DAILY OBSERVER. JOHNSTONE JONES, Editor. Friday, January 3, 1873. .TUE ' 8ENTINEI. Sometime ago we expressed' an opinion . .thai the public printing ought by good rights to haTe been awarded to : Mn -Turner. Our ex pression was without any reference whatever to the SentineVs position on the Senatorial question, with which we by no means ' agreed. We wish to be understood, and doubtless are, as disapproving put and out its posi- tion on that subject. But we do not intend for one," that the Sentinel issue in that that it is puh- shall present a false matter. It complains ished because it did not favor Vance' in the Senatorial contest. We hard ly think that this can be so : at least the ground of our disapprobation of the Sentinel's course i not that the Sentinel favored Merrimon and op posed .Yance-7-it had a perfect right to Hs preference as wg&ad to ovrrs. But we think the Sentinel laid itself open to severe criticism in this, that after the nomination was made and the i will of the Conservative party was an nounced to be for Vance, as the organ of the party, it ought no longer to have reiAai'rred neutral even,- muifeh Iaqo lonnVn a t-Via Arrran oi t 5 r " I f O"? fl t. of the disorganizers". lhereie Where the wrong comes in. After the nomi nation, it was the party which de manded him to speak for it, not Governor Vance: Let him face tfrg issue squarely, and confess that if the party deserted him by refusing him the public printing, he first de serted it by refusing to support its nominee foT the' Senate, and by, iii directly at least, aiding and encoura ging Radical combinatfdh to de-' feat it. CAtDWEIL'S itfXfcGURAI,. The Inaugural Address of the Gov-"" ernor will hot set the world on fire It reads as though it had fallen from the lips of one .who could scarcely get up interest enough m the occa sion to. prepare more than &: very "little speech." If Brevity really be the soul of wit, then this little inau gural of Governor Caldwell's is the wittiest little inaugural that was ever delivered. However, if it had been longer it would not have been so good as it is, perhaps. But the address, brief as it was, was sufficient for the occasion : a mere formality, the sooner It was : v. 1 u n The tion or was accepted, tne Go V ernOf ,modestly rem arks, at the Iso licitation of friends Well; .we) reck on tnose friends did ndt have tQ'tfeg veryhard for the , inestimable privi lege of placing him in the Executive Chair of the State. Gov. Caldwell is no doubt sincere in his intention to take-care of the interest of the people of North Caro lina to the best of fiis ability: If he will through the coming yen,sv of his Administration adhere" closely and faithfully ' as we trust he will, to this good-intention, the people Will have nothing ;ktq complain of. Eet him throw off the 'shackles oT party, rise superior to the passions and preju dices of the hour,, exercise the func tions of his, high office with wis'dpmi justice, patriotism and unswerving fidelity. Xet him bear in mind all. the time' that he is the Governc-rof North Carolinaand not the ' mere leader of a party; let hinstick cleerfof -Ihc United "States Government to his commendable resolution of not Acting the part of the partizan, and he will do much towards restor ing peace and harmony "among' all the people. . - ! He proposes to bestow the patron age which by virtue of bis office :he has the right to give to' members of his .own party, where he can do so without detriment to the pwblie ser vice. As there-; are comparatively few good, honest men in the'Repub;. lican party of this State, the Gover nor will necessarily have a-small kt- of fellows to pick --from Vbut as he has not a very great many offices to fill, we haveno doubt his'appointeigs wiU fce all right. '-7; - 'J. The Governor iiperhaps right in this matter. TheIng" are of course entitled tdthe offices in the; gift of the party. The "Outs", will not be disappointed if the Vinsdty cet all ; the offices ; for they expect- nothing in inis line, inaeea they fould - be rather indignant if ther Governor attempted to thrust hoftors ?up6n .their heads : at least, they might. Mood . Conservatives don't like the idea of being - put into of&ce