Zjooal JOS. P. C AID WEM local Editor. Friday, January 3, 1873. . , Special Notices Inserted la the Iai Column wffl le v charged 15 cents per line. . ,f; 3jr- All parties ordering the Observer trill please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. . ' ,-.,1 ' Contractors: will not be allowed, uiider their contracts, to advertise any other than their legitimate business, niess bv Davinsr specially for such ad vertisements. , . Magistrates Blanks At the Obsibvxb Offick you can get Magistrates' Blanks printed in the neatest style, on best quality of piper. ' ' y I Marriage licenses. If you wish Mar; rlage Licenses, beautifully executed, call at the Obserycr Orricx. Deeds Printed on Bond paper can be had at the Obsbbvi" Off ret. p&- Correspondents must nOt Writ on both sides of their paper. : ; t New Advertisements. The, following new advertisements ap pear this morning the first time. Drugs Scarr. Ffiniily Oroceriea. Re moval. : "We direct attention to the hew Northern advertisements on our firsi page this morn ing. , -4H Yesterday was a rainy,- gloorrfy; disagree able day, and the streets were about as bad as it was possible .for them to be. Nothing occured in the Mayor's Court yesterday morning out ' of which it was possible to make an item. The Odd Fellows and Good Tem. plars have, moved their, hail to one of the rooms over the Merchants and Farmers National Bank. The Survivors. There are two surviv ors of the boiler explosion of Tuesday, J. O. Lee, white, and Jake Myers, colored. It was understood yesterday that their Condition was somewhat better, and it is likely now that they may recover. Appleton's Journal. This able literary paper for this week has just been received, aiid its columns we have found to be as interesting as usual. It contains a fine portrait of Jamfe Russell Lowell, together with a sketch of him, a story by Christian Reid, , one by Kairiba Thorpe, besides a iarge number df other continued stories; short pieces, poetry, articles on science and Jitft; handsome engravings, fcc. . It is all that could be desired in a journril of its kind. The Wilmington Journal. This ex cellent paper, the oldest daily in Tfbrth Carolina, came to our office yesterday mornirig, "ar?ayed in" a rieW dress and greatly improved in all respects. It is one iff the stadncKest Democratic journals of the South, and its editors, Maj. Engelhard and Col. Saunders, gentlemen of acknow: iedged ability, are a power in North Car-o? lina politics. We hail with pleasure the Signs of the Journal's continued prosperi ty. We have received the following lines, inscribed to the mother of little Eddie Lewis who lost his life by the explosion of the boUer last Tuesday afternoon. They are touching indeed, and breathe a spirit f pue poetry: - We make room for them in ova coltrnirft with pleasured v?- ' '" . : 'K "LINES " : ; v . Oh fchtf deftf.H rtf FVIrlio rirt nf W . Wwi'. Ned "t wis;'. ; ftESPECffUtXt INSCRIBED TO HIS" EORBOWI5G V ' MOTHER BY. A FEIEJfD. : ' "Bear Lady, in thy sad bereavement Many fain would sympathize, But a mother's heart can -only .Feel thy soul's deep agonies, Did no warning spirit whisper, To thy soul, that fatal morn, When he kissed thee and caressed thee, ''Soon he shall be from thee torn And o'er him, thy fond heart's idol " Thou in frantic grief shalt mourn." Yet mourn not thy blessed Saviour : Hath recalled thy darling now Ere a stain of earth could linger i:t ; ? ' On his fair and sinless brow, V : , f And lovelier still thou shalt receive him ; Then in meek submission bow ! Thnu; hast yet a holy mission, Bearing half thy husband's cares, , For his grief is strong and mighty Man's heart breaks, but woman's bears, And their anguish will be lessened , If their grief another shares.' . Think not ofthy loved one lying , In the cold grave all alone ; ' But