yY" . going north. j v STATIONS. , Maii.v IExpess. 1 1 1 i. 1 !;... J ' 1 ' Leave Charlotte, .40P,aif, 6.30 A. M. . .".Concord, 9.39 T' 7.28 " r ' Salisbury,- 10.47 ' - " 8.47 " ; Lexingtop, U.35 u 9.31 " " High Point, 12.2LA. M. 10.J9 " Arrive Greensboro" 1.09 , , 11.00 i" Leave; Greensboro,: 1.50. 11.10 " T " Conip. $hbps, 3.30 " 12.21 P. M. " iHillsboro, 4.38 4 T r " t Raleigh, , k; 7.S0 , " : -v - v ,f Arrlvd at Goidsboro, 10.10 " - -H , a....'1.'- . . . 1 1 1 1 ' , j GOING SOUTH. STATIONS 1 Mai Express.- Leave fGoldsboroV 4.00 P, M. ':, , hv.-.-. HRalelgbij. 7.15 fiiHinsboroV 9.31t'!?.. Y;- .tYComp;' Shops, 11.10 . " 2.15 P. M. Arrive Greensboro, 12.24 A. M. 3.30 V " Leave' I Greensboro, 1.10 . " 4.00 - v ' i i; High Pointy 1.52 Y 'Y 4.40 ' i: !4, Lexington Y 2.44 " 5.25: Salisbury f. 3.32 ; ? 6.13 I V : JConcord, - , 4.36 " ! 7.15 - v " 1 ' Arrive at Charlotte, 5.35 ";? J 8.10 : " . f-Y i Passenger traiheaving. Raleigh at 7:15 v y Y Y- -r; Y Pi. m., connects at Greensboro' with No th- ' -: ' . c em bound - train ; making the quickest YY YK Ytlm to all Northern cities. , Price of tlck , .els same as via other routes. . YY3 Maili trains daily, both ways, over entire Y ., length of road Express daliy ' between -Company Shops' and Charlotte Sunday ' " ' excepted. x - .' ..! , - Y" YYlAll Passenger trains connect at Greens . ..r ! boro' with trains to and from Richmond. Y? .1 - : (Pullman palace Cars on all night trains '' ; between Charlotte , and Richmond; (with- iiCoatchangeJ- r ; Y YY IW. H. GREEN v Gen'l Ticket Agent. v'-'Ytf y Master Transportation, t - - Jy 25 , Cigars, Spotog ;& Chewing j.oDacco, K AAA A . CIGARS .of various and choice tlU.V VI brands. Chewine and Smokine Tobacco in quantity, and of various brands .retail by; SM- - A, R.N; & BRO, YlIAGIC, :Y..":i : , . .S.s' J OMETHING new and'wonderful in the Magic lm. Call and see it. at - v I dea 15, :.YsYfeY - - TIDDY'S. Tor $ale VW0 Acres of land adjoining the City of . - cnariotte. very nneiy situated in a Kt?Z 'Opposite Mansion House,"- CONSIGNMEJWf. .-. .'... . ... ' . ARGE lATVamsutfa, Rootf .ft trn PKipfis;t ' Rl pari iodT,nm tics. 10-4 Tbwell afiibsl'epperilLheetines. Irish Linens. rowiTDHilsToWelsrash ' MaEaillesQunti and Cotinterpancs Hois- '-MJ- XJ-U1J-C1 tlJlCid, VVtO kJJJJUUl jL?ireaa-rt; reduced prices, vv - ue sold entjre, or m lots to suit purchasers, at a very reasonable rate. ' Apply to -. t - , , - "f JOHN T. BUTLER, , , YYY-t YYY'JU nov ; " 1 ECCLES & GAITJIER, THE BANK OF lIECKLENBUEGi : , ' CHAELOTTE, N'C. ! ; - - Authorized Capitol $500,000. Jas. TuioteB" Tate, President. - -l Thos. W, Dewey, Cashier,- ? - - , F. H. DeweY, Asst. Cashier.1-" . . AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE; & DEWEY. mhis Bank . Chartered Under -Act of the JL. General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the, State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to i transact General' Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to flj its Cus tomers on Liberal Terms." The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and will Allow Interest According to"Agreement or all Deposits left on time, or issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of v . -v Eight per cent per Axtnum ' oil all sums lying undrawn over ! thirty days. - " ' - ' 'x. ' ' Gold and Silver Coin, .Bullion ana old. Bank Notes Bought and Sold. ' V TnUo. VV . AH' V Hi X , . jan. 1 1872. ' ' , . Cashier.