by Re publicans : such a thing isratie un : seemly : ; ft .youldn't' set vttl-on the rto&iach of a trtie Conservative. - " I So,' the. Governor need; not trouble himself on this score. True Demo-- : crats will not seek office at his hands. I He hopes hVwill be abietoCfmd in his--own-; party '-intelligent. V well educated and honest men enough to fill the offices." . -We hope .so too : but we have our dtibbts about it. Ari honest, intelligent, well-educated Radical is a rare bird in these South ern countries of ours : almost as rare as to find snowy doves.' "trooping with crows." ' ; : Altocetner. the uovernor s inau gural Address will do very well. It will not much increase his reputa tion a a 'Statesman, but will make him popular with those who have no tim e for lengthy speeches. f lie may rest assured that he will not be. an object of unjust criticism from the Conservatives of the State. Let him have, say we. what he asks, "a fair hearing and honest judgment from the nublic." Let us iudere of ,-.... w the tree by its fruits. ANTl-StAVEtt Y CRUSADE. , Nothing perhaps will more strong ly characterize the present era than the grand crusade against human bondage which is being inaugurated all over the world. England and the United States vie with each oth er in the interest which th ey mani fest in the subject. Representatives of Anglo-Saxon civilization, they go hand in hand in the accomplish ment of this great work. Though divided by a vast ocean they are as one in the prosecution of this hu mane. object, and will no doubt push it to a successful end. The revolting crimes which have been brought to light in connection with the East African Slave Trade have aroused Kthe indignation of the civilized world, and the naf is gone " forth from thbse powerful nations which rep resent the advanced civilization and christianized influences of the age, that the millions of people groan in bondage in , the far must be liberated. The United State, England who east and Egypt, have combined in an expedi tion against the Zanzibar slave traf fic." The American ofhcers upon their arrival at Zanzibar,.made a call upon the Sultan and formally ex pressed the sentiments' of the Ameri can pebpleas" regards the East Afri can Slave Trade,- .and the hope that be wcraldonsetf jtiie abrogation of the clause wnfefi4 permits slavery to. Zanzibar and ifrTkfitfsii dominion territory, contained in a4freaty made with England in 1840. In Bis reply, which was favorable to the object in view, theSulUtt said, am6ng other things : - "But since the American people, whom I lovel wish5 me to exert grea ter efforts for the suppression of this traffic,--J giye ydii my promise that such efforts' will not be wanting' for . ... i .i . . i n is my own sincere wisn max ine slave trade should be stopped." Thus, it appears, that in deference to the wishes of the American peo ple an Eastern Monarch will exert his power and influence to eradicate one of the greatest evils existing in the Orient lands. y . , The Spanish dominions are the next important field fbf the opera tions of the crusaders against slave ry. Many efforts nave, been made4 in the Congress of Spain to establish a law for the speedy abolition of slavery throughout the provinces now under Spanish rule ; but failure has always attended these efforts. The Spaniard fb the most part op pose theme-mire. They cling tena ciously to' the. institution, and are loth to yield uprtBeir property. The Grant AdmmtsttztiQji has already expf esaedits opimcoc in the matter, and clearly intimates1 the possibility taking an active part in bringing about the liberation of -the Cuban slaves. The World would applaud such a step on the' part of the United States-j for tire inhuman treatment which the slaves "of Spaniards under go is revoItihr to every sense of : hu manity, and must arous the indig nation of all who can feet fvf tnose who stfer "Cruel as Spaniard" is a saying-; which has- gfbri : into a proverb and no wonder the treat ment received by, the slaves of SpSn iards excites. the sympathies of hu mane, people .everywhere. 