the white-robed cherub joining' ' k -With the host around God's throne, ' . ' Chanting songs i of adoration i To the great eternal one. " , Then softly lay him down to slumber, ' With jhe green turf on his breast;" Whre birds may sing and flowers blos- - sqm ;:;.s.; ; ', O'er his quiet place of rest, - : And the suns last rays may linger, " ;' Ef? be fades fWihin ;th"e West; " Saved by Him who said in mercy : J 4!Let.thy littlechildren come 4 j To the Fathfer's Mansion Holy , ! There they find a heavenly home," There8halt thou regain thy lost one Where no death or parting corner J "During the freeze in Charlotte five dol lars a load was asked for wood," i says the Raleigh Era. So it was, bnt that was all. Nobody could be found desperate enough to give it From the Raleigh Sentinel, 2nd. - Inauguration of he Ucwly Elect 7 , ed State Officers. - Yesterdav at 12 in ., in : accordanca with law, the newly elected State of ficers assembled in the Hall of the House of Representatives prepara tory to being sworn in to serve their respective terms. The audience was rather small.. considering i the importance of the occasion, there being" not over a hundred and fifty persons present. Judge Settle, of the Supreme Court, and Gov: Caldwell entered the hall together and took seats on the Speak ers stand. When the audience be came seated Gov. Caldwell arose and addressed them as follows. : . May it please your Honor and Fellow-Citizen of the State of North tinrn Una In obedience to the will of me people or JNorth, Carolina, I ap pear before you to-day to assume the office of Chief Magistrate of the state lor tne next four years. It has been customary, fellow citizens, and almost universally so, that the Gov ernor of the State of North Carolina should be inaugurated before . the Legislature of the State. Onthis oc casion, .however, there is a depar ture from the general - rule, for; the reason that the General Assembly is not in session, and the Constitution provides that I shall take my oath before one of the Justices of the Su preme Court, Gentlemen, I accepted this honor chiefly upon the solicitation of friends, and am sorry that I did not prepare myself with a little speech rbr them on this occasion. In assuming this high and respon sible ofiice, believe me, I will ever make it a point of duty to take care of the interest of the people of North Carolina ; I do not mean to act the part of the partizan in this office. Of course, where I have patronage to J bestow, other things being equal, I shall give such patronage to party j friends judiciously, and in a manner consistent with, the privileges of my office, - j I shall endeavor to discharge my duty to the best of my ability1 When I cannot fill the office.from my own party acceptably to myself, I shall then consider-it my duty to select a good man from the opposite party, and I know that even' good and true Republican in the State of North Carolina will approve my determina tion in this respect. I hope, how ever, that'I will be able to find in our own party intelligent, well-educated and honest men enough to fill the offices. . I desire, in conclusion to tender to you, and through you to the peo ple of, North Carolina, my most sin cere thanks for the generous manner in. which you bestowed your suffrages upon me for the highest office with in the gift of the people, and to give the assurance that in the discharge of my duties I shall have an eye sing le to the interest of my beloved State, and to all her citizens, without re gard to party ; and while I claim no immunity fromjust criticism, I be speak in advance a fair hearing and h an est judgment from the public. I am now, may it please you Ho nor, ready to take upon myself the oath of office. At the conclusion of the Govern or's remarks, Judge Settle arose and said : .. "I will