Six months,On advance,..., ,.. 3 00 " ' "ZJ ; - - r A V" V - Three Months, ifi advance,. 160 ' '- . - . , J. . ! rjiie month, in advance,.,.,.,. ...J.... 50 r , ,,. l. - " ;i - The Observe will be deHveiri part ot the City at Fifteen Cents pet week T UAj- - . - 2 00 2 50 S 00 3 60 5 00 6 50 POBTJRir. TTE; N. C., THURSDAY. JANUARY 2, 1873 The following are the words to the Chorus pieces, sung at the Concert at the.,. Charlotte Institute, Tuesday erening jasx ; . BiT5v -.til. olfliUHTON ' : ' : Angel of Peace. Angel of Peace, thou hast wandered too long Spread thy white wings to the sun- snine 01 love ! , Come while our .voices are blended in song, fiyto our ark like the storm- beaten dove ! iy to our ark on the wings of the aove, ' Speed over the far-sounding billows oi song, Crowned with thine olive leaf garland oi love, ' Angel ot peace thou hast waited too longl Brothers we meet, on this thine' Mingling the gifts we have gather et for thee, Sweet with the odors of myrtle and pine, .Breeze of the prairie and breath of the sea, Meadow and mountainand forest and sea ! oweet is the iragrance of myrtle aim pine, Sweeter the incense we offer to thee .brothers oncemore round this altar or thine! -:0: HOUSE. New Advertisements. STATES ViLLEt . a AGENTS WANTED :0: rnHE; Proprietor -of the Something New, G salable articles.sell at signt. Catalogues ana one sample free. Prospectus "for 1873.M5ixth Year. :0:- T HE A L DINE, altar of 4n Illustrated ' Monthly Jimrnal. iinhTT,, uumucea w oe tpe Handsomest- Periodi cal in the World. A Representative and Chatiipionqf American Taste. V ' . F. SCARE, CHARLOTTE, N, C. cneap Farms I Free Homes 1 ! l2wtwH the llnion raciflcllailroad. x,uJO,000 acres of the best Farming & mineral Lands in America Pi?;'??00 Acres, in Nebraska, in the Platte Valley, now for sale. MILD CLIMATE, FEBTILK BOIL for Grain, growing and Stock Raising un- .Cheaper in Price, more favorable terms given, and more convenient to market ue iouna elsewhere, : i FEEE HOMESTEADS FOR ACTUAL 8ETTLEKS. T.h.ebst location for coloniesrSoldiera entitled to a HompstAiid f isn a4 throat hoarseness nrl HToi.?,i 5ii .nd for the new Descrintlw pom w ties, use only J ew maps, publish in' English: RATES OF ADVERTISING! One Square one time, $1 00 "uua5- ....... 1 50 fout days...... nre days, iwo weeks... three weeks n .11 montn .t... 8 00 3E Contract AdrprtLmnta aV. . propofbonatelv low rates. MMft, and ten sqttares as a fealfr-phimft, i ia l iia 7 It ott are In danger ofChrofr- HAVE TERINE nov 26-4w X Hotelxesnenffnllvf C'I f !!. f!Pnng-ixwnpanv. 21 Conrt. . . - f y aim t'Ai c i n-i Bikin nr innnr m v - t;nariotte anri tha rM,Kii i.f.vr" xt. A, s . ' , y Bc,craitv to call on him wheft;they visit Statesvllle. He will spare neither pains nor money to HOTEL6 ?N H0I?Sa HOTEL, and worthy of public patrona-e. . T. A. PillCE. uor zo-u Proprietor. DON'T tie deceived, but for coughs, colds, snre YOU TVEAKKESS OF THE You njost procure instant relief or you ar naDle to strfJefirrs- trots tti Finally it should be frcqtientlr taken to keep the stvm in perfect health or you are otherwise m great danger of malarial JOHN a KELLOGG, 18 Piatt, St. N. Y, p. SoJe Agrent for the United States, r"""!1 lveafn ,and nish, mailed free viwj micic. .aaress, O. F. DAVIS, R. K. Co., Omaha, Neb. LandjCom'r U. nov 25-4 w Ansrels I of .Bethlehem- ... j stnun ! Mark ! a new birth the skv ! Loud as the storm-wind that tumbles the main, answer the song is filling NOT FOR SALE IN BOOK STORES. THE ALDINE. whicli , -r- JUVM T T HI CA1 the regularity, has none of the temporary or timely interest characteristif. ! 