4 i Th e negro-populali on of th is counf y is beingt Arousetl tipbn the sub-- ject, and the noveh spectacle isbemg presented of raceof pe6ple - w&b themselves have Justr emerged fr&m a state of bondage, appealing impo tunately for the "liberation of their brethren in other parts of the world. The negroes of Massachusetts have issued arcaHl To the friendgf Hu man Liberty t setting forth I th e fact that five hundrei thexisnnd negroes are kept in avstate' of thVmost cruel aid degrading slavery in Cuba-, kad inviting the ep-operaiion of the pub- lie in advancing the dause of univer-i sal freedom. ? Meetings ... have been held in various part t)f tbe country for: the purpose of giving expression to the swatimeutir which the negroes of the United States entertaSh i in re gardl & sfarvery elsewhere. The bafl has been set in motioti f tbe last ves- tige of slavery is obliged to disappear before the enlightened sentiment of the present age; and the Pashaws of the East, the Sultans of Zanzibar, and the cruel Spaniards of Cuba, may as well prepare to gracefully surren der up their -slaves sooner or later. John Bull and Jonathan are quite likely to accomplish whatever they undertake. Apart from any consideration for the negro, the United' States would like to get into a row-with Spain just for the purpose of grabbing Cu ba: That 'beautiful isle of the sea with its fertile soil, its tropical clime, its rich, and rare productions, its fruits and flowers, its coffee and cane, furnishes a tempting bait to this Government; and on pretense of liberating the slaves, -we may yet hear that the United States has seiz ed the Island of Cuba , and planted the American flag on the battle ments of Moro Castle. Newspaper Change. The Rock Hill Lantern has passed into the edi torial charge of Col. Cadwailader Jones, formerly of Orange county in this State. The following is his sa lutatory : sWeassume to-day the Editorial management of the Lantern, and endeavor to make it an instructive and interesting paper to ourreadersv There will be no change in the principles of this journal. To promote the general weiiare shall be our highest aim; in con tributing to this object, we shall nev er play the role of the parrizan, but will support all measures, from whatever quarter they may come, tending to this end. -v The Burniu g of Columbia. Most of our city readers have not yet been able to recover from the horrors of that dreadful night when Columbia. was burnt by the Federal army, iney can nevei lorget the atrocities and cruelties which accom panied the vandal act. v. The city was formally surrendered by the Mayor and Aldermen about twelve or one o'clock in the day and taken regu larly under the protection of the Federal commander. He told the Mayor and friends who were with him-that they need be under no ap prehension, and that they and all the citizens might sleep in peace. General Sherman himself, we sup pose, slept soundly while the 15th Army Corps ,;did their work we'll;" as it seems he knew they would do it. Such wa9 the indignation which this atroeious abuse of the rights of war, the betrayal of pledges, and needless heartless crueltv Caused throughout the civilized world, that it was meanly attempted, by certain writers of fiction called historian, and by subsidized Congressmen, to gadule the crime upon General Hampton. Nobody believed this but those brutal and vulgar wretches who prefer a' He to the truth always. Now, curiously enough, we have General Sherman himself on the stand, giving his testimony before the American and British Claims Ccrm mission in regard to the burn ing of Columbia. He did not wsue orders to do it. Of course not. There was a better way He had but to let the exasperated army alone, and they would know what to do. They knew that he, top, was exasperated, and divined his feelings only too well. When on his way to Columbia, Hal leck wrote to him to destroy Charles ton and sow it with salt, so that no more" nullification .and secession should eve grow there again. To this, Sherman, in reply, wrote that Charleston and Columbia would soom be in Ms hands, and Halleck would have no . cause to complain of his treatment of them ; that he' had the Fifteenth Corps with him, and that corps did their work well ; and fur ther, that he (Sherman) would not spare the public