now administer the oath of office to Tod. R. Caldwell, Governor elect of North Carolina, for the next four years." The Governor, taking a book from the hand of the Judge,' read aloud the oath of office, and the ceremony of inauguration was over. The Lieutenant Governor; elect, C. H. Brogden, not being ; present, Taz wel) L. Hargrove, Attorney General elect, next came forward and was du ly qualified and entered upon the discharge of the duties of" his office. D. A. Jenkins, the Treasurer elect came fonvard and took the oath per taining to his office. I, v. Dr W. II. Howertoh, the - Secre tary of State elect,' and Silas Burns, Superintendent of Public Works elect, took the path and were duly installed.1 ."' r-" James Riley, the Auditor elect, not appearing, tne- present lncumoent Mr. HendersonlAdam?,' according to law, will hold over until the new of ficer is qualified, j T: U-, Judge Settle , announced that the absent officers would be .qualified hereafter, and the meeting adjourn ed. -- DmNicrKa from A Lady's Shoe.- About a centurv aero it was : no ':: un common -practice on the part of "last man ' to annjc mimpers 10 tne health of a lady . but of her' ehoe. The Earl of Cork, in an amusincr'Da- per in the Conniosseur (No. 19,) re- lates an mciaentot tms Kina ; ana, to carry the compliment still furth er, he states that the shoe was "order ed to hft drfiSRpd nxd to be served ud for supper. - "The cook set himself arionlv tn wnrlr iinnn it? "hft milled the upper part (whicL was, of fine damasit) into nne snreas, ana losseu them up in a . ragontr minced-the a m nit. thA nnnden hent mU) tmn sliopfl friar) t.hp.m in batter, and olac- ea tnem rouna tne uu tur gruuii The company, testified their affection for the lady by eating heartily of this last score of years, - the writer , , was present at a dinner of Irish squires, when;the healthl'of a .beautiful girl, whose foot was as pretty" as her face, was drunk in champagne - from one of her satin shoes, which an admir er of the lady had contrived to ob tain possession of.London ? -Athmr sewn. . f 'V-:. "r " ' m vT JT. v -j . Ex-Sheriff Schciick, of New Hano ver county, who has been ill in Wil mington for the past week or two, is now convalescents The Secretaryship of4 the Tkea SURY.Rumors prevailed rpn "the street" yesterday that Secretary Bout well had sent in his letter of resigna tion, and that ex-GOvernor Morgan was likely to be called to the Cabinet in his place. Both reports lack con firm at ion'and the hopes and fears to which they. gave rise appear to be unnecessary. The Treasury Depart m ent affirms that there is no imni e diate hope of a change in its present head, and Governor Morgan himself seeks, to allay . the fear that he is to be Boutwell's successor.- Neverthe less the; rumor may serve a good purpose. . The distant chance of a Cabinet position may lure ex-Gover-nor Morgan from the temptation of his Senatorial aspirations and leave the Albany track clear for Senator Conkling. Y. Herald. ; The Supreme Court of the State will meet on the 6th of January. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. GniBLOTTC JTIAICIiETS. Cotton Market. REPORTED DAILY FOR THE OBSERVER BY 8 MESSRS. STEKHOUSE, MACAULA Y A CO. Charlottk, Jan. 2. COTTON Sales to-day very light. We quote low middlings 17 and middlings 18 cents. . Trashing cotton not in demand. Market firm with advancing tendency. Provision ftfarket. COHBKCTED DAILY BY GREGORY &' WILLIAM SON. PROVISION MARKET Flour $4.00 to $4.25 per sack, on market. v'-New Corn 65 to 70 cents, little offering, light demand. Wheat $1.50 little offering no demand. Oats 50 cents little demand now Peas, s trictly clay. 90 cents rothcr kinds 70 to 80. Fresh Butter 20 to 25 cents. Mountain Butter, in Kits, 1G cents no demand. Chickens 16 to 20 cents. Eggs 25 to 30 cents, with good demand to-day. , , ' Uacon (Baltimore' bulk sides.) 