- 1 J. Y. BBYCE,' r General Commission Merchant, - CHARLOTTE, N, (?.;, . Particular attention paid to ? selling all kinds of Produce, Cotton and Tobacco. Highest cash price paid lor Cotton. All orders from a distance promptly at tended to, - - J.y.BRYCE, dec 21 '72.. ' Y ' Y - , Oats- "r: EIFTEEN Hundred Bushels'" Mountain Seed Oats, for sale by ' . STENHOUSE, MACAULAY & CO.T 1 - Baling & Tics. 15,000 yards 46incch wid : etra heavy, Domestic Bagging, 7,000 Yards Dundee Bagging, 2,500 3'ards Gunny Baggings Also, a full supply of Cotton Ties of the "Arrow,", Dunn" and "Uooch" ratents, lor-saie oy. . STENHOUSE, MACAULAY. & CO. aug25tf 1 CARD, : y We have Resolved to diseontinue- time sales of family Groceries eaud provi sions on and after the 1st Septeznber. .With in ninety days )' thereafter . all notes and Book accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in an officci-'s hand for collection. STENHOUSE, MACAULAY &CO. aug 8 FOR SALE. Inn A ew our Sacks (a great conve UUU nience for millers and fanners) at? STENHOUSEr MACAULAY & CO'S. aug 9- 5 - ' GOLD PEU5r- A LMOST every variety and style of VER and GOLD HOLDERS; to suit every Kvii; of i vTinnvs dec 15 . atzelebrat6wMskeya.': HAVE a largejoif the'; above- whiskey on hand anCPshaving iade-!.aTange-ments to takeall whiskey mann&ctured by them, jpifi constantlrkp ibon hands; can oniwne naa at vv. s?nlA;&.a. jan A FULL Stock of Groeeries and ' Confed xx tionacies of all kinds 4n store- and be ing received every day, at ... r sept 20 A. It, N1S15ET & BRO'S. MALLUS' Cod Liver 6il, jiersiaii Heat jng Soap, Lubins Extracts,' Colgate.! S CashmerQ-Boquet Soap, received to-daf " , YOURWELL & CO,. - nov 15 " ' Y,Y17" -v J.SYP Hit LIPS WOULD" Inform; the public that he is T V now receiving liis FALL and WIN TER STOCK of GOODS for MEN'S WEAR, and invites all wishing &nythimginr his line xo t GIVE HIM A CAiXT: ' Q Of all kinds and at prices which ! defy com petition . " ' ' ; '. ' His Stock of GENTS'. FURNISHING GOODS is large and unsurpassed $ar beau ty ana quality. , -, - - , , HATS and CAPS of the latest-' style for HAVING secured the Services of a No. 1 cutter, I am prepared to eive satisfaction to all who favor me wilh their . patronage. 1 invite ,an inspection p my goods and prices. ..-. H. C. JONESv ' i " YE. JOHN'STON. : J0ITES & JOHNSTON', TT0RHEYS hT- hhVii , CHAELOTTEv N, C, Will practice in the Courts of the State and the Federal Courts.;, .; Ojfics on Main Street, oppttit Mansion Mouse. . sept via cim. -'--;-- . -- , Country Hams. . " TUST received a fine lot of Country Cured 9Ji Hams, almost .any size you may" want, small or large. . ' ,' Call soon or you will miss them. -' i ' - - . , J. F,' BUTT'S, ' " , oct 17 1 ' y. ' " s 1 Market. : TO THS -tftOi.ES.