bujldings at Colum bia as he had at Milledgeville. Gen. Sherman admitted on his examina tion, that this eorfespondenco was authentic. He stated that he occu pied Columbia with the' Fifteenth Corps In reply to the question whether he kept the men in ranks after taking possession of the city, he said, "No." We grieve for the sin that lies up on the sauls1 of all the chroniclers, confessmeft and newspaper writers, tin connection with this much moot- P 1 nn it .1 a 1 ea anair. au tne laisenoods are without avail, for here is the chief actor himself making a clean breast of-the thing. Bad enough it is to lie, but to do so' for a chief who pleads guilty of . the charge which they stoutly denythis must indeed be excruciating to their feelings. " Cohimbid Pkamix. A BRxTtAi, Cock Fight. The cock fight between " New York and Troy, arranged at Saratoga last summer for$5u0 each, and $5,000 for the odd fight each mrty fighting twenty-one birds cam e off Friday som ewhere between New York and ; Albany, at an antiquated rum mill. The origin nal intention to have tjtie mateh-r at Saratoga was defeated by the action of the citizens and the ; Young Men's Christian Association -at that 1 place, who protested against the brutal sporty and had warrants ready for ?all the parties. ,Tbe ame -action' was taken at Troy; arKfc it was I supposed the fight had beeXabandoned.f This, it seems, was a . mere ruse - of. the sports. -The fight re'sultedn a; Victo ry to Troy, th e main ' having won eight put of - thirteen battles. . The fight issdesoribed as a" series of con tests the fiercest ever seen in a'cock pit, and deciding- more money than eve wagered insuch a manner; The.' crowd quietly jclfepersed near ftiid night, . , STATE HEWS.J. , The Newberne Liberal says there is no coal in the city and wood is $6 per cord. ' There are four saw mills in New- bern and all are worked to their full capacity. It is rumored that the streets in Raleigh are to be illuminated with kerosene oil. y There was only one death, in Wil m ington last week . This is pretty good out of a population of twenty thousand.' v The Hickory Tavern Eagle says In order to suit the conveniftice of a loyal, Postmaster, the old time-honored Post Office of Brindletown on the road from Morgahtoti to Ruther- fordton, was, some time ago moved to the house of said loyalist. The Raleigh Era says : Gov. Cald well informs us that on Christmas eve day he stood in his door in Moi gauton and counted 97 country wag ons in the town loaded with peas, turkeys, chickens, cabbage, &c, fec. Two year old gobblers sold at 75 o 80 cents, chickens, $1.50 per dozen, and fine apples at 50 cents per bush el. . - The Raleigh Era says : "The col lections of internal revenue in tbis city for the month of December 1872 amount to $39,82;30. Coll ctions for the quarter commencing 1st of Octo ber and ending 31st of December, 1872, $115,97.24: And from the 1st of January '72 to the 31st of December, the collections amount to $379,940. 93. . The Raleigh Sentinel says : A case of small-pox was reported to the Mayor, yesterday, as existing at the house of Mr. Sidney H. Hester, ten miles from the city. The person hav ing the small pox is a son of Mr. Hester, just in from Mississippi. Measures will be taken to keep it away from our city. The Raleigh Sentinel says : It is ru mored that a gentleman named Jay, a member of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, is to be appointed by Gov. Caldwell Superin tendent of Public Instruction, vice Rev. Jas. Reid, deceased Superinten dent elect. Mr. Jay is now is charge generally of the Friends' school of this btate and is saiq to be a gentle man well qualified for such a posi tion. A petition urging this rumor ed appointment is said to be in course of signature. The Victim of Emotional Insani ty. l noticed on the street the oth er day Miss Mary Harris, who made herself notorious a few years ago by shooting Burroughs, a Department clerk, in a fit of emotional insanity, caused by his cowardly nd ungen tlemanly treatment of the pretty black-eyed Mary It will be remem bered that the gentle Mary was ac quitted by the jury, and thereat en sued a scene. Lawyer Bradley embraced and kissed