9i to 9J cents. No North' Carolina "on" Market. Lard Baltimore Flake in quantity Hi to 12 cents. Tallow 10 to 12 cents. Beeswax 25 to 31 cents. Sweet Potatoes, 90 to $1 per bushel Irish Potatoes 75 to 90 cents per bushel. Apples (Good Mountain) 75 to $1.25 per bushel, as to quality. No Liverpool in market Syracuse in Liverpool, $2.10 to $2.15 per sack. Factory Yarn $1.5o to $1.60 per bunch. MONEY MARKET Gold Buying rate, 112 ; Selling rate: 115. Silver Buying rate. 106 : Selling rate, 110. Financial Market. BUTIHO RATES- OF BAKK HOTE8, AC, BY BASK OF MECEXESBURC, TBTOS STREET, CHARLOTTE, H. C. ' Bank Cape Fear 2t' Bank of Charlotte, 25 uommerce. " Fayetteville, 2 Clarendon. 0 2 at ' Lexington, 0 " " (Graham,) 0 jn . Carolina, Roxboro'j 5 Washington, 0 " Wadesboro', ' Wilmington, Wilmington, : 1U 15 2 Commercial Bank ol Farmers' Bank of North Carolina. 2 Greensboro Mutual Insurance 4p., (old,) 0 Merchants' uank or xsewDern, : 5 Miner's and Planters' Bank, : : Virginia Bank Notes average about . 10. South Carolina . " " : 10 Georgia " " : 20 uanK. or tne state oi rortn varoiina. i These Quotations are liable to fluc tuation, and cannot be relied on for any length of time. 5 Remittances for all Bank Notes tent us maae eitner in currency or Northern Funds, at par. Medical Blunders. From the period when surgeons applied their salves to weapons instead of .wounds to the present wide-awake age, the medi cal profession has often unwittingly taken side with Disease in its conflicts with the human system'. Even yet, in spite of the teachings of centuries of experience, some physicians believe in depleting their pa tients, already seriously exnaustea Dy sick ness, with powerful evacuants, emetics salivants, cautharidal plasters, or the lan cet. But, providentially, public intelli- ence is ahead of these medical fossils, who elong, of right, to the era of the Crusades! That powerful allay of nature' in its war fare with the causes ol sickness, nostetter s Stomach Bitters, has opened the eyes of the masses to the paramount importance of increasing the vital strength of the body when menaced by. disease, lhey under stand that When .the atmospheric condi tions are adverse to health as, for exam ple, in damp, chilly or severely cold weath er it is wise to reinforce the system with a wholesome tonic and stimulant, and thus enable it to combat and, repel the - depres sing influence of ,an inclement? tempera ture. If 'the constitutional and animal powers were always thus recruited in the presence of danger, the mortality from con sumption ' bronchitis, chronic rh euniatism, fcc., would be much less than it now is. The causes which produce-croups, colds, quinsey, diptheria and catarrh seldom aflfeet a strong and activevital system ; and of all Vitalizing preparations, Hostet ter's Bitters has proved the -most .efficient. It is not claimed that this standard tonic is a specific for lung and throat maladies, as it is for dyspepsia, liver complaint and interniittents, but it ja unhesitatingly as serted that it is the best known safeguard against all the atmospheric elements of disease. . . "rnt Without It." This is what the stage and horse car companies, liyery stable keepers, members of the turf, arTd all grooms and trainers sav of Jhe -Mustang Liniment. They "canH do without it." knA wViv ?' RwAnsfl it infalliblv reduces the. external swellings, &c,, which, under various names, lmjirjtn.e nseiuiness ana vnlrfrf nf t.H a tine of ouadruneds." and also becahse, for sprains,' strains, galla and other injuries to wmcn norse-nesn is uauie, ft i the most txnstworthv. nrenaration in fh iriartpf, "Vet these recommendations nnmnrise tmv a nortion of its claims .to public de&ee!Vlaxnji a period of more than sixteen years, i nas uwi nr cognized as