1 -r vuttl T penodiciihi, It is an elegant miscellany of pure, light, and graceful literature : and a couecuon oi pictures, the rarest specimens of artistic skill in black and whitP. A I. tnougn eacn succeeding number affonls a fresh pleasure to its friends. Mp and beauty of -THE ALD1NE Will be most aipreciated after itchas been bound up at me close of the year. While other publications mav rlai rior elieqpness, as compared with, rivals of I u similar Class. lUK ALU K is n nninnn . . ' M1'IW. W . w I A . Prescriptions prepared at all hours of the Bay and night. Choice Green and Black Ten, Selected especially for Family and Inval- WELLES CARBOLIC TABLETS. Worthless Imi bat the only scientific preparation of Car- aciu ipr i,ung disease is when chem- wuijc wwoinea with other well known remedies, as in these tablets, and all par- TIPS DM lOii(inn.J I i . . t Yi . usin8 any other. i uniauun oi Tiie mucous menorane tliese tablets shtiri k - i SSlSS!? hralin6ProMr- ?JfE Great Illustrated FlOPLE', Be warned,never neglect a cold,it is easilv n Decomes ly difficult, Agents wanted to canvass combination for the great! SWEEK- THE CHARLOTTE FAIR cureu in its mcmient. whm if . vuiuiuu Wie Cltre IS fiTfPPfHnir use Wells' Carbolic Tablets ' vtbvi44v . per Box. John O pTpII IS. Y.. OlP. Atrpnf fi-vi. f lA TTHi at.i o j ' r " iwx w 114. Leu oiw ior Circular nov 26-4w i nee zoc. per i'lattKt. LY, the best and ch Pflrwf nnardU:.l...l uiu lHi VV lb and a corps of most! populak authoes write exclusivelv for it. : Wp a copy of the nnnni-ilioiri June 29 SCARR'S Drug Store. 'HAND STAMP," all varieties. lars free. Agents Want! Circu- nov 26-4w W. H. II, Davis & Co., M'frs. 79 Nassau, N. Y. FREfH SPICES, ia;civeu . Kir. rt cnin,. u : r T,t, off ve3f at r- scarry Just BUILDERS bend stamp for Rti , . vuwurii uv. till 27 Warren St. N. Y. JUST SO HIGH. to every eubscrihpr uuaiucM IJilVS llKe tills. Send fn t and secure territory for this i J O- Li UC MACLEAN, ST0DDART& CO., ti -l j i . Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa., or Cincinnati, Ohio, nov 20-4 v . ; J. T. BUTLER'S ! ! NEW GOODS. nov 2G-4w nrinn. ' i .i I l.r.i -i . . ... '"f uui ureal n OI trie oririn pionciieu aosoiuteiy witliout conmot tirm reply, alone and unapproached absolute! v Let the loud' tempest of voices comiettion ia pne or character. reniv ' l r-"ui a, vuiuiue can , .-. ' f not (innli'!itpHonnniu;tir j e tn earth- engravings in anv othpr Kim up nn,u . w --' A'-' iiUJUUU ui volumes ior ten times its cost : and then mounts to Uierc are eliroinos, besides ! Pure Salad Oil. Finest article in Market, . at F. SCARR'S -ime29 . drugstore. Kl) 1 Its iOVUr flnro-n i;i t , v c ji-V 1 . shaking main ! Swell the vast song till it the eky ! Angels of Bethlehem, strain ! echo the ART DEPARTMENT. Ceremonial Cantata. General Grocery, Provision, ASD coararissioir meechant, Trade St., 3rd door from Market, CHAE LOTTE, ITr O. XRli 711 "JLlO1 PROFITS PER "4fWf I J v lUHJ K will nrnvp it nr