his. fair client (the scamp, it was a good., .fee, even as a retainer-!) and the" presiding judge mi the bench (Wihe) wept tears of joy , but he didn t receive a kiss, and his tears went for nix, and the crowd in the cdurt room cheered the jury. Mary afterward went into a millinery store on Broad street, Richmond, for probably a year or more, but her deportment there was such as to induce her friends to put her under the. care of Dr. Nichols here. She is now out again, entirely restored in afl Iyer mental faculties. She is considefatrty changed, and does not look so beau tf fell as when I last gazed into her sad, subdued face. She is now a clerk in the Patent Of fice. Washington Correspondence of the Norfolk Journal. Newspapers. Patronize your prin ter ; he is worthy of . it; his paper makes your city what it is. Ladies make a great mistake when they de vote their time and attention only to the fashionable literature of the day. If a lady would qualify herself for conversation, she must know some thing of the actual world and its tran spiring events. She must read news papers, and become familiar with the present character and improvement of our rarce. History is of much im portance but the past world is dead. Our thoughts and mr, concerns should be for the present world, to know what it is, and improve the condition of it. Every lady should have an intelligent'opinion, and be able to sustain an intelligent conver sation' concerning the mental, moral, political and religious improvement of our times. Let the gilded annuals and poema on the centre table be kept part of the time covered with weekly and daily journals. Let the whole family- men, women, and children, read the newspapers. Ral, Sentinel. Ex-Legislator Frozen to Death; We are informed that Mr.' T. M. Ves tal, a member of the legislature of '68 and .'9, froze to death in Yadkin county the night before Christma. He was found on the side of the road sitting leaning up against a tree with'f his arms on his knees and, his head ori his Mnds. Frozen stiff. ,The de ceased lived three milea from Yad kinville, was a very popular, mau in his county, and : came within one vote'of getting the nomination of Senator from that district for ' this term. JRaZ. Era. : V C .. v The pretty object of martial jdevo tion, "the daughter of the regiment," is now in its fairest -form ; adored by the officers of the One Hundred and Fifty-ninth' Regiment of Russian In fantry. She is the daughter of M. Mahcini. the former Chaplain of the regiment; who died fti 1867, when she- was t but ten -r years old. She was adopted by' the officers of the regi ment who annually subscribe a bandsomesum for' her. Whenever a regi m ental entertainm en t is - given J tne omcers.HivHe their m-0ghter to "do-the honors'; LATE TELEGRAPHIC . , . - The Germans aufl the Pope, i'-" i Berlin, Jan. 1 .-Piosecutions have been commenced against the Roman Catholic journals in this city and in the 'provinces who -have published the recent Papal allocution. The ex citement on this subject in increas ing throughout the JSmpire. ' Another Conilgration. Galesburg, III., Jan. 1. Eight of the iinest stores -in the Metropolitan block have been burned. Loss $100, 000; The epera house wassaved by demolishing the adjoining houses. Bosto J3n li -"A fire has occurr ed in the granite building, No. 281 Washington street ioss $50,000. ,;' f - m m !. The Ice Gorces. Cixctnitati, Jan. 1f-The Ibss by the ice to-day is estinlated afe;$2Q0, 000. The chief loss M in coal barges torn from their m oorings; ft V Later. At 10:50 ths ice in the riv er gorged and stopped running. A few minutes pastteleyen it com bine need to move slowly again. The Fifty street boat was thrown on the Kentucky shorfe, opposite the lower part of the city. About fifty barges $ii,vebeen crush ed to pieces and scattered along the shore on both sides 0f the river be low the city. M From New York Miscellaneous. New York, Jan. 1.4-The weather is bright, clear and cold tbis morn ing and the streets in; good condition the slush having frozen. All the stores and places of f business are closed, everybody being intent upon enjoying the holiday and in making calls. I A Neport special dispatch Bay that the schooner Louisia A.r from Hayti for Boston, put in there last night with a loss of her deck load, and re- porta that on the 20th she saw an unknown of December Ship of 1,000 tonsxm fire, but no crew or loats could be seen.. It was ! believed she was petroleum laden. " By the falling of a .scaffolding at Liberty Copper Mines, Frederick county, Md., yesterday, twenty-six miners were precipitated several hundred feet into thel,pit. Eight were seriously. injured. 