- SOME 2sTE"W STlTXiE JUST RECEIV E D EXPRESS THIS MORNING .AT. QUEKX'sI" r? ' 'Y .1 MA t I ll'CJft I us Y" MRS: ; nov ,30t ; Y ma:. BOOK ' JOB II TIM E. We are"prepared to do all kinds of Book and Job Printing, from the smallest Card to the largest Poster, plairt,or in coIorir printed on as reasonable terms as the same work can be done at any establishment in 4 the State, -4i 1 ITercliantSr Manufacturers Profes- sional Hen, and others in want .. of Pamphlets, Briefs, Le gal Blank forms of every kind, Busi ness Cards, Vis- - iting Cards, 'Admission Cards, Invitations, Ball s Tickets, Excursion Tickets, Railroad Tickets, Pro- -- - - Y; grammes, Posters, Handbills Dodgers, Circulars, Statements, &c,, ;Had:1)etter give us a call, as we have a full supply of all kinds y v ; ' . of Type," from 1-16 of an inch to 5 inches. :f , - Bemember that - ; Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Y , Bailroad Blanks, ."- , " , Labels, , . ' . Conductor's Checks, Y; . Zt or any description of Printing, done y ' .- - Y . i,f at reasonable rates, and in superior style. -' Orders from abroad will al- . ' y; ways receive prompt attention. - Magistrate Blanks, Marriage IJ censes, Liens, &c., kept for sale. . JE We pay special attention to COLORED PRiritiriG, -' ' , - -. . ' . ' "I"1 -f''l-""j Tobacco Labels, Bands, .Notices, Ac " jones & Mclaughlin. C&cY Y;y- iH' 1872iYfl MEACHAM'S -1 Y SIGN O F X H E If ATI02TAL BANK y CHAntoTTE, ni c; ; 1 .-y r:v TTnT.TAT.TC . TTRTATL DEALER IN BOOTS, SHOES. HATS j CAPS r "TT?mnrs T.TTiA TTTF.R and T NOW Invite the WHOLESALE and sortmenfe of BOOTS & SHOES, which have been selected with care. . " - MY Experience in business makes me confidept that my prices and the quality of my goods will compare favorably with those of &ny other house in; the City or else where. - .v.t. -x- ;t T" ; "Y ' .--Y . j . . J ' J- S.- B. MEACHAM. - J j ; -V 1 1'"' ""V- sk" )"",- " r-1 "f - P. S. I AM NOW PREPARED TO OFFER GOODS TO THE WHOLESALE TRADE on LIBERAL TERMS and LOW PRICES, , - - " ' " - - t August 21st, 1872 6m , ' . S, B. MEACHAM. , ; Lancaster Ledger copy fiix months. , SOUTHERir y .. Established in 1867. THE OLDEST HOUSE ' v- ' v Of T n E K I If 1 I N . S IE3 l l s Sewing. Machines aif THE LEASE PLA!. ' The Machine for Everybody is the SEWING MACHINE! The best Cheap Machine in the MARKET. . IF the number sold is a criterion of mer it, then it is the ; .' ' BEST MACHINE - In North Carolina, regardless of price, as there has been more HOME SHUTTLE MACHINES Sold in North-. Carolina during1 the last 12 months, than all other Sewjng Machines combined-, . . Yon irt hnr a TTOAfK RTTTTTTT.'R MA CHINE, for about one-half the money that you will have to pay for a first das Machine so uaiiea. - u.u. maa.WEU. July 17th, 1872. . J U ST RECEIVED AIY . McMurray, Dayis & Co's, , , ' " " an EXCEL LENTLOT HAND -MADE BOOTS AND SHC H5 -FOR-x GEIITS&BOTSUEAB. -:o:- A BEAUTIFUL VARIETY ; ' ' :of'- . LAC1ES' & MISSES 1 SHOES. McMurray, Dayis & Co, novl5-tf - ". . " " .' ;F B E SS .0 1 S T E E S Y TITE would like to supply t jatjzens in -If- any quantity. from a pfnT to any lar ger quantity, and will sed them to - your houses . and 'save you the .: trouble. of senamg lor tnem, so that you can nave them for breakfast, "dinner or supper. I wilt send them to you every day or as often inJ the week as you may select, by leaving your orders at 3. F, BUTTS, voct30-con tf Market,-. 