frfoit ow xew articles nfttcfTirpn .Tniv is sm f ico new iu au. Aoarcss W. H. CHIDESTLR, 267 Broadway, N. Y. nov 2G-4w DUTY ofF TEAS ! THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA COM'Y have business i . ; . cin nit- : "T , ! m i; lina and Japan, and ...1.1. II . ,u.c Ul I giuvui,HHBMpng tlie consumer from 5 l?J mfitS- 14 13 now about 12 yars since vAwnuanvp organized and it has ueen a splendid success rni , . vt vaivi v v-A w 111 at. mis was due to the fart that. and sold onto v : ? VJT lcu "TTOTTVCl mr nn i Y -T, , . -c"rs A.aaies or A. Ministers! Acrnnfo .J ; SSSSUIS'ft?1 MU". Bos & Purest Goods Address BY L. VOX MEYEBH0FF. Music, Oh you mighty power Before you disperse the richest lan guage, r ; Most expressive word ; Why then-tell what lips cannot ex- " press ? Does within thyself the soul not richer leel The, words of friends did often lie, Beguiling love hy eloquence; Int never yet wad heart deceived by music; But, many thousand hearts through it rejoiced! But many thousand hearts throuch it rejoiced !! apr 6 FOR SALE. The Harp that once through TarVa Halls. The harp that once through Tara's Thq soul of music shed, Now hangs'aa mute on Tara's walk, As if that soul were iled; ; . So sleeps the pride of former diiyg, bo glory's thrill ia o'er ; And hearts that once beat high for praise, , -Sow-feel that7 praise n o more. - Km ore to chiefa and ladies bright The harp of. Tara swells; -The chord, "alone that breaks nt night,' ' " -Its tale of ruin' tells t : . - " ': Thus Freedom now so seldom wakes . Thnlyfthrobahe gives ' Is f when some heart indignant breaks, Tq sh ow that still she lives. NoTwithstandinj? the increase in fl.o price of subscription last Fail, Avhen THE ALDiy E assumed its proportions and rep resentative charcter. the P.( I f 1 Oil Til nt- fftrtvt doubled during the past year; proving that kiuds of country produce. wj .i,juericaii puouc appreciate, and will support, a sincere effort in thf The publishers, anxious to justify the ready confidence thus demonstrated li n I'n exerted themselves to the utmost to devel op and improve the work ; and the plans lor the comim; year, as unfolded lw u,0 monthly issues, will astonish and dPlio-,t even the most sanguine friends of THE ALDINE. - .xv jjuuiisiiwa are auinonzea to an nounce designs from many of the most eminent artists of America. In addition, THE ALDINE will repro duce examples of the best foreign masters selected with a view to the highest artistic success, and greatest general interest- avoiuing sucli as liave become familiar, through photographs, or copies of anv kind. J The quarterly tinted plates, for 1873, will reproduce four of John S. Davis' inimita ble cluld-sketches, appropriate to the four seasons. These plates, appearing in the i;ues for January, April, July' and Octo ber, would be . alone worth tl le nrifo nf a j'ear's subscription. The popular features of a copiously illus trated "Christmas" number will be con tinued. - To possess such a valuable Ptiifnmp rf f C10DA. Lemon. nilT Wafpr rSvinVn-r anl the arr wprld, .at a cost so trifling, will I Ginger Cakes. Wholesale and retail. ZEGLER & McCURDY, nov 26-4w 518 Arch St., Eliil., Pa. T ADIES and GENTLEMEN, Agents -U Wanted to Sell Prritesin TJ,iff Tri nnii?fV,to B7V? Cotter, 25cts, Button Hoie Worked 50e s - Wn ;?:":!. rionT ana needle Threading Thimble. 