a specific for many of the most agonizing disomersfwhicbrmfliict the hu man family such ' as I rheumatism gout, neuralgia, iiuuuag",-: uuuuiujcu, wis throat, earache, : toothache ; andr likewise- . - - 't Li! A! r n kmi.iia- as a peenes appuunuuu iua, vuub, . vmavp bums and scalds. . . : Tr vott ' im dnll.' desrjondentr drowsy. debilitated, liave frequent headaches, month tastes badly,' poor appetite, and tongue 'coated, yon are suffering from" tor pid livery or "Billiousness.' Nothing ;will cure you so speedily and permanently as Tfc Di'ama'a li11rn HCAitnt nionnvflrv A Warning Thertfis no case of Consumption that did not commence witn a cough. There- fore tne sugntest LXia or cough should re- pectorant, and thereby save years of suf feri Atgusta, Ga., Dec. 31, 1870. Dr. Wm. IT. TuU : Dear Sir My little son. aged about three years, was attacked with pneumonia last unmIa. 1. "1 1 A 'i I 1 . wuicu ieit una witn a violent cough" that lasted till within about a month since, for -the cure of which lam indebted to your valuable Expectorant. I had tried most every kind of medicine re commended for coughs, but none did any good until I tried your Expectorant, one oottieoi winch removed the cough entire ly. With many thanks for vonr valuable preparation, I am, yours truly, v . JOHN M. WEIGLE. Di.-JTuttV Hair Dye makes the old .look young. ASTTTM A Anv .raollKlnii wl.l.V mill alleviate the Paroxims of this dreadful disease will be hailed with Joy by thous ands of sufferers The certificates which ecim .any Jonas Whiteomb's Remedy, are from the most reliable soarcer. and at- w im wuimenm powerini power, even u ku5 iuubi, severe -cases. Joseph Burnett & Co.. PrODrietors. Boston. FREE ADVERTISING. From family to 7 --v t - v? Vy Jf win omi c Kttt.tV t.h famo AfTl TFnl 1A.ta rA.tAii Vinegar Bitters a a specific for all derange ments of the stomach, bowels and liver, Is continually extending. Its voluntary missionaries are innumerable, and public enthusiasm in its favor spread faster than DON'T ST.TOTTT VflTTO ttt-wttt member that upon their labor, the health vji. me Bwuutcu uepenus. K.eep .tnem per fect, and in order to so, manipulate them With ft blTlsh din .Art in tla fra dont, once or twice a day. WHO WTTr. STTiri?VT? T i. t since Dr. Tobias' Venitian Liniment was put neiore tne puoiic ; warranting it to cure Chronic Rheumatism, Headache, ClltK. RnVllR. UmisPK Olrt finrna To Inn 1 r. the Limbs, Back and chest, and it has never failed. Sold by all Druggists. Depot iv x-arjK. ryiace, new I or it. FOB DYSPEPSIA. Indieostion.denres- sion of spirits and general debility in their various forms; also, as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other intermittent fevers. The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir ol Call say a, made by Caswell, Hazard fe Co.. Mont Va.V i.l,t 1 1 T V 1. iV.' best tonic, and as a tonic for natients re- coving from fever or other sickness, it has no equal. THURSTON'S rVOBY PEARL TOOTH POWDER. The best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. F. a Wells fe Co.; wew YOrk. CHRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE. This magnificent compound is beyond contin- gency.tne sarest ana most rename Dyein existence ; never failing to impart to the tiair.uniiormity or coior.nourishmettt and elasticity. Manufactory, B8 Maiden Lane, rew lorK. CARBOLIC PALVE uneaualled as a Healing Compound. Physicians recom mend ft as the most wonderful remedv ever known Price 25 cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole Proprietor. 