1 V 1873. SHOE STOBBi B R A S C O O.T;,' 1 . BUILDING, 1; - 1 SHOE FINDINGS, j"" '-T ' " ' " RETAIL Trade to my larg and varied as T.. HAVE IN - ST0&E a nice lot of Bacon, X Hams,: Shoulders and- Sides; Picfcled Pork and Beef, Lard f full leaf; Mackerel an$ Herring,- Meal, Flour, (new crop,) To bacco, Snuff, and almost everything want ed by farmers and -fapiilies. v-J insistr that persons wishing to buy would call and ex amine; N Or Molasses,' Cuba Molasses, Salt,..; Castings, some extra ; Delph -"VVare. Also, Grass, apd Split Bottom Chairs, com mon to extra.; luease call, opposite the Tdvrn Clock' . . 'Y ' ' june 8 . . ' ' M. W. ALEXANDER. CHOICE CHEESE, TOOK the highest preiniuni at the Fair of the Carolinas, at, Charlotte, N. C, October, 25th. 1872, made by P. J, JCimber ly. Buncolube, county, "N. C, for sale bv . A. R. NISBET & BRO. nov 5' -' i - ' "DOLOGNA SAUSAGE, u just ; roceived , Parties wishing the Bologna or fresh Sausage in quantities to sell again, can get it from us by giving us a short notice, as we have been-made- the sole agent for its sale in the Western part of this State. -x oct 18 JOHN F. BUTT, ' l: 2!!ew Idea Salooni , OPPOSITE the First National Bknkv2nd door belof the Mansion. House is now open for the public. No pains will be spared to- give general satisfaction, Give me a call. JOHN A. BIXBY . sept 11 tf t Wood! Wbod'H- FT1HERE are laree Quantities-' of Wood X along the line of the 'Wilmington," Charlotte & Rutlierford Railnad, which can be bought for one $!) dollar1 to one dollar ana a quarter '($L25) per cord. freight $6 per car load from all jnjints east of JUncolnton. ' - s -. V Q, JOHNSON, , dec 12-lnr As't Superintemlent BURTON'S TETTER OINTMENT, eures .11 cutaneous diseases, prepared lv BURW ELL A CO : nov 15 . Spri ngs' Corner. CARBOLIC Troche, Sciedam Schnapps. ' BURWELL&CO. nov 15 . 1 Country Cared Bacon, r ' JUST Received a. fine lot of County,Cured Midlings- " The very thing you have enquired for so much. Call now and get what vou want. Y r OYSTERS EVERY DAY. Don't forget that we send them to you. - u -BOLOGNA SAUSAGE. - Recollect we send them to vou. ' ' FRES.H PORK SAUSAGE We will send them to you. - ' ' - J. Fi BUTT. - - nov 23 ! Markoto- 1873, FASUIONS. JL O V J -A- ISTCJ .A. IT , -13 AT- o dec 10 the uiur.o(i- La. y If formed a Co-partnership to go., into effect on January 1st, 1873, propose to car ry on the -Hardware ' business; under: the name and style of ' i ,v"r WAITER BREai & Co; A txmtinuance of the Liberal? Patronage herofore ; extiended to Walter Brem, is respectfully solicited and wilL be thankful ly received by us. - , . WALTER BREM, Y " - " JOHN VANLANDJNGHAM. ntv30-tf - f ARGE LOT SHOULDER SCARFS.NII ji ur Tiias ana uows an uoiors at greatly reduced prices, just received at, V " nov30i, - . . RS. QUERY'S. EW Lot WATERPROOF CLOTH just received fine quality at low prices, -at : ,nov30t f - MRS. QUERY'S. r: A LL Sizes and Colors of the best brands Kid Gloves, at ;nov30t , Y Y MRS. QUERY'S. "VTEW LOT CORSETS; HOOPSKIRTS & 11 Bustles, just received at -- - . nov30J , Y , MRS. QUERY'S, ITew Orleans Sugar and IIolas3es. 5 Hogsheads Bright New Orleans "Sugar. 