2Set Afr sample . . 7 ltH( IO riAAL' Kllifu II I - . ;Ti kZTaC:.. ana papers urouiCT. nio er oay sure free to any one at above rriroa T1I0RXT0X & CO., nov 26-4w 5tX) Broadway, X. Y. T W. WADSWORTH has at his Livery J . and Sale Stable, opposite the Citv Clock, HORSES and MULES for sale and kept constanly on hand, nov 30 mo THE WORKING CLASS male or j- it-maie aou a weelc mmnnfiuui spectable employment at home, day or "um,S - " capital required; full instruc- uuwa unu raiuaoie ixiclcage of goods to start with sent free bv mail. Arid i . - T J twm, ictura stamp M. YOUXG & novi'(-4w anddistribntrvl ti, ":JAV:1Y:. r vunm Ptates r one small r. r"'' ueiween "e Tea-grower and '" icu-uuiBUIUCT, WOnnonnotnrl . 0""" mcBja- vX A VniIy Wltil Teas.; at New xork Carso Iriees. on riu.u , , . - y jiio pian. and since we adonted thi ia . vl ti x-7. . "c nave article of everyday neldssfty. " ""S oenu iorciub Circular, which .uii uiiecuons, premiums, &a Great American Tea Co, 31 t 33 VESEY STREKTi P. 0. Box 5043. New VorV r; 4 v I. XXfcJf . Hov 2Glw Wafclics, Clocks, Jewel ry, Diamonds, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles, c- contains usrc BOXES AND MANY CO.. 1G Conrtland St., N. Y. KRAUT, KRAUT, do you Elegant white Kraut for it. t AGENTS! RARE CHANCE. We will pay all Agents $40;per week cash, who will engage with us at ok in OXCE. dec G J arge lot oct 1G love Kraut all who love J. F. BUTT. Everything furnished and expenses paid . A. COULTER & CO., Cliarlotte, Mich nov 2G4w of Country Lard and Bacon, B.N.SMITH. command fhp iabscriptions of thousands m every'; section of the country ; but, as -the usefulness . and f attraction of 4. JJ.Ui - AJjJJliN K Can s . hn ' : mtlmr..orl sejrt 19 A. R. N. & BRO. Fresi Arrivals. in proportion to the numerical increase off Tl'fagnum Bonum Apples, at its supiwrters, the publishers propose to 1 B. N. i SMITH'S. 1 r FINE SALT. 1 A A cks Factory filled SALT on hand xw and for sale by . ' STENII0U3E, MACAULAY & CO. nov 27 ! Anvil Chorus. BY VERDI. God of the Nations, in glory enthron ed, Upon our loy'd Country thjr bless mgs pour; . - uuide us and guard ua from strife in the future. , " Let peace dwell am one ua forfivfir more! niake "assurance double sure." by the fol-1 ; c 16 lowing uwaraneiea oner oi . -PREMIUM CHR0M0S FOR 1873 Every subscriber to THE ALDINE, who pays ir advance for the vear 1873. will r. ceive, without additional eharge, a pair of emment -English - painter. The pictures, entitled "The Village Belle,'', and "Cross ing the Moor," are 1420 inches are prin ted from 25 different plates, reciuirinsr 25 impressions and tints to perfect each pic ture. The same chromos are sold for $30 per pair, in the art Stores- As it is the de- terminntmn of its rrmrn-t-r tnlrnarvTiri? t IT pi : i tt 1 " rinram ".; i7i w ""i' ft u 1 ' wjucnut! iym noney aoap out 01 tue reacn or comnetition; t . urnwvi t PREPARED MUSTARD PLASTER, m Chlorate Potash, Troches, Lacto Phos. Lame and Peptsin. , ' BtTRWELL & CO. nov 24 rroudly our banner how gleams with golden lustre ! Brighter each star shines in the gionoua cluster I VJ ever more i Ana .peace And peace And Union throughout "ppy iana. . - " OuAAwri'lS MALE ACADEMY TXdS nfftmy wi?oboe opened .Uie first of,"Wi873.nder the conduct "r It u"uclJg"ea. As a "Classical " Disrfni r S'?: lo. "one. -While the time juciicion, -i , at wlune any tWiP1!3 "V be received at of their". " "y .n the time Will be seeded thk 1 "SfeS??. 