8 Col lege i'lace, rew . i orK. Rislev Buchu is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic lor all derangements o the urinar and genial organs. The genuine, as former ly 8ua Dy- Jtiaviiana, narrai & Kisely and their branches, is now prep ired by H. W. Risley. the originator and Proprietor : and the trade kupplied by his successors. Mor gan and Risley, New York. Svannia is Opium nurfied of its sicken. ine and poisononsDroDertles.Uiscovered fr Dr. Bigelow, Professor of Botany, Detroit Medical College. A most perfect anodyne asoothmg opiate. John Farr, Chemist, PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. More acci dents occur from using unsafe oils, than rrom steamboats and railroads conbined. Over 200,000 families continue to burn Pratt's Astral Oil, and no accidents direct ly or indirectly nave occured from burn ing, storme or handling it. Oil House of Chas. Pratt, Established 1770. New York. T. X). Clancy & Co.. Charleston.aeents for S. C. "We Have Freauentlv Heard mothers say they would not be without Mrs. Win slow'B Soothing Syrup, from the birth, of the child until it has finished with the teething siege under any consideration whatever. The Secret of Beautv. What is it ? no longer asked, for the world of fashion and all the ladies know that it is produced by using a delightful and harmless toilet preparation Known as G. W. Laird's Bloom of Youth." Its beautifying eflects are truly wonderful. Depot, 5 Gold St., N. Y. P0RTEAIT PAINTING ! ! A Hare Chance for Charlotte ! ! ! FOR three months I will Paint Portraits for $25, such as are generally charged $200. Persons wishing Portraits of their departed friends can obtain them if they have a good Photograph of them: 1 shall be pleased to show you specimens of my work at my Studio above Urem, Brown & Co's Hardware Store A. L. BUTT, decil-3m Charlotte, N. C. . H. C. Jones. It. D. Johnston. JONES & JOHNSTON, ATTOBHEYSATIAW, CHARLOTTE, N ; C. Will practice in the Courts of the State and the Federal Courts. Office on Main Street, opposite Mansion Home. sept zb 3me CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. TI7E the undersigned having this day If formed a : Co-partnership to go into eCect on January 1st, 1873, propose to car ry on the Hardware business under the name and style of WALTER BR EM & CO. A continuance of the Liberal - Patronage heretofore extended to Walter Brem, is respectfully solicited and will be thankful ly received by us. WALTER BREM, JOHN VANLANDINGHAM. nov30-tf -v , 1 - ,, - ,- FOR THE - 1 PIANOS AND ORGANS, Also Tuning and. Repairing GO TO t ft -I ; J.- F. R UECKERT, f I. Corner 4th and Market Streets, ' " Wilmington, JN C . . . -. The Weber, and other Pianos of note made for sale at jiew. York prices. .dec 2S MALLUS' Cod Liver Oil, Persian Heal ing Soap Lubins Extracts, Colgate.s Cashmere Boqnet Soap, received to-day. BURWELL & CO. nov 15 . . New . Adveiroements. Agents Wanted for Cobbln's ' CMld?s i femaent ON THE BIBLE, for the HOME CIR CLE. 1,200 pages 250 Engravings. The beet enterprise of , the I year for agents. Every family will have It., Nothing litest nour jnibluhed. For circulars address r ' H. 6. GOODSPKBD & VO jan l-4w - , 37 EarkKow.N. Y. BOOK AGENTS now ait work, or look ing for some new book, should write at once ftur circulars of the best-selling books published. Extraordinary induce ments offered. Superb premiums given away. Particulars free. Address' : tJUKEN CITY PUBLISHING CO., jan l-4w jCincinnati, Ohio. 1872: 1873. BETTER THAK WCTVBES IS TUB NEW YOBS OBSERVER The Great American Family Newspaper. $3 a Year with the JUBILEE YEAR BOOK. SIDNEY E. MORSE & CO., 37 Park Row, New York. BEND FOR A SAMPLE COPY, jan l-4w ! ' TRICKS and TRAPS of AMERICA Would you avoid being; 'bit" by Rogues, Swindlers and Humuttgs 1 Read the "Star Spangled Banner.1 A large, 111 ul tra ted 40 column 8 page paper, Ledger size. Splendid Stories, Sketches, Tales, Poems, Wit, Humor, Puzzles, Recipes, &c. 11th year, $1 a year, with elegant Prang Chromo, "Autumn Leaves," free to all. Only $1. Try it 6nce. - Satisfaction guaranteed. Agents wanted, outfit FREE, Specimens, &C-. for 6 cents, address "JBANNER," Hinsdale, N. II.