1 The Times has a. NewJ Orleans dis patch which states thai it is rumored there will be an attempt to inaugu rate" the-McEnery State officials on the 9th inst., and trouble in antici pated. I A. T. Stewart hat? presented $1,000 to the fund for disabled! firemen. The last accident of (he vear was the explosion of a soda? waiter foun tain, at May s1 factory, i Koae street, last night. One man 1 was injured and the building badly damaged. Fibel's formal in g store, CWfcn street, was burned last ! night. Loss $17,000. j - The World says, sever! of the sub committee of the Louisiana delega tion are still in the city-, and are dai ly receiving assurances that the peo ple of the North are jbeginning to understand their cause and the situ ation of affairs in Louisiana. Thev hiive' denounced several telegrams irora view urieana, ny way 01 vvasn ington," which assert thtft the people of New Orleans and Louisiana have quietly acquiesced in tfc'e situation, as untrue. , . J A Tribune WsVmgtpn dispatch says, . some Loitisjana Liberals are now in that city dtscussilnyg ;the short est way out? of the polifixrai muddle in that State. They say It hat matters have become so mixed tip there that they can see no remedy -except in a sort of reconstruction. They pro pose that Congress pass a resolution declaring that a republican form or government no longer eiists in Lou- government no longer exists in Lou isiana, and that it then! proceed to order a new election. . ThelvSitn.'. calls ; upon Congress Xo make a thorough investation into the.Louisiana case whem it re-assem-blesi The Sun refutes; the assefrtio-n that it is useless to, investigate - the5 causes of the ' quarrel i Louisiana and says : "The disposition to shrink from the discharge of ?f great duty, like thawhiebt:5rienin that State, i Sti) alarming sign of the times ; so that to say tha a thorough discussion of this Louisiana business will do no good, is simply an excuse for neglecting a duty whose perfor mance requires skill and nerve. Mr.. J. S. Adams, Emmigrant Com missioner, and who. disappeared Sat urday Jast, has returned $0 his hotel in Jersey City it The game of billiards has long been described-as one of the arU, and its skilled practitioners are term ed professors. A novel; professors has turriedup in Chicago,whose teeth od of playing is a somewhat . curious one. First chalking the' en of his nasal organ, he is pernited to play with either of the white balls," and to place it as he sees ' fit! He then pushes his ball f against; the : bbject balls and seldom failsilto effect ; a carom. . Friends, "what fa nose -he must have," as the wolf said to Little Red Riding Hood. . ilVoj boy -A . Skating Match. -Two boys, Billy Kelly and John Henry; com positors on the Omaha VBee, skated last week a distance of 200 miles on a trip from Omaha to Sidux City and; back. The Bee says that'Kelly had two . ears and his heel frozen and Henry escaped with froftfn ears and are both sticking type aigkin, neither anxious to undertake another, simi lar spin on ph.e ice. I -' , ' . Hew Advertisements. - Removal. m J ONES fc jbHNsfONi Atfcsrheys at Law, s Bavermoved their office to the seconcT floo-rofthe Harty 'building near the Uourt I House. - - .' j ; .:, . ." --.:jan3 - - - ' - : - FAMILY GROCERIES. , M. P R E 3 SO N B Trade Street, next door to the Post Office Sign of tbe Elephant. ' JUST RECEIVED. A Fresh: Lot of Sausage, Mince Meat Pork, Batter, Chickens, Eggs, &c:f &c. ' par. FLOUR a specialty. pS- Produce sold on commission, ; jan 3-ly 1 C" H0ICE Odd" French Brandy for Midi, cinal purposes, at f - F. SCARE'S, jan 3 ... : . .. NELSONS Geletine, a fresh supply, jtut receiTed, at ; gCARR'S, jan 3 . . A New assoituient of : Kerosene Lamps