'tant, essary. For n?;" oruary, 11 nec W rp i TiwTi aPi1y to . W'BEAUM0NTCLARKS0xV, : ; Kcference to Gen. J, a.ySL J. Myers, T. W liryce, J generally, ryce, J H. Wilson w3'' 9V John Y. ; - ana patrons of comnetition; in every department, the chromos will be tound correspondingly ahead of ahy that can he offered by other periodicals. Eyery suhscriber will receiye a certificate, over the signature of .the publishers,, yuataniee ing that the chromos delivered shall be the samples furnished the agent, or the money will be refunded. . The dis tribution of pictures of this crrade. free to the subscribers to a five dollar, periodical, will mark air epoch in the history of Art ana, . consiaenng tjie unprecendented cheapness of the price1 for TIIE ALDINE itself, the marvel falls little short of a mir acle, eveill to ;those;best aequainted with the achievements of inventive ( genius and improved mechanical appliances. (For illustrations "of 'these ' chromos, see November issue of TIIE ALDINE.) ; THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT yilt continue-under th'e'care 6f Mr: RICH ARD HENRY STODDARD, assisted by the best writers and poets of the day, who will strive ta have the literature of THE ALDINE always in keeping with its artis tic attractions. .-' :-: - v . J r - - . . . TERMS. -. ( - $5 per annum, in advance, with' Oil - Chromos free.; . y. THE ALDlNEi will, hereafter, be "ob tainable only by subscription. There will be ho reduced or club rates : cash for. sub scriptions must be' sent to the publishers directs or handed to the local agent, with out resiponsibUitv to the jmblishers,-except' in cases where the certificate is jgiven, bearing the facsimile signature of James Sutton & L ev j ' " ' 1 - - . AGENTS WANTED. " I ' Any person, wishing to act permanently as a local agent, wia receive iuu ana prompt information by applying to - . , , Publishers, 'v dec 5 1 5S Maiden Lane, New York. nENUINE Brown-Winsor Soan. Col. ' Soan. BUR WELL & CO. nov 24 "pHYSCHOMANC Y or Soul Charm ai -ff, ?l0 either sex may faseihate o..UjuU uic wveana anections ofuiivnof. son they choose instantly. This simple ouiicjiivui, au can possess, free, by mail, for 25c. together witi, a . guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Nisht Shirt. a. A T. WILLIAMS fc CO, nov2G-4w rubs. Phila. THEMECTAB. A PURE CHINESE TEA THE BEST TEA IM POSTED, Warranted to suit all tastes Put up in our Trade Mark Half-Pound and Pound Packages vr.n.y w auu uu JTOUIIU UO-XeS, For Sale at Wholesale only by Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, P. O. Box 550G, New York City. nov2G-4w For Sprinklimr washing the Manners have opened to-dav , some Fin a Brandy and Whiskey, for Medical purposes, ... BURWELL&CO. nov 24 L. Voa Meyerhoff. PROPOSES to form, instruct, and eon duct, in Charlotte. N. . C. "a Lfusir-jil Society ; and to give musical festivals. Ihe income from winch, is to be applied to the purchasing of Mans. Globes and Scientific Apparatus for the Charlotte In- sututei Also., . to lurnish for the Institute Orchestral Instruments and Music, such