10 Barrels Choice f : Mofis ' Also 2 Hogsheads Demerara Sugar, " ' - 2 , . - " Molasses, in store and for sale at prices to suit the times byf STENHOUSE. MACAULAY & CO ,decl? . . . 't i P0KTEAIT PAIITTIKG ! ! -A Bare . Cliance for Charlotte ! ! ! FOR three months I will Paint Portraits for $25Kssch as are generally char ged $200. Persops wishing Portraits : of their departed friends can obtain; them if they be pleased to show you specimens of my work at my Studio above Brem. Brown & Go's Hardware Store. - A; L. BUTT. - v. w 1 111 l n sr. , .dec ll-3ra - - - Charlotte, N. C. " mcnnoiiD & DAiiyiLL-i;. e.;. CONDENSED T13IJ3-TADJJE. m J- r f In effect on and after Sun y, Qcter lShf N T Stations. Mall. ' .. ' Express, " - V - Express,; - Lieave Greensboro' 2.00 a. m. 11.10 a.ni - -" V"- " Danville A 4.40 " - 1.52 xt. " ; Burkville .,9.44 J. G.C, - :-: Ar ve at Richniond 12.4p. rn.'v u - 3 ' : GOING SOtJTH.' 9 . 'fjj ' Stations,- Y; :Mafl Expijjss. r ; , . ; jJeave Richmond " 1.50 p'm. 5.10 a.m. - 5 v . " Burkville ' - 5.12 r " 8 . 1 I,,, ; - " Danville 10.00. 125Tn tyi- - , . f Ar've at Gr'nsboroa. m. . 30 . " Trains leaving Richmond at 1.50 p. jn' . and at 5.10 am., connect af GreensrroOi ' with trains on NprtCarolina Diflsiori, fo?' -i all points South. ' ' .'; - ' Y Passengers leaving Richmond at 10 '1 1 m., connect at Greensbordwith train' for - i 1 all points East of Greensbcro'. r-. " . ; Passenger train . leaving Raleign at' .45' 1 ; p.m.,. connect at weensooro with North-' . ern bound Mail train, arriving in Jtich- mond at 12.45 p. m. Y r. ; . - JNO. B. MACMUBD0, -V Y' - - v ; , Gen. FreielrtTtt'Ticket AwA? ' 1 T. M. R. TALOOTT ' . ,; Engineer & Gen'l Superintendent.7 T JUillNOTON, CHA "LOTTE AND ' ' f. . BUTSRPORD R. S. O. f Ojtick CniKrENG. AiiDGEN,3a.STrp'T; - , Wii.miitgtoit,'N. C.,Une2S, 1872. ''v--5 - t Y ---- - ' CHANGE- OF SCHEDULE. - C ' "Until further notiee the regular trains ' " will run over this road as lollows : . - ; , REGULAR FREIGHT, TRAINS. C; r. Leave Wilmi ngton, daily; at 6 . nxi" and 0'") arrive at 5:30 p.m. , ' -1 J PASSENGER AND EXPRESS ,FRGHT iV "I v "P.",,: TARINS v'-YY Y Leare Wilmington daily, at 7 a. m anck arrjve at 3:30 p',m. ; Leave Ltlesville, dally, at 6:15 a.T:m.; antf 5 -arrive at 4:15 p. nr. . .- , K - - Two Special Freight Trains" for Ton I Lumber run irregularly. - . . . No traiiion Sundays - Y - " . ' , ' S. L. FREMONT. TTrTLTVTTNftTnTff A-i TtrTSTTirtTO" bitt ; ; Office of General Superintend er V Wilmington, FC, Jane CJTANGE OF SCHEDULE On and after Mondav. June lflth J..v- ger Trains -on the W. & RailroadTwilfY ' j ' run as follows; . . , f lt- '.T .;- v - MAIL" TRAIN. " Leave Union Depot, dally fSiradaya ex-T" ; ; ceptedlat 4. - 7 - --&15A.MYV." - Arrive at Goldsboro'at J2JH .P. M ' - at Rocky Mount at YfcilY " at Wcldon at - ' - 3-50 Leave Weldon daily Sundays ' , : -excepted at . . 