- II jan 1 iw j . m mm If yon wish to be cured of the habit, addraM X 3S. CLAIiHK, 91. D., Sit. Tinioa, OUo jan 1-Hvr SK TV f OA per day ! Agents wan O 1U tyC) ted ! :; All , classes of working people, ol either Bet, young or oia, maKe more money ac; work ior us in their spare moments, or afl tlie. time, tlian . 1. : i t .u... l r . j at an tiling vise x :rnv:uiafs xreu. AU dress G6TINS0N & CO., jan 1-4 w Portland, Maine. REWARD. For any case of Blind. Bleeding, Itching or Ul cerated Piles that De Biko's Pile Remedy fails to cure.- It is prepared expressly to cure the Piles, and nothing else. bold by all Druggists. Pnce $1. jan 1-4 w " I HOW, WHEN AND WHERE . SEE Tllii ADVERTISER'S OAZETTE, By Mail, 25 cents. ! Address, GEO. P. RO Vf ELL & CO, jan 1-4 w 4f Pafk Row, N. Y. DISSOLUTION. THE Co-partnership herietofore existing between Morriss & Davidson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All per sons indebted to the lateffirm will make payment to Robert Davidson, and all persons having claims will present them to him for payment. 1 4 W. H. MORRISS, .. ROBERT IF. DAVIDSON. Charlotte, December 7th J 1872. c I ON retiring from the firm of Morriss & Davidson I hereby retumi thanks for the patronage so liberally bestowed on the late firm and would ask a continuance to R. F. Davidson who will continue the business on his own account; W. H. MORRISS; HAVING bought the entire interest of Mr. W. H. Morriss in the xfumlttnre Estab lishment of Morriss fc IDavidson,. the undersigned will continue! the business at the same place, and respectfully asks a continuance of the patronage heretofore extended to the late firm. Alt persons indebted to tbe firm of Mor riss & Davidson will please! make payment by the 1st of January, 1873! ' ROBERT F4 DAVIDSON. dec 10-t 1st Jan. s ; TT AIR Brushes, Toothi Brushes, Nail t ' . - xj. ) rushes. Wm. R. BtTRWELL & CO, dec 21 $.10 . , ru r- KEROSENE LAMPS, . t i ; . BURWELL & CO. dec 21 ' , i FELLS Superior Mustard, Pure Ground Pepper, Pure Ground Cinnamon, Pure Ground Ginger. I; dec 21 BtTKjVELL & CO. CALL and see the "Bouqjxet of Lillies," ( at . ; j; TIDDY'S. - HEAD - QUARTERS .if. t I FOR FKESH FllSH, -AND NORFOLK OYSTERS, a m r. -AX i '1 i B H. SMIT3BE'S. FISH AND OYSjPERS - . RECEIVED every Morning by Express excent Sundavs and Mondavs. We WILL not sell STALE , of SOUK Oysters. . " - " J2f' Oysters most be sold: on the Quick Bale and Small Proht principle. -nov6 - H.!N.S3nTn. - Cigars, Smoldng & Chewing1 " - . ' Tobacco. 1 j ' ' PA AAA CIGARS of various and choice OU.UlU, brands, Chewing and Smoking r. 1 ? J . ' 1 - T xooauco in quuimiy, auu oi various oranus and different quantities. Wholesale' and retail by ; A. BllV . sept 19 i l - AND . F. U. SHELTOn HAVING greatly increased his Stock of FURNITUltE which consists in part ot Parlor Suits. Black Walnut Painted Chamber Suits, French and Cottage ' Bedsteads Spring . Beds, Bureaus, r Wusbstands. Teapoys, Folding: Tables, "Ladies Work Tables, Extention and Center Tables-, Whatnots feafes, Excelsior and Cotton Mattresses, Chairs and Stool of various styles and many other things not necessary to mention. The Undertakers Department is complete from the cheapest Poplar Coffin to the Finest Hexigan Head and Foot Walnut Casket Half Glass Top, finished and trim med in'jthe most approved style,will be kept constantly ready for use, all of which will be sold at a most reasonable price. Returning many thanks for past favors I most respectfully ask the citizens of Charlotte and surrounding country, who have need for anything in my line to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. South Trade Street opposite the Market House, Charlotte, N. C jan 1st 1873-ly F. M. SHELTON; ATLAHTIC, TENNESSEE & OHIO R. R THIS Company