as are found in Seminaries of the largest ments, &c., will be placed in the hands of the Trustees, , for the use of, " and to con tinue to be the property of the Charlotte (N. C.J liistitute for Young Ladies. lerms ot admission,. ' - $5.00 A GREAT OFFER ! HORACE AVATERS, 481 Broadway, N. DEONS,.and ORGANS. ,rf l, makers ndadmg W aters', at "very low prices for cash, orjmrtcash, and balance in small nhjyreur-l'OCtave first-class flAJSOS, modern improvements, for 9275 .Xwready a CONCERTO PARLOR VRUANt ttemoft beautiful style and perfect y,-o "tMc. "straiea vtunlogws math on juumic ana music Merchandise. nov 2G-4w IMP0ETANT to H0ESE0WKEES BROHO-CHIiORAIiIIM; THE SEW ' ! ODORLESS, N0N-P0IS0X0TJS Deodorizer and Disinfectant. Has been user! wiff rr0 . Canada Detroit BST other places in the prevailing . HOESE EPIDEMIC. the1 Floors of Stables, ers niiH ilasxn-.., : . me poisonous exhalations from the man- j wnen spnnKied with it S?inAad destroying all bad as wen as germs of dis ease and septic particles in the ahv-thrown off by the sick animal. -,..4? t. ; Animal m.v-u. VJ uaugmg eioBiis wet with it I near his head, so that he will not breathe i . " vyv,i again iuui air. ,i8P7! and Syringa the Nostrils and Mouth, check the acrid poisonous dis charges, heal all ulcers and sores i It prevents the spread of the dieease by completely cleaning the moui and pun- j Horses like it while thev t.nm tne smell of Carbolic Acid which is! poison-1 -.v.iitu.Uil,s liiuamea mucsous sur- ruiUfLN BOTTLES. Prepared only . ,l7G Williau St., New York. J&B- Sold by All Druggists. ! nov 26-4w . ; T?00 NUMEROUS j i TO IMIIEjiTI'IEOIEr AT r .L: J. T. BUTLER'S OPPOSITE THE MANSION" HOUSE October 22 ' A BOOK. lOR THE MUXlOIf f Metrriago, Guide. Married or tbox a bo it mmrrr on the DhniobMi rayiterie and rerttttiaeaor ThUl as ia teres Uog work f two tnndrxf mhT Information for Uiow who are irrled.or wntwlltSar? Haje. StlttttUa book that oogh t tiiew nnw taS r1k,y'.!in( ?'1,ad crel"1y abontttenoWf It eontln the experience and advice of at ntrimm " dr?11 '"f. d .-ToMhJl.'S .1 rl""7 "wla nd throngbonl (he enttew giobe. It enoracea everything on the anhjeet a r the . not pubUahed in any other work. - w 52ilr 5T J?e . of PMe) for Fift Agents VVante4 Every where to sell the best low-priced Corri-Sheilerever pateniea, flannels and everybody who "f-r:"1 w neu:gena tor circular to i -. xjaijujL UUKJf1115LLER CO,," hoy2G-4w- . ' Ilarrisburg, Pa. instructions per month, . v 2.00 SS7h fV( ttORH P"P M'TT ame rvi v v - -tV-UJ. JLJL Ladies and eentlenien desirim? to become members of the. Society will please leave rneir names at tne dook store or Messrs. Tiddy & Bro. ' - : " ; - " dec 7-Gm: r,y X:" GOFFEE, .Sugar, Molasses,: Cheese, and Rice, just reeeived at 4 . . sept 10 . A. 11. WISEST & BRO'S. - rpEAS, Spices, -Pickles, Oysters, Jellies, X Lemon Syrup arid Canned Fruits, now receiving at " ' ' - sept 19 ' - A. R.N.&BRO.f Canvassed Hams & Laid, QPECIAL attennonoffiamilies axefcalled KJ to a Superior Lot of Canvassed Haras. Also to .Extra Leaf and Pure Leaf Lard, in Welsh Tubs. Wholesale and retail by sept 20 Am ILK. fe BRO, Everywhere, male and Female tnin . . . .m.mmm w ' tmttnna tlia " T 5 r-- Hon Sense Family Sewing Machine, r This machine will stieh. bpTri loll -j )uck c01. Wrid, braid and em- w eupenor manner. ' Pneo $15. Fully licensed' and warranted i 4 for five years. We will pay $1,000 for ay machine that will sew a stronger, r- . xiiure utauuiui, or more elastic scam CT than ottrs. It mafepa-thA Wtocf; Lock ; Stitcb." . Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be nulled Armrt 'nrltKrff zi We Pay agenrs from $15 ta $250 per wiiu expenses, or a commission 74 from;whih twice that amonnt can be made. Address t ' - SECOMB & BO.. Boston, Mass Pittsburgh, Pa.f Khicago, III., or bt. Ixiuis, Mo, ' ' ov 20-4)r r Cent. K.XifktkitrtM Notice to the Afflicted and VnibrtmU . JW PPJyfi to the Botoriom qnaeka who ndvertbe te r. Bnt oceupiea a double none of twntr.una ' a 1 proreiaora of thto oonntrr and Earope, and eabeeoa nlted peraonaHy or bt malCcD thedtaSae. niintfoTadte ittween Market and Cbeaaat, St. Loaia, How - ih v 2-d fc w ly A. . Kkbet & Brother TTAG COTftpIt?tJ an" improvement hi jL-a. uieir tonniHxnous trtore" Room on Irade Street, one door west of Smith' & Hammomt's Dmg Store,' Charlotte, N, C are now receiing a well selected stock of Uroccncs, Musical Intrnmeftts, Tors. Ci gars, &c., wlrfcb has been boht by owe of the firm, at afime wlien theinarket was most favorable. Tlv tWW Take it to allay trnfri tff I 1 that they can sell all onwi. in tendency to inflammations. f M. Mine as low asany firm in Charlotte for a. iuic wihcii may give tern- j'uutiuai r.usiomers. porary relief to the sufferer for the first few hey innte Mercliant3 to giye them m doses, but which, from continued use ca". (as they had a special eye to tbefr bnngs Piles and kindred disease to aid in wholesale trade,), and fctf Warranted in weakening the invalid, nor is it a! doctored say "g that tliey can sell so as tvake it a 3W which, under the popular name of VWg to them-in their purchases . Bitters is so extensively palmed otF on : V1 return their tlianks to their friends the public as sovereign remedies, imt it is a f am? tgencrotts public for past favors, and most powerful Tonic and alterative. Dro- solicit a continuance of the sam; nouncertso by the leading medical authori- - A. li. IflSBET & BRO." v.v? jjuuuuii ji I li i I'nna and long: used bv the mm la ri..i. r other countries with wonderful medical 1 OOMEnnXa new and wonderful in the' KJ Magic line. CaU and see it. at FOS SALE.. Dr. fell's Extract of JnnMa retains all the medfein MaAtc1!aoi i a. I fr,o i .j -rrv : iiui uwk aiunauai dc lajcen as a perma nent curative agent. 4 . .WAKT OP ACTION IN lieved at once, th blood becomes impure oy aeletenoiis srtirx nrMn'n, i . luiousor sKin disease Rlntnho. r-,. Pustules, Canker, Hmplesd; &c. r Take JURUBEB A to cleanse nnrifr estore the vitiated blood to health ruction- .n" ,'fr t w mB liirlli; isTOM aAil r Unless dkrestion is nniTkrtiw ed he system is debilitafM wfri; iL,. ..r Tital forces poyert v of the Blood, Dropsical I A tendency. General Weakness or Lassitude. A Take it to assist. TiirocHn m;ii . . I fLi. i, b1"'"" iiivduiii nwc I.IV rr1' to the Korsaieare lre, .v ,,n i an-;rw ;1 's It ff fine llOBSES. and- MULEK 1 Take it to airt lWMnhr' order; AtDAVIDSOX-8 ion. it will imnart vi Mibifiit l-?., U VL 1 1 H v pTABLES. Horses and Mules-. '1 ' 4 4 weary sufferer. UOY I6-tf . ye- a-

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