9:15 A. M v-'. Arrl v e at Rocky Motmt at " ' ' 1107 Y J - -" v-Goldsboro'at , " P 1:16 P. Mi" . V4i? " EXPRESS TRATN. -v Leave Union Depot, daily, at 10: W Pt m; . v 1 at Rocky Mount at 4:56 -'" - ' at Weldp-n at &50 J v r Leave Weldon, daily,' at . 7:10 P-. M , " . Arrive at Rocky xoont it 8: " M? J . ' at Goldsboro at ' 10 58 rM Union- PPOt at &10 A. M Mail Train makes close connection at- i Weldon for all points North via Bay Line 4 - express-Train connects only wlth f ; Acqijl Creek route. Pullman's Palace- J . T Sleeping Cars, on this Train, -eau J. -reucnc'.Train. will Ibava wiiiinirfmj r tri- weekly at (J.-00 a. m. and arrive at !:! Yl; ? --xprwi rreieni -.iTains wilUeaver daily Sundays excepted at 5 'p. nr.' and ' : i' arrive at 11 a. m - JOHN F DIVINE, ' . 425 . :'vGn'lup'tY " TALEICfH AND GASTON R. B-'-' - Superintendent's OfficeY . Ralejgh, N..C, June 15th, On and, after Monday, June ' 17th, 1572 trains on the . Raleigh & Gaston ' Railioaa r will run daily Sundays excepted as , fol lowt - " - -- ;. , MAIL TltAIN 'K'i' .Y . Leave Raleigh at -1000 A. Jf. Arrive at Weldon- - - - -3:50 P. M Leave Weldon at -s - s- .9:15 A. M. Arrives t Raleigh - '8:05 P.M. ACCOMilODATION TRAINS, - , Leavea RaleigJikt ; - - v- 8.00' P. mJ ' ' Arrives at Weldon, - 6:20 A. M-i. Leaves Weldon -r , , , - 9.15 m. Arrives atrRaligh,' - '-ftOO'A.M. " . ej"yovjnaKeg close con necttonr . -atJ itrTYe Seaboard and RoaY r II, I RJ ari . . . j. llOcxic - - r i ..Iruiid. ; - - i Accommodation 1 iiortli Carolina!!. IV. rt eiine of the road 1 iae morning: by. the. ici.iain several -! -a - 1 -rn t AJLEIGH & AUGUbiTA4 AIIU Xi LINE BAILBOAIX . ...ir ' W '1 - ? Superintendent's Ofllce, : y . . - - Raleigh. N. C, June 15th , 1872. " On and -alter Monday, June 15th, 1872, trains oa the Raleigh and: Augusta -Air-Line Railroad will run daily: Sundays ex cepted as follows r ' . . Mall train leaves Raleigh , S:15'P. Mr ' - Arrive at Sanford, 9:15 -- Mail train leaves Sanford, 6:45 A. MV Mail train makes close connections a" Raleigh with the Raleigh and Gaston rail-- road, to and from all points North. - s - '." ' And at Sanford with the Western Rail- , Y, . road, to and from Fayetteville and points -on.Western Railroad. - .v; . A.B.ANDREWS,'1:' Jy2a . . . , Superintendentr - Y. ' TO TAKE EFFECT ' Monday, September 30th, 18T2. . AtWta & EichT Airline Eailwy, Out -Passenger and . Freight, Three V -f . , 1 , Times a Week-,'Monda3TSr;Wedixes-i ; - uajsnuu vJ?naays. . t-,f 1 ' STATIONS:. Dkpabt. Assitb.' Charlotte . .: ; ; 7.30 a, m 1 iranDaiaa, - - - - ajvi -nwi. Gastonia, - -. r 0.22 -" Y 9.12 -V v- Whitaker's, H.0i f 112G r , yyv ,Yi " " -y " ? " 'v ,In Passenger, and .Freight, Mondays - 4" Wednesdays and Fridays; Ys" ' V Y Y STATIONS. , , DEPAirrr xiacK s, 2JU0 n ' m Whitaker's, 1 2.30 -' t King's Mountain,' 3.12 " - " Gastonia, yr r ? 4.14 , Garibalda,' , : 5.00 " ' Charlotte Y 2.20 p.m.' 3.02 " ; 4.04. ... 5.56 This , Tram has . the absolute' righi.of . ' ' ' Tmck, except by Special Orders from this .T Office. Fare by this Triin, Five Cents per mile. By all others Ten Cents per mile. " .Y B. Y. SAGEj.' a ;v sept 23 '-. Engineer and Seperindent y fv4 1, I Si- 3y ' v.- 1 i 1 1