offers for sale the follow ing securities ; Its mortgage gold bonds laearing 8 per cent, in gold, having 19 years to run at 85 and accrued interest, making including the discount over 10 per cent, per annum in gold, or over 12 per cent, m currency. Mecklenburg county bonds bearing 7 per cent, interest at 70 and accrued interest, yielding to the investor over 12 per cent, per annum.4 . Iredell county bonds bearing 8 per cent, having nine years to run at 80 and interest, making over 12 percent. Also Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta bonds at 80 and accrued interest. The coupons of the Iredell and Meck lenburg bonds are receivable by the respec tive counties in 'payment of all county taxes. The rates of interest are inviting to capitalists and tax payers and afford a fine opiwrtunity for permanent investments. The Company sells these bonds to use tho proceeds m payment of its floating debts. They can be. had from M. P. Pegram, Esq., and J. R. Holland, ; Esq., Cashiers of the First and Second National Banks of Charlotte, and R. F. Simonton, President Bank of Statesviile and from the ander signed.. ', Wh, Johnstobt, President. K F.MORRISON, nov 28-eod 6w ' Treasurer. Home and Democrat copy. Statesviile Intelligencer and American copy. St. MARY'S SCHOOL. RALEIGH, N. C. Rev. Aldert Smeds, B. D., Rector. Rev; Berihett Snicdes, A. M. As't. mHE Sixty-second Term of this School X will commence on the Twenty-fifth of January 1872, and continue until the 17th of June. For a circular apply to the Rec tor. dec24-2w A Card to the Suffering. THE Writer of this notice will cheerfully send (free of charsre) to all who reauest it, the Receipt for making and successfully using a very simple Vegetable Remedy, that will be lound a positive and speedy cure for Nervous Debility, Premature De cay, Loss of Vitality and all forms of Ner vous Affections, and the evils and disas trous consequences that follow in their tram. This remedy is entirely a product of the vegetable world. Its component parts are simple as nature herself is simplc-r-harin-less toward .nature, yet powerful in oppo sing and -eradicating disease. Consump tives, despondent and debilitated and Ner vous sufferers, do hot fail to give tliis reme dy a trial. It will cost you but little. It may 'save you from a Jjife of Misery, or a Premature Grave. I know whereof I speak. ' Let him who doubts come forth and see. Letters ,of inquiry answered by return mail. Those who feel disposed will oblige by stating their symptoms by so doing beneficial suggestions may often be made. Address .. . Rev. EDWARD BURNETT, Tropical Nurseries, Albany. N. Y. N. B. Those snfferine with incipient Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis, Ac, fcc., will find speedy' and permanent relief in the above mentioned remedy. It is at least worthy a .trial, as tho cost is nominally nothing. - Respectfully, dec 18-8t EDVVARD BURNETT. FOR HEHT. THE HOUSE known as the Terris House . with 8 rooms and all necessary out houses and 4 acres of ground. Also; several rooms at the OldFair Ground. Apply to nov 8 J.T.BUTLER. Fresh, Mince Meat, and Bologna Sausage, B. N. SMITH. oct 16 Pure Wlute Lead. LEWIS' Pure" White Lead. -BURWELL & CO. nor 15 . : , , . S AGE. Fine New Sage," just received.at PURE POWDERED BLACK PEPPER, Free from Adulteration, at . - dec 18 : : - SCARE'S. CHOICE Salad Oil, Finest article ever offered in this Market, for aale at ) dec 18 v j SCARE'S.5 i MACARONA. A fresh supply at ' dec 10 , SCARR'S.. iotice.; . . A XL those who are due me either, by il note or account will please' call and settle as the OLD BUSINESS MUST BB CLOSED preparatory to : a chang in thV firm 1st January, 1873.'. . - ' ' . dec 8-1 m v I WALTER BREM. 13 Bushels of Chestnuts for sale by the bushel or small measure. ' at . , -J.F. BUTTS, oct r8 Market.