just in, at SCAUR'S, jan. 3 THE BANK OF MECKLEHBUEQ, CHAKLOTTE, N. C. Authorized Capitol $500,000. Jas. Tukneb . Txm, Tr&fidenl. Thos. W. DEWEYf Cashier, F. H. Dewey, Asei. Casiiier. AT THE BANKING HOUSE OF TATE &, DEWEY. This Bank Chartered - Under Act of the General Assembly and duly organized under Laws of the State of North Carolina, with ample means is prepared to transact General Banking Business. and furnish accommodations to all its Cus tomers on Iiberai,Term9. The bank will receive Deposits subject to Check, and wjllllow. Interest According to Agreemei.oDaU.pposits left on time, jor issue Certificates of Deposit bearing in terest at the rate of Eight jper cent per Annum on all r i tru sums tmdrawn oVer thirty Gold and Silver Coin, Bulnoh and old Bank Notes Bought and Sold. , THOS. W.DEWEY, jan. 1 1873V l Cashier. RICHMOND HOAX). & DANVILLE RAIL H. C. DIVISION.' COKDBNSED TIMETABLE., In effect on and after Sanday. Dec. 22a, mis GOING NORTH. STATIONS. I MAtX.. Expkkss. Leave Charlotte, " Conpord, Sf lis ury, " Ijvxiugton, " High Point, Arrive Greensboro Leave Greeusboro, " Com p. Shops, " Hillsboro, 7.10 P. M. 8.21 9.50 10.51 118 A.'B.t. 12.50 1.45 3.36 " 4.53 8.05 " 11.02 " 6.25 A. M. 7.26 V 8.34 9M 10.17 " 11.00 A 11.10 " 12.20 P. M. Arrive at.Goldsboro, GOING SOUTH. STATION'S. Mail. Express. Leave Gfoldsboro', Raleigh, " Hillsboro', . Coiap. Shops, Arrive Greensboro, Leave Greertsboro', " Hijih Point, " Lexington. 4.00 P, M 7.45 10.21 " !2.f5 1.30 2.15 3.04 4.02 4.57 6,10 7..r0 2.15 P. M. 3.30 4.00 " 1. M 4.43 5.33 6.22 7.2S, 8.30 Salisbury, Concord. Arrive at Charlotte, j Pasygietraia leaving Raleigh at 7 '45 p. in., connects at Greensboro' with No th crn bound train ; making the quickest time to all Northern cities. Price of tick ets same as via other rtMitesK . Mail trains daily, both ways, over entlTe length of road." Express daily between Company Shops aud Charlotte Sunday excepted. : All Passenger trains conttect at Greens boro' with trains to and from Richmond. Pulljnan Palace Cars on all night trains between Charlotte and Richmond, (with ont changes.) S.E.ALLEN. W: H. .GREEN, , Gen'l Ticket Agent Master Transportation. jy 23 AN Tuesday Night, Deeember Slst,' a yj I.adv's BROWN NECK FTTR Tl nnder will be rewarded by leavinrit THIS OFFICE, jan 2 BOARDIKa. MRS. A. W; MILLER is prepared to ac commodate Boarders with room and meals, or with meals only, as the Boarder may desire J The bmWffl,-Gray's, on the'" corner of Fradtf tti& Cnurch1 streets, is a new one ; the rooms are cleanly, comfort-" ably, neatly furnished, and welt attended. The table is as good as! the market will' afford. J - - Terms most liberal, to suit clerks wild ae workin'g ftf moderate" salaries, jan 1-tf ' - The Change. . HAVING notified our friends and cus tomers some time since, that our busi ness would change January 1st, 1873, we are pleased to say that the change has taken place, and it is to be strictly CASH or 30 DAYS CREDIT. Those who do not pay promptly need not expect any favora. If you .are in arrears-W ask for credit, save ua the unpleesraht duty" of- denying: you. .' ' . .. . .: To 6ujr many friends and patrons we re turn" thanks, and ask a continuance of their favors believing that by a strict plicatioH'of the- above rules, we will be able to sellr goods cheaper than those, whet credit. '-. . - - All bills pk due'aj-id payable on the iftf day of each and every month. GRIER & AliEXANDER jan i; 1873; ly ' Democrat please'copy , K. 8. BUBWKLL, THOS. GKIEB, . J. H. CABSO'T. Burwell, Gricr & Co., ' (Successor! to Carson A Gxier - Cornc? of 4tli and Tryon Sts.; Notice. w;.r - There is a COW in charge of ? the keeper bf the Cemetery for the violation of an ordin ance, f-She answer the foiio wing, descrip tion : A medium sized ' red cow, wiUi rather peculiar : horns one : beingrturned" up and the other down.-. The owner would do welLto come forward arid redeem her, or she will be sold to pay charges. - ' " , C. Fl HARRISON, ' . . --JaAlitf-'f ; :aryMarshiL MercMts, "VTELSONS Gelutine Flavoring Extract ? -L Fresh and of superior quality. v t ' . . ' BlTR WELL A. CO, . tidec21 - - Springs' Corner.

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